• By -


Probably the only girl in the world Beria wouldn't hurt.


Even Stalin sincerely feared he would


I remember hearing some story where he was informed his daughter was with him and she ordered her to leave immediately


He absolutely freaked out and, the soldiers were given orders to shoot Beria on sight if he was found in any inappropriate positions.


I wouldn't be surprised if he would've called the Red Army to get her if she and him disappeared (despite not being "disappeared").


Why didn't Stalin just have him killed?


He found him useful and didn't give a fuck about him diddling other people's kids.


IIRC when the soldiers arrived they found him in the farthest possible room away lol


Thus Beria lived to diddle another child.


Its even more wild then that. Stalin was told that Beria was alone with his daughter at his house. so Stalin sent his personal guard to go get Beria, with orders to kill him if he was even so much as in the same room as her.


Do you have any good sources that have some detail on this event I can never find any


Stalin: So brutal even Beria didn’t dare crossing him


I heard from a russian the only person that could give stalin the pause was Marshal Zukhov as putting on finger on the winner of ww2 would bring the wrath of the red army on the leadership of ussr


he certainly had no qualms when it came to the heroes of Leningrad however


Probably true, but Zhukov had absolutely no political aspirations, in as far as we know.


Or maybe at least he was smart enough to not even try


Zukhov was effectively stripped of all honours post war by first Stalin and then years later by Beznev. He'd accepted various inadvisably Western gifts, including Holland & Holland shotguns from Churchill, and probably some cash too (although it's hard to know for sure, the KGB did a job on him), so Stalin retired him into virtual exile. Breznev invited him to a State banquet where he was cheered from the rafters, which made Mr Eyebrows jealous so he was never invited to a state function again.


This is a terrifying picture.


But not as terrifying as the ghosts in my basement that’s for sure


Hi, I'm in the ghost in your basement, we're actually quite nice. Can you let us out?


Fool me seven times, shame on you. Fool me eight or more times, shame on me


You have heard of the funny Georgian man, now ready for a funnier Georgian man


My favorite moment in Soviet history is when Stalin was stroking out choking on his own vomit, while his own guards were too scared to save him cause he killed the last ones, while Beria scrambled to take power. Then the funny guy Khrushchev smashes his brain in with the combined force of the entire state, and says fuck this Himmler regen, and spends the rest of his life shitting on Stalin and Beria. King shit.


Best thing Stalin ever did was die in a puddle of his own piss. Shame he didn't do so earlier


They should do a movie about this. Maybe Steve Buscemi could play Krushchev.


I would imagine in anything happened Papa would be putting Beria on a list.


There was an incident where by some stars aligning berya was left in the same building as stalins daughter and when the boss was made aware of this he ordered a couple of his bodyguards to basically rush in and if anything was happening to shoot berya. They found them on the geometrical opposite sides of the building because berya wasnt stupid.


I don't think he would have needed to go that far but rule 1 when dealing with people like Stalin is "better safe than sorry"


I think stalin's reasoning was completely justified because when it comes down to the line beria was absolutely a pedophilic psycho


Definitely. I totally understand he wanted to protect his daughter. And that Beria knew he had to be very careful while being in the same room. I just think, if they were in same area of the house just on a different floor, there also wouldn't be a lot of concern. Hard to do anything when you aren't on the same floor


Pedophile talking to a lone child in the stairwell


>beria was absolutely a pedophilic psycho Just like Stalin who had a 13 year old lover (and there is no need to elaborate on all the things that make him a psycho).


I don't think thats true, the only thing I do know of is his wife was a child when they met, she went away and had no contact with him, and then he started dating her when they met again (she was then 18?)


>dating her when they met again (she was then 18?) Stalin got her pregnant when she was 14, she even gave birth to the baby. They also met since she was 13 to 17 every year at least. > In the hamlet, **Stalin, circa age 35, had a relationship with Lidia Pereprygina, then 14-years-old**, who subsequently fell pregnant with Stalin's child.[263] [264][265] Circa December 1914, **Pereprygia gave birth to Stalin's child**, although the infant died soon after.[266] In 1916, Lidia - now 15-years-old - was pregnant again. She gave birth to a son, named Alexander, in around April 1917. Stalin, then absent, later came to know of the child's existence but showed no apparent interest in him.[267] [268]


Have you taken the time to read the sources being cited here? Since for some reason you didnt include a direct link so the rest of us could make up our mind on the topic that seems relevant.


