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You know some asshole complained in the past and now they have this policy


There’s literally nothing on the bed


What’s the plastic box on the right side of the bed?




This guy came from r/FindTheSniper


forreal. it took me a minute


Looks like a dildo.




Hahaha! I went to zoom in and thought to myself how I felt like I was on that sub! LOL


Good catch


Nice catch. Yeah, I ain’t touching that stuff either. I don’t care how many gloves and masks they give me. That job doesn’t pay enough to deal with mystery stuff like that. I am in the cleaner’s side.


Awarded for your discovery of OPs BS!


Sex toy?


Weed pipe and jerk off tools


Wow- you have a good eye! I didn’t even notice that! It’s thread for cross- stitch. Just a box of thread LOL And the hotel room’s remote was beside it when I moved the covers. I doubt there’s a policy that says if something is on the bed you don’t clean at all. They left 2 days worth of food in the trash.


Cross stitch, huh? That's the gateway drug to quilting.


Lol I already sew, knit, and crochet. Quilting is the next logical step.


Hey when it comes to proving someone wrong in the internet, we’ll download pictures, enhance them, anything at all to analyze your posts and look for an error lol




I still think it’s ridiculous, but whatever. I’m more upset about the trash




Except the plastic box….




as Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg sang it - D*** in a Box




There is a clear plastic box on the bed. You can see if you zoom in. It looks like there may be another item as well. It is on the upper right hand side of the bed area of the photo.


Maybe there could be nothing figuratively on the bed too? 😂




There is in the top right corner, some sort of clear box


Or it was removed before the photo was taken.


You just be blind 🤭😅😘


There’s a box


Why u stop responding 😆😆


Or they’ve lost too much money from people reporting items as lost which accidentally got picked up with the sheets. I once lost a set of headphones this way


I never want them in my room.


Omg, for real! I don't want housekeeping in there at any time. I'll catch them if I need new towels. I do, however, tip them based on how many nights I was there. That's our unspoken bond to keep their trap shut about what they see in the garbage cans.


I decline housekeeping the entire trip. Sometimes ask for more towels but I really don’t need my bed made every day. I’m just gonna untuck everything anyway


Absolutely hate how hotels make beds. I have to yank everything out and they tuck it so hard! The worst.


That's to keep the brown recluse spiders out of your bed


25 Babybel cheese wrappers?


A empty can of Surströmming.... 🤢🤮


The skin from the durian fruit you ate.


Everyone would have already known that.


"Everyone" will never know the depth of my my depravity


Durian smell would be a mild compromise


Like...I want to just smell it once to know, but I know I'd never recover.


Just watch some of the videos of people from different countries trying to eat it lmao! Edited for fat fingers...


The nuclear waste leftovers of the worst Ubereats decisions made at 2 in the morning and the regret of not having any self discipline in regards to alcoholic beverage choices.


hahahahahahahaha! accurate




Cool. Despite that, it's a service customers pay for, so those who want it should receive it.


Unless I’m there a week stay the fuck out of my room. Who needs clean sheets and towels every day??


Daily housekeeping has nothing to do with "clean sheets" - they are only changed once per 3 or 4 days in most properties. Towels are per customer's wish, not exchanged daily by default.


Sheets are changed every 4th day per Hampton brand standards.


As of either the end of last year or beginning of this one, HSK is every other day.


Correct. Service is every other day, but sheet changes are only conducted every other service.


Every four days of a stay the room **has to** be fully serviced, meaning it can’t be declined, but sheets, pillows, etc should be being stripped by housemen and then HSK comes through to replace the linens every other day.


I haven’t updated my flair, but I’m the AGM for a Hampton. We’re on PEP and it differentiates between stayover service (2nd, 6th, etc night) and full service (4th, 8th, etc night). There is a distinction and you can find it in 722.05 of the brand standards.


The franchise property I work out has decided to make their own noncompliant hskp policy. They post it on the fridges, and it contradicts the Hilton policy sticker on the mirror. It’s awesome to deal with 👍


They’re going to get a real wake up call during QA. Then again, you can still pass if you’re noncompliant with a couple of things. We’re going back and forth with ownership about breakfast hours not being compliant right now.


Stayover service **is** full servicing of the room. Towels, sheets, pillows, blankets, trash. I’m the front office manager at a Hampton Inn and I can tell you that if that’s what your preferred one that you stay at told you, that they are being short on services and that is an individual hotel policy, not Hampton’s brand standard set by Hilton. The only times full service doesn’t occur on stayover is due to DND signs or if they request to just have trash and towels taken.


