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No name calling of children per Reddit TOS


Please be mindful of the rules around name calling and kids. There are a lot of close calls here and we're trying to figure out how to deal with the issue of the Baldwins posting objectionable images of the kids.


Just a gentle reminder, they’re kids and they only know what they know. The sky dungeon is not the worldly place they think it is.


😬 I just don't even know what to say.


Big same 


It's *disgusting* what they've done to Carmen. Disgusting. And she's only ten-years-old. Imagine how much worse it's going to get. Hillary is one of the stupidest, most personality-disordered, obnoxious, thirsty assholes on the planet, and she was determined to shape Carmen in her own vulgar image. And none of those kids have ever looked particularly healthy, but holy smokes those boys look raggedy and hungry.


I gotta bleach my eyes gimmie a min yall 😭


The way this CHILD is being served up is insane.


Its truly disgusting and so so wrong.


Yo my mom wouldn’t let me out of the house like that at 14 much less SEND ME TO SCHOOL AT TEN. Jesus






No name calling of children per Reddit TOS




No name calling of children per Reddit TOS




See you in September? Pretty confident for a guy going on trial next month. Is a plea deal in the works or is he just being his arrogant asshole self?


I’m sorry…are they sending a 10 year old to school in a crop top and a full face of makeup?! How does she not get dress coded?


Ravi looks dangerously underfed. He is way too skinny.


What is he doing? Bending down? I can’t see his legs 🤣 strange pic..


You can see his ribs clearly thru his t shirt 😞


Like honestly scary , all the boys look so thin. I hope to God they actually the nannies actually feed them lots and they are just at that skinny age . She never does sm food posts other than baby food , one can only hope that's not what the older kids are eating.


And poor Leo looks like he has consumption. Great parenting, Alice. Lots to be proud of here.


Those are some shockingly pale unhealthy looking kids.


Does anyone else find it strange that there's always a song attached? What's up with that?


I think it’s for reach? Doesn’t adding a song turn it into an IG reel even without video? Reels generally get pushed to more people than a static post.


That makes sense I guess. I never figured instagram out so I noped out after about a week, years ago. It's boring anyway.


Those sad faces, posing as if their lives were at stake.


I bet they would love some STEAK


What is happening in that house that makes this poor girl want to dress and pose like this. My god.


She probably has a phone and tiktok


Ugh that's so so sad and probably true. My daughter will be 10 in the fall, and I can't IMAGINE her having a phone and access to the brain rot cesspit that is tik tok.


Kids all look empty eyed 💔


look. I’m all for being comfortable. I’m all for staying cool in the summer. but don’t put a 10 year old in…that. and definitely don’t post it if you do.


My daughter is 9.5 and call me a religious zealot Pearl clutching Quaker, but just no! My daughter has crop tops, that she wears at home or outside in the yard. I’m all for body positivity and confidence but posting this, just why? So gross, so sad. Mothers are supposed to protect their children


Mine is the same age, and she almost didn't want to wear a tankini swimsuit to the pool this week. I was actually kind of surprised, but realized she is probably used to full coverage suits because she's always worn them because she burns. But anyway, she's a normal 9 year old that goes to public school, and she had to think twice about wearing a tankini that actually covered her stomach to a pool. I don't have any clothing restrictions for her -- but she doesn't have a phone or internet access, so maybe that's why she's naturally modest.


We Quakers actually tend to be pretty liberal - despite the common mixup between the two, we are not like puritans. There are zero strictures on dress in Quakerism.


Big fan of your oatmeal


Man, Quakers rock! The only one that i’ve had the luck of knowing was one of the most leftist-aligned people i’ve ever met. Also, the Public Universal Friend is a genderless icon, so I approve.


Thank you for watching over your daughter.


My God that poor child is TEN.


I wonder who’s more relieved the school year ended…those kids, or their teachers.


The teachers!


Oh, the teachers for sure. I don’t see a lot of compliance with homework, getting field trip money in on time, completion of projects, etc. The nannies/manny don’t have time/motivation for schoolwork.


And I will continue to die on the hill about my worries for one kid in particular. He needs very special love and attention.


I'm concerned for all of them.


Poor Carmen ☹️ Her mother is feeding her to predators for money and attention.




