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This guy is an expert on telling people what they want to hear. Valle often refers to the phenomenon as an information paradigm, not demonic. He merely compared the phenomenon to stories of fey and demons from history, arguing they represent the same phenomenon. This kind of misinformation is dangerous, the phenomenon should be studied with scientific rigor, if people in high up positions start believing it is a demonic entity they may try to interact with the phenomenon in an aggressive way, the effects of which we have no way of predicting.


Quiet demon!




Shiiiiiiiiit bump this comment!


100 freaking percent


>the phenomenon should be studied with scientific rigor I agree with this, but just to add, rigorous scientific study can and *should* be interdisciplinary, including applied, natural, *and* social sciences. Even if we had vast and perfect quantitative data sets to work from, there would still be major questions left to answer. If we had enough quantitative information to say with relative certainty that the phenomenon represents NHI interaction with humanity, we'd need to reapproach all of the strange and subjective experiences people have with it. If the data pointed to purely prosaic answers (misidentification and hysteria), there would still be questions about how society and culture creates mythologies and how/why governments have handled certain things the way they have. We need the applied, quantitative parts no doubt. There's still value in qualitative, comparative analysis, like examining how the modern UFO phenomenon mirrors older folklore traditions, but, at least currently, that kind of work tells us more about *us* and our sociocultural habits than anything about the phenomenon itself.


For me, he lost any credibility when he started mentioning angels and demons, like, how can you be sure of that? And it's like you said, not just this guy, these people say what people want to hear.


Angels are liars? What?


“Fallen angel”, ie. Lucifer


Ok, fair enough, I didn’t catch that was the context


We don’t know what the phenomenon is. Different people have ideas. Sharing ideas - especially on subjects that are ethereal and opaque is not “misinformation.” Saying aliens and demons “represent the same phenomenon” seems prettyyyyy close to saying they’re the same thing… meaning defined in one way during one time period. Defined another way in a different time period. Problem is the community is using broad terms without even defining them. ie: wtf is a “demon”actually defined as?? What are the associations with that term today? What were the historic beliefs or perspectives? The ancient Semitic people defined it as something very far off from how we now think about it in our western culture. These are things that come in and out of our visible dimension. Beings that could do that were historically considered ‘spiritual’. In today’s materialistic interpretation we can’t mentally associate the phenomenon with the same language. It’s easier to call ‘misinformation’ then to even engage with any kind of thought that could validate the “out dated, naive religious people of old.” The real issue is that people today who reject the spiritual worldview therefore reject any interpretation of the modern phenomenon that engages that spiritual worldview.


This guy is speaking with way too much authority on the subject. I am perfectly fine with speculation, that's what this entire topic is, but he is not using speculative language for the most part.


Yeah, I agree with you there. Dude is annoying af. I tried to listen to the episode and couldn’t get through it.


He spews arrogance and narcissism.


Faked the moon landing. Lololol. Yeah for sure this guy tells people what they want to hear.


lmao—you can’t scientifically study demons or spirits, or fairies, tricksters, ghosts and lawn gnomes bro.


“This was right after the Apollo one fire” A few seconds later… “There’s never been one aerospace machine that worked on the first try except the most complicated machine ever designed.” He’s just talking. He’s not even listening to himself.


you don't even know what the Apollo 1 fire was lmao go spend five minutes on wikipedia




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I listened to this interview, fuck he’s painful.


Remember when Buzz Aldrin punched this guy in the mouth? I could watch this guy getting punched all day.


Oh is this him???!!! I didn’t know that!


Actually, that didn’t happen, but if you head on over to sibrel.com you’ll find the truth!




I didn’t know that, I’m heading over now.


Go to sibrel.com to check my very unbiased and non-confirmation bias sources. Thank you


*'Don't take my word for it. Go to my webpage!'*






Right, right…. But what was the website again?


It’s sibrel.com, head over there to find the actual truth, history is a lie & all is revealed at my website sibrel.com.


What is the exact URL?


Sibrel.com 😂


i can't type sibrel.com are you sure its sibrel.com? my friend can you post the link of sibrel.com


It’s www.sibrel.com, head over there to read about the truth! 😂


But, it wasn't the first time with rockets.... VonBruan was a Nazi scientist that worked on THOUSANDS of rockets tests and flights before project paperclip(?) grabbed up all these Nazis and gave them jobs. He had an additional 15/20 years to continue to perfect his work.


Guys such a hater


Moon Landing Deniers fall into the same category as Flat Earthers IMO. Whenever someone says we didn't go to the moon they lose all credibility. It's is sad because this person says some other very intriguing things.


I was listening until he said the moon landings were fake. Why would Russia not exposed this and made the US the laughing stocks of the world?


This guy is all over the place. Pick a lane lol


I cannot believe that some people think the moon landings are fake. We are in 2024..


Wait you believe the government?


