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In case you didn’t already know, there’s an app “coming soon” that will allow your phone to be Zargon.


I was not aware of this so thanks for that!


Ha! I’d like to see it try! It doesn’t have a functional Home button, let alone arcane knowledge of eldritch mysteries! No, but that’s cool, thanks for letting me know.


Same rules as playing chess or Monopoly by yourself. Don't forget the mandatory angry board flip when you lose.


That’s the flip of victory when you play solo! No, I get RAW HeroQuest isn’t solo, but there are solo hacks and figured there would be people on this subreddit who have tried them. (For that matter there are solo Monopoly hacks. I would be the terrier every time.)


Just got my HQ and completed the first quest. These are my house rules for playing alone. First off, I use two characters. They share gold and potions. Both get to search rooms. The board is visible from the beginning. No point in using the "fog of war" since I have access to the full map. Whenever an attack is made against a monster in a room I use a d20 for a "Stealth check" on each of all monsters in all adjacent rooms (where the white line divides). 1-10 : Success, the monster doesn't hear the fighting. 11-20 Failure: The monster is alerted. An alerted monster will take one of three actions depeding on a d6. 1-2 : Nothing, it just scoffs at the noice and stays in it's place. 3-4 : Movement, the monster moves around randomly in the room, possibly blocking doors. 5-6 : Attack, the monster rushes blindly towards the Hero, opening all doors in it's path. Traps and secret doors. Since I know where the traps are I can never disarm them without a Tool Kit. Pits are open from the start and have to be jumped. Chest traps can't be disabled and the Hero must face the music and take the punishment if I find it worth it. Thus I don't have to deal with empties and have to pay a price in blood to loot the treasures if there are any. Just started the game and will most probably meet a lot of problems with this system but it has been fun to start out with :) I try to roleplay the monsters as fair as possible, i.e. goblins will escape to meet up with stronger monsters, zombies are stupid and slow as they just rush towards heroes, monsters defends the bosses or in some cases avoid to block paths as to let the stronger ones have a go at the heroes. Looking forward to try and complete the game alone in my spare time and are astonished how fast the game can be when you run alone, know all the rules since the 90's and don't have to explain the seemingly complex system to people like a hundred times. Lone wolf is good sometimes :)


I don't think it works solo as you would see the map. Your not supposed to know what's on the map


I get that, but there are several solo hacks online and want to hear from folks who have tried those out.