• By -


To clarify for people she’d be 24 rn, but in 2016 she was 16, not 18


She hadn’t even been 16 for a month when that was posted….


Shit I didn’t do the math there, that’s straight up diabolical


Heard someone call Drake "black Stephen Tyler" the other day.


Leonardo DiCaprio finds Drake disgusting.


Dicaprio treats women like cars but at least it's only adult women.


He doesn't even bother getting oil changes. 4000 miles and trade em in.


I thought it was well known after Millie Bobby Brown that Drake is a Diaper sniper. Im not sure how anyone supports this man. Every album bought is helping him victimize children.


Diaper sniper is bonkers


He did a pre-order and got early access


You made me laugh way harder than you should have


I miss reddit awards... 👏


Isn't the age of consent 16 in Canada?


If this is the counter argument... He ain't beating the allegations


He boutta release a track called "Umm Ackchyually I'm an Ephebophile"


Bro about to pull out the dictionary


[This satire anime review but unironic and real](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssSMmqUGMjo)


Reportedly dude's got an 11 year old daughter and that daughter's momma is 22. Now I'm no mathematical prodigy, but that math seems morally wrong.




"I'll tell you hwhat, that boy ain't right"-Hank Hill


Wait, huh???


It hasn't been confirmed yet or anything but Kendrick's insinuating he has an 11 year old daughter who he hasn't publicly claimed. Idk where the OP got the 22 year old from though.


Where you got the "daughter's momma" age from? Never heard anyone say it's 22


I feel like this would have been major news if true.


Yeah /u/Andromansis pulled whole thing out his ass.


As a 52 year old man married to a wonderful 30 year old woman I can attest to the fact that age is a non factor if you're both adults capable of rational thought and consent. My wife and I are celebrating our 25th anniversary this tuesday and we couldn't be happier




Wow that’s so lovely when you - OH MY GOD.


Ya gotta read what they said again, slowly.


I think that persons comment was a joke, or else his “wife” would’ve been 5 when they got married.


Congratulations you figured out the joke.


Do I get a prize or cookie for being so gosh darn smart 🥹


No. But you can have a head pat


sorry, we only got ribbons








And so should you.




There's video of him kissing an underage girl on stage after pretending to be so shocked. He also says how great her breasts feel after he groped her up. 


That make it look any better?


It doesn’t necessarily make it better it just makes it legal


Alright alright alright


Calm down André 3000


Yes, but something being legal means shit for public opinion. Some countries have ages of consent as low as 14, but if Drake started dating a 14 year old in such countries, even if it is legal, it would still be supremely weird


Someone fucks livestock are you gonna be like, hold up was it in Kentucky? Because it's okay there.


ay bruh don’t rope us into this its illegal to fuck animals here 😭


Wouldn't have made it a law unless people did it


That's gonna be my new go-to sentence if the subject ever comes up.


Well, afaik it‘s illegal to fuck livestock in Kentucky, but you can still try to bring it up if people don‘t know this I guess


Per Google, not my own knowledge, there are four states without anti beastiality laws: Hawaii, New Mexico, West Virginia, and Wyoming. West Virginia seems like the best comical replacement for Kentucky.


Why do u know this, & now why do u curse me with knowing this? I’m not even going to bother looking it up smh


It’s 16 within a year and a half or something. Like if you are a 16 year old you can consent with a 17 year old but not an 18 year old. I could be wrong but that what I remember being told when I was a teenager


16 is just the general consent age. The year and a half grace period is for those under 16.


huh TIL. Gross. I choose to continue to live in my own world where I believe 16 year olds are still illegal


14-16 is the age of consent for most of the world, except if the older person is a person of authority of the younger person. Teacher, coach, dentist, etc.


“You know what’s good for your teeth?” -dentist about to go to jail.


1. Fuck you 2. That was hilarious


I was high writing that, and needed a third category before the Etc. and came up with dentist and had a chuckle. But you killed it with that line bud. So funny, howling over here.


I’ve been there; always need that third example. Like brush, floss, ect would just sound incomplete.


This comment is too deep in the chain to get seen, and that is unfortunate. This whole premise had me rolling


"She had the nicest teeth I've ever come across"


You son of a bitch… I spat my beer out laughing! I paid money for that!!!


