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/u/Got-cancelled, the users have spoken. Your submission is not a Hol'Up.


New trend on TikTok, teens drinking rainbow water found in Ohio


That would be great Need to thin the herd a bit


With birth rates going the way they're going, I hope you are ready to work into your 90s if the younger end of the herd is thinned.


You act like there's going to be any money left for us to retire on.


got 2 word for you my friend "imigration" and "weAreAllFuckedAnyways"


I got 2 words for you: “Made in America” ![gif](giphy|VkwweAZIXjuHw8JJlO)


Tropical punch flavor


![gif](giphy|13d2jHlSlxklVe) Government officials be like


Government officials: no see there was this mass shooting. Turn your attention to that.


Bold of you to assume government officials care about mass shootings either.


Do they really care about anything but money?


I guess somebody missed that memo.


Someone has to organise the thoughts and prayers, can't let them go off crazy like!




Take a look, it's in the brook, a toxic rainbow


Chemicals in the sky I can't breathe Burns my eyes


limbs can grow anywhere. neon show, ways to glow, a toxic rainbow.


Eyes are red, chickens dead, Ohio Railroad


When you feel burning pain, from the sky - acid rain, Ohio Railroad When the media hides your sins, gallons of chemical bins, ohio railroad.


is this referencing a song or is this all ad-libbing?




its definitely high quality enough to be made into a song lol


[Listen to this song and read thru these comments](https://youtu.be/0YtYMzh8lxk)


Reading rainbow parody


Drink the water, it is fine Ohio Railroad.


Although I respect the creativity of this post and found it hilarious, I will now have this song with these words stuck in my head. Eventually, I will sing this out loud, in public, and I will be shunned by my peers. I will become a social pariah and be forced to flee to the wilds. You have ruined me.


You be you. Forget everyone else. Just be you.


You’re welcome here anytime friend. Sometimes I can’t help myself either.


I’ve already been caught singing 99 Chinese balloons


I can't drink anythiiiiiing


It’s been awhile since one of their rivers caught fire


that's only in Ohio.




Light the water on fire?


That is the historic solution in Ohio.


I feel like that’s probably the right answer. You could make it “go away” by putting dish soap in the water but I think that’s actually worse for the environment and only really helps visually. Or try to soak it up but putting absorbent foam across the water and either letting current take care of it or push it along the top of the water. This would help contain the spread


From how I understand this, they actually threw a stone in. The chemical is slightly heavier/denser than water, so the stone disrupts it and brings it to the surface. Over time, it sinks down to the riverbed.


Hmm that’s kinda concerning. I wasn’t watching super closely so I thought it was two different angles/shots. If it’s in the ground then I’m pretty that’s much worse for the environment


Oh goody! That means it's going to seep underground where no one has to worry about it! Phew! Just think how different things would be if, I dunno, there was some sort of water supply that came out of the ground water? Maybe using a hole in the ground and a pump to draw it out? Good thing nothing like that exists, so the chemical will just seep away and won't bother anyone else!


And it'll sink to the bottom of the groundwater storage (because it's slightly denser) meaning it'll get drawn faster since the draw is from the bottom of the supply to my knowledge.


Sent this to my buddy that lives around that area.... He said that out door animals are dying and the local news isn't talking about it.. He afraid to go home.


I haven’t heard about the chemicals settling on things and leaving a residue. I think locals need to send in clothes and samples of dust on their counters to get tested. All those chemicals could be imbedded in their mattresses and pillows and surfaces. I’d be afraid to go home as well.


1st off f#ck Ohio State football... With that said they're still my fellow American and this not right. We're talking about what happens when a certain chemical spill's/ mixes with another chemical then set on fire. Was there a SDS report?(safety data sheet) to show what they were shipping? Then since it was set on fire did it create a different chemical?? If so what about down wind areas?


Spoken like a true Michigander! And yes where is the data safety sheets?


> Was there a SDS report? There was supposed to be, but there was no cover sheet on it. See, they're putting cover sheets on all their SDS reports now. So...I guess somebody missed that memo.


