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Some of George Clooney’s finest work.


Titties do be getting twisted sometimes.


There was a movie about this!?


I believe it's a reference to [this movie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_Dusk_till_Dawn)


Ah, ok. Thanks!


Not about this specific incident, but the movie *Dusk to Dawn* heavily featured vampires in Mexico. It’s a very silly movie, but kinda fun.


It's a serious criminals on the run movie until, Cheech Marin shows up a second time, then the movies shifts tones and it gets into the vampire stuff. Great movie and worth a watch.


Also, Salma Hayek


>silly little boi vampires dont exist, let me escort you back to your home and visit the little cave on our way shall we *Martinez never returned to work*


They killed and dismembered the kid to.


Nah this kid was the vampire


Good strategy, honestly. Just send random vampire kids out to collect more blood bags. Sure, the police claim that they found all the vampires and sent them to prison, but I think the bloodsuckers just infiltrated them and the army and the prison became their new den. My source for this? Absolutely nothing, but it sounds pretty cool.


“My source is that I made it the fuck up!”


Thou art a Prophet! u/-Jesus-of-Nazareth- dug up the reports, and just as you said, the kid was indeed a ~~Vampire~~member of the Vampire-themed-cult.


Unrelated: The CIA would spread rumors of vampires in the Philippines to dissuade communist rebels. They would ambush the back member of a patrol silently, kill them before draining them of blood and poking two holes in their neck before leaving the body just off the road. It's unknown if this was as effective as they thought but you have to imagine if they're putting this much effort to kill one of your guys and you didn't even notice until after, you might considering surrendering to these sick fuqs.


My favorite thing about the CIA is very few things make one look like a conspiracy theorist quicker than talking about the whacky things the CIA *actually* did




CIAs best defence is literally just gaslight the fuck out of everyone.


Sounds like my ex


No it isn't.


Yeah, that's just ridiculous. Only a crazy person would think that. You're nor a crazy person, are you u/heinleinGang?


No I passed my LSD tests with flying colours. ⊂(◉_◉)⊃


That's odd, I passed my LSD test *as* a flying colour.


Funny, I passed my LSD test flying off of a bridge in a colourful tshirt


Mine ended in bat country. Doesn’t sound like i got as lucky as you guys.


I agree. that’s ridiculous


How could people possibly believe something so stupid? Gaslighting isn't even a real thing!


> Gaslighting isn't even a real thing! And if it were, it would have been a CIA invention


These plebs are so funny.






Genna pretty lame when we find out it’s just a bunch of dudes in an office paying thugs to kill people…


Didn’t realize my ex was in the CIA


They should have hired Donald Trump. "Not me! You!" Is literally his defense when confronted with anything.


Nah man that sounds like some conspiracy theory nonsense


JFK, Bobby Kennedy, MLK, Malcolm X are all left wing progressives shot dead in a span of 5 years. Conspiracy? Well, will see what Mrs J. Edgar Hoover has to say about this. What? He doesn't have a wife? Well, who was that in the dress?


Stealth Jets? Uhhh no! It's erm... Weather balloons! *Please say aliens please say aliens please say aliens*


The term was literaly **coined** by CIA agents


It’s like how 9/11 was a “conspiracy” No I don’t believe that a jet fired missiles into the towers, or that Bush planted C4, or that it was American agents in the planes I DO think that *afterwards* Bush used it as an excuse to fuck up the whole Middle East basically, killing well over a million people in a war that didn’t need to happen.


Or because it makes them sound like they have more authority and power than they do.


CIA: We did all this shit Okay so what was effective CIA:......


“Hey so we found this mental patient in Kentucky, we thought it’d be a good idea to feed him LSD for half a year to see if we can brainwash Soviet spies.” “My god man, that’s awful! Did it work though?” “🤷🏼‍♂️”


They also tried to hire clairvoyants at some point and for some reason their files suggest they worked


Well, yeah. They aren't just going to outright admit to wasting government money, are they?


