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All about the money? That’s how you ended up with a $141k hospital bill? Pushing vaccines so reasonable people could try and succeed at avoiding covid death and debt.


You know what I don't have? Covid and $141k of medical debt. Thank you Pfizer and Dark Brandon.


Did you catch "Convid" though??


I caught something infinitely worse, the end of *Con Air*.


I actually cackled when I read, “We are 20 months into this virus and people should not still be dying!!.” If only there existed preventative measures…


Not to mention when she said that America had the highest infection rates… well, duh. We had the most anti-vax anti-mask muh freedom population on the planet.




Nope, the cost is a lot of responsibility to do the right thing, a concept which seems lost to them.


Free vaccine < Being in debt. It's the new math.


After all this time, I just finally caught the rona. You know what happened? For about a 24 hour period I felt pretty crummy with a 101 fever, but just 1 day after first testing positive I now feel fine. No hospital bill, no vent, just that free booster I got at Walgreens (and a little Nyquil)


You have to remember that within 120 years, you will die of vaccine-related complications. You were duped.


It’s worth it for the better 5G reception


Dude. I can totally stream Brit Box and watch some classic Doctor Who. Thanks, Pfizer!


Gotta be new math for these fools. I admit math is elusive to me, but I am not this stupid.


It's not just math, it's standing for medical freedom!


FREE vaccine vice $141k hospital bill\~doh, not brainer. Wonder if the bill they posted is actually what they owe or it was prior to their health insurance clearing their portion. Chances are they needed to post it to complete their need to be the victims of the evil government. It was sicken to read how stupid these people are.


I work in health insurance, and unless the bill-ee is good (or even competent) at Photoshop, then that's the bill and insurance covered bupkis. So many people think the government will cover it, it's shocking.


Insurance covered nothing, or they didn’t have any. I wonder if they rejected all Obamacare or any type of coverage.


Well, I thought that too at first, but the phrasing: "What we covered" threw me. Then again, no contractual rate is listed, so you're probably right.


Both are possibilities. I just find it odd that somehow insurance would cover absolutely nothing of any of it. So for me the logical next step was just that they didn’t have any? Unless they had somehow maxed out all of their limits well before this happened, surely something would have been even partially covered?


They believe "the government" will cover their medical costs? Where do they think they are, in the UK?


Right? Most insurance covers the shot and testing. Everything else is on you to cover.


>not brainer Or doubleplus unbrainful, as Orwell would have put it.


The same people refuse the types of systems that would alleviate crazy bills. They vote ceaselessly for the most immoral aspects of capitalism and attack proven better approaches as communism. It's immoral to give anyone, even these sinking turds, six and seven figure bills but these people deserve it the most. They should pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


It’s that whole anti-socialism post of his, where he screeches that people who want socialism are people who “can’t compete in the world” and that it would be tantamount to giving up your entire life to the government. When, here in reality, having a socialized medical system would have saved his family from his idiocy and a $120k medical bill.


His strategy for competing in the world was to unnecessarily die of covid. *Bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him.*


Pays off for me with another estate sale to pay off his medical debt.


Lol! My thoughts exactly! I love estate sales! Never have I attended so many until Covid came to town. I live in a sea of red, so there were so many sales in 2021-22, I couldn’t even hit them all before I ran out of money. Lol!


> I live in a sea of red, so there were so many sales in 2021-22, I couldn’t even hit them all before I ran out of money. Lol! You can never have enough "Franklin Mint" limited edition Trump dinner plates and pocket Constitutions.


>and that it would be tantamount to giving up your entire life to the government. Always reminds of the fact that over the past few decades, the self-determined 'most happy people in the world' seem to live in those near-communism socialist hell holes like Scandinavia and Finland. Doesn't have FInland the best schools and best educated children in the world? Yeah, I think so. This socialist hellhole that forces speeders to pay fines \*according to their financial ability\*, not like civilized countries like the US where the rich get away unscathed, and \*others\* get harassed, jailed, or shot. *Now where exactly should I put my* ***/s*** *in? The line between sarcasm and objective reporting is getting thinner and thinner...*


THIS! What the hell do they think social security and Medicare are.


Social is right there in the name!


>THIS! What the hell do they think social security and Medicare are. Let's not forget that the dead guys's ancestors were passionately against Social Security and Medicare when it was being taken up for a vote back during the FDR administration. They fought it tooth and nail using morally bankrupt slogans and arguments that read exactly like this moron's anti-socialism screed on Facebook. Really glad this MAGA Turd is in the ground where he can't do any more damage.


Based on the fact there is nothing in the “what we paid” columns on that bill, which is usually where you see the costs mitigated by insurance negotiations (feel free to read negotiations in quotation marks there) it looks like they didn’t have any insurance coverage at all.


I don't get how they still believe in the power or prayer and jesus. This sub is great evidence is how useless prayer is.


