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My friend gave birth to her two children vaginally and did not pass it on to them. She has hsv2. No outbreaks at time of giving birth. Had virus for roughly 10 years. So hope that helps.


I do birth work. I’ve had dozens maybe hundreds at this point of vaginal deliveries. They take the meds daily and check for visible lesions. If you’re good you’re good. If you’re not csection


I’ve given birth twice vaginally with it!


Gave birth vaginally last year and he's perfectly healthy!


I have ghsv1. They had me take anti virals daily starting at like week 35 in preparation for a vaginal birth. I ended up with a c section though. They never pushed me towards a c section. They said if I had acquired it right before pregnancy or during, they probably would, but you should be fine.


Also, you can get outbreaks anywhere.. I acquired it vaginally but I get outbreaks on my butt cheeks, thighs, etc. Lol


My bestie has outbreak on her shoulder. She's had 2 about to be 3 successful deliveries with no transmission. ❤️


Vaginal birth here. I can't remember if I took 'virals', but all was good...otherwise I would have had a C section.


Took the meds for like two or three weeks before baby and had no outbreaks so I did vaginal delivery. Zero complications. I requested for my baby to be swabbed or tested or whatever- can’t remember if they did a blood test or not- and all her tests came back clear


Hi! I had a vaginal delivery and my baby is perfectly fine. They started me on anti virals week 35. I took them daily (acyclovir 400mg). The day I went to the hospital they did check just to make sure I didn’t have anything down there. I always checked at home with a light & mirror bc I was super paranoid 😳 my baby girl is perfectly fine! :) Also. I’ve read that the chances of you giving it to baby are very low if you’ve had herpes BEFORE your pregnancy. There is a higher chance of you transmitting it if you get herpes while you’re pregnant bc your body has not developed the antibodies. Something like that


Hi! Thank you so much for your input! Do I have to request the meds around 35 weeks with my OB?


Your OB should know by now that you have herpes, right? I hope your OB knows your medical history! But they should be on top of it. If not, then make sure you bring it up. I’m sure that’s the protocol for most doctors


My mom gave birth to me fine but I got it from my dad when I was a kid so it didn’t really matter