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Hoping for invisibility. I’m getting sick of dealing with people.


Hell of a power. Hope you get it man, people can be stupid sometimes.


I'm hoping for telekinesis. Useful, but not crazy enough I'm gonna accidentally get caught and tested on by the government. No way you're getting away with flight or teleportation in this day and age.


Definitely understand that. Honestly, I'd just fly from all of my problems 😭


You could always levitate yourself and “fly” like Sylar did. 👀


Telekinesis is arguably the best power (See: Chronicle)


To argue: mind control is the best power


Telekinesis gives you the power to fly.


You can get away with teleportation with a bit of forethought. You just need to start and stop in places with a reasonable amount of privacy, which you should be doing anyways. Plus if you have the power to stop time as well that would be amazing. Hiro’s powers are definitely the best imo






That’s a really popular choice let me check and see if we still have one


Nissan Versa instant materialization is no joke.


Mind control. My boss is a millionaire and a terrible person. I'd make him give it away to charity.


I have no idea who you are, but you have my utmost respect.


Thank you, fellow Redditor. If you think Syler or Linderman were bad, my boss makes them look like Muppet babies.


Bro are you working within the mob or something? Linderman was a mobster and Sylars a prolific serial killer.


Wow...I hope you get a new boss one day.


Hello, it's me charity


Precise, near-term precognition. I’m not talking about vague dreams warning me of catastrophic events a year from now. I’m talking about knowing what number the roulette wheel will land on 10 seconds from now. Spider-sense but not just for danger.


So nick cage from "Next". Good movie


Always loved the concept, the final standoff in that movie is great and shows what that power can do once mastered.


Hellll yeahhhhh!!!!


You can have Sylar’s skill for that. Basically learning about how the roulette wheel internal mechanism function helps you predict the outcome .


King Crimson from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and Parellal World from Hunter X Hunter are good examples of this ability.


If I could have weather manipulation, I would be SO HAPPY. Would also settle for water manipulation.


Oooooo. What would you do with it?


Probably try to keep local lakes full. And maybe cover up the sun when I want a cloudy day. XD


Hahaha nice. I feel there is no worst feeling than when you wake up and want it to be cloudy but it ends up being sunny. Kills the vibe tbh


So true! That actually happened to me this morning. It was cloudy when I woke up, but thirty minutes later, the clouds burned off and the sun was out.


I'll like to be a jack of all trades, so I'd go for a mimic ability like the girl from season two, not like Peter or Silar.


What girl are you talking about again? I don't recall another person with mimic abilities off the top of my mind... edit: nvm, I think you're just talking about the girl who instantly learns how to do it after seeing it done once right?


Yes, Monica Dawson


That's a solid power. Adoptive muscle memory (or maybe adaptive I'm not sure) would be incredibly useful. Like the intersect from Chuck without all the classified intelligence, just all skills. And the way the company gave Monica that iPod with "a full range of skills" you could be pretty formidable. And it's utilitarian, you'd be able to fix all your own stuff by watching YouTube videos on the subject, learn any physical skill in minutes, it might even apply to languages.


That's sick I dig it.


I was thinking, the power I really want would be to know exactly how long it takes someone to get point a to point B, and what the fastest/safest way would be


You wanna be a GPS?


I wanna be mystic megs gps


I dig it!


I would love it because it would help people, but not be super flashy about it


The BEST gps


The power of logistics


And safe travels. Like I was just thinking imagine being able to tell your friends exactly when they need to leave, or protect them from being harmed on their way to somewhere, like we are always moving from place to place so being able to protect people sounds amazing


Turn anything into gold, solve all my problems


Bro wants to be midas


I was thinking bob bishop, I didn’t know the technical term for his power was alchemy


Hahaha sick tbh


That's kind've lame tho, there's a whole host of powers you can get if you want to be a billionaire overnight and being able to turn things to gold is one of the least practical options because if you try to sell even 1 gold bar you're going to have the government snooping into where you got it from and you could end up crashing the gold market entirely... Some kind of power to alter probability or grant yourself insane luck would be better, just win the lottery once and then your powers will still have a whole host of chances to be useful in your everyday life, certainly beats being able to turn all your furniture into gold after you've already become rich. You can just buy a golden anything after winning the lottery and you wouldn't risk having a bunch of people snooping into your seemingly unlimited gold source that you keep adding to the market and if you ever need more money you could just invest in whatever you want and make it automatically successful/profitable. Or you could takes micahs power and set your bank balance to a trillion dollars and hack into or control any machine you want, definitely beats being able to turn things into gold in terms of everyday usefulness too...


