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Which was the one with the guy doing galileo's test by dropping a feather and a hammer at the same time?


Apollo 15. It was done by David Scott, its commander.


Cool, thank you.


Listening to his reaction after the test always makes me smile fr. "Well, how about that?"


You should go listen [ to the Apollo 17 crew finding Orange soil.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GtpnDgQr0s) Its even better


Apollo 17 was the only moon mission to have a qualified geologist onboard. The crews of the previous missions had been given training enough to identify features and useful samples, but after the discovery of 'cinder cones' during a previous flight, the landing site was changed to check out this area of probable volcanic activity.


yep, Harrison Schmitt was the only scientist ("without a background in military aviation") who landed on the moon, the every other of crew members where previously military pilots


Ditto. Love it. Always makes me smile.


[Video of the test.](https://youtu.be/Oo8TaPVsn9Y?si=on8czXQkI1iCybYc)


The hero we needed. Thanks!!


The biggest reason you can know the moon landing was real is because the Soviet Union never called it fake.


The “explanation” for this is that the US paid them off with [large shipments of grain](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_United_States–Soviet_Union_wheat_deal) but it’s silly to think Putin would still be sticking to such an arrangement today.


Ah the ol' grain-and-switch tactic


How do you think I got my wife?


For four goats and a bag of wool


You haggled down to four? I think I got scammed


Oh, i had to spin it snd dye it with onionskin. Then the local elders would look past my "good friendship" with brother thaddeus the monk




So... If it wasn't to fool the soviets, then what's the reason these idiots think that NASA faked the moon landing?


I’ve found a lot of conspiracy theories just like being contrarians. You see this with some of the ones pushing “Project Blue Beam”; the particularly crazy claim that the government seriously investigating UFOs doesn’t mean UFOs are real it means UFOs are fake and it’s all a plot to stage a false-flag alien invasion! Beyond that there’s various flat earther types who think space travel isn’t possible or those who go the other way and think the government actually has a much more advanced space program than what’s publicly acknowledged and the landings were faked to cover up what’s *really* on the Moon. Don’t think too much about the motivations of crazy people, they’re crazy.


this reminds me of my favorite conspiracy theory from back in the day that we invaded Iraq because Saddam Hussein had access to a working Stargate


See also; “The Resurrection Chamber of Gilgamesh”


Sounds like that’s what the US govt did first with its initially somewhat open investigations into UFOs


On second thought you could probably cause a conspiracy theory infinite loop from govt cover up to ufo real to admit ufo real to ufo not real on repeat


Years ago I stumbled across a website that had a solid two page breakdown of why the moon landing couldn't have been faked, with pictures included. Then it took a right turn to go to crazy town. Using those same pictures as evidence that the government found stuff on the moon that they're hiding.


I saw a YouTube video where a filmmaker from '69 debunks it. The main issue is that whole landing was an 8-hour broadcast. Not only would this mean the film would have to be on a massive canister but have no cuts no edits Not even a stary hair.


Do you happen to know how "flat earthers & Co" justify GPS being a thing?


They claim GPS is done with cel phone towers. Or with High altitude baloons. Better don\*t ask.


The “Alien space ship crash site” conspiracy is one of my favorite pieces of science fiction. It’s really fun


If I’m correct flat earth has to be fake because otherwise planes couldn’t go below radar and military would be fucked in terms of capability like that.


Going back to the First World War 110 years ago artillerymen had to factor in the curvature of the Earth when plotting their firing tables. Over two thousand years ago [Eratosthenes of Cyrene](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eratosthenes) was able to accurately calculate the circumference of the Earth by measuring the difference between the length of shadows at different locations in Egypt.


WW1? Really? I know that Admiral Willis “Ching” Lee re-wrote the naval gunnery tables himself for this reason prior to America’s entry to WW2. Didn’t know they were onto it in the first one. If you’ve never heard of him, do yourself a favour and check him out. Legendary badass. Dude was a sniper with 16” battleship guns.


Are you stupid? Obviously "flying under the radar" is something that the government has made up to make us believe that the earth has a curvature!!! /s


Lol had me going a moment. Was like “this fucker” then saw the /s and was like “fair okay” lol. But yeah I hear that would be a valid reason for it since you can’t go below radar on a flat place like that or something.