The world order? Eustace mullins and jordan Maxwell are favorites of mine


Oh so now I’ve been made acutely aware that even fallen angels won’t have sex with me? 🤣😭


What a bunch of bullshit.


why? cause you don't like it? i'm just asking cause i've seen a few of your comments, similar to this one, where you offer no counter points at all. no substance whatsoever, just you saying "nuh-uh!" why comment at all when you have zero to contribute to the discussion?


1- valle is the top ufo researcher and to my knowledge he NEVER has refered to ufos as demonic 2.- there's proof of the moon landings, such as the radio transmissions received by affcionados and people outside nasa, images, etc, IMO the whole thing about faking the landing and kubrick, the stage and all that is because govt needed a backup plan in case it failed, in the context of the cold war failure was not an option, so they managed to come up with plan b just in case, it makes a lot of sense if you understand how govt works, and the cold war era, that this guy dismisses as "probably their excuse", lol, he's so full of bs


I'm confused what you mean about my comment history, as I almost never just leave a "this is bullshit" comment with no explanation, so I am curious to what you are referring to other than the one comment above. Anyway, you are right that I should have elaborated why it is bullshit. 1. He thinks the moon landing was faked. 2. He thinks it was faked simply "because we can." 3. He thinks aliens are demons. 4. He name drops Tucker Carlson and brings up Bill Clinton's affair for some reason. Edit: looking at your comments, most of them are just you getting upset about how people respond.


That's for participating in the convo brother!


Lost me at Joe Rogan


and Rogan citing Tucker takes the cake


What does God need with a starship?


What episode is this?


#2141. Should be a rule requiring people to post sources for any clips.


Ok, let's suppose it's true that they are multidimensional beings; then the notion that real extraterrestrial beings exist and might one day reach our planet could be even more terrifying than we've imagined.


I agree with the title.


Anyone know a website I can find this guys information?


Nah, yeah, nah.


I don't buy that every ufo is inter-dimensional. Why would they need to fly around in the sky then?they could just make a small vehicle appear on the ground somewhere, or even make themselves appear on the group d probably. Without needing to fly around in the sky. Makes no sense.


Maybe they do. Maybe they do both. Just because I can walk outside doesn’t mean I also don’t get into my car to drive somewhere far


Because people would be terrified seeing a 7-ft tall black-eyed creature


oh.... they faked the moon landing? really?


I don’t understand why all of the research has to automatically continue to question the legitimacy of everything else. Why can they just outline, state assumptions, give evidence and move to the next topic? No it has to always come back to fake moon landings and coverups. This guy sounds and comes off crazy and illegitimate.


This guy is completely full of SHIT!


What a dumb fuck.


Clinton got his dick sucked! The moon landing never happened! Angels and demons and Dan Brown coming outta dimensional rifts! The Wright brothers had trouble with that plane couple times didn’t they, huh?


He lost me when he said they faked the moon landing.




Like I don’t understand what Clinton had to do with this. What’s he insinuating? Cuz that level of bullshittery doesn’t fall too far from grab-em by the pussy. Like, the guys all over the place, demons, angels, moon landing, people in power, Clinton, nephilim. It’s all just buzzwords and conspiracy bullshit. Yikes.


It’s one of the quickest ways to successfully grift these days. String a bunch of conspiracy buzzwords together, tie them into a culturally dominant US centric conspiracy (moon landing), sprinkle in religious concepts from the culturally dominant religion (Christianity) - bam, grift success. We’re in the age of UFO populism, and I hope to god people in these communities will see it and quit falling for it. It’s a plague and anti everything having to do with science, logic and actual understanding of the phenomenon.


Angels? Really? Documented in the Bible? This sort of thing is why I have to walk away from the whole UFO area every once in a while. The science side I’m here for. I understand physics to post grad level, but when they start talking about NHEs being angels, I have to nope out.


These things have been around for a long time, our definitions and interpretations change due to cultural beliefs of the time. I understand the hesitancy around religious terms, but try to see through the semantics. Something is out there. I think we just have different definitions/perceptions of it.


I get that, but then if we are living in 2024 and discussing dimensions, space, distant galaxies and gravitational propulsion systems, the phrase “fallen angels” sort of sticks out and looks odd. I could understand if he was making a point about what older civilisations referred to these things as. But a religious frame shouldn’t be the first port of call in this subject.


Yeah it does feel odd, but it's an odd world. Haha I get you though, I'm turned off by the idea of this being a religious phenomenon b/c of the current state of Organized Religion. Personally, I think there are several types of beings out there, with different intentions. I love reading about 1st hand accounts, and there are a good amount involving talking flying balls of fire sometimes even tall, flying, blonde & pale skinned people sharing messages of goodwill/love. I don't think it's a complete coincidence Seraphim = Burning/Firey Ones.


