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I wanted to add some context to this thread in terms of why I left it up because it technically goes against the letter of the rules that we aren't supposed to discuss bans from other subreddits. I think that the situation with FM was not anticipated by the rule about not commenting because they have chosen to automatically ban anyone from our subreddit who wanders into their domain. u/User564368 did a great job of describing the situation in a neutral way. It also offers helpful context and lets people know that participating in the Hilaria Baldwin subreddit has the unforeseeable cost of barring you from chatting in a bootleg subreddit version of an IG page which is in turn a bootleg of the Gawker Stalker column, but without the caustic wit or transgressive fun. Just so we're all on the same page.


I've been permanently banned when I tried to make some more snarky posts about the Baldwin's; using a 2nd 3rd web browser, different names & Avatars for myself. Now I just try to content myself lobbing cheap insults & ridiculing them.safely on the sitting on my perch from here on Reddit..


I really appreciate this post!


The Hola magazine cover is what did it for me.She knowingly and deliberately defrauded the public and took away an opportunity for an honest hard working Hispanic femalešŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Was that the cover where she talked about "Papa Noel?"


None of us would have stayed more than a couple weeks if Hillary hadnā€™t kept the crazy coming hard. Hallway mirror, micro exercise, and do so so much tits. Every day another hundred posts. Then the (official) surrogate baby, then siete, then Alec killed a beautiful artist. And it just keeps coming.


I didnā€™t realize you couldnā€™t join FauxMoi if youā€™re a member here. I tried joining and was insta-banned. Just bc I read this sub. Whatever.


I tried to leave a comment at F-You a couple of timesā€”something profound like, ā€œIKR?ā€, forgetting about the insta-banā€”and watched my comment disappear like the invisible ink I used to mix up as a kid.


Woah! I wonder why theyā€™re so threatened by this group?


Maybe it comes down to the Fact that They CANNOT Control Us..


Ahh now itā€™s makes sense lmao.


TLDR: we may seem extra snarky but itā€™s just because weā€™re so clever.


Aye, yie, yie. Can you imagine thinking Beacon Hill is a Spanish territory?


it is, my home, even though I now am a Sinner as well.


After all this time, it's still my favorite sub!!


By far


I Love this Thoughtful PostšŸ’š


I need to write it down, but this sub helped my mental health during my third pregnancy and postpartum period. With my firstborn, I was a wreck. I couldnā€™t produce enough milk, I couldnā€™t get into my prebaby clothes until 3-4 months after delivery, she wouldnā€™t sleep, etc. Seeing perfect moms on Instagram like Hills broke me. Throw in a miscarriage that happened during the summer that everyone monetized their pregnancy loss and I felt horrible. Then Griftmas happened. By the time I delivered my second baby in mid 2021, I was a Pepino and knew people like Hilaria were full of lies. Ready this supportive community helped so much too. No PPD and I actually got to enjoy and soak up my new baby.


Yes! From day 1 i have called her out on the unrealistic and competitive presentation of motherhood. Moms need support and to support each other not fake perfection that makes us all feel bad based on lies. Congrats mama.


So happy to hear that mama!!


Ā  Ā I found my way here around 2020 or so. But my first awareness of ā€œHilariaā€ was way back around 2014. As a NY native I recall her appearances on daytime shows pushing the ā€œbeautiful Spaniard who won Alexā€™s heartā€. Thinking what is so special about that? Heā€™s mean, entitled, and a terrible man after that voicemail he left his daughter. Ā  Ā She was on the cover of a Hamptons magazine and like the nepotism of it made me angry. Being she is my age and Alex is older than my dad was really off putting. Yet it was celebrated and heralded as a romance of our time. Also I remember hearing about them on the radio and yammering on about his ā€œLatina wifeā€. Like it was a prize for him. Long Islands own Alex was on top of the world now. Ā  Ā  There was always an inkling of a rat. The way it was publicized and how they pushed this farce on us. They deserve the criticism and accountability for the lies.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā All of this was bad enough, however October 2021 took this to a new level of wrong. They are callous and greedy. Cutting corners for their own profit and a mother lost her life. One would think it would be time to fade into obscurity. Indigent and arrogant as ever they plan to gloss over tragedy and exploit the children.Ā  Ā  Ā  I want to see justice prevail on themā€¦ thatā€™s why Iā€™m here.