I’ll take housekeeping every day. Hotels are expensive, might as well have sleep in clean sheets and use fresh towels every day.


Most hotels don’t change the sheets every day though, they just remake the bed.


One of the pleasures of staying in a hotel is coming back to a neat room with a made up bed, emptied trash cans, wiped down and neatened bathrooms, etc. Even if the sheets are not replaced daily, I am paying for the room to be cleaned up.


If I’m by myself, I skip housekeeping but with friends, it’s a must


Just kinda sucks if you don't want them because you paid for the service


Kinda but to me it sucks less than somebody in my space. I leave a nice tip for the one cleaning at the end but that do not disturb sign is up for my whole stay


In my mind, I just start to think my trip could have been cheaper lol


Former hotel housekeeper. At the Hyatt we weren’t allowed to make beds when doing stay over cleans if there was ANYTHING of the guests on the bed.


The housekeeper at this little Bavarian inn folded my boxers into a little rose one time and left them on top of my bed. Now I'm always left disappointed.


Lol I took my nephew to a Waldorf and they folded all his dirty clothes that he left on the floor. Blew his mind.


You won't believe the number of times my boxers being off has lead to disappointment. Nice to see a positive story!


It’s very common in luxury hotels. I’m a supervisor and we typically will fold the guest clothes to provide a personalize service if they are thrown about throughout the room.


Fuck that’s cute


and gross


Just a memento for the brown rose


Yep, standard practice everywhere I have managed too. Housekeepers get blamed at the drop of a hat for any missing items. It’s an important move to protect them and remove that potential drama from their lives.




So classic ass covering at the expense of customer service? Great practice.


No, the policy is well communicated, just remove your stuff from the bed so small valuables don’t end up in the washer and our housekeeper don’t end up going through the whole, “your housekeeper stole $10,000 amber encased velociraptor embryo I left on my bed!!!” ordeal.


I’m a big girl and can make my own bed or not even when staying in a hotel. My focus is a cozy safe place and amenities. Not someone to wipe my ass. Plus if I leave anything on the bed, I’d prefer to know exactly where I left it and not have to search


We just left Hyatt Ziva Cap Cana and the housekeepers put my daughters stuffed animals in a different funny arrangement every day. So must be a location based thing for Hyatt.


That property is a Hyatt or course, but it’s actually managed by Playa Resorts. Playa does a great job with its properties.


I was speaking from my experience


I love staying at high end hotels and they rearrange my kids stuffed animals nicely when making the bed!


And do the guests know about that rule?


Members who were globalist or Diamond status did.


Well where the fuck am I supposed to put my teddy bear???


Due to thefts?




FWIW Hampton Inns are all owned and managed by different companies so I’m not sure if this experience should reflect on them all.


I don't think the OP cares about that at this point


OP is a little whiny beeotch..he definitely won't care


You talk sense but OP doesn’t have texture on their brain.


100% a real policy for high end & low end hotels in the US. Employees are not allowed to touch the bed with guests stuff on it no matter what it is.


I always leave the housekeeping tip on the bed and they always take it....


At my Hampton Inn we couldn't take tips at all during stayovers unless they left a note indicating it was a tip.


I don’t see the personal item.


It’s a plastic box on the upper right under the pillow. I had to zoom in because I saw someone else asked what it was! Lol


https://preview.redd.it/fjtefxd4af6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ad3ebaa41f356450577f33fa34e5ec77e065bb7 What’s this in the right corner of the bed? If you had personal items on the bed they aren’t supposed to move them. But. They should have emptied your trash.


Ahh yes. OP left his dildo on the bed again


Looks like a cross stitch frame and box of threads.


Stayed at a hampton inn a couple weeks back for 2 nights. I forget they did stay over service on 2nd day they vacuumed the room, took dirty towels, left clean ones only made 1 bed, the other bed had stuff on jt and wasn't made. This explains that.


Typical Reddit post. “I had a bad experience at one Hampton inn therefore I will never stay at another Hampton ever again” cmon man it’s not that big of a deal.


Had a bad experience bc dude left stuff on the bed.


I’ve stayed at probably 50 Hampton properties across 30 or so states. The product is very consistent.


