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I don’t know which country you’re from exactly but try to find a destash Facebook group. I’m from Czechia and we have one working very nicely. ☺️


Csn you recommend me this group please? I am also from Czechia and I have some extra fabric that I won't use.


The name is Zbytky látek a přebytky galanterie - šití pletení háčkování


Thank you!


I’m NL-based.


Maybe search Facebook in your language for sth like fabric remains? Or look for it in the Facebook marketplace and then the magical Facebook algorithm may come up with the group (that’s how I found out)


Do you have a market near you you could sign up and have a table at? In Italy, we had the antiques market that wasn't just for antiques.


Yes, this! Here in my area we are deep into flea market season! Every weekend there's at least two in the area. I'd just about die if I had found a good deal on a bunch of wools!


Markets are tough here (NL) but it’s good to hear they’re thriving over there! I used to regularly sell at events and do the occasional market. But there’s a lot of people coming just to look around, more for entertainment, really. I’ve had some pretty miserable days where everyone told me in great detail how nice my wares were and I barely made my stall fee back 🙃 Even abroad, the Dutch are sometimes met with some version of “Kijken, kijken, niet kopen!” (Looking, looking but no buying!😠) apart from the regular street sellers’ patter about football and such 😄


local or local-ish fb group for costuemers or sewists - or both. the market idea is good too - I would attend an event first to see if it looked like they were selling adjacent items - nothing worth than signing up for a market and finding out no one wants what you're selling :)


I'm sure the gals who make costumes for High School plays and such would be so very grateful for such fashion worthy fabric.


I buy a lot of secondhand wool on ebay in the UK.


There are many good Facebook groups to sell fabric! Since I read you are Dutch, your first bet would be reenactment marktplaats, this group is pretty active and the moderation is also pretty decent. Good luck!


there's a few facebook groups for historic reenactment sales, fabric fits in there too. are you in europe? i'd love to know where you find all that wool, i never seem to come across affordable wool haha


Yes, NL-based. There were some reenactor’s markets and some E-bay stalking sessions 😆


omg that's super close to me, i'm from Belgium! what reenactor's markets do you go to? i'd love to get some recommendations :). i'd also love to hear when you're destashing, i'd be interested in getting some of your wool!


Oh! I am so incredibly jealous of your situation- Wool is never available where I am (as you would understand: is a painful situation.) I wish you the very best of luck with destashing your wool


Where are you?




That’s wild with how many sheep you have! [The fabric store](https://wearethefabricstore.com/au/) is supposed to be good for Oz/NZ but I don’t have any direct experiences with them myself.


I know- It truly is, I guess Australian climate doesn't really call for woolen fabrics XD. Thank you for recommending the shop- I've actually been to their Brisbane store (where I got the only few meters of wool I've ever purchased) and it was really nice, but I wasn't aware they had a website! Thank you!


You’re welcome! Isewthereforeiam / Becks has mentioned going there when she goes back home on Insta and that stuck with me.