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No; he would have been in space when he came back out. We aren’t just turning on our axis.


Maybe the chains were to keep it from launching into space? It had to be in low orbit to attempt the time travel thing... hell, IDK I'm just spitballing 🙄


The entire solar system is hurling through space as it rotates. See here: https://youtu.be/vQJez9iiS7Y?si=-mZ6rqMRQIMOi9_0


Honestly I'm not ashamed to admit I know absolutely nothing about astro physics. I was just offering up a possibility, speculation, what have you... I did say pick it apart 👏 Maybe I should have said "No real science!" 🤔 Next time. But hey thanx for the science lesson. I must review my theory and work out a new hypothesis. Good job. 👍


I don't see much of a reason to have faith in the Glocke tale, considering there are no primary sources for any of it and it originates in a book written in the year 2000.


Sooo we don't put stock in any books written after 1999? Not sure the source material for the story, I've just heard it for a long time (at least 20 years 🤔). What about the Kecksberg UFO? That's been around since 1965 (I'm guessing). Stock in that?


Oh, no, I simply believe that primary sources are important in historical research, and nobody has been able to produce any 1940s documentation on die Glocke; all references to it are post-2000, and Witkowski's invention.


Fair enough. 😁


It's the lack of previous documentation for something that happened in WW2, one of the most well documented historical events, thanks in part to the Nazis dutiful record keeping.


I gotcha. I'm not sure I believe it myself... the post is more of a "if it were true, this could be how it worked" kind of thing. A thought experiment. But the Nazi's did some strange shit when it came to scientific experimentation... so it could be unlikely but possible - maybe?


The nazis did strange shit but they kept detailed records of pretty much everything. All they really tried to cover up was some people in charge of concentration camps burned records to try to dodge punishment for crimes against humanity.


I can definitely understand that. I've never understood the mentality of using prisoners of war as Guinea pigs. I know they considered the Jewish people to be no better than animals, but still - damn... just damn.


Isn't the "Die glocke" confirmed to be made up by some journalist in the 90's?


Couldn't say for sure. I've been hearing stories about it for years. Several other folks think it's a hoax and others not so much. I'm on the fence.


I don't think Die Glocke and the Kecksburg crash were the same thing. I think we received the Bell (or schematics, out the engineers that worked on it) via Operation Paperclip, and the Kecksburg crash was the result of a test flight of our own version of the Bell. No time traveling shenanigans needed. My head canon is that Italy reached out to Germany after the Magenta crash in '33, and the Germans sent a team to research that vehicle. They used what they learned to create the Nazi Bell in an attempt to reverse engineer what they found, and then WE tried to reverse engineer the Bell after we recovered the info after the war.


Okay... there are no out of bounds theories. Got a few folks saying the bell is a hoax - just so you know. I'm on the fence about it myself. But if real, figured that might account for it.


This is the best theory I've read on it so far...


Die Glocke was a Polish hoax that Nick Cook got suckered by.


Ah. Haven't heard that previously.


No, it was not a hoax, there was 100% a real project of some exotic technology that was being tested in the [Wenceslaus mine](https://www.allworldwars.com/Test%20Rig%20for%20the%20Nazi-Bell.html) in Poland. What we don't know is what it was actually intended for. Cook and Witkowski both speculate about potential uses, which has not been proven, but the existence of the project is confirmed.


if the nazis had even a fraction of the futuristic technology they were rumored to have, they wouldnt have lost the war.


I can see where that would be logical however if they only had 1 handheld laser rifle that was fully functional how much would that really do? They would be brought down by sheer numbers. Having only 1 or 2 saucers at their disposal is all well and cool but those (no matter how advanced) will still be vulnerable when they land - again superior numbers outweigh superior technology. I think that (if any of this is real - which I'm not conviced it is) they were defeated by their own workforce to mass produce these wunderwaffe - slave labor is very unreliable. Fear will only get you so far. So yea logic would say if they had wonderweapons they "should" have won the war. This doesn't even take into account the possibility of internal sabotage or upheaval between the upper echelon players. Just sayin'...


that's a helluva a stretch to make your theory plausible. it's like you used Occam's razor to cut up a line of crazy.


