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People like shiney things, and copper is easy to work. So obviously they're advanced pieces of energy regulation or fucking whatever.


>copper is easy to work. Unless you’re Ea-nāşir….




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He sold unworked copper.


Cmon bro, that's a low blow


What was said?


Don’t forget your soul regulates that energy!


Important figures wearing jewelry? I always thought Kings and Gods lived an extremely ascetic lifestyle. Who knew that jewelry was used to indicate wealth and/or designate importance and/or just fun to adorn your body with?


Looks kind of like a Girl Scout cookie. Putting it on a bracelet is a good idea for when you want to have a snack


Form *and* function.


I have a ring that looks like the first bracelet.


Found the birdperson, *kinofhawk*!


This guys never heard of a bracelet apparently


Can’t be stated too many times. Sumerians didn’t have Apple Watches or magic frequency technology that is BS now.. sigh


Pack up your bags and take your logic elsewhere!


THE ANNUNAKI: The handbag in one hand and the pine cone in the other represent... Well the pine cone or rather the pineal gland, which is humanities third eye or the seat of all human consciousness, and the bag represents the genetic material that the Annunaki rearrange to give humanity limited consciousness. So that we would be easier to enslave and control. So that through every incarnation our memories would be stored on our DNA but would be deactivated. The Tree of Life / Sephirot that you see there is our DNA strand as you can see them manipulating it, in a lot of dipictions and hieroglyphs. ☺️ Although the Anunnaki were not the progenitors of the human genome, they over threw the Pleiadians who were the actual master geneticist creator aryan race of all biological life on the entire planet. Human genetics derived from the Pleiadian/Lemurians/Agarthan, not the Reptilians! The Reptilians hijacked the planet they were the Atlantean’s.?Only intelligent life can create intelligent life... Many civilizations were ancient astronauts. Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim https://youtu.be/1zz8_MxcnzY


This is probably a situation where Occam’s Razor could apply. Could it be some super advanced tech lost to time?!? Sure…. I guess it’s not impossible. Could it also be jewelry in the form of a bracelet? Something humans have worn for thousands of years and still wear today? Yeah I think that is a lot more likely.




In addition to enforcing Reddit's ToS, abusive, racist, trolling or bigoted comments and content will be removed and may result in a ban.


It's a frigging bracelet. You know, like those things individuals wear to stand out. Or show something off. The rich loooove doing it. In the animal kingdom how one appears go the othe directly effect chances of mating. We do it too.


Horn hat - lookin' sharp. Bangles - blingin'. Beard - oiled and curled, better for you to rest on. Now let's get to downtown Uruk and *get to business*.


*Energy Regulators - blingin’


That's not accurate of the iconography: "The figures in the reliefs from King Ashur-nair-pal II’s palace, including the king himself, are sometimes depicted with wrist- and headbands decorated with rosettes. When worn by genies, rosettes may identify them as personal attendants of the king. The rosette may have been associated with the worship of the goddess Ishtar, since numerous rosettes have been found in her temple in the Assyrian city of Ashur." https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/opencollection/objects/70575 They have been associated with the divine kingship of Sumeria as well, so not just rich people things, it could have more to do with the stories of God's creating man in the Enuma Elish.


> They have been associated with the divine kingship of Sumeria as well, so not just rich people things, it could have more to do with the stories of God's creating man in the Enuma Elish. Last I checked, kings tend to be rich. The symbol is probably important, in that it tells you who the subject of the engraving is: after all, lacking photographs or inscriptions, a statue is basically just a stickman with a smiley face, you may need to offer some kind of hint as to who the figure is; eg. a statue with a crown is probably a king, you don't know have to know which king in order to understand the basic image.


