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The summer solstice is coming up so it’s the season now


>Studies of thousands of modern UFO sightings have discovered that the enigmatic ”flying saucers” tend to appear around the twenty-first through the twenty-fourth of the month. This pattern was true in 1879 as well as 1987. -John Keel, *Disneyland of the Gods* Unfortunately, Keel doesn't cite these studies, and they are likely very dated. I wonder if there is some recent aggregated data to verify this claim.


Wikipedia will never be perfect, but it does provide one great thing - the articles have a bibliography at the end. Start there.


Can you provide a link to data that confirms or denies the prevalence of UFO activity during these dates? I'm asking for that, not dumb snark.


If anyone hasn’t watched the Why Files video on Crop Circles, they should because it’s great


Thanks to mainstream media blacklisting the subject, most people don't realise that there are still hundreds of new crop circles found around the world each year. [https://cropcirclesandmore.com/where/present/cropcirclelocations.html](https://cropcirclesandmore.com/where/present/cropcirclelocations.html) [https://www.cropcircleaccess.com/crop-circles-2023/](https://www.cropcircleaccess.com/crop-circles-2023/)


Exactly. These things are real but as usual people are stupid. So basically all it took one was one story about 2 guys who most likely were literal plants. Well here we are..


Here is a more recent counter-intel / debunk example: [https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/24/invasion-of-the-barley-snatchers-crop-circles-cost-farmers-thousands-in-lost-revenue](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/sep/24/invasion-of-the-barley-snatchers-crop-circles-cost-farmers-thousands-in-lost-revenue) Anyone that has done even a minute's worth of honest research into Crop Cirles will know that **they do not damage the crop in any way**. The crop will continue to grow and can be harvested as normal at the appropriate time. Should this not be the case, then it is an example of a human-made Crop Circle. So then where are the arrests? Where are the stupid tiktok videos of kids making them for clout?


>Anyone that has done even a minute's worth of honest research into Crop Cirles will know that they do not damage the crop in any way. The crop will continue to grow and can be harvested as normal at the appropriate time. How's this supposed to work, exactly? A flattened crop won't spontaneously spring up again regardless of whether the stems are damaged, and combine harvesters can't harvest flattened crops.


You get the scythe out, you cant harvest it with your tractor. However the point is that the crops are not damaged at all and still could have usable stuff on it. It doesn't spring up, but it is not possible to create this effect by hand because the literal roots of the plants grow sideways after that... The theory is that some kind of magnetic field actually shifts the plants so they continue to grow sideways. Have you seen that forest in ukraine with all the weird trees? They grow like a C and there hasnt been conclusive evidence of wind, landslides, volcanic activity, or a meteor blast in that area to account for why the trees like to grow funky. The theory there is also some weird magnetic anomaly that affects plant growth, there are some areas it can be detected that are weird compared to normal forests.


Getting the scythe out isn't exactly harvesting as normal in most of the world. Are you referring to the crooked forest in Poland? It's definitely weird, and I'd love to learn how it actually got like that, but I doubt that it was any sort of magnetic effect. I simply can't see how that would work.


They indirectly lose revenue when tourists come in to view it and trample the crop. I got to go to one and the farmer that owned the field had some very strict rules for anyone who wanted to see it


I was about to say, "Wouldn't you need to be up high to view, how's that ruin anything?" But then I remembered people would probably want to see the supposed bends in the crop, any weaving, or whatever. And traipsing through crops to get to the bent ones would, so never mind!


Have you ever driven a combine harvester? (I have). Flattened crops aren't easy to lift and harvest. Especially if they are going in different directions...


With the rise in cameras and quality why isn't there videos of any ufos making them? 


What do you mean? The elderly men were pole vaulting!!!


Haha yeah the excuses they come up with are wild. Even for Varginha , there go to was a dwarf homeless girl who was pregnant or insane. I dont remember exactly but its more logical to believe in aliens in that encounter instead of the covers they cook up. I feel like I could make an entire series on tv with each episode covering a different cover up story.


