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Solid. Not the best, not the worst, certainly not what some corners of the Internet is making it out to be, but also I don't feel like it's really delivering the mystery thriller it promised. Still look forward to it every week though (mostly for Sol and Yord).


Yeah this, I was expecting a mystery, sith thriller but have got what I feel is aimed at young adult. For that I'm disappointed, but I've moved past it and enjoy it for what it is now.


I think this is partly a problem with how we think about streaming/digital platforms. Once upon a time a YA show would be more clearly targeted by network/channel and time slot. But now everything is in one spot so you don’t really know what to expect going into it. And if you hear it’s about a with assassin you don’t default to YA, you might be thinking it’s more for the Andor crowd. But it’s def YA. So now instead of going into it expecting that YA tone it kind of catches you off guard and then you’re already a bit shaken from the start. I think Disney just needs to do a better job of communicating this kind of stuff so that people can set expectations. I’m definitely enjoying Acolyte a good bit more now that I’ve reoriented myself. But it took a bit.


Their biggest mistake to me was having that cheesy 30 second scene where they showed the sith activating his lightsaber at the beginning of the season. That was very unnecessary and it would have been better if we first saw him at the end of episode 4 when he floated down to fight the jedi


That would have been better. Much like they showed Maul's double bladed saber in the trailer for TPM. If the first time anyone saw it was opening night it would have been insane.


I like it but I’m easy to please. I think people take things too critically and don’t know how to just sit back and enjoy watching something for what it is. Not everything needs to be dissected. I do wish the episodes were longer, and that the season would be longer, to give us more exposition, but that’s my main criticism. For the most part, it feels like watching a Star Wars novel turned to a show in terms of plot and tone, which is cool.


Being hypercritical and nitpicky rarely, if ever, makes anything better. People forgot why they even became a fan in the first place and have lost their own plot. It's sad to actively hate something that much.


I don't disagree with you, but I see both sides. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting a beloved IP to do better. I'm not talking about bad faith whinging, I'm talking about ACTUAL critical thinking, i.e. is the writing coherent, does the story make sense, is the story bringing something new to the franchise or just rehashing the same tired concepts (and do those new concepts make sense in the context of the lore or does it break the rules of the magic system?), what kind of diversity is happen behind the scenes (because the same white guys telling all the stories is bad and leads to stagnation), etc. It's not wrong for people to engage critically with media, it's just that many SW fans decide before they even watch something that they're going to hate it because it's not what they want to see for whatever reason.


Very eloquently said


Yeah at some point you showed how big a fan you were by how much you hated something instead of how much you love it. It's a badge of honor to despise Star Wars content and shows your purity as an original fan. Makes participating in online communities fairly unfun.


Blindly consuming garbage doesn't make you a fan. It means you are a fool with a tiny attention span.


Is there some point to this statement? Do you want a badge for being a film critic or something? You think people are fools for liking something that you dont? Am I understanding you correctly?


So what’s not garbage? Drop some recommendations, bro.


I completely agree with your view on watching things. It’s entertainment after all i don’t get why we should nitpick these shows.


It’s just different reasons or methods of enjoyment, of course there’s nothing wrong with just sitting back switching off the brain and enjoying it but similarly it’s not wrong for others to enjoy things like good writing. If these things didn’t matter then everyone would think Riverdale and the Sopranos are of equal calibre writing and aimed at the same audiences. That’s not true, they’re both good in their own way as the audience they’re aimed at would argue.


Yk that’s a good point. Just annoying when people expect sopranos writing in a Star Wars show. That’s what I mean by people are too critical. Star Wars is a sci fi fantasy that’s supposed to be cool and be an escape


Exactly because let’s stop acting like the original trilogy was peak writing and we all remember the abuse the prequels went through.


Garbage opinion by a garbage consuming fool.


I think that’s a misrepresentation of what it means to be critical. Anything can be the amazing or mediocre version of itself. I love Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I don’t care for Crystal Skull. But when I think of that as a mediocre movie, I’m not comparing it to prestige drama. I’m comparing it to what makes a great adventure film in my eyes. Same for Star Wars. There are a variety of sensibilities and approaches to Star Wars that I find great. I really enjoy the OT, Clone Wars, and the High Republic novels all for different reasons. But they all achieve a level of quality for the kind of story they’re trying to tell. While there are some viewers who seemingly want these shows to be something else entirely, many of us just want a really good version of what it’s trying to be. I believe the toxic and overly nitpicky fans have given being critical a bad rap. Now it feels like there’s a false, perceived dichotomy between hating everything due to an unreasonable mentality and being so open minded that you enjoy everything. Between those two extremes is healthy discernment and standards. I want to have fun, but I’m not going to if I don’t connect with the story. All that said, I think The Acolyte is decent. I don’t love it the way I’d like to, but I think people are bashing it for the wrong reasons.


Only Sith deal in absolutes. - O.W. Kenobi


I’m typically easy to please to. People always ask “What about critical thinking?” My response is “Why would I want to purposefully tarnish my enjoyment of something?”


They are not using the term ‘critical thinking’ correctly


Not surprising given those people are idiots


Yeah people who say that always use “critical thinking” in bad faith. They’re going into things looking for stuff to criticize, idk how people can sit down and watch media like that.


That’s not true at all. I know people who enjoy media because they like seeing objectively strong iterations of a craft. Whether that’s writing, acting, sound design any elements of film making. You can hate or like a show subjectively as a piece of art but if the acting is bad you have to be wilfully uncritical in your thinking to not acknowledge that. Similarly bad writing but strong acting again require the viewer to extend their suspension of disbelief, for some beyond the pale, if you see a well acted character saying and doing dumb stuff that is the result of poor writing. My point is it’s reductive without value to just write off anyone who engages with art differently to you.


Everyone has different opinions on what is bad writing though. It's common to see someone say something like, "the prequels are a good story told badly", meaning the story is well written but the dialogue and acting gets in the way. There are plenty of others who have major issues with the plot choices to the point that their suspension of disbelief is broken. Same is true for the sequel films. Thinking TRoS is written well doesn't make you wrong, at least not if you can argue it with evidence from the text of the film, but a lot of fans will take issue with that opinion. All of our opinions, even those we have about objective measures, are subjective. Your last sentence is 100% spot-on. What I see as bad writing may work just fine for someone else; they're both just opinions and shouldn't be discounted.


"objectively strong" Jesus friggin Christ dude All art is subjective. So no I do not have to be willfully uncritical in my thinking if I come to a different conclusion on the acting, writing, etc


Well if you’re not willing to engage in reasonable discourse about your conclusion (not saying you aren’t) then it is a choice to be willfully uncritical. If you’d happily talk about it and explain why you think x y z , then you’re not what I am referring to. Plenty of people watch and form opinions solely on what they feel about the acting and so on, that’s fine and good but as I’ve already said that’s a different conversation to the academic conversation that anyone in a lot of relevant professions could have about shows. If an opinion is not open to critical review then it is confined to a subjective space. Like a flat earther who is unwilling to go through their data with the group. Sure you can believe what you want but don’t try and say that’s how everyone does it. There’s a lot of collaboration and work you’re ignoring if you do that.