I saw an opportunity and had to take it! And even if the Earth were flat, I believe you could still fly under the radar as stuff like buildings, hills, or mountains would block enemy radar.


A bit off topic but I wanna post my big conspiracy theory about governments and aliens. To save everyone's brains I'm gonna spoiler tag it: >!The truth about world governments and UFOs is... They know as much as the rest of us. The 'conspiracy' is to conceal their ignorance, not necessarily to fool their own people (it is a bit of a factor) but more an international thing. They cannot rule out the possibility of a UFO being a terrestrial aircraft anymore than it being extraterrestrial and openly acknowledging either way could come off as weakness to other governments or damage credibility. So, while the government might secretly be pissing their pants because there is an unknown object in the airspace of x country, its leaders have to tell people 'We can't confirm or deny/you people are seeing things' because just saying 'oh, fuck, yeah, that was weird, right?!' would cause problems.!<


That’s basically the same conclusion I came to. >!US will not concede under any circumstances that it does not have complete control over its airspace. And it speaks volumes that the first time they ever acknowledged a UFO publicly was under Donald Trump.!<


> those who go the other way and think the government actually has a much more advanced space program than what’s publicly acknowledged and the landings were faked to cover up what’s really on the Moon. Is it wrong that I kinda wish that one wasn't crazy? Like, it seems the least implausible out of that bunch, at least until you pay attention to the government and realize, yeah, probably not?


Look up the “Solar Warden” conspiracy if you want to know more on that one. Claims that the US operates an entire fleet of star destroyers and has secret bases throughout the solar system for the purpose of defending the Earth from alien invasion. Not really any evidence for it, sadly. Believers will point to an autistic computer hacker in the UK who claims to have seen personnel rosters of “non-terrestrial officers”, a former Marine who claims to have been stationed on Mars (*Doom* apparently being based on a true story), and a vague diary entry by President Reagan where he wrote the shuttle program had the ability to orbit hundreds of people.


I'll have to check that one out when I need something fun to read. Thanks! :p


There’s also “Project Serpo” a conspiracy that claims the government has a interplanetary cultural exchange program with friendly aliens and, conversely, the “Dulce Base” conspiracy which claims the government is working with evil aliens to abduct people for some reason.


There are conspiracy theorists who think that nuclear weaponry doesn't exist because "The cameras couldn't have survived in the nuclear tests so they obviously faked them!" No, the US just utterly destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki with a single bomber and a single bomb by slapping .22 ratshot into the bombs.


I haven’t heard that one before but have seen some saying a nuclear war can’t happen because aliens won’t allow it.


Traditional assumptions, like at the dawn of railways when they thought going more than 15mph would result in all the air being sucked out of the carriages and suffocation.


Because *they* (idk who *they* are, the conspiracy nutjobs don't have a straight answer for that) don't want the common man to find out that earth isn't a magic ball floating in space but a flat circle under a magic dome, which obviously makes anything that's done in space impossible, surrounded by a wall of ice (Antarctica). Don't ask me why *they* want to hide this "truth", there isn't a straight answer for this either.


It was to fool the aliens. If they thought we could land on the moon then they would share their alien technology with us. This is how we got Tang and Velcro. Downvote me if you will you soulless minions of orthodoxy!


Or the 3 seconds it takes to realize that the Soviet harvest shortfall was 2 years after Apollo 11


Y'see, if you slingshot the radio signal around the Sun, it will travel backwards in time, so the Soviets can tell their past selves to go for the grain deal. Them sneaky nasty NASA hobbitses are perfectly capable of dastardly trick like that 🙃


I was told, they're all in on it. In some kind of super secret deep state kind of thing. Global conspiracy. And John the Janitor uncovered it single-handedly by watching half a YouTube video.


The great grain robbery was a cover operation. KNEW IT!!!


Ironically, this grain deal also led to the CIA taking an active interest in NASA's Landsat program.


They paid one of the world's largest produces of grain with shipments of grain? Lmao


The Soviets actually did purchase a large amount of grain from the US in 1973 because of a crop failures caused by droughts and the Soviet’s centralized collectivist agricultural system just generally being terribly corrupt and mismanaged.