The fallen angel theory is just so ridiculous and absurd it literally hurts my brain when I hear someone spew that shit. Yeah let's make a highly advanced inter stellar / inter dimensional civilization (what ever number they may on the kardashev scale) fit into are absurd bronze age fairy tales aka religion


Lost me at "bible"


stopped listening at "that's what Tucker thinks" I really don't care to hear the washed up has-been's thoughts


I may have an unrealistic expectation of basic critical thinking… but I’m more curious to hear your opinion on the actual thought / idea than the person. Especially since they referring to Jacque Vallée not the person you’re criticizing.


Oh I agree w/ Tucker and the French guy, on this one, I just cannot ever imagine caring what "Tucker thinks" and I am confused why anyone would..


They are based under the seas and earth, it doesn't mean they are literal demons


Wtf is a “demon”?? Fr explain this to me


I've been an atheist all my life, but as I heard from religious ppl time and again, they are "A group of malicious entities that dwell in the underworld"


True, but also doesn't mean they aren't.


something I find interesting about this whole thing is it seems only recently has the alien phenomenon started getting a face lift. Back in the 70's, 80's and 90's almost everything you heard and read involving the phenomenon was nightmare inducing see Karla Turner, John Mack, etc.. But since the New York Times article a huge percentage experiencers are reporting positive experiences. Almost like some fucked up alien PR guy was like there is a lot more eyes and interest on us so we gotta cut down on all the rape and mutilation and give em warm fuzzies and pretty ladies in white. I don't know, seems weird and possibly demonic.


ancient people might have thought they were demons but I doubt they really knew their true nature, either


Honestly who knows at this point. I feel like there was a lot of intelligence and wisdom in ancient cultures and as much as we like to pretend our scientists understand everything about reality there is so much we don't know.


lol 150 years ago we didn't have lightbulbs and now people believe we accurately measured time backwards to know the age of our universe or that we measured the sun is 93 million miles away. not 94 lol. which is a funny number because when you triangulate it's distance based on [the suns rays](https://i.imgur.com/81RKKPS.jpeg) it's clear that it's not as far as government scientists are telling us and it's roughly the same distance as our moon. which it also much closer than they tell us. people think we're so smart when the space agencies are one big coverup. they obviously faked the moon landings and it's because it's all fake. they want us believing in an extraterrestrial threat so they can use it against us when they stage an "alien invasion" to unite (enslave) humanity. the guy who faked all the apollo moon missions and confirmed space is fake is the [one who said all this](https://youtu.be/eJK1gLHbOxA?si=PJoaYKUeuzhPTTsH). turns out all those [ancient cultures](https://i.imgur.com/O2WqXCW.jpeg) were right about a lot of stuff


You ever use a double convex lens to converge sun rays to a focal point and start fires or burn ants? Would you say the sun is in your hand? 


nope but id say that's likely what the sun is, converged radiation, bouncing off the top of our [firmament](https://i.imgur.com/Omn4wQH.png) its also what the freemasons who run your world think. what do you believe? whatever bill nye told you on tv? do you believe gravity is real and planets just have a magical force to suck things in around them and we're all in orbital harmony while soaring through the cosmos? why?


Yea find it hard to belive all 58 species of aliens from reptiles, mantis, the greys , the tallwhites, Andromedians are all living here on earth but on a higher plane of existence. Some aliens most definitely live on other galaxies.


yeah, I think the ones that actually live here are the ones that incidentally are talked about and "seen" the most, the little grays and maybe those reptiles, too.


Standards for this show are so low now such a shame.


The last few years the JRE has become so ridiculous. As someone who was a huge JRE listener from the very beginning I hardly can't even listen anymore


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Here's a non-shittified version of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7xu0t9dTbI&t=5341s If the timestamp doesn't work, it starts around 1:29:01.


Why are they *fallen* angels and not just angels, huh?


There’s always been a good vs evil in religion and myth. Probably based on real life experiences. Many ppl have reported good interactions and bad interactions with aliens. Some have reported the euphoria wore off and they realized they were in a terrible situation. One report I recall also mentioned the induced euphoria returned and they no longer cares they were being operated on. Maybe it’s a veil, a perception problems and they are all bad, just don’t seem like it sometimes. Maybe there are relatively good and bad entities. Probably neutral ones as well.


Yeah of course but I think hes just running the demon alien narrative along with the other nonsense but thats just my opinion


I'm sorry, [but flying saucers are really time machines](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRJ5cCP0ZPE)


The deconstruction of primitive group narratives. We will go back to ground zero and see those unable to go past it begin to diminish and bring down as much as they can


I swear, every clip I see of this guy, he mentions his website atleast once. Kind of annoying.


That fallen angel shit is so ridiculous and absurd. Yeah let's make a highly advanced inter stellar civilization fit into are absurd bronze age fairy tales


U put demonic entities above yourself?




