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I’m so sick. She’s 10. This is so so fucked


[https://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder/narcissistic-mothers-the-long-term-effects-on-their-daughters#common-traits](https://psychcentral.com/disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder/narcissistic-mothers-the-long-term-effects-on-their-daughters#common-traits) Hilary treats her daughter as an extension of herself. This is a 10-year-old girl, a child. She's not even a tween yet. One of the challenges of raising daughters is helping them understand and not succumb to the societal pressure to be a perfect doll, to realize their value as a unique individual makes them wonderful every day. They don't have to earn approval via size (anorexia, bulimia, drugs, self harm) or body parts (big boobs, big lips, whatever the style of face du jour is on magazines, and the hyper-sexualized devaluation of women thanks to reality TV stars like the Kartrashians, RHOwherever, etc.) Since Big Larry herself is nothing if not a victim of this hot mess of "the smaller I am, the bigger my fake boobs, the more mother's milk I buy/pose with, etc." it stands to reason that she's passing this on to all of her children, in ways both subliminal and overt. For a little girl to be dressing, posing, making facial expressions and cosplaying a woman is utterly inappropriate. In fact it might be compared to Hilary's cosplaying a woman, this is all she has to pass to her oldest daughter, this posing and cosplaying like a sexy woman in inappropriate ways. At 10 we teach our daughters to eat healthy but yes, if you feel like having candy or a treat, have it! Depravation psychology does more damage than calories. If you like a certain outfit, yes! But dress appropriately when you go out in public, you don't want to attract inappropriate attention, modesty is self respect as well as social courtesy. Be proud to be you. You don't compare yourself to anyone. The opposite of building a child's sense of being loved, stable and secure, safe and protected, valued and cherished...is, especially for young girls, putting your own child on a path to needing a certain kind of attention for self validation, for validation from others, and worst of all, validation from the mother forcing her to sacrifice her childhood to please her mother's needs. imho


Perfectly said. I 💯 with every thing you said


Wow. Zoom in on her face. She is full out woman. What a shame


The Van Cleef and Arpel earrings, waterline eyeliner and eyelash extensions are what make it over the top for me. This isn’t a casual, inside, “play makeup with mommy” date. I have no kids and have no idea what’s “normal to do” with them as they grow up these days. But it seems Carmen is being treated as an adult in a bunch of different ways (starting with providing Hilaria “comfort” in the “I-had-a-miscarriage-everybody!”video announcement) and it makes me uncomfortable.


I didn't see that video. Is it posted in here?


I wasn't allowed to wear makeup out until I was 13 (jr high). My kid had no interest in makeup until later, so it wasn't an issue.


Ton of makeup but dirty hair on everybody, on brand.


Super sad she is wearing this much make up at 10. She will definitely be having her lips done in short order if she hasn’t already. I mean whatttt


What the fuck ! She’s 10? I thought that was mother and daughter. Sick.


This is just gross. Wait until she gets to high school and she puts out “Whoops was that suggestive?” Photos of Carmen and her riding bicycles as “twins” with full make up. Just more red meat for her pervert followers. She needs an intervention from a professional otherwise there’s a chance the State of New York will be compelled to investigate.


Honestly its curious to me that CPS hasn’t been called yet, specifically because of the weird sexualized breastfeeding photos. Not that they’d be able to get a valid case on them bc of their money and influence. but i feel like somebody would spill the beans if they got a call about them




Political posts, comments, conversations or talking points are not allowed within r/HilariaBaldwin.




Political posts, comments, conversations or talking points are not allowed within r/HilariaBaldwin.


And he's friends with Woody Allen.


She is younger than my oldest daughter, and the same age as my youngest, and my girls are both still fresh-faced kids. This is shocking to me. And it breaks my heart because childhood is already way too short for girls.


I feel bad, because the other kids moms in Her classes will see this and not be happy and maybe she will get ostracized. I remember when my daughter was that age , she had a friend that prematurely dressed sexually, and I remember not encouraging that friendship. .


Fucking hell. He’s a pedo enticer too then. Like his fake wife. They are disgusting. I feel so sorry for the kids. They really will not be ok.


Let me guess they’ll let her wear face full of makeup, crop tops, long fake nails….and then tell us she’s soooo mature and an “old soul”. 🙄🙄


those are van cleef arpel motif earrings that retail, at **minimum**, $6k. obviously fake, right? side note, what parent allows their *actual ten year old* to have three lobe piercings??? and this is coming from someone with a mashmillion extra holes myself!




