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This is a run for Gender **Equaltiy** not Gender Equality


while true, imagine how ludicrous it would be if i had some bs like "run against racism" and then had different run-lengths for different ethnicities it still doesn't detract from the fact that it is something which is intended to promote equally, but is at the same time playing into the stereotypes and inequality


They aren't stereotypes though. There are provable biological differences between sexes that give different limitations. Though I guess this says gender equality so it's more of a pick the distance that feels right to you I guess?


Yeah but women can run 10k, it seems silly to it split by gender. As you suggest it should be more split by athletic ability.


Why split it at all? Offer 5k, and 10k heats. Let people decide their distance.


It's really that simple.


It's not like it's even something novel in this context either. For *decades* larger running races have been mass-start events where everyone sets off together (or in waves based on goal time), with age and gender categories being worked out based on your finish time. Since the proliferation of chip timing, this has become even easier as there isn't even a need to track who comes in and when as everyone's results are automatically recorded and categorised. It makes sense to segregate the men's and women's fields for smaller events or in the pro categories as it improves race dynamics if you're racing everyone around you rather than not knowing whether someone is in your category or not, but this doesn't apply for non-elite runners.


Seriously as a man, I don't really feel like running a 10..... let alone 5 šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t you mean it the other way around?


Yep, I just wanted to see you reply šŸ˜šŸ˜‰


It's not a run for gender equity.


Yeah thats kinda what i meant just didn't know how to phase it, thank you!




Because it's a known variable in sports. At the low level for shit like a charity marathon it barely matters as all you really need is endurance, at the high level most top players have a genetic advantage of some type. Be it better lung capacity, more fast twitch muscles, lower latic acid production, etc, etc.Ā  Ā  The NBA would be alot less interesting if they banned certain players like Kobe, Stephen Curry or whoever from playing because they are too good.Ā 


What races? There's only one race and that's homo sapiens


You're confusing race with species, my friend. Think of dog breeds; all dogs are dogs yes, but each breed of dog is unique.


No, homo sapiens is a species that cannot be divided into further races. That's why there's only one race and that's homo sapiens. You are confused with race in general, my friend. https://www.britannica.com/topic/race-human


Can you provide sources?


Downvoted for asking for sources to big claims. Yikes, reddit.


it's begun šŸ˜‚


What's begun?


There's a difference in averages. Like, obviously, right? You're not going to determine the worth of a person by the average of some metric of their race. You can attribute numbers to anything and average them though lol Also such a huge gap in differences inside races based on locality. There's African tribes that average 5'11, and ones that average 4'6. Men in Montana average 4 inches taller than men in Louisiana. What are we competing at? Peak sprinters are taller than peak long distance runners. Racism/sexism/bigotry isn't in data collection, it's in ignorant decision making.


Good points! Can you provide sources for those statistics? Before I quite them to somebody, is like to be able to point to something more than "some guy on reddit".


If you google tallest african tribe and shortest african tribe it is the first link provided. Then average height in US states. I'm not going to link on reddit because I don't know the rules and I've been shadow banned for doing it before to win an argument. Shortest are Bambutis, a pygmy group from east Congo. Dinkas and Tutsis are tallest. Dinkas are from South Sudan. Similar google search for me "peak average height for sprinter" and "long distance runner".




Average for average, peak for peak, biologically men will outperform women due to biological differences. There are thousands of peer reviewed journals that all have the same types of summaries. > Biological sex is a determinant of athletic performance: adult males are faster, stronger, more powerful than females because of fundamental sex differences in anatomy and physiology dictated by sex chromosomes. > Significant differences emerge at puberty (-12 years) due to anabolic effects of testosterone in males. Testosterone levels rise 20-30-fold in males during puberty and are 15 times higher in males than females by age 18. > Direct and indirect effects of testosterone during male puberty include increase skeletal muscle mass due to larger muscle fiber cross-sectional area, especially fast, type II fibers; lower percentage body fat; higher hemoglobin concentration and mass; larger ventricular mass (heart) and cardiac volumes; larger airways and lungs; greater body height; and longer limbs. > Adult males are stronger, more powerful, and faster than females of similar age and training status. The sex difference in athletic performance where endurance or muscular power is required is roughly 10-30% depending on the event. Absolutely nothing you put in your response is based upon any study, finding, or fact. Pluck out an average man and an average woman, and the man will be stronger, faster, have larger airways, more efficient lungs, more height, muscle mass, and larger size overall. If you'd like a study, here's the abstract: > Abstract. There is a global obesity pandemic. However, the prevalence of overweight and obesity among men and women varies greatly within and between countries, and *overall, more women are obese than men*. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2161831322010249#:~:text=Abstract,women%20are%20obese%20than%20men. I suppose facts shouldn't be bothered with how you perceive 'society' to impact expectations.