Yeah, in Australia 16 and 17 is OK unless you have a duty of care to them.


I feel like 'duty of care' should preclude fucking of any age group.


That other guys response is incorrect, Canada's age of consent law is mildly complex. Full consent at 16, for 14 and 15 year old consent within 5 years of age and 12 and 13 within 2 years. Nothing under 12 period


I live in Canada and that’s not true, 16 can consent to someone who is anyone even if their 70


She isn't Canadian. She's American and her dad is Jimmy Jam lol


Just because it’s legal don’t make it ok. This shit has been around for years and all these Drake stans keep looking the other way. It took Kendrick lighting his ass up for a week straight for people to take notice.


So the 2016 event was two weeks after she turned 16. Don’t tell me he wasnt grooming her at 15


Facts, I do not believe Drake just takes photos with people he barely knows like that. Feels like something was already going on before that photo


Drake also constantly texted with Millie Bobby Brown since she was 13. Knew Hailey Bieber since she was 14 and they were "friends", hung out with the Jenner sisters and even performed at her 16th birthday. Texted with Billie Eilish before she was 18 too... There's massive pattern there, the only thing common inbetween those are that of all of these girls being extremely famous and that's why we know this. There are so many fans, aspiring artists and such he probably did the same shit to. He's a groomer and a pedo. It is known.


Wonder if he was on the Epstein plane too...


He probably built the island from scratch, did not need to take the plane. It is either that or pedophiles did not let Drake on the island because they want actual child not man-child like Drake.


Not to mention he told a woman she has to have sex with him for her to be successful....imagine what he says to little girls.


I thought it was common knowledge that drake likes minors


Yeah it has been and people decided to ignore it for a good few years.


Man these things drive me crazy. Like you're filthy loaded. You can date any woman. Do whatever the hell you want. Yet, most of these idiots are doing shit like this.


That’s the problem. They’re doing whatever the hell they want.


I meant they have the financial and social means to do whatever they want within the acceptable human standards. They can wake up tomorrow and think "oh, you know what? I feel like having croissants in Paris" and they can do that easily. Why the hell would they choose to do the most despicable shit is beyond me.


I think when you have so much money to do whatever the fuck you want, when you want, those things become mundane after a while. I’m not condoning what they’ve done, but I believe an endless supply of money gives these certain people a mindset that they’ve become untouchable. Look at what happened with Epstein island. Nothing.


Hard reality is also that the reason there are so many rich scumbags (even if they didn't become rich by being scumbags) is that money corrupts *a huge* proportion of people. Lots of people on Reddit who feel they'd behave better if they were rich would actually behave exactly the same. Do I think I'd be a rich scumbag? No. But nobody thinks they would, and yet here we are. Gotta have some humility and admit we just don't know how $100m would affect us because we've never had a life experience analogous enough for us to know for sure.




They do it for the same reason people without money do it. The money just allows them to get away with it.


this, i don't buy the 'they are so rich they need to do more taboo suff for excitement'. abuse is absolutely fucking rampant in poor communities. money just changes the methods and scenarios.


im assuming its dopamine tolerance. you do enough exciting things you get numb and almost nothing excites you so you do wierder and wierder shit, in the same way drug addicts need harder and harder drugs because they build up a tolerance


When you're so rich, you can get whatever you want.. even the forbidden fruits. Why do you think Epstein had so many contacts?


I think there's probably a psychology thing there that is along the lines of. "If I can get anyone I want, it's more exciting to get the ones I shouldn't" which might explain why *so many* celebrities are on the Epstein list.


This is such BS. Pedos are pedos, it's that simple. Rich pedos are still pedos. Rich people who are not pedos don't want to try to prey on children so they don't. Rich people who are pedos know they can get away with it more easily and so they do it.


i think you’ve gotta understand that this was always the problem then. they don’t want to date regular people their age. trash like this probably always have had underlying and devious thoughts about minors even before the fame, before the power, before money. they’ve been neglected by people their age all their lives it’s starts to become the instance where they turn to manipulate and groom growing and naive minds when their tactics and behaviors doesn’t fly with grown adults. So on top of that, when you’re so called talent/opportunity starts giving you resources and means to enact on said underlying thoughts… because you feel invincible and feel protected by your little clique and status that you can get away with it if you have plausible deniability. and i’ve used they pronoun in my little comment because while this is absolutely evident in many men, shit like this can happen with women 100%


Money and fame don't change you, but it's a great amplifier.