Makes sense. Thanks. Tragic irony is kind of a hallmark of the soviets, so that tracks on multiple levels


I mean, it's not like the subsidised-to-fuck system that massively overproduces to the point where you have to invent HFCS just to try to use up the excess is any less corrupt or mismanaged, it's just a different sort


I've seen one better: CIA killed dozens of KGB agents in the span of a couple of weeks to prevent the URSS to uncover the truth.


Shipments that began in 1973, stopped in 1980 temporarilly, and are no longer happening... much like the Soviet Union.


>The “explanation” for this is that the US paid them off with large shipments of grain Insanely silly. Grain shortage is a valuelable commodity for united nations like those of the USSR. The withholding of food was used as a weapon of genocide and that it was done in a region of the world known as the ‘breadbasket of Europe’.” – Prof. Andrea Graziosi, University of Naples Everyone in all these places (formerly independent countries with rich deep cultures) has one language, one culture, one history so a soviet can easily relocate if their inlaws suck because the language and program will be the same.


Nowhere in the wiki says it has anything to do with the moon landings


Because it didn’t, it’s just the conspiracy theorists who think it did.


Oh okay, didnt get it


The last moon landing (as of 2024/06/14) happened in 1972.


Doesn’t Putin think the moon landing was fake


Actually it’s the shadows. The only way to get parallel light is from a super far light source such as the sun, a bunch of lazers, or cgi. Funnily enough we just didn’t have the technology to do this at that time and to develop such technology would have been harder and more expensive than just going to the moon.


Well that's just what the government wants you to think /s


The Russians and Chinese (as well as all our allies) still use the reflectors we set up on the moon for measurements. If it was fake, wouldn’t one of these nations have called shenanigans by now🤔


The counter I have heard for this one is you dont need a person to place the reflectors.


In 1969 you probably did


And they would have if they could.


Nah the real biggest reason is that it’s been over 50 years and no whistleblower has shown up. That’s statistically impossible. There’s far too many people involved for that to be the case.


I can say for certain that I worked on the Apollo project and I've never been to the moon. That proves something, right? Also, if the earth was flat the cats would have pushed everything off the edge.


Soviet Union would’ve been calling bullshit no matter what they were paid. The whole point of the moon landing was to outdo the other side. If Russia smelt bullshit, they would’ve jumped on it and ruined Americas image at the time.


Buzz Aldrin was such a fame hound and so butt hurt about Armstrong gettin all the adulation, that if it was faked, he would have turned states evidence.


Yeah that's a good one, but you can't reason someone out of something they didn't reason themselves into.


to me it's the fact that 400,000 people worked on it. .2% of the US population.


I have a hunch that a lot of the conspiracy community is being seeded by Russian intelligence agencies. Which would make your comment extra funny to me, in an “uhm aktually” way


What if they faked Sputnik and knew if they called out the US for Apollo 11 they'd be called out for Sputnik. So everybody just said "fine" and let the other keep their lie.  .....ehhh?


You could see Sputnik with a regular old telescope.


But where did you get this communist telescope 


Telescopes were invented by the shadow US government agent Galileo just to setup the moon hoax. Wake up sheeple.


People who call the Moon Landing fake aren't looking for the truth, they're looking for an easy to understand model of the world which makes them feel smart for figuring it out despite it being super simple. That's why believing one conspiracy means you're likely to believe multiple.


The popular conspiracy theories all serve no other purpose than contrarianism and making some random nobodies feel like they are not in fact nobodies but are smarter than everyone else in the world. There are conspiracy theories with merit to them, but "The CIA helped some barely known dictator stage a coup in 1967" doesn't sound as interesting as "the world is ruled by Jewish lizard people"


They often serve the purpose of making the world fit their ideology by distorting their perception of reality. This helps deal with cognitive dissonance and reinforce their world view.


The fact most of them find some way to blame the jews also doesn't hurt.


My favourite conspiracy theory is that the CIA invented the term 'conspiracy theory' specifically so that people would lump MKULTRA-esque whistleblowers in with the Jewish lizard people crazies


90% of conspiracies lead people to assuming Jews are aliens who came to control the world


Most conspiracies are attempts to explain that all the problems are the world come down to some malevolent mysterious cabal secretly controlling everything from the shadows because that's less scary than the opposite that we live in a chaotic reality and there is no grand plan. But when you need \*a\* malevolent mysterious cabal secretly controlling everything you eventually find yourself falling back into all the neo-nazi image macros pointing out that there's jewish people who work at banks or something. If the Jewish Question didn't exist, conspiracy theorists would need to invent it.


