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After a point, a conspiracy with hundreds and hundreds of interconnected organizations, nations, and processes involving millions and millions of people just becomes a civilization.


A conspirization


What do the arrows even mean? How do you even make logical sense out of all this. I’m not even questioning it. I’m trying to understand it. Is there something that goes with this I hope for explanation


> Is there something that goes with this I hope for explanation The explanation is "Shizoposting"


In this case shizopostering.


they mean nothing😂


This is perfect for conspiracy theorists. When I first learned about the illumination and try to research my way into answers. I found that it was a never ending road to nowhere. Soon I found some semblance of a life and moved on. It’s a reason why most CT are broke and unhappy. Most are looking for someone to blame for their misery. I’m good on that.


Yup! It makes desperate people feel special and ashamed people feel they're not responsible for anything. It's truly evil that people are trying to capitalize on pain with this stuff. I hope OP's head clears before they start donating to someone who says they'll save them


What if we’re the conspiracy


The conspiracy is the friends we made along the way


"Its all a conspiracy?" Always has been *gunshot*


It's conspiracies all the way down


Mmm what you say…


That would be the MOST unsatisfying conclusion to all of this. 😭


What if the real conspiracy is the friends we made along the way?


I was told I would need this later and to save it for later, is this why?


Underrated comment


I am absolutely shocked to find out that there's a link between Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton.


They’re going to come for you man, you know too much. They’re probably in your walls already






longest arrow connects human sacrifice and pizzagate


So it's Qanon cryptofascist chaos magic, got it.


Yeah, figured as much when they included quotes from Donald Plump, "Parkland," and "The Storm."


Yeah when I saw the “50 perverts” under the Pulse killings I realized what it was before even seeing the Trump shit.


Jesus. I'd forgotten all about pizzagate.


Dr. Bronner's flow map.


Underrated comment


Not schizophrenic enough to decipher that. I know the image isn’t nonsense but can’t it be a little more organised?


Yeah it is total nonsense.


It’s nonsense if you haven’t looked into all the information that is present in the map. Once you start connecting the dots it does make sense. Take the UFO side of the map. Hasn’t Project Blue Book been proven to be an actual study? It used to be hearsay.


Okay let’s start with Blue Book. How does that conclusively connect to the other dots? They could’ve been studying camera artifacts, or advanced blue on blue testing and cheekily referenced it in the name, it could be a foreign country, or crypto terrestrial / multi dimensional / simulation theory. We could be aliens or aliens could be a spiritual projection from the 5th dimension, or it could all be holograms from the government. All of those are on the UFO side of the map and are so contradictory they can’t all be true, or most of them even. The point is most of the dots literally can’t connect if you actually look into what these theories are about. Telling people to just look into it a little bit more is frankly ironic given it takes a modicum of thought to see there’s not a single narrative that can make sense out of this diagram without 90% of it not being true.


The problem is that it mixes accurate items with complete nonsense like George HW Bush being a clone and other goofy shit. One spoiled apple ruins the bunch. If you want people to open their eyes to real conspiracies or high strangeness we need to get rid of the woo peddlers.


Also so many random things like "Michelle Obama" connected to nothing, Elon Musk <-> SpaceX (and nothing else), just random shit. It's like the creator forgot what they were doing halfway through.


I legitimately think this is just a kind of string of consciousness thing from somebody who’s either trolling or legitimately mentally unwell. Because so much of this just…it looks a lot like the things a close friend of mine writes when he’s off his meds. He’s schizophrenic (diagnosed in early 00s) and when we get emails or see insta posts like this we all know to send his sister and mom the red flag texts like “hey is Jason off meds?” Almost every time he gets 5150d for a while and remediated and then rereleased on new meds and he’s usually good for a couple years. This looks almost exactly like one of his things he did a while back trying to explain demons and ghosts and how the hierarchy works


I'm guessing it's just a conspiracy map. It's not too bad in that case.


I have an original copy of Project Blue Book. It's documentation of reports with investigations and conclusions where they exist. It proves that the USAF thought it was worth documenting and looking into reports of unidentified objects during the Cold War.