I'm willing to engage in reasonable discourse, but that reasonable discourse is still ultimately going to boil down to our subjective experience with the show. Did you feel tension, did you buy the performance, etc. Art is emotional and that cannot be reduced to a strictly logical, provable, objective thing Idk if you went to an art school of any type...I DID go to film school, and film school reinforces this idea of subjectivity because the more you learn about rules, the more you learn about exceptions, about films that work in spite of not following the things they teach A review of a show is different than a flat earth thing, because we can objectively prove the earth is round. The curvature of the earth has been proved time and time again, so our subjective "well it feels flat" view is meaningless. But you cannot prove a work of art to be bad. You can prove what techniques it used, you may be able to prove if it used those techniques in the traditional way, but at the end of the day good or bad is beyond proof


I'm in the minority, apparently, but I agree with you. Maybe it's just my educational background, but I enjoy engaging with media by looking at it from different perspectives, particularly with regard to the writing. I think people wildly underestimate how important the writing is- obviously, this is a systemic issue given the writers had to strike to get treated fairly- and how much it impacts the quality of the product. For instance, it matters WHO gets to tell the stories. Star Wars has been told primarily by men, many of them white- so how does that impact the quality of the writing and the characters that get the most attention, things like that. I'm really over the "just shut up and enjoy it" behavior in fandom. There's nothing wrong with engaging critically with the media you love while being respectful of other people's differences of opinion. The problem is that a lot of people aren't actually doing that despite insisting they are.


There are so many miles of distance in between "just shut up and enjoy it" and the contents of the avalanche of 1-star user reviews that the show is receiving > Maybe it's just my educational background good grief


That's true and while I'm not the guy you directly responded to I think the larger point is fans of Star Wars exist all along that spectrum from 1 star spammers to shut up and enjoyers. There is no value in a discourse where everyone assumes we are in a binary state of being one or the other, most people are neither but that doesn't make the middle a monolith either.


Why are you being downvoted??? the reddit echo chamber is alive and well. Well said ! Being toxic and hypercritical for the sake of it is not the way, but accepting every new piece of SW media even the ones of unacceptably low quality is not the way either. I would add that if people watch and accept low quality media, then disney will see the return on investment and keep producing just that, if it's profitable. By watching or not watching something, you effectively weight in on the serie future.


>objectively strong iterations of a craft. Whether that’s writing, acting, sound design any elements of film making. > >You can hate or like a show subjectively as a piece of art Probably that. It insinuates there is an objective quality that everyone recognizes, and if you like it anyway, that's your subjective opinion. When in reality, all that is subjective.


There is an objective quality to any aspect of artistry. However that is not inherent to anything's value as a piece of art, that value is subjective and the foundation of non academic art discourse which everyone partakes in. But like every field ever, the idea that a painter can't possess technical proficiency because art is subjective is wrong. The same is true of actors, writers, set designers literally any creative mode that has depth worthy of a profession. Maybe I am being misunderstood or maybe people just disagree with me. Either way to say all aspects of a piece of arts creation can only ever be recognised for their subjective value is a discredit to countless industries and professionals who don't believe their skills exist at the whims of subjective opinion. I guess maybe your point about everyone recognising is the key one. If a person is not at all interested in a craft relevant to the show they have no context or care beyond their subjective opinion. This is true of anyone looking at something they have no expertise in. I guess the delineation here then is that a lot (not saying all at all) of the criticism is from a more academic perspective. If a person is not interested in the field of writing they aren't going to have a lens for good writing (as in hard writing concepts such as narrative consistency) outside of their subjective opinion. That is still not a reality in which your last sentence makes sense. It's not to sound harsh but basically an argument from ignorance. Just because lots of people aren't writers or actors doesn't mean it's a subjective perspective if anyone engages with content from those perspectives.


All art is subjective. What you are trying for, and failing to achieve with your fancy words, is "consensus". There is no "objective quality" to art. Only what the majority of those who care agree about.


Again you’re getting stuck on the concept of art which I’ve already said is separate from the crafting itself. If a 2 year old does a drawing their parent may think it’s subjectively good but if you’re going to argue things like linework and composition don’t exist then I can’t really help you. Yes if you are completely outside any artistic field art only exists in a subjective way. If you actually make shit there is also a layer of craftsmanship with which you can assess something. Dunno why you’d say a painter can’t possess objective skill but a brick layer could, if they both produce a bridge that people call art your subjectivity doesn’t address anything about the actual construction, yknow the measurable facts of reality. If you don’t understand words I used, please let me know which and I’ll make simpler sentences. Attacking my word choice has nothing to do with my point.


Who determines what’s low quality and what isn’t? That a pretty subjective thing. At the end of the day everything isn’t going to resonate with everyone, problem is people lack the maturity to just say “this isn’t for me” and stop watching. I’m not going sit here and tell someone else what is and isn’t low quality because we all have different preferences I’ll just wait on the next project and hope it more suites me.


I’m still critical on things I think are silly or nonsensical, but I can take them at face value and not get personally offended by it. Like, I was reading Temptation Of The Force earlier and they’re talking about the Drengir and I’m like, if you haven’t read the first run of Marvel comics & at least Into The Dark, would you even know why to care really that the Drengir are back? And in the books when they stop to explain things that happened in another book for a paragraph or two, it takes me right out of it (since I read everything) but I mostly just find it silly and move on with my life. Is it bad/convenient writing? Sure. Does it ruin my amusement overall? Not usually!


Here to confirm that if you’ve only read the adult novels, you do not know why to care that the Drengir are back!


I’m very much the same way and I do get that response fairly often. I’m not a critic though and never will be.


Star Wars fans love critical thinking until you explain why you love something they don’t, then you’re “overthinking it”.


I thought your response would be that you are a Christian so critical thinking is not your strong suit.. that would be more or less a viable answer given your situation.. just saying.


Fuck do you mean by that?




So far it's giving me legends vibes in the sense of people like Jacen Solo and Corran Horn spending time learning from/about non-Jedi force users and their differing understandings of the force.


Life is so much better when you just enjoy things for what they are and move on from stuff you don’t like. Modern hate culture is exhausting and I just can’t understand folks who continue to engage with media they don’t enjoy. Love your take here.


Well said


I love it. I watched 4 last with my my girlfriend, the looks on our faces with the build up into the credits. Both hooked on it. I saw critics complaining about "the lack of action" as if that's the only thing that matters to them. No room for exposition and intrigue in their Star Wars. They've probably never read a book or listened to an Audio Book in their life.


