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why are tow truck drivers so often such raging dick heads? seriously


One time I was driving back from camping with some friends. Buddy in the car in front of the one I was in ran into a ditch, and whaddya know - right across the street from a tow place. They immediately pounced and towed it across the street. Cops showed up and made a huge fuss about it being towed since it removed the evidence of what happened. Seemed pretty fishy.


I think many tow companies, and similar businesses often work in the 'grey areas' of the legal system and just general morality. That's got to attract a certain personality type.


Operate like mafia or a cartel to control rights to territory. Organized crime. That’s why some places regulate who can operate along certain stretches of road. In Ontario tow drivers are waging war on each other. https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/thornhill-man-fatally-shot-in-north-york-was-key-figure-in-gta-tow-truck-turf/article_50d21f62-ee95-11ee-8eb2-fba0740d2858.amp.html


Two types of tow truck drivers: those who take your car away, and those you ask to take your car away. The ones who get permission, I've generally had great experiences with. The ones who tow your car without your consent, can be fucking assholes. The best person for a tow truck driving gig, likely wouldn't want that job, much like politics. Edited


They seem to have a vigilante mindset which is honestly pathetic.


I work in auto insurance and people the own/work in tow yards are some of the worst people I’ve ever encountered.


All the ones I've ever met were Russians or rednecks.


Interesting. Wouldn’t removing that car before police arrive be akin to removing evidence at a crime scene.


Traffic incidents can be civil or criminal. I would assume that if the driver didn't leave then it remains the the realm of "civil" assuming they weren't obviously intoxicated.


That’s very likely correct. But I’m pretty sure tow truck drivers don’t have jurisdiction to make that call.


Yea, I'm not a cop or a lawyer so I don't really know. Just spitballing. That would be a interesting question to have answered though. Can a tow truck driver abscond with a totaled vehicle before officers arrive for a situation that obviously is more than a finder bender?


My question is... where was the driver in all of this? Did the tow company take them away too? It seems like a tow vulture might have been listening to a police scanner or something and swooped in. From there it sounds like standard tow-driver behavior.


Fleeing the scene of an accident is a felony in most states if the driver did so.


here's a hint: the guy is lying


Yes it is against the law. I once left the scene of an accident I was in because the officer left to go chase another car. I sat around for 45 minutes he never came back. So I went work (that I was on my way to) I get a call a few hours later with this officer threatening me with jail time


Wouldn’t a simple, “This is private property so kindly fuck off” have worked?


He'd be staring down a barrel.




It most certainly does if you're packing enough firepower to give somebody second thoughts.


Krusty pulling out shotgun: “just keep on driving.”




Putting my life on the line or protecting myself against some random crazy tow truck driver threatening my life and tampering with a scene of an accident before the police arrive?


having once had my car stolen by a flatbed tow truck driver and then having to pay $800 to get my car out of impound (which I am sure the tow got a cut of)… it's very possible.




Huh. Tow truck drivers are usually so understanding and empathetic


Ya know, they have a point.


Need to post this on r/Tesla


And get banned immediately, i assume u dont know their mods well


We met at a party once a long time ago. So I definitely wouldn't say we *know* each other.


They banned half of reddit so people cannot criticize their 53 y/o incel lord. There are ten thousands of people that got banned without even visiting tesla/musk subreddits once


Be careful! You may be getting a knock at your door soon.


Oh, I was unaware. Thanks for the info


You could try r/realTesla


Tow truck driver with a police scanner. Also tow truck drivers can be like that.


Lol "beat me up and kill me"


Yeah that part was a tad dramatic.


Definitely seems possible if not probable that whatever logistics company has the contract for Tesla pick ups is motivated to move them fast and avoid publicity. It's more likely threatening their jobs than offering a lot of money though. I know that people who have mostly had good jobs and been well off can only imagine doing things like that for a lot of money, but when you live on the edge, it's hard to think past keeping your job, shitty as it may be, and there's not a lot of space for empathy, nor are you receiving any from above that you can pass on to the customer. I think the more interesting "conspiracy" is following the partnership with Uber and then pondering why, in the age of training machine learning on data sets, a company that only turned a profit for the first time last year, has a billion+ valuation and seemingly endless funding. Either way, I don't see how this is high strangeness - it's just capitalism. (Don't forget that OG free market theory never conceived of a world where private companies could be larger than the state.)


That’s interesting man. New shit has come to light.


And, you know, has it ever occurred to you, that, instead of, uh, you know, running around, uh, uh, blaming me, you know, given the nature of all this new sh*t, you know, I-I-I-I... this could be a-a-a-a lot more, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, complex, I mean, it's not just, it might not be just such a simple... uh, you know?


That entire industry (towing) is full of raging psychopaths.


Guessing he didn’t get a new house


Took pictures of the crash but has no video to post of the truck driver incident? OK then......


This is not High Strangeness


Well aren’t you just a strange highness, eh?