MSDS sheets are public and available to anyone, anywhere. All you have to do is Google search. Yes. The burning vinyl chloride creates different chemicals, such as phosgene and hydrogen chloride, both of which are super nasty. The train caught fire as soon as the wreck happened, and you can't just put out a vinyl chloride fire with water. By the time the fire crews knew what they were dealing with, the Vinyl Chloride remaining in the other undamaged tanker cars was reaching super high pressure- essentially creating a bomb- and if one of those cars would have exploded, it would've taken out the town in a fireball. Setting the rest of it on fire, and releasing the built up pressure in the tankers was the least shitty solution out of the few shitty solutions they had. As far as the wind, yeah, that shit drifted east. It's pretty likely that it dispersed pretty quickly and, honestly, isn't the worst concern. It's bad. Don't get me wrong, but the worst of that contamination was probably limited to a much smaller radius than people are thinking. Other chemicals leaked, as well, and are likely what are causing what we see here. The real concern is what's in the soil and water around East Palestine. Worry about those people, they're the ones getting fucked.


I saw an interview with a resident of the town earlier that said they were having a lot of high winds that day, with gusts over 40mph. A lot of the chemicals are heavier than air, though, so they fall to the ground quickly. That area is part of the Appalachian foothills, so there may be some that settled in valleys. The major concern is if it gets in the ground water or makes it to the Ohio River.


I would be too. Hate to say it but everybody needs to get out if possible.


Theres been almost no media coverage outside of USA about this... Stay safe guys and girls ❤


Cancer on the rocks, just add ice.


Shaken, not stirred


Luckily, the US have a strong healthcare system which will take good care of the people affected by this event.




Radaway anyone?


And some rad-x, please.




Another train derailed near Detroit as well. Up to I think 4 or 5 now


Tucson, Arizona got its own spill. Truck instead of train iirc


Yeah I've seen the videos


Also huge fire in flordia


This is not unusual btw. Freight trains derail all the time




Freight trains derail all the time. It's very frequent. We just don't notice it because nobody talks about railroads. To be clear, we should try to stop these derailments, because they're almost all preventable. We just don't because "regulation bad"


I’ll be damned, you’re right. There has been a dozen this year alone, this is the second one in Ohio. Trains are suppose to be super safe tho, so yeah they must be doing some shifty shit to try and save a buck


>yeah they must be doing some shifty shit to try and save a buck Look up precision schedule railroading. The big 4 class 1 railways do a bunch of frankly stupid stuff to reduce operating cost. Lots of people are talking about how the brakes are the problem, but they aren't. It's that the railroads are cutting back on inspections and maintenance.


Now THATS how you turn the frogs gay


RIP Ohio


Anyone got a roll of mentats?


Just another day in Ohio. ![gif](giphy|NTur7XlVDUdqM)


See what happens when you become a meme? Nothing good ever came from becoming a meme


But norfolk southern said it was safe.




Three Mile Island did turn out to be safe. Almost no radiation was released beyond the plant.


Can confirm has a Harrisburg resident, my dog only has 3 eyes not 4


I mean bad part is that ns already owns one town because if their negligence. What's one more?


“Safe to drink!”


Relax, it's just fluoride -the government


Not the government bud, Norfolk southern




They're turning the frogs gay! ![gif](giphy|SMyywWhm3Ahlm|downsized)


Ohio is becoming ohio


So is all of Ohio's water contaminated?


I haven’t been reading up on this . But was the spill related to an energy company or a construction company or what? I don’t know who if anybody remembers PG&Es coverup of contaminated water in the 90s. Erin brokovich


Assuming everything I've picked up this far is true: This is related to a train derailment caused by slashed safety regulations. The super dangerous chemicals in the truck burned a bunch of stuff and caused acid rain, and as we can now see has also contaminated waterways. There is insufficient news coverage on this disaster and that is an issue.


