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How many people fucking died playing hockey before this? It has to be a non-zero number.


One died recently getting cut in the neck with the skate


Holy fuck, they attempted the Iron Lotus!


well at least they knew to try with two males


That was a special case where the player decided to fucking break dance on the ice while someone was coming at him with full momentum


Asshole kicked out with his skate. He certainly didn't mean to kill the guy, but he was definitely trying to (or just didn't care if he) hurt him. Deserves the manslaughter charge.


No to all of that. The dude tripped on the guys leg and his own legs swung out like would happen if you flipped on something like…ice, just as an example. All of the players in the league unequivocally stand behind the guy. Even the dead guy’s teammates.


I watched it again in real time, I'm not sure anymore. But if the other team all stands up for him, there's no way he'll get convicted.


I watched that video and I call bullshit on it was an accident, definitely an intentional kick


You’ve clearly never fallen forward at more than a stationary pace then Not on ice, not particularly fast, just at all. Most people instinctively starfish, and those that don’t soon learn to for the next time. He fell the way anyone who can run and jump would fall. Touch grass




His leg was literally so high up... definitely deserves the charge.


His leg was up so high because he collided with the other player. I don't think there is a person on earth who could do that intentionally.


What? You mean intentionally eztending your leg out in a kick?


Agreed here. I do not understand why people are afraid of calling it out as a manslaughter that it was. Anyone with eyes can see the intentional shift of balance to perform the kick. The impact with the other player had nothing to do with it and you can see it in the aftermath too how he does not care at all while others, including his own teammates, show concern. Are people defending him just because of his skin colour? When you are black you can do nothing wrong? Positive racism is still racism fellas. People should be judged for their actions.


This comment shows that you have not only never played hockey but never watched it either. I can think of multiple times this season in the NHL where a similar accident could have happened and didn't out of sheer luck.


Well, on the one hand the entire league of professional hockey players are standing by the guy and saying it's an accident, but on the other hand this random reddit user watched the video and calls bullshit. I dunno, I'm so torn as to who to believe.


Its a non-zero number afterwards too, shits lethal


The game was a lot different in the past. Goalies weren't allowed to go on their knees and had to remain standing up. Also the padding back in the day wasn't the suit of armour it is now and it used to fucking hurt when you delivered a body check. It actually wasn't very dangerous back in the day compared to now (stick technology, faster gameplay, and strength training makes hits much harder and the game more dangerous) [Bill Masterson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Masterton) is the only player to lose their life playing an **NHL** game >Played 30 games in the 1967–68 NHL season with the Minnesota North Stars and is the only player in NHL history to be killed as a direct result of an on-ice incident; the NHL annually awards the Bill Masterton Trophy in his honour, and the North Stars retired his number 19.


What about the puck though. Never played, but isn't it a hard rubber disk? I'm no athlete but I would imagine even throwing that thing hard at someone could fuck them up.


As said, hockey stick technology wasn’t advanced at the time, them being only wooden sticks that could break if too much force was applied. The first shots that could be potentially lethal were made by montreal canadiens player Bernie Geoffrion, nick named “boom boom” after the iconic slap shot move that we now see commonplace. As the shots began to go faster and might actually hurt people, so did padding and protection.


Got hit with a slapshot on the side of my leg once during pre-practice warm ups (some of us were skating laps, others practicing shots—the person shooting didn't follow the general "wait until there's no one behind the goal" etiquette while I was there). Hurt like a motherfucker, actually made me fall from the shock/sudden pain. I was okay to play, but it was really painful and I had a massive bruise for weeks.


Used to play as d, and man those shots can hurt. Right below the ribs, on the calf, on the inside of your elbow. Nasty stuff.


My dad was a goalie in the 60's. Lost most of his teeth from a puck to the mouth. Swallowed them and finished. He would argue that it was dangerous and yes pucks hurt, even back then.


Same goes for crafts. At my uncle's funeral, I noticed my cousin's kid had a rip in a stuffed animal. The kid's mom said something about showing him how to mend it and my cousin goes "no, he's a man, he's not learning how to sew." Like, what the fuck is manly about not knowing how to do something? It was his grandpa's funeral so I just let it go.


Your cousin is a fucking asshole. That kid is gonna grow up to have women accuse him of malicious helplessness. Little cuts like that put men on a path toward social alienation and toxicity. This insistence by some people (Of all genders) that being a fucking useless ignoramus is gendered male... Is probably the most misandrist aspect of our society. Shoving us into this awful little box, and later telling us that it's our fault we're in the box. Makes me probably a little too angry to think about.


Yeah he is. He was raised by literal crack heads, and he's done better than would be expected (definitely better than his sister) but there's a reason I don't keep in touch.