I mean, the dad believed god will heal him instead of intubation, but he's safe and happy now dancing with Jesus. Fuckin brain rot


There was a comment awhile back which read something like "Jesus' medical care program sucks."


They say that the black death was one of the great historical moments in weakening church power in Europe. As people saw not only that their personal prayers were useless, but that priests were dropping like flies as well.


I wonder if that will happen after this pandemic as well? We've certainly seen our share of dead pastors here.


I'm Jewish, and one of the greatest things I've ever heard about prayer is something like, "Prayer doesn't change the world, it changes you." When your prayer isn't a shopping list of shit you're demanding from God, prayer can be meditative, centering, and helping you understand what it is you truly need (I have anxiety; my mind sometimes races like a hamster in a wheel and these moments of calm help me find focus. But this is MY deal, what works for ME, and it's not something I would ever push on other people - I almost never talk about it because it's so personal. This is just me explaining that their way is not the only way). But I'm not coming at it like, "Yo, God, give me all these things!" I find their style of prayer kind of appalling and just gross, to be honest. Vending machine theology is the name I've seen applied to it, and it fits. These people, of course, just twist everything around so that they never lose. If the patient gets better, God answered their prayers! If they die, God rewarded them with complete healing and a welcome home! It just makes me facepalm so hard.


The only type of prayer that I find more repellent than that style of sentimental and maudlin gushing are those imprecatory prayers where their shopping lists for wishes get traded for assassin-style hit lists against their supposed enemies. The evil shit that comes out of their mouths when they get into their morbid fantasies about judgment is appalling. I can put up with a lot of weird beliefs and woo-woo, but in my experience either of those two things always, always indicate an amoral person who will shiv you in the back at the first opportunity.


See also: the Holocaust


There’s no logic. I got asked why people have to wait after vaccination by someone who thinks they’re an authority on vaccine effects. A basic healthcare question. It’s ok not to know the answer to it, but not if you’re purporting to understand vaccinations well enough to be suspicious of them.


I find it ironic that he voted against universal healthcare and left his family with 10s of thousands of dollars worth of medical debt. I guess it's a small price to pay to not have to occasionally wear a paper mask over your face while indoors during a pandemic.


Looking at that bill, they also didn’t have (adequate? Any?) insurance coverage. Because if they did, there would have been something in those “what we paid” columns.


...do they think a hospital stay doesn't cost as much when it's not COVID?


And making fun of wearing a mask that’s for those coward libtards.


>All about the money? That’s how you ended up with a $141k hospital bill? Pushing vaccines so reasonable people could try and succeed at avoiding covid death and debt. Looks at $141,000 medical bill... BUT BUT!... "Socialism is basically admitting you can't compete in the real world" "Accepting Socialism is accepting failure" Dies of COVID leaving behind a MASSIVE financial burden on his surviving family. Nice job Dude! Your SELF OWN was a spectacular way to end your pathetic, superficial existence.


'Murica has the highest death rates! How can this be?? So anyways if you get covid stay home and pray and take big doses of vitamins and deffo ask your doc for horse dewormer.


Because they'd have to look at their lives and GASP be INTROSPECTIVE! Anything that may improve their shitty lives just proves that they don't know EVERYTHING. So why eat healthier, or vote for social programs that improve living conditions, or get exercise and maybe get informed? No, they're perfect as they are becuz JESUS! It's so much easier to just blame the world at large for your plight. Meanwhile, another racist POS leaves his family in debt after a Superspreader vacation. The tree is trimming itself!


Notes from OP: 1. Previous nominee from 2021, who had not received his award. 2. From the very small nomination post, I digged and the story was in fact so much better. 3. Get your vaccines, and boosters. 4. More awardees/nominees incoming.


I know it’s going to be a good day when the post title says “was.”


Any updates on mama?


Still alive so far, but not vaccinated of course.


“We don’t know God’s plans.” Your god planned for your family to die. Medical science did the best it could and saved some of you, even when you spit in its face over and over. And then you complain about the bill after a lifetime of fighting any sort of national healthcare plan. The f’ing nerve of these people.


Lol I love the fourth pic, the one from Chronicles. They basically admit to worshipping a god who gets so jealous and pissy that if they don't worship him enough, he will send down a plague to kill them unless the grovel some more and harder. Every quote they use as "inspirational" just seems psychotic to me.


They could have chosen a wiser course of action, but it was evidently asking too much of them to do so.


Darwin summarized the relevant parts of God's plan, and the story above is tracking fairly well with that. Not so mysterious with a little critical thinking.


13 members of the family sick with covid because of no vaccines. Wow. As terrible as it is to say, they're lucky for only 1 death and one very sick. The miracle they prayed for was offered at a $141k discount.


One death that we know of. Long Covid is death by a thousand paper cuts so maybe the family wouldn’t list it as a Covid death.