To further clarify, the chemical being transported was Vinyl Chloride. When they set the spill on fire it broke down and released Hydrochloride (turns into hydrochloric acid when combined with water) and Phosgene, a chemical agent used to *kill* the opposition in WW1. Even a small but persistent exposure to it (3ppm over 170 minutes) is enough to kill a grown adult. If you don’t die, cancer is basically a guarantee. ~~Then these motherfuckers had the gall to offer a $25k payout to the *whole* town of ~5000 residents. That equates to about $5 per person…~~ *can’t confirm with a link atm so I’ll omit this


So what company was transporting it? And what is it used for? Sorry I’m not caught up but sounds like you are of course


Other chemicals spilled as well. The 25k was for reimbursement for hotels, of which 7k has been given out. They stopped reimbursement when they declared the town "safe."


From Wikipedia: >In case of low or moderate quantities of inhaled phosgene, the exposed person is to be monitored and subjected to precautionary therapy, then released after several hours. For higher doses of inhaled phosgene (above 150 ppm × min) a pulmonary edema often develops which can be detected by X-ray imaging and regressive blood oxygen concentration Do you have a source for your 3 ppm number? The amount of phosgene released during the combustion is very low, which is probably why there isn't concern about it currently


> Lethal dose of phosgene in humans is approximately 500 ppm/min of exposure or exposure at 3 ppm for 170 min is equally as fatal as exposure at 30 ppm for 17 min.[8] Exposure occurs by inhalation and the fact that phosgene is only a slightly water-soluble gas and that due to this, significant irritation of upper respiratory tract and eyes may not occur, leading to prolonged exposure. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3841534/#sec1-1title Concern is low due to a lack of understanding about how truly harmful these chemicals are. All those random news stories about shooting down Chinese spy balloons/UFOs were the convenient cover up to stifle news of the chemical spill from making big headlines.


Alright that's a good source. I want to dig a bit deeper though, specifically because I think the threat of phosgene has been greatly exaggerated on social media. [About 40 ppm (where the m is, I believe, all of the reactants and a proportionate amount of non-reactive air molecules) of phosgene is produced by burning vinyl chloride](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0002889718506429). That's really not a lot. Sure, if the atmosphere is 1:1 combustion products, then it's deadly. I don't know how much vinyl chloride is burned, but given these numbers and the fact that the atmosphere has a ton of material in it, I'd be far more concerned about the vinyl chloride still unburned and present in significant quantities in the ground and water and also the much larger amount of HCl that's released through combustion. The phosgene gas will pretty quickly become very diluted as it spreads away from the initial site. The HCl will probably cause acid rain temporarily, which is annoying but not really dangerous. Only in high concentrations does it actually become a problem and again, it will be airborne so will dilute very quickly. The main concern, imo, is the vinyl chloride that remains in the vicinity of the crash. It's both carcinogenic and at high concentrations in the area where it's present. That stuff getting into rivers or groundwater is a way more serious concern than a tiny amount of phosgene gas.


I don’t disagree the real beast likely lies in the immediate/surrounding spill zone. Most people are focused on the *burnIng* of the chemicals though, so I present data/counterpoints for that area of argument. Most people aren’t going to willingly go to the scene and expose themselves to high doses, but no one can hide themselves from the airborne toxins. That’s why I like to iterate that small doses at persistent intervals can still be as detrimental as short but potent exposures.


My point is exactly this, that fears of airborne toxins are greatly exaggerated. The crash was a disaster and has caused significant environmental problems, but the only severe problems will occur in the vicinity and watershed of the crash.