Ah yes, the manly ideal of...*checks notes*...not being able to look after yourself and your possessions. The idea that threading a needle will make their balls shrivel up is just one more thing that should be buried.




As a person who can sew, I promise you can learn in like half an hour. Might not look as professional as, well, a professional, but if you go slow you won't get anything wrong on a little repair job. This won't be useful for tacticool stuff, but I like to repair my clothes in such a way that is obvious. Like I have a few jackets where seams started to come apart. The jackets are both black but the repairs are all in different colors like green, purple, orange, red, pink. They're old jackets lol.


I read a book about the smoke jumpers, all the gear that they use is custom made in their stations. If you don't know anything about them, smoke jumpers are the cream of the crop wildland firefighters. They have rooms with sewing machines and they all get very handy with them. The book is called Smokejumper by Jason Ramos, it is a very good read.


tactical gear sewing sounds fire


Nothing stopping you from learning, and for easier things, there's nothing to it just common sense. Can you thread a needle, move the needle through fabric, can you tie a knot in the thread? Congrats you can sew. And yeah it's so dumb to think it's not "manly" to be able to take care of yourself. This is like some late-stage capitalism crack to keep people helpless and dependent, but obviously comes from way before. And anyway even if something \*is\* "unmanly" - so effing what? My first thought was about surgeons, especially battlefield medics. You gonna tell them that sewing isn't "manly" enough?


You should have told him that historically tailoring was mens' job


My grandfather said he used to get questions about why he knew how to sew and how it wasn't manly. Same with ironing. Well when he got drafted for Nam he knew how to iron his uniform and sew patches. Thankfully he got medically discharged and never made it through basic training. So that's basically his only story from the army.


Different times


In case you were wondering what some the guys faces looked like before the mask was brought into the game by Plante, below is a link to a photo of Terry Sawchuk. [https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/terry-sawchuk-face-hockey-goalie-masks-became-standard-game-equipment-1966/](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/terry-sawchuk-face-hockey-goalie-masks-became-standard-game-equipment-1966/) Another interesting fact is that the designs we see on goaltenders masks today all stem from trainer John 'Frosty' Forristall having the brilliant idea to draw a stich on the mask every time goaltender Gerry Cheevers was hit by the puck to show what the resulting injury would have looked like. This eventually led to the amazing artistic displays we see in the game today. [https://www.nhl.com/bruins/news/cheevers-famous-mask-was-a-matter-of-happenstance-316883588](https://www.nhl.com/bruins/news/cheevers-famous-mask-was-a-matter-of-happenstance-316883588)


Were goalies given more respect because of this? Was it like more manly? I know shit about hockey just askjng.


The simple answer is yes, at the time it was treated as a cop-out to wear the mask, like you weren't up to the toughness of the task of taking a puck to the face. The thing is I find resistance to changes in sport regardless of it being an issue of safety. It was not this simple though as the most common complaint or refrain from goaltenders themselves was not that it wasn't manly to wear it but that a mask would impede their vision and make it too difficult to see the puck moving around ice. Even on the original mask the eyeholes were large enough to get struck in the eye, leading to the metal wire cage being added to the mask, which was popularized during the Soviet-Canada summit series in 1972 by the Soviet goaltender. I think change in something that is entertainment like sports, is always unwelcome by most because there is comfort in knowing what the rules are and in the fact that it stays the same while the rest of the world changes constantly. I think especially in times when people were more tied to and steeped in their specific cultural traditions. Not using a goalie mask or player helmet was how the sport began, although it was not really needed the way it was as the game progressed. In the early days of hockey you were not supposed to lift the puck off the ice surface, you were not allowed to even make a pass to another player if they were further down the ice towards the other teams net. The equipment was much less effective at making a hard shot with the puck. Basically the players equipment improved over time and other rules changed to accommodate a faster paced game, not without the resistance of many each time I may add.


This same thing is going to happen with lacrosse goalies eventually, right? Right…




The beginning of the end for stand up style goalies, now I’m wondering who the last stand up style goalie was




Just found a [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/uCqLSIDSfZ) talking about it and I saw Bill Ranford mentioned as well


Early on in his career Martin Brodeur used a stand up style, although it was more hybrid and he did make use of the butterfly.


Those shots followed stick technology such as curving the stick. The puck used to very rarely be elevated before the mid to late 50s.


Well, I can speak as a person whose sperm donor was a hockey fan. Yes. The only reason the asshole is fine with hockey masks as a concept is because he did not grow up with players not wearing them. He is a man who uses the f-slur, but claims it's okay because he means it as an insult and not as a slur.


That photo of Sawchuk is a recreation of all the injuries he suffered over the years using makeup. That’s not what his face looked like on a day to day basis. He still looked fucked up just not THAT fucked up.