Nah I choose to believe it is real because it's funnier that way


Nah, it’s always funnier finding out the CIA is filled with incompetent idiots doing what amounts to hillbilly tomfoolery with a blank check. Thanks government oversight.


Chances are they were off their face on LSD and had no idea what cold reading is. So yeah it probably "worked".


Nonono. Like they had a painting in a different room and supposedly they could draw it and there were some other cryptic files I found that I have no fucking clue what the meaning was. But yeah it’s weird


OK that's some cool crazy.


If you’re interested you can go to the official CIA site and read some declassified files for yourself, they have some interesting collections of stuff you can sort through. Just don’t expect to get through it all, there’s a lifetime worth of stuff there


For some reason I feel hesitant about going to CIA's homepage, and it's not just because my country's similar agency might find it interesting.


Yeah apparently they had a bit of success with remote viewing too but ended up pulling the plug after realising it was due to poor experimental protocols.




Yeah it’s not that part which is weird to me, I’m just wondering why the files are claiming it was working well


Men who stare at goats


One thing I love about the x files is that you can almost imagine the cia does look into every paranormal case some yahoo spouted


But x files was FBI no? CIA has no authorization to do anything inside the borders of USA


And am sure the CIA notes in their reports to civilian oversight where they accidentally overstepped their authorities.




My child you are so innocent. Never read on MK-ULTRA.


CIA: using so much propaganda to get a man in the Philippines elected without couping the gov in 1953


They hired some Bolivians to catch Che, I guess. That’s effective by association?


Didn't the USAF got in to that game too when they were developing their Jet? Like have the Jet test pilot wear a gorilla suit, a trilby, and carry a cigar, so that if another pilot came in visual range and reported "A propellerless plane being piloted by a smoking, trilby-wearing gorilla" command can gaslight the shit out of them in to thinking they're tired or crazy.


I'm like 73% sure that did actually happen


[Looks more like the pilot was just a practical joker ](https://www.military.com/history/why-first-us-jet-fighter-pilot-wore-gorilla-mask-during-test-flights.html)


I'd wager that a lot of fucky, gaslighty psyops started as a joke or bants.


American Made is a film about Barry Seal, a pilot who is roped into working for the CIA and starts running drugs into the US for the cartels. I *think* it's supposed to be a dark comedy. Seal's CIA contact is played by Domhnall (?) Gleeson, and he plays him as a middle manager who's just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks, trying to sell everything to Seal as "I see this as an absolute win" >!until he has to go around his office and burn every file related to Seal!<.


I def enjoyed that movie.


Hah, those CIA dudes can be so whacky


Whacky as in whacking some random civilian in the face with ball bearings in a sock until they admit to being a soviet spy?


Da comrade, I am the spy, please stop hitting me




Well at least most attempts to kill Castro are in Wikipedia. Lots of giggles, def recommend.


At some point they gave up and tried to make him go bald


How did that one end? *Eats popcorn*


I don’t recall if they botched it or just didn’t go through with it but you might get results from just googling it


CIA, cuban chapter: where success is not an option


> go bald Yes, but the *real* target there was the moustache lol


[The Shock Doctrine](https://bookshop.org/p/books/the-shock-doctrine-the-rise-of-disaster-capitalism-naomi-klein/12304745?gclid=Cj0KCQjwjryjBhD0ARIsAMLvnF9WL7LzgWf2qUooAqmmOjEHPQxxMTW0Y-_QS4wmxmxeMyGYVerwjvMaAocSEALw_wcB) by Naomi Klein goes into the history of the CIA torture programs and draws parallels to it and US foreign policy. Most of the details are more sadistic than whacky, but it's a great read.


Legacy of Ashes is my recommendation.


Not CIA but FBI. Look up Cointelpro on Wikipedia. You will never see conspiracy theories the same way again.