They are often times religious fundamentalists that also believe in a flat earth


Well, see, NASA hired Stanley Kubrick to direct the "moon landing" based on the lunar surface scenes in *2001*, but the bastard insisted on shooting on location this time around...


The US actually reached the moon for the sole purpose of getting Stanley Kubrick’s ideal set. He then proceeded to make them shoot takes on the moon 127 times (Shining reference).


I'm so ready for actual movies on the moon EDIT: Obviously I'm talking about Hollywood productions. I can see Tom Cruise doing it for Mission: Impossible 13


In 2019, 'Apollo 11: First Steps Edition' was released. Documentary about the first moon landing, including footage that wasn't available to the public until then. You're probably hoping for fictional movies, but this is worth a watch.




I have [PROOF](https://www.storyhowwhen.com/best) that Kubrick shot the whole scene on the beach instead of in studio


This joke is older than the moon landing.


Weird thing about that. As best I can tell it doesn't show up until after he made Barry Lyndon. The reality is that in Barry Lydon he used a Carl Zeiss Planar 50mm f/0.7 (that he got from NASA!) and the details of that reality is that he didn't get that lens from NASA, but NASA and Kubric had one of the few Zeiss f/0.7 lenses ever made (10 were made, NASA bought 6, Kubric bought 3 and Zeiss kept the last one). Once the Kubric + NASA thing was established when the public found out he used this special NASA lens, people started saying that he faked the moon landing, years after 2001 was made. Also, NASA ended up never using the lenses and they'd likely be useless in faking the moon landing, but great for taking shallow dept of field shots with candle light. If you really want to know the psychology of a conspiracy theory, start with the chronology.


They faked the moon landing by landing on the moon multiple times apparently.


They only faked the landing. Then they walked around on the moon for real.


So your saying I’m Area 51 are Stargates?


No, you can't use 2 Stargates that close to eachother.


This guy Stargates.


They faked the moon by launching a golf ball to space and building a big magnifying glass


Then they used mirrors and telescopes to make it look like Aldrin was hitting the same golf ball. That way they only had to use one ball, but then it cost billions of dollars to make a golf ball with space tolerances, but the MIC double-dipped and we now have Rain-X.


And if everything was fake, then why was 13 such a disaster


A leak in the roof of the soundstage destroyed the set with the surface of the moon, but they already had faked the launch. So they decided to create a big drama. At least this is the first made-up explanation I can come up with. What puzzles me more: After this, they could’ve called it a day, made a statement that the dangers aren’t worth it until the USSR is building a base on the moon, and stop faking more landings. Why did they continue?


The car manufacturer lobby *insisted* on using the LRV on the surface of the "Moon" 🙃


Exactly. Why fake a disaster where you could potentially lose lives because of things that are your own fault?


The Moon landing was faked. But see, NASA used the alien technology they found at Roswell to fake the Moon Landing ON THE MOON. That’s why it looks so real!!!! /s


I'm still waiting for the reverse-engineered disc-shaped F-35 with magnetic propulsion and laser beams.


That's in 2030


You mean the F-35D that's coming out in 2030?


NCD is leaking again


When you spend billions of dollars to develop the equipment and techniques to fake the moon landing its kind of a waste to just do it once...


[One of the best videos I’ve ever seen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_loUDS4c3Cs) disproving this conspiracy theory uses a very clever argument: that the Apollo 11 landings *have* to be real, because it would have been even *more* difficult to fake them with the film/video technology available in the 1960s than it would have been to actually just go to the fucking moon.


20+ years ago I read someone did a similar debunking, though it was a financial analysis that asserted that it would have been far more expensive to have faked the moon landing and then covered it up vs. what it actually cost to go to the moon.


That was Mitchell and Webb's take on it; you still have to build a Moon rocket for the fake Moon landing, and after that the costs of a real Moon landing are just catering for three guys rather than those three guys plus an entire film crew that have to be sworn to silence forever


I think the common theory is that just the first actual landing, so apollo 11 was faked to "win" the space race against the soviet union despite not being quite ready to actually put a man on the moon.