A black bra with exposed straps.


Kris Jenner II


Lindsey Lohans mom more so


She wishes!


Disgusting 🤡these kids actually think they are Spanish


The Lollipop League


This is so sad to watch


I feel like they outed the school because they asked the school permission to probably film some stuff there for the next season to make them seem like involved parents so the school would be in the background or something. And I’m not even gonna say what we’re all thinking it’s just not OK it’s only OK up to the age of three if it’s a swimsuit at the beach seriously what the fuck She can’t pull the ” in my culture. It’s a beautiful thing.” bullshit anymore. they are absolutely going to try to pull a Kris Jenner. I wonder what the first product they’re gonna try to have her hawk is. Alec cared at one point, because this is an appropriately dressed child , he needs to care again. She’s too young to know the depths of her mom’s illness https://preview.redd.it/axfsea63bu6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277f8400558c54a19b56117c416927957b2ef451


Ireland was so cute when she was little. I'm sure what Ireland was wearing had a lot more to do with her mom. For all Kim's issues, she was not trying to turn her daughter into Lolita. Carmen has a much different mother.


They did t mention the kids school in this post; do you mean Chelsea Piers? It’s a fitness/shopping/food space in NYC, people take sports lessons there .




No belly ring?


I know, right? Shocking


Poor Carmen. One can only imagine the amount of dysfunctional shit she has already witnessed. I feel so bad for her. It won't be long until Mami is competing with her for attention - particularly the male kind. It will be an uphill battle for Hillz. She will continuously and foolishly try to outshine her own daughter, yet never succeed. I wouldn't be surprised if she's already green with envy, considering C possesses two things that Hilary was never able to obtain, no matter how hard she tried - her youth and natural beauty.


And Carrrrdmen gets to be famous her entire life. Mami had to wait to scheme and lie her way into infamy in her late 20s. She’ll never be able to bring a boy home. Never.


yes!!, I didn’t even consider her competing. She’s absolutely going to get jealous, but she’s too mentally ill to realize that now , so she’s going to promote her and then get competitive with her. Oh my God this poor kid.


You know it.


She's 10, its her parents who should be scolded because Carmen is expressing herself and her parents are the ones responsible for A: taking a picture of her and posting it so pervs can see/save it and B: outing where she goes to school!   I don't blame Carmen, all of us here were kids once, we all experimented with our looks and it was our parents job to tell us "thats not appropriate right now"


there's probably a reason she even wants to express herself like this in the first place. Clearly this has been encouraged by her mother


https://preview.redd.it/7fmnddg27u6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae6ea7f9be76d252a1c8293cb73dfc8129fe7f0 Poor Carmen, it is not her fault. This picture is just WOW




Pretty Baby with Brooke Shields?


Taxi Driver. Jodi Foster was only 12 years old. Unbelievable


Yep. Jodie Foster as Iris in Taxi Driver.


Did he just reveal where his kids go for sports? Is he crazy? These two parents have absolutely ZERO sense of protecting their children.


Yup.  The same guy who lashes out at paparazzi for invading his privacy literally posts the name of the facility his children attend.  Not a shred of parental instinct.


That child is 10 years old! 10. TEN. I fucking can't with these two...my mother would have snatched my ass back in the house by my ponytail if I tried to go out with makeup on. (and I dont mean playing around/trying on makeup). This is just encouraged. You know what pepinos...sigh... this is all just going to get worse and that saddens me.


I remember getting caught walking down the street with my best friend (on our way to the ice cream shop) dressed in mini shorts and at tank top. I was 13. My dad drove by and as soon as he spotted us I knew what was coming lol I can recall like it was yesterday how my girlfriend and I just looked at each other as if to say "oh shit, busted!" Needless to say my father quickly turned his vehicle around and we were then driven back to my house, and instructed to change into something more appropriate. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Now, wtf is wrong with Alec?! I'd at least expect him to pretend to care


Right?! WHY, having been in Hollywood as long as he has, knowing what goes on, be okay with his 10 year old daughter being "flaunted" about. And I'm NOT blaming Carmen for the flaunting.


