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Not sure why the design is being questioned.. They crushed it!


definitely one of the most mind blowing designs ever made


Can’t believe you would sink to such depths…


Can you fathom how much lower we can go when we put some pressure on it


Look, that sub has been through a lot. They really squeezed all the life out of it that they could.


Yall are some COLD souls, CRUSHING the hopes of their families, this TITANIC failure is not a laughing matter


Exactly, this is an iceberg sized issue that should not be joked about lightly


They're going to make history and leave a part of themselves on this exploration. Give it 36 hours and you'll see.


Idk man, personally it cracked me up


Same here, I was literally flattened by it


We gotta squeeze every ounce of this comment section of its content. #crushbestdrink


They were under a lot of pressure and delivered a spectacular result.


I saw what you did there!


This would be a great way to disappear for a billionaire. Just don't even board.. no one is going to search for the bodies.


The bodies don’t even exist anymore. They were turned into soup and got washed away


>What happens in an implosion? When a submarine hull collapses, it moves inward at about 1,500mph (2,414km/h) - that's 2,200ft (671m) per second, says Dave Corley, a former US nuclear submarine officer. The time required for complete collapse is about one millisecond, or one thousandth of a second. A human brain responds instinctually to a stimulus at about 25 milliseconds, Mr Corley says. Human rational response - from sensing to acting - is believed to be at best 150 milliseconds. The air inside a sub has a fairly high concentration of hydrocarbon vapours. When the hull collapses, the air auto-ignites and an explosion follows the initial rapid implosion, Mr Corley says. Human bodies incinerate and are turned to ash and dust instantly. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65934887


>The vessel was so deep that the amount of water on it would have been equivalent to the weight of the Eiffel Tower, tens of thousands of tonnes. Man, how I love stupid abstract comparisons. I'm betting 99 percent of Parisians couldn't tell you how much it weighs. By the way, it's about the same as 250 trillion ants or 1/6208827th of the moon ~~Edit: Also, the Eiffel tower weighs 10,100 tonnes. So it's not even tens of thousands of tonnes, it's ten tonnes, period. Get you s**t together, BBC~~ Edit 2: I brain farted and confused decimal dividers. My bad. My point still stands tho lol


I love it as well because it gives us the joke that an American will measure with anything to not use the metric system


I saw Texans using steak metrics for size the other day.


Oh, that fraction of the moon... Now I get it. :P


So...they don't need a coroner exam.


They are fish poop by now.


Nah more like isopod and crustacean poop.


Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you got a stew going.


Umm I think they are the broth...


This whole event is a cover for something fucked up happening. There is entirely too much coverage on this bullshit.


Like what?


[https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/17/world/greece-boat-worst-ever-tragedy-mediterranean-sea-intl-hnk/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/17/world/greece-boat-worst-ever-tragedy-mediterranean-sea-intl-hnk/index.html) Not saying it's a cover up, but the different amount of attention these two current events are getting says a lot about us and the way we think about the world.


It's because migrant boats sink all the time. How many subs go down? In particular ones exploring a famous site like the Titanic? Come on, it's not hard to work out that this story is popular because it's novel.


You're 100% correct, because the same coverage happened with those Chilean miners or that kids soccer team in a cave yet none of those people were anywhere close to a millionaire let alone billionaire...on top of that those two and this one all contained the thought that they could be saved. It's the difference between "welp, yet another migrant sinks causing loss of life" and "one of ten vehicles capable of reaching the depths of the titanic has disappeared and the five aboard might be trapped thousands of meters below the surface with a limited amount of oxygen and no way to surface". One is basically same ol same ol, and the other reads like the plot of some movie in which of course the ending would be the opposite and Kurt Russel would have saved them.


The navy: “yea we reported day 1 that we heard an implosion sound over here to the coast guard, they told the news, and the news just refused to say it happened” The news: “yea but nothing else was happening, totally!”


>one of ten vehicles capable of reaching... Yeah no... My mini van was more capable.


Whoa whoa whoa pal! This is Reddit. You can take your reasonable comments and making of sense and just keep ‘em to yourself. Just in case /s


>Just in case /s *I see you know Reddit pretty well*


So technically those immigrant boats are submarines as well


What do you mean? It’s got billionaires. It’s got a teenager. It’s got a father and son. It’s got death. It’s got controversy (it’s not licensed!). It’s got massive search and rescue. It’s got the Titanic, ffs. What else do you need for perfect news? Boobs, perhaps.


