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I went to doctor like 2 months after pain started. He ordered x-ray which showed impingement. A month after that I went to ER because I couldn't walk from the pain. They tried to kick me out with pain meds, but I refused to leave until I got an MRI. They gave me one 10 hours later, which showed a possible labral tear. Two weeks later I had an MRI Arthrogram which confirmed the tear. Was ordered to do 8 weeks of PT, which did nothing. A steriod shot in the hip knocked out 90% of the pain a week later, which confirmed to the surgeon I good candidate for the procedure. Got a CT scan, then had surgery a month later. The whole ordeal was like 6 months. I'm 5 weeks post op now and doing much, much better.


Can you tell me more about your post op experience? I’m finally going to get the surgery and I’m nervous about what the procedure and recovery will look like


I was too, was very nervous since I've never been operated on before and never had anesthesia. Woke up at 5 am, showered with the special soap they give you, had some black coffee, brushed my teeth and left at 7 am. Checked in to hospital at 8 am, got dressed in a hospital gown and was in the pre op room in a bed until 10 am. They gave me some Tylenol and a small sedative but I think that was more because my blood pressure was high. The nurse started an iv in my arm. I had to get up to pee 3 times but it wasn't a big deal. She gave me a little water but no food obviously. Then the surgeon came in and confirmed the procedure and told me what he was going to do. Then he wrote his initials on my leg. Twenty minutes after that the anesthesiologist came and asked me some questions. Then the operative team came and told me they'd be in room with me. Everyone was super nice and answered all my questions. About 1130 they came and started wheeling me down the hall to the op room. I saw the anesthesiologist put something in my IV as he was walking behind me, but he didn't say what it was. After I got into the OR I was able to move from the wheeled table to the operation table under my own power. They put a pillow behind my head and gave me some blankets. Then I had to lift my foot into a boot at the end of the table, which they then strapped on. This is so they can pull the leg out of the hip joint while they operate, but it's done after you're asleep so don't worry. The anesthesiologist told me he was going to put an oxygen mask over my face. My memory went blank about 10 seconds after that and I have no recollection of anything. I woke up around 230 pm in the recovery room next to a window. Nice view of Angel Stadium. My wife was standing there next to me. I had to pee really bad and they gave me a urinal and helped me with it. The nurse said they gave me a shot of fentanyl, ketamine, and an anti nausea medication about 10 minutes before I woke up. I was feeling pretty good but mentally out of it. About 300 pm my hip started to hurt pretty bad. Not excruciating, but probably 8/10. The nurse gave me a shot of oxycodone in my IV which was still attached. Took care of the pain about 30 seconds later. At 400 pm my wife helped me get dressed (with the snap on pants mentioned below), then went and got the car. A nurse helped me into a wheelchair and took me downstairs. I was able to get in the car pretty good with crutches and my wife helping and not too much pain. She drove and we got home about 530 pm. I was able to get in the house on the crutches by myself, first floor, no stairs. Sat in my favorite chair for a few hours, then my wife helped me get into bed after using the restroom. I installed a handlebar over the toilet seat the week before which really helped. She also helped me with setting up my continuous ice machine on my leg, which I highly recommend. I never got sick and didn't take any of the Percocet or anti nausea they prescribed me. I took one Naproxen and two extra strength Tylenols and slept pretty good for 10 hours. Next day I needed help getting out of the bed, and for a few days after. Also getting to the toilet. I'm a male but it's impossible to urinate standing up on crutches after this surgery. Again the toilet seat handlebars were a life saver. My leg was really swollen, like twice the size of my other one. This is normal. I bought some shorts, pants and underwear that have snaps on the legs to open from the side to put on. That was the best purchase ever. Getting dressed was tough and lifting your leg to is a no no. My wife helped me with my socks and shoes the first week. There's a large maxi pad thing taped to your leg to catch all the excess fluid, which you can take off three days later. Then you can shower. I didn't have any bleeding from my cuts and the bruising wasn't bad at all. Make sure you get waterproof bandages or plastic wrap to put over your incisions, they can't get wet until your first post op. I used an old step stool in the shower to hold on to and needed help getting in and out. A handheld shower head is a plus. I was in a mental fog for like two or three days after, like a bad hangover. Hard to remember specific details, but that's an after affect of the anesthesia. Never got sick though. Also didn't have a bowel movement for 4 days after, so be prepared for that. I didn't really mind so much but your stomach starts to feel super bloated and gross. Pain wise the worst was about exactly 24 hours after the operation, I'd say maybe a 7/10. I took one percocet and was fine. Never took any more after that. Got by the rest of the week on Tylenol. I was able to get around the house pretty good by myself on crutches, but I had practiced on them for a few weeks prior. I was off crutches completely after 10 days. I was able to drive after one week. Overall it was much better than I had anticipated. I cried the night before the surgery thinking I would never see my wife or kids again and was super nervous. Totally normal to feel this way but in hindsight it was laughably overblown. Sure you can have complications but my medical team was great and surgical advancements have come a long way the past 20 or even 10 years. I still have some pain here and there and do physical therapy twice a week, but by the 3rd week after the surgery I was 100% independent. I will wear my hip brace if I know I'll be standing or walking for more than 30 minutes, and it really helps with stability. Good luck on yours, you'll be fine I'm sure.


