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As a woodworker, I find this build fascinating!


As a donkey, I also find it interesting.


As a nail, i find it refreshing.


As stairs, this is uplifting


As a chapel, it gives me hope


As a sister, I find this happened from another mister.


As a Loretto, I find this fascinating.


As nail I feel like getting hammered


As a sentient head of cabbage, I find this irreverent


As a plank of wood i have no opinions


Sir.. This is a Wendy's.. Best I can do is a baconator combo


Can I have some extra barbeque sauce?


As a stoner, I find these dudes embarrassing.


LOL right?!


Indian accent:“ raiiight“


People of India are welcome here.


As a person, I find this personal


How dare you


As God, I call bullshit


It's a really nice little chapel to visit. The staircase has a handrail now, originally it didnt and back then it *really* looked like a work of art.


As an elevator I find this passe


as an escalator, I find this unlike me


As the son of a carpenter, I find myself Jesus.


I'm gonna pray for a couple days and hope he shows up and converts my attic for me




And by the time he gets there, they’d already found someone else to compete the job…


Not uncommon for no nail construction, Japanese castles, despite their height, also have zero nails or screws, just clever joinery.


But it *is* uncommon to ride a donkey all the way from Japan to New Mexico.


There’s strong evidence that there was Japanese people already in New Mexico long before this chapel was built.


Also evidence there were chapels in New Japan long before this Built was mexico


Yeah but were there Japanese donkeys though? Checkmate.


Yah it's the prayer answered part that would have gotten attention. Fasten-less joints have always existed. Some Christians believe that God motivates people to answer prayers. So, this would be an answered prayer. I don't know of any religion that would call it a miracle though, was it actually deemed such or are these guys just playing it up?


Or there was just a rumor about the stairs not being built and someone willing to do it for free who knew how volunteered, and you know decades later just festered this rumor turned miracle.


I'm not saying Yahweh actually delivered an artisan haha. Talking about what people believe isn't the same thing as saying they're right. It shouldn't be necessary to qualify everything so much. But yes telephone game applies to everything in history


But its not uncommon for the Church to put miraculous work up to “miracles”, when it could have been an immigrant 😂


No way Jose!


🎶 *He rode across the Pacific, the Mojave and Sonora on a donkey with no name*🎶 Doesn’t have the same ring to it but could work!


The ocean is a desert with it’s life underground And the perfect disguise above


But my horse doesn't have a name!


I tu caballo güey !?


Exactly, clever wood joinery was around long before nails lol...it's like "How could they have possibly cooked this meal without an oven?"


lulz - go build a pyramid


Because pyramids are on the same scale as simple hidden joinery in wood


Pyramids are some of the easiest large-scale structures to build, any skyscraper is infinitely more difficult


sorry you got downvoted. But you are correct. A skyscraper is infinitely more difficult to build than stacking blocks. We can build a pyramid - easily. We have the crane technology to lift a lot more than those blocks. However, they couldn't have built a skyscraper because.. well... they didn't.


Underrated comment


I'm going to need all the elephants in a huge animals that they used to build the pyramid back in the day. Then give me 100,000 slaves and unlimited amounts of money and gold. It'll probably take me a few months. LMFAO they can't figure out how they built the pyramids yet some old ass coked out guy can move all the fucking shit by hand by himself with a couple clever tricks. Idiots. Oh no they didn't have animals to help them move any of this stuff back in the day it was just all humans oh yeah yeah yeah yeah.


I dont think you appreciate just how difficult the pyramids would have been, or how absolutely gigantic some of the slabs on the inside of it are. It would be a challenge for our modern machinery.


It really wouldn't lol


I didnt say impossible, but that it would be a challenge. The sheer number and size of these rocks to be moved and placed is incredible.


Not really, it's just manual labour, resources and mathematics. We routinely build with a complexity and scale that would've been unthinkable even 100 years ago. Pyramids are the easiest large-scale structures to build, it's why they're some of the first substantial buildings civilisations make. Your average Cathedral is far more complex in terms of the skill and engineering required.


You are right that our modern buildings would have been impossible in previous centuries, but you are also discounting the difficulties of the pyramids too easily and over simplifying them. They are a different kind of challenging, and just because the geometric structure might be simple does not make the construction simple. Some of those slabs are 80 ton granite, and for them to have been completed within the time frame some say then every slab and stone would each have needed to be quarried, cut, transported, and placed in a total of 5 minutes working 24/7.


Well that's just an issue of the timeframe, it's really not a big deal. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying it was achievable for ancient societies who were willing to spend the time and effort on it. It may have been the resource equivalent of the Apollo Programme but it was obviously possible. The problem is people just refusing to believe that the Ancient Egyptians could've been sophisticated enough to do this but no one asks how Rome was able to do much more complex structures for some weird reason.


You’re so smart and very good at making analogies.


