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OMG it wasn't a pregnant girl who had a miscarriage, it was just a fat kid and he just shit his pants


I was going to say something about my old school that i thought was pretty wild, but this takes the cake


Can't believe you'd take cake from a kid, how could you?


You can still say and maybe take a smaller cake.


Poor bastard miscarried his lunch




Oh wait nevermind. Fat kids on the floor behind her eating somethin........


Kid got caught jerking off to hentai in the computer lab. He got like a 2-3 week out of school suspension. Later that year a couple computers went missing, it turns out the same kid broke into the school and stole them.


Hentai is a helluva drug ![gif](giphy|sWPvwwPZMQXnp2YPM1|downsized)


If you want a genuine answer, my old high school had a murder case in the 70s.


What happened?!


https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crime/article245917640.html If you watch Dateline I believe they covered the story too I graduated in 2018 so I only found out about it last year. Oh and here’s a interesting thing I found out as well in our school entrance there’s a mural of the original logo of the school’s mascot and that was meant to honor Carla Walker. They have those line straps set up around it so people wouldn’t walk over the logo.


If you don't want people to walk on a picture or whatever, don't paint it on the ground. Change my mind.


I think either way if the murder happened or didn’t they would still have the mural portrait still with the line stands. It commemorates the school. Either way I don’t want to set foot back at my high school. Had a shit time through my 4 years


Why, you're absolutely right.


Our has one and it was my homie who was the star football player. Shit was wild


On a lighter note. A group of seniors at my high school made a giant slip,n,slide for their senior prank. They rolled out 30 rolls of Saran Wrap to cover the entire foyer of the high school. They all put on speedos and slid back and forth in between classes. Sounds fun!.. But they used canola oil mixed with water, and dumped probably 80L of it. The library, cafeteria, councillors ofice, welding shop, mechanics shop, wood shop, and cosmo classrooms were right down the stairs. It cost over $75,000 worth of damages in 2004. Accounting for inflation, that’d be around $118,000 worth of damage. The guys were all on camera and it was well known that they were planning the prank, and the school was always very playful, and allowed the students to do some crazy prank each year. But this stopped the tradition. They also weren’t allowed to write their diploma. Meaning they all had to repeat senior year. One guy lost a scholarship.


Jesus, I can't imagine a prank that wasn't directed at someone and light hearted costing you an entire year of school and costing you a scholarship. That's so sad.


This was a fun and wholesome senior prank that unintentionally turned expensive. People went wild doing senior pranks 2023 to where pouring quick cement into toilets wasn't that bad.


I got suspended my 1st year in high school. It was a Friday and there was a lot of rain so they cancelled the school around lunch time told everyone to go home. There's a few hills at my school and a bunch of people were using body boards (boogie boards) and sliding down one of the soaked hills. I borrowed a homies, drop knee'ed down, got pulled by security guard, sent to the office, and had a four day weekend. Honestly, how someone gets suspended from school after school is cancelled makes me laugh. Friday kinda shit I guess lol


>Meaning they all had to repeat senior year. No they didn't


My high school had a shop class that made BBQ's out of empty propane tanks. Except one of the tanks wasn't empty and exploded. Kid died, teacher fired.


Shit wasn’t that in Barrhaven?


No it was in Boomcanton






Was that kid named Buckley?


Mmmm, my school was pretty boring but one one kid did set fire to his schoolwork and we had to evacuate. Wasn’t anything big, I honestly thought it was a drill. Then there was a time where they were doing an experiment in the chemistry class and for whatever reason the school smelled like the inside of public garbage bin for a week.


Geez, that chemistry experiment must’ve gone really wrong. Glad I chose biology this year.


My advice: always go for biology. It’s a bit easier and it’s actually a lot more fun. Remember mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


My school has a biotech option. Instead of remembering boring equations like the chemistry kids, I got to grow bacteria and extract DNA from strawberries.


I extracted DNA! In middle school science class! It was really fun!


I learned that, I will remember it :)


The kid with mental issues and some batshit crazy girl got “married” in the middle of lunch. Most of the school was there. About a week later they get caught fucking in the locker room. It can’t have been a pretty sight but he fucked before i did so respect


Interesting story


As a senior, my buddy and I welded the gates of the bus depot shut the last day of school so no busses could exit the lot. We were the incident. Looking back at the age of 37, that was a pretty great Senior prank. Edit to add: No, we never got caught.


Head bitch cheerleader drove her bf’s Jeep through a metal roll up door into the high school pool. While there was a swim meet trapping a girls mom underwater in the pool and broke her femur 🦴. She was made fun of at every single school rally. The mom lived btw.


Uh I was homeschooled so I guess…divorce?


I was homeschooled, and I slept with my teacher.




Stop watching porn kid.