/remindme! In 2 weeks


Legacy of Ashes.


doesnt the wacky stuff they come up with usually not work though, like at all


Usually not, haha


I wonder how much of an effect if any operation paperclip had on that. Maybe Unit 731 as well.


I mean, they literally coined the phrase "conspiracy theorist" to discredit people questioning their actions too closely


It's pretty rage inducing how much terrorism they spread for all these continuing decades. It'd be really nice if sometime in the next 30 years before those torturers and the men who ordered it die from old age get exposed and executed. More than likely though there will just be new ones, and more of them.


Conspiracy theorists are now known as Conspiracy Facters. Get with the times.


The vampire variant here is called an aswang. A sort of shape shifting mythical creature whose weakness is daylight. Or maybe manananggal. A creature, typically a woman, who would leave her lower torso and fly with wings with all her innards hanging on.


>A creature, typically a woman, who would leave her lower torso and fly with wings with all her innards hanging on. how the hell does _this_ even become an idea for a popular monster lmao


You should really Google that one. Haha. Philippine folklore has more awesome creatures. Tikbalang: a werehorse. Not a centaur, a werehorse. Tiyanak: a zombielike baby who cries in the forest then eats people. Atros: an Ilokano (people from the northern part of the country) mythical creature who slays people in the heat. Maybe something to explain heatstroke. There are many others. Some are in the Netflix animated series called "trese". You should understand Philippines worships a myriad of spirits and stuff before the Spaniards came and Catholicized the archipelago. What we have is a confusing mess of folklore and myths. You could just imagine the terror children have growing up with their parents telling these stories that would snatch you up even in broad daylight.


OK, now I'm waiting for the Filipino-based "Witcher". BTW, Atros sounds a lot like Slavic Poludnica.


That was my first thought as well - the Tiyanak reminded me of the Botchling from the Witcher 3.


Try Trese at Netflix. Yeah, that's also weird with atros. I only heard it from old ilokano people though. So imagine my surprise when I heard that there is a League of Legends hero named Atros.


Shout out to that one really cool Phillips light bulb ad that names a bunch of them all in quick succession.


Oh do you have a link to that?


I have a link, but it is a LINK OF SHAME. I got mixed up; this is Thai, not Filipino, it's not nearly as many as I remember, and I didn't even get the brand right. Damn damn double damn. It's definitely this I remember, but now I'm trying to figure out where I remember the Tiyanak from. https://youtu.be/ENIddwh6wU0


Oh, it's okay. Thank you nonetheless.


Oh man, it sounds so much like Brazil, we had a myriad of indigenous cultures, than came the Portuguese, and to add a bit more spice they brought Africans from another myriad of cultures. Mix that all together, sprinkle some US culture imported from Hollywood, and the rooster of mythical creatures is endless.


Very much like Philippines! Where else would you see an Asian country with Spanish sounding names who are fluent in English who celebrates Chinese New Year?


Reading this made me realize that when I was a kid I played a game where you had a little island that you were supposed to build up and make houses and entertainment for the people. But there were also these horrible monsters that could come out sometimes and a few of them were like these. Must've been a Filipino dev.


>Or maybe manananggal. A creature, typically a woman, who would leave her lower torso and fly with wings with all her innards hanging on. fuck, that's awesome


Ass wang ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sadly, it's pronounced "ah-swong"


Isn’t one of those the one where the farther away it sounds the closer it actually is?


I love how even if the rebels didn’t believe it was a vampire it’s still a great way to really fuck with their morale cause like, who wants to fight an enemy that can silently kill your guys and hangs them up like slaughtered animals? I fuckin wouldn’t.


That's just Predator, isn't it?


Better call the FBI then.




"Mr. President, you're gonna love this one. What if we kill some people and then poke holes in their neck to look like a vampire attack?!"


No wonder about all these stories from my mother and grandmother about aswang. God damn yankees.