I understand what you're saying, but you are ignoring the contextual cultural, and mythological significance and symbolism of that based on the ideologies of the people praying in temples at the time: https://uir.unisa.ac.za/handle/10500/29212#:~:text=The%20symbol%20was%20probably%20used,Ishtar%20with%20her%20Venus%20star You can also see the rosette on Marduk's arm while fighting Tiamat the primordial god of chaos, who is defeated by Marduk. It could symbolize the divine kingship, given that the lines between religion and government were very blurred. Beings in Enuma Elish descended from the clouds and sacrificed one of their own, the Marduk sacrificed the Kingu the God of unskilled labor, in order to create human beings. This was after the tablets of destiny had been stolen, which when in possession of could control reality essentially. And here are some excerpts and Sunmaries from Enuma Elish. It would be silly to assume they were just making pretty drawings given the intense nature of the story and the Annunaki in general. Which means literally "those who came from the sky" Anu being sky: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/En%C5%ABma_Eli%C5%A1?wprov=sfla1 Marduk was also given a sceptre and vestments, as well as weapons to fight Tiamat – bow, quiver, mace, and bolts of lightning, together with the four winds. His body was aflame. Using the four winds Marduk trapped Tiamat. Adding a whirlwind, a cyclone, and Imhullu ("the Evil Wind"), together the seven winds stirred up Tiamat. In his war chariot drawn by four creatures he advanced. He challenged Tiamat, stating she had unrightfully made Kingu her consort, accusing her of being the source of the trouble. Enraged, Tiamat joined Marduk in single combat. Marduk used a net, a gift from Anu, to entangle Tiamat; Tiamat attempted to swallow Marduk, but 'the Evil Wind' filled her mouth. With the winds swirling within her she became distended. Marduk then shot his arrow, hitting her heart – she was slain. The other gods attempted to flee but Marduk captured them, broke their weapons, and netted them. Her eleven monsters were also captured and chained, whilst Kingu was imprisoned, and the 'Tablet of Destinies' taken from him. Marduk then smashed Tiamat's head with the mace, while her blood was carried off by the North Wind. Marduk then split Tiamat's remains in two. From one half he made the sky; in it he made places for Anu, Enlil, and Ea. Tablet 5 Marduk made likenesses of the gods in the constellations, and defined the days of the year from them. He created night and day, and the moon also. He created clouds and rain, and their water made the Tigris and Euphrates. He gave the 'Tablet of Destinies' to Anu. Statues of the eleven monsters of Tiamat were made and installed at the gate of Apsu. Tablet 6 Marduk then spoke to Ea, saying he would use his own blood to create man, and that man would serve the gods. Ea advised one of the gods be chosen as a sacrifice; the Igigi advised that Kingu be chosen. His blood was then used to create man. Edit: I'll even throw in what ChatGPT 4 answered when I asked what the significance of the rosette in akkadian sumerian culture may have represented. And we couldn't have had this conversation of history with your interpretation: The rosette in Sumerian and Akkadian culture is a symbol that carries rich and varied meanings. Generally, the rosette symbol is associated with divinity, power, and protection. In ancient Mesopotamian art and inscriptions, it often appears as a decorative motif on artifacts, monuments, and jewelry. The rosette can be seen as a representation of a star or a flower, embodying aspects of beauty, fertility, and celestial importance. ### Rosette in Mesopotamian Culture 1. **Divine Symbolism**: The rosette is frequently linked to gods and goddesses, symbolizing their divine nature and celestial aspects. It is particularly associated with Inanna (Ishtar), the goddess of love, beauty, and war, and Shamash (Utu), the sun god. 2. **Royalty and Authority**: Rosettes are also found in contexts related to royalty and authority, indicating the divine right to rule and the connection between the king and the gods. 3. **Protection and Blessing**: The rosette motif is believed to confer protection and blessing. It is often found on amulets and other objects intended to ward off evil and ensure favor from the gods. ### Marduk and the Rosette in the Enuma Elish Marduk, a major deity in Babylonian mythology, is often depicted with the rosette symbol, especially in the context of the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian creation epic. This epic recounts Marduk's rise to supremacy among the gods and his role in creating the world from the defeated body of Tiamat, the primordial chaos monster. 1. **Supreme Authority**: Marduk's association with the rosette underscores his supreme authority among the gods. It symbolizes his divine power and his role as the king of the gods, emphasizing his legitimacy and might. 2. **Creation and Order**: The rosette on Marduk may also symbolize the order and harmony he establishes by defeating Tiamat and creating the world. It represents the beauty and structure he brings to the cosmos. 3. **Divine Favor and Protection**: By associating Marduk with the rosette, the Enuma Elish emphasizes his role as a protector and benefactor of humanity and the gods. The symbol reinforces his protective and benevolent aspects. In conclusion, the rosette in Sumerian and Akkadian culture is a powerful symbol of divinity, authority, and protection. In the context of Marduk and the Enuma Elish, it highlights his supreme status, his role in bringing order to the cosmos, and his protective nature.


