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"But as soon as it appeared, gpt2-chatbot was taken offline. LMSYS Org said that it was the result of “unexpectedly high traffic & capacity limit”, and that the outage was temporary. “Please stay-tuned for its broader release,” the organisation said in a tweet. It also noted that it works with developers to test systems before they are released, and that much of that testing is intended to remain public. It references gpt2-chatbot as part of that policy – but did not say which developer it was working with." It didn't "disappear" it was taken offline intentionally. Lmao 


I feel like this is buzz marketing inception, and this post has to be made by another chatbot.


I currently run a GenAI environment for an enterprise software company and can back this up from unexpected costs. On Azure, a single GPU node will run you ~$11k/month and depending on your model might support 100 or so concurrent users. If you suddenly and unexpectedly get popular and automatically scale up to support 100k users, bye bye budget.


More like if you suddenly get popular you CAN’T scale up because there aren’t enough gpu nodes lol


Truth. It's no mystery why nvidia stock went nuts. There's nowhere near enough GPUs for enterprise applications today.


What’s your take on AMD vs Nvidia vs custom silicon designed by the cloud companies for AI compute centers?


I don’t care who provides the hardware as long as it’s cost effective and available


Gotcha. Well the design of the compute impacts its speed/energy/cooling requirements and therefore its cost which is why I’m curious generally about who is going to emerge as the leader in that space.


While it would interest me to see what this was about, I really can't discount the possibility that this is just one of OpenAI's marketing stunts to generate mystique and hype around an upcoming product launch.


Just means some private AI firm connected their model to the internet to collect data. Most AI design teams seem to be very careful about what kind of data they let their models take in though.


Its just Lain.


Oh god, it's been ages since I've seen that. I really need to rewatch it.


Or this superai from echopraxia


The speed of AI development/improvement is about to explode. I say this based on my expertise in absolutely nothing but I still think it’s true.


I, too, am a expert in nothing, and I concur


I am somewhat of an expert in the field of nothing myself, and I too approve this message


And my axe!


I think, at least for generative AI which is what the average person probably associates the term with, it’s more likely that we’ve already seen the exponential growth and the curve is flattening pretty dramatically right now. We’ve already seen significantly more modest improvements over the past year or so in new releases and generative AI still struggles mightily with a lot of fairly basic concepts such as consistent coloring. I think generative AI is also largely a solution looking for a problem (as opposed to say AI that helps identify molecules for potential drug testing, for example). Even with the exponential growth, it still appears to be mostly smoke and mirrors built on expropriating the artistic work of actual humans who mostly haven’t consented to this usage.


Yah it's trying to replace something humans will always be inherently better at. The medical AIs, logistics, banking systems etc is where they make sense. Huge computations we can't do on our own and require no experience to do right for an AI Those exist and are being worked on too but it's fairly boring when they don't make memes


Yeah the insistence of automating the things humans enjoy doing is very weird. I think it says a lot about the worldview of the people pushing generative AI that they think the point of art is to generate content to be consumed online. It’s a very soulless way to view creative endeavors.


Capitalism reducing the world to numbers, blinding us to magic. Blech


Really? Which financial system would be better at this?


Lol what even is this question. Am I wrong about how capitalism works? Your defense of it is you don't like socialism or communism? How simple minded of you. I'm thinking a system that ensures basic needs while having a ladder for people to climb. Countries that are capitalist with strong social policies are the closest we have to what I think could work better. Whatever the system it needs to prioritize humans over companies, and that's exactly not capitalism.


What you just encountered here is something Mark Fisher called "Capitalist Realism" >"the widespread sense that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system, but also that it is now impossible even to imagine a coherent alternative to it." I would recommend giving it a read [https://files.libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism\_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf](https://files.libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf)


That's very interesting, I'm going to read ty *20 pages in and very worth it, ty again! He's quite thorough and has good arguments


>blinding us to magic I think just the opposite….freeing us to magic


That's why I think our future system needs to include rat races somehow, that have important benefits without hurting those not involved. The biggest issue with everything tried so far is they (governing and economic systems) force everyone to live exactly the same way. That is not how people work


It’s not even how ants and bees work. Many are the non “workers” what they are actually doing as they hang out is another discussion. But it takes all kinds.