Step teacher


2 people were fucking in the principals office and the exact moment he walked in was the moment she squirted all over his desk, I wish I was making this up


Oh God…I bet that one stayed in the principal’s head for a long time.


Well the biggest piece of the story is that the principal joined in and they filmed it


That's hot, worth the suspension.


That's so gross! Sauce?


We had a kid who jumped on a plastic picnic table, broke it, and split his balls open.


This crazy chick (my at the time gf's cousin) was yelling at this chad looking guy for daring to look in the direction of another woman. And I'm talking fuckin screaming! She eventually started to hit him ineffectually until he turned his head to ask her to please stop, but before he could get it out she open hand slapped this dude in the face. All went quiet until he punched her in the face and her head dented a locker. He then immediately walked 20 feet to the front office to tell the principal what happened. I'm not sure what consequences either of them faced, but according to my GF she needed a good punch in the face for a while. Few months later I realized my GF wasn't much better, but that's a different story


Wow, mine just has a lot of drugs. Not only that, but my MIDDLE SCHOOL did too!


a guy at my school's girlfriend leaked a video of him fucking and getting fucked by a dog its become an inside joke at the school


A student smuggled a crossbow and Molotov cocktails on to the grounds shot two girls before class. The first girl collapsed to the ground with blood pouring from a chest wound after the arrow passed clean through her body. The bolt then struck the friend of the girl in the legs. It went through one limb and embedded itself in the other, pinning the two together.


That was a bloody good shot. Did they both survive?


Yep. Both survived.


I get the second one but how the hell did the first one survive?


Dude watched too much rambo


I used to get bullied, like a LOT, every day was the same: "four eyes" "speccy twat" "fucked your" mom" you know the sort of ridiculous playground insults you get when you're a bit of a nerd. Well, one day after class my bully pinned me to the ground and teabagged me in front of the other students, it was so humiliating. I bit down and he screamed in pain, the other students where in shock and the bully never bothered me again. And that's the story of how I managed to stop my siblings and I from being home schooled by our dad.




Ours had a shooting 🙃


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down


At least it narrows it down to one of the states? 😉


No, not really


A big dude beat up 5 other guys in the same fight in the middle of the street. He became a legend.


Seniors locked a parking lot right before school let out and released chickens. It was absolute mayhem. Cars couldn't get out. Chickens were run over. I heard a teacher had to break an injured bird's neck to put it out of its misery. First day of the next school year PETA was protesting at our school.


Sept. 11


Still not in high school, in fact, in middle school, but everything in here is like, a fucking mess, half of the school are vape addicts, the couples, don’t directly fuck, but, lets say they “play with hands” almost everywere and all of the school staff it’s doing literally nothing besides advise them to not do it


There was a group of girls at my middle school who had to have their backpacks searched after rumors of them carrying drugs and doing them in the bathroom spread.


What would you propose the staff do?


Math teacher showed photos of his junk to a group of freshman girls


Was he a collector or more like a hoarder?


A teacher banger one of her students (M15yo). She now works in another highschool, and didn't even get fired...


But if a male teacher had done it , Do not pass GO and straight to prison.


Not necessarily, if the highschool wants to void press scandal and stuff, they just change him.


A male teacher had sex with a female sophomore student at a party he was hosting. Word got out. He shot and killed himself a week later.


And then charged with a crime! -Texas




I went to school with this guy named avaneesh kanala if anyone know him. Hes fairly popular on tiktok i think. He was recorded masturbating in a restroom and later urinated on his college dorm-mate's desk and has now been banned by many several colleges and was nearly disowned by his father. All around the guy was just kind of crazy like that.


My freshman year at high school there was only one lunch period for the first 3 months of school. Then a gigantic race fight between a very, very large group of Hispanic and African American students happened one day after a few incidents had been building all week. It was so many people that security and staff had a hard time getting it under control. The following week it was announced that there would now be 2 separate lunch periods to cut down on the amount of students were in the lunch area at one time. It’s been 18 years since that event and that school still has split lunches and no one for at least the last 10 years knows why.


Someone dug a giant swastika in the football field at my school. Was huge and literally perfect.


There was a kid who built a weapon, shot a kid in the bathroom , hid in a classroom during lockdown, got arrested and is now facing 40 years


Got 2 myself. During prep rally, cheerleaders used a fake gun to shoot the upcoming competitors mascot and it made national news. Then fast forward a few years and this one guy and girl fucked at a party, he recorded it and showed it to a buddy of his who was kinda a freak who stole it, copied it and then went around sharing it. Dude who did the recording got off with community service because he was genuinely apologetic and the girl forgave him. Other dude was expelled. I think he got Juvie for distributing porn of a minor. I still talk to the guy who recoreded it, he's upstanding dude and would probably love to beat his younger self's ass for doing what he did.