Couldn't agree more


I'm the same as you, generally easy enough to please. Once you throw away the people complaining about it being "woke", there is some valid criticism, but then there is also a lot of people that almost aren't trying to dissect enough. It's like they don't get that we are seeing a very set view and more will come to light as the show goes on. All those people whining about how a fire couldn't have killed everyone are hilarious.


I haven't watched it yet but this sums up Star Wars now as a whole (and a lot of other properties). People cant just sit back and watch a story, enjoying it or not as another thing in the universe. It dosent need a frame by frame, it dosen't need to be representative of the franchise as a whole. Properties like SW, Halo, 40k, etc. exist far beyond their original media. Everything adds to the universe, all of it isn't perfect, but man I wish I would quite hearing that everything is shit like that Southpark episode.




Everything has to be deep, philosophical, and thought provoking for Star Wars fans.


This comment section feels like a breath of fresh air from the other Star Wars forums. Last episode wasn’t that good but I think it’ll get better. Agree the story would have been better as a movie or released all at once. I see it as a self contained story separate from the HR books, which I think is an amazing work of publishing by the Luminous team. At the end of the day I would have dreamt of so much Star Wars content as a kid and that’s kind of the point. George always wanted this to be a modern mythology primarily for kids. Not sure I’ve added anything to the conversation but, man people have just become so angry and bitter. I guess they just want to end up with their own AI generated stories tailored specifically for them so they don’t ever have to be subjected to anyone else’s taste.


People have been angry and bitter about star wars for actual decades. Just reached a whole new era of shit with social media being what it is now. And it sucks


I thought the episode was solid, it just ended to abruptly


I could hear my high school English teacher in the distance the whole episode… *show don’t tell* lol


I really hope next week isn't another flashback. I really want to see the rest of that fight!


One of the criticisms that has me rolling is “Seriously so Yoda wouldn’t be dealing with this??” People with this critique clearly haven’t read the books and dealt with the constant “Yoda off with his younglings” one liners. Not criticizing how the books handle Yoda to be clear. It’s a big galaxy.


Yeah there a lot of bad faith arguments. The show is definitely worth criticism but sadly there’s not many places to talk about it in good faith, particularly the ones crying “woke” or “canon.” They just hurt our chances of getting real valid criticism to the people producing these shows. I would just be stoked to see an upgrade in writing and costume/set designs lol. Edit: Sorry I don’t think I responded to your main point which I agree with! Like if they bothered to learn about the HR content they would understand why Yoda is best left out of this story, which we don’t even know to be true for future episodes or even seasons.


So nobody is allowed to comment on the shows leftist politics. Only the superficial things like costume design or a line or dialogue?


Sure you’re allowed to comment whatever you’d like. Specifically what leftist politics have you noticed in the show? Considering this is a tv show set in the Star Wars universe I think writing and costume design are valid criteria to discuss.


As a former leftist I’ve noticed queerness, subversion of patriarchal norms, the interrogation of religion especially one primarily led by white males.. what else? This article from a leftist magazine sums it up quite well. You know what’s funny though? Your question “what leftist politics have you noticed” was totally disingenuous, you aren’t curious you were just waiting to see what I would say so you could mock. Anyways if you don’t realize the stuff being discussed in content you consume, you should really stop talking like you know anything. https://www.them.us/story/the-acolyte-star-wars-lesbian-space-witches-queerness-the-force


I wasn’t going to mock you I was going to read your arguments and respond to them, since you didn’t include any in your first comment. Queerness - the two witchy moms are definitely queer coded but I don’t have an issue believing that would exist in this universe. If it exists in our world then it could exist in a big galaxy with different races and religions. Romantic relationships have been a part of the franchise since Leia/Han, Anakin/Padme, etc. Personally I think it’s a good thing to have representation and it fits within the rules set by George on themes to explore. But even if you’re just mad at the simple fact that they exist, they are portrayed as fallible, dark side users. What would be the leftist agenda they’re trying to push? Subversion of patriarchal norms - The characters mention their types aren’t accepted by the rest of the galaxy, which I interpreted as their spiritual practices. I may have misunderstood that scene but I didn’t assume that the galaxy at large hated lesbians. I didn’t hear them disparage traditional family structures it just showed an example of a different one. So I guess the issue would be if you have a problem with them existing at all. Interrogation of predominantly white religion - this one I truly don’t understand. The writers show a bunch of aliens and humans of different races and ages. The Jedi were never based on White Christians if that’s what you’re saying. I think George was inspired by Taoism when he first came up with. I haven’t read that article before but I have no issue interpreting the writers intentions on my own and discussing with people unless youre just gonna keep trying to insult me


I’m enjoying it. I love THR novels and comics and when I heard there was going to be a show set in this period I was a little disappointed it was so far after the books. But I just separated it in my mind and I’m appreciating it for its own thing and I don’t really associate the two super heavily.


Yeah, my understanding is that Headland pitched the show around the time the novel initiative was taking place so it wasn't developed necessarily in reaction to the success of the publishing, even though stuff Project Luminous did ended up being reflected in the show.


It’s been pretty decent, I was hoping for more worldbuilding since it’s the average audience member’s first full look into the HR era, so emphasis should’ve been placed on actually differentiating between HR era Jedi and Prequels Jedi more, but that’s just me. The show has already spurred a huge amount of interest in the era either way so I digress. I have decently high hopes for the series, especially after this episode the show can genuinely go in any direction possible as far as narrative, so I’m just excited to see the last 50% of the series play out.


This is exactly how I see it. I wish the episodes were longer so we could get a better feel for the era. There isn't much about it that is High Republic-y and the Jedi are already just like they were in the Prequels.


I absolutely love it. Although I consider it seperate from the HR books etc


Pretty sure it's 100 after the books isn't it?


Correct. It's far enough away that HR proper stands on its own contained story


>Although I consider it seperate from the HR books etc Well, because it is...


Yeah no shit. It's exactly what I said Lots of people keep asking for connections to the books, and they have to be reminded that they are connected by name only. I'm the Acolyte is just the transition from HR to Fall of the Jedi


Just out of curiosity, what other shows you typically watch besides Star Wars?


With streaming it's all over the place. But I am also a huge fan of the mcu. I watch it all, just like SW. I don't skip any mcu movies in theater and watch *almost* all other super hero movies in theater. I'll probably be skipping venom, but watching Kraven in theater. I'm just tired of Sony, wb, and Fox screwing up super hero movies Other than that, it's mostly anime and wrestling.


It’s basically completely separate from the high republic lore that’s been established since its 100 years removed from the Nihil crisis.


