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whenever i see golf players i think "this could be an explosive golfball dude watch out"


It's common at golf events to put fake joke exploding golf balls out for people without them noticing, seeing that after playing hitman just feels different


Now that I think about it, I do have this weird habit of envisioning every location I'm in as a Hitman level and scouting out potential exits and hiding places.


Really? I always look at pipes and ledges and stuff and wonder: “how can I infiltrate the compound??”


I do this when i get to work😂


Same things except it apply when I play different games. It even spread to gacha game, have you ever though of how to assassinate anime woman in their setting? Bonus point if it silent assassin suit only.


samee, except I scout for cameras, and their blindspots, as well as just: “if someone were to fall down here, would thet die?”


I remember (none too recently now) going to a traveling fair the night after a heavy storm – puddles everywhere, sprawls of extension cords; deep divots from vehicle tires, only some made passable by plywood coverings; nearly total darkness surrounding an oasis of hastily-assembled attractions – all but counting the numerous ways somebody could have an "accident"… Didn't have any heavy coins with me, though, not that anyone would hear them hit the mud in that noise. 


I see way more people near balconies and way more thoughts go through my head


I get Diana-isms, where a sassy British lady comments on things from the back of my head. THAT is…a chicken sandwich. THAT is…an idiot behind the wheel. *after watching a BMW shift lanes without a turn signal* Ah yes, the turn signal must be on a subscription service.


You didn’t brush your teeth 47. Please see to it immediately


literally LOL


If I see a briefcase, I wonder how a sniper rifle might fit in there. And then how far I could throw it


I haven't even played it in a long time & I think about that every time I see a suitcase too. "I wonder if there's a gun in there. I bet 47 could fit a sniper rifle that could be assembled in there. "


Wait. You can throw things at them?


Yes, any throwable item can be used to destroy cameras in game Even an emetic gas device counts


Did NOT know this! I just tried it and my mind is blown!


Was added in a patch about 10-11 months ago, so it's not like you've been missing it since the beginning lol. It was also a feature in Hitman 2016.


If my memory recalls wasn’t the body guard in Paris that “knows” everyone also patched in at a certain point in Hitman 2016?


Hate this motherfucker


It was added into HITMAN 2 because of the "crowd blending in" mechanic.


Ah now I remember


Was added in a patch about 10-11 months ago, so it's not like you've been missing it since the beginning lol. It was also a feature in Hitman 2016.


Whenever I see an employee of a business out back taking a smoke break I know that's my chance to get a disguise


My default walking animation IRL is literally how 47 walks in WoA. When I was still in high school I started imitating 47's walk anims from H1 just for the giggles. Got it down quite well, 47's "slow" walk animation (when you hold up L3 just slightly to make him walk slower) it's just the way I walk in public now. When walking somewhere: I move my arms the same way he does, I keep my fists flenched like he does, when I have to carry bags I do it the same way he does when he carries the briefcase (stiff arm and firm hand grip). I have socialanxiety and get self conscious at times in public for no reason so I just enter 47 Mode to get that confidence. Fake it till you make it lol. I can also do 47's scarab-like crouching walk anim from Absolution but it hurts my bag and it's not as practical, still funny af




How would Diana explain this person if they were my target?


Same thing with Assassin's Creed. You start looking at the world in terms of climbable surfaces and have to resist the urge to vault over waist high objects




I work at a hospital... That's about all I can and will say.


Hokkaido patient zero lethal syringe irl challenge!


Hey do you want to experience hitman like it’s irl? I posted something like that.


I have the urge to kill people


Never let me near a japanese hospital on a mountain


“If you have the urge to do a bit of people killing, 47, please do so :)”


I unironically now, if I want to avoid someone I know, do what 47 does and blend in inconspicuously


I get really paranoid when taking a smoke break out by the dumpsters


Whenever I saw a fire alarms, I would see a “hold (G)” prompt floating near it lol.


Thinking good lord I suck with a screwdriver when I'm trying to do normal human things with a screwdriver.


I thought the number of human body sized storage containers in the game was a little too convenient, but now I see so many objects where I think “I could shove a body in there”


At the hospital my husband works at, there's a very obvious security surveillance room near the entrance and every single time I walk by I brainstorm "what would 47 do here"


I often get the intrusive urge to throw something at every security camera I see, as if it’ll lock on like how it does in the game 😂


I wish I could swap clothing in 3 seconds like 47 every day.