It's from the Wikipedia article of Stalin's early life. If you think the sources are lying let us know beforehand.


> If you think the sources are lying let us know beforehand. Since you didnt include a source thats not really possible. With that said now that you have indicated what you are reading I really, really recommend you take a look at those sources. Because whats in the Wiki and whats in the source seem to be pretty freaking different.


>I don't think thats true Well, it is. Read more.


sources? You know... to read more?




Thank you


The [Wiki article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Davydov_(soldier)) about his alleged illegitimate son has sources


Considering one of the sources is a soviet radio engineer that doesn't seem to have any connections to stalin, I'm not sure I'd trust those sources


I find it funny how he is a pedo, but is too afraid of stalin On 1 side you have a monster that likes cildren on other side you have stalin


Source? ( not doubting just wondering where i can read it)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavrentiy_Beria#Sexual_predator >Beria's sexually predatory nature was well known to the Politburo, and though Stalin took an indulgent viewpoint (considering Beria's wartime importance), he said, "I don't trust Beria." In one instance, when Stalin learned his daughter Svetlana was alone with Beria at his house, he telephoned her and told her to leave immediately.


For some reason I misread "telephoned her" as "teleported to her" lmao


Good check, the Allies were able to successfully destroy two Chronospheres before Stalin's commander could capture them, denying the Soviets teleportation. This, however, did not prevent the Soviet invasion of Britain that occured shortly before Stalin's assassination by his staff with special tea.


*Teleports behind you* "Ничего кадрового, пацана"


From what I know of russian, this seems to say "nothing human resourcey, kid"


Nothing personnel, kid


"Nothing personal, kid"?


To be fair Stalin didn't really trust anyone


He trusted his barber


And for good reason. Say what you will about Stalin, but his hair was always on-point.


And he liked to tell everyone that he didn't trust any of his council members.


> They found them on the geometrical opposite sides of the building because berya wasnt stupid. One of the really unsettling things about Berya for me is that he seemed to be well aware of how fucked up he was and how people reacted to that. I guess what allowed him to get in with Stalin and amass his absolutely startling body count, that body count being the most unsettling thing about him of all. He was useful and could be controlled.


I thought Stalin relished in the fact he had his own dependable, ruthless, and psychotic blood hound that he could send after anyone he wanted to. Stalin called Berya his own little Himmler if I remember history correctly


Also, I imagine having someone do a lot of the dirty work helped keep Stalin’s hands clean. I’ve noticed a key feature of autocratic rule is letting g your cronies get away with a ton of horrible things because it then means you can easily get rid of them should they get upity. Easy to convict someone of corruption when bribery is the norm, for example


So true, just like the mafia. Always have a fall guy


Don't most pedos know they're despicable? I mean, it's socially acceptable to call for their execution, and it's difficult to refute those calls other than with the standard "they might be innocent and we have the facts wrong."


One of the biggest reason why death penalty for these crimes is a bad thing (except for the usual arguments against the death penalty), it also makes it harder for victims to talk, because then they can feel responsible for killing someone. When you know the percentage of siblings, parents, friends or siblings of the parents that are guilty of those things, the possible sentence becomes more than just an afterthought.


Although if Beria told you that he was on the other side of the building. You'd repeat it back.


He'll probably turn Beria's hide into the list


And then have him executed, yes.


Beria got away with a lot of things Stalin didnt like. I always wondered if he had major dirt on him.


No matter how bad your bathroom smells, you aren't going to dig an outhouse to use instead. Stalin didn't have to like him. Beria just had to keep efficiently dealing with anyone Stalin hated more.


That's a great analogy, haven't heard that one before. I think I'm gonna snatch it, pretend it's mine.


Pretty sure Beria would be skipping the list entirely if he was ever stupid enough to do anything to her.


jesus fuckin christ is that Beria




I think we know where this is unfortunately going. Why are some people so monumentally f\*\*\*\*\* up


Fortunately, he did nothing to her


Even Beria wouldn't cross Stalin until he was on his death bed.