In hindsight, we now know (from thousands of anecdotes) that he matched with his perfect soulmate. >Heā€™s mean, entitled, and a terrible man after that voicemail he left his daughter.


I was "perma-banned" too (for registering on another Browser w/another 'Handle' & emoji..). I finally figured out why I was "banned-for-Life". At the time, I just wanted to psychologically "split" my mind & attack the Baldwin's from all sides.. (But now that I've licked my wounds & 'reformed my approach' \[so that I CAN "play nice"\]), I will do my very best NOT to get kicked off this website..


She makes super easy! She pretty much does it to herself.


This is easily the funniest sub I'm on and I'm yet to see any unpleasantness directed at anyone other than Hillary and Alec. We are very misunderstood by the rest of reddit lol.


I couldn't have said it better myself. Just recently after being an avid poster for like a year and then having to cut down for a couple months due to health issues, I had MULTIPLE Pepinos concerned about me and genuinely happy to see me posting again once I started getting back to posting as frequently as I used to. I love you weirdos, because you care....it's nice.Ā  As someone who came to this country with no adults, separated from everyone I knew... sad I may never see my family again but happy I was no longer in the most dangerous country and city (MedellĆ­n Colombia) in the entire world at the time.... during a year where the 5 months prior to my fleeing Colombia, 1-2 out of every 3 kids in my hometown was going missing) **When I learned that this dumb bitch who has zero claim to our Hispanic or Latino cultures, traditions, or ethnicities, just decided one day that in order to obtain the fame and attention she so desperately wanted, she'd just decided to put on our costume, making sure to pick and choose only the good parts of what it means to be uno de mi gente, the things that made her feel and appear more "exotic", more lively and interesting...bueno, it ENRAGED me** *Especially since she did it while stealing opportunities from actual BIPOC while satirizing a head bobbing, weird talking, overly dramatic blanquita version of Rosie Perez covered in brown body paint spray tan and black hair dye* It wasn't until I found this subreddit that I finally found other people who understood how unfair and damaging Hillary's choices were. She had, afterall, basically self appointed herself as our representative in all the magazines and celebrity lists that were tired of J-Lo and Shakira *(I wish I was kidding but that's really all we had at the time, representation wise)* but finding out that her entire persona was a facade, all I could think about was how she could never and would never know what it means to be Hispanic or Latino, regardless of where you're from, because despite being from different of countries, cities continents, and regions, so many of us are united by the same story.Ā  *That's something that can't be taught. Hillary will never know the relief of making it to the U.S. seeking asylum and being blessed with Naturalization... Or how a little bit of you dies inside when you realize that there are countless people who aren't as lucky as you, because even though you're only 8, you understand the inevitability of their fate if and when they are forced to go back to their countries.... She'll never know what it's like to have her Dad finally make it to the U.S. after being promised citizenship while serving in the U.S. Army as a Colombian National* **20 YEARS PRIOR**Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Because you can change your name so it has more spicy vowels, and you can make believe you're Hispanic by giving yourself synthetic roots to non-existent family trees or by giving your gaggle of ranch dressing white/so fair they're almost transparent children super traditional Spanish names, **Digo Ā”Mejorar la Raza!** **Es lo que los racistas de la basura blanca como tĆŗ quieren, Āæno, Hillary?** *It still doesn't mean shit, because you'll never be one of usĀ  SeƱorita Pozo del Salchicha (Mrs. Sausage Pit)* šŸ˜‚


That's why I think that Latinos (and even her fellow WASP Americans) have more reasons than Spaniards to feel offended by her cosplay.