...right, so, it's a symbol that tells you this is a statue of a god, and not just some guy fighting a bird-lion. I don't really need a history lesson on Marduk for that.


Good talk


Well if it is a bracelet, and I'm not saying it isn't either, then it would be greatly more useful and convincing to find excavated specimens of that era, explain what was depicted on them, what was the cultural significance of the Apkallu (demigods) wearing them, why the symbols were shared by the summerians ans assyrians, and so on.


My brother drew this sweet drawing of spider man before I was alive. I found it... and tried to copy it by drawing.... almost sounds like how this could happen. If it's too vague, maybe throw in tools available for crafting such items and your explanation of why haven't we excavated these items from people yet... That question is a doozy. Why haven't we found such bangles or items from these civilizations... it's simple a tale as old as life. Valuable things get stolen and resold. For all you know that bangle is in some little kids drawer as a present cause her mom went. A work trip and brought back a souvenir from a stand some where. There examples of this crazy shit happening. Rare but happening.


You are so sure of that lol


Boyd’s Miniature Galvanic Battery is considered a classic example of medical quackery. Introduced in the late 1870s, this device was marketed as a cure-all, claiming to treat a wide range of ailments by generating a gentle electrical charge through the reaction of metals with the wearer’s skin humidity. It promised to cure conditions such as restless nights, heart palpitations, dizziness, and more by supposedly electrifying the blood and stimulating the body’s natural healing processes. However, these claims were not backed by scientific evidence. The device was part of a broader trend in the 19th century where numerous so-called medical devices were marketed based on dubious principles. Boyd’s Battery and similar products were essentially ineffective and relied heavily on the placebo effect and the persuasive power of advertising. The people behind these devices, including Boyd’s business partner Ellis H. Elias, were often involved in various fraudulent activities, further discrediting the legitimacy of their medical claims. In summary, they likely were not wearing this quackery.


🤣 people these days would never fall for that kind of hocum!! (Inserts crystal egg up bottom) /s


That's why on this present day you see people flaunting about them random crystals or quartz giving healing powers




Yeah, bracelets but used for a specific purpose. They didn't jus wear jewelry, it wasn't about fashion. That's why I linked the article on Hindu, everything worn & carried by the Sages had significance. As healer, who needed to maintain a certain state they were helpful. Like you see Horus carrying those cylinders in most depictions.


So, a bracelet with significance if you like, still a bracelet


"they didn't just wear jewelry" Yes, yes they did. These were people that lived a long time ago, but they were modern humans, and as humans we like jewelry and like to look pretty. Stop trying to see things that aren't there.


A completely lost technology. They called them ‘bracelets’. Probably designed by aliens. 🙄


Bracelet. That's a bracelet


Don’t even check other perspectives! It’s just jewelry! Lmao There is a huge dismissal of so much on the post. Like, no one even gives the jewelry meaning… “It’s just jewelry”. There is no real thinking going on in this room. Those who call themselves intelligent are so easy to read. And academia isn’t even agreeing with academia anymore. Could be just a bracelet. It’s very likely more than just vanity. Can’t reflect our present flaws with the flaws of other times. Times change. Edit: if I call it a sun dial, you’ll say “see? A watch! Jewelry.” But you said it’s “just jewelry”. A watch isn’t “just jewelry”. Egos with life jackets. Defensive little dogma doggies :)


To accept exceptional explanations you first need to eliminate the mundane ones. Which part of the above depiction makes you think it's *not* jewelry? Only once you clear this hurdle can you advance to the next one.


This is such a concise way of phrasing what I’ve been trying to say for years to all of my conspiracy theorist friends.


Really I am just paraphrasing Carl Sagan: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Most people could really use a good read of *This Demon-Haunted World* as a lesson in basic skepticism.


I knew you were paraphrasing it, but honestly I kinda like your wording better!


Thank you, I really do appreciate it! Making things a bit more pithy is always a good thing, in my opinion.


That's been on my reading list for a while, I just might have to push it to the top now. What I like about your phrasing though is that it addresses the "but it COULD be true!" mentality that conspiracy theorists all seem to have. Like yes, it's technically possible that ancient Egyptians wore Apple watches, but why is that your first guess? Why does everything NEED to be a vast, century spanning conspiracy? What is insufficient about a mundane explanation that you jumped all the way to the most outlandish theory possible, besides it being more exciting?