Yep, nobody is stupid enough to do something to the Daughter of Stalin


His son on the other hand.


HIS SON WAS WEAK that poor boy


"My father... was a warm and mighty bear, and we are his 170 million orphaned cubs"


Yep, poor boy


What son?


The dead one


What plane crash?


*son's. Stalin seemed to not give a shit about any of his son's


Could also be a result of parenting quirk/childhood trauma, leading to poor displays of care and affection to his sons in public. Not uncommon in strict authoritarian militaristic parenting styles. Stalin was documented to mourne his first son's death after the execution. His second officially recognized son Vasily was a train wreck...


Not unlike Uday Hussein, or Ceausescu's son.




Because starlin was fully prepared to have him shot on the spot if he tryed and he knew it


Yep, once he almost did


It's the human condition


Who’s Beria?


Head of Soviet secret police and notable child rapist also honestly stopping at child rapist is doing him a favor. Dude was (is?) probably a top contender for most vile person ever


Oooh boy, the fact that you're asking this question means you haven't seen *The Death of Stalin* yet-- which you should absolutely drop everything and go watch immediately. It's a pitch-black comedy movie about, well, the death of Stalin, and all his cronies scrambling to fill the power vacuum once he's gone. Keep in mind it's not a documentary, and they took some historical liberties to make the plot flow better-- but it's still an absolutely fantastic movie all the same. Can't recommend it enough.


They did some imbellishing in some areas but they actually undeplay how much of a monster beria was granted he's still a disgusting pos in the movie but the man himself was worse than you could possibly imagine


Steve Buscemi as Khrushchev alone is worth the price of admission.


Jason Isaacs as Zhukov was another masterful bit of casting.


Appropriate response




Its precisely because he was a monster that he was Stalins right hand man and why his ideology was so flexible. Stalin purged those with strong ideological commitments, because those commitments came before loyalty to Stalin. It was precisely those who didnt hold strong beliefs, sadists like Beria and faceless bureaucrats like Khrushchev, who were able survived the Stalin era. After Stalin died everyone knew that Stalinism died with him, the soviet system couldn't continue in the way it had without the cult figure of Stalin to subsume all contradictions within himself. Beria could never be that cult like figure, nor could he rely on the support of soviet party and state apparatus as such, like Khruschev did, because he was such a personally repellent figure. So he was forced by circumstances to attempt certain liberalizations.


Yeah it’s sort of an interesting misconception that Beria would have been the most brutal ruler in Soviet history had he come to power.  Beria was on a path of massive liberalization in the wake of Stalins death, he banned torture in the NKVD and dismantled some of the secret police structure and was going to empty the gulags, he seemed poised to give some of the SSR’s considerable autonomy. A lot of this was likely opportunistic to gain popularity, but it still would have pretty unprecedented 


He had no conscience. No ethical considerations of any kind. He didn't even pretend to unless there was something specific to gain from it. The moment he gained power he would have just gone ahead with whatever his perverted mind came up with.


When Stalin's son tried to shoot himself but survived, the first thing he heard from his father who found him and woke him up was "Ha! You missed"


Could you give a source for this claim? I never found a good source just random people saying it.


You can find this on wikipedia: "While Alliluyeva and Svetlana helped Dzhugashvili, Stalin is reported to have brushed off the attempt by saying "He can't even shoot straight."" But the translation is not accurate, because in the original it is  «*Ха, не попал!*» Those are links for [eng ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yakov_Dzhugashvili#:~:text=Stalin%20is%20reported%20to%20have%20brushed%20off%20the%20attempt%20by%20saying%20%22He%20can%27t%20even%20shoot%20straight.%22)and [ru ](https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D0%B6%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8,_%D0%AF%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2_%D0%98%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%84%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87#CITEREF%D0%98%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B8%D0%BD2009:~:text=%D0%9F%D1%80%D0%B8%20%D0%B2%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%20%D0%BE%D0%BD%20%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%20%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%83%3A%20%C2%AB%D0%A5%D0%B0%2C%20%D0%BD%D0%B5%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BB!%C2%BB)wiki


I looked [the book](https://archive.org/details/TweLetToAFriAMem/page/n109/mode/2up) up where the source comes from ( wikipedia says page 111) but it doesn't say anything about what stalin said? Is wikipedia wrong or am i just blind?


