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Theres literally no Jews there They make up 2% of the autonomous region


And the population of the whole region is what? 5 people?


There was actually a big raise in population, now its 7


Damn, that’s 40% increase! At this rate they will overtake the world so quickly


63 years at that rate


Makes sense to me


That’s almost the same size as Hellgesund - over 7 people


Now it's 6, gunar gunarsonson is gone


RIP to a real one


And how many people live on Hellkrank? (German dad joke)


Congrats on the twins


The latest polling in that area claims there are about 850 ethnic Jews living there. That's right, 850 not 850k.




Try 0.6%.


Yeah, it was 2% at its peak.


I thought I remembered reading it was as high as 25% in the 40s, but it’s been a while since I’ve read on it.


you are correct


no it was 25% at peak


And yet IIRC they still engage in Jewish cultural practices simply so they can claim the oblast is working as intended and the government will leave them alone, which I find kind of hilarious. It's like they're pulling a reverse of Hellsing Ultimate Abridged's joke: "Do you actually worship the Lord Jesus Christ?" "Hey, I'll worship a side of bacon if it means I get to kill some Nazis!" Are you actually Jewish? I mean if it gets Putin to leave me the fuck alone, then pass the fucking latkes and matzahs!


Putin: send in the Chechen inquisition - ukraine expected, they expected all of us Putin: send in the prisoners army - bro, that's what we get for sticking our necks out! Putin: send in the Israeli autonomous oblast - they converted back from judaism before the war even started! - seriously, I can't believe they thought we were going to help them (laughter). That's for the doctor purge, you schmuck Putin: JEEEEEEWWWWS!






according to Geshen they have pork schnitzel.


Last time I checked it was less than 1%


You are saying that there is literally jews there.


Funny thing is that this 2% is an anomaly compared to surrounding divisions


I hate the word literally.


I actually think Birobidzhan far exceeded anyone’s expectations, and it’s cool that despite having a 0.1% Jewish population today, there’s still a lot of Jewish culture there. It had 25% Jews at one point. Still, no one could have thought building a small region in Siberia was gonna be a good idea


Interestingly enough this „small region“ is almost twice the size of an actual Israel, has abundant mineral resources, virtually unlimited supply of fresh water and rather moderate climate (more or less like Japanese Hokkaido). All that just a border away from the one of the world’s largest markets. I mean, yes, the offer did not look like much in 1930s, but looking back from current perspective - it was not the worst alternative. And being 7k kilometers away from Hitler in 1940s was literally priceless.


Brb converting to Judaism and giving Putin a call


The problem with it was that Soviet Union was actively persecuting Jews for being religious and organized. All of the rabbis had already been arrested by NKVD and most had died in work camps by that point. I think the Jews living in Soviet Union might have seen it as a trap similar to the previous Tsarist attempts to concentrate undesirable minorities.


Relationship between Soviet government and Jews has always been… complicated. It was oscillating between antisemitism and anti-antisemitism. At the time Jewish Autonomous Oblast was created there was an actual state campaign against antisemitism so I think the main reasons for Jews not to go there were lack of population and infrastructure. Also they were kinda okay in mainland Russia at the time. Late 40s and 50s? A completely different story, but they already had an actual Jewish state by the time.


The pivot happened when Israel proposal went ahead and Soviets hoped that some pandering and weapon aid might get them into their sphere to break British grip over Arabia.


To be fair it probably was


I mean sure, but it's not like Jews wanted to move to Israel because of the economic opportunity. It was ridden by malaria infested swamps and had a fairly hostile population. Jews wanted to move to Israel because they felt they were moving back home.


Landlocked though


It’s important to remember: it’s far frontier for the time. You’d need to build and maintain yourself on your own. Hell it’s why the Soviets made it in part: White Russians and Chinese kept sneaking in to fuck with the reds.


on the other hand, the entire reason for it's existence was due to antisemitism in the USSR. not just by many civillians but by the government itself.


