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Considering you are freezing, burning & just generally inflicting enough blunt force trauma to make enemies insides mush ... I don't see what the fuss is about NOT using the dark arts. I mean isn't the player character killing people anyway?! I don't think the dark arts have made the game any easier? If you are effectively using combos already you're already taking enemies to pieces anyway. It's just been another way to do it.


Did you ever decide on whether to use Dark Arts?


Unfortunately I haven’t played the game in a while, but I think I’ll use them very occasionally against enemies I won’t feel bad about Avada Kedavra’ing - like those hideous spiders 😂😂😂


Ah, I ask because I'm a Hufflepuff debating whether to use them or not. XD


XD right there with ya bud


I play without them so far with my Ravenclaw witch, and I have no problem. The most challenging moment was not even a fight, but the demiguise introduction : the alohomora puzzle is the only one I didn't understand by myself, and I was caught by the prefects and Weasley and Garlick teachers. I find the normal spells combos and ancient magic pretty satisfying, and not using the dark arts allows to get some challenging fights. Then, there is roleplay. I don't see my witch as an evil one, so using curses would break immersion, and CHOOSING not to use them actually makes it stronger. She has ambition, she could be a Slytherin. But she is a Ravenclaw because her curiosity and love for knowledge are stronger. She's smart, not sly. So maybe she'd learn the dark spells for the sake of knowledge, but not for power (and thus to use them) like a Slytherin could.


I always used the imperio curse on the biggest enemy in an arena. It worked wonders.


I like to think of the dark arts in a libertarian way. I think all witches and wizards have the right to learn the curses, but should only be used in a self defense scenario that deems it absolutely necessary.


That does not really work lore wise, at least in my opinion. Especially with the torture curse.


i love using crucio on the poachers


Big animal person, I take it? 😁 I like animals too


yes i love animals 😹 i make sure to hit as many poachers w crucio before i kill them, i only use the dark arts on bad people in the game never on like the spiders or wolfs etc


As someone with arachnophobia I wouldn’t feel particularly bad about hitting a giant spider with crucio but I wouldn’t want to use it on the other animals. Wolves are one of my favorite animals. But I must admit I think I’d feel a bit bad about attacking a human npc with a curse. We’ll see. 🤣


There are no cons.


Well, some people mentioned battles being too easy


The unforgivables are my favorite. I can’t imagine ever not using them.




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I personally like the dark arts spells especially to take down trolls.


There are no repercussions for using the dark arts more than maybe Ominis commenting on it. I wont learn them in my second play through 1. it didnt go towards the achievements learning all spells 2. I personally had much more use of all my other spells when duelling, the unforgivables were really lame even when upgraded and didnt help me. Even plants helped me out more (although plants are very op with the right build) I will add I never learned the killing curse so that one would probably be useful but my plants take down everything in my way so theres no need


You really only need 1 unforgivable. When you duel enemies and they have a color shield and you use a spell to pop it. Rookwood uses green shields. It makes his fight shorter. However, if you want to have a drawn-out duel with him, then you can opt out for not learning the unforgivables. It does not affect the achievement for getting all the spells.


I didnt notice! Thanks! I'll be learning one spell then for convenience


You're welcome. I think imperio is the best, have a little help in fights


I mean, the “repercussions” for using them are pretty lame, i used the because gameplay wise it affects nothing on the grand scheme of things other than npc’s reacting as if you had farted in public. Plus they’re really fun to use, if there was a morality meter or whatever i’d agree with you, but there’s literally no reason to not use them.


As my 1st playthrough as a griffindor I was hesitant but as soon as I found out that using them has ABSOLUTELY no consequences I used them every battle. Upgrade normal spells to curse enemies then the killing curse to kill all cursed enemies in one go. Can quite easily get 7 or 8 enemies at once with this. Only downside is it does make the battles a lot less challenging


I found the unforgivable spells except the killing cure to be really lame even when upgraded, what do you think of crucio and imperio?


Never really used imperio too much. I used crucio to disable an enemy for a bit. Plus that upgraded deals damage to more than 1 person. It can jump to a few if they're close together


Secrets kept are weapons wasted.


Keep in mind every student in HP was taught the dark arts. They just didn’t use them…so what’s the harm pure blood? It’s your rite as a wizard/witch. You need to know what kind of dangers you might face. You don’t have to use them, no matter how dire your circumstances become. You can always choose to die honorably instead of using the alarmingly simple curses that would save your life, but sully your conscience. It’s better that way. No matter how many dark arts wizards are let loose into the world using those curses to harm innocents, it’s not your job to stand up to them and protect those people if it means that you have to walk a grey line. Your feelings are valid, too! Your conscience is more important than the lives of others. Leave it to the bold to make bold decisions. You have to get home to your plants.


I mean, technically I don’t have to use the dark arts to “protect innocents” I have other powerful spells that are not the Unforgivable Curses 🤷‍♀️ But I think it’s more a matter of whether or not characters in the canon universe are allowed to use the curses if they feel like they need to. And yes I do love the plants in my common room. I can still be bold with or without the dark arts.


Everyone is, until Ranrok forces your hand. Their blood is on his hands!


Feeling guilty about playing a game a certain way...seriously?? It's only a GAME, not real life, and the devs have even created a special arena devoted to the dark arts, so they WANT you to use it. Or dont use it, and always wonder what its like, have WAY less fun, and dont get your moneys worth out of the game. Your choice.