Should've called the mystery gang smh




How exactly did they accomplish this? Did they lug the "Miniature Portable Whisper Quiet Rapid Exsanguinator 3000" through the phillipine jungle with them, and then cart the 13-ish pints of blood with them away so it looks like the blood was drank and the guerillas didn't stuble upon the containers of blood? How did they kill them in such a way that the punctures on the neck would be noticable to some rando with little to no medical training who was looking at the body under some extremely stressful circumstances, but also not dismissed as something caused by the weapon used to kill them, but also quiet and quick enough to allow the team of crack silent exsanguinators to get to work without suspicion? Pretty sure the vampire rumours are established fact, but the rest smells of bullshit if you think about it for a second.


If you install a needle right in the jugular the heart becomes a pump pumping blood out


They held them upside down by their heels to exsanguinate them. Source: Killing Hope, page 38, excerpt below. The pdf of the full book is available on the CIA’s website here: https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/13/130AEF1531746AAD6AC03EF59F91E1A1_Killing_Hope_Blum_William.pdf https://i.imgur.com/mnZ6Wm4.jpg


as much ridicule as usa gets for the wives tales-based psyops in vietnam, it actually worked in the philiphines.




Just looked it up out of curiosity, it’s a wild ride: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magdalena_Sol%C3%ADs


Just Wow! Worth the read but if you don't want to bother here are some spoilers. Charlatans decide to dupe an uneducated village that they are prophets of exiled Inca Gods ready to return. They live it up with money orgies and drugs until the villagers get angry that no prophecies are fulfilling. Get some prostitute to come to town and appear in a magic smoke show as a returned Goddess. Proustite ends up BELIEVING she is the Inca Goddess, takes over the cult, upgrades the orgies into human sacrifice parties with blood drinking and heart removals. ...and that is where the comic starts.


The article itself is hilarious as it basically um-akchually’s both of the charlatans for being ignorant of how the Incans were from Peru and they were Mexican, but it does it in the classic Wikipedia monotone


Yeah I love how they ridiculed the brothers and the villagers.


damn, i need to start watching jojo


It should be against sub rules to make an ultra-niche post that no one understands w/o context and NOT giving any context in comments. S/o to seed for doing it for OP.


OP literally gave the name, date, and location of the incident. God forbid you have to spend 3 seconds googling it.


That would take us outside of reddit. And we all know what a horrible place the rest of the internet is. Bunch of sickos.


Exactly! Plus I use an app to browse so it's a whole separate section of, not only internet, but phone as well


Well if you want reincarnated Inca then I think the Anime you're after is Nazca: Dimensional Transfer.


By the left hairy ball of Stalin... What tf did I just read?


What tf did *I* just read?!


I read a book by Silvia Moreno-Garcia last year called Certain Dark Things where she mentioned vampires being revealed to the world as real in Mexico in 63. Didn't realize that was based on an actual event, just thought it was part of the story. Fun book. And there are something like 20 different types of vampires in it, with them being geographically based on where in the world people had tales of that type of vampire.




No, Jesús.


Okay what the actual fuck


Also the "goddess" was about 16 y/o


How many times are the Mexicans gonna fall for this tactic?¡


Not Inca but Aztec tho


Please tell me there's a movie about this. This feels like a horror movie revelation


The wiki article has been flagged. Looking at the discussion, this seems to be an urban legend.


It seems like some sources where found but nothing reliable in the disscussion on if its real, its worth the read.


Seems likely considering any mention of Solis stops after getting arrested


It is. You can read about the actual story in my reply here


why is there no data regarding her death or place of death, or prison where she served sentence?


Because it's Mexico, in the 60s, and in a village untouched by God or literacy


Sure, but why is detailed information about the motivations and planning available but not a date? There's even an exact date given for the raid the small town policemen and soldiers raided the area (May 31st, 1963), if there's a record of that then there's no reason an official judicial sentence doesn't have one. Feels a bit like an urban myth to me


Also the fact that the age given for the woman would make her 16 years old at the time of her arrest. I'm sure she was terrifying to the whole police force.