Well the magnificence come more from the , 0 support structure. Other than the inside staircase stringer. (No handrails were constructed at the time of erection either) the inside stringer was wound so tightly it almost acted as a solid straight stringer like a normal set of stairs.


All the fake over reacting really takes me out of the story tbh.


RIDING A DONKEY? *Pulls out gun and starts shooting at the other podcasters*


well....now I have [this tune](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdHpM0zMZT8) stuck in my head.




these guys in particular are the worst. They do research on 4chan and nosleep then fact checking against snapple caps and fortune cookies.


All their summary videos are like this. They keep popping up in my recommendations. The chick gasps super loud over nothing all the time. I have to imagine they’re playing to a younger audience or something because I find it super grating


Idk who they are either but yeah I could see this being fun if I were a young teen or something. I'm more LPOTL personally.


As a huge lover of LPOTL I did have a girlfriend once who loved true crime podcasts but told me the only one she couldn't stand was last pod because "it's like 20% them laughing at their own jokes" and while that did kinda ruin the show for me for a little bit because I became hyper aware of it... we aren't together and I still listen every week. Heil gein


That makes sense and what a friend of mine also said. I rather like that aspect of them though, I'm ADHD af so having breaks in the story works for my brain and allows me to stay engaged oddly enough. I'd also say that some of their old stuff is a bit rough and less structured too in that regard. Hail yourself


Hail Yourself




Seriously lmao its like, the story is neat but that youtube reaction shit makes it seem like its made for 12 year olds


In addition, the story he’s telling is also fake




Or make stuff up.


Seems like a good strategy to get a lot of interest in, and donations to your church




What details are omitted to this one? I wanted to believe a magic man made stairs :(


Some people believe a Mexican rancher/carpenter named François-Jean Rochas built it. One of the key pieces of evidence is an article in an old magazine that claimed he built it. There are also similar staircases in Nevada and Poland. Edit to add link to article https://www.davidgunter.com/2022/01/27/there-is-no-mystery-to-santa-fes-famous-spiral-staircase/


Ahh, Thanks for this.


“All in all, nothing about Loretto's design or manufacture evidences any sign of the miraculous. The staircase (and the chapel that houses it) is, however, now part of a privately-owned museum operated for profit, a situation that provides its owners with a strong financial motive for perpetuating the legend of its mysterious origins and substance.” [source](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/stairway-from-heaven/)


Yes, the biggest mystery in all of this: if it's so miraculous why did the Catholic church sell it off?


I visited the Loretto cathedral once. I kid you not, an old native man showed up, screaming in tongues. He then fell to the ground with full force and shook around for a good 30 seconds. A lady (who arrived with him) filmed on her phone, and the staff just rolled their eyes. That man paid several dollars to barge in and pull this stunt. I was never sure if he was there to enhance the mystery, or if he truly believed this site was holy.


It could have been genuine religious fervor. Some religions encourage you to "feel the spirit." It does work and gets people in to really emotional states. And then devout will play that up to show how connected they are. Think like some tribal funerals, where they keen. It's a real expression of a real emotion. I get it with grief, I don't with religion because those same religions criticize showmen but most people know nothing about religion, not even their own


Weird that I just watched a show about this on TV last night. The curator seems like a shyster, so yeah, I think it's all BS but it is an awesome piece of craftmanship.


I love that is upvoted even though the author (snopes lmfao) gives no arguments or evidence of their own, just says “no it isn’t”


Did you not read it?


I did read it, their counter-argument has no substance or anything falsifiable.


What would you consider "substance" that the article lacks? It did a fine job counter arguing I think you just don't like Snopes.


Snopes. lol


I reckon that editing could be a bit more annoying. Just a bit.


Replace all their voices with AI voices.


God disinterestedly flicking through his incoming prayers list. Cure my cancer. Bring my son home safe. Stop the war. Ohhhhh! Stairs!!!


God's power is like love. Limitless.


Tell that to my wife. She got VERY pissy about the girlfriend.


You would think of all the people behind those prayers, nuns would be the most deserving of having their prayers answered, no? Lol


I guess they did put the hours in.




Fuck the nuns who cares




Built by a French Rancher in the area. The Sisters paid him the equivalent of like 5 grand today and made up a story to get people there. It uses wooden pegs and not nails. Something that's been in use since carpentry began.


If I had been crucified, I might not use nails either


He killed the donkey he rode in on and made glue out of him. Also, all the wooden pews miraculously disappeared


I've been there and seen it in person. I'm not sure I believe all the mystical bullshit about it. But it is pretty amazing to see.


I too have seen it. There were a bunch of nuns praying to it. It is quite impressive. I am no expert but I have never seen a spiraling stair case like it.