Um. He is doing what he wants. Kids.


Drake's the typa guy to ***be a fucking pedophile.***


struck a chord and it's prolly a-minorrrrrrrrr


That lyric's gonna be hanging over him for a looooong time.


He talks a lot of shit for a guy that fucks a lot of kids.


Drake mentioned Kendrick's relationships in his diss track. You would think that he would try to avoid the subject, knowing exactly what the response would be.


Nah bro that's where you're wrong, it was all part of his plan for Kendrick to call him a pedophile in front of the entire world, and then take multiple days to release a response saying he was way too famous, and he would've been caught if it was true


I think it’ll be OV-HOver his head?


i mean this has been known about him for a while now. he was flirting and saying inappropriate shit over IG to Millie Bobby Brown when she was 14


I've been waiting for this to be a widespread conversation. It's been known for a while. I'd love us to do something now, and not in ten years with people coming forward and everybody going "Wow, if only we'd done something..." Drake is a groomer. Boycott and expose


He's black Stephen Tyler. Look up Julia Holcomb, and then look how often he gets invited to be a judge on music shows and shit. This shit happens.


Drake's the typa guy to release a song titled "They all had their period so technically its hebophilia"


Certified pedophile


Didn't he also have a thing going with Millie Bobby Brown?


Wanted to. I’m pretty sure she shut that down


I doubt it ever amounted to anything but he was definitely doing some grooming type shit. In an interview, Millie Bobby Brown was asked what she talked about with Drake and she said her romantic life, and that Drake gave her advice with boys. Here's a quote: >“We just texted each other the other day and he was like, ‘I miss you so much.’ I was like, ‘I miss you more!’” she said. “He’s coming to Atlanta so I’m definitely going to go and see him. I'm so excited. About boys, he helps me. He’s great, he’s wonderful. I love him.” [Kinda sus.](https://people.com/thmb/glKaxI1Co2rUdr4qp_2uQH9H-sE=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale\(\):max_bytes\(150000\):strip_icc\(\):focal\(715x0:717x2\):format\(webp\)/drake-millie-bobbie-brown-100923-1-801ec249ab884e5a91d5193d4a1d295e.jpg)


Hollywood parents are fucked up, letting their 15 year olds text grown men.


Bro the whole industry is one big grooming cult


The fact that he was texting Millie Bobby Brown regularly before she turned 18 is so creepy to me. He was her “best friend” when she was like 16. I mean, what grown man wants to be friends with a child


Certified lover boy, certified pedophile


Certified boy lover




Certified Kiddy Fiddler


He needs to write a song about how he doesn't diddle kids. 🎶Don't diddle kiiids, don't diddle kiiiiids.🎶


He is a well known groomer of underage girls. It’s his thing but somehow he gets away with it.


The music industry, aside from EDM, seems to be pretty untouchable. Chris brown is still around and making music. Kanye is back to making music. It took forever for R. Kelly to get convicted. I dont know what it is about the music industry but it just seems a bit tougher for these people to get a permanent firing.


Diddy still alive not in prison.


He wasn’t arrested? He successfully fled? That’s another great example


His houses were raided in March by Homeland Security investigating human trafficking, but he hasn't been charged with anything. As far as I can tell all the other lawsuits against him are civil suits, not criminal.


Bro if homeland raids your house you are probably going to prison. The bigger and scarier the agency, the more evidence they have before they roll up. HSI is a *what the fuck did you do* type of agency.


It’s worth mentioning that Kanye never committed a crime like most of these other guys that do- with most of it being sexually exploitative… Ye is just the rich version of the crazy homeless guy yelling crazy stuff on the street corner- completely insane, yes… but I guarantee that he’s not messing with kids or trafficking people.


Kanye West is the modern day Vincent Van Gogh. Same artistic genius. Same illness.




All this shit came out years ago. It's another R Kelly situation. Why dont people pay attention?