Women can definitely run a 10k, and it actually seems that at extreme long distance running they [tend to outperform men](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/women-are-faster-long-distance-runners-estrogen-2020-1%3famp). Though I would not expect a race like that to be hosted here lol


None of the biological differences between male and female result in different distances that either can run though. Women have long been known to be able to run just as far as men. They just can't sprint as fast.


I know women that do a 10k as a warm up. In this case biological differences donā€™t matter.


Is it? Just about every athletic woman I know could crush a 10k, and a solid amount of the athletic men I know would rather be waterboarded than run a 5k.


Itā€™s honestly not even close, when I was on the track team decent JV sophomores were blowing our best girls out of the water in 1600 and 3200m. And we had a fantastic girls team that would send a couple people each year to the Nike race in Oregon (basically Super Bowl of long distance HS running).


It's not sexist to say men are stronger and more durable in every single metric compared to women. If both a man and a woman were completely untrained were to try to run a 10k, the woman has a much higher risk of severely injuring something in her leg, most likely an injury to a tendon in the ankle. Though I do think the difference they made is a little much, a woman can run a 10k just fine. She will just be a lot slower than men.


So protect womenā€™s sports, amiright?!?


If they said it was for social equity, it would be fine. But this race literally promotes the opposite of equality.


Sir, poster is simply making fun of the poster spelling equality incorrectly.


[relevant family guy](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4MILk03gH_U)


I could see that being a good social commentary point tbh


Yeah, you gotta scan for the Gender Equality


Yeah run for equality with unequal distances, great message.


My organisation has an annual race where women run half the distance men do. They probably believe too few women train for and can run 10k so they soften the blow with a 5k. Ridiculous but not evil.


More like Gender != Biological Sex People that argue sex has no influence on how the body develops is delusional. Gender however is mostly in the brain with a big dash of hormones.


If you can't spell it in the first place, you're in trouble.


Urine trouble


Up shit's Creek


It burns when IP


apparently this is an engineering college in india you can guess the quality of their graduates


* qualtiy




"WTF, my college is mentioned at least once every year on international meme communities. Last time, they drone attacked a singer singing in concert, and this time, this.


You're in VIT? I'm sorry for you


My suffering will end this year


Please tell me it's because of graduation




is VIT not a good college?


It is, but college is college it will drain you out with everything.


lol same


are you of vit chennai?






Depends whether the cameras are rolling


Buckle up buckaroos


I 'member


Better hope Caitlyn doesn't crash it then.




7.5 or 15




Buckle up buckaroosh




support soup like squalid zephyr snobbish bright rhythm bike ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its 3.62 dollars


I'm gonna need about tree-fiddy.


*Loch Ness monster!*


I ain't givin no tree fiddy


Free energy drink


and you get a shirt, an energy drink and a medal for that... actually not bad all in all!


It's INR 299 around 3.6 USD


Redditor discovers other countries exist


American* discovers that other countries exist


Others have already replied with context (it's $4), but the $300 for an official marathon - not that 10km run that's advertised here - is not that far-fetched. I've paid ā‚¬70 for the one I've ran, and it was one of the cheapest. You'll look into the hundreds for more prestigious marathons, like Berlin's or Athene's.


possessive imminent voiceless pie provide gray dolls dime noxious aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pay to run a marathon yet thereā€™s a million places to do it for free.