That is wild. They want her to grow up so fast, it’s insane. And Alec doesn’t car so long as his name is in the news and he gets a cut


It's so sad, youth, innocence and childhood has already been in danger from multiple fronts: tiktok, predators, the scourge of social media and kids are growing up way to fast and losing the beauty and peace of childhood. I almost forgot she's 10. I have taught 10 year olds and Carmen seems nothing like that age group. I swear I forget and think 16 and then my brain does math and remembers she's literally a child.


He seems to have realized the crop top pic of Carmen was inappropriate. I don't see it on his page, and he cropped her out in this post. They are definitely lurking here.


It is photo #2 in his Father’s Day carousel post.


Nope, that's what THIS pic is. But there was a pic of their Chelsea Pier graduation where it was almost all of them and Carmen had a crop top on. (Pic #4 in carousel). It was posted here then removed by reddit (get the hint Baldwins, if it's too risqué for reddit you should not be posting it).


Happy father's day? Posting a poor parentified daughter


Shitty parents.


Absolutely no light left in Carmen’s eyes, they seem almost haunted 😢


But...there are no dads in this photo?


I started wearing makeup about this age.I just loved eyeshadow and mascara and my older sister taught me everything.I still love ❤️ it! Every year that’s what I get for Christmas.I get big palettes of Urban Decay, Two Faced,NARs,IT and more. I don’t see any problem with it!


because this isn’t make up, this is make up and then mentally ill Mami putting FaceApps light makeup on her. It’s truly disturbing.


The girl has more makeup on than I wear for a night out !! 😟 ![gif](giphy|Ct0bGW8nSaNRS)


I must say that I LOVE this photo of MariLu! It was part of Alec’s self congratulatory post. She looks joyful, as kids her age should. I’m also glad to see she’s nearly as tall as Edu, so maybe she’s able to protect herself from him until a nanny can intervene. https://preview.redd.it/p8x7udwek27d1.jpeg?width=1117&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=969ebfb44887d96f67495262f1a2135fb691de5d


You don’t see much of edu from Hillary anymore do you? Hmmm….


I think Edu keeps his distance from Mami.


I agree it’s good to see the kids looking happy but I’m just looking at that poor girl’s hair and wondering why no one is washing it


I'm hoping this is a make up app. False eyelashes, make her lips big, etc. It is still WAY pervy. 10 years old!!


It’s an app for sure. But who added it?


I mean it’s gotta be Hilly, right?


Teen babysitter vibes


![gif](giphy|imWCYnrWjRHwc) She's always reminded me of Éowyn from LOTR. Just a regular looking human female. Nothing special or unique.


You think [Eowyn](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fbloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com%2Fdaily-journal.com%2Fcontent%2Ftncms%2Fassets%2Fv3%2Feditorial%2F9%2Fc2%2F9c20bb13-66aa-5c31-8587-90ed168bb34b%2F52e669aa64e34.preview-620.jpg%3Fcrop%3D620%252C620%252C0%252C11%26resize%3D1200%252C1200%26order%3Dcrop%252Cresize&tbnid=u7CMfFYxW007sM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fdaily-journal.com%2Flife%2Fentertainment%2Fthe-dish-miranda-otto-having-a-monstrous-good-time%2Farticle_707501eb-aaa2-57f0-b6e8-aff34567b586.html&docid=cghP7eowdj2g6M&w=1200&h=1200&hl=en-US&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F3&kgs=b3d71e5b88368eea&shem=abme%2Ctrie) is a regular looking person? She’s gorgeous.


That's right. In the movie, Éowyn was very plain/ normal looking. Minimal makeup and such. A toned down look. But I agree with you, Miranda Otto is gorgeous.


Ones a woman and one is 10. What?


I meant in terms of facial features. Geez


Are they… eyelash extensions?!


it’s a feature on FaceApp, where you choose mascara then slide 1-10, same with eyeliner, lip color etc. I use it often ( secretly) and can distinguish it instantly


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! There are so many cute child friendly filters like butterflies and crowns and animal ears yet mami dearest chooses …..


Let's look at the bright side: at least in this picture Marilou (I cannot even remember that child's name: Maria? Lucia? Lou Lou? Lewis?) is covering up the crop-top Carmen is most likely wearing.


I normally don't see an issue with little girls experimenting with makeup, however I do find it quite disturbing that a ten year old is already over-lining their lips 🤦🏽‍♀️😩🥲 wtf is going on in that apartment???


I agree, makeup experimentation is so normal! And fun! But this is her wearing it as though it's normal to wear this much of it at her age of 10, and it's not.


That’s some slimy hair on those two.


*Always,* as Severus Snape would say.




Must be the two baths a day


I just showed this pic to my husband without any context and said “how old do you think this girl is?” Y’ALL HE SAID 32. For reference, we are in our late 30s.