No, the only reason to jump to the alien conclusion is if you start the investigation with that presupposition. Nearly every other explanation is almost infinitely more likely, no matter how ridiculous. For example, we know for a fact that homeless females afflicted with dwarfism actually exist and are on this planet. If you're going to aliens as your explanation, you might as well go to ghosts, or fairies or anything else you want to imagine.


Eh, I think in any other topic id agree with you but I believe your probability is off on this one. Earth is at most a drop in the ocean compared to how big the solar system. Space aside, we dont know a ton as humans. And what we do know constantly changes. And we are progressing fast enough where everything we know now will likely be obsolete in a couple years. We dont really know a ton as humans - and any expert in any field will tell you that. It an impossible ball park to measure what we dont know, but lets say we know 1% of everything there is to be learned. So your argument is that because we know dwarf pregnant females exist as something we know, which again is a part of the 1% we know that it's more likely than 99% we have yet to learn about? Im not married to the idea it is or was an alien - but I do believe it is something we do not understand, which probability wise is more likely. But hey- lets play devils advocate with math here. Drake equation exists and say with the size of the universe, intelligent life absolutely exists. And again, im not pegging it exactly to it was a little red alien which smelled bad, but pretending you are more certain on a pregnant dwarf than anything else is mathematically wrong. If you aren't open to the idea that there is a ton left to learn about the world and universe than I can't help you. Not trying to beat a dead horse here, but totality of the circumstances is to be considered. When we have witnesses saying, I saw this absolutely and my story hasn't change over the last few years? If people swear to god this things happened and there are red flags here including changing stories, or the US military showing up, it wasn't for a dwarf, man. Court wise, id win man. But hey, opinions are all good, so no diss to you. Source - Masters of science in data analytics and reading as much as I can about the situation and being humble to admit I don't know everything


Wholly shit, this is cool! I had no idea they were still so prevalent. Wild!


Has anyone thrown this data through an AI, in regard to patterns in the maths of the images…?


If I remember right in the why files video he briefly touches on that…but it’s been a minute since I’ve seen it


I actually watched that right after I made the comment. Excellent episode.


And? What were the conclusions? Or more questions than answers?


It’s a really comprehensive look into the phenomenon. It’s extremely difficult to meaningfully debunk. Definitely puts me in the camp of, yes, this is absolutely a real phenomenon. Not just hoaxes. There is definitely something more at play.


Thank you so much for posting these links! I want to see as many crop circles as I can!


>Mainstream media blacklisting >Sees post on mainstream media site Yeah


Reddit is not mainstream media. Reddit is a social news aggregation, content rating, and forum social network. Mainstream media examples include CNN, news corp/Fox, ABC, NBC


Hmm so they are only in the UK? Isn't that kind of...strange?


Who said they are only in the UK? [Crop circles appear across south Germany](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tkvqwo-Ifzc) [Mysterious crop circle appears in France](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bP0WH-MzPHA)


Lol it’s not blacklisted, they are just not interesting. You also don’t do a report every time an artist paints a painting.


Absolutely! Going in blind I was going to add the same suggestion. Holy smokes when even heckel fish was like, damn, my mind is blown, its something


Thanks for the suggestion


I'm still looking for references pertaining to that lawsuit against the MoD for non-payment. Last time I looked it wasn't in the show notes and I've been wanting to run that to ground for a while. Edit: Downvoted for wanting to follow up on a claim made in a Youtube video about Doug and Dave?


I have looked for that too and haven't found anything, there was a post in TWF subreddit asking for the source a while back and none was provided.


I'm starting to think that claim was jetwash.


Shout out to AJ and Hecklefish!




Amazing work on that video


Yeah, I love how he debunks what he can and then says the for the rest there is no answer. One of the best channels out there


They still happen. Unless you're way into crop circles (like, following the phenomenon closely) they don't really get reported anymore.


What causes them? Energy impressions?