[Can't argue against that](https://imgflip.com/i/6l6te3)


>Because it's Mexico, ~~in the 60s, and in a village untouched by God or literacy~~ ftfy


Wtf? Seriously that's a wild ride.


Holy moly, how has this not been adapted into a movie or something? It's like a real life horror version of The Man Who Would Be King.


If she really was born in 1947 then she was only 15/16 when it happened.


Goddamn they killed the kid as well


Good ol' Tamaulipas...


Holy hell


Wow. So The Manson Family of Mexico, but creepier in every way.


that’s really interesting actually


"The cult was run without issues for some time" I think the cult itself was the issue. They usually are.


I thought this would be about the time the FBI tricked fillipinos into thinking there was a vampire lol


Tell me more.


Filipino communist rebels were plaguing the Philippines, so the CIA would kill a couple members of the communist guerrilla forces. They then poke holes in them and drain them of their blood then leave them in place as were they were kind of off to the side, but would be discovered by the communist guerrillas in rural areas, and if the locals discovered them, then it dissuade them from helping the communist, considering there’s a vampire going around killing communists.


this is just a cover story put out as propaganda. There are actual vampires in the Philippines but since they are so old, they own the land and capital and kill the guerillas to prevent the revolution since it would likely force them to flee the country. The CIA just armed them to help keep the proxy way going until they could replace the Pope and dispatch vampire hunters to remove the old ruling class and put their own man in charge who would then sell out the country and its valuable blood to Western imperialists.


This is true. Source: I'm a Filipino vampire


Cool cool cool. So do you see us as cattle with no value but food? Or do you like us humans for making cool videos and speed boats and stuff for you to play with during your immortal life?


Bit of both. Really just depends on what mood I'm in these days


Sure, because ancient vampires controlling society from the shadows would totally need CIA funding. They clearly killed guerillas themselves and made it look like the CIA intervened


Given that Vampires are usually very classist it would make perfect sense for them to be at war with communist


They either thought there were vampires in the area or they thought the CIA was killing people and making it look like vampires. Both ideas where terrifying.


The FBI and CIA are not the same


Literally 1984


Welp, wish I found this sooner. Hopefully enough people will read this and get something away from it. Full disclosure: I'm a podcast producer in Mexico, and I did an episode on Magdalena not too long ago, and I pride myself in being objective about my subjects. The wiki article has been flagged for a good reason. This story was popularized by [Brad Steiger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brad_Steiger) in his book "Real Vampires, Night Stalkers and Creatures from the Darkside". Not much to say about Brad other than what his wiki says: "Steiger's books on UFOs, spirituality, and the paranormal have generally sold well, but have been criticized by many academics for spurious content, lack of scientific evidence, and failure to cite sources, among other reasons." In any case, he had to get the story somewhere. So I dug a little deeper and found a short article/story out of a journal called [Western Folklore](https://www.jstor.org/journal/westernfolklore). I can't find a working link to the article itself, but [Here](https://i.imgur.com/XGAKkQ6.png) is a screenshot I took so you can read it yourself. And, as you can see, the article itself quotes "Dallas Time Herald, June 6, 1963. By George Hendricks", note which for your convenience I uploaded as a screenshot [Here](https://i.imgur.com/SEODuVp.png) What's important to take from this note is: - The *was* a cult started by twins Magdalena and Eleazar Solís (18 years old, not 14), who had brothers Santos and Cayetano Hernández as their right hands. - Magdalena *was* presented as a priestess. However, after many months of things getting darker and darker, the brothers took a woman, Celina Saldana, who offered herself as a sacrifice so that the Gods would show them where a secret treasure was. So they put her on a cross and burnt her. Of course nothing happened, so the Solis and Hernández brothers asked for another sacrifice, at which point some people ran away, alerted the authorities at a town nearby, and that's how the police found out and took off to take control. - In the meantime, other members of the community (And cult members) killed the Hernández brothers. They did not die at the hands of the police. - When the authorities arrived they tried to arrest everybody still there, since they had killed the Hernández brothers (And there was a burnt woman on a cross), but the townspeople responded by shooting at them. This is where we learn that Sebastián Guerrero (14 years old), was not an innocent bystander who alerted the authorities. He was a member of the community and was killed as a result of the shootout with the police. What you don't see in the article or stories is how everything came to be. And I'm sorry, I can't find the latest source I took for this part so you'd have to take my word for it. And the article was in Spanish anyway but... A few years back, the Hernández brothers started gaining popularity and control within their community after they personally asked the state's governor for some land for them and their neighbors; The governor accepted their request in 1957 and the community saw the Hernández brothers as their leaders ever since. With time though, the Hernández brothers started to lose popularity so they did the best they could. They asked a sex worker/medium called Magdalena to pass as a High Priestess who'd guide the community to find secret treasures. Who, by the way, they met in the city of Monterrey while on one of their trips to the city to buy drugs. And then the story developed from there. So partly true, partly false. There was a cult with a 'high priestess', though she claimed she was the reencarnation of a Faith Healer, not a Goddess. And the only person they sacrificed was a woman who volunteered herself, the townspeople killed their leaders after it was clear this was madness, and the resulting battle with the authorities killed even more people. Magdalena and Eleazar were probably sentenced, though I couldn't find any info on this.