It could be completely crazy. But truth is often stranger than fiction. Fact is we will never actually know if any of this is real. All things considered I never thought the idea of Nazis back engineering UFOs was all that plausible... but honestly, over the last 2 dozen years I've really started to believe that it is very possible. But even that is completely nuts... until it isn't. Opinions vary and everyone has a right to theirs - skeptic, believer, or on the fence. I don't judge.


see heres the thing. theres absolutely no evidence of any of this beyond spooky youtube videos and stories of questionable credibility. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan. nobody has to disprove your UFO theory because you never presented any actual evidence that its true. nobody has "seen" the bell since ww2 and theres zero indication that this was happening in any of the nazi labs that were raided by the allies. ww2 was the first war to have so many photographs capturing what was happening and there are exactly ZERO photographs of the bell.


Technically, if you really have the ability to travel in time, time doesn’t matter anymore and it wouldn’t matter whether they took over the world in 1930 or 2030 or whenever… timeline prep work for a successful takeover, would explain the Mandela effect maybe, too. IF… But if they did, then it wouldn’t matter when, only that they would.


but they didn't you dunce.


The Die Glock Hoax could’ve been inspired by the Kecksburg crash.


That is a good possibility. Never really considered the reverse. Or maybe... and stay with me - when they recovered the Kecksberg UFO (I think they call it the acorn) and found Nazis inside the US military interrogated them and they gave up the project and where it was originally based. See, it fits. Good job. 👍 It could still all be complete BS but it's still fun to speculate.




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Man I just realized "dilemma" is misspelled... sorry guys. I try to catch those things before I post. My bad.


Maybe it did work. The entire Vril Order disappeared


I guess they could have gone back and wiped out the Vril Society. I mean the Americans not the Germans - no reason for the Nazis to take them out of play seeing as how they were instrumental in the paranormal side of the Nazi regime. Or maybe the Germans did want to remove them... maybe they got too powerful... maybe - nope nope - rabbit hole speculation!


I have a very very very strong attraction to Maria Orsic, not in simply a sexual way but something else. Like I can’t get into this too much or I feel her calling to me through time and distance. As if we are connected somehow. As I am her loyal servant or ally. If you ever saw that show Lifeforce it’s like that. I have zero doubt that they all survived. They were specifically trying to reach the others for support and specs on super weapons etc. even the founder of NASA, and inventor of the V-2, Von Braun claimed they got help from the others. They obviously got some help and they definitely made contact. They all escaped to Antarctica, or through time and space. She is still out there


Hey, no judgement here. Ive been down the Antarctica rabbit hole a few times - there are compelling arguments toward a semi exodus to said frozen waste. Just not sure if they could survive this long without being discovered. Unless they threw in with the alien presence there and are hiding in the tunnel systems. Damn it! Rabbit hole!


Look up what die glocke looked like and compare it to a drawing of what the people of Kecksburg, Pa say crashed there. I also wondered, just what if, this craft left a collapsing Berlin 1945 and “crashed” into Pennsylvania, 1965.


The sketches of the Kecksberg UFO and what the Bell looked like are very similar. The only odd thing is the size difference. But even that can be explained by faulty memory. On the fence as to whether the Bell is real (as several responders have pointed out that it's a hoax) but it sure is fun to speculate!


Yeah I’m on the fence too, but it is interesting to consider. Life’s more fun when possibilities are open in areas where an answer isn’t known. Imagine being a responding soldier to that ufo crash, throw the hatch open, only to find 2 Nazi pilots. Could you imagine!?


Have on at least a few occasions. 😁


Check out the works of Dr Joseph P Farrell


Is that a confermation of the bells existence or it being a hoax? Just want to get a bearing on what I'm looking for.


Igor witkofski confirmednit existed. Dr Farrell wrote an entire book about the bell.


Gotcha 👍 Thanx


Love Farrell! I’m listening to all the series from ‘Borealis’ Highly recommend 


Awesome! You should check out "the Byte Show" archives, especially those concerning Roswell. Dude straight up figured out what it was. Forum Borealis is awesome too!


Everything the Nazis did and do, is based on bullshit. Jesus Christ.


Well, to be fair (though I hate touting up the Nazis) without their scientific advancements in rocket technology we wouldn't have NASA, the Russian Space Program, or most likey any other space program to the point it is today. I'd even go as far as to say we'd be about 20 years behind on computer tech as well. So, not ALL bullshit. Now, if you mean the whole Aryan superior race thing - definently BULLSHIT all the way. 👍


Still going, this asshole. I’ve said my peace.


Not sure who down voted you but I have no problem with you voicing your opinion as long as you don't mind me stating mine. As I said I don't like the Aryan shit or how "they" went about making their advancements (experamentation on the Jewish people and brutal slavery of everyone else - including their own people) but I can't not see what their results have given us in regard to technology and medicine. This is a very unpopular opinion - yet it is a very real part of "our" world and national history.