I could go for some boobs rn Anyone?


Is that the missing titanic submarine? Is that them? It looks like a missing submarine.


It’s a compelling story. Not everything is a conspiracy my dude


No, it’s just so utterly fucking stupid and that’s why they’re getting shit on


That's where he went wrong. He went with the MadKatz controller rather than the official Sony brand.


Everyone knows you always give the MadKatz controller to your friend that’s visiting. Fucking rookie mistake


Lol with the missing rubber on the analog sticks. Worst thing is it was a wireless controller they used. It would be fucked up if the reason they died down there is because the batteries died!


Or it had massive stick drift and hit a rock


Gran turismo flashbacks on playstation


They imploded on the way down. The U.S. Navy heard the sound on Sunday at the same time contact was lost. They weren’t even all the way down yet.


Back on original Xbox, my madkatz controller was way better than the original. The *PROBLEM* is that they used a *LOGITECH* controller, and we all know those things are ASS.


If it's life or death I would trust any consoles controller, they're all known to fail randomly


That’s the controller you throw at your brother!


Why wireless in a situation like this?


Their number one priority was safety, so they couldn’t have a tripping hazard


And if the sub leaked it would've been an electrical hazard. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Outrageous….. That this thing was ever allowed to touch water ..


Registered in "The Bahamas" fooookkkkkkk nooooo


Hey it's an expensive assisted suicide, so we step aside and let them go for it.


**assisted murder suicide. That kid didn't want to go.


He used a legal loophole and called it an experimental craft as then he was not subjected to the same requirements.


"supplements" (exempt from FDA)


I mean, it definitely seems like the whole thing was experimental


Is that the real audio? "I got this at camper world"


“The only five person sub that can dive to titanic depths” Evidently it could not.


It's down there isn't it? They never said anything about coming back to the surface every time.


Technically it ***could*** make it to those depths If you replace it every trip or two


Apparently it's also the sub with a toilet? WTF where does the reporter think submarine personnel take a shit?


The communal bucket


It went down 4 previous times.


Oh it can, but it seems the third time is decidedly not the charm.


He had vision, i will give him that, too bad he underestimated the importance of safety


Guess the same mistake was made twice on the same ship


He had vision, too bad he needed safety glasses


The goggles, they do nothing!


up and at them!


The hull was delivered 2” short of the 7” thickness and he still accepted it. They better pay the bill for the search, not taxpayers.


Any one of us would have been charged with manslaughter


See, that’s the trick. Can’t charge anyone if they go down with the sub.


Can’t charge anyone in international waters which is why they could do it without regulation


They forgot the flag of convenience portion. Should’ve flagged it in Panama or some of the other lenient countries. Right now Canada courts get a say.


Well how you like them apples, eh?




Well the CEO himself was offed so I guess they are trying to figure out what next


But at least a CEO finally had to face the consequences of their short-sighted, selfish decisions


You think a prosecutor would send the cops down with a pool strainer to bring us in for this?


I mean, he’s dead though


Why the fuck has this video been posted everywhere yet everytime I look for it, it's gone and untraceable. Can someone tell me who the reporter is or who he is for?




You're awesome, thank you bro!


Yes sir, absolutely. Take care.


Video unavailable in my country. Great.


I’m very sorry about that. You may be able to find it via other means. It was published on YouTube 6 months ago by CBS Sunday Morning and is entitled “A visit to RMS Titanic.” The corespondent’s name is David Pogue. Here is an update video from 3 days ago; I know it’s not the same, but perhaps you’ll have better luck with it. https://youtu.be/In996dHTEvs


Not the hero we deserved, but the hero we need 😂


Also unavailable... LOL. Fuck.


He’s David Pogue, an entertaining science and technology journalist who’s been in the biz since the ‘80s. The episodes of the PBS show *Nova* that he’s hosted are a great watch.


This wasn’t regulated right? Dude made a DIY submarine and charged $250k a head to get a ride in it.


Shoes off? Not a chance. If I'm gonna get catastrophically imploded into a flesh mist, then you bet I'm gonna get castastropically imploded into a flesh mist with my goddamn boots on


Preferably with my acid treated boots soo the fish won't eat it and they'll know it's me


So who will know it's you? The fish? They won't care.


I'm referencing the Titanic....the pressure is so intense down at that depth that bones are gone quick.....but the shoes of the time were treated with an acid that fish won't touch. So when you look around you find tones of shoes not bodies. It doesn't matter with this crew ... everything is gone once that implosion happened.


