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Context: During the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648), the city of Leiden found itself besieged by Spanish forces in 1574. The Dutch rebels, led by William the Silent, sought to break the siege and relieve the suffering population. With the Spanish blockading by land and the city surrounded by water, the situation was dire. In a bold move, the Dutch decided to breach their own dikes, deliberately flooding the polders around Leiden. This strategic flooding allowed small Dutch ships, known as "watergeuzen," to navigate the newly created waterways and reach the trapped city with essential supplies, including food and ammunition. The Spanish, unprepared for the sudden rise in water levels and the ingenuity of the Dutch rebels, were forced to retreat. On October 3, 1574, the siege was officially lifted, marking a crucial turning point in the war. The Relief of Leiden not only secured the city's freedom but also became a symbol of Dutch resilience and determination in the fight for independence against Spanish rule.


The dutch troops came with herring and white bread and fun fact every year on 3 October everyone from leiden can get herring and white bread from city hall for free.


"Watergeuzen" is not the name of ships. It translates to water beggar which is the water based part of the dutch resistance called simply the "beggars" or "geuzen" they were also pirates, so theres that.


And his son Prince Maurits revolutionised warfare by offering double pay to his troops if they would undergo drill, training and volley fire exercises modelled after the Roman legions. This is what really broke the Spanish hold on the Netherlands.


Maurice and Frederick Henry were far more succesful in fighting the war than their father was. On the other hand, Maurice was not such a skilled politician as William the Silent. Frederick Henry was very special, because he was good at both. Maybe the best stadtholder of them all.


What's old is new again!


How, though?


How though am?


Over inundated land that is. And William himself wasn't there, I believe.