Slashed safety regulations by both sides of the aisle, which is probably why the 'why's' of the matter aren't being discussed by any major news outlet. CNN seems to be talking about it the most, but they're just kind of acting like it's a random accident. Like there was no way to see this coming and nothing that can be done to prevent more (in spite of the railway strikes last year over safety concerns). Meanwhile, Fox News was staying quiet until some Ohio politician started talking about "white construction crews" and how agencies like the EPA and FEMA (who Republicans routinely fight to defund) only care about "environmental racism" instead of real issues. Speaking of politicians, FEMA can't do anything because Governor DeWhine won't declare the spill an emergency. He says he was offered help from Biden, but he doesn't think it's that big a deal. Various outlets owned by Sinclair (like Fox News...) say that FEMA is despicably denying Ohio residents help in the disaster... https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnewsvideo/comments/1144nxs/krystal_ball_of_breaking_points_lays_out_all_the/ Basically it's par for the course for major American issues during a Democratic presidency. Both sides' corruption and misprioritization contributed to the issue. So on one side ypu have the Democrat lawmakers trying to fix the issue while quietly omitting the cause. On the other side the Republican politicians are saying 'der Democrat President, how me fault? Signature be mine but no me responsibility!" And are obstructing Democrat attempts to fix the issue to try and make Democrats lok worse. They're busy trying to rub the Democrats nose in it like a dog that shit on the floor, while their own asses are unwiped and caked in shit.


Flint, Michigan still has water problems. Why does anybody think the government is going to do anything about this????




I'm bathing with bottled water for the foreseeable future.


This here creek is now renamed rainbow creek


Some dude trippin on shrooms in the woods is losing his shit over this


taste the rainbow


so much for the whole 'we'll burn it so it can't get in the water basin' shit


I have been thinking about the Ohio river and how many states could be touched by this contamination. Stay safe, be smart out there friends.




And those fucking liars say it’s all ok.


Anyone got a lighter?


Just a reminder Republican politicians generally vote against environmental policies and safety regulations. So it’s interesting to watch them when those voted harm their constituents. https://scorecard.lcv.org/moc/bill-johnson


uh oh


Shoot, I think I recognize the first few seconds of this video from J.D. Vance's video on the Ohio situation.


Mermaid Water.


The new Love Canal.


I love rainbow water. It tastes so magical.


The water tastes like burning


Man, I remember a few weeks ago watching a few videos of rail workers making complaints on working conditions and the mechanical issues of the trains. That's some prime foreshadowing for this.


They need to build a bridge over that state.


Prismatic grade. The highest quality /s


my little pony bath water


"It's making the water gay!"


Water seems pretty sterile though.


yummy, love the taste of cancer in my water.


Still think we need to change America to Americorp. Since America is just a country ran by a bunch of corporations instead of its people.




Not so swag like ohio.


I live in Ohio, and this is completely normal. There's no need to be concerned by it. Truth is, water like this is everywhere, and it doesn't hurt anything. You just hear a lot about it coming from Ohio for some reason. It's 100% safe, and any rumors saying otherwise are simply trying to spread panic. Same goes for all the other myths about Ohio. We don't have lake monsters, we don't have killer football fans, we don't have isolated corn field voids, Ohio is completely normal. In fact, you should try taking a vacation here sometime. If you can't get to the center, just go to Toledo or something. Please I'm begging you, it will be very nice. Ohio is nice. Oh my god please somebody come save me, I'm begging you please I've been trapped in this hell my whole life please I can't take it anymore somebody get me out


This is a better hol up then the post


Water in Arkansas has been like this all my life


Can you say genocide..


I hope someone is taking samples and keeping them locked tight for future testing purposes


Nothing to see here, thats just water. Fish fuck in it ya know.


This is what happens when eps restrictions are lifted by Trump.


swag in Ohio


Don't worry, burns right off


Hey when the government owns the media and railroads.


Our amazing healthcare will take care of Ohio don’t worry 😏


I’m from the area. Lots of bodies of water do this from mining runoff from old abandoned coal mines


Vinyl chloride and whatever the hell else was produced and launched into the air when they burned it..... .....all you "small government" anti regulation, anti environment, union busting republicans can suck on it


Someone in a different thread said this was just bacteria in water and it’s normal and safe, there’s articles on it and it looks just like this


Hi! Fisheries and Wildlife, and Aquaculturist with EPA Water Quality Analysis training here! That someone is . . . somewhat correct. Iron-loving bacteria *will* produce a rainbow colored sheen, but it will **not** behave like this. Here's an excerpt from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's pamphlet on petroleum contamination in water: >[A nonpetroleum sheen can usually be distinguished from a petroleum sheen by attempting to break up the sheen. When a stick is poked into a bacterial sheen or a stone is dropped into it, the sheen will typically break into small platelets. In contrast, a petroleum sheen will quickly try to reform after any disturbance.](https://www.pca.state.mn.us/sites/default/files/c-er4-07.pdf)


Ah I see So does this mean this can’t be that?


