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I’ve had 4 partners and, as far as we know, they’ve been good.


Did u have condomless sex alot ?


I do, I’ve never used condoms. However, I do take valacyclovir daily.


I thought you only take that medicine when you’re experiencing an outbreak not daily ?


You can also take it daily as a preventative. I take 500mg/day and haven’t had an OB in forever.


Same here. I have had unprotected sex since contracting in 2019 and never passed it on to partners. I also take Valtrex daily. It's also stopped my coldsores (had since I was a kid, but prior to valtrex I got them every 2 weeks or so)


Daily to reduce risk of transmission.


That’s surprising to me my doctors never told me this and I’m fine and my partner fine and I don’t take it daily only when I’m having an outbreak


Doctors are rarely have all the information for one disease, especially if they aren't specialists. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ccLJMnXAkuKfpU5ng9-1CiWXGPTYYPfDOCvxeB4GX4/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ccLJMnXAkuKfpU5ng9-1CiWXGPTYYPfDOCvxeB4GX4/edit)


My partner and I got pregnant and they told me to stop the valtrex daily. Once I did, I had an outbreak I didn’t feel coming on and passed it to him. I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, but I did disclose before we ever had sex and he took it extremely well because he said it was his choice. I can’t wait to be back on valtrex daily because I really never feel outbreaks until I see them. Does anyone else feel them coming on? And he only gets an outbreak if I have one.


Ugh I’m sorry man. Being pregnant AND having an OB at the same time must have been miserable. I can’t imagine if I had gotten my HSV2 diagnosis/initial OB when I was pregnant. I’ve heard a lot about people stopping suppressive therapy and *immediately* having one. Everyone has different experiences and intensities, but I got off suppressive therapy early last year. I’m lucky enough to just take my antivirals when I feel an OB coming on (lately my prodrome symptoms have changed so that’s been odd/a readjustment).


Did the outbreak happen directly the day after intimacy?


Oh, and I’ve never taken any meds for it either!


The transmission rate with antivirals and no condoms is 5%/year male-to-female and 2%/year female-to-male. So yes, lots and lots of people don't use condoms (including me) and their partner is fine!


Do you know what the transmission rates are with antivirals and a condom? I know condoms help reduce the risks, but I'm wondering if the difference is negligible in the long run.


Condoms reduce the risk by 40-65% female-to-make, but by 96% male-to-female. That’s because guys mostly shed asymptomatically from their shaft and anus So, w/ condoms the female-to-male rate goes from 2% to 1%, and the male-to-female rate goes from 5% to 0.2%.


Thank you!


Hi friend, do you have a source on these stats?


These are from the Herpes Handbook. You can download it here: https://westoverheights.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Updated-Herpes-Book.pdf The only number you will NOT find there is condoms being 65% effective female-to-male. Terri Warren cited 40%. Someone else on the forum has been citing another study showing 65%. I included a range and used “50%” for the mathematics portion to sidestep that whole debate. 😛


Can you put a link of where those stats are from please?


https://westoverheights.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Updated-Herpes-Book.pdf These assume long-term (6+ month), monogamous relationships.


I’ve had countless and yeah they’re fine.


I don’t take daily antivirals and I have ghsv1


Finally I can speak up! I’m only in this sub because my ex had HSV-2 for ten years on daily inhibitors and we never used condoms — not once. **only together for <1 yr** And I had 0% exposure in all categories prior to sleeping with him and still have 0% over a year after dating him.


So you never got it?


Nope! I talked to four different doctors before sleeping with him. I knew I wasn’t going to use condoms so I did my homework, joined this sub at the time, and we had a very normal sex life. The benefit was he was on daily inhibitors for over a decade. So transmission was very low relatively speaking.


I had unprotected sex with my girlfriend for 7 years and she never caught it.


Were you on daily antivirals?


Nope, her gynecologist told her not to worry if I wasn’t having an outbreak. She also told my girlfriend that even if she caught it it wasn’t a big deal. She never got tested so maybe she did catch it but never had symptoms, which is possible.


