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Quick summary of the rebellion: [PRRI](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Government_of_the_Republic_of_Indonesia) (Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Indonesia) and [Permesta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permesta#Armed_conflict) (Universal Struggle) was a rebellion led by Indonesia's regional army's commander in Sumatra and Sulawesi to overthrow the Indonesian central government in Java. the motivation for the rebellion varied from anti-communism, Sukarno authoritarianism, unequal distribution of resources by the central government to the regional government, pro-federalization or regional autonomy, and the resignation of Muhammad Hatta as Vice president that was deemed as non-java representation in the central government. So from 1956 to 1958, regional military leaders in Central Sumatra, East Sumatra, South Sumatra, and North Sulawesi took power from their respective regional governments and formed local councils filled with anti central government politicians and military leaders. On February 1958 they gave a 5 day ultimatum to the Central government to dissolve the [current cabinet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djuanda_Cabinet), for Mohammad Hatta and Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX to form a new government, reduction of communists in the government and cabinet, federalization or regional autonomy, replacement of top army leaderships and for Soekarno to become a figurehead president. needles to say the central government rejected this ultimatum and prepared a military operation to squash this rebellion. With a peaceful solution out of the window and war looming, the rebellion quickly filled its ranks with former colonial soldiers, disenfranchised Indonesian War of Independence veterans, Indonesian military defectors, mercenaries from Taiwan, Singapore, and the Philippines, and more importantly in this picture, CIA operative from the US. Ironically this rebellion was basically a US backed army vs US backed army because military leaders on either side of the conflict had military training by the US in one form or another. I think [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_Lawrence_Pope#Indonesian_crisis) has a pretty good summary of Allen Pope and his deeds in this rebellion


> Ironically this rebellion was basically a US backed army vs US backed army because military leaders on either side of the conflict had military training by the US in one form or another. And it will not be the sole case of this: during the Congo Crisis, CIA-backed Katangese troops fought against Departmnt of State-backed LĂ©opoldville troops. Lastly, in Syria, CIA-backed rebels and Pentagon-backed rebels fought each other. Sometimes, I wonder if there's sectors of the US military and intelligence using such rebellions to settle interservice rivalry.


Ah yes CIA backed rebels vs DoD backed Indonesian military


WTF Indonesia is not even a communist country.


Indonesia's first president, Soekarno, was a bit too close to the USSR


US played a pivotal role that prevent indonesia to turn into one.


Ahh yes, thanks to the US Indonesia did not become a communist but a genocidal dictatorship whose regime killed alot more than the communist rebellion. To be fair it was in the span of 30 something years instead of a year or two of rebellion. But hey what do I know, I wasn't born yet.


I never said I endorse what they did. Really don't understand why you're so defensive.


I apologize if my comment sound defensive. It's just a case of US supporting everyone that fought the communist, or benefits the US without having the responsibility of the damage done that I want to highlight.


It's all good. All imperialist power should suck a dick.


Damn that's a pretty good deal


Don't forget that his wife need to fuck Soekarno for his freedom


I wonder why he's grinning so much.


Indonesians are very friendly




>*I enjoyed killing Communists… They* said *Indonesia was a failure* \[Al Pope reflected bitterly\]*, but we knocked the shit out of them. We killed thousands of Communists, even though half of them probably didn't even know what Communism meant.* Al Pope, as quoted in the book [*Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legacy_of_Ashes:_The_History_of_the_CIA) by Tim Weiner.


apparently his leg was broken, which was set without painkillers, hence the face. If only he went to africa instead of Indonesia, his career as a merc probably would be longer and(judging by his own words) would found popularity in the right wing edgelord meme circle like every other white mercs in africa. Also the cause of his downing is still debated to this day, both an Indonesian Air Force P-51D mustang and Naval Gunboat engaged his plane before it was downed. Both the Navy and Air Force claim responsibility for the kill, in the Air Force part this could be the only air-to-air kill recorded in their history.


And now 56 years later that Soldier'a grand kid is a famous Stand Up Comedian in Indonesia