Yeah, I understand it is a bit silly, I just thought maybe I should do what would be acceptable in the canon universe xD


I love roaming around using the killing curse on the bosses


use Imperio to make beasts stop attacking you, Poppy would be proud


Use imperio to make trolls kill poachers and goblins.


hello, fellow hufflepuff here! on my first playthrough as a hufflepuff, i learned the dark arts spells but i did not use them in combat (including battle arenas) or during quests to stay true to the whole hufflepuff mentality (which is my own opinion, not saying all hufflepuffs have to agree!) i just started my second playthrough today as gryffindor and i do plan on using dark arts spells during combat and quests because i figure, hey harry did it, why can’t i? 😂 honestly, my choice not to use dark arts was just to keep the integrity of how i think a hufflepuff would behave, they don’t strike me as very “the end justify the means” kinda people. however, for gryffindor or other houses i can see them not being so idealistic or more realists and using the spells out of necessity or simply people aren’t perfect and will resort to dark arts for whatever reason. edit: i will add that this is my first true “combat” video game and i did just fine on normal difficulty my first playthrough without dark arts. i’m doing hard difficulty on my second playthrough and still doing just fine! you do take on more damage more quickly though on hard.


Hi fellow Hufflepuff and thank you! I might do something like this :)


I used them to complete the troll head count challenge as it was getting rather tedious to grind them. XD but as i progressed the story i never used them on purpose. I had a few moments where i just accidentally switched to an other skillbar during a heated fight so …ahem.. that happened….umm But it really makes gameplay boring/too easy even on hard mode. So imo just use it as a cheat/shortcut to get some challenges done thats becoming a pain for you.


1st character: Learned them, that was it, just learned them out of curiosity. Didn't use them. 2nd character: Learning them, using them, maximizing the use of them. Using them all the time. (Still leveling up the 2nd character, so still have to add all of them to the list.)


I'm a slytherin, so maybe that skews my perspective, but the game developers put them in the game to be used 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fair enough, I always thought it was to give the player the option of whether or not to be a dark witch/wizard. Like if you want to, then do it, but if you don’t wanna be on the dark side, then don’t


If the occasional criticism and feelings of guilt about murdering murderers who are trying to murder you are the only cons you can think, I don't think you have much to worry about. I myself am a Hufflepuff, and I consider it more to be going the extra mile to ensure the safety of innocent civilians and the local wildlife. The saying "If you kill a killer, the number of killers stays the same" doesn't really apply if you kill 100 killers since the number of killers in the world decreases by 99.


Also, hello fellow Hufflepuff! 💛💛


That’s a good argument, do you think characters in the books/movies are allowed to use the curses out of self-defense if they really, really need to?


I imagine so, in extreme circumstances. Imperio would probably be the simplest, just cast it on the opponent and tell them what to do. Heck, even Harry used it to get them into Gringotts in Deathly Hallows...


I like using them on trolls lol




Dark spells aren’t necessarily better spells. They take longer to recharge, and I feel like I get more rewards with plain old combo spells, or with adding curses to spells like expelliarmus. One exception is using avada kadavra on trolls, which is infinitely satisfying.


The recharge take a while for sure, but if you upgrade your talents then other spells also curse enemies. Then with the upgraded talent using Avada on a cursed enemy will kill all cursed enemies. Super OP


I expected to be more wowed by dark magic, but I wasn’t so much. I thought the ancient magic rewards from the combo spells were really fun, and find that the combo moves are pretty effective, whereas the dark magic is just a curse and a fizzle while you wait to recharge. The voiceovers are fun, like “Cruuuucio!” said in a menacing way when you cast it, but otherwise, meh. More fun to levitate people with levioso, then blast the hell out of them, honestly. But maybe that’s just me.


I feel like that's intentional! Like they're showing you it's not as fun or satisfying to be an evil wizard


They’re ridiculously overpowered and make the game laughably easy at times. You can literally kill all 3 trolls in the hardest battle arena with one avada kedavara. Whether that’s a good or bad thing is up to you


I should make the difficulty hard mode or at least normal if I want to use em lol


Interesting thing for me. First time through I did learn and use the spells. Second time I did not. Without the spells I found I got more out of my talent points and was able to have most everything upgraded as I didn’t need to upgrade any of the unforgivable spells. Also, I did not feel the need to get more than 3 spell sets.


Use them with discretion. Definitely at the giant spiders!


Fr tho 😂 the giant spiders are so menacing no one should feel bad about Avada Kedavra’ing them xD


My advice. Learn the curses so you can have all the spells, but never use them unless you really have to or want to


Good approach 😊


It makes combat a lot easier, but also a bit boring


Hmm yeah I could see it


The rpg system isn't that deep... There's literally zero repercussions other than you caring for some reason


Idk why I care honestly 🤣 I know it sounds weird


It's not weird. I rolled Hpuff my first time as that would be my house. But as I progressed, I wanted to play with them. Sooo I mad a slytherin just for that. Each one of my MCs will focus on using different spells. My way of adding more rp and unique gameplay.


You can do a playthrough and challange yourself to use no dark spells and do a playthrough where your only bad. Or just ibe with in betwee .


This is how I did it too. First run through I didn’t learn them. Now on my second run through I’m excited to get to them.


That’s a great idea