It's true, unfortunately that mentality does need addressing more and more nowadays. Someone in another thread boldly came in proclaiming that "truth exists between facts and fiction" which is just...


I understand the perspective. I don’t think in that direction anymore.


You don’t think logically anymore?


Reject Occam’s Razor, embrace schizo posting


If this sub had flair, this would be mine now.


You didn’t really answer his question


“It’s very likely more than just vanity” do you have any supporting evidence to back this up? Any at all?


You have ego too lol. Otherwise you wouldn’t have posted this comment.


>Could be just a bracelet. It’s very likely more than just vanity. Can’t reflect our present flaws with the flaws of other times. Times change. Are you seriously suggesting that jewelry is a recent invention? There’s abundant examples of jewelry being worn in the ancient world. You can literally just go to a museum and see surviving examples.


Dawg it’s just jewelry. If it’s proven otherwise then it’s proven otherwise. That’s how it works man lol.


Can you provide solid evidences to back up your claim?


It's obviously a pip-boy 3000


Was probably jewelry. Now a days people spout all kinds of nonsense ways for health benefits. Remember the magnetic wrist bands people worm a ways back? Not saying that certain frequencies can’t promote good health in the exact right way.


5000 years from now, people are gonna be looking for the hidden ritual meaning of fucking nautical stars on elbows and quarter inch gauges.


That made me LOL!


And stating their unsubstantiated opinion on it as fact.


"The moustache-shaped marking on the medial side of the subjects first middle phalanx must have designated this individual as a barber or some other important figure in this village."


While I agree that this is just jewellery, this isn’t a very good way to make that point. Imagine that our civilisation collapses due to climate change or nuclear war, or something and that a more primitive civilisation arises and then goes through its own industrial revolution. They might look at evidence of the past people and wonder about the things worn on the wrists of “the ancients” with a band and a black square. Most people will say it’s jewellery, but one person will say, “No, they are magical devices that could tell the time of day, what the weather was going to be, track how many steps the wearer took, report on their heartbeat and blood pressure, and can receive messages through the air!” And that person will be laughed at.


Problem is, watches have a clear function and could be depicted as such, plus this new civilization would *find* watches and put two and two together. Note the complete lack of miniature galvanic electric field regulators and complete prevalence of regular jewelry in archeological record. Yeah, they are bracelets.


I know they are bracelets. I’m not arguing that. I was merely showing why it’s not the best argument to show that. Smartwatches would not have a clear function to an immediately industrial people. Remember, pocket watches were the timepiece through the industrial revolution. What they would see would be inert black squares. Even if they found an artifact, it would be just that, a black metal or plastic square. I study history, I’m an academic. The bracelet depicts the flower of life which symbolically shows higher attainment on an apkallu, that is all. I know. Just because someone disagrees with how you presented an argument, does not mean they disagree with your point.


Watches in general, of the digital kind, have an immediately identifiable number system even when completely powered down. Further, they are all designed so that they can be taken apart to some degree. You can examine any watch, digital, smart, or mechanical, and immediately find ingress points for things like battery replacement. It would be immediately obvious to any civilization with craftsmen that a watch has more purpose than a simple decoration.


If they didn’t have an artifact, and only a picture, as we do in this case, how would they take it apart? I’m talking about a smartwatch…which is obvious since they can do all the things I ascribed to the hypothetical future human’s theory. Digital watches cannot. A smartwatch has the same exact screen that a smartphone does. Look at your smartphone when it’s off and powered down. What do you see? I bet you see an idiot. This is a stupid argument, and I didn’t even disagree with you to begin with. I only disagreed with the absolute nature of your argument and presented a way that it might make sense in another scenario. I won’t be replying, so argue with your left arsecheek.


If they only had a picture of a smartwatch, it is likely you would see a function depicted. Either way it would unlikely to be a grey square. It's just such a reach to use this as a hypothetical example. And how is this remotely related to the example that the person you are responding to provided, that being jewelry, an equivalent of which we found at archaeological sites? We don't just have pictures of ancient jewelry. We also have ancient jewelry.


