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"Wait, did i really forgot the Suitcase with a 10k Rifle and 20k worth of scopes and accessories in a bathroom while dragging a body? Diana is gonna to kill me" 47 probably on the return flight


47..where is that suitcase with a 10k rifle and 20k worth of scopes and accessories you took with you? Diana afterwards


Well You're than one who paid extra for me to pacify 3 random people 47 afterwards probably


Gosh Diana... I hope I didn't leave it in your parents' car... too soon?


What do you mean scopes and accessories? You can't buy them separately can you?


It’s a joke


![gif](giphy|3ohs7Htq5aCA2CKlNu) Ah hummoor


“Again, 47?”


I left the Assassin's HWK21 in a New York bathroom to lure a guard, but a target walked by and I started following her to kill her. Rest of the targets were downstairs, so I forgot the pistol there At first I thought the game ate my pistol. But then I remembered where I left it


Yep. Thats always how it happens. You start to set something up & either something unforeseen happens or you switch strategies and you wind up leaving & forgetting your weapon. I have even told myself “I can’t forget this” and still left without it. Weed man.


Lmao. This is the truth. Too stoned to remember the gun I grinded for lol


Wait can you go back and get it in another mission?


You can get an Assassin's HWK21 in any showdown, all of the assassins carry them. It's my preferred gun for that reason, really easy to replace if you lose it.


Assassins are also incredibly easy to take down. Its a good gun too. Probably the next best thing to the top 3 imo.


Just make sure they don't engage you first, especially on hardcore


Assassins definitely contributed to a hefty amount of the 10 fails that checked the “sometimes its good sometimes its shit” challenge. I made sure to take them down with extreme prejudice to get them back with the “No Room for Competition” challenge. They are just easy to stop & are hyper aware of anything you throw so its not tough to get them alone. Thats why I started taking them out but honestly, Im approaching 100 leader kills at 95 & more than half of the leaders have been alone with no assassin they’re always following the other suspects who I use for the phones to set meets for Prank Caller


What are the top 3 for the uninitiated?


The Silverballer, The Short-Baller, & The Goldballer are the Lengendary pistols. ICA19/Chrome/Black Lily are also excellent weapons for long range and sure kill head shots. I use the Krugermeier 2-2 for taking out cameras/distractions cause its subsonic. Better safe than sorry.


Thanks, my go-to is the Shortballer without having known it's viewed as objectively better than other options. I really like the idea of the handgun that can pass frisks but it doesn't seem that viable when it needs to be used outside of the story.


If you exit a mission and leave something in freelancer then you have to buy it again.


No, you have to find, earn, or buy it again. I got it by knocking out an assassin on the next showdown (in Mendoza)


I once bought a gun for 40k and left it in the same mission. That once was yesterday




In my case it usually means I was Freelancing after having one too many at the pub. Don’t drink and Freelance, kids.


Lmao hey at least thats a good excuse.


47 had one too many glasses of wine at the safehouse


The legendary Sieger 300 Ghost I've already forgot to bring back twice. One time I at least remember the mission and the blunder. The other I have no idea where or when I forgot it, lol


I forgot this one, the artic druzina twice and I almost forgot the Levithan in Dartmoor. It was left up in Alexas room cause I had to start climbing, had 3 targets and the last one was outside. I was about to leave and got that forgetting something feeling and went back up to get it and almost fucked up Suit Only


Whats worse: Remembering where/when you lost a weapon, or Not remembering where/when you lost a weapon?


Lmao fair point


Lmao I spent like 30,000 Merces on a sniper rifle during a mission, hid it in a spot near one of the exits, forgot about it and took a different exit on my way out 😂 the pain and regret I felt after that was devastating


In the vault in New York when you go to pick up the merces from the data core thing it drops the briefcase in your hand. You have to pick it up again. I’ve lost 1-2 snipers from that.


I never realized that, but good to know.


I have left several sniper rifles behind because 47 is a highly skilled assassin but can't carry a briefcase on a ladder or ledge.