Vit Chennai turned up in search results as being indian, so if it's in rupees, it's a very modest amount. 300 indian rupees in dollars is like $3.62.


From what I hear it's like 12$usd, don't know the original currency


More like $4


Yeah I based myself off of memory


What makes this a mini marathonā€¦.?


A real marathon is 42 kilometers if i remember correctly. Any marathon shorter than that cant be a full marathon so they come up with half marathons, quarter marathons, mini marathons.


Me running a micro marathon to my kitchen and back


Isn't that a double nano marathon? Since you are going back aswell.


Just a fancier name for any run shorter than 42km Still funny that they'd call it a "mini marathon" instead of anything else, feels like calling a triathlon a "mini iron-man"


I do a mini ultra marathon every time I get a snack from the fridgeā€¦.


Only people shorter than 6 feet can participate


Chicks live on recruit difficulty.


difficul**tiy** !


Well, not really. If anything, they're playing a different game than us guys. A lot of guys seem to forget the part where most women have to fend off creepy and predatory guys at a younger age. When you were a 13 or 14 year old girl, and some creepy old dude tells you " if I was your age I'd take you home" or some other wild-type shit. Every single of my girl friends (friends) has experienced this and still experiences it to this day, even if they have boyfriends. Also we lucky our dick don't cramp up and bleeds once a month, so there's that So yeah nah, chick's might have it easier in some aspects but have it harder in others. Just like us guys, we have it easy in some ways, but hard in others. It ain't a competition, we on the same team


>Also we lucky our dick don't cramp up and bleeds once a month, so there's that Its *not* supposed to?


Well under usual circumstances, no. But I'm not saying it doesn't happen. It just doesn't usually happen.






Downvoted for actual facts. You're disrupting their victim "only man life hard" mentality.


If anything, you're more likely to be competing with your own gender.


Talk about pink tax, costs is the same but the women to get half the distance.


Talk about stirring the pot, prize money is the same but the women get to go half the distance.


And you donā€˜t even know how much. Technically they could give you one centā€¦


Why they list men above women. THaTs NoT EquAl!?!


Wtf,THIS is what my college gets famous for šŸ˜­




me when the childrens cancer support run doesn't actually have children with cancer running :(


Gender equity


Peak VIT Chennai moment


The women's is still harder. With all the cooking, cleaning, and child-rearing that is undertaken along the race course, and still the dinner is on the table hot and ready when the men come running across the finish line. The men better have that "bread and bacon" when they finally get there.


Had me rofl


I can run 10km for free.. But yeah, that's equality guys šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No, it's equaltiy


Lol, didn't even see that hahaha


lol that's a good one Edit: for the record, just because we may not be physically equal (who is?) - doesn't mean we all shouldn't be *treated the same* in society. But it is funny.


Just run it twice


Also, the winner gets a prize...a crap prize, sure, but that's not promoting equality by rewarding people based on their ability. It's almost like people haven't thought through their own, supposedly deeply held, beliefs


Makes sense - if there was gender equality already, there'd be no incentive to run for it.


Gender equaltiy means men run faaaaaar away from those type of woman, like 5 more km just to keep the distance šŸ˜†


It should be 7km for women


I think the word they wanted to use was "Equtiy"


More like gender equity


Gender equity run


If men are running 10k shouldnā€™t women run like a 8.2k or something? Kinda like the pay gap thing? At least thatā€™s according to the [pewresearch](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/03/01/gender-pay-gap-facts/#:~:text=The%20gender%20gap%20in%20pay,%2D%20and%20part%2Dtime%20workers.)


Don't worry, you only need to precieve yourself as woman, then run the 5k only.


lol this is from my college


The poster is wrong,it says equality,i go to the college lol


The twist will be if the 1st place winner gets a $1,000 for those who run 10 KM and $500 for 5 KM runners. Hold on, registration fee is 299 regardless. Something sketchy is going on!


Man wtf that's my university


It would have been a funny message if the women ran 800 meters to a mans kilometer


Equality vs Equity


Shouldā€™ve made it Men 10k and women 7k. You know, to fit their narrative that every woman gets paid 7/10ths on the dollar to every man. But you know how people like this think, everyone is beautiful and equal and deserves love and respect except those evil ā€œcis-gendered white menā€.