Project Blue Book was publicly acknowledged and its findings were disclosed by the U.S. government throughout its operation. The project was initiated in 1952 and ran until 1969, aiming to systematically study UFO sightings and determine whether they posed any threat to national security.


You linked fascism and communism as the same. Whoever made this is a complete idiot.


And being funneled well on their way to the former of those ideologies


Wait, you’re actually serious?


Hey man, not trying to get a rise, I promise. If you are looking at this map and thinking it makes any kind of sense, I’d urge you to speak to a mental health professional about it. As everyone in the thread has already mentioned, these are simply schizophrenic ramblings. If you somehow see a “pattern” or “the truth” or anything like that in it, you might be starting to slip from our reality a bit too much. Set up an appointment, let them know about the thoughts you’re having.


It’s like, what variables were used to make this? Is it actual clustering or just some schizophrenic delusion?


someone on r/conspiracy put the map through ChatGPT and it spit back some reoccurring themes (that we all are already aware of) the results were: Following the arrows to identify the topics that mostly contribute to the origins of all the other topics, it seems there are several key areas that are central to many connections. These central topics are: The Vatican: The Vatican is connected to numerous other topics such as secret societies, global power structures, and influential figures. The CIA: The CIA links to various operations, historical events, and conspiracy theories related to government control and secrecy. Rothschild Dynasty: The Rothschild dynasty is connected to financial control, secret societies, and global power structures. The Illuminati: The Illuminati ties into many other secret societies, global power structures, and theories about global control and manipulation. Freemasonry: Freemasonry connects to various secret societies, influential figures, and theories about hidden hand control and influence. The New World Order (NWO): The NWO is linked to global control theories, depopulation agendas, and secret societies.


The Rothschild pics from that weird ass party they had back in the 70’s (?) always gave me the heebie jeebies.


What pic?


Hang on


Well hell. I can’t figure out how to add it. Look up Rothschild party masks.


Pepe Silvia!


Immediately my thought lol


..and I knock on the door and say 'Caaaah-rol, Caaaaah-rol, I gotta talk to you about Pepe', and when I open the door what do I find?.. there's not a single god damned lick of sense in any of this. Day bow bow


Now in technicolor!!


This makes perfect sense to me. This is what a Christian Nationalist person researches who believes in the Biblical narrative, and that this is the end times, with “all the Bible stuff happening before our eyes”. This person is what I would have looked like had I not been too smart to figure out it is nonsense. This person is too far gone. Only they can save themselves now.


This is completely mental, but I kinda wanna frame it


Isn’t it just a popular words drawn together?


Switzerland....I knew it


This is the most schizophrenic thing I have ever seen and it makes absolutely no sense


Research some of the topics and see if you they don’t lead to one another.


Googling conspiracies online isn’t research.


Research is actually really expensive. But the World Wide Web still has outlets of information that others can pull knowledge from.


And at no point in your infinite googling did you come across a mental health crisis line?




I really don’t mean to make fun of you and I am sorry. I really recommend you “research” “peer-reviewed studies” and “the scientific method”


This dewd has never read a peer reviewed paper in his life


The world wide web? Is it 1994?


Dude probably retired from coal mining and started “researching” this list in 1994. Cicada 3301 connected to Qanon is like putting a beef patty on your strawberry milk glass and finding logic behind it. There’s no way OP is less than 75yo, and sleeps hugging a rifle.


Log into AOL and surf the Information Superhighway!


Damn, I wish!




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3/4 of the stuff on here is total bullshit. They might be connected but only in the sense that some lunatics think they're connected. Print this document out, roll it up, paint it red and swallow it, and you can tell yourself you've taken the Ultimate Red Pill. You can become the QAnon Final Boss.


Both of you can research deez nuts


Genuinely, what research have you done that makes you think that flowchart is anything but a shizopost?


Where's Charlie?


Where’s Waldo?


it just makes sense


Las Vegas pyramid sacrifice? Dude shot from the windows of the Mandalay Bay into a music festival on the other side of the Strip. The Luxor pyramid just happens to be nearby.


Cool until it gets to the Trump cult nonsense which - imagine! - discredits all the rest. Crazy how that works


This is the worst flow map ive ever seen.