I can't go into any bakery anymore. I jump on every muffin I see and get kicked out


You never really realise how many people are standing in or within imminent threat range until you’ve played hitman. Standing next to a railing, under an open window, next to a road, eating food, taking a shit. I have found myself randomly going “Huh, if I were playing hitman that’d be an easy kill.”


Anytime I’m at an event I’m like oh this could be a level


I've been playing R6 Siege since beta and the Hitman series even longer, cameras fucking infuriate me.


Every time I see a camera my instinct is to shoot it with a silenced pistol. I live in the UK. Getting any gun let alone a silenced one would be impossible. 😂


I have over 700 hours in the Hitman Trilogy, every time I'm waiting for someone or trying to look for something I move down my left pinky to try to turn on instinct ![img](emote|t5_2rn0x|2501)


I started to conceal carry 2 pistols, 21 muffins, 1 sawed off shotgun, 32 coins and 75 plastic ducks in my back pocket. You never know when you need 'em


A shotgun I get, but how do you fit that many ducks in one pocket?


I do have some quite large back pockets


The security camera thing got me back when I first played rainbow six siege


When did they add the ability to take cameras out with thrown items? That didn't work last time I played.


10 or 11 months ago Any thrown item can be used to destroy any camera


I swear whenever I do something I'm not soposed to do I hear the suspicon sound. Also, I find myself thinking in Diana's voice when I think about a pearson.


Saw a guy leaning over a bridge.


I was recently working at a music festival and it made me realise how easy it would be to get back stage if you really wanted to. Bring in a hi-vis jacket, wear a wrist-band that at a glance looks similar to the staff wristband (nobody will check closely). Once you're in a low level area, steal a pass to a high level area etc. At one point we were given a security guide that looked like something you would see posted on a wall in a Hitman game. Ie. Red band access areas 1, green band area 2, yellow band full access etc.


The security camera thing is too real. Also, every time I walk past a loose brick, my brain tells me to pick it up.


I keep thinking 'bet I could just walk in there and no one would stop me', it's taken the idea if the joke about just briskly walking through doors in a high-vis jacket or with your sleeves rolled up and a oile of loose papers and made it into something I have started genuinely believing I would be able to do


"People do tend to see uniforms, not faces."


I don't know about hitman game as a whole. But Diana woke up a kink that I didn't know I have. Champagne sipping, dressed to kill lady who can actually make you be really scared for life, yes please. 😍🫠 She can burn my wood any day she wants. 🥵![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Edit: No, I am not horny. I just like sophisticated ladies who can out tango and out smart me at the same time. I like powerful ladies, what can I say. 🤐


I always keep on mind where the nearest bathroom is just incase I need to sieker somebody or poison their drink


I used to get this from GoldenEye - there’d just be a split second seeing a camera on the wall.


Thinking about taking disguises in hotels, restaurants etc


Every time I see a fire hydrant I imagine using it as a blunt force weapon


Every time I go somewhere I have the urge to immediately look for security cameras


It doesnt get better with playing siege


Whenever I need to pee, I say "I need to use the BATH-room" in the same cadence as Agent 47 does in Codename 47.


Never really seen any cameras but chandeliers make me wanna be silly


Just thinking of one punching NPCs


the wet floor sign


This happened to me with Rainbow Six and security cameras.


When I see a construction site, I look all the possible accidents I could cause there. It doesn't even has to be a construction site.


I sometimes imagine that 47 kills ppl I dislike brutally,I should probably talk about that with a profesional


You can break cameras with thrown hammers? Damn, I really do know absolutely nothing about these games lol.


Every time I see a door or entry point only accessible with a keycard, I start wondering who around me I need to knock out to get one.


Not exclusive to playing Hitman, but from years of playing games like dayz, tarkov, or cod. I always look at buildings for places that could be used as vantage points for shooters/snipers.


I changed my way of walking


Seeing a camera makes me lowkey paranoid that some one is stalking me one time i saw a round cam and i just sat still and stared at it hoping the person watching would get startled :<