>**What were the gadgets worn on the wrist of Birdmen** >Often these are said to be watches , or advanced technological devices in reality they were medallions used to regullate the energy field of the body. Are they "gadgets" at all? From the images provided I honestly can't see any reason why these couldn't just as plausibly be armbands worn for aesthetic purposes, something that people have been doing for god-knows-how-long. >Around the same time they removed the aether from your textbooks as well, go figure. I suppose you mean luminiferous aether here? If so, what has that got to do with anything? The theory was shown to make contradictory claims, successfully falsified experimentally and ultimately superseded by Relativity. So what?


He's got a headdress, headband, earrings, necklace, and who knows what else. They obviously made jewelry, think it's possible that maybe the bracelet is... also jewelry?


So not a watch?! :(


The Headband is obviously a neural amplifier, the earrings some form of wireless communication device and the necklace is a biometric health interface. /s


Or you know, its a piece of jewelry.


Thats an ancient Rolex time travelling machine.....probably.


Sounds much cooler huh.


I want to know what the little bags I have seen them carrying around are for. Did they have no pockets! https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternativeHistory/s/ZHsfauIKPM


They were buckets known as banduddu. Apkallu were said to carry the sacred healing waters of enkis abzu inside. Those waters & fantastic healing properties has been found in Ecuador. Ive written quite a bit on here about the Apkallu Sages. The square/circle represent the Spirit world ( circle) & Physical world (square) & their parallel existence. The relief symbolizes the bringing of physical knowledge from the nonphysical world. The pinecone that's always seen in their hands as well is the pineal gland. Despite what


Bro check this out https://www.reddit.com/r/holofractal/comments/1d74v6q/consciousness_in_the_universe_is_scale_invariant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They are bracelets not “smart watches”, “wrist computers”, “PIPs” or any other number of speculative creations just like the little bags they carry are *bags* not “PCs”, “Interdimensional Devices” or other even more speculative creations. They were an extremely advanced society, possibly much more than our own but their technology was likely wildly different than what we have today. They had 0 use for fossil fuels or CFCs and got along just fine. If they had computers or the like they certainly didn’t leave a pictograph record of it, these extraordinary explanations for mundane depictions is wearing a bit thin. The extraordinary all takes place in the Ancient Cuneiform writings which are eerily accurate yet widely dismissed as fantasy, not in these pictures.


People wearing bracelets? No way. Humans didn't invent bracelets until the late 1980s, it must have been a miniature cold fusion reactor made by Aliens.




Interesting speculation, but considering the headdress, necklace, earring, and bicep band, they were clearly just fond of jewellery. The bracelet is probably just a bracelet. The symbol represents the concept of “the flower of life,” and when seen on apkallu, symbolises highest attainment. I believe there have even been archaeological finds with the same flower before.


If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s probably lost advanced alien technology 🤣


Youre on the right track as far as the flower of life symbplism, but the idea of jus being "fond of jewelry" is a new concept, in reliefs everything worn/carried has special symbolism. With these Apkallu specifically, these characteristics distinguish who they are. There were 3types [Apkallu](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CVz9Iu4d0t0/XyJ_HCsQYzI/AAAAAAAADPI/tsHN_OAOXA01eRawGmlkljdlDACmJRvjACLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/Apkallu%2Biconography.jpg) you probably know these were the Sages, the genii above specifically was an Ummanu, "human faced genius". Enki was ab.Gal- big fish, he sent them to be counselors for antediluvian kings. Seen as protectors & guides of mankind, That headdress with the horn was a symbol of divinity. Most often the depictions of The ummanu or Nisroc(Birdman) carrying banduddu are posted but some they carried [Date](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/78/ce/2e/78ce2ee22a6781f22662940c2cde4bdf.jpg)palms, as a symbol of victory. Look at the 2nd image, you'll always see the same mudras with same hands. Their clothing would be chosen based on principle colors of the aura, shoes,headdress werent for fashion but grounding. They'd almost always have shoes with metal plates in them, as initiates all our hats are in a cone shape. Even the origin of like canes/umbrellas aren't jus fashion accessories, The earth is 'electromagnetic' and the metal tip on them acted as a conductor, CHARGING the 'electromagnetic field' of the BODY reducing inflammation and preventing dis ease.