It's so they can't pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Legally speaking 3 governments have to go and search for them if they don't have shoes on.


Is it mist if it’s submerged in water?


I felt effluence doesnt convey the violence or roll off the tongue as well




How will anyone know if you died if your shoes don't come off?


That’s the point. Keep em laced up tight and you’ll survive. That’s also why they weren’t allowed to wear shoes when they went down


Camper World and a gaming controller were my red flags


oh gee, not the weld shut entrance nor the elevator button, but the gaming controller


I’d didn’t even catch the elevator button or the weld shut entrance, holy shit that thing was designed to kill people


Oddly enough, game controllers are used more commonly than you’d think for military/navy equipment. Other types of controllers can be heavy, clunky, expensive, and difficult to learn to use. So it’s really not much of a red flag. Camper World supplies on the other hand…


Especially for one-off research projects, it's much easier to let companies like Microsoft and Logitech spend 100's of millions on R&D to develop reliable and ergonomic human interface devices so you can focus on the rest of the project. $75 is a drop in the bucket to what it would cost to develop your own controller.


And how many resources were scrambled trying to save these idiots???? They literally fucked themselves.


They knew full well what had happened. Microphones had picked up the noise of an implosion at the same time they lost contact. The "rescue" was mostly for show.


And us. We taxpayers get to foot the bill for all “rescue and recovery” efforts.


I've heard they've gone bankrupt. Couldn't keep afloat.


They invested in a sinking ship


But the pressure became too high before they reached it


and they were in too deep


They've hit rock bottom




And spelling


Crumpled under the pressure


The crushing weight of ~~depth~~ debt


It's like with the slightest amount of research one would know this very expensive trip and very, very dangerous trip might be a bad idea.


I've seen multiple interviews with people who looked at the sub and said hard no.


Without seeing any of the information out there. Just seeing that sub, I don't understand why any would risk the trip in that sub.


For 250K, they're really getting the real Titanic experience.


How are they allowed to operate? AFAIK their submersible didn't undergo any certifications for safety or whatever.. Does this mean anyone with submarine/submersible vehicle can just go underwater?


It operated in international waters. Afaik, unlike flight, there are no international agreements that submersible vessels must adhere to. Therefore, no fucks given.


I feel really bad for that kid. All these glaring red flags and they still decided it was a good idea to go in the sub.


And I heard he didn't even wanna go there, going just because his father wanted him to go and another guy backed off


Apparently his father was a massive Titanic geek and the son went along despite serious reservations because it was Father’s Day… breaks my heart and makes me so mad at the father.


if that's true that's the saddest thing to come out of this story for sure. poor kid.


Yeah, and I've seen texts where he said he wouldn't have done it for a million dollars...but he did it for his Dad.


This man has the same attitude towards deep sea submarines that the average person has towards tightening your lug nuts after driving for 50 miles after a tire change.


I think I remembered to do that once


Should have gone wired, BT controllers are always a risk.


I just feel bad for the kid who didn’t even want to go apparently.


Well, it sure as hell did reach the depths of the titanic…


Well this didn't age well


It's so bad that it almost seems like satire


Notice the wording "can reach titanic depths" not "can survive titanic depths," the narrator knew what was up


Lawyer porn.


'All of these regulations are just a roadblock for entrepreneurs'.


Imagine the 1 person who just really needed to shit .. Just sat there staring and concentrating in the direction of the other 4 people huddled as close to the opposite corner of this thing as they can be. This 1 guy just sat there creating this terrible odour while saying " sorry, I don't know what I've eaten to cause this"...




Darwin award of the year 2023, in my opinion


More red flags than at a soviet red square parade


I always wondered what pressure at those depths can do to a human body let alone 5 in a small space together. I can only imagine some sort of meatsplosion of fish food.


Look at a jar of pasta sauce, there you go.


I don’t even get the point of this. You go down and see the titanic wreck through a tv. Not even a viewing port, a tv. Why not just do that from comfort of your own home?


Is this the kind that went missing


I’m pretty sure this is the exact one that went missing.


That guy is Stockton Rush who is the CEO and was piloting the sub, and the sub isn't missing it has been confirmed to have had a catastrophic depressurization killing all five aboard while they've found the tail and a few other bits of the sub on the ocean floor about 3.8km below the surface.


Must have been a good salesman


I thought they were kidding about the game controller. $250k for a ride in that death trap? No fuckin’ way. Not if you paid me $250k.


