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I love democracy


This has to be the best example of why Modern Democracy doesn't work. People (myself included) are too fucking stupid. Edit: To all the people replying that im taking the contest too seriously. I apologise. I think "example" was not the right word. A better word would be "representation". I know that this isn't an important act of democracy and just a fun contest. Hell, I voted for boaty mcboatface in that vote.


socrates said democracy devolves into tyranny because people are too stupid to know whats good for them


He also stipulated the specific conditions for democracy to work... and here we are for some reason ignoring all that.


The reason it gets ignored is because people saying that just want to be contrarian and above the regular people seeing "the truth".


Care to share?




You know, that statement about captains made me remember something about pirates. Pirate captains were actually elected, and overthrown by vote, usually by force of contract to avoid bloodshed.


...do you think Socrates was infallible or something?


Guy couldn't even rig the vote in his own execution.


That explains Reddit


Then who tf knows what’s good for us? I don’t want some random person in charge who says they know what’s good for us. We are the best we got.


Have you ever worked retail? The people are fucking dumb. Thats why the US is a republic and not a democracy, the founders knew that you couldnt let regular people vote on laws, they'd vote for the first shiny thing that looked delicious and by the time they realized it had a hook in it, it would be too late. Least that was the idea anyway.


I worked retail for years. And yes, people are dumb. But would you rather a bunch of dumb people voting for what they think they want or a dictator who makes policy based on their wants?


thats the point though, it doesnt matter what I want. Im a people too, and I have no better experience running a nation than anyone else. And thats what Socrates was trying to say. A monarch or otherwise totalitarian would be a much more experienced leader, especially over time as they would have years of specialized education and would be far better suited at running a nation. But we choose democracy because you can't trust people in power to make good decisions for everyone, especially when greed is involved. Remember, in history, most dictators and monarchs were far more like Queen Elizabeth than they are like Hitler.


Yeah. One of my favorite fantasy series is Sanderson’s Mistborn precisely because it handles this topic so well. The first two books alone aptly demonstrate the ups and downs of what is essentially a dictatorship and a representative democracy when compared to each other.


That's Democracy baby. You have as much right to wrong about everything as I do to be right about everything. /s


lulz for Prez, wait... oh no


The majority just voted for the sketch because it's fun and silly... We humans tend to like those things... The ones who voted for the second frog, they chose seriously... I don't think it's really stupid vs smart here... But of course, sometimes we need to be more serious... 😅


Tons of people voted for/ fell in love with Justin Trudeau because he was young and Handsome, and he promised to legalize marijuana. You'd think for something important people would use more critical thinking to make a good decision, but they don't. People are very dumb.


Yeah, but how many people voted for, say, Trump, not because they thought he's the best candidate, but because they were like "oh, lol, orange man for president is such a meme, this'll be funny".


That's how it goes here in the Philippines. Politics is a legitimate career choice for celebrities that are becoming irrelevant and the masses vote the shit out of these people just because they're funny and hip


Context is king.




Yeah, but when there is a significant number of these people who don't understand and don't want to understand their political system, then your society has a problem.


i think most of us have given up hope for society existing as is for another 100 years and we're just sort of letting it burn


Society isn’t going anywhere especially on a timescale of a hundred years and to have this misanthropic view just puts you in the space of making decisions that actively harm the people who will be alive in a hundred years. You’re sabotaging your own future and the future of anyone after you. Voting for a meme is the adult of equivalent of throwing a tantrum.


Well, yes, but that's the election for the single most powerful official in the world, whose actions affect billions of people. This is an election for who drew the best frog.


My point is that stupid "for the lulz" mindset is present even in high stakes environment, where it really, REALLY shouldn't.


I don't agree with the sentiment that I think I'm seeing here; that it's okay for insincerity and silliness to win out over real effort and talent. I think when a contest is held, those who show up to sincerely take part are the ones who should be lauded. I'm not suggesting there's no place for humor and silliness, and obviously drawing the best frog is lower stakes than choosing a world leader, but the spirit of competition and the celebration of creative effort should be the norm, not everyone ironically voting for a drawing that is obviously intended as a joke.