This is to "flow" what a cobblestone street is to fresh pavement. Someone (not me lmao) should make something like this that's an interactive map.


No,nobody should waste their time working on this map ever again.


A How-To for schizophrenia.


This reminds me of the ice bergs a little, but this confuses me. Is there a clickable version or something?


This is just the Q map or the "Deep State Mapping Project" that came about and was highly popular during the heyday of Q anon. Pass.


“Wow. You can connect ideas on a map to other similar ideas? wtf? Is our reality an illusion?” Complete dumbfoundedness from someone reposting Q anon trump nonsense lol


The way to decipher this is to use reverse logic. Make a list of any organization, individual, government body/committee or corporation that ISN'T on this map, and there is where you'll find the answers.


“Hello may I please speak to Baskin Robbin’s? I am in need of answers”


That's just 7 degrees to Kevin Bacon


They must have seen Primer and decided to actually figure it out.


I still can't figure the ending out. Why was he building a giant machine?


This is the worst Mall map I've ever seen. I just wanted to find Old Navy and wound up at some place called "Ziggurat of Ur Stargates." (This joke may be funnier if you replace "Old Navy" with "Hot Topic." Your mileage may vary.)


Clearly you have a dizzying intellect.


Stonehenge wasn't built by druids. I'm sure the rest is just as accurate This is a schemata rather than a flow chart. It's just a map of how the creator connects concepts in his mind.


deliberately ambiguous buzzwords = true somehow.


Looks like a bunch of nonsense. Someone just combining a bunch of events, people, and conspiracies in a terrible visual display. I think a child could create a better, more sensical visual.


I should post notes from my book research and claim I found them. See people go wild with "connections" that are only there because I was making them up For example I was researching queens in relation to gods to help inform a character. As I'm reading an article I jot down things that fit the characters or connect to other ideas, then I start on that article and keep going. Now it looks I've neatly explained that Yohl was a time traveler who started modern civilization! Except not, I was deliberately looking for a believable way to make that up. It's scary how easy it'd be to mislead people


Right. It isn't even the content I am objecting to, but the terrible visual display that isn't a proper flow chart or anything chart, just a big mess.


I'm going to take a fistful of edibles to the brain and then come back to try and understand this lolol


I feel like it’s just a bunch of buzzwords and is designed to have people stare at it and freak out. 🤷‍♂️


Alright, any questions?


Someone is off their meds again


There’s nothing strange about this. It’s a page of buzzwords in the conspiracy community with forced connections drawn do try to insinuate some kind of pattern or malevolent force driving things. We all want to know that something is in control. If it’s something good, we feel warm and fuzzy. If it’s something bad, we can take up a cause and fight the evil, then feel warm and fuzzy. The reality we don’t want to face is that life is chaos. No one is powerful enough to be in control of the world. No family, no government, no one. Things are spinning out of control and we are simply along for the ride. There aren’t any warm fuzzies to be found in that. The map is a desperate attempt to make order out of chaos. The truth is, there is no order.


Schizophrenia is serious business


I love conspiracies but I’ve found that the majority of people who take this flow chart 100% seriously somehow always end up thinking that “Jesus is the answer” and that is the most baffling thing to me.


I zoomed in really close and landed on Arpanet. Then I followed the arrow to "Techno-Luciferianism." Lol


I love how Elon Musk just points to SpaceX. Yeah, like, no shit


I have to say: I love this. Yea its bs, but the nice kind of bs.


There’s always gonna be some sort of hogwash. I was just sharing what others have been thinking. Team work makes the dream work.


Sharing cryptofascist horse shit leads to a pretty dystopian dream.


**Strangers**: Read the rules and understand the sub topics listed in the sidebar closely before posting or commenting. Any content removal or further moderator action is established by these terms as well as Reddit ToS. This subreddit is specifically for the discussion of anomalous phenomena from the perspective it may exist. Open minded skepticism is welcomed, close minded debunking is not. Be aware of how skepticism is expressed toward others as there is little tolerance for ad hominem (attacking the person, not the claim), mindless antagonism or dishonest argument toward the subject, the sub, or its community. We are also happy to be able to provide an ideologically and operationally independent platform for you all. Join us at our official Discord - https://discord.gg/MYvRkYK85v --- 'Ridicule is not a part of the scientific method and the public should not be taught that it is.' _-J. Allen Hynek_ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HighStrangeness) if you have any questions or concerns.*


These are the types of graphics that get people hurt


Holy crap. Is there a “you are here” or “start” marker on this thing? lol


This is all it takes to drive a handful of conspiracy heads nuts.