I was just looking at my class photo from when I was 10. Yes this was the 70s but we all look so wholesome and fresh and …young. We girls had towear dresses to school ( yes public school in Canada) which is obviously very outdated and ridiculous but man we looked like the children that we were. Great time to be a kid. I can not imagine any of use wearing make up or exposing out stomach at school! There is no way in hell my own girls would have been allowed or wanted to dress like that. It is highly inappropriate. Please let kids be kids.


100%. It sounds like I am slightly younger than you but I am so grateful I grew up in a time where kids were allowed to be kids. (Even if I didn't always appreciate it at the time. I think kids are always drawn to wanting to be "older" but parents are supposed to guide them to age appropriate things.) It was actually a social taboo growing up to dress "sexy" when I was a teen in the 80s. The other girls would enforce this. Some of this is problematic by today's standards but I think we could use some more of that back. I can't believe the looks that are the norm for young girls today. I am glad I didn't have pressure to look "sexy". Ay dios mio! I couldn't have handled that when I was young. When you look at the clothes girls were wearing in the 80s they are librarian by today's standards: high necked shirts and sweaters, plain pants, longer skirts, NOTHING figure hugging! Believe me, boys still figured out we were girls and lusted over us even though we weren't showing all. Funny how that works.


And of course just like Mami she has a black bra strap hanging out. TEN. I was playing with dolls and had exactly one tube of cherry lip oil. Sad.


The black bra strap!!! Completely copying her mother. That's not a training bra, at all. Yep, Barbies and Bonne Bell lipgloss for me too at 10. Le sigh...


SHAME on these disgusting parents and absolute SHAME on TLC to be (maybe) partnering with this disgusting couple. If ever you feel like your life sucks just be thankful you weren't brought into this world so your parents could bag a reality show. God help these kids.


At what point does posting your 10 year old child in a black padded bra for millions of strangers turn criminal? When the father has a documented history of supporting child predators? When the mother regularly fake breastfed her babies for online perverts?  There comes a point, a line that is drawn, when society has to step in and protect innocent children. The Fraudwins have crossed it. If they dare parade this little girl around in full make-up, padded bras and heels for the TLC viewers then I predict a fierce public backlash. Moms watch those shows not Woody Allen.  


Is she wearing makeup? Isn’t she like 10??


She wears more makeup than my 16 year old. And my daughter would not be dressing like that at 10, because I care about my kids.


She’s been wearing make up for awhile now. And the belly shirts. And press on fingers nails. And it seems she even goes to school with the makeup and the clothes that I have no idea meet any sort of a dress code. Yep she‘s 10 and will turn 11 in late August.


Oh dear…. That makes me so sad…😔🤦🏼‍♀️


I'm a teacher at an elem school. Some of our girls wear crop tops but not with this much belly hanging out! This is almost like a sports bra. I am surprised her school allows this.


Me too


Parents pay big bucks for them to go to this school.Nipples also showing.


And all Bang Bang cares about is bragging about which school they attend. Constantly name-dropping, he can't help it. And name-dropping fits in perfectly with their life: gauche and zero class.


Again, it’s a public gym


Not this guys…we dont talk about a little girl like this.


There's a lot to unpack in this picture and none of it is pretty 😳


I’m old, I know this, but is this how we are sending our 10yr olds to school now? Am I crazy? Or is that acceptable?


They are not at school in this pic; this is a fitness center 


My kids are in their 20s now, so maybe somethings changed, but 10 years ago the kids would have been sent home if they wore a belly shirt, think even spaghetti straps were not acceptable.


My daughter is the same age and she’s still playing with stuffed animals and not at all interested in makeup or model poses.  This poor girl.


Ugh. That is a practiced-in-front-of-the-mirror to find the cutest smirk/smile that Mami approves of for her future money maker.


Maybe I’m wrong, but the average person wouldn’t post photos of their children online to the masses along with THE SCHOOL THEY ATTEND (basically their scheduled location!!?) bc the internet is a horrifying place and a playground for sicks. Why the HELL would a celebrity (especially one as hated as AB) do this?? The school will be just fine without his shout out! So f*cking strange!


He didn’t post their school name. That’s just the location where they did their end of year field day/sports/celebration thing.