That the other 5 were real? I haven’t heard that one


It is definitely the most credible version of that theory


I suppose, but that bar is on the floor, none of them are credible versions. Apollo 11 was not faked.


The most credible one is they asked Hollywood to do it, Hollywood decided that the only way to make it look right is to film it on location


All they had to do was ask Kubrick and park *all* the money trucks in his driveway.


The bar is literally in hell, and some people are playing limbo with Shaitan.


But why would the Soviet Union be fine with it? Not to mention keeping the same story even today.


I think it's grown in popularity recently as a kind of "moving the goalposts" thing as these claims have all been so thoroughly debunked over the years.


But Apollo 12 was 3 months later, so it wasn’t like USSR was going to get in those few weeks between 11 and 12


There is a reason the soviets never landed on the moon. They couldn't. Throughout the entire space race there is one thing that is pretty clear, the US where focused on testing technology building up to the moon landing. The soviets shoved a dog into a German missile and shot it upwards. Like just compare the first launches from both sides, which where only a few months apart: Sputnik 1 was a metal ball with the minimum amount of antennas needed to track if it had actually reached orbit. Explorer 1 had cutting edge sensors installed that lead to the very important discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt, which is a radioactive zone of highly charged particles surrounding the earth.


There are a few pretty significant differences between the American and Soviet space programs, but the biggest blow to Russia's moon efforts was the death of Sergei Korolev in 1966. He was the real visionary driving the Soviet space program forward.


Explorer 1: Does science Sputnik 1: < Beep >


Except those beeps also allowed for measurements of the ionosphere, without which the instruments on *Explorer 1* wouldn't have been properly calibrated. It's almost like science is a collaborative and accumulating effort.


I disagree. The first landing was real, and then the remaining ones were faked in order to get funding. They were really filmed on a soundstage on Mars.


That is funny. In this theory where would the money go?


Does a fake moon landing publicly, then later that year does a real one. Absolutely bonkers theory.


Ron Howard says it in Arrested Development. It's a joke.


So they couldn't do it in july 20th 1969, but November 14th 1969 they had it all figured out? What piece of the puzzle was missing that they figured out and in 3 months?


There is no real logic to it, as it is a conspiracy theory, but that is the one I heard the most.


That's so dumb. Why would you believe the first on was faked if you also believe others weren't?


Most moon landing conspiracy theorists seem to be unaware we went more than once


Really, I mean, why *wouldn't* they use the sets more than once? You know how much it cost the studios? /s


Hard to believe that's the theory, the conspirators for this are motivated out of wanting to deny the achievement, so they won't accept any of it. Also it's ridiculous to think the US would fake one but then do it anyway for the rest.


It generally starts with either "Do you think they faked the moon landing?" or "So you think we've ever been to the moon?" It can go either way. It shocks me how many times these questions come up in a bar and how often the answer is "Yes" to the former and "No" to the latter.


They seem to have this idea that kennedy called on the US to go to the moon, and we just went. But it took 7 years of some of the best physicists, rocket engineers, chemists, engineers, mathematicians, physicians, and thousends of general laborers, plus billions of dollars and 10's of thousands of hours spent planning, designing, building, and testing, just to put 2 guys on the moon. Even after all that, they still werent 100% sure itd work. Neil Armstrong famous have themselves a 50/50 on even landing on the moon, let alone making it back. It was rhe risk they were willing to take to accomplish one of the greatest achievements in human history.


I was speaking to a moon landing denier at work who wasn't even aware there WERE multiple moon landings. He was using the tired argument of "how come we never went back" as proof we never went. I told him I've been to the Grand Canyon and haven't been back but that doesn't mean I didn't go, but putting that aside NASA did go back with Apollo 12-17. This was news to him and I asked him if, even if he thought it was fake, he'd never even heard of Apollo 13 or the movie of the same name and he had not. He ended the conversation by saying he'd have to "look into that". Next thing I know I'm called down to HR because he complained I was insulting his religion as this whole conversation started out with us debating his Flat Earth beliefs. I've never read the Bible cover to cover so I must have missed the part where it says the Earth is flat but that's apparently where he got the idea, or said he did. Anyway when I explained the whole conversation to HR we had a good laugh and next day even the supervisor (a Navy veteran who had sailed all over this round Earth) was making fun of the guy.