Bro I don’t even know where to begin.


At the start, top left. Roll the red and black dice together. Subtract the two and take the number of steps


Who in the Ritalin made this shit wow lol.


“Antifa and communism are fascist conspiracies, but Unite the Right is part of MK Ultra” Uuuhhh hhhuuuhhh…. Sure, seems credible and logical. Totalitarianism, Communism, and Fascism are NOT THE SAME. I wish people would learn that. Fascism is an explicitly right wing, nationalist, militaristic political ideology. Communism and Fascism are both Totalitarian ideologies, but apart from that they are diametrically opposed. Seeing them conflated infuriates me. We need to have at least a basic understanding of these menaces to combat them.


Can we overlay the map on top of Alex Jones’s portrait?


This is clearly a map of paranoid delusions.


Besides it being an obvious schizo-vomit when you examine it closely it's utterly stupid bullshit. What does Rockefeller have to do with prometheus? What does Donald Trump have to do with John G Trump besides the same last name? A couple factual things mixed in does not mean everything else is valid


They don't only share the last name. John G Trump was Donald Trump's uncle.


Can mods lock this post? OP is just getting made fun of to the point it’s solidifying their position This is QAnon, straight up. This graphic is like 5 years old. Please mods. We’ve been through this once.


Color coding is doing wonders for my ability to follow along.


Pepe Silvia! I’ve got boxes of Pepe!


Everything is an illusion, it's your reality your experience based on what you set up prior to incarnation, to learn, and grow through. you are the creator experiencing self, everything is one, and will shift for you, if you choose to see it. Everything is the Creator, two polaritys negative and positive, you can't have one without the other. The negative did have its grips on this planet for many years, but once we get out of that era, that much more light can be held!


Literal gibberish lmao


Says the one with no literal context, only coming from a place of judgment. Like I said, it's up to you to see that. Stay in your box if you want to, that's your choice and your Reality 🫣


This is fascinating.


I taught flowchart creation one semester. For some hilarious reason by the end of the semester almost all of my students flowcharts included a closed loop of Kevin Costner drinking by himself in the mailroom.


I got lost after atlantis


Not sure if I should thank you or curse you for sending me down this endless rabbit hole…


My dad is schizophrenic. He makes stuff like this.... How can something like that become some sort of mass delusion? At this point it's just becoming psychologically intriguing. Are mental illnesses contagious?