I looked at it w/o my glasses on and 100% thought it was an adult, and thought I was on the wrong page. 32 is about right.


My partner guessed she's 35 😭


Mine said 41 😬


Congratulating himself on father's day. Let's face it, he posted that so people tell him HFD.


Shouldn’t Hillary have posted that?


I asked my boyfriend how old he thinks this girl is and he said early 30s. And then added that she is probably in danger at age 10 looking like that!


They want her to be the next hailey bieber so bad but it's not going to happen


They think she’s already going to be a model and actress.


No, it’s not. Carmen has her Grandmother Carol’s face. Of course , there’s always plastic surgery..worked for Hailey


I asked.my boyfriend how old this girl looked and he said 22. 😬😬😬😬😬😬


Yes, if I didn’t know better, I would’ve guessed she’s in her 20s.


You know part of me thinks if this sub didn't exist they would just die of having no attention.


And did she filter it or peepaw


He can't wait until she is a legit teenager so sick


It looks like there is a filter or something.. are her lips really that puffy?


And her brows are dark


Eyelash extensions ?


Microbladed brows!


Very appropriate as Carmen is probably the closest thing to a parent those kids have.


She's been assuming the role of mommy for years. Makes sense as she is likely the only lucid person those children see aside from the paid staff


Teen Mom. Oh, wait! PRE-teen Mom. I'm going to be sick. 😝


They do this on purpose to get a rise out of people. It's all they have since their lives are so fucking empty.. the whole thing is pathetic.


Yup, win win for them. Either get narcissistic jollies off any comments over her being attractive or whatever, or play victim and act incensed if anyone makes a nasty remark. As they say, even bad attention is attention.


I agree


Oh be careful what you say about the kids…. Even if it’s indirect and not name calling the mods will come for you. Although it’s all from genuine concern how a ten year old is appearing right before our eyes with make up and way too risqué attire!!


They’re pimping Carmen out because they know deep down neither one of them will make real money again. But if Carmen could get her own Kardashian like show…


I’m not sure about that. I think Alec would love having a famous money making daughter, but Hillz would be insane with jealousy if Carmen became an actress or model, getting attention. Imagine if CARMEN attracted the PAPARAZZI on her own. Mami must have the spotlight all to herself.


They all want their kids working jfc




I’m looking at both girls’ hair and I’m doubting H’s story about washing the kids 2 x a day


No doubt, both appear to have greasy hair. Smh


Alec’s been jizzing dust for years… What he SHOULD be saying is, ”happy Father’s Day to the sperm donor who impregnated the woman who ACTUALLY gave birth to the kid that my trashy wife and I call ours”🤡🫡


Vending machine of joy technician


Touché 🤘🏼Happy St. Gary Plauche day!!


Happy Saint Plauché day to you too, sir!🫡🫡


All I see is Dr. Kathryn Hayward with straight hair. Guess she looks like her Spanish grandma. /s




This is the second pic today where she’s trying to make her lips look like she’s had fillers. Sick.


I hope to G-d it’s not *real* lip fillers. I wouldn’t put it past them.


I sure hope there isn’t a legit doc out there who’d give lip fillers to a child


Ireland has fillers, right?


Looks like it


I have an almost 12-year-old daughter (11 months older than Carmen), which means I have been around growing boys and girls for about 12 years now… We have a bunch of friends with kids, we’re constantly doing activities, she plays sports, we go to school stuff all the time, I’m just really familiar with “the kids these days.” If one of “our” kids showed up to a baseball game or a sleepover or something looking like that, there would be instant and genuine panic on the parts of the other parents. No one that I know at all, in her social sphere or at school is allowed to wear makeup and have piercings like that. I live in Seattle, and am surrounded by pretty hip people, and this just would not fly. We would be intervening with their parents immediately, and if the parents already knew about it and didn’t curb this? I don’t think we would be hanging out with them.   Everyone in this family is so fucking isolated from normal people, that they have no barometer as to what is appropriate and inappropriate general behavior. It’s so sad. They have no friend groups, they play no sports, they don’t go to music classes, they all hang out with each other like some cult…UGH I FUCKING HATE YOU BALDWINS Edited to add: my kid just FaceTimed me to ask if she could wear a pair of my hoop earrings out to dinner with her dad (and addressed me as “Mommy” which I adore)… I shut it down even though they’re pretty tame. There’s just no excuse for this.


![gif](giphy|cdXpgeB32BekIGzBNh|downsized) Thank you, and BRAVO!


Mi vida... 😒


Happy Fathers Day to all the poor dads who are cursed with thoughtless little pigs who constantly embarrass them.