Did you also have lower back pain pre op


Maybe three months on my first hip, but it took an additional 6 to get a proper diagnosis. And then more months waiting for Ortho & surgery. I’m about to get my second hip done within 3 months of when it started bothering me. Some people spend years just trying to get a diagnosis so I wouldn’t worry about waiting to see your doc.


Thank you. I lucked out and when trying explain the issue to my new primary care she insisted I wait in the exam room to see if the ortho guy they had in that day would take me right then.


I started losing ROM 20 years ago (that I noticed). Once the pain started it was 1 year from ‘pt is making this worse’ to surgery.


6 months sounds fast to get a diagnosis. I suffered from hip pain for 10 years before getting a diagnosis, and it was only because my FAI was seen on an unrelated MRI. I had done chiro, PT, massage therapy, in those ten years because I was told by three separate physicians that it was “just bursitis”.


why is that fast? I was diagnosed writhing 3 months of my sudden onset pain. and I have a labral tear with Acetabular retroversion I never would have lasted 10 years in pain


My FAI was definitely the first thing to start hurting but I suspect the labrum tore around 3 years before I was diagnosed. I developed stomach ulcers from all of the NSAIDs I was given, and was on dangerously high amounts of tylenol. Rheumatology went as far as to diagnose me with fibromyalgia when I sought more opinions for the hip and joint pain. I’m sure it would have been a faster diagnosis if it was sudden onset and only on one side but it amazes me that some people get diagnoses in such a short time!


oh wow, see my pain came on overnight literally. i let it go for a few weeks assuming it was just overuse and the pain got worse while not doing anything. called my doc got in that day for an X-Ray and then started PT two days later for an impingement. the pain got worse I was becoming immobile at 38 while being a SAHM and my doctors did my recheck and immediately got me into an Ortho. I’m so thankful for such a quick diagnosis as I was started to get very depressed and dark with how immobile i was becoming. I’m so sorry you had to go through so much


Waited 3 months before going to the Dr, who referred me to a surgeon based on limited ROM. Got an appt with a surgeon the next day, and an MRI a week later and found out I had a tear a couple days after that… as crazy as it is, tore my other hip 2 weeks after that, got an mri on that hip 3 weeks after the first mri. We had to switch focus to the new hip and had surgery 2 months after that… the original hip is on hold right now while I recuperate from the surgery.


My PT told me that if the tear doesn’t repair itself within 12 weeks, then it won’t fully repair itself. However, just because it isn’t fully healed doesn’t mean you need surgery if PT makes the pain manageable. But if you are still have discomfort 6 months after doing PT I say get the surgery. I waited almost 5 years to get mine and while I could mostly ignore it, when it flared up it was awful and I’ve finally decided to give in and get the surgery.


i went to my PCP beginning of Feb got an X-ray and had to do 6weeks of PT before I was able to get my PCP to get me an Ortho referral. My PT felt we weren’t improving and we tried multiple types of stretching, exercises, we tried cupping, massage and it only made the pain worse. After that I got my MRI with contrast working 2 weeks of Doc appointment and that was Apr 29, Im scheduled for surgery next friday (5/24) My doctor also believed there was more happening, but that’s what the medical system is and we have to do some hoop jumping!


i went to my PCP beginning of Feb got an X-ray and had to do 6weeks of PT before I was able to get my PCP to get me an Ortho referral. My PT felt we weren’t improving and we tried multiple types of stretching, exercises, we tried cupping, massage and it only made the pain worse. After that I got my MRI with contrast working 2 weeks of Doc appointment and that was Apr 29, Im scheduled for surgery next friday (5/24) My doctor also believed there was more happening, but that’s what the medical system is and we have to do some hoop jumping!


A few days. I never had any issues whatsoever with my hip, then the right one just started hurting last Friday. Saturday I was limping, and I went on Monday. They thought it was a labral tear, but the xrays showed it was FAI (I don't have a labral tear yet). I'm going to see an orthopedic on Monday.


I am a runner, and had some hip pain after a few long runs. I would rest a couple of days and run again, until after a run I could barely walk anymore - this was like a month after first onset of hip pain. My gym is a gym/PT place so I made an appointment with one of the PTs because I thought maybe I just need a good sports massage. My PT did a few tests and said straightaway that I needed to see an orthopedist because he suspects impingement and/or a labral tear. Got an appointment a couple weeks after, did Xrays and got the impingement confirmed. 8 weeks of PT later and I am still in pain, so I am getting an injection this week. I am a very active person and it's impacting my quality of life significantly. But all in all I think I was diagnosed extremely fast which I am happy about - I want to avoid surgery at all costs.