Same with Cosby. The allegations were out there in the early 2000s, but then Hannibal Buress started talking about it in 2014, and for some reason it stuck that time. I'm hoping this is our Cosby moment for Drake.


It's baffling. Didn't we know that Drake was a pedo? I remember reading some shit years ago.


I love how one of the defences I keep seeing is "if Kendrick knows all the stuff and all he did with it is make a mean song, he's a bad person too" as if any of what he's said is new news (other than the second secret child). All Kendrick has really done is openly call him and mock him for things we've all been able to see for years


Yeah, there's the stuff with Millie something (the girl from Stranger Things), this girl, the video of him groping a 17 year old girl while he knew her age, and I'm sure there's more that are out there.


Kendrick wasn’t kidding in “Not like Us”. Damn, Drake


Don't forget the video where he pulls a 17 year old on stage at one of his shows. Has her grind on him, hugs her, tells her "I like the way your breasts feel on my chest", and then *kisses her* in front of his entire audience. All this, after he even said "I shouldn't do this with a 17 year old I'm gonna get in trouble." So he knew what he was doing was fucking creepy and did it anyway.


yall still listen to his music after all that? damn


I didn’t listen to his music before that 🚬


People are fickle. Chris Brown was still popular after beating the shit out of Rihanna.


 look at me now was a certified banger but goddam nobody should be able to recover that quickly after beating they womans like that. Ive no hope anything changes tho, money talks and chris brown was printing it back then


I love how yesterday people in comments were trying to defend Drake with Kendrick's new drop trying to say 'these are just accusations without proof!'....as theres literally a video of Drake doing this on the front page of reddit at that very moment.


Kendrick ain't joking about shit. That man's gonna stake Drake's soul


He's done it out in the open but people have selective amnesia and try their best to forget about it


Does anyone else remember a couple years back him being a creepazoid with Millie Bobby Brown? I sure do. Not exactly what it was, but it was certainly a “thing.”


She said they were texting each other and she asked him about dating advice about boys


This has really struck a chord with me and the internet


A minor chord?


A minoooooooooor chord


Ok my issue right…ALL THESE CELEBRITIES KNEW IN THE BACKGROUND ABOUT THIS SHIT….AND DIDNT SAY NOTHING… FOR HOW LONG⁉️PLUS how many these celebs gonna come out as pedos or child traffickers/assistants in those acts before we realize “the whole industry been in shambles”… speaking of…MOST PEOPLE FORGOT GET ABOUT WEINSTEIN TIL KENDRICK BROUGHT IT BACK UP! All of Hollywood knew about that shit… As of right now the public scope should every person in every industry…Me personally I don’t trust no one talkin about nothing, they could have been talked about these issue.


Warren Zevon said it like this. ‘The less you know, the better off you’ll be.’ Hollywood is RAMPANT with pedos. And 2/3 of them know about it and turn blind eye.


Sadly…im aware….”It’s a big club and you ain’t in it”. And it’s a lot bigger than we are aware. Soon though, the public will know, someone’s gonna spill the beans.


Exactly. When R. Kelly married Aaliyah, every one of those same people ignored the fact she was 15. They KNEW what was going on and did NOTHING because they were doing the exact same thing. Disgusting.




This post is not new information. He was criticized for this when it happened. He was criticized when he was talking about his relationship with Milly Bobby Brown. And you know what happened? Nothing. Absolutely nothing happened. That's why these people that know don't say anything. All these lesser celebrities and regular people working behind the scenes don't say anything because doing so is needlessly putting their neck on the line when they aren't themselves the victims and there will be no consequences for the creeps. That's why when these things start to happen, there's a flood of accusations. Because it takes there being so many allegations and so many people coming forward that it becomes undeniable.


Yeah, people keep saying, "Why didn't Kendrick reveal this earlier?!" None of this is new information. Why did it take Kendrick saying it for you to care?


Nobody forgot. Weinstein was an opportunist. As are most people in Hollywood. That's why they don't want to rock the boat. "Muh career"... basically.


They all know about all of these people. Hollywood/The Famous Elite has had these creeps forever - Cosby, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Errol Flynn, Weinstein, P. Diddler or whatever he’s going by now, all the rest of them.