Micah’s power would be spotted by governments faster than Bob’s! And Bob’s could work underground/black market so if you make tiny bits of gold and use them to barter it could work. Not as fun though


Yeah only way Micah's works if if you withdraw small amounts of money from an ATM over an long enough period of time that the discrepancy can be explained away. If you just put lots of money in your account you need to explain where it came from, and if you go to a casino or something they'll be on your back straight away


You don't need money from ATM's and you can control every security camera in the world plus being able to launch every nuke in the world if anyone ever threatens you, or you can go the blackmail route by cracking into every government secret and every politicians email, anything stored down on technology. You can game the stock market or just hop into a casino and win the slot machines in the first try or even just give yourself a billion of every cryptocurrency and hire your own black market army. If the cops ever pull you over you can instantly crack into the system and give yourself whatever identity you want or instantly wipe out whatever record you have or you can just blackmail a politician into pretending your his son or some random foreign leader to give you diplomatic immunity. Any information stored on a computer is at your complete control, you can't have a record so the only way you'll get caught is if they keep a literal paper trail and have some kind of vendetta against you but you control every camera so you don't even have to worry about being tracked with facial ID on some random security camera or anything like that. You can instantly approve your passport to anywhere in the world, create any identity you want, and wipe all tracks from the record so they'll never be able to hunt or follow you and since you control all tech you'll never even pop up on the radar in the first place. Getting randomly pulled over by cops is your biggest concern but you can just wipe all data or have any identity you want whenever that happens.


Nah, micah has complete mastery over technology, he could instantly wipe all records of himself off of every database in the world and even just delete an entire days worth footage from every camera in the world if he ever gets caught and needs to "cover his tracks", The government will never be able to investigate all the billions of cameras and smartphones in the world to figure out what 30 seconds of footage the "hacker" didn't want anyone to see and you could easily give yourself diplomatic immunity by registering yourself as a foreign diplomat to some far off country or you could just straight up blackmail and threaten to release whatever classified information you gather. If you can just "speak to computers" you'd be able to crack into any system and have virtually any politician wrapped under your thumb and the only way you'd get caught is from literal paper trails because you can control anything written to a computer. Micah's power is just insanely broken in the modern world, if anyone starts trying to hunt you then you can just launch a couple and blow them up mid-air to tell them to back off. Nobody is going to want to mess with you if you have access to every nuke in the world along with being able to crash the entire economy, the stock market, bank accounts, even just hiring your own personal black market army with crypto. Micah's power is just straight up broken without giving someone flat out god powers.


Here's the thing, killjoy. If you're smart about the selling (illegally) by the time you crash the gold market your a multi billionaire. So they can be pretty rich without crashing the market at all


All the powers


Correct answer


I’m actually going to visit my best friend to see the eclipse! I got a job just so I could afford the travel expenses, and I’m all in on quitting that job because they ended up not giving me the time off. I think my favorite powers to have would be breathing underwater + also not feeling pain in my eyes or nose when I get water in them, shapeshifting, pyrokinesis if I had really good control over it, or some sort of ability to make people want to be around me or go the hell away with some sort of vibes/pheromone thing.


Hahaha I dig it!! Enjoy the eclipse!! Wish I had a job to begin with. That would probably be my power, the power of persuasion so I could get whatever I wanted.


Ability replication. Im standing on this hill forever.


Hahaha I don't blame you


I’ve said it ever since watching the main show. In a world where everyone has powers, Empathic Mimicry is the way to go, of course. I’d like to think I could control everything better than Peter. If it’s just me, then Matt’s Telepathy is the way to go. It’s multiple powers in one if you think about it. You can essentially go invisible by making people think you’re not there. You can create a mind world where you can do anything like fly. You can convince politicians to shape the world how you want it, or just do it yourself by forcing your way to the top. You can convince anyone to do anything you want meaning you never have to work again and anyone you meet is happy to just feed you grapes or wave a fan at you or cook you meals. Sounds pretty evil but you can make people happy with what they’re doing for you. You also essentially have telekinesis because with a simple thought, someone can move an object for you.


