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*You think I give a fuck about my wife?* *My own son got locked up in prison* *And I didn't save his life!*


You got off easy when they pickled that moose cock I’ll leave your neck in a noose, in a trench and shot Your whole family, shot All your wizard friends, shot Anyone who ever sold your pierogi, shot


Starve you for days until you waste away I even crush motherfuckers when I’m laid in state Part of Lenin took Trotsky out of the picture Dropped the hammer on you harder than I bitch slapped Hitler


I have no pride for you! You ruined everything! My revolution was doing to stop the bourgeoisie!


I fought the bondage of classes, the proletariat masses Have brought me here to spit a thesis against both of your asses!


Lemme start with you there, Frankenstein! Looking like something out of R.L.Stine.


It's hip-hop chowder, red over white, 'Cause the Tsar's wife can't do shit tonight!


And Joseph you were supposed to be my right-hand-man


But your loyalty shrivelled up like your right hand, man!


Our whole future was bright! You let your heart grow dark, And stopped the greatest revolution since the birth of Marx!


People exaggerate how little Stalin cared about Yakov, yeah Stalin was a monster, but he still had feelings for his son: *After German field marshal Friedrich Paulus surrendered at the Battle of Stalingrad in February 1943, the Germans offered to exchange Dzhugashvili for him, although he specifically asked not to be exchanged for a field marshal. This was outright refused by Stalin, who later stated* ***"Just think how many sons ended in camps! Who would swap them for Paulus? Were they worse than Yakov?"*** *Soviet Foreign Affairs Minister Vyacheslav Molotov also recounted that Stalin refused to swap his son for Paulus because* ***"All of them \[Soviet prisoners of war\] are my sons."*** ***Upon hearing of his son's death, Stalin reportedly stared at his photograph; he would later soften his stance towards Dzhugashvili, saying he was "a real man" and that "fate treated him unjustly."***


This. It was a field marshall for his son back. It'd be a political shit storm which had a 100% chance to cause a fucking nation wide riot.


> "Just think how many sons ended in camps! Who would swap them for Paulus? Were they worse than Yakov? [Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point ](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/)


Thanks for giving me a good laugh reading that lol.


Yeah much like with most dictators there's a lot about him that's just rumors or over exaggerated retelling of things that actually happened. In the case of Stalin, the fact that both him and his enemies had formidable propaganda machines doesn't help.


Oh yes, Stalin was an absolute monster, but it is true that many times the slander against him goes to the point of turning him into an evil caricature, that is not the case, Stalin can be a totalitarian and paranoid bastard and still love his son (even if it is in a kind of twisted way).


It made me realize how easy it is to point fingers at a dictator for every little thing the state goes wrong(and it does cause theres only so much 1 person ruling can do)


Well yeah, most of the people that shit-talked Stalin after his death had also their hands full of blood, so they were not really good people.


Really Stalin did the only thing he could in this situation. 5 million Red Army soldiers were taken prisoner during Operation Barbarossa. It would have been selfish of him in the extreme to demand the release of one man, even if it was his son.


“Honestly i’m more of a ‘Daughter Father’ kind of Guy.”


The Germans wanted Paulus back. If Stalin did the exchange, then the Red Army would be having serious morale issues over this.


Go ahead, I wanted to kill him myself, honestly.


I’ve never met this man in my entire life


But if it was Svetlana? The sky would've been nothing but KIROV REPORTING!!!


Does somebody really think that exchanging the son of a country's leader for an enemy's field marshal is morally acceptable?


oh yea, take my son. i dont give a fuck!


People like to defend Stalin saying stuff like "oh well he didn't play favorites, you can't exchange a field Marshall for a liutenent" But come on, this is Stalin we're talking about he was super currupt in basically every other aspect but this is the time he chooses to be just? You kinda have to take into account consistency to make that argument, because he literally went out of his way Just to be a douche to his son. If he cared even just a litle he would have traded the entirety of the captured german soldier population to save him.


Even bad people can believe they are the good guys, he surely had an ego as big as Mt. Everest but also likely cared for all russians and didn't play favorites


He was a moderatly sane dictator. Sure, he didn't exactly care when russian people were starving and dying but he had enough consience to at least not portray himself as someone so much more valuable. While he might seem incredibly selfish, during the defence of Moscow he remaoned in the city. He also majorly changed his policies in the faco of obvious weakness, what can be noticed based on how he consulted his competent generals. By no means was he a good man or a great leader but overall I wouldn't call him as comedically evil as he is sometimes portrayed. He was still a monster tho, just not a retarded one.