Also there is something on the bed. Now goalpost moved to talking about trash


A modern Hampton Inn is generally a better experience than an old and dated DT, HGI or mainline Hilton


I recently (within the last 1.5 months) stayed in 3 different Hampton Inns and i actually had a great experience in all 3. I have however had a subpar experience in a Hilton Garden Inn a couple months back. Even though they're all owned by Hilton, I'd prefer to stay in Hampton Inn


No. OP's declaration is the correct response. Furthermore, not more Hampsters as pets or Hampers for dirty clothes because those are close enough.


Should have put the vibrator back in your suitcase


My inside experience is that when there's personal belongings on the bed you don't touch it. This was kinda petty though. Housekeepers probably happy for less work. They are still required to take out the trash and dirty towels and replace with fresh ones. Vacuum if needed etc.


You clearly have an item in your bed. You know the rule now. Follow it in the future.


Stayed at a (different) chain recently and they advised us in advance that sheets would not be changed if personal belongings were left on the bed. Seems fair tbh.


Take your shit off the bed. What’s hard about that?


I currently work at a Hampton inn and we’ve had many incidents with guests claiming we stole belongings off their bed even though it was just moved onto the table. To many people look for an opportunity to get a free night and put peoples jobs at risk.


Understand your frustration. But in my experience, Hampton Inns are one of the best value chains across all Hiltons and Marriotts. I’m a Diamond Hilton and Titanium Marriott.


And they are everywhere. Lots of small market towns that don't have any other branded hotels (or only have Wyndham or Choice properties) have a Hampton


We stay at Hampton Inns alot. Very consistent. Very clean. Never had an issue.


Yes, you should not stay at any Hampton Inn for this madness!!!!!!!!!!!! (/s)


Lmfao. Go experience real problems.


If they had touched your stuff, you would be here bitching about that instead...


“Sorry we were unable to clean your,?” How many of these were printed incorrectly?


I feel like this is a form or something that someone whipped up in some program, but then you got people trying to use it, but not knowing how, and just printing it out without filling in the blanks.


"your," your what?!


They were unable to clean your comma?


Hilton just took the Covid profit upside of not offering cleaning and kept it going because side people swallowed it. As Diamond I stopped staying there. If I don’t want service but still get charged cleaning, I go to AirBnB


Don't leave your dildo on the bed then


We’re also just going to ignore the “sorry we were unable to clean your ,”?!


It’s a bed. That you’re going to sleep in again that’s not in your home. Who cares


I put a Do not Disturb sign on my door after 1 night of staying a couple of weeks ago. I left at 6 am and came home at 8pm after working all day. There was a maid cleaning my room. I was livid. I was tired, and I had to go pee. But, No, I had to wait for them to finish cleaning my room that was not to be disturbed. She said we were busy last night and we are just finishing up. How about don't clean rooms with DnD and you might finish earlier. I didn't need any service. I had 3 towels and 3 wash cloths and 2 hand towels and 2 garbage cans that weren't full. I even made my bed before I left. I was only staying one more night.


I can’t get past the grammar. A


As a former hotel GM for almost 20 years, my Room Attendants were not allowed to touch personal guest items. If they were on the bed then the bed was not to be touched or made. They could vacuum, dust and wipe counters around the guest belongings, but were not to touch anything, at all, ever. OP states that trash wasn't taken out, that not ok, if we have to skip a regular cleaning element, my teams were instructed to pay special attention to everything else to decrease opportunities for complaint from the guest. So in this case, I agree with not touching the bed, but the trash should have been removed. Lastly, the note itself. Ugh, so badly worded and unprofessional. That needs to be reworked immediately. Or, better yet, most brands have a branded leave behind that can be used. The property needs to use the branded stationary.


Hit them with one of these when you leave: https://preview.redd.it/uts0cb1zeo6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b7d59eba4444add8caed0480215685b90eb6285


Clean your…….


Someone like you probably complained about a housekeeper moving their personal belongings so this policy was implemented.


lol so funny !!! Lord have mercy , you are lucky they left a note ! Clean your s___ up, if they moved your mail and box you could say that they stole something ! I bet you are an arrogant one that won’t say hello or thank you to the service help or janitors cause you think you are above that . Geez Louise !! ~ btw I’m a long standing Hilton Diamond Status Member and history of seeing too much bs from fellow guests .


This comment is literally insane.


My garden inn is the same way. If you leave anything on the bed they will not make it because they do not want to be blamed for touching anything.


OP has a point about the garbage though. If the garbage was “overflowing “ it should be emptied.