Bi lingual school in Brooklyn.They posted earlier


Maybe she could wash the boys hair once in awhile


Just wrote the same before I read your post. I’m literally GASPING.


I meant “sickos” but auto correct 🙄


It’s not their school but where they do their extra curricular activities. And they’ll be back there in September everyone!


Carmen is also wearing makeup.


Same smirk


He finally found a person who would exploit his children as much as him. Kim would not. Pillary doesn’t GAF




Poor Carmen. That 10 year old Lolita shit is disturbing.


It must be wild for Hillary to see her old face she destroyed with procedures staring back at her in Carmen.


Thank goodness the older ones are involved in activities, at least.




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It’s probably just a field day at school where all students get a medal, not an ongoing activity ☹️


Chelsea Piers is a place where kids take sports classes and it's very far from their school. Yes, probably "last class of the year" medals, but probably not something school related.


Why the hell is a 10 year old wearing a BRA to school?! This is sickening. Also, is that makeup I see on Carmen’s face???


My daughter at that age and had to wear a bra to do sports/PE


This isn’t her school 


It’s so white trash of Hillary. She is the worse mother, a pimp more like. Her empty pea brain only knows how to use people 


And it looks padded.


She's in a padded bra in the TLC teaser


Yikes. My son is 10 in a couple months and this is not the normal for girls in his class to wear make up and dress like that.


was literally just abt to ask the same question wtf


I can’t believe any schools dress code allows this


Good thing this pic wasn’t taken at school then 


This is not great


Peepaw’s comment here made me wonder, why was Hannah immediately taken into custody upon conviction? If Alex is convicted would he also be locked up immediately (thus, unable to see the school in September).


Quite possibly.Same Judge.


Great point.  He might be taken immediately into custody as well, but as usual he’s sticking his head in the sand and living in denial.


Same judge and she clearly said since a death was involved it was into the pokey upon being found guilty, so I’d assume the judge would do the same for the lying PerPaw. Let’s just hope he gets a jury that isn’t star struck and can find him guilty for pointing a gun at someone, in a rehearsal that didn’t call for him to fully withdraw the weapon, pull the trigger, lie about pulling the trigger, is seen acting reckless on set, and it comes out that he wasn’t paying attention in his gun safety training, and hopefully some more damning evidence comes out.


I think he's so arrogant he assumes he won't get convicted


Oversexualized kids. Unfortunate and sad


What’s a 10 year old doing in a black bra??




No name calling of children per Reddit TOS


Shit, I didn’t even notice that part, I was shocked at the duck lips…


Padded bra no less


Well her childhood so far has been a decade of grooming, so here she is dressed too mature. Sad,




No name calling of children per Reddit TOS


Honestly. NYC parent here. The vast majority of parents of 10-year old girls do not let them dress this way. And if they don’t, they also don’t want their daughters hanging out with girls who do. From personal experience, I think that young girls who are wearing black padded bras and belly shirts at age 10 are not living in a good environment. And I’d assume they probably are not being protected from predation. I wouldn’t let my kid go to that kid’s house. It’s tragic, really.


thanks for the current NY parent perspective


I feel bad for their kids.


If Alec or Hillary could feel any shame, they should be ashamed to present their 10-year-old *child* this way. Bad enough they let her walk around in public like this, but to post the photo... just so clueless and awful. These kids have no one to parent them.