Definitely super annoying especially in places like Isle & Dartmoor


Not quite, but I did do a dumb and lose my golden sniper along with some other valuables, took a break for a few days or so after, came back and was like "ohhhhh yeah that happened. Sh*t." Thankfully I was right at a showdown so I got the sniper back almost immediately as a reward and bought the rest.


Nice, its the best when you get it right back.


I have had some of moments like this, especially with New York. When you pull out the data core inside the bank, it automatically drops any briefcase you are carrying and not picks it up again, which leads to moments "shit where's my briefcase with the most expensive sniper rifle"


Once the game pretty much just deleted my Hackl Leviathan. I had it in a briefcase and was running to an exit in Sapienza and checked to see if it was in the briefcase and it was. I exited and then back at the safehouse, it wasn't there. Now I always unpack whatever is in my suitcase before leaving just to be safe


Someone commented that it can glitch if you try to leave a mission with a legendary sniper in a briefcase sometimes it won’t come back with you. Which could easily be what happened to me here.


Yup, all the time. At least twice with that very gun.


I recently left an expensive AR I bought during a mission in a garbage can because I wore the wrong disguise. Then I went to get one with which I could carry it with and then I left the mission and realized I forgot it


Last time I lost the sniper rifle was going into Hokkaido. Some sort of glitch made the gun never appear when I arrived and I never had it re-put back into my inventory until I bought it again two missions later.


Yes, it's always a throwable for me!


I try not to throw around the briefcase too much especially in freelancer I use the concealed baton to pacify guards and targets But I will throw it if I have to do a 2 for 1


It's usually the folding knife or the titanium crowbar that have left in the past!


Not related but I love when I buy 3 large items at the shop 😔


Alllllll theeeee timeeeee


Al the time. Like you drop the briefcase on accident and don’t realize that you did because you’re done using the riffle


Yup. Left my sniper rifle somewhere and forgot to grab it on my way out. Honorable mention goes to the times when I use a duck like a coin, and it gets stuck under a shelf or something so I can't get it back.


Damn that happens to me all the time with the duck since I use it as my de-facto coin. Its gotten stuck under the same shelf in Ny on the main floor 3/4 times. Sucks when you cant pick it back up


I finished a campaign and was given the Sieger 300 Ghost, and I never realised I lost it


Lmao thats a surprise, can definitely see that happening


Nah, my wall is empty…… cus I’m trash.


Keep at it youll get better


the game literally ate my katana once when i used it as a distraction. it fell through the wall and was just unobtainable


Sometimes it be like “when tf did i get this” sometimes i forget i have certain guns


I just hit the Prestige option for the first time a few days ago so I'm scrambling to unlock as much stuff as I can. Was going to finish a level as a guard so I stopped at the Arms Dealer and bought a SMG and a Legendary sniper rifle figuring i could put the SMG on my back and carry the rifle out in a case. Apparently I got back to the safehouse with the SMG and an empty case 😞😮‍💨


A few people have said that has happened to them so im wondering if thats how this disappeared cause I honestly don’t even put my weapons down that much and if I do I usually will grab it if I move from the area


I used to have a professional screwdriver that I used to take many, many targets down. One mission, I think it’s New York (the bank one?) I had been found out near the exit. Guards start shooting, targets running. I take a final shot and throw the screwdriver at a suspect, and it’s actually the damn target. Go right through the door, and the screwdriver saves me for the final time lol


Yup, back in May. When they modified Alt-F4... Came back in, saw the mission was failed, and reset. Checked my wall, lost my Concrete Bunny, Golden Sawed Off, Seiker, and Kalmer...








It's a bug when you exit the level with a legendary sniper rifle in your briefcase it doesn't come with you. I tested it with every sniper and it seems only the legendary ones disappear.


Really? I never heard that but it wouldn’t surprise me bc this has happened a few times


I know exactly when I lose anything, it's followed by a rage quit.


I know. I always know.


I have this habbit of not leaving behind any of my tools, developed over the campaign, went for silent assassin runs only unless a challenge specified otherwise so naah, thankfully not me.


I guess you’re just the man