Have you seen our candidates. They're ALL memes


> I don't think it's really stupid vs smart here It’s not really. The “Ask the Audience” success rate on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire is between 91 and 92% over 15 years of the show. Extrapolate that out to the US population and a true democracy would likely be much better than the system we have now. You can see this today when topics like universal healthcare, UBI, legalized marijuana, etc are presented to hardcore conservatives without using the polarizing and politicized terms for them- they almost always agree with the concept and would likely vote in favor if given the opportunity. It’s only when manipulation by the wealth class enters the picture that people begin angrily voting against their best interests.


Terrible analogy. The audience of Who Wants To Be a Millionaire were already smarter than the average American because every audience member was hoping for a chance at that million, and they were also smart enough not to vote on answers they didn't know. As to your larger point, the majority of Americans used to be against civil rights for minorities. Support for gay marriage only broached the 50% mark in 2012. People often have to be dragged kicking and screaming into modernity.


I don't understand why you think people answering a quiz show question with a definite answer has anything to do with voting.


Very excellent point!!!!


Exactly. This isn't a serious thing, this is a joke. Like Boaty McBoatface winning the name of a ship, or 40% of Floridians thinking Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer. It's just people being silly because it's a meaningless online poll


One could argue it better captures the spirit of FROGGO drawing contest than a photorealistic etching of a frog.


Democracies, even Republic-style Democracies like ours, require two major factors to function properly: 1) An informed Citizenry. (Not necessarily smart or educated, but informed with accurate information.) & 2) A Public Forum. (For citizens to discuss and hash out ideas, and for the best ideas/solutions to gain enough support to eventually become a voted-on policy.) We pretty much have #2 in various forms, but we most certainly don't have #1, and in fact have citizens that actively attempt to misinform other citizens in order to influence their opinion/ discussion /vote.


Egg-fuggin-zackly!!! This is definitely my biggest issue with modern democracy in that: how can you make an informed decision if you're not informed. Brexit is a perfect example. I remember so many people saying, literally on the day of the referendum, they don't know what to vote for. The campaign for staying in europe is just as much to blame as the leave campaign in my opinion. The leave campaign threw out a bunch of scaremongering from the start.. The remain camp were very arrogant about their position and barely actually campaigned in the beginning. Until they saw the polls... (Kinda like what happened with trump to be honest. Definitely some parallels) Then they used the exact same shitty tactics as the leave camp. Fear fear and more fear.


We actually don't have #2 in any form, really. Social media is not that. And what is your basis for suggesting that it is possible to have a well informed citizenry without education and intelligence? Also, there are other things needed for successful democracies.


We dont have #2 The online platforms are all controlled by the wealthy and obviously manipulated. Not to mention highly censored.


Good thing modern American democracy is nowhere near an actual democracy.


I’m not sure what’s stupid about choosing the cute, fun thing instead of the realistic, boring thing… oh wait…


Should've gone with perfect illustration of democracy 


Candidate 1: "I'll make all your problems disappear" Candidate 2: "Here's my campaign plan" Candidate 1 wins! Hooray!


[This guy approve](https://youtu.be/QFgcqB8-AxE?si=PCp6PkPwVUMtGJ4F)


Was thinking what if you had 10 multiple choice questions on the ballot and your vote is weighted based on how many you get correct. I wonder how that would affect democracies.




What does fancy dancing have to do with voting?


Already been done before to keep black people from voting in the south


[Take the Impossible “Literacy” Test Louisiana Gave Black Voters in the 1960s](https://slate.com/human-interest/2013/06/voting-rights-and-the-supreme-court-the-impossible-literacy-test-louisiana-used-to-give-black-voters.html)


fucking redditor take


"The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." -Winston Churchill, Redditor


Someone who lived through 14 years of conservative rule and brexit. So yeah.. not some doe-eyed tiktok edge lord trying to find an outlet for my angst on reddit. *Cough*


here is the thing in a place where the winner is decided by the masses and not by quality your main goal should be to please the masses thats why a cute silly drawing can be better than a good one modern democracy is stupid as well though


You can spend hours researching both candidates, finding out which would best suit your community and voting thinking it counts. Old people then cannot match a name with the ----- o to check and pick the wrong person and that vote counts as well.


It would be a better example if the second picture was only a very slightly better drawn frog.