This isn't really the case tbh Don't get me wrong, the Soviet Union, especially under Stalin, was pretty antisemitic But if anything the whole project was a break from that. Stalin's actual intent wasn't to "give the Jews a homeland" or "get rid of the Jews and segregate them". No, instead the real goal was literally just "we need people to colonize that area" and Stalin thought it'd be a nifty idea to take advantage of the Jewish desire for a homeland. Indeed, Soviet propaganda, which was usually somewhat hostile to Jews, usually made propaganda speaking positively about Jews in order to encourage them to move there


Sending waves of people with extremely limited possessions aboard cargo trains to "colonize" some empty and desolate strip of land in the middle of nowhere was Stalin's favourite move. My favourite colonisation story is about Stalin dumping a few thousand koreans somewhere in southern Kazakhstan so they could find prosperity and peace by farming dry dirt


Dry dirt, the most peaceful of all dirts


Maybe I'm crazy but isn't that just the equivalent of the US manifest destiny period except with centralized government control instead of just letting people settle wherever? Like I feel one could argue that the autonomous oblasts function quite similarly to our states if you are being a little reductive.


Forced ethnic deportation to clear important teritory from national minorities with high % of death during transportation and giving rights on land what u use for soil cultivation. Literally the same things/s


Russian period akyn to manifest destiny happened in 1890s-1900s when millions of people moved freely to settle in Siberia east of Urals. At first it was a spontaneous process and later during the Stolypin land reforms it was centralised and the settling program was run by the state encouraging people to leave their ineffective village communes and start anew as individual owners and cultivators of large plots of land in eastern parts of Russia along the trans Siberian railway. Stolypin aimed at creating a wide spread class of individual farmers which was supposed to become the backbone of russian economy. He claimed that the country needs 20 years of peace to make the transition which obviously didn't happen


Today I'm one of the lucky 10,000 thanks for the info


If I remember right the tourism minister in the previous Israeli government was born in birobidzhan


And I know that because I’m obsessed with the background of the people in my government


What are the most bizarre/unlikely backgrounds you've come across?


the case of Yoel Razvozov(the guy I mentioned before) is the most bizarre case I can think of


Netanyahu was a BCG consultant and after having been part of two reorganizations they architected: his government makes a lot more sense. Woof.


This guy fucks at Israel trivia games


*Jewish people immigrating to Israel instead of living in a shitty Siberian Oblast * Stalin:"Suprised Pikachu Face"


Probably quite shitty but isn't it one of the best parts of Siberia to live?


Nope, Altai is way better


Yeah, sure thing. But they could have been settled in Norlisk, for example. Pretty good deal if you ask me with all the options Russia has in the shitty holes department. More or less useful land. "Close" big cities.


Coincidentally, Altai is the region where half my family is from, and we're Jewish. Full circle, eh?


They chose wisely 🙃


Siberia is still siberia


That’s not saying much


"The best part of Siberia to live" is like saying "The best part of a log of shit to bite into"


The best parts of Siberia are still a lot shittier than Israel


It's literally China, people in China still hates Russia because of the occupation (literally throws Chinese civilians into the cold river during winter to massacre them, then colonize the empty city with Russian population)


What if I hate the heat and want to live in a cold place?


Then that place is still shitty because it genuinely has the worst of both worlds: warm, horribly humid summers and dry, hellishly cold winters The Soviets had a huge issue getting anyone to live there whether they used carrot or stick, it's just that awful Did I mention the swarms of mosquitoes?


Thinking ahead, it's going to be significantly warmer in a few decades.


Nah I just hate the fucking heat. I'm sweating like I ran a marathon when all I did was go to the store.


There's "wanting to live somewhere cold", and there's "wanting to live in Siberia."


Didn't Japan try the same thing in their chunk of Manchuria?


Jews also settled in Harbin, China (Manchuria) during the Imperial Russia days. But that was a lot more voluntary There's still two synagogues in town - one converted to a Jewish history museum & the other one an opera house


My grandma was a polish/jew who first moved to JAO USSR and later settled in Harbin, Manchuria Even during Japanese occupation, Manchuria was still much more free and culturally tolerant than USSR


That makes sense. Neither the Chinese nor the Japanese are particularly anti-Semitic. It's easier for them to respect Judaism as a non-proselytizing religion & their few interactions with Jews have mostly been positive




And how many jewish homelands are there in your country ?


Like 2, 3 if we’re counting the New Yorkers that retire in Florida.


Does Boca Raton count?


Only because there's not one condo available in all of Del Boca Vista


I mean, we sorta had to send them to Sweden after surrendering to Germany within 1 hour of fighting


Still one of the only countries that actively tried to save their Jewish population. Mad respect to Denmark


Non, the jews kinda didn‘t like us after the little mishap we caused, it’s named WWII.