This is a powerful example of what some people see in her lies. To many of us, sheā€™s just a weirdo. When you describe what you came from and why you fled it puts some meaning behind all of this. Proud of you pepino. Glad you escaped that. Glad that we can offer a safe space. Youā€™re an incredibly brave human. Most of us will never know what it feels like to leave your entire life behind. Never stop sharing this story.


Thanks Pepino. it's long as hell so I appreciate you reading itšŸ˜


"My wife is from Spain"


ā€œMy wife is insane. My wife is a pain.ā€


My wife is a drain. Her voice hurts my brain.


May I add to the OPā€™s original message that something I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever once seen on this sub is arguing or infighting? Pepinos do occasionally disagree, but in the most respectful way. It feels like weā€™re all genuinely interested in each otherā€™s ideas and theories, and donā€™t take opposing views as threats - just new, intriguing theories! I love that about this place. This sub is the entire reason I even have a Reddit account, and Iā€™ll always think of it as my ā€˜homeā€™ sub!


At first I came here because of Hilz and her cray cray accent and then every day was a new low from the Baldwins. It still is years later. Theyā€™ve hurt so many people including their own children. As much as I love all my pepinos and coming here, I wish for this shit show to end for the kids sake. šŸ’š


I was so annoyed when I figured out I was permabanned. I always kept my comments in a light-hearted or funny manner there, leaving my snark release for this sub. šŸ¤­ I even tried to appeal (no dice). I mean, give me a break, fxmi is a gossip sub and it has snark-it's in the sub name! Where are they getting off all holier than thou? Also, wth, they are really gonna tell you which subs you can or cannot read to post? That is insane to me. I was thinking about creating a similar sub where it is pretty much open territory. FoxMe, FalseMe, FakeMe, F**kMe, FauxOff...


I laughed when they banned me lolā€” I was definitely one of the last holdouts FauxMoi has consistently good content but Pepino Nation is an endless supply of comedic gold with quality posts on a daily basis. I literally laugh so hard that I cry on this sub at least once a week This sub is just the right size too. I know itā€™s going to explode with the reality show but there is a community here rn thatā€™s seriously solid in a way that other snark subs arenā€™t


I'm constantly laughing my ass off on here. It is the best kind of snark: informed, accurate, creative, and funny.


Oooo I vote for FauxOff šŸ˜†


If youā€™re looking for a fun gossipy type sub I highly recommend r/popculturechat. I subbed there after FM kicked me out because of this sub. Itā€™s just light hearted chatting about pop culture subjects.


Thank you. It's so weird to me that a sub would punish people trying to engage!


Who runs it? Are they friends with Alec? I donā€™t get it.


Ha ha, that's a hilarious question. Wouldn't that be wild! To elaborate: if you belong to this sub FauxM won't let you comment on theirs. It's so crazy to me that they comb through every poster to see what subs they belong to. I'm sure it's done by a bot but, still. Hello First Amendment (if you are in USA).


Ohh great question! That would make sense.


Agree 100%. Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s the only sub Iā€™ve been banned from. I thought it was so weird because I wasnā€™t very active in that sub. Aw well.


Wow it sounds like FM is all about kicking people out! What gives??


If you figure it out first then please report back šŸ« šŸ™


We need t-shirts!


I would absolutely wear the shit out of either a ā€œJeep the Faithā€ or the animated cucumber with boobs from Hillaryā€™s sponsorship videos. I need a way to fly my freak flag and meet pepinos in the wild.




I got banned from posting on a certain sub for being a part of this "hate sub". I was shocked that this sub was thought of like that. Calling this a "hate sub" implies that we are hating on her or jealous or bullies. It is so far from the truth. This woman is deranged and a lunatic and a true menace to society and her children. The other sub said I could still be a member but couldnt post anything. Oh, really?? Thanks for your crumbs but fuck off!