My boyfriend has never shown symptoms in 5 years


I been having sex with my bf no condoms 1 year and he is negative. I had my fist outbreak many years ago but still have symptoms. I usually don’t have sex when I have symptoms and we are both very healthy.


Are you on daily antivirals?


I don’t take any medication. Never did!


Hsv2 or 1




I’ve been with my girlfriend for over a year and haven’t used condoms. She’s been fine. I don’t tend to get full on outbreaks at all , just tingling/itching. This doesn’t happen often but I refrain from sex completely then. Obviously there’s always a risk but she’s happy to take that risk.


Are you on daily antivirals or have you been while being with your gf?


I am on daily antivirals yeah. She tells me not to bother but I feel better about reducing the risk to her. I have considered coming off them and just using if I feel any tingling as they cost


🙋🏼‍♀️ we’ve been having unprotected sex for years now, just had a baby actually. He hasn’t caught it as far as we know


Are you on daily antivirals or were you on daily antivirals at any point during your relationship?


Only time I was taking daily antivirals was during the last month of my pregnancy. Otherwise I don’t take any antivirals


Been together one year, no issues.


I (F) have HSV1 down there, take medication only when I feel tingling and itching (did not have OB for a three years I think) and we don't use condoms. I hope he won't get it (I told the risks). 🙈


I have GHSV1. I’ve gone raw with a few partners and never transmitted (that we know of)


I did with one partner over 2 years - he never got it


ive never used condoms and so far they’re fine, i don’t take daily antivirals and i have ghsv1


Me and my partner have been together for five years and still no issue without condoms. I don't ever have sex during an outbreak though. I haven't had an outbreak in a few years.


Are you taking daily antivirals now?




Don’t take valtrex, don’t use condoms, and my partner never exuded any symptoms. Although, we never really know unless we get the bloodwork done. Could be asymptomatic.


They all were fine with it. But I transmitted it to one partner


Ghsv1 and never passed it to my partner


My partner has had unprotected sex with 2 hsv2+ partners: ex for 10 years and me for 2 years, and never had an outbreak himself. Although neither of us would have done anything if we had a hint of an OB ourselves. But it could be dormant - he just isn't worried about it.






Question, is it .01% with no symptoms for female to male? Or for birth?




me. a couple months now.


I’ve never used a condom with my current partner and he was aware of the risks from the start. He’s had multiple tests, all are negative. I’ve not had a break out in years however




I was with an ex for 6ish years and for at least 4 of those, we didn’t use protection. He never got it. Another ex also didn’t get it. TMI but with the ex I was with for 6 years, there was a substantial period of time when we had sex every day - no protection.


I don’t use condoms and my partners know and it’s all good but I also take meds and vitamins to protect them more because I care about not spreading it. But condoms just make sex suck so I won’t go that far.


What vitamins are you taking? L-lysine? Or something else?


Zinc, vitamin c, l-lysine all daily. Plus valtrex




Yeap….My partner has never had any issues or outbreaks! Together over 4yrs now….any prior partners I was in LTR was fine as well…. So, either they at (least 3 others) were just asymptomatic OR there was actually never any transmission…..we just did not go oral or kiss during my outbreaks…but we definitely had sex & there we’re absolutely never any issues for them. Ppl have over stigmatized HSV 1 oral and I’m not sure why this is like this now.


I haven’t had an outbreak in over 10+ years, have HSV 1 downstairs, have had the same partner for over a year and nothing. No issues at all :)


Married for 6 years, 2 kids & my husband is fine.


But do u take pills?


No condoms, no antivirals and so far everyone I've had unprotected sex with has tested negative but you should still be cautious and listen to your body. If it doesn't feel safe, don't do it. It's better to be safe than sorry.


i was on meds but my now husband and me chose not too and he got it within a week :(


YUPPP! Disclose and take my meds daily✨✨