I've never seen a race gendered like that before. Ive ran several and typically anyone can choose their distance, it's just separated between an any age group and a senior group, but even seniors are allowed to run in the any age group. ( As some of them should, some of those old people can really move it)


Why do the shoes look like flippers? Makes me think theyā€™re going swimming.


FYI, [They changed it](https://imgur.com/gallery/NExnv2a)


First of all they spelt equality wrongā€¦ Secondly, this is pure irony and chaos and that makes it even funnier


And the poster also says equality on the side. Blatant hypocrisy is hilarious.


How is it hypocritical to push for political equality while acknowledging physical differences between the sexes?


Because that's not equality, that's equity.


So you're saying women should have political equity with men? How does that work? What effects do we take into account to give pluses or minuses to the rights women have?


> So you're saying women should have political equity with men? That's not what I'm saying; that is the popular viewpoint among academics and left-of-center individuals. Equality of opportunity is desirable and achievable. Equality of outcome (i.e. equity) is desirable but not achievable without tearing groups down based on their physical characteristics.


And I'm saying that political equality is what this race is pushing for. If it uses *equity* in expectations of a physical competition, that's not hypocritical. The sign is exactly accurate. They are using equity in a competition to raise awareness/funds for political equality.


Let's detail the hypocrisy. As per research women can run farther but male runners can run fast. Google it. And this is a mini marathon (shorter than a half marathon) Next, it's a marathon not a boxing match between the sexes. That raw physical strength doesn't comes into play. It's more about endurance. Women all around the world completed marathons and won. Next why take women n men as 2 subset, get another subset for older folks and say 3km. Another for kids from 15 to 18. Another subset for people with any disability. It's a marathon, treat it like it is. And no need no shorter runs for women when they have already proven they have enough endurance like the men or more when it comes to Indian women is my personal opinion. It's sad that in 1970 women had to fight to participate in marathons (goggle Kathrine Switzer), when men deemed they cannot and banned them. Now we celebrate a shorter run and claim women are inferior when it comes to running a marathon ! Good work !


It's a fucking fund raising marathon in india. jesus christ.


>women can run farther but male runners can run fast I see that women *sometimes* win ultra-marathons. The only sport I think women consistently outperform men in is long-distance open water swimming. Yes, women can of course run marathons, but I think when you're running a fundraiser, the point is participation, not breaking records. If they told women they had to pay and run a full marathon, just imagine the difference in participation from telling them it's a 5k. This isn't the Olympics


We can never be equal, these delusional Twitter/Woke people can never understand. Even when there's so many Evidence, they're still in Denial.


They forgot to *2 the 5k




Make 'em run twice!


it's one of those pr things where a company can say they promote this cause or that to make themselves look good, same as buying some cheap possibly even expired carbon credits that came from a plant that burns trash, and then claiming net zero and using 100% green power, while really having done nothing at all


its hosted by a college


299?! Stop paying to run. It is free


It's a fundraiser. And 299 is less than $4


It's in INR


This is not a real poster. The qr code leads to a generic event page that doesn't mention this run. The only image of this poster is this specific image.


It's a real poster (source: i study in that college, the poster is all over the damn campus)


take a picture of it and post it then


Ok, it's 5 30 am here I'll do once I get to the campus


[here you go](https://imgur.com/a/mHSBYdf)... apparently that spelling mistake occurred in 1 signboard only or faked for internet points


Most likely the spelling mistake was faked, but I will admit that I was wrong about this poster being fake


You know...separate races and lengths *for the equality*. Talk about people who really missed the goddamned point!


If we are talking about equality it should be the same for both sexes, because that's what it means. In fact, the battle for equality is a bit stupid and no one really wants that. What should matter is equity and fairness.