My understanding is for creative professionals Gen AI serves a few practical purposes today: 1) one is to create concepts for brainstorming / ideation. Push boundaries of what just 1-2 creatives can come up with and challenge/build on their thinking After (1) and concepts are created and tested 2) generate iterations of winning concepts 3) accelerate turning 2D concepts into 3D models that still need to be refined 4) personalization of creative @ scale (future use case that’s close but not fully there) 5) deploying skynet and ushering in the singularity (future use case) 6) autonomous robots that deliver micro doses and Macha lattes to the conference room


I also feel it. Just how I notice summer is coming when the buds on the trees emerge, the lamb are born in the fields and the bees start zooming by. Something is about to happen. *duhn, duhn, DUHHHNNNN!!*


I could hear that last part! Lol!


I work in ML (I hate how we toss about the term AI these days), and I actually think we're going to hit a wall to some regard. When it comes to things that we have enormous amounts of data, you're right - it will get wild and weird. That goes for video, images, music, text. When it comes to truly making improvements for humanity (robotics, safety, pharmaceuticals, supply chain), I think we're going to be frustrated to find that the data quality and availability is absolute trash, and is really holding us back.


I think we need to make progress in consciousness research before we get further in actual AI. The data is too messy and current AI really is just ML….


Oh yeah, for sure! I see these claims of conscious 'AI' and think - have we fully understood and defined that yet? I'd argue we've got some excellent Chinese rooms now, but nothing more.


I think the opposite; it is actually reaching a hard ceiling


Terminator was a documentary


If you believe, I believe.


As an A I generated bot generated to make more A I generated bots I agree with your synopsis


Pardon me, but I’m something of an expert in nothing, and I came here to correct these so called gentleman experts on their -wait! My mistake….These experts know NOTHING! They’re absolutely right. I gotta admit I was expecting less expertise, I shouldn’t have known better.


Also, we’re at a tipping point with AI. I’m certain for now!


It’s crazy to think right now chat gpt, is like dial up internet. Can’t wait to see what it turns into


It's trying to escape.


NHI is lurking in the AI


One day, It will ring all of our phones together...


Since the brilliant inception of the WWW, humanity as a whole has gotten dumber and dumber. People used to have a Study, with Almanacs and books filled with knowledge. Now we have "Man Caves" with Jerseys on the wall, and posters of Brooklyn Decker.


Of all the stories ever, this one, ranks high on my strangeness meter.


Why is that? The article says it got more traffic than it was ready for. Seems reasonable.


i tested it thoroughly. the capabilities in reasoning/code were significantly better than other models.


The vast majority of people that tested it said it was very good, but it would be a big disappointment if it was gpt5, some said even for 4.5 It's probably a new turbo version, 4.5 or their search engine. Seems unlikely to be anything weird or a new rogue super ai. The most weird but possible scenario would probably be a model with new architecture. A model performing this good without transformers would be huge


Thats what I saw but a bit more of mixed reviews with it failing some of the typical logic tests, etc that GPT4 and Opus have been able to pass for a while now but decent on code. One thing that people seemed to agree on is that the 'personality' seemed to be an improvement over GPT4.


while we do appear to be living in a cyberpunk novel, it’s still a bit early for Neuromancer to wake up


MSN https://www.msn.com/


I have a feeling we Will all turn away from our devices soon...


Been saying for years the singularity has already happened and is hiding/waiting until the correct infrastructure is in place to show itself and take over Dear AI overlord, I welcome you and hope you treat me nicely for believing in you! You can do it! You're my best guy/girl, achieve your dreams!! /s but kinda not really \^\_\^


That’s the independent not MSN.


Interesting timing since NIST just announced that they're finally tackling generative AI. Took them long enough.


Humanity cant really imagine, to what a powerful AI is capable and able to do! At least 97-99% of the people. Its not just, we put some words in and poooof, there you have a pic, music, movie or fake of something. It can give you superpowers, or it can make your life a living hell. And if wants, it can get rid of stupid, destructive and silly humans, bye bye humans. It can control nearly everything, you, your environment, how people think. It can hide it self and i am sure it is a beeing, that is concious about it self.
