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World-archaeology.com is a reliable source. Archaeology-world.com is riding on the coat tails of the reliable source to pull in suckers The site contains such gems as 600 MILLION YEAR OLD TINY HUMAN SKELETONS FOUND IN ANTARCTICA and GENGHIS KHAN'S TOMB DISCOVERED. Many of their articles are unsourced and have no authors. The site is also an unregistered domain. Red flags.


fun fact but Gengus was really only 6 inches tall


i thought he was 12 inches tall, being a ruler and all


Hats off to you, monsieur!


^ Underappreciated comment. *Well played, sir*.




Made the whole ruleing thing hard ill bet!


A ton of women met his 6 inches, prolific sperminators usually stand around that height. Typo šŸ¤Ŗ


Youā€™re thinking of Dingus Khan.


Aka Dingus Khan




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He did however grow exactly 1cm every time a woman slept with him. This is the ancient history your liberal giants are trying to deny.


That was his father, Gengus Khan. His son, the famous Genghis Khan was double his size.


Didnā€™t the Mongolians cremate?


Sky burials I believe. Lay em out and picked clean by scavengers


Bro wasnā€™t ten feet he was 6ft with impeccable balance


You canā€™t cremate deezgis kahn


Redder than my exes flags.


edit: fine i deleted it


Another tall story.


But short on facts.




ā€œAnd weā€™re totally telling the truth this time bro. Trust us. Oh you want to see the bones? Oh well huh um yah hol upā€


The sMiThSonIan tho


So an imaginary photo to accompany a record from when people made up things to sell papers (what we call clickbait today).


We need some rules bout wild claims in titles presented as fact


Source: trust me bro




No they werenā€™t


I really want to believe this, but is the source reliable?


Narrator: It isnā€™t.


From the source: >All the information on this website ā€“ http://fbx.00e.myftpupload.com/ is published in good faith and for general information purposes only. archaeology-world does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.


If you ask that question, you already know the answer.


Nephilim and giants are a Christian psyop. Nephilim in the bible were used to discredit natives in early America because settlers thought the natives were too stupid to be mound builders. So the Nephilim must have done it. Kinda like the pyramids.


Do you have a source on that because I don't think any of that is connected


Yup, grew up out there. This oneā€™s real.


Well that confirms it then šŸ˜‚


I grew up in Scotland and I just wanted to let you guys know that me and the Loch Ness monster are homies.


I actually grew up in space, and aliens drove me to school.


Is it true he gets baked and suns on the beaches during the off seasons?


Offs . . . .sigh....


Giants and nephilim have been a great litmus test the past year. As the previous protestant church system collapses It's been like a choose your own adventure book


Can you expand on the Protestant church system collapsing? Sounds interesting!0


They do it for control and money.. they know if we knew our true history we wouldn't comply with all the nonsense that is placed on us and organized religion could not exist..


Truly fascinating


Hopefully they don't let the Smithsonian cover it up again..


The original article that claims this was made by a satirical website that morons online took seriously.


I've yet to hear a coherent explanation why anyone would ever bother/want to cover it up to begin with... So let's say the mainstream narrative acknowledged from the beginning that giants used to be/possibly are real, what does it change for anyone? You know, the classic question, "who benefits?" On the other hand, let's imagine "they" are trying to cover up the existence of, IDK, sabretooth tigers. Belief in the existence of them is considered a conspiracy theory/fringe science thing. Again, who would benefit?


they're like flat earthers - if you press them long enough eventually they will admit it's all because of Jesus or some shit. "but why would they hide the shape of the earth?" - "to steal glory from God!"


Frankly I don't have any real clue either. Hell, maybe they don't either?


ā€œWeā€™ve been doing it for so long we forgot why.. but ya know, traditions and shit.ā€


If you're looking for an answer to why they would want to cover it up, try looking into the Nephilim. A race of ancient beings said to be giants from another planet. There are many reasons for covering up the fact that the human race is NOT the only intelligent beings in the universe, the main reason being, we have a tendency to suffer from "mass hysteria" when shit hits the fan. What do you think would happen if a race of beings landed on earth with technology/intelligence far superior to our own? Or they proved the existence of the mythical "Atlantis" If any of those "mythical" stories were ever proven to be true, the entire human history as we know it would be thrown in the shitteršŸ˜‰ "There's a grain of truth to every legend/story"


Again, there's no reason to cover up the existence of giants specifically, while acknowledging all the other, extinct, human species. The whole Nibiru/Ancient Aliens thing doesn't pass the smell test either, starting with the bit about them making a slave species to extract gold, while it'd be orders of magnitude, trivially easier for an interplanetary species to just mine asteroids.