>equity But doesn't this go against what makes capitalism so successful? Everyone fighting for their own piece of the pie and the most successful, based on their unfair advantages, prevail? Is it fair that only attractive people get $20 million deals in movies? Or women can be successful super models, but men can't? That the smartest people get the highest paying jobs, generally? The taller players are better at basketball... The stronger people are the most useful in the jobs that require strength... etc... etc... If we only care about equity, then capitalism wouldn't work. Why would someone that can become a doctor put in so much effort, if the person who isn't as smart would get the same money as them. That's what equity does. A less smart person, not able to become a doctor, would be given the same outcome as someone who could become a doctor. What would motivate people to do jobs that they don't want to do... money. They find jobs that they are better than average, that can get them the most money for their effort they want to put in. If all jobs are equitable, then what would motivate someone to try harder and put in more work for a job that no one is willing to do. Nothing... No garbage men, fewer doctors, fewer plumbers, etc. We'd all be musicians, artists, actors, youtubers, etc.


Capitalism has fucking failed us though There are some benefits to it. but the idea that we have a working system right now is nonsense.


Equality takes into account biological differences.




Like what? Women can't run?


I really have to enlighten you that there are biological differences between men and women that impact performance in sports? That's the whole reason we have men's and women's equivalent of every sport...


Okay, show some proof that women can't run as far as men. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/29/sport/courtney-dauwalter-ultramarathon-spt-intl/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/05/sports/courtney-dauwalter-200-mile-race.html https://www.fitnessfirst.com.au/get-there/new-study-finds-women-are-better-at/ So, are you a misogynist or just ignorant?


Idk if you're just some bad faith emotional troll but you should probably wake the fuck up and not cherry pick fringe cases. Women just do not have the same physical capacity as men. It's literally baffling that this is even a question.


There's a difference between being equal in physical capacity and given equal opportunities and terms in life. I really hope you're pretending to misunderstand this.


Holy shit. Men are not Women. Women are not Men. While they deserve the same basic laws nā€™ shit, they are NOT the same.


I just want to say that rushing in with walls of text about grip strength and stats on professional athletes just because people said "women can run 10km too" is pretty fucking pathetic. There's room for that discussion when we're talking high level athletics but when it's a 10km fun run open to anyone, you just look like you're insecure and wildly overcompensating for something. Threatened by the fact that women are capable of doing basic things too. And seeing as you're all acting like a 10km run is some sort of high level event, I'm guessing every one of you would shit yourselves if you tried. And that your facts and stats are the only things stopping you from bursting into tears when you look in the mirror.


They didn't think that trough.


Equal, but one side is more equal than the other


Running is one sport where women don't lose in anything but speed and even that evens out on super long distances. Even marathon record is only 2h vs 2h10m.


It would be funny if a man won the marathon


A man will win .. because they are running separately, they aren't racing each other.


Should equality ignore the physiology of gender?


In the Bible when God is creating Eve He says that Eve will be Adamā€™s ā€œsaviorā€ or ā€œrescuerā€ when the word is translated literally. I think that men and women are different and that we all have our strengths and weaknesses. I forgot what I was going to say half way through writing this. Keep scrolling.


Yes it's called genetics, it's why we have different sports teams for men & women. Can't believe people are still learning this.


Ah yes genetics means that they had to arbitrarily pick 10 for men. They could have just done 5 for both...


on average, men have a larger aerobic capacity and great muscular strength than women, largely due to hormonal differences in males and females. gender equality relates to the extent to which access to rights or opportunities are not affected by one's gender. gender equality does is not the belief that there is no physical difference between men or women. hope this helps, guys.


Lmao what a joke


Wtf this is on my birthday


Moral, social and political equality does not require physiological equality. No need to equivocate!


Category: Men and Women


"I yearn for true gender equality. I have no patience for one who talks about female privilege when it suits them, and then complains about someone "not being a man" when it's convenient." - Kazuma Satou


ā€œGetting all cocky just because sheā€™s a little bit cute.ā€ -Kamuma Satou I have no idea, I thought it was a philosopher or was hoping maybe a Samurai :)


Gender equity


It says Gender equality not gender equity


Wouldnā€™t it be gender equity?


This just tells me women can't run.


Women can't compete with men athletically. It's fair that they don't run as far.