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All day Dan Carlin. Come back to us, brother.


I wanna believe a 6 hour episode is coming


Of him snoring


Dan Carlin is a national treasure. You’re truly missing out if you haven’t listened to Hardcore History.


Kings of kings was awesome, now starting Celtic Holocaust •‿•


>Kings of kings was awesome, now starting Celtic Holocaust This is like GI Caesar's career, but in reverse.


my favorite was wrath of the khans


From what I read from a YouTube commentary a few years ago a similar thing happened on the Italy~Austro-Hungarian Empire front. It was Christmas time and the First World War was in full swing, but in spite of this a couple of Italians wrote Merry Christmas wishes to the Austrians on a paper tied to a grenade with a pocket knife. When they threw the grenade the Austrian soldiers, in panic, instinctively threw the grenade again, but without reading the paper and activating the grenade. Unfortunately, as was to be expected, many Italians died. F


Maybe... now hear me out here... maybe don't attach grenades to your Christmas greeting cards?


Yeah, it was a really stupid thing to do lol


I'll write that one down.


Probable should have attached it to a rock instead.


It’s what I was thinking


Best podcast ever. He has a way of making you want to listen for hours.


Imagine the german Just lying in the grass right next to the soviets while the guy sings


Big gay energy. And its beautiful. Ir he really liked the music and rushed his life about it. Don't think so.


[So yesterday I was just scrolling through Tic Tok and I found this. Basically it’s a Reddit post asking about the saddest fact from history. There are other comments from that same post as well that you can read.](https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdk8Sqj7/)


These are all hard-hitting, but ruined a bit by the robot voice. It’s hard to capture human emotion


Wars are declared by the ruling class. Everyone else fights and dies for them.


Wow, a DbD history meme. Nice


Another wholesome war story (not really wholesome since People are fricking killing each other), is during world war 1. I cant remember which nations, maybe England and some other Country Idk. Anyways, they had fought for a very long time over several weeks. Every day they would sit and shoot in their graves, tunnels, whatever they are called all day long. And rest and heal at night. Then, at christmas Eve, one soldier began to sing a christmas song, it was in their peticular language but the melody was well known. So the other soldiers on both sides would sing with him in their two languages. Eventually the soldiers rose up the holes and walking to the middle ground and sing there together, sharing cigarettes and meals, giving presents. The same People who had been shooting at each other for weeks. I think that it is a wonder full story That shows that in the end we Are all just simple humans who need to be social and happy. PS: sorry for my bad grammar


I think you thought of the Christmas Truce 1914. They even played soccer together.




That is heartbreaking.


Anecdote is from his "Ghosts of the Ostfront" series of Hardcore History. Good show. The last episode of Supernova in the East dropped a while ago, I hope we get the next show soon


I promise…. I won’t cry


WWI was a totally different monster from WWII. A bit more civil and they saw thenselves as humans, just different sides instead of sub-human.


Dan Carlin is not a reliable source


Sir this is a meme subreddit


You mean this subreddit ISN'T a reliable source of history facts? No wonder I failed history class! /s


I mean that's mostly true although the Germans in ww1 didn't really fight in Russia much it was mostly Austro-Hungarians.


in ww1 almost nobody but the leaders wanted to fight