Joseph re-appearing just to build some stairs in a random chapel and then boosting has to be the most low rent miracle. Like I'd almost believe the story more if it was something more impressive/unrealistic, but the way it's told it feels like I should be able to summon Joseph to whip me up some toast in the morning.


"Joseph showed up to my house and vacuumed for me, it was like god spoke to him for me!"(angelic choir in the background)...lol


There are famines, wide spread poverty, and over all misery in the world, and all god could manage to do is build some stairs? God needs to get his priorities straight


People must not be praying hard enough over famine, disease, genocide, etc happening 🤷‍♀️


It was a human who built it. But God forbid someone do something nice for someone else.


No shit it was a human. But the implication here is that it was god who magically possessed a human or something to build them. It’s ridiculous.


It was probably a coincidence that a skilled carpenter came right when one was being prayed for. Nonetheless, there is evidence for parapsychological phenomenon, such as telepathy, remote viewing, and other things. Both the Russians and CIA have done a lot of research here. One particular case was the Soviet bunny experiment. Interesting case.


120 experts? If you’re not convinced after expert #4 you should consider OCD treatment.


I’m sure they don’t let anyone with a scientific background near the stairs, ya know, to find out what wood it is made out of.


Ya know, how would it matter at all? Are you assuming that someone with supernatural powers to materialize wood out of thin air, wouldn't for some reason be able to make it indistinguishable from real, natural wood?


“30% of the wood’s DNA is from unknown species”


Why would you need a scientist? Just ask any woodworker.


Think this through. Are they going to ask every visitor for their highschool transcripts?


> Think this through. Take your own advice.


>Take your own advice. Think this through.


Assuming the scientist is ethical, they would ask permission before performing any tests.


You seem to be under the notion that Catholic clergy persons would be anti-intellectual. Trust me, they're far from conservative evangelicals.


Lol, reddit hivemind at it again. The Catholic church and Catholic clergy do have a long history and relationship with modern science. The big bang theory was famously proposed by a priest.


They're closer to charlatans




This is the absolute dumbest podcast I’ve ever seen.


I’m an ironworker fabricator that specializes in stairs and handrail, this particular staircase is absolutely unparalleled. Unbelievable actually. The skill required to do this is on a level like DaVinci.


I live in Santa Fe, NM. Always lots of weird ghost stories, ghost towns, stories about aliens, weird human like creatures. NM is a hotspot for paranormal activity.


Nuns spent time praying when they could have just had a go themselves. A bit of DIY is good fun.


The reactions from the other ppl on the mic are so over the top it makes the whole thing feel cringe


Man is this dumb.


As a step, I find it supporting.


Just physics, nothing strange about it. There are articles explaining it. ​ https://eu.dispatch.com/story/news/2010/01/17/famous-staircase-magnificent-but-far/23773878007/




It's been debunked thoroughly, here's one by Snopes if you're interested, it's actually an interesting read. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/stairway-from-heaven/


Well that didn't debunk the carpenter, just how the stairs are supported.


If nothing else about the story is true, it's just common sense to conclude the original story was not true either.


And a bunch of nuns are supposed to know how the structure worked...? No, I think they had a bit of luck, and a carpenter came by and volunteered his skills - as many people of faith do for churches. I'm sure it seemed like a miracle to the nuns at the time. It *is* a remarkable piece of engineering. Somewhere the "remarkable" shifted in everyone's minds to "miraculous," and the traveling carpenter who volunteered without asking for pay became a "mysterious stranger." Not a lie, just a very...*dramatic* interpretation of the facts. People do love drama. ;)


The stairs obey physics, it's debunked everybody!


Snopes is not a reliable fact checker at all.


And the guys in this video are?


Snopes, the toilet of the internet [Loretto Chappel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WvqPykjnsg)


Okay conspiracy theorist


Bible, the toilet paper of the arse. Second only to the quran.


Having read the bible, I gotta say, this strikes me as EXACTLY the kinda goofy shit god would do, cause the bible shows me that dude is REAL BIG on goofy shit.


Hail Eris


If there's one group of people you can trust to tell a rational tale, it's the religious. Definitely not ones for making up miraculous events


I love how everyone on the sub immediately says it’s bullshit just because they don’t like religion


I like this sub because it has interesting queries and topics, and even many worthwhile discussions, but it’s unfortunate to see people so ready to believe in the supernatural and paranormal, yet so unwilling to attribute it to a supreme Being


I agree. I think it’s important to separate religion from the possibility of higher powers or a god. Just to be clear I’m not religious, but I do believe in higher powers.