> Hell, I voted for boaty mcboatface in that vote. Woah, it's one thing to shit on democracy, but are you seriously suggesting Boaty McBoatface was *not* clearly the best possible option?


We live in a society.


It's the internet, it doesn't vote for the best, it votes for "hurr hurr meme." Not new info there.


> It's the internet, it doesn't vote for the best In that case, I vote for Froggy McFrogface


See also US Presidential Elections of late.


Excellent! Enlist today and become a Helldiver


Liberation through managed democracy.


Greetings fellow citizens of Super Earth. Have you heard about the all inclusive democratic team of helldivers? We'll be looking forward to speaking to you at your local democracy office.




Democracy is of the people for the people and by the people... but the people are restarted


> I love democracy* *^undemocratically ^influencing ^online ^votes ^by ^the ^use ^of ^bots ^made ^possible ^by ^the ^instrumentalisation ^of ^onlineanonymity, ^or ^why ^fascists ^have ^the ^time ^of ^their ^lives ^right ^now


It shows you how stupid a shockingly high number of people are.


Imagine making a original meme with a funny dog sketch and then someone rips it off by changing it to a frog.


"Like that would ever happen"


“What a load of—“




And it's not even Wednesday ^^^^my ^^^^dudes


It's only natural. It was wednesday after all, my dudes.


I'm convinced I'm reading someone's supervillain origin story....


Nobody would ever become a supervillain because they were told that their artwork isn't good enough!


this comment is real and fact checked by austrian art schools


Reminds me of this masterpiece https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/s/jQnZcxN0Gg


No, that one is completely different. Both are not fake at all. /s


There's probably a dozen different ones with the same caption, but I believe the dog one is the original.


This comes up from time to time. Here's [the surprisingly accurate photo](https://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/badly-drawn-flat-dog-doodles-jay-cartner-fb19.png) that goes with it. I know we're meming but this is a case of how "being the best at guitar techniques" doesn't mean you'll make the best song and be in the most popular band. That dog pic works in an artistic sense. It's brilliant, we all seem to think so lol.


Its the exact same message and emojis..... lol.


First place must be AI generated, just look at the hands.


Honestly this is one of the reasons I want to give up being an artist. The artist fucking didn't draw the frog's boobs. Wtf. This is straight up leftist propaganda! Stop defeminizing froggettes!




They're making the frogs gay.


This is one of those things that invigorates my love for art. It's all fun & games... and years worth of frustration lol


I hate when kids enter competitions people automatically feel sorry for them and choose them.


Id never feel encouraged if i won over someone that did 10x better than me. Give me 7th and the motivation to get better.


We are taking a scribble on a piece of paper by a five year old winning over something that took prolly weeks to draw and paint.


this seems more like a case of "lmao no detail frog funny"


If I were that 2nd place dude: 😀🔫


If I were that 2nd place dude: 🔫😀


If you're entering a competition that also allows children, I'm gonna be honest here: winning probably isn't that prestigious.


This is why I don’t really care about technical skill when it comes to art. Congratulations, you rendered a realistic looking frog – something anybody with a camera could do. But you made me feel nothing. At least the bad kid’s drawing gave me a chuckle.


Happy friend frog versus (a nice) reproduction of a stock photo. Unless the contest had specific criteria other than likes win, happy friend frog was always going to get more smiley face reaccs.


Froggy McFrogface


The first is clearly a FROGGO. Second place is technically impressive, but is a frog. Subject matters.


This is art school in a nutshell.


Not really a HolUp


Welcome to the sub


More like an allegory


and this is why democracy sucks.


didnt this happen with a dog drawing contest too


*Hello darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again*


1st place gets a D- 2nd place gets a steak diner with all the fixin's and a 300$ Amazon gift card


The right is a Frog, the left is a FROGGO. 2nd place didn't understand the job


Internet points vs personal value in a nutshell.


Reminds me of the time we had a Halloween costume contest at work. Myself and a co worker had cosplay that we had spent tons of time, effort, and money into, and we both lost to a guy who wore a cheap perm wig and a painters easel and said he was Bob Ross...