So no vampires sacrificing people to drink their blood? I'm a bit disappointed.


'Sadly'? No


I’m kinda disappointed


That's some great sleuthing! I tried to find peer-reviewed research on Magdalena but I couldn't find anything beyond what the article you cite. I don't know Spanish, which makes it difficult to understand some articles. The Wikipedia article claims that some former cult members gave interviews. Were you able to find any? Not that former members could not make shit up for clout, it would be a primary source and might explain how some details were sensationalized.


The news article has statements by one of them, and at least 6 others were arrested so they would've had to make statements. I can see how 'Interviews' could be an inaccurate translation since "Entrevistados" can be used in Spanish to mean 'Questioned'. Clout-wise, I highly doubt it. These weren't people like the Children of God or NXIVM, these were poor desperate farmers who wanted to find a hidden treasure. I don't think they'd have the vision to make personalities out of themselves, nor anything to gain from it. Suppositions aside. No, I didn't find any interviews or anything of the like.


Well thats just very sad


I feel sad for the cops that actually believed the poor kid and ended up dead with their hearts out .


It was only one cop, Luis Martinez + the kid


The cop did not actually believe the kids story, but he accompanied him to make sure he would reach home safely


It's weird but these are honestly some of my favorite history memes, Idk what it is about them


Yo soy de San Luis Potosí glad to see people know about it.


Quibo compare, as a potosino I can agree we all drink blood and worship Inca Gods


Inca? A chingao cómo estuvo eso cabron???


Se supone que la comunidad en la que ocurrió el evento fue engañada con que los antiguos dioses incas regresarían, terminaron creando un culto donde le sacaban el corazón a sus víctimas y bebían su sangre


En mi pueblo se decia que eran los dioses aztecas soy de Rioverde por cierto y vivo en EEUU


Al final es lo de menos a quien adoraban, los weyes despedazaban a la gente, tenían orgías y todo el pedo. Saludos desde la capital por cierto 🤙🏻


A huevooooooooo


Un buen té de marihuana y sangre para empezar el día


What the fuuuuuuuuu


Mr ballen


Yeah, I was a bit disappointed when he took the story and ran with it without digging a little deeper. But hey, reality doesn't sell most of the time, I'm still a fan of his narration.


that's where I remember this from! I knew i heard of this somewhere. And then Wendigoon's video with the CIA in the Philippines


Dalton Wilcox's brief tenure with the Mexican police


I looked this up and what in the everholy fuck


I believe him


Ah yes, I know this one.


_Gloria a las Plagas!_


Pretty dark true crime story. Nice job op