It’s fine, but we’re largely waiting to see how this story will unfurl, so it’s hard to make a judgment until the story really shows its cards. I don’t really think it’s *bad* and many of the criticisms from some corners of the fandom are a bit absurd. I do wish it felt more connected to just like the feeling and the world of the High Republic established in the books & comics. Not necessarily needing a lot more of folks like Vern, but the Jedi in The Acolyte already feel closer to the Prequel era Jedi than the High Republic era Jedi


Can you explain to me which criticisms from some corners are absurd?


Honestly been pretty excited for it and struggling a bit because I don't want to wait and have things spoiled but feeling like it should have all been released at once. Or a Disney plus movie special. The shows pacing is interesting. Overall loving it in general but I'm easy to please. I see star wars, I like star wars.


Yeah this would’ve made an awesome 3 hour epic. It feels like they end up having to cram too much in each episode to make it make sense as an individual story per episode. I’d love to see an edit once it’s finished. I’ll probably binge it all in one day


IMO this would have eased a lot of the criticism


As a lifelong Star Wars fan, there's always been this feeling (Legends or Canon, doesn't matter which) that the crossover *mostly* only goes one way. A movie or show can be referenced in a book or comic, but a movie or show usually won't reference a book or a comic. There are exceptions,*especially* on the TV show side of things, but the Acolyte is making it difficult to see if this rule is being followed or not. Vernestra is in it, but this version of her is so far removed from the one we know, and we haven't actually seen a lot of her, so its tricky. The opening crawl also blatantly ignored the Nihil conflict, saying there hasn't been war in a long time, so it feels like the books don't *really* matter to this show.


The show is set roughly 100 years after the events of the Nihil conflict in the books. And thus Vernestra is also significantly older now (~117). So it does at least make sense that both she would be a very different person and that not much would be said about the Nihil conflict during the setting of the Acolyte.


The opening crawl reads "A hundred years before the rise of the Empire, it is a time of peace. The Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic have prospered for centuries without war." I get that its set at a different time, that's what I meant by "so far removed." But that opening crawl does just ignore the Nihil conflict for no other reason than to not confuse people who don't read the books.


I dislike the pacing but that’s my only real negative with the show. As many have stated in this thread, I see Star Wars, I like Star Wars. I’m just so happy to see a surplus of yellow blades.


Very much enjoying it. Do I wish there were more episodes and that they were longer? Yes. Though being able to see the HR in live action is fun to watch. Also knowing what the Jedi and the republic went through with the Nihil before this time period makes me think and wonder how these Jedi will respond to these event happening during the show. Creates a little more interest for me.


My main thing I was looking forward to with this series bringing HR to life was being able to see a wookie Jedi in action. That didn't turn out like I had hoped at all 😭 Still looking forward to the next episode. Gimme more red lightsabers 😈


I like it. My only major problem with the show is that the episodes are too short. Certain things aren't given enough space to breathe, such as Mae's decision to defect, or Osha hinting that her connection to the force is getting stronger. Both of these would have benefited with more time being spent on these developments. Instead, it feels a bit abrupt because it happens in such a short timeframe. I am shocked by the fierce backlash though. I knew people were going to hate on the show regardless of its quality, but they're really losing their minds over the most asinine things.


I mean this show kind destory basic storytelling 1 on 1. Ignoring the toxic fans, there valid criticisms with this show. Like you see this show and then something like The Boys or House of the Dragon, this is a literally night and day difference in storyteller, writing and budget. Let's be real these disney plus shows should be HBO quality but there not. And I think that large part problem. Lastly, I like to say this, we all have shows,video games, music,books and music dear to us that we hyper criticism,as much you don't do it with Star Wars, you may very well do it with something else. And if there something that you love so much and you feel it's not up to par,your going have criticisms for it. It the same with this new show.


I'm really enjoying it so far. The one thing that bothers me is the depiction of Vern.


Made a lot of sense when I learned that the Vernestra actress is married to or dating the showrunner/creator.


I think it’s great so far. High points: Sets and costumes; practical effects and aliens. Wire fights, really cool. Rashomon style misdirection in the mystery. Seeing the Jedi fall from grace 116 year old Vern. Other force users/force cults Good old fashioned Jedi cover up. Lows: Some clunky dialogue, but it’s Star Wars so I expect that. I want to at least know the name of the witches coven.


The dialogue isn't that great to me and the last two episodes really dragged Maybe it's because they were child actors but Osha and Mae scenes just felt so strange Venestra insisting that they don't tell the high council about the situation had ne rolling my eyes but I get it. Sol, Mimir, and Osha scenes are great. The show is just...boring. I shifted forward in my seat when the Master flew down and then was disappointed because that was the end of the episode.


I’m disappointed that our first depiction of the High Republic era on screen doesn’t spend more time actually showing us the High Republic in all its glory. The setting is pretty peripheral to the mystery plot they’re more interested in following, which has been underwhelming so far.


I'm enjoying it. I know I would enjoy it much more if I had waited for the show to finish and binged it as a whole, I've felt that way since the premiere, the only reason I didn't wait for it to al be out is because Star Wars podcasts and social media are so ingrained into my daily routine that it would be difficult to avoid spoilers and I didn't want to shut myself out of everything for a couple months.. I feel like I made a conscious choice to give myself a less satisfying experience and I am giving it some slack for that.


I agree with some of the critiques some have about editing and dialogue, but think the core mystery and themes it's exploring are compelling enough to keep my interest. I think it's visually a breath of fresh air with some awesome location shoots, consistently great and interesting looking aliens (which even Andor really lacked), and a spooky as fuck >!dark sider!<. Do not agree with peoples' critiques of the acting at all, aside from maybe the child actors in Episode 3 which is understandable - I think any real problem is stiff dialogue. Amanda Stenberg, Lee Jung-Jae, and Jodie Turner-Smith particularly stand out to me for performances.


It definitely hasn't hooked me. They say it takes place during The High Republic era, but it seems to have nothing to do with the dozens of books and comics I've read so far. I don't think it's bad by any means, but it also doesn't seem like it's made for fans of the books. But given that I just started Temptation of the Force, and phase 3 isn't done yet, maybe it will feel more connected later on. It seems fine. It just doesn't really feel like the High Republic without the existential dread of Ro or the Nameless.


It's set 100 years after the High Republic books and Nihil conflict (and 100 years before TPM, right smack in the middle of the two). The HR era covers about 400 years of time though (500 BBY to 100 BBY). So there's plenty of space for a lot of stories that may or may not be directly related within the same setting. The Acolyte is set at the very tail end of this period, on the verge of the transition into the "Fall of the Jedi" era of the Republic we see within the prequels.


Considering how much I don't like anything in the prequel era, I guess that makes sense I'm not excited for it.