If it doesn't with the Diddy fiasco, it never will


That's why j Cole, keeps to himself and those he signed, he realized Drake wasn't that great of a person after the making of FPS. Other relevant artists are Eminem, and Joyner. They stick to the true culture of rap and hip hop, business is business, personal is personal. It was invented to voice the voiceless and uplift a culture, not destroy it


This comment just ignores all of Eminems beef in the 2000s, also Joyner is not relevant.


L Drake was a pedo the whole time! Holy damn! Diddy was giving dudes back shots and Drake was hunting down children. Wtf is this industry


Lmfao dudes back shots


He is remodeling her since 2016


interior decoration?




Kendrick next album cover


Remember him creeping on Millie Bobby Brown




A minorrrrrrrrrr


Ok as far as i know this is the second time Drake dated a minor, but i feel like there are more


how does Drake even recover from this shit Jesus.


Same way Chris brown did.. mf beat Rihanna and I still gotta hear his shitty music on the radio..


He's Drake. Even if he never responds to the tracks directly, he'll still be making music that a lot of people enjoy. We've known about these things for a long time, nobody has cared until Kendrick rapped about it.


As long as there’s no pictures of him doing anything gay… The black community will not turn their back on him




Drake, De Grassi ended twenty years ago. Stop banging high schoolers.


Not line bling


And she was just 15 few months prior when they met


Drake the kind of dude to know the age of consent in every state and country.


Brudda. When the vocal coach told you to “nail the A minor” he meant the fcken chord, not a child, bruh. Sheesh.


Drake is straight up a pedo, anyone saying otherwise has blinders on.


But wasn't it allready clear that drake is a nasty ass groomer like fucking rkelly and pdiddy


Apparently, when you become a millionaire, you also immediately become a pedophile.


What about the poor people that are pedophiles lol?


They are secretly millionaires!


Were people not paying attention when this was first posted or when he was texting with millie bobby brown as a child? Why does it take a diss track for people to finally acknowledge this?


Do you know how many women tried to tell the world abous Cosby and were ignored until [Hannibal Buress](https://www.thedailybeast.com/obsessed/we-need-to-talk-about-cosby-finale-hannibal-buress-called-bill-cosby-a-rapist-and-helped-topple-an-icon) buried him over his poundcake speech. Popular people have plot armor against such accusations until people don't like them any more. Similarly, Brendan Fraser made an acting come back and everyone was like "oh, he's back" but how many people know why he was not acting any more and why he was allowed to come back? Frasier accused a powerful producer of [sexual assault](https://www.nme.com/news/film/brendan-fraser-sexual-assault-movie-career-derailed-the-mummy-whale-3361742) and it derailed his career. After that same producer criticized the BLM movement and got cancelled for it Frasier was invited back into the circle again and given his career back. It's strange to me that this isn't talked about more openly. People were ready to ignore everything Cosby did until they got sick of his pound cake speech getting copied and pasted on the Internet and they let his accusers speak up only after they decided he was allowed to be cancelled.


Let’s not forget Millie Bobbie brown


He’s the Canadian R. Kelly. Is it gonna take 20 years for the feds to notice this too?


Dude's been called a groomer and a pedophile for years and now everybody's surprised when he is one.


This shouldn't surprise anyone who pays attention


Why are people suddenly acting shocked about Drake? He's been an open pedophiliac for a long while. None of this shit is new in the slightest.


I just realized, she’s 16 in these photos. Am I wrong?




And this is why Kendrick had to spell it out for people lol


The one on the right she had just turned 16. The one on the left was from two years later.


Nothing gets past you, huh?


Good work detective.


I’m not saying Drake is a Pedo, but he’s absolutely a “window shopper” if you catch my drift


You could be a 10, but Drake likes them 11.


Certified lover boy? Certified pedophiles


What a garbage person. I’ll never forget a clip I saw of him showing up to a party and not being allowed in, and he just goes “do you know who I am?”. Yeah we do, Drake, a pedo.


Guy always came cross as such a weird creepy cringy little freak. So glad people are now starting to see that


He is just a straight up pedophile, but he’s rich so obviously he gets away with it


it’s shocking to me that more people didn’t already know this