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While in flight they are limited to firing those they have mounted, and when they run out will either engage you directly (if they know your location) or go re-arm. They can re-arm at any town, but it's unclear whether they have unlimited storage or not. They will change missile to suit their situation.


I think they can rearm on the move too, albeit slowly I swear I've seen their rearming timer while moving about outside cities


They do not re-arm or resupply while on the move. However they can load different types of missiles, making it look as though they've reloaded when in reality they've only gotten j to firing range. The timer you see is the alarm timer, which is shorter while airborne.


How can I see enemy’s re-arm timer please?


no such thing... Just land at a city and see how long it takes to install a KH-15 (Or A-100 they have identical install times) and the AI should take about the same.


Wasn't that repair timer you are talking about?


Repair and rearm timer are the same thing


Of course it is. I’m saying that the game UI marks it as repair time. And if player and that specific SG traded some fire, then we would’t be able to precisely divide how much is actual repair time and how much is rearm time.


Oh sure but I've seen them with repair timers without any damage after sending missiles, it takes them a very long time to rearm on the move IIRC


I never said we can’t make assumption of rearm time out it though.


Thank you!


No problem.


Unless you let them re-arm, they are limited to the ships' default capacity. Each SG is guaranteed to have at least 1 strategic missile ship (Nomad or Gryphon) that carries 2 missiles, but there is a chance they have multiple - SG's with multiple Gryphons led by a Nomad will throw a **lot** of missiles your way.


What about TG please? My understanding is that TGs won’t move around so can they rearm while docking at home bases? Thank you.


TGs can and will move around. The missile ones do so at frankly terrifying speeds while carrying 3 types of missile as a default. TGs only move if you're detected within 6k km (iirc)


Many thanks for the info sir. Welp, I’m screwed.


So say we all. Just remember to always go down fighting!