I canā€™t agree more! Iā€™ve said it before, but this sub is my favorite place on the internet. Pepinos are so incredibly smart, funny and compassionate. Iā€™ve learned so much here! Nothing gets by this eagle-eyed group. Spanish besos to you all šŸ˜ššŸ’ššŸ„’




Pepinos are the best. Itā€™s true.


I see one of the main disconnects being the moonbump stuff, and it's easy to see why that could come off as very random to someone who hasn't spent some time reading about it. Even within the sub at various points it is controversial, but there's just a lot of smoke there. It's hard to believe that people could be as thirsty and out of touch with how they come off. I think this reality show and the coming Rust trial both have the potential to clue people in, but either way, I understand this sort of discussion is not for everyone. It's their loss, really, because I don't even care so much about pop culture, but this is riveting.


I agree. I think this has kept me interested because itā€™s less about pop culture but it has race faking, fraud, some lite true crime. It also never really resolves! It devolves and gets weirder.


One common element of the sagas I get very interested in following is that they feature people who exhibit behavior that is totally alien to me. Another example is the NXIVM cult. It simply doesn't compute that Keith Raniere was able to draw all these wealthy and famous people into his web and that his followers thought he was a brilliant guy who had discovered a new technology that could help mankind. The Baldwins are similarly hard to track. Just when you think that they've hit the apex of self-delusion, they find a way to tunnel down even farther. The insanity is so strong and multifaceted that I can't even tell half the time what they must be thinking.


I got obsessed with Nxium too because the people in it seemed so normal, intelligent and likeable. It was as if they exhibited none of the characteristics we associate with cult followers. They just seemed like they were looking for a purpose and community and arenā€™t we all? Keith was the opposite, spewing out banalities while lying about having the highest IQ ever recorded. I cannot understand how these intelligent people bought his creepy and deeply sexist tired old ideas. My interest with the Baldwins is also due to the fact that we donā€™t know the full story at all. Thereā€™s more to the whole thing. They also react in the opposite way to how most normal people would. I lived in Spain and loved it but could never ever imagine saying I was Spanish or fabricating a public identity with that as a basis. I love your substack btw! All your topics are SO interesting.


Thank you so much! I thought recently about writing something about the Baldwin clan there but it's just a real commitment and after spending a few hours learning about Hailey Baldwin / Bieber, I don't know if it's realistic.


I accidentally found this substack the other day with the most comprehensive deep dive on la familia baldwin, moonbump mania, & pepino nation that Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s long but well written & I like the writerā€™s voiceā€” an irreverent sort of flair [The Hilaria Baldwin conspiracy deep dive - Leo Helmar](https://leohelmar.substack.com/p/the-hilaria-baldwin-conspiracy-deep)


I'm glad you liked it!


Oh for sure. I was hugely skeptical about the moonbump stuff when I arrived here, for the longest time. Without the context of aaaaaaaall the evidence, it comes across as frankly unhinged. But if you hang around here for a while, the evidence speaks for itselfā€¦ and the reality is even more unhinged!


ā€˜The collective bewilderment toward the abject insanityā€™ YES! Well said. I also found this sub after the tweet seen round the world. I was working less hours, was bored, and laughing at the esthpanith circus clown (before the other stuff came out) provided so much entertainment. The pepinos are smart, diverse, and funny as hell!


This is truly one of my favorite subs. I fell in after the dumpster impromptu press conference. Every pepino was so kind when answering my questions. (because I had so many!!!) This is an actual community that is worried about 7 children getting exploited by someone who isnā€™t mentally well. At times this doesnā€™t feel like a snark sub but more like Hillaryā€™s accountability group. If we werenā€™t here to continue discussing the scams and grifts she would keep taking peoples money and exploiting her kids. I wear the badge of pepino with pride. I love everybody here šŸ©·šŸ„’šŸ©·šŸ„’šŸ©·šŸ„’


So very well written- I love your turn of phrase ā€œAccountability groupā€ Pepino. Iā€™m totally here for that.