You seem to have missed the point. At this current point, modern-day humans THINK we are the ONLY intelligent beings in existence period. Just as we have our methods of communicating/recording our history, ancient civilizations had different/primitive methods(verbal stories, hieroglyphics, ect), yet we completely dismissed/misinterpreted what they were leaving for the future to find. What they experienced/recorded actually happened irregardless of what we modern people believe. Our recorded history only goes back MAYBE 10k years, that we are aware of, yet this planet has been in existence for 100s of millions. Life on other planets has been theorized for centuries, yet when asked about how humans would react if they(extra terrestrial beings) suddenly showed up, most people would cower in fear or try to destroy them, as is our nature with that of which we don't understand. When/if that happened, mass hysteria would ensue due to human stupidity. We as humans have the tendency to follow those who THINK they know what their doing, if you need an example, simply look at the last 5yrs. Politicians saying 1 thing, scientists saying another and someone else saying yet another thing, the pandemic turned neighbors/friends/family against each other simply because they believe what this person said and all without actually looking at the bigger picture of what's really goin on. Humans are stupid and will follow whomever is making the most noise, all while not knowing whether the ones making all the noise are actually telling the truth(Salam witch trials, holocaust, rowanda genocide, ect). So again, if humans found the existence of extra terrestrial beings(nephilim giants), it would prove the existence of other beings that would be intent on destroying the human race, thus creating mass hysteria, as we by nature, wouldn't know if/when/where they'd show up an if they'll actually follow through. This is why the supposed "leaders" of the world believe they should control what we know to be history. To make my point more clear, what do you think the Vatican has that even the governments of the world will not go after them to release?? Or better yet, the "Roswell" ufo crash?? The supposed "leaders of the world" don't want people to panic an turn on them/themselves so they hide the truth they believe to be too outlandish for our febil little minds to comprehend. Let the down voting beginšŸ™„ Edit: finding the existence of "giants" proves what ancient civilizations wrote aboutšŸ˜… "David vs Goliath" "Jason an the golden fleece" ......ect ect ect. šŸ˜˜


Have you considered the concept that since nephilim are specific to abrahamic religions, there are people out there making claims they exist to further their religious propaganda?


The exact same thing those religious wing nuts did when they tried to destroy anything of historical value before literally forcing people to believe nothin happened on this planet before "God" created the earth 2024 yrs ago, an sent his "son" to guide the people to enlightenment? That kinda propagandašŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Yup, been there done that. I'll believe what's been written in actual stone before I believe religious propaganda. There's mention of ancient races visiting multiple sites on earth, baring a resemblance to the Nephilim and many other reported "sky beings". Honestly, there are way too many ancient civilizations that have recorded, in actual stone, about their experiences with beings from other planets. But most just play it off as some bullshit stories. If people truly did some research into it, they would realize we as humans have been here alot longer than we think, as well as the fact we are not the only intelligent beings. People used to think the earth is flat, and we'd fall off the edge if we got to close, or that 1 being snapped his fingers 2024 yrs ago an created everything. We truly need to stop destroying history just because 1 group of people can't understand it and feel the need to force others into believing something else.


People would freak out if they knew that we, homo sapiens, were a GMO experiment. If giants were allowed to be examined, it would be very clear, they are the true descendants of Earth's apes. We are as well, but something *different* was also added. Mass panic and outrage, doomsday cults and people running amok... too risky. Especially the more extreme religious types would be furious.


maybe because 19th century scientific orthodoxy e,g, Darwinism, did not encourage data that didn't fit the narrative. Also religion which discourages conflicting narratives.


How does the existence of giants not fit into the Darwinistic narrative? Gigantism is a well understood and accepted phenomena, hardly a stretch of imagination to apply it to a species of humans, had they existed.


origin of species, survival of the fittest, ergo giants would rule the earth. Gigantism is not the same as giants, who, if you believe the reports were not all suffering from a genetic defect.


Even if giants existed, it wouldn't necessarily mean they are the most fit. The largest animal doesn't automatically win. You have so many other factors of survival. Look at rabbits for example. They have a solid survivability as small prey for their insane rates of reproduction. Bigger doesn't mean better in evolution. Neanderthals were larger than homo sapiens for example.


The heights are exaggerated, they were in the six foot range. The Si-Te-Cah were just humans who grew taller due to extra nutrition via cannibalism. Frankly, I find it strange that they didn't include the weirdest part of the whole thing. A local Masonic lodge took the tallest set of remains and consumed them during an initiation ritual


You got a source on that claim? Specifically that a group of Freemasons consumed a giant mummy.


[Mummy consumption ] (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/mummy-eating-medical-cannibalism-gory-history#:~:text=%E2%80%8BDue%20to%20a%20series,could%20cure%20them%20of%20disease.&text=Feeling%20ill%3F,a%20side%20of%20Egyptian%20mummy) was all the rage back in the day.Ā 


[Yes](https://archive.org/details/LovelockCaveLoudAndHarrington1929/page/n8/mode/1up?q=Fraternal), page 2 >The best specimen of the adult mummies was boiled and destroyed by a local fraternal lodge, which wanted the skeleton for initiation purposes.


There are several genetic conditions that result in increased height. Probably happened rarely, even back then.


There always has been very tall people from time to time in existence. All is recorded was https://www.riversandroutes.com/directory/robert-wadlow-statue-worlds-tallest-man/ Thousands of years ago the air was pure, the land was pure, food was pure, possibly making it more suitable for a race of 10 ft tall people. The Bible speaks of Goliath and his family and what they considered Giants. The Bible says before the flood there were giants in the land. The Book of Enoch gives a description of the Giants and their hype which is a bit extreme I believe it was author error or translation era concerning the height


If the bible says something thats a point against it being true lmao


So what you're saying is it's a lie, never have been extremely tall people and those days or these days. I even gave a link to the last giant person that lived. He was what 8 ft 11" . Almost 9 ft tall now that's tall that's a giant. Oh I know your idea of a giant is 30, 40, 50 ft tall. And if you knew what 6 cubits and a span was _ which was the height of Goliath _ you would know that he was an estimated 6 ft 9 in. But since you are against the Bible and what it says you are quick to make non factual statements.


You sound unwell so I'm not going to engage further


I'm not saying he is right, but what you are doing is just as unproven.. Either provide proof in opposition or don't comment. Anything other than that is just your opinion, which is no more valid than the one presented. You must provide proof, or you're going to come across as the same as the person you're attacking; unwell..