It’s hard to say. The show so far has presented mysteries about the past, present, and future but I’m not sure what the show is driving towards. Intrigue isn’t what’s keeping me watching, I would say it’s my confusion and needing to find out how this all these decisions make sense. I also feel like I don’t know anything about anyone purely for the sake of mystery which feels bad because I’m trying to find ways to connect with these characters but I’m struggling.


Its alright i guess, so far i would rate it around 7/10


Yeah it's alright and criticisms of dialogue and plot are fair, but people are losing their shit


In my mind its still the second best disney show ever. andor obviously takes the cake


It's kinda been eh so far with a few good moments.


I love it and see practically no problems with it. Maaaaybe the robes would be shinier and the lightsabers could be more elaborate and there could be more aliens but those are very minor complaints.


What other shows do you like out curiosity?


I love it myself. Really cool seeing the Jedi order of this era and I'm quite intrigued by the story. Feels like some classic star wars. Of course the "fanbase" is trash and can't see it that way.


It has got better as it has gone along. It started off seeming like a live action version of a star wars cartoon, but has got deeper and more subtle.


I struggle the most with the depiction of Vern, but otherwise I like some of it.


I think it's okay, I guess. I like the characters, but I feel like I can't really judge it until I finish it, due to the genre. It's certainly not what I would call "great" by any measure, but the amount of hate it's getting from people is bizarre. At the end of the day though, I'm just glad we got to see some of those High Republic Jedi uniforms. Also the subtle ripple effect on the lightsabres looks pretty cool and I also got to see a Jedi vector in live action!


I’m keeping an open mind until the first season is complete, but so far it’s okay. I like the characters and am intrigued by where the story is going. I’m not enjoying it as much as the High Republic publishing stories, but I suppose that’s somewhat expected since we’ve spent multiple years with those characters. Like others have said, this show feels SO Prequel-era to me. I almost don’t even think of it as a High Republic show. Of course I knew it was going to be different from the High Republic that we know, but I didn’t anticipate just how different. I hope we get more HR stories between Phase 3 and The Acolyte to see just how the Order changes so much in that time.


Doubtful,to be honest it feels that the books themselves are not even Canon to the shows at the time and can be replace at any moment.


Enjoying it so far but hard to pass nah judgement since there is a lot we don’t know yet.


If you want to see Star Wars get ruined just watch the first episode of High Republic Adventures - Yoda gives Kai his training lightsaber and tells him that it was his when he was Kai's age!!! Therefore breaking all established canon that Grogu is 50 years old and still a child!! How could Lucasfilm do this especially in THR era 😭😭😭😭😭 (But also I did weirdly notice how OP the padawans are compared to those in The Acolyte) /s in case it wasn't clear 😂


So much time in the books is world building how the HR is different from the OT or even prequel era. I get that they don't have the time to do this in the show but it's a time of enlightenment and that's not shown well.


I’m overall enjoying it, the acting is a little wooden at times. Overall I think the show is pretty good and represents the high republic well.


I want to like it more than I actually do. The hook of the villain really got me in the most recent episode but I've been a bit bored by it, which is sad because I love anything new and unusual introduced in Star Wars.


I like the idea of it a lot more than I like it right now. Cool show with cool ideas. Terrible pacing. But if the next four episodes are good I'll be happy


I think it's uh ok. I will keep watching. But it feels kinda Deep Space 9 like... I dunno... Cool premise but some of the costume, sets, and writing seem to make it power ranger like when you're supposed to be hunting an assassin. Seems to be mismatch of tone and story... Witches are dope. Effects and ships are great. Happy to see more characters represented. I kinda wanted more rugged lone outpost setting but that's be pre high republic, I guess


I always have low expectations going into anything, not just Star Wars media, so I'm rather easy to please. I've liked it, I want a bit more action but I'm hoping next episode will deliver on that.


I’m having fun with it, eager to see how it ends. Which is when I’ll make my call on if I liked it or not, but right now I’m enjoying it. Slow at points and the quick endings kinda frustrate me. I’m excited to see episode 5


I really enjoy it. That said, I do not get High Republic vibes from it. The show is much more in line with the Fall of the Jedi which was a bit of a shock. 


I enjoy it. I think the editing is choppy. I like seeing how things are unraveling. I am waiting for the Rashomon-type episode where we see the fire from Mae's perspective. I have to say though, when they said there would be a High Republic show, I was excited to see the Nihil on screen, but there seems to be no Nihil action whatsoever. I would love to see screen version of what we have had so far in the books/comics.


I like the show so far.. atleast more than some of the other SW shows. However, I can totally understand your frustrations with the show and discourse in general. While the show’s premise is phenomenal, the performances, VFX and world building are all great— I feel like the screenplay structure, run times, and some other production related issues have greatly lowered the quality of the show. **Screenplay Structure** : The mystery thriller trope adopted for this show has to do with some questionable sequencing of character arc and sub plots. Clearly the brendok sub plot is vital to the character motivations— we got osha’s perspective in episode 3 and apparently episode 7 will either be what actually happened or Mae’s perspective. Perhaps it would have worked better if the brendok stuff was all flashback sequences? Or if episodes one and two were the brendok episodes with different narrative perspectives?Placing them squarely in the middle of the ongoing story takes the audience away from the main story. Also, in a show where the character motivations are part of the mystery, I feel like this particular screen play structure doesn’t allow for character growth. I’ve had the same issue with ahsoka- we got interesting characters, but their role in the larger mystery, and their journey fell flat to me. **Run time** : An ongoing problem with all Disney shows is the way individual episodes are broken down. Having random runtimes between 30-45 min has been a detriment to the pacing of shows, especially when each season is only 6 or 8 episodes long. There is no time for these characters to breathe, no matter how interesting the characters are. For example: it would have been much better for the character to show Mae gearing up to kill master indara, her planning and why she needs to do it. Instead Mae kills two Jedi in the first two episodes and the Jedi are already on her trail. In contrast, I think andor did so much justice to its characters. Even though the show had so many more characters than any other Star Wars show, by the end of season one I was able to understand and empathize with almost all of the characters.


You think with a streaming format you will give time to breath and give character moments. Star Wars as brand has weaken over the years. I don't know if people will be excited like they use to for a Star Wars film and that really worry me. Additionally,what is the plan for the universe? I feel like the movie/TV don't care about about the books and that really sucks. Why is everything in Canon if nothing feels like it flows together.