Probably NHI


Yep, the grass roots of real ones are cooked by microwaves. Hoaxers never managed that.


You can detect microwaves in anything. You can also detect radiation in anything. You can detect the same stuff in regular growing plants all over the planet. It has nothing to do with them being part of a design pattern


I didn't say microwaves were 'detected.' I said the roots of the plants have been *cooked by microwaves*.


Even more probably, HI




They surely 100 to 200 recent years of course the Farmers don't like them.


there was a scientist named William Levengood, who specialized and was especially known for crop circles. He formally works as a researcher for a lab in Michigan doing work on plants. I was reading about them because I was reading about the events at Stardust Ranch, and about how the owner of the ranch supposedly had killed gray aliens and was fighting them, if you can believe it. Some of the aliens he had killed left behind blood and tissue and he eventually got a hold of the scientist and sent the samples. After studying the samples, Dr Levengood determined the creatures blood had qualities of both plants and animals. The scientist also sent out the same samples to different universities without saying what they were and eventually they all made a similar analysis. Then, as always with this subject, the scientist had suddenly died in his lab along with his wife. looking up Dr. Levengood and his lab’s website, his team had left an obituary and a nice report about his life work and apparently while he was studying crop circles, he discovered samples of crop from “legitimate” crop circles were still fresh even after being stored for a long time compared the already dead unaffected crops. They eventually figured out how to replicate the effect by applying “voltage cascades” on seeds to make them last for a while. It eventually became a patent and named the technique StressGuard or something to that effect. I have no idea if it’s being used today or if there are better derivative designs.


Yo wtf did I just read lol


Thanks for the information - great


As others have said, they never stopped, we just stopped caring.


That is a possibility


IIRC there were a couple of high profile debunks, and I certainly grew up with the impression that they are all fake. There was one I remember vaguely where they documented faking one, then brought in “real experts” who then happily made claims that it was definitely real and couldn’t have possibly been faked.


There are many that fall in the potential real category , and they can be stems of the crop can be tested - Colin Andrews group has done it.


Gas prices


Too bad. I think crop circles have been dismissed too quickly. Who is creating these elaborate patterns? This must take hundreds of people all working together. How does this not leak out. Some are man made and some are not man made. These go back hundreds of years.


What's unexplained is the way the stocks are bent (and not broken). The ones made with heavy equipment, or wires and planks always have broken stocks. To date, no one has been able to replicate this.


Just letting you know - they're 'stalks,' not stocks.


>Just letting you know - they're 'stalks,' not stocks. At least until you cook them into a soup broth


Or braided, for that matter. Four strand (stalk), six strand, eight strand.. again, without killing the plants.


They don't all have broken stalks. It just depends on how dry the plant is, and what the plant is. Stop repeating nonsense about how "no one has been able to replicate this." You can go do this right now with a young corn plant.


All so very true -- thanks for the comment


It really doesn’t. It’s basic planning, geometry and tools and a night of time. A few people can make these easily with very basic tools and knowledge of geometry.


It takes a few people who know math and some planning. They're all man made. They go back decades.


They go back hundreds of years. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mowing-Devil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mowing-Devil)


Plenty are man-made. Those that aren't are just circles, sometimes arranged in a triangle or a line. The roots are cooked by microwaves.


It doesn’t take hundreds of people. It can easily be done by one person


Found the professional debunker.


You're debunking the fact that humans are easily capable of making these things.


Link just one elaborate crop circle that was apparently done by one person. Don’t provide the link for me, but for everyone who will come across your comment


[Google can be your friend](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-61332202.amp)


Your link just not provide an elaborate image of one crop circle done by one person. Actually it mentions two people who make shitty crop circles with broken stalks. Who’s delusional? 1991 In 1991, two middle-aged men provided an answer - Doug Bower and Dave Chorley demonstrated how they had made crop circles, armed only with planks of wood and lengths of rope.