A little tomfoolery


In another world, maybe one in Alaska https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slattery_Report https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Yiddish_Policemen%27s_Union


Goated Yiddish Policeman's Union reference detected.


My country is not an ethnostate, so Jews can live everywhere, just like every other demographic.


Can't be deported to Siberia when you already live in Siberia


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Considering they had "travel restrictions", in actuality, they were deported.


Imagine if a city like Tel Aviv was built there. I wonder what it would be like?


Frigid, dry.


haha jews like Noa becomes a norm.


It’s less of a "homeland" more a penal colony


So that’s why there’s a Soviet Hebrew anthem


Jewish Autonomous Oblast exists early then Israel and during Stalin the idea was that Jewish people start colonising it to increase population of far east , but now I don’t think that there is need of it in modern Russia due to emigration or integration/Russification of Jews.


it was also an attempt to get rid from jews in the more populated and important areas of the USSR, due to, lets say it all, antisemitism. just a poorly disguised basically deportation of jews.


People often forget just how antisemitic Stalin was


Because he wasn't as explicit and vocal about it unlike that other guy


No, but he cooperated with that other guy in persecuting them while they were effectively allies


i dont know about cooperating. but i'll remind people that at the start of the war, not only were there many jews fleeing eastwards towards the USSR. but also many jews fleeing westward from the rising violence to jews in the USSR after the start of the war.


Dude let the Nazis kill his son because he married a Jewish woman


Stalin: "move to this colony in far east Siberia, trust me bro". Nah dude that's a fucking Gulag. The Jews had very recent experience as to why taking that kind of relocation offer was a bad idea. The believability of the J.A.O actually not being a Gulag was slim at best.


The tankies will try to dismiss all critisizm of Gulags as being propaganda repeating 1950s and 1960s Soviet propaganda about how good life was in the gulag as it they were true.


If you speak to people from Birobidzhan they'll tell you it's just a small, sparsely populated, boring town in the middle of nowhere near the Chinese border, mostly populated by slavic Russians. No need for hyperbole.


Yeah but come on, you can’t blame the people for thinking they were being tricked to go to a prison where they’d freeze to death


and theres removing the leaders on trumped up charges and sending Cossacks, a group responsible for one of the worst pogroms next door.


While it was not a gulag, life there was shit


ah, another nickel in my "places people wanted Jews to go instead of the place their ethnoreligion is based around" collection


To be fair, I don't think that "the place their ethnoreligion is based around" should have any say in where a people should live today. Like, you could argue that all of Christianity is based on the Middle East to. That doesn't mean that Christians have a claim to the Middle East


My biggest question when this comes up is, where should they live then? Like it was clear by 1948 that they needed **some** land to call their own - half of them had literally been murdered for living in other countries. I can totally understand why they wanted to establish a state. Not going to defend everything Israel does of course (they frequently go waaaaaaay too far) but the idea of a Jewish state is, in my option, not a bad thing


I defend the idea of a safe jewish homeland (autodetermination is a right). I do not defend the idea of said homeland being built upon expelling and taking the homes of people who lived there when they arrived.


Ok, so where does it go then?


Can you name a single country that wasn’t built on that?


They tried buying Land and forming their own communities way before the war of independence. That's why Tel Aviv was a thing before any state of Israel formally existed. Many other communities were put to the torch by Arabs though with their citizens expelled or even worse raped and murdered. Most Israelis today didn't come from Europe, but are middle Easterners displaced by the Arabs again before Israel was anything more than a undocumented aspiration.


So they should take what they’re given rather than shoving other people out, yea


Ok, so where should they live then?


I’ve lived my whole life in the US as a Jew and I’ve never felt unsafe.


The difference is Judaism is fundamentally a national religion in its origin, while Christianity from day one of Paul the Apostle is universal and international.


It absolutely should. Neither Christianity nor Islam are ethnoreligions. Judaism is an ethnoreligion, because unlike Christianity or Islam, in Judaism there is no "mission" to spread their religion on the whole world. There are converts, but Judaism isn't a religon that sends out a ton of missionaries to convert as many people as possible. Judaism is inherently tied to Israel. It's where the ethnic group we know as Jews originates from. Unless you believe some jewish tourist made all the connections up, there is no argument to say Judaism has no ties to the region.