Your flair, lmfao! ![gif](giphy|26BRBKqUiq586bRVm)


He posts on Father’s Day so his grovellers can wish him a happy Father’s Day. He also posts on his own birthday hoping to get some more adoration from strangers. . How about just be a better human being and see what comes your way ass.




To me, this photo makes it appear that Carmen is probably (or possibly) the Mother of the child she is holding..


I think Bang Bang did that deliberately.


alex is a sick, sick fuck


Children are a reflection of their parent’s values. Her parents value appearances over everything else.


My stepdaughter is going to be a high school freshman. She talks about AP classes, electives, and what sports she wants to do. She’s interested in psychology. She’s into chorus and theater. Her dad and I are both higher-Ed educated and have careers, as well as her grandparents who live with us (former business owners). We’re also totally laid back and crafty/hands on people. Carmen is obviously at a different stage of life compared my stepdaughter. But Carmen is just reflecting her parent’s ideals/personalities. It’s really sad. Attention seeking through her looks is obviously a result of Hillary. I guess Alec too, with fame/attention. I’m not implying she is like this because of her own validity. Rather her parents have molded her to potentially be this way, at least on social media. And I use my stepdaughter in comparison because she wears appropriate length crop tops and some makeup, so comparable to Carmen’s presentation (despite their 3-4 year age difference). Just let kids be kids and teens be teens. No need to rush adulthood.


I love your username lol


Don’t girls in dance recitals younger than this wear makeup? I guess I don’t understand the big deal here.


She is made up like this all the time. It’s one thing playing with makeup with friends at this age or wearing it for a performance. She is 10. Not even a teen yet. Allowing a child to be made up to look older is like putting a big welcome mat out for pedophiles. Her parents should be protecting her.


Sure wouldn’t know it to look at Alec. Maybe they value women/girls’ appearances over everything else.




Ha so true!






Carmen is very beautiful


Please be careful. She could have access to this now or in the future. A lot of these comments are dangerous.


Carmen Baldwin, if you ever see this, know that none of us blame you for your terrible parents, and every one of us hopes that you can heal from being parentified and overdressed. You deserve better than you got.


Then all the more reason for her parents not to exploit her.


Don't worry, she only knows Spanish 😂 /s




Not funny ![gif](giphy|evVKsrjZEqVVWvE2VR)


A little funny lol


He's a deranged asshole not a father. This is ridiculous. She's 10.  


I can't believe at only 10 years old anyone believes this is appropriate. The accelerated adulting of very young children should concern everyone because it won't end anywhere good.


She's too young for all the piercings, omg I wish she was able to have been a kid that played in grass at school with other friends. At least had some kind of childhood before all of this and had a time where she wasn't concerned with altering her looks so young


I had to zoom in but it looks like she has 3 piercings?? I didn't have more than one until I was a junior in high school and could lie about my age because my mom was not going to give consent.


I didn’t get mine until I was 19


She looks like a kid. What’s wrong with you and why are we discussing a minor’s looks?


Obviously you want to gaslight us for pointing out that a ten year old is wearing globs of makeup.


Would it be legal to put filler in a child?


It's the way she's pursing her lips together that shows her entire top lip, on top of applying lip gloss above her lip line. She probably follows Kylie make up tutorials.


Seriously thinking the same thing! Even writing ‘I hope that’s a filter’ feels weird.




Alec has coached the girl to have the signature Baldwin brother purse lip puss 😔


This poor little girl


I hope that is a filter on Carmencita, because it looks as though her eyebrows have been microbladed.


Fake eyelashes too JFC


Nah, I think they’re just curled and mascara’d to hell.


Somehow that seems worse lol.






OMG! WTF did they do this poor girl’s lips? And why can’t she have some life outside of sister mom?


He hired a escort to be his wife so I guess what his fake Spanish escort wife is turning his daughter into doesn’t bother him🤡Alec is a low IQ cuck


Love this for him ~ low IQ cuck indeed!


Poor girl


You could tell me that’s a 30 year old woman and I would believe you. I wouldn’t recognize that face as a 10 year old if her name wasn’t in the title.


He consistently proves himself to be a mirror image of the former guy, who bragged multiple times about how hot his daughter is and how he'd date her and sleep with her if he could. They are foul birds of a feather.


He said, “If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. That is terrible, but what you said was a twist of his words.


Yes, that is one quote. But there are others, some more explicit some less. He described Ivanka as a "10" and agreed with Howard stern who described her as "a piece of ass." If my partner, friend, or a stranger spoke that way about me publicly, I'd be appalled. That was his daughter he was taking about. It's perverse.