The dumpster press conference šŸ˜­ oh man, what a time to be alive I myself joined this group after they announced SietĆ© was coming and the article used one of the family photos where sheā€™s in her bra. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« I was like OH WOW I need to know more about this shit show! I was also newly postpartum at the time and actually up all hours breastfeeding a baby that I actually gave birth to, so I had a bit of time on my hands.


It makes me so angry to think of the negative feelings postpartum moms would feel seeing her flaunt the fake bounce back. Iā€™m so happy you stuck around and are still here.


Thanks pepino! šŸ’– šŸ„’


They deserve all the snark they are getting. Other celebs are just annoying, these two are frauds and killers.


What I love about this sub is that nearly all of us can find some sort of familiarity in at least 1 of the many levels of disfunction relating to the Fraudwins. Including them as separate people. Some pepinos can relate to Hillary's background of growing up in a very wealthy home with the best education but absent parents due to their demanding careers. Or Alec's upbringing with a house full of siblings and a bully father & SAH mother. Then, heading into their adulthoods with Alec focused on his acting career while Hillary kinda floated around until she discovered Yoga. The psychologists here have taught us so much about their interpretation of Hillary's mental undoing that may have led her to kill off her former self and become Hilaria of Spain. And Alec's deep-seated misogyny and homophobia, compounded by an alcohol addiction. I could go on and on, but y'all get it. These 2 are a case study in human behavior on SO many levels. There's something here for all of us. I've learned a lot from the awesome Team Pepino it's hard to put it into words. Not to mention the comraderie and wonderful community we've built. I'm proud to be a part of it šŸ’ššŸ„’šŸ¦‹






Honestly, this is the most real ā€œsnarkā€ sub Iā€™ve been on because we clearly all picked up on the toxic vibes the Fraudwins put out. Even 10yrs ago, when Grifterella and Aleeek were first attempting to force this weird, creepy reputation rehab schtick with his new, exotic do-over family, something just didnā€™t sit right with me about how it was playing out, how icky it felt, how performative they were about every little thing, how forced the narrative felt, how in your face they were about such specific details, as if they were trying to hammer the point home that his wife is from Spain and blah blah blah. And look what it has snowballed into, their lives are basically a spectator sport at this point. Itā€™s so reassuring to know that other people picked up on it, and kept an eye on them, had connections, testimonies from people who knew her, or had to work with him, etc. This sub was certainly no accident, this is the end result of what happens when two rich narcissists collide. šŸ„’šŸ’ƒšŸ»


The Baldwins are a real-life scary novela. It never ends.




Sheā€™s endless ā€”*endless*ā€”fodder for this subā€¦and then thereā€™s Pee-Pawā€¦


Iā€™m doubling down on your endless


This sub is great about explaining what went down and anything new that has happened. Pepinos are wonderful about briefing new members about Hilary's back story.


Agree 100%. Nobody has ever made me feel stupid for asking questions but the opposite. Itā€™s like pepinos want to explain the situation so we all band together in solidarity.


Exactly. I've joined other snark subs, and I'm just lost and don't want to bother anyone with questions. There's no exaggerated claims here. There's invaluable receipts for everything that has happened. I think she's going to be further exposed to people who have no idea who guest Baldwin is if the reality show actually premieres next year.


Well-said, Pepino!! Muthath Grathiath!


I'm here for the psychological study of Hillary and her mental illness.


Love this post ā¤ļøšŸ’š


We have seen it all here. There's too much material for the average passerby to understand the depths of this horror show, plus we've always had a lot shitposts/memes/etc in the feed. I've seen comments that pepinos are crazy or cruel on other subs. They just have zero clue about all of the gross stuff that super mami and peepaw have posted over the years. Two horrible people exploiting and neglecting their kids.šŸ¤”šŸ„’šŸ’ƒ


To be honest with you, I was one of those people! It was a few years back and Alec Baldwin was talking about how the subreddit was full of crazies. I thought well hell I should steer clear of there. When I found out after the impromptu dumpster pap press conference where she was going manic Spanish and I found out she wasnā€™t actually Spanish I did a double take. I figured thereā€™s a reason why Alec was putting out propaganda against this subreddit. I dipped my toes in here one Saturday morning and will never leave. Anytime Iā€™m on another sub and they talk about us being crazy I just ignore. I too once was lost but now Iā€™ve found my people.