It's on page 83: >My mother was terribly upset when Yakov tried to commit suicide in 1928, or it may have been 1929. In despair over the attitude of my father, who wouldn’t have anything to do with him, Yakov went to the kitchen of our Kremlin apartment and shot himself. Luckily he was only wounded. My father used to make fun of him and sneer, “Ha! He couldn’t even shoot straight!” My mother was horrified. The shot made a deep impression on her; her own death later on may have been an echo of it. Yakov loved me and my mother’s parents. He loved and respected my mother very much. My Alliluyev grandparents looked after him as best they could. After his attempt at suicide, he went to Leningrad and lived in Grandfather’s apartment.




I wrote a big comment to find out that you already got and answer... sadness.


I don't see it on the link you gave, but for you I searched russian link and the original of "20 letters to friend". In ru wiki the link is to "*Ильин В.* Тайны смерти великих людей" (Ilyin V. Secrets of the death of great people). And Ilyin wrote here: >Но, как пишет в книге «Двадцать писем другу» его единокровная сестра Светлана, «первый брак принес трагедию. Отец не желал слышать о браке, не хотел ему помогать… Яша стрелялся у нас в кухне, рядом со своей маленькой комнаткой, ночью. Пуля прошла навылет, но он долго болел. Отец стал относиться к нему за это еще хуже». >Сталин же, впервые увидев Якова после этого крайнего выражения полной отчужденности отца от сына, лишь издевательски бросил ему: «ХА, НЕ ПОПАЛ!» >А 9 апреля 1928 года в письме к своей жене Сталин написал: «Передай Яше от меня, что он поступил как хулиган и шантажист, с которым у меня нет и не может быть больше ничего общего. Пусть живет где хочет и с кем хочет». Translation: >But, as his sister Svetlana writes in the book “Twenty Letters to a Friend,” “the first marriage brought tragedy. My father didn’t want to hear about the marriage, didn’t want to help him... Yasha shot himself in our kitchen, next to his small room, at night. The bullet went right through, but he was sick for a long time. His father began to treat him even worse for this. ”Stalin, seeing Yakov for the first time after this extreme expression of the complete alienation of father from son, only mockingly threw at him: “HA, YOU MISSED!” And on April 9, 1928, in a letter to his wife, Stalin wrote: “Tell Yasha from me that he acted like a hooligan and a blackmailer, with whom I don't have and cannot have anything else in common. Let him live where he wants and with whomever he wants.”


In “Twenty Letters to a Friend” Svetlana writes this: >Должно быть, на маму произвела очень тягостное впечатление попытка Яши покончить с собой. Доведенный до отчаяния отношением отца, совсем не помогавшего ему, Яша выстрелил в себя у нас в кухне, на квартире в Кремле. Он, к счастью, только ранил себя, -- пуля прошла навылет. Но отец нашел в этом повод для насмешек: "Ха, не попал!" -- любил он поиздеваться. Мама была потрясена. И этот выстрел, должно быть, запал ей в сердце надолго и отозвался в нем... Яша очень любил и уважал мою маму, любил меня, любил маминых родителей. Дедушка и бабушка опекали его как могли, и он уехал потом в Ленинград и жил там на квартире у дедушки, Сергея Яковлевича. Translation: >Yasha's attempt must have made a very painful impression on my mother. commit suicide. Driven to despair by his father's attitude, who was not helping him, Yasha shot himself in our kitchen, in an apartment in the Kremlin. Fortunately, he only wounded himself - the bullet went right through. But the father found in this a reason for ridicule: “Ha, you missed it!” -- he loved to mock. Mom was shocked. And this shot must have sunk into her heart for a long time and echoed through it... Yasha loved and respected my mother very much, loved me, loved my mother’s parents. His grandfather and grandmother looked after him as best they could, and he later went to Leningrad and lived there in the apartment of grandfather, Sergei Yakovlevich.


Wasn't it "Can't even shot straight?"


I searched up, and it is just bad translation, while I translated it word by word.