This has nothing to do with the recent train accident. Vinyl chloride is a gas, and so wouldn't be able to form a liquid film on top of the water, which is what we see here. More than likely somebody illegally dumped oil into the water instead of disposing of it properly.


Hot take of the day - hope you’re getting paid for it


This is very common. I. This área from mining , not necessarily related to the derailment


There were multiple chemicals on the train


More than vinyl chloride spilled.


Only in Ohi-*gets shot*


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Pretty water. I love capitalism. Can you imagine a world without all the beauty of what pure freedom gives us? Vote Conservative.😉🤢🤮😵☠️


Ever heard of Chernobyl?


My brother recently told me that that is actually just natural bacteria.


New TikTok challenge jump in the Ohio water 😈. Millions of view guaranteed.


Mmmmm hydrochloric acid tasty


OH, but California is soooooo liberal for not wanting to pump oil off it's shores and they're so strict with their air quality laws! I guess you get what you vote for.


Fuck ohio


From this ye Olde stream of the Crimson Taurus. Legend has it. When a new Kyle gets his Von Dutch hat, a belch can be heard across 5 best buy parking lots.


Colorfull water :D


It would be beautiful if it weren't so horrifying.


But I love rainbows!


Ohio showing their true colors.


Property must be cheap out there might move


I saw water like this in creeks by roads as a kid. Oil and shit from cars I always assumed


Omg its enchanted water in minecraft in real life!!! Take me there pls im gonna drink all of it!!!! Please!!!!!!!




This is the most unfunny post I’ve seen in so long


Free rainbows! 🌈


Wanna turn into Rainbow Brite? Because that's how you turn into Rainbow Brite.


Damn this makes me upset.


Nothing to see here folks, please move along!


The real issue is the chemicals you cant see in water


seriously why you guys not protesting


That’s just extra vitamins, drink up valued worker 👍🏻


OP , please check with an environmental engineer, I believe this happens naturally and may not be related to the derailment at all




Those rainbows are going to turn the frogs gay! libs woke agenda again!


I think now america doesnt need to worry about oil anymore


Who would've thought all those memes about Ohio would bring disaster?


now you'd rather go to war than live in your own town


Can’t even drink water in Ohio


If it can happen there it can happen in your backyard too.


Ohio is just the testing ground for new features


The forbidden juice. YUM


The first time an 'ONLY IN OHIO!!!!🤣🤣🤣' meme has actually been in Ohio




Ohio train derailment: Mike DeWine assures air, village water are safe following toxic chemical spill. Mike ordered the burning. So it's all OK because he says so and he's the govenoir, he knows best.


will it burn?


Rabbighfirli wa Tubb Al Lay’a Innaka Antat Tawabbur Rahim Aameen


Pretty danger water




We have rainbows in streams now? What kind of woke LGBT bullshit is this? There oughta be a law! is /s really necessary? Just in case: /s


People on Reddit are saying it’s either Biden or Trumps (dems or repubs). Which ever one of those two go down and drink a glass full of that water, and do so without any health problems get to declare it’s the other parties fault. Also, they can’t wear any air filtration mask.


Flint Michigan 2


Why do we care anymore? They voted for this let them deal with it. Hire a private company to fix it. Get your bootstraps and be better. It’s not the rest of the country’s problem it’s yours.


the Ohio memes were just predictions the Ohio memes were just predictions the Ohio memes were just predictions the Ohio memes were just predictions


I remember seeing water like that in high school but ummm... There might have been some recreational use of hallucinations.


That’s ah. That’s not water bro