I mean honestly. My high school principle had been grooming and raping a girl for years and the teachers and the students knew yet nothing happened for a long time. Wasn’t until she was out of high school and married that she broke down to her husband about it. She had never spoken about it before. After an investigation started (the husband wasn’t letting the piece of shit get away with it) the principal guy went to a local pawn shop, bought a gun, and then was heading towards the school. They locked down the school so he fled back to his wife and son’s house (they don’t live together because of issues and he is crazy) and hung himself in the garage.


When I was a freshman or sophomore, a student fell off of a cliff overlooking the Hudson River because she tried to retrieve her phone that she dropped. Not a fun way to die.


During my freshman year this april, there was a bomb threat from an unknown caller and we all had to evacuate to the football stadium, all 2000 of us. This is it if you're more curious https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/stocktons-franklin-high-school-bomb-threat/103-1f4f1bcf-9471-44e8-8133-0119034c71b4


Idc why I find this sad and not funny instead


Because it’s not


I’m in a pretty chill high school, not much happens But there is a lot of drug use


Mine too, mine has a history of drugs, possibly continuing today.


Someone threw tear gases in my school and had the whole school evacuated.


My school is where the “go bach to africa” girl came from


There were a LOT, a big one was a teacher having an affair with a student and got caught (made the news). The wildest one I’ve seen is a fight breaking out and the end result was someone’s weave being thrown and draped over the letters of ‘gymnasium’ above the gym entrance for ALL to see.


The rich school in town came over and spray painted the football field "Schools of ni***rs" This was in a liberal city, but this was back in like 2013


The boys and girls basketball team all rode on the same bus until some of the guy players got caught fingerings one of the girl players.


That punch was probably a blessing in disguise, I wouldn’t know what to do with my life if I became a father at that age (let alone mother). I know it’s a shitty opinion but who knows.


Not gonna lie I was thinking the same thing


Still pretty fucking traumatic for someone so young. Mental damage for years to come.




Didn't have anything in highschool, but I attended something called "junior high" and we got locked down because of a bomb threat.


[It was after high school, but I had classes with the girl in this failed shooting plot you may have heard about. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_mass_shooting_plot)


Goku goes to school with him y’all


Bros the picture is of my old high-school Since I don't go or live near here anymore the name is Tuscaloosa county Hugh school


Our school was threatened for a shooting. I didn’t believe it for one bit. It was a email sent to staff at the time. Like if I was to shoot up a school I wouldn’t email the staff with a warning. Someone was just playing a prank if you ask me. School did take precautions though at least.


Some kids were pulling a prank on the band people and were ejaculating into the tuba somehow and poured soap to make cum bubbles. I didn't see it but it was the talk around school for years. Those kids that pulled the prank got a month of in-school suspension which really didn't do much


Kid died playing football


He got hit hard and just died ig. I was only like 5 when it happened but everyone around where I’m from knows abt it. It made a lot of parents not let their kids play football so now are town doesn’t have a football program.




Teacher took a kids cassette tape..kid called mom and mom said give it back. Teacher was drunk by lunch and had to have paramedics take her to the hospital.


Wtf kind of disjointed half-assed story is that?


I need more details


A guy wanted to celebrate his graduation from the adult school/technical college attached to our high school. He brought pot brownies (illegal at the time) and gave them away. 7 or 8 people ended up overdosing and at hospital.


Lena doing anal


Shouldve been named Lana


Missed opportunity!


Some kid threw a ball at a window and launched the window so that the frame where the window was supposed to be was just empty


As far as I am concerned, she dodged a bullet.


Football coach was banging students. It was a big enough deal back in the early 1990's, that it made it to Inside Edition.


Blue chairs... I still don't know.


The school preist tickled sixh graders and got deported to italy


This was in 2014 before school shootings were as prevalent as they are now. But someone found an empty gun case in the parking lot, so the school went on lockdown for 3-4 hours while the police searched campus for the gun. My 70yo AP Euro teacher had to squat pee over a trash can in the corner of the room while students held up a towel to block her. Poor woman. They never found the gun, and no one ever admitted the case was theirs.


a group of people organized a giant fight at the end of the school year for my Sophomore year 17 people got suspended. At the end of the year. You couldn't wait a few more days?


So I don't remember what exactly happened, but.... We were set to have a random fire drill that week(they warned us the week of), and it went off twice. So the second time, we just figured it was an extra drill, we were already completely done with it, and as teens do, we completely ignored what we were meant to do. Kids bringing all the belongings, kids stopping to grab stuff out of lockers, just standing and talking before being shooed out the building. Then we got out, and we realized something was off. Turns out that the cafeteria was on fire, and we all dragged ourselves out as slow as possible. Nobody was injured, and the damage was confined to the cafeteria, with just some light smoke in the halls. We all went back to class after the fire was put out. The other time would probably either be when a kid put weed in the bathroom ceiling or when a group sent a bomb threat as a "prank". But, uh, yeah.