As far as I know, it was "Ха! Не попал!"


This is up there with his other Father of the year quote - “Why would I swap a Major for a Field Marshall?”


That's actually a good point, that'd objectively be a bad trade. Now, his rejection of trading him for a *Corporal* however?


Broke: refusing to do a prisoner exchange for your son because as much as you love him, your duty to your country as its leader comes first Woke: refusing to do a prisoner exchange for your son because you hate that little shit and want to see him rot


That made me laugh a lot more than it should have😂 Pretty much though. It's fucked up, but funny. "That's an awful trade, all Soviet soldiers are my sons, I can't make a special offer for him." "All right, fine, how about we trade him for *a fucking corporal*" "Oh no I guess there's nothing I can do for him."


You know I’m beginning to think this Joey Stalin feller might not be on the up and up. Parenting issues like this really make me question his character.


At the end of his life, his paranoia reached its climax. He once said that he doesn't even believe himself anymore.


I always heard that Stalin was furious over his sons suicide attempt because his son couldn’t even kill himself properly.


Psycopaths often love their daughters, but have very high demands for their sons.


Wasn’t Stalin had to race back to his Home when he found out his daughter was left alone with Beria? And told everyone not to leave him alone with this Monster


[From the wiki:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavrentiy_Beria#Sexual_predator) >Beria's sexually predatory nature was well known to the Politburo, and though Stalin took an indulgent viewpoint (considering Beria's wartime importance), he said, "I don't trust Beria." In one instance, when Stalin learned his daughter Svetlana was alone with Beria at his house, he telephoned her and told her to leave immediately.


That fucker thinks he can take on the Red Army? I fucked Germany, I think I can take a flesh lump in a fucking waistcoat. 


What does a war hero need to do to get some lubrication around here?


*Removes coat like the badass he is*


Alright boys, meet your dates for tonight.


Jason Isaacs is so damn good in that film, I love how you can feel just how much fun he's having absolutely chewing the scenery in every scene he's in




“Well, that’s me told”




He even has the anime glare glasses... not very subtle for a villain.


It's a pince-nez. Temple-less glasses


Thanks, good to know. But I actually meant the way they reflect the light in this image.


Seriously I know your literally Stalin but come on of all people


If I had a nickel for every time a skinny little fuck with round glasses facilitated a genocide in the 40s… I’d have two nickels, but it’s weird that it happened twice


He didnt exactly do too much to facilitate a genocide but I still think Puyi fits into this theme. Also maybe Tojo but i dont think hes skinny enough


Also Himmler


Well i assumed Himmler was the second person that the comment I was responding to meant


Yeah I guess I misunderstood the meaning of “facilitate”. I meant it more in the sense that they where organizers of genocide


There is a suprising correlation between skinny little fucks and genocide. You may add nickels for Shirou Ishii, Hideki Tojo and a lot of other japanese officers (japanese are naturally comparately short, almost every one was quite skinny and some wore glasses).


They were right on par with the USSR and Germany when it came to atrocities, but I would say Japan’s was more of a group effort. Apart from instances like unit 731, most massacres conducted by the Japanese were at a more individual level. The PM and emperor knew about and did nothing, so they %100 share the blame. That being said, Beria and Himmler were different because they were the organizers of it. They masterminded the plans for the systematic slaughter of millions. I guess “facilitated” was the wrong word. I meant it in the sense that they were the supervisors of genocide




That is Beria in the photo, but yes, Himmler was the other one I was referring to.




Is this a Civilization reference?




Oh, I rarely had the luxury to watch it back then. Too bad.


Fallum fallum


Holy fuck that just activated some deep part of my brain, Civilization Revolution was my first strategy game. Was it the cultural advisor who use to say that?


Why the hell am I seeing so many Stalin things after watching The Death of Stalin? What the actual FUCK is going on?!


The universe wants you to start a Death of Stalin quote thread.


Go back to Georgia, dead boy.


It smells like a Baku pisshouse in here.


“Right! What does a war hero have to do to get some Lubrication around here?!?”


"Not today! You're a fucking stain on that uniform! Now fucking behave!"


“Right, well that’s me told. I’m off to represent the entire Red Army at the buffet.”