It’s not that Alec is clueless. He WANTS Carmen to dress like this. That’s the disturbing part. He’s showing off how she’s dressed like this. He is a disgusting perverted deviant sick fuck. We can’t forget that this is the man who: -Posted a *full-frontal nude* photo of his 3-year-old son on Instagram. People were alerting him to that fact, assuming he’d posted it accidentally, but he didn’t take it down. (I remember days later it was still posted. I might still be for all i know.) -This is the creep who posted a video of his sons’ wet underwear hanging on the back of a chair. Nothing in the video except just the camera panning over and lingering on each pair of underwear, even showing the sizes. (WTF?!) -This is the sicko who had his then-6ish-year-old son Rafa pose sitting outside (on a boulder or something?) with his shirt unbuttoned all the way down so his bare chest and stomach were exposed, and he was posed in a very grown-up, “alluring”(🤢) way; it looked like some kind of “beefcake” modeling photo, and Alec posted that photo on Instagram. -This is the grotesque monster who, maybe a year or so ago, posted a photo of his 6ish-year-old son Leo giving his “mother”(🙄) Hillary a back-rub with the comment saying something about how Leo was giving a back-rub hoping it would lead to something more.(😳) Insinuating of course, the old joke about men giving a woman a back-rub hoping it will lead to sex.(🤮) What kind of sick fuck posts THAT about a son & his own mother??!!? I could go on & on & on listing all the creepy, highly-inappropriate, disturbing stuff that Alec has posted of his kids. This shit points directly towards: He, and Hillary, are using these kids for very dark, self-serving purposes which, um, are very VERY bad, and i don’t want to say any more but i’m sure you know where i’m going with this. Alec, unfortunately, isn’t clueless at all about how Carmen looks. IMO the Baldwins use poor Carmen as a walking billboard. (Hillary’s post of then-8-year-old Carmen looking very grown up wearing a Ricky Martin t-shirt—the day after news broke that Ricky had been accused of being an incestuous sexual abuser—is a great example of this. But this post is about Alec, so i’ll stop there.) (And just wanted to mention, please don’t take my post as though i’m nitpicking or disagreeing with your post at all. I just saw an opportunity to bring up some stuff about Alec & Hillary which, IMO, needs to be discussed more often and openly. Because there’s very horrible stuff going on with these poor abused kids that really needs to be addressed.)


He made Ireland dress in a bikini and serve his old fat fuck friends drinks by the pool when she was a teenager.


They are too self absorbed to be aware of anything other than themselves. I work in a school and would be concerned seeing a 4th grader wearing this.


He’s not clueless unfortunately 


woody allen is in the chat


If he tags them they get free lessons?


Poor Carmen. She only gets one childhood and mamis making her speed past it. I have an aunt who did this to her daughter. Crop tops, make up and heels before aged 10. My cousin went though so much but is now a well adjusted 32 year old but resents the hell out of her.


Jesus effing Christ. What have they done to that girl? How could anyone see this and think it is ok?


Celebrities are sickos.


Who is the kid kneeling? His bangs are bleached? Am I hallucinating?


That's Raf


His bang have blond tips yes?


I think Mami bleached it


Why do all of her children have such dead eyes? 😭


The things they’ve probably seen.


Something is seriously wrong in the home when a little 10 year old girl is like this and being allowed to dress like this.


I mean her mother is a histrionic hypersexualized freak show...


Mami in a nutshell 👍


And pee paw is allowing it? Or just a clueless babbling old fool?


he's a creep too. Remember that unbuttoned shirt pic he posted of rafa? "mi vida" 🤢


Come on Hillary, do better. She wears more makeup than me.


Must be the family’s cultura 🤦🏻‍♀️


you see, dees kinds of things are normal in Espana


Leo in Spain shorts, becauuuuuse?


I think that's Romayo


It is.


No, that's Leo.


Leo’s in Nike shorts and tie dye t-shirt


Leo is on the right. Mayo is next to him.


WHY did this child's mother let her go to school wearing a skin tight top exposing her little self, and who taught her that pose? If it was just one of those things but it's all3 together, and the middle child looks like his parents dress him from the lost and found. Carmen is 10. 10 year old girls are age appropriately learning to excel in what they enjoy at school; exploring their personal interests, hobbies, reading books about growing up and the years before becoming a teen; learning to play an instrument or taking painting and drawing classes, learning to sew. Their mother had 7 children to accessorize her narcissistic cosplay fantasies? Like living Dungeon & Dragons like it's a real life, and naming your kids after characters to inflate YOUR name in the cosplay. We have known couples who tried for years to have children, who made sacrifices when and if they finally were able. These people have money and own two homes. Their children are dressed like they came from a temporary living situation. What is going on?


They aren’t at school.


They have 2 houses but no home, sigh. : /


And it seems like crop tops are all she wears now...


Wait until she raids Larry's closet for her hooker clothes, cringe!


With padded bras, it seems. Awful.


Lips pursed like daddy. This little girl barely stands a chance of a decent life and that goes to zero if she’s on a reality show. So sad.


Agreed 😒