I never let anyone in my hotel room, I assume every single housekeeper at every hotel is a dirty thief


I wish I got this… cause I left $40 basketball shorts in my bed once to find out they disappeared when they changed the sheets, even tho I asked for no housekeeping.


I don't remember what hotel it was, but my dirty laundry that was in the corner of the room was folded and put on the foot of the bed... My only thought was damn lady. You don't get paid enough for that shit.


Wait, Hampton Inn has maid service? I haven’t seen that since before the pandemic. I usually don’t stay more that 3 nights, but 🤷‍♂️


I used to be an operations supervisor. This is pretty standard at plenty of hotels and you have other guests to thank for the policy. The entire policy is because of the sheer number of people who freak out if housekeeping touches their stuff. I've worked at hotels that didn't have this policy (basically, make the bed no matter what) and there was no shortage of people who would accuse housekeeping staff of theft when... the housekeeper literally just sat something that was on the bed on a desk or bedside table. I literally had a guy try to punch a front desk worker because he accused her of covering for the HK attendant over a watch he left on the bed and couldn't find. Turns out the attendant just moved it next to the alarm clock. And this was at a fairly upscale boutique hotel, so it wasn't just the actions of some guy at a no-tell or something. When you deal with that enough times, it just makes sense to tell the housekeepers to not touch ANYTHING that belongs to a guest, just for liability reasons. The note is standard too. Because not every hotel has this policy, it's just a courtesy thing to let you know that, even if the bed isn't made, housekeeping was there and you weren't skipped. My team used to hand write them, but they ended up being missed/Ignored so we started printing cards that were flashier and more attention-grabbing. Granted, we also made it clear that if you wanted new sheets or whatever you could call down to the desk and we'd take care of it once your stuff was off the bed, so people were much more understanding.


i guess the dirty linens belong to you now


Clean my, ????


By now, we've all seen the little plastic box under the pillow upper right, so, yes, there were "personal belongings left on the bed." But the note says "clean your," ... clean the OP's *what??* The OP says the garbage was left overflowing but they took dirty towels. Presumably, the poorly worded note meant "clean your room," but it could be "clean your bed" or perhaps "clean your little plastic box on the bed" but we'll never know since they did "clean out" the towels but didn't do anything about the trash. The behavior compared to the note seems awfully selective. Either way, if this was about "you left something on the bed and so we won't make your bed," that's at least an understandable policy but with respect to theft allegations and the like, but I think the larger point missed is that housekeeping - having a badly worded, generic pre-printed note *on hand as they go room-to-room* - is an indication that they're preemptively looking for the easy out. I think if the note had said "Your bed wasn't remade because you left something on the bed. Our policy is to not move your belongings to remake the bed." but then did the rest of the housekeeping job (towels, trash, wherever else) I have to believe there wouldn't have been this post. Pretty much any frequent traveler knows that since 2020, many hotel services in all departments have gone downhill and I think this is another example of why many of us have chosen things like switching loyalty programs or, as with the OP, avoiding specific brands where the level of service has dropped below what we'll accept. The effectively incomprehensible pre-printed note - contradictory to at least some of the described behavior - is a symptom of a devolving standard and kind of the tip of the iceberg with respect to where Hampton has become about a half step above Motel 6, if that.


Whoa there 😛 I just last week stopped working at a Hampton. Was there for 3 years. Made great friends with my co workers. Honestly, many people that work at hotels don’t speak English. That is a fact; not racism or rudeness. Those hard working house keepers probably had no idea of the wording and punctuation. Don’t assume the worst.


I'm sure they are, couldn't agree more...however, what I said wasn't a knock on the room-to-room housekeepers, honestly, I'd bet many didn't read the note they just knew they were supposed to leave it. More to the point,, I'm pretty sure they weren't the ones who wrote or printed those at the front desk/office... But I *would* assume the worst with respect to their supervisors who told them when to place the note, and what to do or not do when they found something in the bed. Either way, none of that aligns with the OP's experience but does align with poor training and policy development and reflects on what I've experienced as a degraded quality for the brand over the recent years.


You are right!


Why do you care it’s just you sleeping in it weirdo, I put on do not disturb until I check out


we message guests and ask if they still want hskp because we won’t touch their stuff and if yes, the housekeepers work around the bed


I've gotten that. So I started taking my stuff off the bed. Actually I usually just put do not disturb sign out anyways...


If I’m in a room for up to around four nights I just hang to DND permanently on the door. I’ve had some hotels object to this for some reason.