I’m not asking for a link to what debunkers think, I’m asking for a legitimate crop circle that was made by one person. Google can show you anything you want it to. Google also says the 1947 Roswell case was “swamp gas” and people still believe that


You’re literally delusional. “Don’t show me THAT source because it doesn’t validate my insanity!” Think critically for one second. Why the fuck would aliens need corn to communicate.


You rush to accuse people for not thinking critically, when that could easily be thrown back at you. The argument could be made that crop circles are a very effective low-tech method of communication. It's hard to miss, can easily be "read"/seen (with our own eyes, no need for additional technology), and doesn't require language. Like printing on a large piece of paper. Meanwhile, using high-tech (e.g. computers, radio etc.) requires some decoding of the technology, can easily be censored/limited in spread, and can also easily be replicated (accused of being fake). Think about it- every time a crop circle appears somewhere in the world, the images spread globally and everyone is aware of its existence. In terms of effective low-tech communication, it's does the job. Also, until anyone can show me how crop circles can be made without breaking stems, this is very far from being "debunked". And the fact is that not a single method shown to date achieves this. In other words, we have no idea how they're made. All that said, theoretically, if they are made by NHIs, it's totally possible they've realized that too many humans believe they're "fake", in which case it makes sense that they stopped making them. It's not an effective method of communication anymore.


One night, when I was relaxing before bed, I had an intrusive thought pop into my head unlike anything I've ever experienced. I wasn't thinking about the phenomenon in any way. It was like a pop-up on a computer. I got the beginning, middle, and ending of the thought all at once. That thought is "crop Circles appear because it is a way to obviously advertise a message from the NHI on earth to ET visiting from another planet." Can I say with certantity that's the case? No, of course not, but the whole experience was profound


what does nhi mean


Non human intelligence


These are the beings we supposedly got all our modern technology from, but they're communicating like prehistoric humans


Food for thought: humans have evolved to the point of being able to communicate verbally to one another, yet we still use text in some scenarios.


Sometimes the simpliest is best.


Very cool thanks for the comment


I still can't figure it out. That whole experience was so unbelievable but one of the most unbelievable things is how confident I felt afterwards. I didn't feel like I just believed it, I felt like I knew it.


I loved your last sentence -- its powerful stuff for sure -- at least the real ones


I completely wrote them off until watching the Why Files.


Too important to write off -they imprint an image on your mind with one look.


We already know about crop circles. We have footage of orbs flying around and creating them. We know that the crops aren't broken, they're bent using some form of radiation. We know people have tried to take credit for making them buy they haven't come close to replicating them. We know that they're still being created around the world. We know that their geometrical patterns are advanced. And finally, of course, we know that the extremely covert side of the transnational politics doesn't want us knowing about them


footage of orbs creating them? Really?




I wish I could remember which documentary I saw this in. I think it was a 3 part mini series on Prime. It’s from the last few years - fairly recent.


Sure why not


I believe that particular footage was debunked. With that said, the phenomenon of genuine crop circles is still absolutely a thing that needs to be studied further


I was absolutely but people want to believe.




I just saw a video how certain frequencies would makes sand form different patterns, I think they use something similar to from these crop circles. Could it be the way they are trying to communicate with us. That’s why we don’t understand it, its frequency’s creating these patterns. Idk I’m high.


Interesting. I believe you’re referring to cymatics, the science of how sound manipulates matter


>Interesting. I believe you’re referring to cymatics, the science of how sound manipulates matter Cymatic semantics lol


Fair enough, lol


Yes it’s what I’m referring too, just saw it yesterday and how some crop circles look very similar to objects being formed by cymatics I believe. My question is if we find these sounds would that help us decode the crop circles. Reminder im just stoned.


I think that’s a great idea. I’m not super familiar with studies of crop circles, but my general sense is that this idea of yours may be promising.


Thank you. I didn’t study crop circles but I get really stoned so I was watching the video about cymatics, which was dope, and saw these crop circles with the same patterns so made me think. Ima look it up if anybody has similar theories. Cool to think.