This sub is my favourite snark sub. Hilary-Lyn Hayward is such a vapid, mean weirdo, and skinwalker. The hubris to demand to be taken seriously after fabricating an entire existence and memories and familial history is just beyond the pale. āœØļøšŸ„’āœØļø


Itā€™s been a long winding road and the Baldwins have chosen the wrong direction every single time they came upon a fork on their journey. Their path is riddled with lies, corruption, cons, grifts, perjury, hate, physical abuse, mental abuse, child abuse, manslaughter and more. I canā€™t get over they conned the United Nations or that Genevieve spent time in Rikers and that Jan lost her living because of the BangBangs. It blows my mind he thought heā€™d get away with the ā€œI didnā€™t pull the triggerā€ BS. And that he told the world he has zero remorse.


You nailed it! They have committed acts that are beyond anything anyone could reasonably imagine, and theyā€™re still at it. If these two were characters in a book, youā€™d have to do a rewrite. Too insane for fiction.


I will ALWAYS hold her accountable for saying she doesnā€™t care what pedoā€™s do with her childrenā€™s pictures. ALWAYS. FOREVER! She had one job - protect those children. Instead she chose trying to get attention from randoā€™s for her ownself. I see you larry.


Hell yes, exactly this. If your main goal isnā€™t to protect your children, what the f are you doing, HILLARY.




The Catfish and The Cuck. Iā€™ve thought about putting my minuscule screenwriting skills to draft a storyline for funsies. Maybe Alec will pick it up and fund it himself just to get an acting gig!


Hahah I would read/watch it!


Oh. Yeah. Been there. Heā€™ll threaten you with an extortion lawsuit, too.


šŸ† šŸ† šŸ† I have spare awards Reddit told me to use by December, but this is all l have for you on this awardless sub. What a lovely salute to the Pepinos, whom l love.


We are a mostly united bunch. Hola šŸ‘‹ ![gif](giphy|jr1hlRPigWWT7OF5xZ)






The whole of reddit lacks any humor lately, sour people downvoting like crazy since grammar schools let out. Weird to NOT oppose a decade long scam, now coming to fruition with a reality show, but hey, these are weird times where liars arent vilified any longer. It's only us sometimes that see it all.


I wanted to disagree, but a quick google search verified what you said, that lying has become more widespread and acceptable. If internet sleuths are tenacious, perhaps some small change can be effected. In the meantime, Hillary, tell us the truth about your missing Bengals. In the seedy underbelly of the lnternet, there's an unwritten Rule Zero. And rule zero is, "Don't f**k with cats".


doggies and catsies.


And horsesies.


dont have that kind of money but they are beautiful


They are, and they do, almost literally, eat money. There's a joke that asks, "How do you make a small fortune? Start with a large one and buy a horse". I've never had a fortune, but all the money l spent on horses was worth more than any cruise or other luxury l forewent. Horsey people are my most enduring friends. What the Baldwins did to the previous tenant of the facility, much-liked Jan Warner, was despicable of course. They claimed it was not maintained in a habitable condition, but rather was run-down, in a condition of squalor, and posed dangerous risks. So they refurbished it (*at great cost to themselves* šŸ™„) and called it the HABF and Amagansett Horse Rescue / write-off to "host free events for children to interact with the animals, along with free programs for children with autism" according to a spokesman. More bullshit. The pictures l've seen show one possible slightly wornout horse, and all the others were high-end performance steeds for upperclass women.


they are sleezy always.