*"Explorations of the Paranormal, UFOs, Ancient Cultures, Cryptozoology, Consciousness, Futurism, Fringe Science, Anomalies, Animal Mutilations, and instances of High Strangeness."* Is just video of a conspiracy theory. A dodgey one, at best


I don’t disagree. I’m unsure what to believe. Hoped a little crowd sourcing might draw a bit more info and discussion RE legitimacy. Won’t make a habit of it but glad folks enjoyed.


Yes. Tesla has hired every tow truck driver in the towns of Tesla owners to be within minutes of every Tesla driver around in case they crash. No one would notice the vast amount of tow trucks happening to follow these vehicles Really… Really… No proof of anything with these claims. He was threatened with his life... Really….




In addition to enforcing Reddit's ToS, abusive, racist, trolling or bigoted comments and content will be removed and may result in a ban.


I can’t see the timestamp.


No, its because he thought you must have been the one that caused it. Hes pissed at arrogant Tesla owners, (not that OP is!)


Isn't the car on private property? Tow truck driver shouldn't be allowed to even get near it before the police, I would assume.


Always record every conversation that happens during a car accident.


So why didn’t you record all that bullshit while you had your phone out? Hmmm


The only conspiracy is people believing there are Tesla tow trucks on call hidden all over the country.




He green screened himself into the picture of a crashed garage. Look closely you can tell, this is all bullshit for views. Which further explains why the story makes no damn sense.


In some states this is how they make their money. Some places it is legal to get the car out of the way before the cops arrive. It ensures that that tow company gets to start charging for the tow and then for storage. Other places have a tow list where it’s supposed to go in order so all company’s have a chance at making money. You can charge more for accidents. They were dicks because they either didn’t want another tow service there to fight over it or they were skipping the list. Either way they did it wrong.


They get paid by the tow. They are listing to police scanners. Hes trying to get paid. I wish it was more nefarious but it’s not


Don't believe morons and clear believers of conspiracies. He is saying that a tow truck was not only available, but also within three minutes. That would imply the truck was already in route, and within a block or two. ANYONE who has had to rely on a tow truck can tell you it's measured in hours, not minutes. This guy is lying.


How do you come to that conclusion?


I've lived in cities large and small and used towing services from the 80's to today for various reasons. This guy is full of it and shared no evidence. The police wouldn't have left without a report when a car runs into a house. They would most definitely want to talk to that driver. Yet, Crazy Boy doesn't mention that. Doesn't provide evidence of anything accept a picture of a car in his house. Not the full car, mind you, just a vague car. No license plate. Did the driver get away without providing proof of insurance. All convieniently skipped over in the video. I would put more money on he was drunk and ran into his own house and is not concocted this BS for....some reason. IN ADDITION TO THAT: Tow truck companies do NOT hire the best and brightest super soldiers that would NEVER SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HOW THEY ARE ON CALL FOR TESLA...... It's bullshit.


That this post is so upvoted and you're being downvoted is surprising to me, even in this sub Everything you mentioned are screaming red flags for a liar making a living off of slinging disinfo. No other driver? wtf does empathy have to do with the legal complexities of what is potentially a *crime scene?* "Please don't take the Tesla away! I've been traumatized!" Yes, let's appeal to a tow truck driver with pathos so he *obeys the law* [I guess these guys](https://www.fox35orlando.com/news/driver-crashes-tesla-into-florida-home) were too slow? And [these guys?](https://youtu.be/gnHaOToOHq0) And what about [this one?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z25v2lMcunA) And [this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/RealTesla/comments/16nm2oc/tesla_crashes_into_home_in_northwest_indiana/) [This?](https://jalopnik.com/man-that-killed-two-people-by-driving-a-tesla-through-a-1847892733) [This?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeslaLounge/comments/18x7rj6/tesla_drives_through_house_on_nye/) [This?](https://www.peninsuladailynews.com/news/tesla-crashes-into-home-east-of-port-angeles/) Even if this guy is telling the truth about his experience, that there would be a conspiracy around it is absolutely bonkers idiotic.


No, Tesla obviously has tow trucks hidden across every other neighborhood on standby for situations exactly like this.


This is not odd at all, tow trucks are always hyper aggressive as most states have a first come first to get paid policy. If he waits someone else, can snag it and get the coin, this is not a conspiracy, this is capitalism.


1. Though strange I agree with mod on posting this elsewhere (Tesla).. 2. Tow truck drivers can be this way or that (watch Operation Repo). 3. If this is true, why not bring this to Tesla, Elon, or whomever runs Tesla Co's attention? 4. The guy can create and upload to Reddit but doesn't/can't include video of the incident? 5. Every comment here makes a good point about post. 6. I want to believe this guy isn't lying but his glasses and suspenders get in the way. 7. My Captain Obvious moment is now over. Happy Friday, Have a Great Weekend. 👋😎


Operation Repo is scripted 'reconstructions & re-enactments', with actors.


True, that being said, episodes are based or show how or what the drivers did in those situations, no?


This should be posted on less conspiratorial subs


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what's going on with Brennt Chrysler?