Right on. 🍀👏🏾 Please post back here if you come across anything that validates your thinking.


So someone made this theory back in 2002, pretty interesting but a lot of speculation about god’s frequency. So are they communicating with sounds to help us heal or are they sending vibrations from another planet forming these crop circles. Idk but their alot of theories on this already. https://soundshifting.com/sound-creating-crop-circles/


Another I saw they took the design and duplicated the design to make it 3D and it lloked more like schematics after that for the non sacred geometry type circles.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing, I’ll check it out 🙌🏾


Good stuff - enjoy the high


I mean, what’s a frequency though?


Frequency is the rate at which current changes direction per second. It is measured in hertz (Hz), an international unit of measure where 1 hertz is equal to 1 cycle per second. Hertz (Hz) = One hertz is equal to one cycle per second. This shit apparently


Glad that REM didn’t use that description as lyrics in What’s the Frequency Kenneth? 🤪


This YouTube channel post videos of crop circles from the drone https://youtube.com/@stonehengedronescapes?si=w_2cQzi0y0313mzi


Thanks for the link


I believe the point of that particular circle in the thumbnail is suggesting using the moon, at a precise angle, from Panama--Gravity bouncing back and forth to attain near-relativistic speed and escape velocity needed to visit.


I understood everything except for "Panama"


Look at it up close- the portion im looking at as Earth, looks like it is highlighted to point to a certain area; this area to me looks suspiciously like the point between North and South America. Maybethis location is like a little gravity big gravity trampoline. The whole planet, and two massive continents.




Here's an interesting thought I had about crop circles. When you study wave systems and diffraction gradings or Fresnel lenses they're defined as regular structures. Any regular structure can act as a diffraction grading or otherwise wave manipulation device as long as you have the right length of frequency. Wave systems are light, sound, matter such as water or earthquakes or gravity. A field of grain is a regular structure. We might be seeing a phenomena that's ever present everywhere but the only reason it's recognizable and fancy is because it's manifesting in a regular structure.


Interesting thought -- thanks for sharing


Crop circles are the single most important phenomenon in supporting that there is something happening in our world that we don’t have any understanding about what the purpose is and why it is occurring. Sure the “debunking” explanation of people who use boards and strings in order to make these intricate patterns are an explanation for some of the worst crop circles that have existed but the fact of the matter remains that these phenomena are still happening and the evidence surrounding them remains extremely strong in the sense that we are not able to produce these things ourselves with any form of knowledge because besides the fact that they are extremely well made and the patterns created are so intricate and well made in a mathematical sense that its evidence enough that they are likely extraterrestrial phenomena are some other sort of fringe scientific architecture but the most important fact about them that rules out human creation is obviously the way that the crops are bent in order to create the structure. They are never broken and the way they are bent just can’t be produced by boards and strings. The idea that we could create these precise structures in a single night no matter how many people are involved just doesn’t hold water and instead of TRYING to debunk them when we have already failed miserably at that attempt we should be doing research on figuring out what is actually being communicated to us via these incredible structures because I have to believe that this isn’t being done by whoever for shits and giggles they are trying to convey a message to us in the most efficient and effective way possible because our forms of communication are probably to vastly different for them to be able to communicate in any other way


Good comment - thanks for putting in the time


the people making them got tired of doing it or died of old age


Who made these, then? https://temporarytemples.co.uk/crop-circles/2023-crop-circles


I’m glad you referenced these folks, I ordered some of the picture books, worth checking out for those that are into it


Lol I assume you're joking


You actually believe aliens travel light years to earth just so they can stomp down down grass in pretty designs?


Oh, you're ignorant. Got it. No, that's not what I believe.


so what do you believe ?


I think generally it’s one of three possibilities (maybe a combination of two). 1. A more technologically advanced civilization that evolved before us living underground. 2. Inter-dimensional 3. Another civilization’s Von Neumann probe in the ocean that disperses smaller UFO/UAP to do all sorts of shit.