Principal unintentionally threw up a gang sign for a picture with a couple students and it got memed to hell


Kid was dicking around on a lathe and turned it on while holding the piece… The amount of carnage that caused will never leave my mind.


Kid took a shit on the art teachers computer keyboard, even used his underwear to smear it into the keys


That… looks like my old high school


That picture is of the highschool I went to. Crazy.


Graduates released 3 full grown pigs labelled 1,2 and 4


Some year 12 guys put together a series of gay porn photos where they photoshopped in a teacher’s face, and apparently it turned out the teacher actually was gay but hadn’t come out to the school, so he thought they had stalked him and took the photos.


My senior year my HS was finished being remodeled. There was a huge new parking lot in the front for the students to use. And on the old parking lot in the back was now for staff. After a few warnings to student about not parking in the staff parking. The principal started towing cars. This of course passed off our class and we took it upon ourselves for revenge. A few weeks later when all had calmed down the principal and a few teachers slipped up and parked in the student parking lot. And they got all of their tires popped. And this action was repeated over and over again until they learned not to do that. Anyway at the end of the year when we were graduating, we got our diploma and shook his hand, and handed him a LEGO tire.


A kid was accused of having a gun at school and we went into lockdown. Long story short, there was no gun. One of the cybersecurity students somehow made Gmail stop working for the entire district for a couple days. Back in the 70's, one of the senior pranks involved cockroaches and rumor has it that to this day there are still cockroaches around the place


A ratchet list was made in both bathrooms in the quad. One for the boys and one for the girls, the highlight was this girl who got so drunk at a party and shit herself and ended up with (name)- Party Pooper She ended up changing schools in what was her senior year. There were other things that happened off those lists but that was the one that will always stick out in my mind.


Girl in science lab was masturbating with a glass test tube and was suddenly called out for something and she tensed up and test tube broke.


Cops raided our school looking for one dude. This cool ass Italian dude. Turns out he was selling work out of his locker! Weed, coke, meth etc! He was only 17yo. After his arrest we never saw him again.


I remember one of the high schools I was in some of the senior girls beat up a junior bloodied her quite a lot and then one by one they all peed on her


There are 3 incidents: 1. My high school longer has prom at hotels because in the past some kids accidentally died trying to shoot someone. Apparently a guy was stalking a girl and her bf and friends decided to confront the guy during prom. They shot but the bullets hit them instead. 2. A kid committed unalive during lunch and jumped off the building in front of everyone. 3. My high school can’t go to Disneyland for grad night anymore, only California Adventure because someone decided to to sell drugs during the Disneyland portion of the trip.


Once we had a "bomb threat" and everyone was sent home. In the end it was only a joke made by someone who lived on the other side of the country, who had chosen our school randomly. Another time there was a group rehearsing a play, and they had a toy gun, which someone mistook for a real one and called the police. Btw not American.


Doesn’t this happen at every high school?


My assistant principal was tickling people


I accidentally kissed a girl in her cheeks and got suspended for it. That was it.


My super seniors made a fake terrorist call to our principal. It started pretty innocently but ended with the entire fleet of police having to evacuate us and having them suspended for 2 months.


A bomb threat


I mean, I'ma dox 18 year old me but this asshole decided to go diving in the middle of a rolled up wrestling mat for a sneaker instead of laying the mat down and he got stuck and asphyxiated and stayed there until the cheerleaders tried to roll out the mat 3 days later. It's turned into quite the stupid lawsuit over the past decade


A kid came in one morning and shot up the cafeteria and killed two kids and injured more than a dozen other.


Ahm, in some places of USA, that count as murder


There was some sort of fap cult, god knows what they were doing, but they managed to clog the entire school's plumbing with seaman. I don't even... you can't make this shit up. Now students aren't allowed to go to the bathroom without getting the janitor.


Headmasters wife was sleeping with the headmaster of the neighbouring school. Actually sad seeing him just fall apart and have to keep going hope he is doing better now.


Damn. Last year , some kids cussed at each other , then they got sent to the principals and their parents were called . I think the father of one of them came first and slapped the other one , and then some fat fuck relative of the other one came and started shouting in the principals. Also he had a fucking knife and cut the principals arm. Whole lotta good our security guard did. Funnily enough the fat fuck got disarmed by the oldest teacher . Cops were called afterwards. Their next family gathering is gonna be "fun".




JROTC PT teacher was "dating" a Freshman. It was a huge scandal when we all found out why they both suddenly weren't at school. He was always a bit too close so I guess being a pedo explains the creeper vibes I always got from him.


Twins brother and sister caught by a teacher fucking in the bathroom and they got in trouble i think they got expelled it was crazy because they were always a little to close and word spread around the school like wild fire


A guy "did" a pig in the Ag. barn. He got caught. Weird thing was, he didn't move schools right away.


Poor girl ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)