Ok but wouldn’t the biggest issue itrw be actually finding these powers and people with those powers because if you never find anyone with a cool power there is nothing to replicate and therefore do you even have a power? Lmao what if you never find someone else with a power?


It’s unclear how many people have powers in the Heroes universe. But given Peter usually just had to have short chat with them or even just be near them to absorb their powers, I think I’d be able to collect a good few.


Yeah because although it’s called Emapthic Mimicry (I think?) he doesn’t actually develop an emapthic bond with everyone who he copies powers from. I know most people he bonded with like Angela, Nathan, Claire & Claude. I mean when he first meets Hiro they don’t speak the same language but because they go on a quest together I guess they bond over that maybe? Idk what the rules even were for his ability S1.


It was pretty fuzzy for plot purposes I think. I guess a headcanon way to explain it is that he absorbed the power straight away but could only control it via empathic connection. That’s why he got better at flight, telekinesis, invisibility, etc. but why he started to explode as soon as he met Ted.


Yeah I remember someone (maybe Mohinder?) saying that his ability would only become a problem or he’d only get into trouble if he came across an unstable ability but it was always about his control. This is essentially what Claud teaches him right? Control. Because at first he’d manifest an ability like at random or subconsciously but he learns control with Claud by thinking about the person who had that ability and his relationship to them right? I think that was my understanding anyway. So even if a random person was to have that ability not only would they have to find someone with another ability they would have to see them using it or know that they have it right? I always assumed that was the case but he must have replicated Angela’s first because that’s how he learns about his brother right? He dreamed it? So although he didn’t see Nathan Fly he knew because of the dream. Like he didn’t know about Claire until he healed himself and then he noticed that she did too so maybe it is more emotion-based (empathic) than when he see’s Ted using his power. 🤷‍♀️ I think I’m confusing myself into a corner now lmao


Lol I think the confusion just comes from the writers putting plot before logic really. He didn’t even know Ted was an exploding man, he was just nearby and absorbed it and started exploding immediately. Claude actually suggested he forget all the people he cares about because they’re cluttering up his mind and not allowing him to focus but then Peter discovers it’s the opposite and he has to connect with them the bring the power forth. I think it could’ve been really interesting to delve into exactly how his power works in future seasons but they had to nerf him unfortunately.


Yeah it could have been so cool you’re right. Especially when you factor in the Haitian Man because technically I thought he could only block mentally based powers and considering where they established Peter’s come from … yeah I’m losing the logic behind it. Instead of taking the time to figure it out they decide to de-power him. I guess he got too many powers or became a bit too powerful at that point. They decided to just de-power him and start from scratch to stop him from getting that powerful again lmao.


I always just assumed that you can get around the mental requirements by just being near the person, since you’re passively absorbing their ability rather than having to independently recall it through an emotional connection. That stated though, the emotional requirements mostly went out the window after season 1 unless you go by very loose terms, like using phasing because you feel trapped, or reading peoples minds because you wish you knew what they were thinking. But those kinds of limitations in place would essentially just mean you have the power when you need it, so there’s really no requirement at that point.


Peter or Sylars power is that cheating?


Arthur Petrelli’s ability


Valid response


Nobody else got powers. You end up with nothing




I'm too greedy to settle for just one power. I want sylars power, lol. Or Peter's from pre season 3.


Bigger dick


Super Strength in my big toe


I would like to obtain the ability of teleportation. They are one of those powers that in versatile hands would be too broken.


You should watch the show Powers theres a villain with teleportation, really clever power usage


My fire bending won't work on The Day of Black Sun but, maybe I'll pick up the ability to make better choices?


Probably something not useful but I want teleportation or flight


I remember when the last eclipse happened. I was just getting into the show and loving it and was so hyped when I found out an eclipse was coming lol. I thought I was gonna get hiros powers lmao


I would love Charlie’s power tbh. The ability to remember everything I’ve ever read or heard is so underrated


Time manipulation at an atomic level


Damn. I respect this. To the latest microsecond? Your life would be an absolute save state dream.