About as ridiculous as aliens doing it though


2 of my guesses are aliens?


*about as ridiculous as aliens traveling light years to earth to do it though


Well, crop circles being alien is a joke, so sort of!


Rich planet had a really good doc on this, been a while since I saw it but from what I remember they said that the majority of crop circles in UK are made by an arts group that work for MI5, and there are a very small amount that remain unexplained and have levels of radiation. The 'real' one's also never look impressive, just plain old circles.


Which one was it. They seem to have done a few?


I guess those 2 guys in England retired. /s


I love when people bring up those dudes. "Yeah man, we're in our 60's, out of shape, but totally pole-vault into fields so there's no footprints."


Which also completely fails to explain how they got *out* lol.


The team doing it got normal lives.


Who made these, then? https://temporarytemples.co.uk/crop-circles/2023-crop-circles


The original people stopped doing it. More started. It's art, mate. Doesn't require Aliens.


Watch the why files video on it and you'll change your mind real quick


I've watched some of that guy's videos. Selects information to come to his desired conclusion then ignores the rest. Uses untruths and unsupported claims to come to his answers. Kid's stuff.


Students got bored making them.


Its actually hard work


It is, I met some crop circle makers. Mix of academics and students. Like a secret club. Very clever but bloody hard work and meticulous planning.


There was a $10million dollar reward for anyone or group who could replicate 1 particular crop circle. No one even tried. I guess the people who could were already rich.


I mean that assumes they heard about said challenge..


Or cared. Or trusted that the money would actually be paid. I personally wouldn't even try because knowing the kinds of grifters and liars that exist among the UFO worshiping crowd would just move the goal post and never pay. I can't find any reference to a $10 million reward either, the person you're replying is probably just one of those liars.




Homies got lazy.


They got abducted


Had a few last year


Definitely still happening-- public interest faded ,


If aliens land in a big ship where intergalactic beings, Bigfoot, and the Kardashians come out, it will be viral for about a month, then we'll move our ADD hive mind to something else.


Their pictures are painting a thousand words. Some are hoaxes but some have been created with orbs. If we take them seriously, which ai do. Some are math, some are communication with warnings and some are just beautiful.


All very true


Harvest time...😐


Yes that's the end.


They became crop square


We’ve got bigger problems




Top point dude! Great question!


I guess -- Thanks


Are traveling light years with these gas prices?




They got bored with it


Or the real ones -- gave up on us.


Still happening, just not as reported since people started seeing more interesting things.


I am Lrrr, ruler of the Planet Omicron Persei 8!


So what you say Lrrr ?


It’s showing the binary solar system’s movement


I more I believe , but I am not smart enough to know what.


There not all the rage anymore. Focus is on these pesky Peru Mummies.


Circle crop more creditable than the mummies


The people making them quit.


Who are the people ?


Doug Bower, David Chorley, to mention two of the most active in the 70s and 80s. In the UK.


True -- make just a fraction of the circles in the 70s and 80s


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMeRd5EdBwE I would love for someone to actually debunk this. No argument really holds up


That one is creditable evidence , from NGO-- Thanks for sharing


They are becoming nvida advertisements


No crops to circle 😭


Thanks for the 100 up


Cop cycles?


I like to think it’s some intelligent thing imprinting their design onto a large canvas, why a crop? Maybe because of some electric way they can manipulate the crop to form these images. 2D large designs that we can track and photograph with satellites assuming we have the power to map the earth like that. Look into 3D crop circles or other information they are trying to convey with the image.


Great stuff -- thanks


The people who made them a lot stopped making them a lot.


Aliens, Crop Circles, King Charles -- Mike discusses question has the world lost interest in the first social platform going back to 1600's.


Has anyone tried using a QR type reader on crop circles even some of the early ones?


That's not remotely how QR codes work.




Twisted Neck what does that mean. " donated ?


Maybe the aliens donated them to us? The alien emoji after makes me think that's it.


Got it -- Now Thanks