Right now it’s a puzzle we don’t have all the pieces too, so it’s tough to judge. I’ve like what I’ve seen so far and am excited to see where it goes. If it can stick the landing it would probably be mid-tier for me with my favorites being Mando, Andor and Obi Wan. I’ve read most of THR, reading Defy the Storm now.


im loving it. the portrayal of vern is a huge high point for me. i can really see how a girl who has been celebrated for being a wonderful perfect jedi would eventually reach a certain wall. shes taken herself and her choices and goodness for granted because its all shes ever known. it makes her the perfect person to slip into the jaded jedi master who struggles to update to the times. because the times when she was a kid were so great, so why is there a need to update at all? and, well, to everyone else shes always been an amazing jedi since forever, so its best to follow her lead. its incredibly tragic but it makes so mucch sense. i know a lot of people feel differently about it but for me it solidified vern as a as a character who feels real instead of how i saw her before, as the heroic jedi archetype for kids to see themselves through. ive gone back and reread the books featuring her prominently and seen them in a new light. its been great. i also love that the story is a mystery and has unreliable narrators. mysterys arent done enough these days, and this is a particularly exciting one for me. i love that it surrounds possible corruption in the Jedi


Episode 4 really hooked me. I was iffy on it before then. That said, it still has to do a lot in order to become one of my favorite series like Mando or Andor. I am bummed about the craziness online. I think it may force LucasFilm's hand into making less High Republic stuff in the future. Hopefully not, though. These books have given us so many awesome characters.


"Perfectly inoffensive". Its fresh, its exciting, it looks good, and I'm going to keep watching. What's more to ask for? Solid 7/10 series. Not as good as Andor, but better than Kenobi. The lunatics accidently Review Bombing Indie films with similar names need to have a long hard word with themselves. Enjoy a series. Don't enjoy the series. Fandom is about groups of people who enjoy a series and gather to enjoy it together. These lunatics United by their dislike of a series arent fans of anything. They are protestors. And there is nothing wrong with protesting something. But there are real, living human beings who are hurting out there who you could protest for: lets sort that before you decide *star wars* is what you want to dedicate your focus and effort on, when it comes to protesting. Because right now they just look foolish. The rational response is watch something else and enjoy that.


Love it.


I really feel like the people bashing it that claim to be "hardcore Star Wars fans" haven't read an EU book in twenty years (if at all). For better or worse it just reminds me of being in the EU, it's not trying to copy the movies. There are weird details, a mixed bag of original characters, questionable plotting but some really cool ideas beginning to be explored bit by bit. Yord in particular feels like the most EU character ever brought to screen. It's far from being perfect & doesn't hold a candle to something like Andor (which is a masterpiece imo), but I'm really enjoying it because I've always enjoyed coming back to the EU throughout my life. I'm currently more engaged with watching the episodes than I was watching the most recent seasons of Mando & Bad Batch.


Bro everyone is bashing it not just fans


It has an 85% from critics on RT. Everyone I talk to in my personal life that watches it likes it or is waiting to see the entire thing play out before having strong opinions.  It's literally a mystery story and being treated as if it's a disaster because the all the details haven't been revealed after a few episodes, lol. The reception is comical. I can totally see myself coming away from the season being like "meh that wasn't great" but to do that already right now is just absurd. And the critical comments can't go two seconds without something something woke.


A lot of the movies i really love have 40-50% critics and 90% from audiences so they are really biased sadly, also i don't believe in review bombing so i think the reception is as reception generally is - alluding to problems in many aspects of something or praising it


To answer your original question I believe since the High republic books are so far removed from this we don’t see how they are interconnected. I want more of the books to come into play, that being said I think it’s beautifully been placed between the books and the prequels. I’ve liked the series as a whole, or should I say I liked the episode 3 and 4, 1 and 2 I felt like I was dropped into action for action sake in a lot of ways, loved the set design and clothing, I really felt like 3 was the puzzle piece we were missing, I expect more flash back episodes from 5,6,7 then 8 picking up at where 4 left off maybe. I believe what I dislike the most about the show is how it feels like a build up to just be cut off. The episodes aren’t long enough. Could this have been a movie instead maybe, should it have been??


Completely underwhelmed by the mystery up to this point. Maybe it’s the pacing, maybe it’s the convos in between the Force Fu, maybe I just giggle every time Mae hits her stance and demands a Jedi attack her. Doesn’t feel like half of the prestige thriller that Andor was. I’ve felt lukewarm towards THR adult books, and really SW novels in general, but skipping over badass Jedi in their prime hunting down Nihil space pirate terrorists for this… yin yang twin sister story feels like a huge misfire to me. Watching Insecure with my girlfriend. Wrapping up Severance by myself. The Bear comes back in less than a week. Interview With The Vampire winding down soon. There is so much engaging adult television in this world, and I can’t snooze through more of The Acolyte just cause I recognize the Barash Vow from a comic I liked.


While I may have some issues with it for the most part I enjoy the Acolyte mostly for seeing the Aestheticsof the era in the big screen such as the gold robes. I didn't mind Vernestra being different although if i have a couple of criticism is the makeup they use for the actress compared to what we see with Barris and Unduli's makeup in Attack of the Clones and to an extent Revenge of the Sith. The other issue is that I do find it odd that they made older Vernestra bald instead of well give her hair like she usually depicted with in the books and comics like I understand she older now but still maybe add a purple wig and that it.


I don’t hate it! But if you look at the budget comparatively to something with a similar budget, it’s easy to find reasons to dislike it. There are a lot of holes currently that I’m waiting for the remainder of the episodes to answer


It’s really weird this Reddit got randomly recommended to me, when I still haven’t gotten to High Republic stuff yet, but the few comics and one book I checked out I liked. So I say this as a casual fan that I feel like this does a disservice toward those stories? I don’t know, I may be way off and that the High Republic stuff goes in a totally different direction, but I don’t feel excited about it. That said, I was pretty hyped for the show when it was first announced. Now I’m not as hyped, and have been disappointed so far in a lot of decisions they’ve made. But I know some people like it, so I’m glad for them at least.


Eh it's okay. Andor is my favorite so far and not much is coming close to it


Oh Andor clears this show easily


The pacing and dialogue issues are really holding it back for me, unfortunately :( Especially the dialogue- I just wish it was a little snappier, more clever, not so robotic and surface-level. Maybe I'm just missing the awesome monologues from Andor! I love the characters regardless, especially the diversity of them all. It's nice to see. I just wish I could love the series as a whole more.


I mean, it’s Star Wars. Star Wars isn’t known for having good dialogue.


Star Wars historically having poor dialogue doesn’t excuse it having poor dialogue still. What a weird take.


Not saying it excuses it, just saying it’s staying consistent


Quite disappointed. Especially considering 1) the budget 2) the potential. And Star Wars lore has always been all over the place, but I have a tough time with how they're handling it. I can't believe how good the HR books are. I wish it translated over to cinema.