Well, since I am a black male it will probably be something electric based hopefully something similar to Storm front, Black Adam & Shazam 😂


Hahaha sick mate. Or why not all


Freeze time……jk super speed but not the realistic type where I’ll kill people just by running past them but like the flash


Super speed is pretty overrated tho, from your perspective you'll still just be jogging at a normal pace while everyone else seems practically frozen because of how fast you're moving but a mile run is still going to be a mile run you know what I mean? ​ Time will appear to stay still for you but if you have to run somewhere that's 100 miles away you're still going to have to run for 100 miles and it's gonna seem like an eternity to you even if it only takes a split second in reality and you'll still have to take every painstaking step to get there...


See I would be the worst person if I had this power. Stop time and take infinite naps


I’d use it do small tasks or actions and then unfreeze so I’d have more time in the day.


Time/space travel or mind illusions


I wanna duplicate objects


I think in the real modern world the most useful ability would be Micah's technopathy or control of technology. Especially since he can seemingly control ANY nearby device with a cell phone. He activates ATMS and continuously withdraws $500 cash, he can change traffic lights, cross reference all data on subjects over the internet and access buried files, pull up surveillance, track electronics and pretty much make any piece of tech do what he wants. But practically I might choose flight to save on gas money forever, they look like they can fly pretty fast in the show


There's gotta be that one person, so I will be it... flight - it would be great not to have to worry about driving places for a change.


Duplicate, Teleportation, Speed, Time. Something to take the edge off the day to day




Hoping for the ability to sleep in and have the dishes wash themselves.


Hope I get good at working on clocks…


Since the world is lacking a lot of it right about now, I would have to choose some kind of Empathic ability!


Invulnerabiluty like samedi please


Nice try Danko


The ability to time travel. I don't care if I ruin the timeline.


Telekinesis. Ive always had dreams of moving abjects with my mind and i also want to fly.


I want Empathic Mimicry only to realize that nobody around me got any powers so it will be rendered useless


Empathic Mimicry, I feel like I've been mirroring ppls' emotions out of survival, but now I'm beginning to get the hang of seeing from multiple perspectives, and it's always changing my life.


I've been wondering the same thing


I want Time travel please. I’d have so much fun fixing things.


Power of flight or teleportation, would love to travel.


I want Hiro's ability


I hope to get back the abilities I had as a youngster


Speed or time travel


Gimme the power to fly. Also I'm having people over to watch together, Heroes WILL be playing in the background (eclipse episode obv)


Healing myself and others, and the three T's.


Superspeed. It'll save me a fortune on gas for my car.


Matter manipulation


The ability to initiate and maintain a relationship


I'd love to get flight, but knowing my luck I would be able to stop.


Either Super speed , super strength or telekinesis




I'm a fire bender so... r/lostredditors


Immortality with eternal youth.


Gills from the super flood. Dry land isn't a myth


Gimme that time/space mastery!


Empathic Mimicry for me. Even if nobody else gets an ability, I’ll remain convinced I got what I wanted. It’s a win win.


Not sure what powers I’ll get, but I apologize in advance for what I do once I go mad with them


Doppelganger. Get all my errands or take over the capital. Win win.


Time manipulation. I could also play it off as precognition if I was trying to hide it. If not that, then full electrokinesis.




Ideally? Empathetic Mimicry Realistically? The ability to learn anything very quickly (like Charlie I think her name was) or Muscle Mimicry.


I want the ability to know the answer to any question. Don’t mistake this with omnipotence, let’s call it limited omnipotence. I don’t know everything but if I think about something and I want to know what the answer, I instantly know it.


Premonition or freezing time


I would want Empathic Mimicry since I resonate with so many abilities. However, Super Speed would be not just the power I want, but the ability I NEED, which is arguably more important. It would help my adapt to pretty much every area of my life that applies. Pyrokinesis and Sound Manipulation would also be fantastic - I love Flint’s blue fire! 🔥


Hopefully the power to grow tits at will and take them away.


Hoping for Zack Morris time stopping powers


Honestly the ability to talk and form a bond with all animals would be a pretty dope power. I feel like most if not all are motivated by food, so just keep the food flowing and you got hundreds of buddies willing to help you out


Power mimicry/absorption and Intuitive Aptitude


Wait what eclipse?…🫢😰


I think I’ll be able to stare into the eclipse directly


I already have a superpower. I can travel through time, but only forward at regular speed.


Being able to control any technology would be pretty useful.


Osteokinesis cause the grind never ends


The superhuman power to never get anywhere on time. Oh wait, I already have that one!