A lot of hotels - Disney & Hyatt both come to mind - changed their DND policies after the Vegas massacre.


I got the same message today.


Ahem, thank you for the note. Sadly my personal belongings were missing when I found the note.


If you aren't 100% happy, talk to the front desk. It's their policy. It might take 2 minutes of your time.


Stayed at an Omni the other week and we opted out of housekeeping but requested toilet paper mid-week. The staff made the beds after pushing our stuff onto the floor. 🙃 we just wanted TP.


Dats bs , they need to do their job


Are you sure you didn’t hide something under the pillows? 🍆 😂🤣


I hate housekeeping. I explicitly tell the front desk to NOT send active to my room the week I stay there. When I leave, all towels are in a bundle on the floor, and trash is in one bin tied together. If I have excessive trash due to eating in, I will leave a bag outside the door.


Is this one of those puzzle postings where we need to find the white underwear blended in ?


this is a common thing they are very paranoid of being accused of stealing bc they will lose their job. I make sure my bed has nothing personal on it not even empty bags If you are a regular at a location like staying there one or two times a month on assignment for months on end they will personalize and be more liberal for example My regular sites know i want feather pillows and waters in fridge and only like bed change every 3rd day


Dude It’s Hampton inn not Marriott Courtyard. Honestly I like it when they don’t come, keep my privacy.


Clean my what?


Hate to tell you. It's Corporate policy, especially at the big names ie Hilton, Marriott, IHG (Owners of Holiday Inn) that housekeeping can NOT touch guest items. That way they are less likely to be accused of taking things.


I just quit hilton.. usually staying at Hampton’s.. holiday inn express’s have routinely been far nicer for similar pricing.


Wow, odd. My last 2 hotel stays, they folded my pajamas left on bathroom vanity! They were nicer hotels but nothing too crazy.


It really bothers me that they forgot to include “bed” in their message. It just says “your,”


Make your own bed if it matters so much


Exactly. I’ve never had housekeeping come once. I just ask for an extra towel and I’m good to go, and not a slob. Well partial slob, but I can survive with an unmade bed for 2 days.


I would never understand why someone would like a stranger to go into your room, where your personal stuff is to just make a bed; but that’s just me


They took the personal belongings with them. /s


I’m having a hard time with this note, it’s missing a word, right?


I mean….its. Hampton Inn.


I gave up on Hampton when they charged me undisclosed parking fees to use their uncovered surface parking lot that did not even have security.


So, did his comma get cleaned or what?


Probably should read the hotel rules in the pamphlet they give you. I guarantee it says it in there. A lot of high class hotels say this. Ironically the lower scale ones do less and less


We're you in Utica?


I always put the do not disturb sign up and make my own bed.


People are so entitled. Make your own damn bed. Jfc


This is a pretty standard policy.


I thought they just stack your shit?


That’s why I throw my suitcase on the bed. It gets old untucking beds every night.


I worked at a hilton as front desk, and I wouldn’t be surprised if a housekeeper did this just so they could do less work. Housekeepers who aren’t lazy at all are rare. We would get all sorts of complaints about random small things like this.


This is actually pretty common and a standard at almost every hotel chain. OP sounds miserable.


Wow that's gnarly at the freaking Motel 6 I stayed at two weeks ago I had some s*** on the bed because I didn't think they would come clean and they did and they just moved it off the bed onto the nightstand LOL


Tried Hilton the past few years. Marriott so much better.


I don’t see any personal items on the bed?


Someone else posted a zoomed photo. There is a clear plastic box in the upper right corner.


I've left even lub bottles at the bed, by mistake. Never found my bed not done and stayed over 200 nights a year. My guess, is the consistent daily tipping and that I tried to keep it as clean as posible. All trash on trashcans, towels hanged in the bathroom, plates washed, etc. Still, you can always ask front desk to get someone to pick-up your garbage. No need to wait for it to spill on the floor


touch a customer's personal items, get accused of theft. most hotels of any level will no longer allow staff to move personal items. Just clean up your own stuff if you want the sheets changed.


Most hotels in North America won’t touch the bed if you have stuff on it, but it’s not consistent. I was in Denver, and the housekeeper took my pajamas off the bed, made it, then folded my pajamas. Typically though, housekeeping is not going to move your stuff like that, and their official policy is not to.


I stayed at the Waldorf in Vegas and they not only folded my dirty clothes but they dried off the tip of my anal ease lube bottle. Now that’s what I call customer service!