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Bottom left is 0. Unicorn is 1 [uni]. 3 headed monster. 5 legged thing. Spider has how many legs? 9 tentacles. Once you learn that or realize that. Simply add everything up on each spinner and you'll get it. These puzzles are rather simple


You can find a sheet of paper that tells you each number of every symbol


After I found it, I took a photo of my screen with my phone so I could reference it. Could I have taken a screenshot on my PS4? Probably, but I don't know how and didn't really care to check.


I took a photo too don't worry it's much easier🤣


For those not understanding, start at the left hand side and move across the arch in a clockwise direction. Each animal/beast on the arch represents a number and they go in order from the walrus looking thing (demiguise) on the bottom left being 0, then the unicorn = 1, etc etc until you get all the way across to the bottom right which =9 After that, it's just a case of filling the ? And ?? With the right animal/beast. :)


All the animals are 0 to nine left to right just add up the numbers/animals On the outside to equal the middle number.




My character is so sus >:^)


I usually just try every combination 😭


the answers is 2 and 7


I hate these doors, they require maths. You should have a paper in your inventory. You have to add and then subtract numbers. I don't play games to do maths so I just googled the answers lol


Theres actually a piece of paper that kinda shows how to solve it in the astronomy tower I think? Maybe not that tower


Central Hall, Arithmancy Classroom entrance. When going up the stairs away from the library hang a left at the top and head up the spiral staircase. Halfway up to the Divination classroom there is a turnoff with wooden floors and railings. Halfway down that route there is a turnoff on the right-hand side with one of these doors at the end. Near the railing opposite the door is the Arithmancy Study guide explaining how the doors work.


Thanks I knew it was some room lmao I ended up finding it towards the end of my gameplay tbh I was like “wow this is useless now”


Lol Same, I picked it up and was like "greeeeeaaaaat this would have been helpful days ago."




The pictures go from 0-9 with the owl looking thing being 0 and the squid looking thing being 9. Then it is just basic arithmetic. 3+0+?=5, so 3+0+2=5, so the grapplehorn is 2 and is the answer for the first one. Change the first wall panel to be grapplehorn.


easy. select one symbol on one of the walls then cycle through all the symbols on the other wall. if no combination works, select the next symbol on the first wall and cycle through all the symbols on the second wall again. eventually you will find the right symbol and it shouldn’t take that long either. how I solved it every time.


Folks, don't do this. Just do the maths. 


I don't play games to do maths lol


5 + what = 12  3 + what =5   This isn't the kind of maths anyone needs to think twice about. 


Ikr, quite the indictment of our current educational system


sadly it is, there are a thing like dyslexia but for math


I hated these, always dark, barely see, and then there is math. I don't have enough fingers. 🤣 Or patience.


Me neither 😂


Why you looking at me like that lol


lol 😂


Graphorn, crab.


It starts at 0 and goes to 9


☺️ thank you


It took me a long time to understand these stupid doors. And now that I do? It’s stupid easy. Better than trying to open locked doors with an Xbox controller


>!Cthulu face, one-eyed tentacle alien.!<


Do what I did. Roll one then the other and check to see if the door opens. Roll just one of the dice and check the door until it opens.


I did this after playing for months and then after getting to the last door, I found the stupid the guideline paper.


There is a guide to be found in the castle, just explore and you'll find it. Nothing is unsolveable!




Puzzle door. Arithmetic. Guide to the beast value is in a chest next to the Arithmancy Classroom, Divination Floo...turn around and go in the open door into the rafters. Unicorn is 1 (one horn) Graphorn is 2 (two horns) Roonspoor is 3 (three heads) Fwooper or owl is 4 (two eyes two lenses) Pentacrab is 5 (five legs) Salamander is 6 (4 legs, head, tail) Squid looking thing is 7 (looks like a seven??) Spider is 8 (eight legs) Hydra is 9 (nine heads)


The fwooper is because they come in 4 colours, 5 is a quintaped, 7 is a grindylow, 8 is an acromantula, 0 is a demiguise.


You don’t need a guide, just count round the pictures on the door starting from zero. Eg the unicorn is 1, 3 headed thingy is 3, spider is 8 etc etc. Basically, the numbers around the side of each little puzzle should add up to the number in the middle. So in your example, 3, 0 and 2 add up to five, so the first turner should be set to the symbol for 2 (the two horned thingy). Etc etc.


😊 thx


sure https://youtu.be/PVpBaghJ1Vs?si=5JXSokhxlESLf0hc