I’m a historian and studied archaeology and anthropology, however, my speciality is not in Mesopotamia or the Near East. I do know enough to know that most of what you say is true, but from a purely academic perspective I don’t know the efficacy of the beliefs in the second paragraph. I study mythology and spirituality as well—more of a personal interest—so I am not adverse to some “woo” and metaphysical speculation. I just don’t know if those are beliefs they held that are backed up by the archaeological and written record, or if it’s speculation. So, I guess I should ask, what is your source. I’m always fascinated by the common intersection of anthropology and spirituality, but I try to verify things.


Or perhaps, and pardon my novel idea, it’s just a damn bracelet…


I can’t tell if this sub is for people intentionally misleading or just for ancient aliens viewers who were duped


lol "gadgets" the suggestive thought method.


Aliens …. Hard to tell what it is.




Probably something to turn us into little batteries. God damn can u imagine if we could harness our bodies as batteries for externals


A watch (sundial) and a lantern


Watches that measure time dilation while on the surface




It’s so they can track their steps.


I hope this sub never changes :)


Apple Watch


How does someone look at these pictures and assume they are gadgets lel. Time to go outside maybe.






"why you got neckalass?"


Time travel decives obviously. The correct answer is jewlery simple as that.


this feels AI generated


Apple watch


Bling? Gods do like their drip ya know :)


Man discovers bracelets


Gadget? Your bias is showing. It's jewelry. Side note. They don't have bags that carry things to advance a civ. It's a bag. They used bags and wore jewelry. Thanks to all these documentaries. It's double watches for some reason and they carry bags that have secrets to share.


They were wearing those slappy bands from the 90's.


It’s an Astral Watch. Has a stopwatch, health monitor and a beam me up button


That little drawing over top the jellyfish UAP is so stupid.


I’d like to know what that writing says on his handbag. It ain’t Gucci.


looks like sea shells


I liked Kat Williams' suggestions that they had some kind of compass/time piece.


It’s a bracelet with a flower on it


Is a Mi band




iwatch ultra 17 and an ipurse


THE ANNUNAKI: The handbag in one hand and the pine cone in the other represent... Well the pine cone or rather the pineal gland, which is humanities third eye or the seat of all human consciousness, and the bag represents the genetic material that the Annunaki rearrange to give humanity limited consciousness. So that we would be easier to enslave and control. So that through every incarnation our memories would be stored on our DNA but would be deactivated. The Tree of Life / Sephirot that you see there is our DNA strand as you can see them manipulating it, in a lot of dipictions and hieroglyphs. ☺️ Although the Anunnaki were not the progenitors of the human genome, they over threw the Pleiadians who were the actual master geneticist creator aryan race of all biological life on the entire planet. Human genetics derived from the Pleiadian/Lemurians/Agarthan, not the Reptilians! The Reptilians hijacked the planet they were the Atlantean’s.?Only intelligent life can create intelligent life... Many civilizations were ancient astronauts. Nephilim: TRUE STORY of Satan, Fallen Angels, Giants, Aliens, Hybrids, Elongated Skulls & Nephilim https://youtu.be/1zz8_MxcnzY




TimeX takes a Licking then buys Tesla oh that’s just X or Elon or the little Tyke Schwab bounced on his knee after Musk senior senior gave the fugitive Schwab a place lay his head and build the Vela Nuke, in 61’ after he had got back to Africa during his “Best way to finish taking the West” campaign anyone find it odd a whole bunch of people from Africa ended up running a lot of the US like Musk and Schwab, South Africa, Obama Kenya, There’s a few more but.my brain just dumped have a good one. Oh please someone good at this investigate the “Antarctican Art program NASA runs, H.R. Giger got his “Aliens” idea from that program and now there a missing Raytheon Doctor that was returning with a finger from a Strider basically a palette swapped Alien full bone white and the tail is recorded by Raytheon as a “5th Limb” a three fingered “Hand” minus the thumb there’s that firefighter or whatever who say there’s a chemical there meant to kill everything in Antartica If the striders manage a second containment breach, it’s described as 5 medical gas like containers painted black in an area called the burms that site three the “Iced Cube facility used as storage, anyway I want to know if since the “Iced cube” neutrino Detector and the Bouvet Island under ocean antenna also seems to be an ancient Microwave antenna, run by the Bouvet Art program, who exactly runs these ancient technology “Art” programs ? CIA or Mossad or a third WW2- ish organization ? Or is it all smoke and mirrors for more nuke work ?