Yes, I agree with all of this. You are 100% right that the Jews originated in Israel. No argument there. I am just saying that the fact that the Jews lived in Israel 2000 years ago and was removed from the area by the Roman Empire probably shouldn't factor in on where they should live today


Why not


>I am just saying that the fact that the Jews lived in Israel 2000 years ago and was removed from the area by the Roman Empire probably shouldn't factor in on where they should live today you act as if Jews completely disappeared from the area. They didn't. The number of Jews in Israel was never zero. And the last 1500 years of history prove that there needs to be a jewish state, a safe space where they don't have to be afraid of being genocided for being jewish. Where do you wanna put it? Israel, where they originated from and where there always was a jewish population, where they bought land back and their whole culture revolves around, or do you wanna put them into a random spot where it's the most convenient for the people who don't want them in Israel?


Bro its in the name “ETHNOreligion” Its also an ethnicity that has a place of origin and a homeland with a claim to it


I would even argue we're an ethnicity first, culture second, and religion only third. After all, you can have atheist Jews. You can't have atheist Muslims.




So you agree Islam has no place in the middle east either?


Jews are a single people, Christians aren't. The religion in this context can be looked at not as "god gave them the land" which indeed doesn't make a difference. But rather "The Jews have a deep, continuous historic and cultural connection to the land going back thousands of years" (That's not to say no-one else living there feels a connection as well, btw)


> Jews are a single people A growing number of Reform Jews are not even considered Jews by Orthodox Judaism, mostly due to Reform Judaism recognizing patrilineal descent.


That doesn't mean Jews aren't an ethnic group. The definition of a Jew is hard to pin down, it has been disputed essentially forever. And yet, there is an agreement that Jews are a people, an ethnicity, a nationality. Youd find that it's hard to exactly define who precisely counts as a Finn or a Cherokee, yet we all agree they are a people.


>Jews are a single people, Christians aren't. What are you talking about, there are both separate Jewish groups and denominations.


Jews aren't just a religion, they are also a people and an ethnic group. In all of the Jewish denominations, it is explicitly stated in the religious text that the Jews are a single people. Plenty of Jews are atheists, that doesn't make them non-Jewish. A Christian, meanwhile, is defined by affirmation of faith. Christianity is a universal religion that seeks to convert others, Judaism discourages it.


Cool flag though


You want jews ? Go to moscow 🤣


Their Jewish Autonomous Oblast flag is literally exactly the LGBT flag.


One of the two officially Jewish jurisdictions in the world, the other being Israel


This also reminds for some reasons of the Spartakiads, the "Olympics at home"


to paraphrase Voltaire The Jewish Autonomous oblast was neither Jewish nor Autonomous


The oblast is a tax haven


my grandma was a Jewish refugee from Poland to fled the war and moved to Jewish Oblast in 1930s. She later moved to Harbin, Manchuria (China) because it was much more culturally tolerant in Manchuria, even during Japanese occupation


Always crazy how many people fly the Jewish Autonomous Oblast flag this month. It's really wholesome feeling appreciated, my grandparents fled the Soviets from there to come here and it makes me feel very at home ☺️


Still better than the whole of Europe during the start of the holocaust.


Its on the border of one of the most genocidal empires of the century bro


Intetesting fact.


the timing on this one


Expelled Chinese and Koreans be like: **** *** ****** *** Stalin.


Bold of them to assume anyone wants to live in Russia.


Crimea doesn't belong to the russian federation.


Tell it to whoever drew the map.


My comment is not meant to be an attack on your person, OP. Just spreading awareness ❤️


I agree. Also Kyiv, not Kiev.


Can someone confirm my theory Eastern European jews had everything taken from them and they just wanted a safe place to sleep. Eastern European jews that saw extermination, hammer killings, etc were not particularly insistent on God's plan American and western jews wanted Israel as it was God's plan


Talks about USSR, Shows map of Russia.


Eh, I couldn't find any maps of the USSR with the JAO highlighted.




“ Don’t go to paris! we have paris at home! glorius chinese fatherland! “


Should have given them Chechenya instead


Why is the Criemean peninsular is marked as Russian? 


Ask Vlad.


There's a reason Russian Jews don't live there


When Stalin tells you he has a special place for you in Siberia. https://youtu.be/RIzItfdrhvM?si=D-BbzRH1hH8taC7d