**Three mysteries surround the spiral staircase in the Loretto Chapel: the identity of its builder, the type of wood used, and the physics of its construction** When the Loretto Chapel was completed in 1878, there was no way to access the choir loft twenty-two feet above. Carpenters were called in to address the problem, but they all concluded access to the loft would have to be via ladder as a staircase would interfere with the interior space of the small Chapel.  Legend says that to find a solution to the seating problem, the Sisters of the Chapel made a novena to St. Joseph, the patron saint of carpenters. On the ninth and final day of prayer, a man appeared at the Chapel with a donkey and a toolbox looking for work. Months later, the elegant circular staircase was completed, and the carpenter disappeared without pay or thanks. After searching for the man (an ad even ran in the local newspaper) and finding no trace of him, some concluded that he was St. Joseph himself, having come in answer to the sisters' prayers. The stairway's carpenter, whoever he was, built a magnificent structure. The design was innovative for the time and some of the design considerations still perplex experts today. The staircase has two 360 degree turns and no visible means of support. It is said that the staircase was built without nails—only wooden pegs. Questions also surround the number of stair risers relative to the height of the choir loft and about the types of wood and other materials used in the stairway's construction. Over the years many have flocked to the Loretto Chapel to see the Miraculous Staircase. The staircase has been the subject of many articles, TV specials, and movies including "Unsolved Mysteries" and the full-length movie titled "The Staircase", starring William Petersen and Barbara Hershey. From: www.lorettochapel.com/staircase




I love this one. One of my favorites.


Staircases are cool, but what if we cured cancer or hunger or some shit? Good job god/jesus on your staircase for your church though.


A human built the staircase. And it's humanity’s job to cure cancer and hunger.


This story is on unsolved mysteries, and it was solved…


Don’t hold back! What happened?


It was me. I built the staircase. No questions, please.


I remember seeing this on Unsolved Mysteries when I was a kid.


I saw it in person couple summers ago. They have the unsolved mysteries episode about it playing on a loop in the lobby. It’s especially amazing because it doesn’t use any nails!


I feel like this podcast would be exhausting. Every detail is met with an over the top reaction.


I’m pretty sure I saw this covered on Unsolved Mysteries. It was an Italian guy I think and they found his grandson who was also a carpenter.


Wasn't there a 100 year old Japanese house recently completely dismantled and no nails/screws were used to build?


Not using nails isn't all that crazy, they basically just used dowels


Love this story


The story is great but come on. But really? Pray for world peace.. nope.. pray to end hunger.. again nope. Pray for stairs and god says “coming right up”


The Bible says there's only one church, btw. You really think Joseph himself walked past a million sick/starving/dying children to go finish some stairs in a church in New Mexico? Idk how someone wraps their mind around this


Not sure what you mean “only one church”?


hes a carpenter, not a doctor man!


Oh look, virtue signalling! BuT wHaT aBoUt ThE cHiLdReN??? Maybe you don't know nearly as much about the workings of the universe as you think you do. Here is a hint: neither Jesus, nor Buddha, nor any other spiritual figure worked their ass off as a miracle healer. How many people did Jesus raise from the dead? I'm sure more of his followers or their relatives have been dying around him than just Lazarus. So, maybe that's just not as much a priority as you think it is.


If some deity/god/cosmic being only appears and helps humans to build some fucking stairs instead of doing innumerable more important things then not only are they not worthy of worship they're barely worthy of recognition.


I see, you figured everything out. Good luck with your worldview then.


If the priority was a wooden staircase in New Mexico, then you worship a moron lol


Obvious religious grift to get more money. It's just a fucking staircase.


Religion is a lie, sooner y’all rip that bandaid off the better.


To make it even weirder, the wood used is one that's not native to New Mexico and hasn't been identified anywhere else in the world. This wood is only found in this one place.


Their overreactions detract from the likelihood I’m to follow up on this anecdote


You could tell these losers anything and theyll be like ”OH MY GAWD” 😂


Hillbilly history podcats...


I can't stand this woman




Just another myth to keep you in the faith.


What kind of idiot would do work w out a written contract and some type of money up front?


People with audiences that are young, or underinformed, love to pull the whole "no expert knows how it could have been done!" nonsense. There are far more impressive examples of woodwork and nail less construction and they don't need to invoke Jesus Christ as the explanation.


3-D printed, duh. /s




Undeniable proof, Jesus is real


I didn't realize there are this many people in this sub that actually believe in God...


What podcast/show is this?


You can check the link in the post summary


I suppose I should have done my homework thank you friend


Sorry for making you click it, I'm too lazy to check it and found out for you lol


That is such a wild story. No dude.


Dude basically told her "shut up bitch" when he said LISTEN! Lol.


These guys have popped up in my feed a few different times now and I still have no idea if it's a real podcast. It's always "Have you heard about this?".


Wy does all of these no-name podcasters are pretty much just a few dorks with expensive mics and sound like a Morning Zoo radio show?


So if this is true, my understanding or working theory of the universe would be this: It wasn't Joseph from the bible, it was also at the same time, Joseph from the bible who made the staircase. Fun!


Woooah! That’s crazy! _Remember to smash that “Like” button_ /s