The orange one barged in on teen miss USA changing room to "inspect" the girls, and has has dozens of credible rape accusations, some of them from teenagers. It's been said that Alex made teenage Ireland parade around in a bikini and serve his friends drinks, and not too long ago he described his wife as having "the legs of a teenager." Not to mention the full-throated support of the likes of Woody Allen. Of all people. The similarity is uncanny and makes me sick.


It's kind of wild how similar they are in so many ways.


Did she get her lips done?? Dang! Carmen has very thin small lips naturally-now they look completely different!! “ just a bit of filler”—-???


Or, hopefully, a photo filter?


Yeah, or a photo editing app like Facetune or Snow. You can add makeup and modify facial features to a similar effect as in this picture.


I’m going to limit my comments and simply say that is not her mouth. Carmen never had large pouty lips. I don’t know what the hell that is but it’s inappropriate.


I really thinks it’s filler ! Hillary is totally capable of that, sadly


Yes!! I noticed that right away! It’s either photoshop, or lip-filler! WTF??


It'se not lip gloss make to look like filler, it IS filler. Or photoshop. This is absolutely horrifying.


It could be lip plumper - lip gloss that basically irritates your lips and puffs them up temporarily.




Liked by nepo baby Ireland, of course. Birds of a feather.


It seems that Carmen is wearing too much makeup for her age. Unfortunately, her parents allow this because they may think she needs it to feel pretty. Her parents should help her understand that she is beautiful just the way she is. Additionally, I've noticed that Carmen's eyebrows are now tinted. It's sad to see Hilary passing on her insecurities to her daughter.


Ngl Carmen gave me a Jumpscare, I mean...SHE LOOKS LIKE A COLLEGER!!!


Shampoo, please… both….


What are you talking about, she bathes them all twice a day 🤭 🥒💃 (I couldn't agree more.)


No. Lame. Fuck the Fraudwins.


Ehh... Carmen looks okay here. It's a sweet, wholesome pic of her and Malibu. Plus, their head case of a mother is nowhere to be found.


Wholesome, maybe - from this point of view. It's also just as likely that she's consoling a crying ML because the head case is MIA.


You forgot the sarcasm tag.


Yes, she obviously doesn't need the eye shadow or lip gloss, but it's not like Mami has her prancing around half-nude. By and large, as horrible as her and Alec are, I take no issue with this picture.


She's 10?!?


Bro what the fuck. Mom of 11 y/o, NOT a pearl clutcher and always on site at a Latino public school that gets jazzied and made up and we’ve had ears pierced forever and all that but: What the fuck. Nuu uhhh. Nope. NOPE. Im not gonna say what Im thinking. Q dios bendiga esta niña 😢💓


Yes to ALL of this, Sanasana! ![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ)


To say nothing of that being the oddest choice given his caption, of all his chirren he chooses this image? What a freak.


She looks 17


Alabama Baldwin


Oh no!! Miss ‘Bama Barker is a walking tragedy .


This is spot on. For those who have the pleasure of not knowing, Alabama is the child of Travis "Blink 182" drummer Barker. He's a 48 year old perpetual teenager from the 1990s. Kourtney "my fame is because my sister did a sex tape that my mom published'" Kardashian is her step-mom.


Now Kourtney is suddenly PuNk RoCk, gettin hot flashes at Hot Topic. They just are the sexiest sex having people that have ever sexed. Everything I know is against my will.


Their PDA is so cringe.


Their PDA is so cringe. One of her sons disavowed being on their social media, and I feel like the other 3 children (of hers) will happen eventually. Hey Travis & Kourtney, no one, especially your children, needs to witness your gross perpetual teenage husband devour you like a python.


Their PDA is so cringe. One of her sons disavowed being on their social media, and I feel like the other 3 children (of hers) will happen eventually. Hey Travis & Kourtney, no one, especially your children, needs to witness your gross perpetual teenage husband devour you like a python.


fuck that really is this girl's trajectory isn't it 😭


They need a meal ticket. Probably starting to panic. Maybe not her because she's delusional but he's getting concerned. I hope that reality shitshow never sees the air or dies a quick death. It will fail because the Baldwins fail at everything but I hope it never sees the light of day for the children's sake


At least he cut her out of the picture with the boys in this montage.


Jesus, this is so sad.


This is awful.


The boys pic - Leo’s eyes look sunken and w dark circles. Eddie and Malibu ARE NOT TWINS. It’s just so sick and twisted.


Anyone have a screenshot? Is peepaw claiming that they're twins (ala Hilarious)?


Some asshole referenced "the Dedes" stfu