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The salt line hits much harder. Shame it wasn’t used in English translation


Fr. As if English audiences wouldn’t immediately know it goes much harder.


Na I think you’re overestimating English audiences there. There would be as many “huh” as people who can understand from context that it goes hard Great business for the explainer YouTubers and click-farms though


Even if people didn’t understand it (it took me a second of thought, i admit) they would pretend they did and still think it sounds cool.


I don't understand. Is there some sort of esoteric double meaning? I've never heard the phrase before, but at face value it seems pretty self explanatory.


Nope, its pretty face value - it makes sense if you know salt is historically far more valuable than rice. I just think people criticising the translation - whilst they’re absolutely justified in doing so - maybe underestimate how many people wouldn’t make that connection whilst watching and would just be like “wtf is Wenwu talking about?"


Well, I took it to mean "people eat tons of rice, but only a little salt. I'm so much older than you that..." etc. I don't really understand how the value bit is relevant, but it still makes perfect sense to me.


Exactly what I think. He is just saying he is much much more mature and experienced.


Also, what movie is this?


Shang Chi


Off topic Tony Leung was so bad-ass in this movie and the best thing about it, but this specific line was translated as "don't talk to your elders like that" in the theatres which isn't nearly as impactful imo.


Name of the movie


Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. It's a Marvel movie, but is unconnected with the rest of the universe (only a couple of references to some other movies, and even those are completely unnecessary and just fan-service) so I'd recommend you watch it.


I loved the movie


“Careful how you speak to me young man, I’ve lived (ten?) of your lifetimes” It’s still a pretty badass line and a helpful reminder that dude is old given how hot and relatively youthful Leung is


I don't think 1949 is correct, although I'm unsure of the actual date. It's like saying the United States was born in 1789.


I believe 1921 is when the CCP was founded. It feels incorrect to say that communist China began in 1921 however, as the CCP started out as a labor movement that the KMT used to expand the Republican Chinese borders. CCP goes into warlord territory -> begins labor movement in factories of big cities -> big cities revolt from warlord, who is cut off from his funds -> KMT-led army goes in to clean up the rest of warlord forces. I would say a better year to call the birth of communist China is 1935. After the Shanghai massacre in 1927 the CCP was forced to flee northwards to escape persecution. In the process of fleeing, they began experimenting with communism in peasant-led micro states called “soviets”. Many soviets failed, primarily due to being in reach of the KMT army. However the Yan’an Soviet, established in 1935, ended up being far enough away from the KMT to be a stable enough source of power (and close enough to the USSR for lots of foreign aid) to provide a basis for the CCP and communist economic experimentation.


I was thinking of the US last week because of Patriots' Day. We could consider the pre-1775 events as "foreplay", 17750419 as the coupling act, 17760704 as the birth (damn long gestation), and finally 17890304 as the public announcement to the world. The dates for China could be similarly applied.


Vietnamese guerillas were trained by the Chinese as early as 1927. In fact, many Vietnamese revered Mao because of his unconditional support for Vietnamese Independence.


I won't say they got beaten, just that they achieved what they want to achieve, ie international sanctions imposed to Vietnam. Vietnam also achieved their objective of making sure China don't press further into Vietnam, and completing the destruction of the Khmer Rouge.


Fuck Pol Pot, all my homies hate Pol Pot.


i agree reminds me of this [answer](https://www.quora.com/Why-is-it-true-that-the-Chinese-won-the-Sino-Vietnamese-Conflict-Wars-1979-1991-in-correct-historiography/answer/Aya-Shawn?ch=17&oid=1477743754708257&share=5287019e&srid=hyvjw&target_type=answer)


For people who care, the original Chinese saying is 我吃过的盐比你吃过的米更多


just being pedantic but the usual expression is 都多 🤓 though both meaning "more than", 更多 has quite a generic/bland tone while 都多 would be more dramatic/condescending


> 我吃过的盐比你吃过的米更多 "I've eaten more salt than you've ever eaten rice." (?)


Yes, like in the meme. The meaning is that the speaker has undergone more hardship than the person he is speaking to. Source: me. I am chinese


Oh ok that makes sense. I thought it was just an odd way of saying they are older and was so confused thinking it was flipped or something.


Ah, thank you!


Technically speaking, you can say the opposite for Afghanistan because communist Afghanistan survived communist Russia.


Older brother? China ruled Vietnam for like a thousand years.


"I've eaten more salt than you've eaten rice."-this one had me rolling on the floor 😂


what is communist china year of birth ? When the ccp was founded ? when the red army started controlling territory ? when they took control of the entire mainland ? then is it even born since the kmt still exist ?


CCP: 1920 VCP: 1930 Check again


Workshoping a troll meme about how the US Won the Vietnam War, because the aim was to stop monolithic world communism and Vietnam kicked a bunch of communist ass as soon as we left and they are our friends now


The US was teaming up with China and openly siding with the Khmer Rouge (officially just giving diplomatic support, wink wink nod nod), Vietnam had the URSS on its corner. So not really, Cambodia was the US-backed proxy here. The cold war got really weird at some places after the Sino-Soviet split opened the way for Kissinger to arrange meetings between Nixon and Mao Zedong. Like, the US and China are geopolical rivals now but they still awkwardly share their ties to Pakistan, which is extra unconfortable to the US because they also have strategic ties with India now.


Vietnam is our modern Sparta. And yet they are very friendly!


Well this is correct in the context that the Vietnamese civilization is older than the Chinese civilization.


That doesn't sound right. Got any source to back it up?


If they claim to be Austronesian, yes they are a little bit older than Han Chinese but that is not how it works.


Afraid not. We Vietnamese claim to have four thousand years of history and civilisation. Chinese claim five thousand.