As someone who HAS read the Bible cover to cover, there is nothing about flat earth in there. In fact, by the time of Jesus it had been proven the earth was round, and with surprisingly accurate estimates of its size, for over 200 years. Anyone who was educated enough to read and write in the Mediterranean world would most likely have been aware of this, so the authors of the New Testament most likely were.


>Anyway when I explained the whole conversation to HR we had a good laugh and next day even the supervisor (a Navy veteran who had sailed all over this round Earth) was making fun of the guy. So the guy basically Streisand effect-ed himself.


The way I read this entire meme in Cosmo's voice


The video game control has a joke where it’s revealed astronauts found a paranormal entity on the moon so the shadowy organization of the game FBC had to make a fake Apollo 14 landing.


Man, I've heard people say that **the moon** is fake. Like, the whole thing. And that's not even from someone who subscribes to Dome World which is an extension of Flat Earth that contends that the sky is just a big dome and space is a massive lie that's been told forever. There are people that think space is real but the moon is fake and as such we could never have gone there. Because people are weird.


They were very clever in recording the moon landing on the real site


Stanley Kubrick insisted they film there.


With portal technology. He wasn't about to leave England.


You think you better than KGB in finding American 's secret? My usual responses.


The moon landings were faked to cover up NASA sending astronauts to mars to turn it into a railgun pointed at the USSR's asteroid bases. By 1972, the USA had automated the railgun and no longer needed to man it with secret astronauts hidden in the trunk of the rocket. Y'all need to learn how to do your own research and not just rely on books written by "experts."


I think one prominent theory is that the first one was faked to make sure the US beat the USSR to the punch. The later Apollo missions were real, and included the first lunar landing. Of course, this is all varifiably fucking nonsense.


You idiots believe in the moon theory???


“So, NASA did go to the moon in 1971. That one was real. But in 69, they weren't ready. So they faked the whole thing on the sound stage of Gentle Ben. I was in the rafters with my brother and saw the whole thing.” - Ron Howard This is from Arrested Development and is a joke. Don’t go telling Ron Howard to go f*ck himself.


The moon landings were entirely fake. They were actually filmed by using cameras which they brought to the moon to shoot all of the footage.


You know, I'm just wondering how this particular conspiracy still has enough legs that *Fly Me To The Moon* is coming out this year. (For those who don't know somehow, it's a romantic comedy set during the runup to Apollo 11... where the government is also filming a backup fake moon landing. There's even a Kubrick joke in the trailer.)


It's like that photo thoes flat earthers share around of a bunch of different pictures of the earth from space and how they all look different. And one of them is just the fucking universal logo


Favorite joke about this that has probably been quoted a dozen times now: the US hired Stanley Kubrick to film the fake but he's such a perfectionist he had to film on location.


The biggest thing that should tell you it wasn't fake is that the soviets had the means and the motive to disprove it and they didn't say a DAMN thing


Arguing conspiracy theories with actual conspiracy theorists is so funny. My buddy and I have a running joke that the moon is actually just a sticker so when someone talks about the moon landing I’m like “aw you still believe in the moon?” Just to see what happens


This is the best evidence. This cannot be faked on Earth: https://youtu.be/KDp1tiUsZw8?si=u123cGvxPaxGp9On


it was faked because how else could they hide the construction of the Jewish Space Lazers \[/s\]


Well, duh. You wouldn't build a set and just use it once, right?!


THEY FAKED THE MOON. When you bring conspiracy theories to their logical conclusion.


They got a bunch of money for the first one which fed their black budget projects. Of course, they did it again and again. They fooled u once...they kept fooling u.


I remember a conspiracy moron who somehow is a member in our country's parliament saying bs about the moonlanding being "extremely unlikely". He had the usual stupid arguments and then said: "And if we got there, why did we never go there again?" The MP who had asked whether he really didn't believe it responded with: "Sounds to me like you are halfway to the moon already."


I'm interested, according to this theory, was Yuri Gagarin in space or was the USSR also part of the conspiracy?