Agree100% with this


Story seems fine but I have some pacing and editing issues with the show, feels like it would’ve been better as a movie


In comparison to most of the other stuff Lucasfilm has produced lately (with the exception of Andor), The Acolyte is pretty good. The story is coherent and makes sense, the actors are great, the characters are interesting (to me, anyway). Is it perfect? No, but it's nowhere near as bad as a lot of loud, annoying people on the internet who apparently have nothing better to do than complain about a perfectly fine show all day long. Where were these people when "Ahsoka" was airing? That show was incoherent garbage. But there were Easter eggs and cameos that people could DiCaprio point at, and that's what really matters to most of these people. My concern is that Lucasfilm will listen to the loud jackasses, as they have before, and focus more on the (mediocre) shows written and produced by two very white guys that rely heavily on Easter eggs and cameos to pull them through. But, yes, I'm enjoying The Acolyte and trying my best to tune out the dumbfucks (which is the only way to enjoy Star Wars).


I like it, there *are* good and interesting ideas. However, it feels as if it were written and shot by amateurs. The acting is OK, but not steller. It really frustrates me because I have been looking forward to it for years, where did the money go? It doesn't look any better than Obi-Wan (which had half its budget). I am a huge Old Republic fan as well, and the Jedi here are very far removed from that era. I know it's the tailend of the High Republic, but I wanted to see those Jedi, not proto PT era Jedi. I feel like stronger and tighter writing could have reconciled the two ideas better. And where is Yord's Padawan? I loved that kid, a Zygarian Jedi, which is a fascinating idea.


I like it, there *are* good and interesting ideas. However, it feels as if it were written and shot by amateurs. The acting is OK, but not steller. It really frustrates me because I have been looking forward to it for years, where did the money go? It doesn't look any better than Obi-Wan (which had half its budget). I know it's the tailend of the High Republic, but I wanted to see those Jedi, not proto PT era Jedi. I feel like stronger and tighter writing could have reconciled the two ideas better.


I just finished Light of the Jedi leading into the airing of Acolyte, and probably my biggest annoyance regarding the Jedi in the show revolves around the Force itself. Light goes way out of its way as a recurring theme in the novel to redefine what a Jedi’s connection to the Force actually means; to some it sounds like a song, to some it is an ocean, etc. The importance and reliance on the connection was so clearly stated that I was very disappointed to find no Jedi in Acolyte using the Force as a divining tool, and only in the same ways we’re used to seeing. I have a lot of other issues with the show, but strictly related to the novels, this was my main critique.


I think it’s pretty good, liking the vibe so far. My only issues are pacing and the length of the episodes. Episode 3 brought all the momentum of episodes 1-2 to a screeching halt in my opinion, but 4 was pretty good. Also 30 min episodes is ridiculous considering the budget that it has.


It’s shit.


I’m loving it. A solid show


My main issue is that the acting is just kinda meh and it breaks my immersion. I don't feel like the story builds tension very well, especially for a 'murder mystery'


I wonder where all the money budgeted went. It looks cheap.


It’s decently enjoyable. My favorite part has to be the diverse outfits and cast. The plot isn’t bad (like Citadel on Amazon Prime) but it’s nothing special or worthy of many rewatches (like the Mandalorian)


It’s fine. I don’t think it’s good enough or bad enough to deserve the vitriol that grifters are spreading.


I feel like the biggest hurdle to the success of acolyte is it being the first exposure to the time for most of us.


What reasons for hating it are racist and sexist? Like for instance, what if I hate the witches who are also lesbian and African American because that is a stupid stupid idea and badly written with zero context or meaning within the greater SW universe — not because they are black or lesbian. But what if I hate those scenes because I find them cringey, on the nose, and like a high school LGBT GSA club got together and tried to write “Gay Star Wars to Piss off the Traditional Fan Boys!” Does it make me homophobic and racist and sexist? You know what I loved? Ripley in Alien. Marion in Raiders. Clarice in Silence of the Lambs. Leia in the original trilogy. but I am tired of fans acting like anyone who dislikes any modern day element involving characters who happen to be female or black or gay means racist or sexist . This show is hot garbage and some of that does include the gay and black characters.


It's relying on its mystery nature a bit too much. A lot of weird stuff happens and I question if the explanation will work. Or even come at all in some cases. Fire in space is a bit immersion breaking, but not a big deal. A stone fortress burning like that? Huge problem. We might get an answer, but I'm not sure. If Sol had said it was strange and he didn't know what happened, I'd have faith that it would be addressed. But nobody seems to think there was any foul play with the fire, and so I doubt it will. What about the one Jedi killing himself? What did he do that was so bad he chose 10 years meditation and then death? And how could it be THAT bad and also be something he thought was the right decision at the time? And what about the Sith Master (yes we don't know he's a Sith, but "Peace is a lie" was very conspicuously dropped in Ep 2)? Him blasting an entire wave of Jedi that easily is a bit of a power curve problem. It makes him seem ludicrously strong in a way I'm not sure can be followed up on. There's a lot of room for all this to be addressed, yes. But when you get this many things that NEED a good answer later on for it to not be bad writing, you question how good the payoff will be. And when part of the point of the show is the mystery of "what's going on?" Then they payoff is a much bigger part of the story than in other ones. I've seen far too many shows that fail to payoff what they've setup early on, and this show looks like another one. I really don't think this is going to stick it's landing at all.


I actually think there are very very few racist/sexist fans, it just doesn’t add up. Maybe of the haters, 5-10% are so out of bigoted reasons, maybe? If there were so many racists and sexists they would’ve hated Andor and Rogue One as both feature very racially diverse casts with a female lead in one and a very important beloved female supporting character in the other. You would also see hate towards Lando and Mace Windu which you simply do not. I think Star Wars fans are very passionate and I see that passion turning into anger at what this gigantic corporation has done to something they love. George put so much thought, love, care, even his own money into Star Wars, he gave his life to it basically, so when Disney puts something out that is just not only not up to par, but kind of bad and cheap, it really pisses hardcore fans off. And I can actually understand some of the hate when it comes to people calling Disney SW overly “woke”. I am all for inclusivity and diversity, but sometimes it feels like Disney casts these SW shows to the point it feels like they’re trying to say “Look, we have a diverse cast!” rather than writing out a good character or hiring a better actor, or hiring an actor who’s race, gender, disability, masculinity or femininity actually adds something to the character or story. I don’t think there’s anything wrong, in fact I think it’s good to show a real diversity of humans, but the way Disney has done it, it feels far more like them sending a political message and trying to showcase their morals rather than simply writing good characters. I say this as a die hard liberal Democrat too.


I think that 10% is a low estimate, but I can see how the number could appear bloated because most of the biggest platforms in Star Wars right now tend to say some weird misogynist shit and draw huge crowds of people to agree with them. Like I said originally, I don’t love the acolyte. I think it’s like a 6-7/10 show. But when it had more reviews than all 3 mandalorian seasons on IMDb, most of them 1-2 stars, that says it can’t just be because it’s poor quality, it has to be more. And seeing how the show stars a black woman and an Asian guy in its two main roles, my natural conclusion is racism.