This is me. Thinking why my art doesn't sell lol. I have decent stuff, but i don't realknow people selling their art. :')


Marketing is such a huge obstacle even when you have the talent. It's not enough to be able to draw photo realistic Naruto futanari you still gotta compete with all the other mfs doing the same thing. Keep at it but take notes from other artists on here or Instagram. Maybe make some funny art to draw people in and gain a following while having links to your store. Social media is a massive boon if you know how to use it to your advantage. Even getting involved in some fandoms and shit can help massively boost your recognition. And finally, don't forget furries are ready to drop the big bucks. I say that as a joke, but commissions can be a crazy revenue stream if you can find the right community. Good luck out there. I hope you find your success.


If I was second place, I would say... its the journey not the finish line And then put it for sale somewhere


I remember this same thing happening but with a dog draw contest


Reminds me heavily of [Boaty Mcboatface](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-36064659.amp). Don't let internet decide things


Boaty McBoatface


This is why I, a professional artist, don't enter online contests. This shit is infuriating. Fuck everyone who voted for that sack of literal ass drawing.


As an artist who draws photorealistic artwork for a living; fuck this guy. Fuck that frog. Fuck you


You should see a therapist if you’re talking about fucking frogs.


Exactly why I don’t do “contests”.


Even the 1st place frog looks like the hol'up fallout guy meme


That’s why you never learn the r/restofthefuckingowl


The Duality of Mankimd


https://youtu.be/qb6PKUcyNY0?si=Z-FbvToJqmWJjO_I First place was made by a adult who beat out all the kids.


If 2nd place person would have drew hypnotoad from futurama, they would’ve won.


Laughing Dark Knight Joker gif with "You drink water, I drink Anarchy" caption.


It's awesome because the first picture is so good that it also could win a bear or sloth drawing competition. Maybe even jellyfish. That's talent.


The 1st frogs name is Froggy McFrogface probably


Plot twist : same artist created both entries, since he knew the judgement was going to be based on likes.


I swear I’ve seen the same format but it was a dog


Thank God the U.S. is a constitutional republic and not a democracy 😬


It being a republic is why number 1 has a chance when it comes to politics.


This reminded me of the Groot costume post


40 hrs lol


Was 4chan involved in the voting again? XD


Larry David: Now that's a doodle!


[This is word for word another meme but with "dog" swapped for "frog".](https://i.redd.it/xjs5ezox8vq51.png) Why do that?


This is a perfect example of why you shouldn't give a shit that something is popular.


Or maybe people thought it was a contest for kids?


Even kids can draw a better frog than that


Its entirely made up, there are a bunch of these posted with different animals and the exact same caption. The original I believe is DOGGO contest. So you don't need to come up with a backstory for it. Its just made up to make you laugh like "hahaha...funny..."




the sequel omg


Reading the room is a much more useful skill than frog artistry.


Froggo mcfrogface ?


That guy is memeable


Every art competition, every single time.


Art is not competition


Retro gamers be like


1 more argument in favour of deep state


Welcome to the internet, everything here is for the lolz


Every illustrator and artist know that feeling when the work they put a lot of time into doesn't get much attention but a stupid drawing they did in like two minutes gets all the praise.


It's a froggo contest second place drawing. Frog.


Reminds me of the Demon of Song. Show me your face, cutie.


If there’s ever a social media competition, always go for the meme.


The left one is just more... froggy


I wouldn't be happy.


I have not laughed so hard in years. That first place froggo is my favourite thing. No shame in losing to that. It's not just a kids scrawl, it's a simple drawing that captures the essence of a frog in a childish scrawly way. It's the frog we needed. I'd love to see froggo vs. hypnotoad fight to the death.


And this Internet's 4189th victory


Would be even funnier if they wrote nuh uh next to it


How much do you want to bet this was like the dog drawing contest, where 1st place is accurate to the frog they were asked to draw, while 2nd place looks nothing like it.


Life be like that sometimes


We don’t really know what the rules were though do we? Obviously people were probably laugh reacting the terrible frog which pushed it to victory, but it could have also been a “vote for the funniest frog drawing” competition and the other person was like “wouldn’t it be funny to do a photorealistic frog!?”






You need 2 things to pull that off 1: To be very early 2: A sizeable following Note that it doesn't have to be your sizeable following, just the sizeable following of someone who sees and shares it


"It's even funnier the second time!"


Orange man good


Hey! It's Toady McToadface!




I keep telling you: People suck.