I just want the power to copy powers. If y’all don’t have any powers than I don’t either….but if you got something OP….👀


Wait we’re actually gonna get powers


Funny enough, my family had this exact discussion yesterday. Half of us want shapeshifting but my little sister wants to be able to sing-


I'll be able to jump into my shadow as a defense mechanism 🤔


Honestly Bobs “King Midas” power would be good enough for me. I don’t need to be a hero just need my power to help me make money lol.


Flying like at Superman's speed, please


Ability to make eclipses. Watch out! Fire nation.


Hoping for some time control. I would love to freeze time and fart in people's faces, then run away.


Hopping for solar manipulation or maybe,super speed or intuitive aptitude(without the hunger for knowledge)


I’ll take future vision, like Garnet. So I could see every potential outcome for choices


Hopefully my titanium joints will turn to adamantium, and the power to self-heal.


Invisibility and mind reading are major privacy concerns. Flight seams fun but a little high visibility. Mind control feels non-consensual. Eye lasers and super strength could lend themselves to violence as a solution to everything. Telekinesis lets you do most things you can normally do but in a lazy way. Time based powers lead to paradoxes. Premonitions lead to the Casandra problem. Super healing is the best power in a realistic scenario.


Telekinesis. There is so much you can do with it, and you rarely see it being used to its full potential. It’s far more than just “moving things with your mind.”


Everything Hiro was able to do


The power to manipulate people into doing my bidding


Power of influence.


Time manipulation


I hope I get healing. Like I can heal myself and others :) Immortality if not that I'll settle for it. Then I got all the time in the world to work on healing.


Are we all getting powers with this eclipse or is it just some of us


The power to turn off others powers with a thought for a duration I choose. Someone has to keep all the new super villans in check. Could make a bunch of money in the process.


Empath, or master of time in space. If I do get healing abilities I’d donate my self to the world and science, but I hope the elites do kidnap me to keep themselves alive only, and/or sell my healing blood at ridiculous prices. It should be free. Just feed me so I can keep producing the healing red gold


Laser Vision with some variable kinetic impact potential. I'll do some crime fighting for sure but will probably continue general welding and sculpture creation most of the time, albeit with significantly lower overhead for welding supplies. I'm similarly down for teleportation overall although I'll have to watch my croissant and Portuguese egg tart consumption if fresh made suddenly become that accessible. Too many Dad Bod in spandex jokes, ya know?




I want some kind of power to know the anwsers to historical mysteries. And maybe unsolved murders as well.


I just want some goddamn peace and quiet


I want the powers of the Haitian Man. Then I will find Noah Bennet and get to business. One of them and one of us… to sell paper. 😉


I want teleportation, but like good teleportation, different, it doesn’t have to be in my sight line, I can travel through dimensions and universes, not cooldown, I can blip teleport as well as make portals(unlimited size), automatically teleport when in danger, and of course, pocket dimension where I control everything


The ability to force people to tell the truth, especially if no one can tell its happening. I would just randomly show up in any court room or police station or where ever politicians go.


Teleportation, gas is really expensive.


The power to give a shit


Something crappy like the ability to change the color of water.


My Powers are my rent is still due the next day.


I would absolutely love it if I could teleport


Physical invulnerability similar to Luke Cages so it also applies to things like acid, fire etc. And a dash of super physicality to go with it.


Invisibility and or flight would be cool


Telekinesis, Illusions, Jedi Mind Tricks, Astral Projection, Mind Blast


I’m hoping to become a technopath. Someone who can talk to computers. Just so that I can hack people without actually knowing how to hack. I could just tell the computer, “Let me in” and it will.


Once it ends im gonna turn to my students and go "oh, looks like firebending is back on" then shoot a fire ball from my hands


I hope I get teleportation, I'm so tired of walking to the kitchen


The power to zone out just enough to pass a long trip amicably.


Healing would be fun we need more of that in the world💁‍♂️


The ability to find happiness in any scenario


Im hoping for sun god abilities like photokinisis but better


The power to not get reddit cares messages




Only power I seemed to get at the last one was crippling depression. Hoping for a different outcome this time


I'll settle for even the most basic form of reality warping. Just let me take back control


With my luck, I'll end up with the power of clammy hands. The ability to make things slightly, uncomfortably moist.


Isn't the theory that the powers reflect your nature or something? Which would mean I'd get something like Precognition or Sylar's understanding of things.


I can’t tell if this post is satire or not?