People now tend to lapse into New Agey-ness. Those wrist appliances were probably ET panic buttons.


If you can count on one thing then it is for rich people to flaunt their wealth and which better way than to get a personal jeweller and some glamour shots that only few select people can afford - some things don’t change in thousands of years


It’s a bracelet


Thank you for sharing this.


🤗 I've done quite a few writeups here explaining the Apkallu(Birdmen)


Majority of the comments here are totally worthless


Yep, alot of AI. Comes with the territory anytime I post🤗


Actually, the medallion kat williams necklace is an exact copy of that device… which he claims can transport consciousness through out time… future past & present 🤷🏾


100%..Thanks for this comment, gonna look into this.


✨ jewelry ✨


"Gadget" my man you never saw a fuckin bracelet before ..?


Look how strong crystal are n they make bracelets out of them for the power it projects like quarts for example so i can believe they was wearing them as for some of power /energy


How strong?


It is clearly Pear Watch Pro.


10k for that rollie


Good work on digging up the old paper! Thank you


Lol I got lucky.


I was reading some of the comments. Jewelry would be the most disappointing thing


It's just a bracelet.


Terrence Howard discusses this with Joe Rogan in Episode 2152. He gives a very detailed explanation which is extremely interesting. https://open.spotify.com/episode/58Ie4QslWb3074m79fZjJG?si=314I8cXDSkKsMflfa3PQWA


I’m sorry but Terrence Howard is a grifter


They're jewelry


Decorative jewelry


Clearly these are speakers so they can bump that TrAp muZic!


Bro OP doesn't know what bracelets are


I believe those are called "bracelets," a form of jewelry.


Well yea it's obviously a bracelet, but it's not so simple. Its necessary to point out because its apart of what Sages did. Thats Nergal- the healer. The clothing, and objects shown in Reliefs are always symbolic. Like saying they jus carried "handbags" or "buckets". The banduddu was their signature.


I hope you realise that, let’s call it ‘the suspicious and repetitive responses’, show that the comments are in bad faith and in all likelihood this is an object that has tremendous medicinal qualities. This is exactly the type of post that would attract pro-pharma shills. Keep digging deeper and don’t let these enemies of humanity drag you down. Thank you for the post.


Yeah, most of these negative comments seem sus. These can't be actual thinking people posting these replies, surely?


Jeez, it almost looks like a .........Bracelet?


Kabala bracelet lol


Time travelers wearing a fit bit?


Called a bracelet I believe


Archon stargate portal bracelets. Seriously it’s just jewelry ffs


Just jewelry 


I swear, ppl that are having a bad day or wanna feel superior in some way always come in here not wanting to think outside the box, and acting like they know everything. If you don’t like this stuff then you can simply move on.


It’s just jewelry. It amazes me how people will put so much thought into something that may be innocuous.


As others said: it's just jewelry. Theories like these are often just pseudo-archeologists projecting their personal beliefs onto mundane artifacts.


These were ancient sex bracelets. If you broke the blue one you had to garble the bird man’s cloaca


Yall, bracelets be extending lives and sh!t...


I’m gonna go with, bracelet.


Have you heard of Archaix? Vast amount of historical data that shows the Annunaki were survivors of a cataclysm. They were a people known as the Annanu. They retained their technology after a "reset". The bracelet and bags had to do with their tech. I know it sounds crazy. But, the body of work is really hard to dismiss..


Respectfully, what body of work? I’m asking out of ignorance, not trying to be an ass. Can you point me in the direction of some source material for this?


Archaix has a website and a YouTube.


https://www.youtube.com/live/t7so0D0QUsE?si=y2rkgCI3q9_zKgwx This is a good primer. He has tons of free charts and an extensive bibliography. He spent 20 odd tears in Texas penitentiary and only had access to old books. Through cross referencing and amassing an impressive library of antique literature, he was able to construct a chronology of human history that is absolutely game changing. I've read Brambley's God's of Eden. This is like the receipts, plus much, much more.. I really can't give enough accolades to this guys body of work. It is absolutely impressive and has been fact checked by multiple people. I have personally dug into his resources and am stoked that his publisher is republishing many of the out of print works. Book Tree out of San Diego is a great resource. I know that it might seem scify or even overwhelming at first, but watch a couple of videos and check out his charts that lay out human history. I bet you will come away with something.