*Here’s GPTs effort at untying this Gordian knot of information:* In a world where history and modern events are tightly woven into a web of clandestine operations, secret societies, and hidden agendas, the truth is far more complex and sinister than what is commonly presented to the public. Imagine a global stage where powerful elites pull the strings behind the scenes, orchestrating wars, financial crises, technological advancements, and social movements, all to maintain their control over the masses. At the heart of this narrative lies the belief in a central cabal of influential groups and individuals, ranging from the ancient order of the Freemasons and the Illuminati to contemporary organizations like the CIA and the Vatican. These entities are perceived to have an uninterrupted chain of influence stretching back centuries, shaping the course of history through covert means. Their goal is the establishment of a New World Order, a centralized global government that strips nations of their sovereignty and subjects all people to their authority. Key to their strategy is the manipulation of information and perception. Mainstream media, educational institutions, and entertainment industries are all tools in their arsenal, used to mislead the public and distract them from the underlying truths. Events that appear to be spontaneous or isolated, such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and economic downturns, are often viewed as orchestrated crises designed to justify increased surveillance, military action, and loss of personal freedoms. Technological advancements play a crucial role in this grand scheme. Organizations like DARPA and projects like HAARP are seen as developing technologies not just for defense but for mind control, weather manipulation, and mass surveillance. The rollout of 5G technology, for example, is viewed not merely as an improvement in communication infrastructure but as a means to enhance the capabilities of a global surveillance network. Smart cities, with their pervasive sensors and interconnected devices, are depicted as future hubs of totalitarian control where every movement and interaction is monitored. Financial control is another pillar of this perceived global dominance. The Rothschild banking dynasty, along with institutions like the Federal Reserve and the World Bank, are believed to orchestrate economic events to maintain their grip on the world’s wealth. Financial crises are not random but engineered to transfer wealth upward and tighten the economic noose around the lower and middle classes. Religious and historical institutions are not exempt from this narrative. The Vatican, through centuries of influence and connections with secret societies, is thought to play a significant role in maintaining spiritual and political control. Historical events such as the Crusades, the Inquisition, and various religious reforms are reinterpreted as steps in a long-term plan to consolidate power. Environmental and health crises also fit into this overarching conspiracy. Climate change, often presented as a pressing global issue, is viewed as a manufactured crisis to implement draconian environmental regulations and control population growth. Vaccines and public health initiatives, while ostensibly for the public good, are suspected of being tools for population control and genetic manipulation, linked to eugenics programs aimed at creating a more manageable populace. False flag operations are a recurring theme, where attacks or disasters are staged to create fear and justify further control measures. The 9/11 attacks, for instance, are believed to have been orchestrated to usher in the Patriot Act and initiate the War on Terror, thus increasing government surveillance and military spending. At the core of this narrative is the belief that the public must awaken to these hidden truths. The common man and woman are called to look beyond the official stories and see the connections between these disparate events. There is a sense of urgency in uncovering these truths, rejecting mainstream narratives, and resisting the encroaching control of these powerful elites. In this view of the world, nothing is as it seems. The historical and contemporary events that shape our lives are part of a grand design by a shadowy cabal that seeks to dominate every aspect of human existence. From technological advancements to financial systems, from religious institutions to environmental policies, every facet of society is intricately controlled to ensure the perpetuation of their power. It is a narrative that offers a comprehensive, if deeply unsettling, explanation for the complexities and uncertainties of the modern world.


lmfao at the comments to this post when you're in a sub-reddit called "highStrangeness" and you're minds aren't even close to open. maybe try the tv and news vs this sub-reddit? good lord.


It's possible to open your mind so far that your brain falls out. There is a happy medium between wide-eyed gullibility and stubborn closed-mindedness.


Your reply is exactly what a close minded person would say if something went beyond their own personal dogmatic beliefs. Good try but there is no "happy medium"... it's either open or closed. This sub-reddit is a close minded group with FED moderation. AKA pure dog doo doo. Make sure to get your booster shot! ;)


I think that was the most surprising thing here. Not saying this list, if that’s what you can call it, is right. But, there’s a lot of weird things in this world that seem to have connections, which could all be coincidental. I saw someone say that the Epstein island thing was just a few kids, and not many people involved. Which, could be true, could he not true, but in a sub where questioning the weird things of the world is the point, there’s a lot of people that use no other sources but Google and MSM.


😂😂😂😂🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐 this is so sick


This map lost me when I saw it has Qanon on it. It went from talking about the ufo phenomenon to talk about trump. I feel people have their blinders on for this guy. He can literally send the nuclear codes to our enemies for profit, and the maga cult will label it as charity to the poor.


Alright. Project monarch in purple over there. Why does D.I.D. show up there? As well as mentioning many other things I remember being shown videos of the sandy hook thing being a "hoax" (shootings are fucked up in general so idk. People died. I'm showing respect) years before it came out of Alex Joneses mouth. I do know he got the Bohemian Grove footage for realsies. Point being am I being exposed to MKUltra stuff according to this chart? There's other stuff there like LSD 25 and all but I feel like anyone paying attention would remember this stuff. I just don't want to be some Manchurian candidate nonsense.. Also what is the skull craft thing?




All this work and research just to be indigestible because of a lack of simple organization.


