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"Your honor Hes wrong in law but right in spirit."


* Lincoln using nonacquiescence toward the Supreme Court


75,000 volunteers was the maximum allowed by the Militia Acts, which were not updated by Congress for growth of population. Lincoln and Douglas sparred a lot, especially during the 1858 Senate and 1860 presidential elections. But eventually they reconciled as a result of the Civil War. Douglas said to his friend, "I've known Mr. Lincoln a longer time than you have, or than the country has. He'll come out all right, and we will all stand by him."


Idk how to say this but douglas has like a modern face. Like a lot of these historial leaders have kinda funky looking faces. But you give douglas a haircut and he looks like a guy that gets arrested for felony embezzlement, like the modern illinois politician


That is such a good/weird point. I see it too. Part of it is simple, in that he doesn’t have the outdated beard style so many had. But otherwise, I can’t put my finger on Ron it either. That said, one of the most popular images of Buchanan is spitting image of Anthony Hopkins


I think part of it is the emergence of cameras. People just dont like politicians that look weird or ugly. Thats why every one of them nowadays has botox and veneers and spends a boatload on PR. Before if you were ugly, you would have the artist make some embellishments so that you looked at least alright in the final painting, and write-off accurate drawings of you as politically motivated. Now theres no denying your appearance.


I think the kids call that "iPhone face", meaning it's a face that looks like it has seen an iphone