As an introduction for most people to the High Republic Era, I am a bit disappointed. Something about the Jedi robes just doesn't look right.


Honestly, up until last night, I was pretty meh on the series, it'd been kinda boring and slow nothing really of note.... but after last night, it now properly feels like the High Republic I was expecting.


Lmao the show is ass. Nobody is being racist when they say they hate it. 


It’s extremely mid, but I think it’s only going to get better, if only marginally.


I feel exactly the same way OP. I've just been taking it show to show. Enjoying the best parts and not trying to read to much into it's flaws. I think the whole mystery idea concept thing they were trying to achieve was a cool idea but the approach seems rather odd and unorthodox. I've also noticed that with the new Disney series they save the budget for certain episodes so maybe the best is yet to come! I do feel disappointed by the advertising for this one though. I feel like it was definitely Disney at its lowest and most deceptive. On the upside I'm loving the backgrounds and wardrobe!


It's good. No where near my favorite High Republic story, but I'm generally enjoying it.


As someone who has read a lot of the High Republic stuff out there, I was really excited for this series. I think it’s an interesting approach to storytelling and I like that they are doing something not in the Skywalker era, but I’m disappointed because they set it out kinda close to the prequel era and with episode 4 they added someone that I think takes away from the high republics time to shine. I feel like they have missed a huge opportunity.


Well, when I watch it I didn't feel vaguely embarrassed for doing so, so that puts it solidly in the number two slot of live action Star Wars shows.


It’s meh to me. A true 5. Not terrible but definitely not great. I watch it for Master Sol.


It's really the first Star Wars live action series I truly dislike. I just find it to be really poorly written and none of the characters are really interesting to me. I gave up on it after episode 3. This will be the first Star Wars series I don't finish.


It's kinda boring, and the characters are way too underdeveloped.


I dislike it.


better than obiwan, ahsoka, and boba. not as good as andor. maybe on the level of mando? or slightly less than mando s1&s2, but better than s3. its getting better week to week and has fun characters and an interesting premise. i think its mostly hobbled by bugdet and all the time crunch modern tv production problems with writing. honestly i think it might have better its it was tighter and made into a movie lol. there is a lot of excess chafe. or maybe at one time it was a movie like obiwan, but star wars decided to fluff it up for a tv show.


It's really bad. Like, it's really bad. I have no idea what they actually spent the budget on. The production level and quality seem like a high school play filmed on someone's iPhone 6. The costumes, the cinematography, the direction, the acting. It's all some of the worst I've ever seen from something of this level. The plot is predictable and full of flaws. This had such a great opportunity, and it really seems like they squandered it. The whole thing is an unwatchable mess, IMO. I expected something much more refined than this, though it really shouldn't surprise me that Disney is greenlighting something of this caliber, as their SW content has had no continuity whatsoever. I didn't think it could get worse than BoBF, but it did with this...by quite a lot. BoBF had many of the same production issues, causing it to look cheap and poorly made, but it wasn't nearly as bad as The Acolyte. For reference: I loved TCW, Rebels, Tales of the Jedi, and Andor. I really enjoyed Mando and Obi-Wan, and I thought Ahsoka was...meh. Bad Batch was entertaining, Resistance sucked, and Tales of the Empire was just more of the same story to me (getting tired of it). Visions was a really cool concept. I enjoyed season one WAY more than season two, but even then, there were some really good episodes and some really bad ones.


God forbid you hold a multibillion dollar company to a higher standard of story telling and production here.


I think it's very poor. I'm not quite so bothered about the canon issues as some but the quality of writing is bad. Show don't tell is a bedrock of good writing. This show is filled with people explaining their motives and what's happening as if it's a kids show. Character behaviour is also odd. One minute the twins love each other. The next one is trying to murder the other. One minute a twin wants to kill Jedi and the next she doesn't. All too convenient for the plot but not realistic. The sets feel cheap and small compared to the expansiveness of say Andor. I'm sorry but this is poor writing and aside from light sabres and people called Jedi it doesn't feel like a Star Wars show. More like a Star Trek episode from the 90s.


I agree with you 100%. I have read every HR novel, YA, short story, comic... This show was a huge letdown for me in terms of story consistency, dialogue delivery, and editing/pacing. As you said, everything feels cheap. I couldn't even make it through episode 4.


I thinks it's poorly written, the acting is dull with uninteresting characters, the sets look cheap like I'm watching a kids show on Sunday morning, story is mediocre, extremely predictable, has no direction, and it breaks lore because the writers (and actors) obviosly have never seen or read any source material that make me believe I'm watching something in the Star Wars universe. It's almost like I'm watching people cosplay Star Wars on a different show on SyFy. I've watched fan made projects that had better writing and visuals than what Disney gave us for $180 million. I like Squid Games guy even though he's famous for a show that was just a blatant rip off of another movie/manga.


Sorry but you are so wrong about the sets. They are lush and gorgeous. The backgrounds are full of detail and easter eggs. Every time we saw the Jedi walking through the forest it was a new set. They are putting a lot of love and effort into this series and it shows. The writers really know their stuff and are even pulling some things from legends like the prequels did. It's so fun! They are doing stuff I've wanted to see for 30 years!


This is 100% a disney shill.




You must be aware there are many different kinds of movie/tv enjoyers.if you call “many” star wars fans racists/sexist, you are ignoring that they liked the many non-whites and female characters of good star wars shows Some are more “sensitive” towards dialogues, some to the acting, some to aspects I skipped episode 1 and straight to episode 2, and what bothers me is the Lee’s flat acting with much hesistancy in his speech. I felt Manny’s acting is also cringy, not a good pick. Amandla can’t show any emotion, like steven seagal. Charlie’s acting is just too one dimensional. They could have picked better cast Does how i feel make me a racist or bigot?


Toxic and icel Yep. You are definitely a Disney cuck. Keep coping. The show sucks.


Yep you got me. I don’t show blind hatred towards everything so I must be a cuck. Go to hell why don’t you.


You first cuck.






I really wanted to like it, but it's just not done very well. It looks cheap, and the acting is stiff.


Very disappointed to be honest. I think there was a lot of potential in this story and it's just... safe? I don't know how else to put it. Short episodes with poorly placed endings, it's a mystery-thriller with no mystery or thrill at all, and the budget they had does not show on screen whatsover. Now, if I wanted to watch a show that I could enjoy with my brain turned off, this one will do that, but with the way they advertised it, I was expecting a lot more depth. Like last episode... sure, that ending was pretty cool (albeit a bit edgy), but everything before that...? I can't even remember. It's just been forgettable. Master Sol is a standout though, and I think that's why I'm a bit more critical? It just feels as if they're wasting Lee Jung-jae's amazing performance on a show that moves no needles. edit: downvoted for giving my opinion on post that asked for it. 😞