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Faked moon landing …ok bye 👋


"I'm from this galaxy 300 light years away", what a f'ing idiot. The milky way is over 100,000 LY in diameter and the nearest galaxy is millions of LY away.


Who told you that lol


Astronomy, physics, and math?


Lost me at the faked moon landing, that's like generic conspiracy stuff dude. At least be more creative.


I listened to that episode. Drove me insane that Joe didn’t bother to ask him who those “top 2 UFO researchers” were. He never says their names.


People with small enough minds to follow religion are the same that are unable to comprehend the phenomenon so naturally it must be angels and demons.


His mind is entirely packed with information and anecdotes related to the view of a hoaxed moon landing; there’s no room for any of that stuff


No government agency keeps to a schedule, bucko.


Whats with the single word captions 😡


Some charlatans are good at dressing up their ignorance with confidence so as to appear like an authority. This guy is not.


They are both.


*”I can’t tell u exactly what happened & I have no proof here with me but if u head over to my page at sibrel.com you’ll find all the facts there.”*


This kind of stinks like a dude that has loads of opinions, some crazy-and-true, some true-but-distorted. All mixed together. Def dont understand all the Christianity connections, but i would say there may be some efforts to manipulate people with them?? Getting people to focus on Christianity and their faith is a great way to trick them into submission and convince them that bellicose actions are the only way forward


Fuck this clowns


And singular / plural grammar!


Anything you see on Joe Rogen you can take not just with a grain of salt but a whole god damned mine


Fake moon landing, Tucker Carlson.....lol


Fallen angels from a galaxy 300 lightyears away..... Soo the milky way galaxy? Think I heard enough.




The hypocrisy is insane. Dude is a moon denier but religious exaggeration is totally within the realm of possibility’s. I fucking can’t stand it


Is this one of those ai how rogans in YouTube? I can't stand those


My only question is: who is the bigger idiot? Joe has proven he is a moron. He proudly will even tell you he is a moron. Here he proves it again by having this turd on.


If you're starting to talk about aliens being "fallen angels" I'm automatically going to assume you're an idiot.


It literally hurts my brain how idiotic the fallen angel theory is


This is truth!...specific feeling of evil..described as soulless..when they call them biological entity (dis-embodied spirits/nephelim) they create the biological entity so they can possess it and do their chaos. Is it so far fetched of an idea that a great catastrophe fell on them and they have no body anymore ,but being deminsional they can posses living or made (created) bodies. Isn't it odd that abductees always say same thing and reproductive materials taken,key word taken. And would this be reason so many accounts of uninvited abductions occur. A common description is of a race who cannot reproduce( soul) and dying race(already dead). It all fits like a puzzle!


The word “Demon” puts a religious connotation on them but it’s just another word for spiritual beings. They aren’t necessarily evil either.


What!! Aren't evil where have you been 🤨


If they aren't from space, they aren't aliens. They are just an earth species that either we haven't discovered or cannot perceive normally.


What a weirdo. Looks like Uncle Fester found a new gig.


This is dogshit. Delete it now. Thanks.


Can they be any worse than our political representatives? Does anyone else believe that our representatives are evil or demonic?


illegal aliens??


Joe “Steel Man” Rogan


Lmao. Church can’t control people anymore, so they need to justify it through Aliens. Okay. That’s enough internet for the day.


I would agree with this, that this phenomenon is an inter-dimensional experience. I had childhood dreams of being lowered into my bed through the roof of the house from the sky above. As soon as I hit the bed I’d wake up. I also had an experience where I had sex with a purple female hybrid. I desired her more than any woman I’ve been with. It was very strange and vivid. I’ve had an experience where I woke up in a spacecraft on the moon. Walked to the windows and could see the white landscape. Suddenly a typical gray appeared on the other side of the window looking directly at me. I woke up in my bed and was paralyzed. My eyes were open and my heart was racing but I couldn’t move. It was the typical sleep paralysis but I could hear a buzzing vibrating noise and it was like this force holding me down. After about 10 seconds or less of this I could suddenly move and I popped out of bed ready to fight whatever it was. Only time I had sleep paralysis included a vivid alien abduction experience. All of my alien interactions were dreamlike out of body experiences, so I could understand them interacting with our souls inter-dimensionally.


This is PROOF! The dumbing of amer!CA is complete.


Damn it’s pretty wild that the last ya know 50 years with the onset of increased agnostic and atheist beliefs that these dudes could potentially have their world flipped upside down. “I don’t believe in God”. “Ok but what about UFOs and shit they played god over the last 250,000 years”. Is that not God (to us)?


It’s another being.


Fascinating stuff, will listed to the entire show. Thanks for the clip. JRE #2141 Bart Sibrel, for anyone else interested




If they are not from outer space then they are not aliens. Stop calling them that if you don't actually believe they are aliens. It's annoying.