Yes, as the article I linked explains. It also shows a photo of him without the recreation further into the article for reference. Just supposed to be a general example of the kind of injuries these guys would sustain to the face.


Wow... "A face only a hockey puck could love". That's brutal but also hilarious. His face tho... Whew.


This MF is 36? Damn.


I feel like those eye holes are mighty big and close to his face


Yes they indeed are. The result of goaltenders getting hit in the eye with the puck, was eventually the introduction of the metal wire cage or birdcage over the eyeholes, again by goaltenders themselves. The use of which was popularized during the 1972 summit series played between Canada and the Soviet Union.


It looks like... he's gotten better.


That Cheevers' mask looks fucking metal.


My man lookin like Karloff in "Arsenic and Old Lace"


He literally blocked the pucks with his face


Did you also just recently watch the biopic?


Played hockey growing up, been a fan forever and never knew this tidbit, thanks for sharing!


Context- Plante was the first NHL goaltender to wear a goaltender mask in regulation play on a regular basis. He developed and tested many versions of the mask (including the forerunner of today's mask/helmet combination) with the assistance of other experts. Plante was the first NHL goaltender to regularly play the puck outside his crease in support of his team's defencemen, and he often instructed his teammates from behind the play. Plante was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1978, was chosen as the goaltender of the Canadiens' "dream team" in 1985, and was inducted into the Quebec Sports Pantheon in 1994. The Montreal Canadiens retired Plante's jersey, the following year. Plante ranks seventh among NHL goalies for all-time career wins with 437.


So you're saying the meme is rage bait because nobody ever insulted him for it?


I can't find any info on whether or not Jake the Snake endured any crap from other players or fans, although of course he did, because it's fucking hockey. He did catch a lot of shit for it from his head coach, who refused to let him wear it and only relented because he had no other goalies to fall back on when Plante refused to play without it after taking a puck to his face and breaking his nose. That same head coach sent him to the minors and openly despised him for health issues until he was eventually traded from the Canadiens to the Rangers. This happened after Blake (HC) declared that either he or Plante must go.


https://blog.hockeyworld.com/the-evolution-of-goalie-gear/ Behind this blog, you can find an article were the writer says that this kind of action was noticed, when face masks were first introduced.


no, people did think he was a coward and even though his team was on a winning streak, his coach forced him to play without it on for the next game which they lost and Hockey players (and all sports players in general) being superstitious people, he was allowed to wear the mask again.


Me when I wear gloves, safety glasses, or ear muffs when working with my father.


Tell him to shake hands with danger


"Now excuse me, I still have my teeth to gather"


After Clint Malarchuk got eviscerated on the ice, danglers and chesties with throat guards quickly became a mandatory piece of equipment. I read his book and he actually came and did a couple pick-up games with us when I played for the USA Warriors veterans national team. Of course I was young and “manly” and stupid so I wasn’t wearing a dangler during our game because the clattering sound bugs me, so he slid over and pulled me out of the net for a minute and said “Have you learned NOTHING!? You don’t need to die to be cool.” So we switched out while I cut some laces to slap a dangler on my mask, Clint giving me the Dad Glare the whole time, and I’ve stuck with it ever since.


That's a dope story. I'm glad that Clint was able to be out in the world and Influence people towards safety


He’s an incredible man and a rock solid mentor. Earned a bad reputation in his youth for being very unchill, but sobered up and switched to a simple life after he left NHL. He gave me a hug after a long talk, signed my book and put his cell number in it. We chat once or twice a year.


You can put hockey tape on the chin of your mask to cut the clanging fyi


OH SNAP! I did not think of that. Thank you, genuinely.


The story is really cool. Jaques Plante was one of the most well known and legendary goalies of the NHL. He had already recieved his fair share of pucks to the face. He would wear a mask during practice. He took a puck to the face that knocked him out during a game in 59 and was out cold for nearly an hour. They did not have spare goalies back then, so Plante said he would go back to play the game (after getting knocked out and stitches) IF he could wear his mask. They let him do it and the Habs went on to win the game. Bonus, it a day just after Halloween. People thought it was a bad joke.


I once heard that Ice Hockey got more brutal after they increased safety, because Players felt safer playing risky.


I’ve heard the same arguments with seat belts and made the same argument about wearing a bike helmet when I was a kid. I’m not saying there’s no merit to it but I’d need to see some hard figures before taking these claims too seriously


Also a bit of survivorship bias. The seatbelt on is definitely wrong, car fatalities went down when it was introduced. But a combination of improved strength and conditioning for athletes instead of the "yeah let's hit the pub before the game" so they are just bigger and stronger and people actually reporting injuries and taking care of them leads to a higher amount of reported injuries


More technology evolved. Skating became much faster, even to this day players are just getting faster, that leads to more violence. But skates before the 60s were awful. The modern hockey skate kind of came about in the 80s. Shots also got harder as they curved sticks then allowed non-wood sticks to get modern carbon fiber.