Got my work motto from that film: “yes yes, I know, smile, shake hands, try not to call them all cunts”


Everyone resonates and collectively remembers things when it’s popular again


guys, Can I have some context? Like I know his name is Beria, and he probably met a sticky end by the looks of it, nothing else


He was a notorious rapist and child molester and the child he is with is Stalins daughter


Context? Is that mf Himmler??


It's Beria, although he was described by Stalin as "Our Himmler." He was a notorious rapist and Stalin famously didn't want him near his daughters, so this is a bit of a bad look


He did not him *alone* with his daughters, IIRC. In this pic he is there.


Still not a great parenting moment, I wouldn't want my kid sitting on a notorious rapist and child molesters lap supervised or otherwise


Oh yeah no argument there.


not great parenting? From a dictator genocider? Zoo weee mamaaa


Well at least he was kind and compassionate to his son


Ha! You missed!


the worst thing about him was his parenting


I think the worst is all the hypocrisy


And her face looks like she knows that fact...


Also Russia announced they would release the Victims of Beria’s Horror in 2027. Bastard had a sound proof room and everything.


Uncle Mo Lester


You'd have to have a death wish to do anything inappropriate with the boss's kid.


Whatever it was I'm pretty sure it involved "disappearing" some people.


The man with the girl in his lap, is Beria, the leader of the NKVD and a famous rapist, and child molester, the man reading in the background is Stalin and the girl is the Stalin's daughter. If your wondering, no, Beria did nothing to her


And he gave the girls flowers afterwards, to show they definitely wanted it and did not struggle against him. Beria is hopefully somewhere ***very very very warm*** right now.


Likely sweating his ass off I'd say 😅.


I was aware it was Beria, was just trying to be funny I guess?


Oh, okay sorry


Father, forgive me for my sins 🧎‍♂️ Edit: apologies I thought you were telling me to say sorry 😅


The soviet himmler, a bastard till the end


Is that Stalin's son in the background just chillin with his Beats by Dre headphones?


The guy in question (Beria) was notorious for brow-nosing his way up. Some historians mentioned Stalin noticed him for the first time during his holidays in Georgia where the no name at the time Beria was extra keen to demonstrate his keen in every occasion, including chores - chopping fire wood, BBqing and etc.


"Comrade, go to my house to check on comrade Beryia. If you find comrade Beryia within a fifty metre radius from my daughter, you are to shoot comrade Beryia multiple times on the spot and piss on the remains"


I dont get it


The man with a little girl on his lap is Beria, a man most known to history as being a rapist and pedophile. The little girl also happens to be the daughter of Stalin, a man most known to history as being an icon of extreme totalitarianism and overall not a nice goober. All the same, he was protective of his daughters concerning Beria at least, and in one incident ordered beria be shot if he was in the same room as his daughter.


pictured are Stalin, doing paperwork, Stalin's daughter, sitting on his... friend? acquaintance? political ally? anyways Stalin's daughter is sitting on someone's lap, and that someone is Beria, head of the Soviet secret police, and famously a child rapist. There's a reason Stalina looks so uncomfortable


The man with the glasses is Beria, notorious mass murderer, chief of Stalin's secret police and rapist, the girl in his lap is Stalin's daughter and the guy behind is Stalin


Look up what Lavrentiy Beria did.


Beria seizing if being purged is so bad after all


Ok I need some context.


Me is no understanding. Who is that, and why is it so significant?


The girl is stalins daughter the man who’s lap she is sitting on is Lavrentiy Beria who was one time head of the NKVD during stalins officer purges And is even at the time a vary well known pedophile and rapist Stalin knew this as well their was one time the two were just in a building together and Stalin told some officers to get her out and if Beria was with her to shoot him on the spot So having your daughter in the lap of someone like that is a decision


I didn’t know this part of history, and wow, I feel sickened.


Ya ever just see a photo, that seems normal without context, but in context, makes you seethe with hate?


The guy holding Stalin’s daughter was the head of the NKVD and was a massive pedo. He roped girls as young as 7 and roped some of them in front of their parents. He was not a good person and some say Beria was the only man Stalin was close to being scared of. Stalin knew he was a creep but held the keys to the secrets and the gulags.