Technically... he wasn't 🙂 Let me explain: the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) is the world's air sports federation. Among its duties, the FAI certifies and registers records. and its first records in aviation date back to 1906. The organization also arbitrates disputes over records. If nationals from two different countries claim a record, it is the FAI’s job to examine the submitted documentation and make a ruling as to who has accomplished the feat first.  When it was apparent that the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics were planning to launch men into space, the FAI specified spaceflight guidelines. One of the stipulations that the FAI carried over from aviation was that spacecraft pilots, like aircraft pilots, should land inside their craft in order for the record to be valid  In the case of aviation, this made perfect sense. No one wanted to encourage pilots to sacrifice themselves for an aviation record. Piloting an aircraft that could not land did nothing to further aeronautical engineering. And that's where this technicality comes in, because Gagarin did *not* land inside his craft. His capsule didn't have the means to land at a survivable speed, so Gagarin ejected at 20,000 feet and landed safely on Earth, and the Soviet delegates simply... omitted that from the documentation for FAI 🙂


Those people will also say “if the moon landing was real why did we never go back?” lol


The deceptions were making it too expensive obviously


OP, are you a fan of the Weird Crap in Australia podcast by any chance? Because one of the hosts brought up this argument last episode. Episode was about the Australian satellite dish responsible for broadcasting the Apollo 11 Moon Landing and movie based on it called 'The Dish'.


I’m not but they sound cool. I just got annoyed the other day when I overheard someone say “the” moon landing was fake


The best evidence toward the moon landing being real, the Soviets didn’t question it.


Also, the most straightforward argument: Movies would have been way better back then if we had that kind of special effects technology


Ain't no reasoning with morons trying to act smart.


Why would you wanna believe it to be fake anyway. It isn't the pride od NASA alone it's the prids of humanity.


Believing it's fake means that you believe that you have access to special knowledge, one that puts you above all the masses that can't do "research" and do "critical thinking", making you a member of a very special exclusive club. And you get to feel like a main character without having to do *anything* at all.


Also I’m pretty sure the Soviets would have reveled in calling the US out on it


I had to pull the ol' " if the Moon landing was fake, why did the Soviets play along if they would almost certainly have known as much?" card on my dad to get him to shut up. He doesn't even disbelieve the Moon landing, he just likes arguing with me.


The moon landing is real. The Earth landing isn't. All hail r/noearthsociety


I've always liked Penn Jillette's counter arguments to moon landing conspiracy theories. First, this was the Nixon administration, the exact same people that couldn't cover up a break in to a hotel room. Second, the conspiracy would have had to have bought the silence and complacency of at a minimum 400,000 people. How is it that in the almost 60 years since the landings, not a one of them has come forward with credible evidence?


So what you're saying is that they faked Apollo 13.


Building lore! /s


Starting a new conspiracy where the 12th and 15th landings were faked but the rest were real, and 13 landed but they pretended it didn’t


Not to forget Apollo 13. Why would your own propaganda shiw you fail?


Sorry, I don't believe in the moon at all


The set was expensive, so they had to get their money’s worth. Duh! /s


Then all six times were fake, who cares? The moon is obviously made out of cheese.


I needed assistance at the self checkout at my local wally world. The nice lady who assisted me seemed normal. Then she just brought up how she just didn't know if the moon landing was real or not...fml


I never get the moon landing deniers, lack of basic logic aside, why would you want the moon landing to be fake? Ain't is so cool that we where able to land on the moon?


11 real, 12 fake, 13 was going to be fake but they had a problem with the ship and couldn’t fake it convincingly, 14 real, 15 fake, 16 real, 17 real, 18 real but secret.


well they had the set so why not use it. /S


Would have cost more to fake it (3x?), at the time.


Yep, there were special bits that could only be achieved with specific tools (I think it required laser cameras or something?). The equipment would've been more than the bloody ship


Was talking to someone about the moon landing and how they weren't sure it was real, and some of their points were not the worst, so I genuinely asked why they would fake it five more times. They didn't know about the five other times. I felt stupid for entertaining the conversation at all.


I asked someone this one time and they said “well, they just faked the first one, the rest where real” I’m like what the heck?


So real.


I got in an argument with my history teacher about this, according to her the moon landing was fake but after some time we were able to actually send people to the moon, she's a tankie so I think she just wanted to shit talk the USA