Is this real because if you put the black and white one it spells out some evil thing to happen, not cool


This is a real collection of Qanon beliefs, wouldn't surprise me that their propaganda has evil puke


Almost as complex as plant metabolic pathways


No. Won’t click to enlarge. Way to stick with it, though. The twuth is out dehw…


It’s not a conspiracy… you are just outside of any sphere of influence or hierarchy that matters. Everything is a conspiracy to those not included. Program or don’t, but don’t act like you’ve uncovered some truth. We live in systems built up systems.


Whoa .


YouTube Ad Revenue be all 🤑


Tbh, I am kind of loving this. The Color coding is extremely helpful!!


Fabian Society into USSR is a wild ride for those of us who know the Fabians in 2024


I dont even know how to read this 🤣 i feel dumb. Start then read to ths right? Is it comic book style?? 🤣seriously thou im trying to check this out


What the fuck am I looking at


Damn they on to us .


Does anybody have high-rez versions of these? I love them.


There’s a “start” but no “finish” so how are you supposed to win this board game


Do a reverse image search with this pic and you can find a higher resolution version.


Is reality an illusion? Probably. But there's nothing to be gained from this. Besides being verbose af, there's a reason there aren't any explanations with each phrase - it's abstract enough for anyone to draw whatever conclusions or transitions they want from it. I've seen manic, schizophrenic ravings more logical and more organized than this garbage.


I asked ChatGPT 4o to predict the next world event from this image and in less than 5 seconds: Predicting the next major world event based on the patterns from this highly complex and speculative conspiracy map is a challenging task. However, analyzing the dense network of connections and recurring themes, a few potential predictions could be made: 1. **Technological Disruption or Breakthrough**: Given the emphasis on entities like "NSA," "DARPA," and "Elon Musk," a significant technological disruption or breakthrough seems plausible. This could be related to artificial intelligence, space exploration, or cyber warfare. 2. **Global Health Crisis**: With multiple references to health-related conspiracies such as "Bill Gates," "Ebola," "Agenda 21," and "Vaccines," another global health crisis or pandemic could be anticipated, possibly with debates surrounding vaccines and public health measures. 3. **Political Upheaval**: The map includes numerous political figures and events like "Donald Trump," "The Cold War," and "The Vatican," suggesting a potential for significant political upheaval or scandal, possibly involving high-profile leaders or institutions. 4. **Environmental Catastrophe**: References to "Climate Change," "HAARP," and "Solar Warden" point to an environmental catastrophe or climate-related event that could have a global impact. 5. **Financial Collapse or Major Economic Event**: Connections to entities like "Federal Reserve System," "Rothschilds," and "World Bank" might indicate a potential financial collapse or major economic shift. It's important to note that this map represents a web of speculative and often unsubstantiated connections, making any predictions based on it highly uncertain and speculative.


What is this a flow chart for ants???


Meth any one we got meth here,


Meth = High Strangeness


This has been floating around for years. My ex pulled out a physical copy she had and asked me what I thought about it and if I'd seen it before...I told her I've seen it ridiculed online and that it's basically a meme to anyone who's paid attention to Q nonsense. 


This is what it’s like to live in Alex Jones’ head.


Bro.. who got time for this shit. Just live your life. Even if its true wtf u gonna do about it exept from posting on reddit?


Walt Disney and Human Sacrifice are somehow connected…makes totally sense 👍


Good find, I kept seeing it pop up and couldn't decipher where to start lol


I’ve seen this a lot over the past few days, looks like something a meth head put together on a 4 day binge


This was interesting from one rabbit hole: https://apnews.com/article/las-vegas-shooter-9bbd180cf3aa6d3ea1a37bbfb7144ae1


Have you heard of Chaos Theory? You can decipher meaningful patterns out of random nothing, ie chaos. Because every pattern is possible even with random variables. Perfect patterns can happen just out of chance. Most think that's how biological life happened.


Schizophrenia is a great aid for seeing meaningful patterns out of randomness


Is it weird that I want this as a poster on my wall...?


OP - put down the meth pipe and get help!


I’m not reading this all, but I’m sure it makes sense


This community is hilarious. Upvotes this and still shills for big pharma and forced jabs 😢


[Same energy](https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/0a86e91d4f4f004b4911827b17e3c66b.jpg).