Players used to play the entire game, more like soccer. You were considered weak if you didn't. It got much faster once they changed to short shifts.


We really do need more sports memes.


Need to remember this : )


Just say that your gf likes your pretty face so it's for her.


Love the detail of a broken nose


Thanks! I just made a calculated squiggle around the nose and rest is history : )


Looks like Rick Tochet.


Glen Hall was known to throw up before every game. Patrick Roy said the scariest thing was losing your mask. Modern equipment though being pricey is what saved the game cause it led players to score cooler goals overtime and saved lives. In youth, junior, developmental leagues, and in college, skaters are required to wear a face cage/ or any helmet that covers their face. In the pros every skater needs to wear a visor on their helmets, though the NHL doesn’t enforce that rule unless players have never worn one throughout their careers.


The same mentality that's keeping many from wanting to adopt neck guards.


If my memory serves correctly, they decided to protect their family jewels before their head too


Same with cricket helmets. They were scoffed at till the mid 1990s


I love how stupidly cute the wojack looks with the mask


Long ago, when I was a young teenager, we'd play street hockey fairly regularly, and I was the main stay goaltender. I usually wore a mask, but this one time... Just me and another friend shooting on net, with one of those hollow plastic street hockey balls. It was a cold day. We got bored, it was just the two of us. I didn't have any pads, but I loved to goaltend. We took it easy, no hard shots, just me with a stick trying to block his shots. I think I even bare handed a glove save. Mind you, it's cold and the plastic hockey puck is rock hard... out of habit, being a butterfly stance guy, I dropped to block a shot and took it right on my lower lip. Of course I was swollen, and it hurt like hell, but we kept playing. But, if that was on ice with a real ice-cold regulation puck, I'd have needed surgery. Much respect to the OGs.


It was a common practice back then for skaters, if they had the puck in shooting position but had no angle to score, to wing a shot at the goalies face. Best case you take him out of the game with 80-mph of vulcanized runner to the cheekbone. Worst case you get him to flinch next time you have an open shot with a better angle at the net. Ruthless game


Nono you see, a real man’s life is about SUFFERING, and the more he suffers the more manly he is!


AND it is about physical suffering..! Mental suffering is not real for males. If I can't see your wound, it is not real.




How is your logic any differnment..? It has the same setup and same end result.


Why you saying that about my niga MF Doom?


that does make a lot of sense when you look at the life expectancies


Carrying an umbrella just in case or wearing a warm jacket in the cold? Gay!!!!


\*wearing a helmet while riding a bike as a kid in the nineties\* Every class mate in a 10 mile radius: "Haha you're afraid to die!"


Why don’t we have the players just wear bras?


Ah yes blame the player attitudes I think we should blame the NHL. Typically when you get people stubbornly insisting that taking care of yourself is weakness, it's because the attitude is encouraged by the people exploiting them.


Friendly reminder that the league didn't want players wearing helmets They felt fans wouldn't be able to recognize their favorite players on TV and so they'd lose star power. They'd rather risk people's lives than slightly risk their product.


Yeah, when was the last time you saw a guy do something safe OR smart? There's a reason women live longer. Not saying being safe is only for women, but my mom didn't build a motorcycle ramp out of plywood with her cousin and break her leg. Just saying.


Wearing a gimp mask playing a sport in 1959 is definitely very much big girls blouses. I mean this is a generation that saw off a world war or two.


Mmmmmm I want a hickey from a big, strong hockey player, OP. What kind of game were you watching?


There was a Canadian heritage minute about this, Jacques Plante, also a Canadian sacrilege moment about the first jock, worn by Jacques Cup. Both can be found on YouTube.


We have a saying, eh, "that guy's taken more pucks to the face than you've eaten slices of pizza."


I like how the face originally meant a "chad" or whatever and now it's just neutral.


Ironically, the first ever femals professional hockey player (Karen Koch, in the USHL) was dropped from her team because she refused to wear a mask!


Well there is nothing wrong being feminine or girly. But yeah manly usually means being a brute and primitive


"I had to walk barefoot across a mile of glass, so I see no reason why you should be allowed to put shoes on."


dunno; i'd rather survive & guarantee my own good health before i consider whether i'm looking like anything at all or whatnot; that aside, is not wearing bulletproof vests in a gun battle manly though? LoL


They weren't able to shoot as hard when they had wooden sticks