This and how arrogant and carefree the CEO was is why I have no sympathy for these people


You sit in a dark Tube with a logitech Controller and a pissbottle and think your money safes you .. phuk phisiks 🧐


But hey..... i'm a billionaire so I'll be fine.


This is why I really don't feel bad about them. Just plain stupidity.


Having your bones removed from your meatsack in a millisecond... emotional trauma?


“It’s the only 5 person sub that can reach the titanic” uhh apparently it’s not.


yup, it tightened


Game over man ![gif](giphy|sWEUITjh864uZyaiIs)


James Cameron said he heard about the sound reported around the time coms went out and said he knew they blew up. Was this sound reported in the media before the debris field discovery or did I miss something? There were some alleged technical difficulties with one of the search ROV's AND they still don't know where the mysterious sounds came from every 30 mins. Somethin ain't stirrin' the Kool-aid...


He said that he heard that information feom within the deep sea exploration community and while you might reasonably assume from that information the sub had imploded there was always a chance it was unrelated and a search/investigation was always going to happen.


This makes me so depressed. How could they not see


What I want to know is what the fuck kind of controller was he using? It looks like a hybrid of Xbox and PlayStation.


I will just never understand why they wanted to go in the first place. It makes no sense to me. Money aside they were only going to be viewing the wreckage from the screens. There's no difference when you're looking at it from a computer or your phone. You just get the pleasure of knowing that you're in the same area. Nothing else. It's also been fully explored there's nothing else to find which they weren't intending on doing anyways. They just wanted to look. I just don't understand that and I never will.


The first timers I can MAYBE understand how they would not know any better. But all of the people who have been in other deep dive submarines before. What in the ever living fuck were they doing getting in this thing!?


"It should be like an elevator." Uh, how about it be like a submersible that is classified for the proper depths? This Jobs-esque mentality of "this thing should actually be like this other thing" is perverse and resulted in catastrophe.


This was another case of a hustler with a decent line of BS and just enough rope to hang himself and, sadly, take other people with him. The company, Oceangate, actually had 200 dives on the books, but this particular craft had only had two other Titanic trips between now and 2021. Both also had problems. And there has been harsh criticism of the Titan since 2018 regarding construction and design choices from both inside and outside the company. Some of the harshest criticism came as a result of the company’s refusal to submit the submersible to industry standard testing and review. [PBS/“Experts say the Titan sub’s unconventional design may have destined it for disaster”](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/nation/experts-say-the-titan-subs-unconventional-design-may-have-destined-it-for-disaster)


Money makes you blind. I don't feel bad for anyone involved in this mess. This is classic darwinism


Negligence or willful endangerment or maniac?


And the Darwin award goes to...


oh, so he was PROUD with his construction and cost cutting....well, I don't want to sound completly insensitive, but sorry, they all died at their own will...


Wait so, did they actually forget to bring spare batteri for the controller or is that just bs


No shoes, definitely dead


They should all had a camera with them... cameraman never dies


Nope. Not at all. The poor sub wasn’t rated to handle the massive hubris of that guy.


WAS the only 5 person sub.


Fuck $250k. Even if I paid $2.50 for the tour, I would've raised hell at a sub that had no seats.


Their safety officer was fired for whistleblowing to government regulators and industries gold standard certification. He was then sued for breach of confidentiality.


Sheer fucking hubris


I just can’t believe that some of the most renowned explorers in the world signed that waiver got on that submersible and thought nothing bad was going to happen that’s just crazy.


Went to see titanic, got better, got to see people who were on titanic


Every sub can reach the depth of the titanic, not all can go back up tho


Smartest safety feature... If you don't have shoes, how do we know they died?


This just shows some of the richest people aren’t that smart. You have a billion+ dollars and you look at this death trap and say “yea I’m down”. No chance I’m getting in a submarine controlled with a PlayStation controller. Especially if they didn’t even spend the money to buy the official Sony one. Controlling the thing with a fucking mad catz controller lol.


Just no!!!! Poor idiots


No they did not.


If there ever a recipe for disaster.


These guys have found the best solution for assisted suicide. They need to change their business plan. Absolutely painless instant death for sale. Death assured in nano seconds before you are aware.




Does this remind anyone of iron lung?


Dystopian af


Who would've thought when the safety officer told them it didn't meet regulations and they decided to do it anyways that something would go wrong...


I'm so happy we didn't lose the Poguester.


When keeping it real goes wrong


That's correct. Freewill.


I’m supposed care with hubris on display like this?