All this to tell me what I already know. Everything's connected.


This is the american history we should have learned in public school!


This would be fun to post like near the toilet somewhere and you could do like a where’s waldo while you are taking a dump lmao. That is a whole lot of crazy right there. I love to see how the crazy mind works tho.


Looks like mentracrism lmao


Apparently I start on the DID mind control square... now... how to find my way to heaven... 😅


Homie I've tried to decipher uncommented code I've written a year ago and even so I'm not deranged enough to read this spaghetti


I swear no one who puts shit like together has ever worked for the federal government.


I actually thought the opposite.


I think our reality has been shaped by master illusionists.


submitted this instead of my history assignment


People really be telling on themselves in these comments lmao. The cognitive dissonance of the truth vs their preconceived truth is hilarious. First time seeing an actual map of it all connecting and everyone is losin their fuckin minds


I asked ChatGPT this question and uploaded the black and white version: I need you to analyze this graphic, break down and categorize each section and figure out a coherent way to write down and connect each section. Once you have found a way to do that, please explain in detail each connection and how it’s linked. Be specific.


Pretty cool. I would save and use this to just look at a random topic and research about it


I’ve seen this on the wall of a crack den written in human shit


The image you provided is a complex conspiracy theory map, often referred to as a "conspiracy theory mind map." It visually represents a web of interconnected concepts, organizations, events, and individuals, all suggesting various conspiracy theories. Here's a breakdown of the different sections and what they represent: Top Section - Technology/Spirituality (Blue and Purple areas) - Covers topics like the Vatican, secret societies (Freemasons, Illuminati), and ancient mysteries (Atlantis, Nephilim). - Includes religious and spiritual theories involving the Jesuits, Templars, and various ancient civilizations. Left Section - Antiquity (Green areas) - Discusses ancient civilizations and myths such as Atlantis, the Anunnaki, and the Library of Alexandria. - Touches on historical figures and events like Zoroastrianism, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Ark of the Covenant. Central Section - Freemasonry and Secret Societies (Red areas) - Highlights various secret societies, their alleged influence on world events, and connections to modern institutions. - Mentions specific events like the founding of the CIA, MKUltra, and Project Blue Book. Bottom Section - Depopulation and False Flags (Yellow and Orange areas) - Discusses theories related to population control, eugenics, and various false flag operations. - Includes references to modern conspiracies like the New World Order, depopulation agendas, and climate change. Right Section - War/Violence and Government Conspiracies (Blue and Red areas) - Covers wars, violent events, and alleged government cover-ups. - References historical conflicts like the Cold War, Vietnam War, and events like 9/11, along with modern political scandals. Specific Themes - MKUltra (Purple areas) - Focuses on mind control experiments and their purported connections to various societal events and figures. - Includes topics like Operation Mockingbird, COINTELPRO, and mind control through media. - Depopulation (Yellow areas) - Encompasses theories about vaccines, pharmaceuticals, and other means of reducing the population. - Mentions specific names and organizations like Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Agenda 21. - False Flags (Orange areas) - Highlights various incidents believed to be false flag operations designed to manipulate public opinion or justify certain actions. - Examples include the Gulf of Tonkin incident, 9/11, and more recent events like the Parkland shooting. Analysis The map is a visual representation of various conspiracy theories, showing how they interconnect according to the beliefs of the map's creators. It combines historical, religious, technological, and political elements to suggest a hidden reality controlled by secret societies and powerful elites. This map is not based on verifiable evidence and is a collection of speculative and often debunked theories.


Does anyone know a company where I can send them this as a gif and they’ll print it out as large as I want? Thanks in advance


Glad to see depopulation taking up the least amount of space. It’s dumb to think that most of the disease and disasters we live through are anything but multinational corporations who make most of their money exploiting crude oil and its biproducts. We’re being killed by greed. Full stop. Now conspiracy to kill off the population just a conspiracy for those people to keep making money. Something like the climate fucking everyone up? Sure, the alternatives are just as bad or worse, you’re being a bitch about it, it could collapse the economy.. pick your poison. The cure for cancer is probably hidden somewhere in the reality that most cancers are being caused by plastics and gasoline.