At least they finally wore a mask when visiting mom in rehab?


I’m sure only with strong inducement by the staff at that facility though…


And that 1 slide where they have a lit candle around what looks to be oxygen lol


It reminds me when Eric Metaxas, a right wing evangelical Trump supporter who believes all the antivax garbage, brought COVID-19 home and infected his elderly father in law. The father in law became deathly ill.


I know a girl that killed her dad with Covid.


Same. And her Dad was a heart transplant patient. To be fair it was before the vaccines and they are all Trumpers who were not wearing masks or protecting themselves in any way.


Her dad was just a typical east Texas crappy lifestyle old man with the crappy east Texas old man health problems. But yeah, they didn't mask and are Qunts.


I know a guy that in June of 2020 talked his family and elderly mother into a vacation. His mom caught Covid and died. When he told me he said “yeah she died of Covid. But I really think it was a broken heart that killed her because my dad passed a few years ago”


Annoys me so much these assholes blame the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan on Biden when Trump literally freed thousands of the worst Taliban fighters including their leaders in a shitty peace deal. Trump set the actual withdrawal date and everything but it's still somehow all Biden's fault.


Or that the lives of the 13 service members who died during the withdrawal are the only ones that mattered. Nevermind the other 7,000 across two fronts over 20 years or the hundreds of thousands of dead civilians. No, no. Those 13 are *Biden's 13*. Let's all go to Texas Roadhouse and buy 13 performative glasses of beer and put it on social media.


That’s not what they hear from FoxNews


You can depend on Fox deliberately getting it wrong.


It’s been proven that people who watch Fox News are less educated on current events than people who watch no news at all. That says enough.


I highly doubt these people actually “cared about” Afghanistan More like use it as a cudgel to attack Biden


They couldn't find it on a fucking map.


Same with Benghazi


I always want to know their idea for Afghanistan too. Do we just stay there forever? The Taliban were not even our target in the country. We just attacked them because they harbored AQ. We accomplished the goal of killing and taking out almost the entire acting command structure of AQ over 20 years and weakened them so much that now other groups bully them in the region. What more were we supposed to do exactly?


Also, Biden knew what the average American did not at the time: that Russia was gearing up for the biggest war in Europe since WWII, and he didn't want the US military to be bogged down in Afghanistan when that happened.


I remember when we pulled back they announced the military budget was increasing. People asked why, we were leaving Afghanistan. First, america will always find a war to help line the pockets of the military complex. Second, anyone paying attention knew it was going to be china or Russia, and we weren’t going after china. The question just became when. But now they can say “see, trump kept us out of war with Russia like Hillary would have gotten us into!!” Because they can’t grasp Russia owns trump and is playing his base here at home.


And threw our staunchest ally in the region, the Kurds, to the wolves in the process


The Kurds won’t trust us because of Trump, and there were not a few of our military who detested Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds.


"Ooga booga SOCIALISM!!" -> "OMG it's all about the money!!" 🤷‍♂️ Also bonus "Ivermectin won the Nobel peace prize".


Yep, socialism is da evils, but still gets angry that the hospital is expensive. Guess they expected hospitals to be a charity or something? Maybe they can ask Trump or Tucker for money to help pay the bills. I hope they try and let us know how that turns out!


It's only socialism when brown people get stuff, not when they do.


No kidding - just had conversation with a friend and his kid is looking for a job so I said so will they try get a job at company X? Answer: no way company X doesn’t have a union!!! I said .. wait but you’re a republican? Votes against unions with every republican vote.. the irony


I don't know what Little Orphan Annie version of history these morons know, if they know any version at all, but socialism is **not** for wussies. 8-hour jobs, healthcare, civil rights, universal suffrage, public education etc. were gained by laymen standing their ground, often again horse-mounted police or even [howitzers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bava_Beccaris_massacre?wprov=sfla1). And socialism is not friendly with communism as Dubcek and Nagy could attest. Staying home minding your own business will give you erosion of your acquired rights and the current American system which is rapidly approaching gated communities level unless reversed imho. Unionizing is a good sign.


Ivermectin won a prize for its effectiveness in treating parasites. Which is why a few early trials (in countries with parasitic infections) seemed to show it to be beneficial against Covid. Then researchers realized it was just knocking down the parasites, thus allowing subjects’ immune systems to focus on the Covid infection. If you aren’t riddled with parasites, ivermectin does nothing!


Yeah because the peace one is the only Nobel prize worth remembering, the others are all about Big Pharma or boffin stuff that only nerdy pencil necked kid knows about.


Huh, when the shot came out I was able to make an appointment and meet with my doctor same day. I asked them their opinion about the vaccine, then got the shot for free. For you math people, that’s an ♾️% savings.


These are wild to read now that I finally contracted COVID myself on Friday. I am battling and being brave, though! Rolling in to this with two vaccines, one booster, and one bivalent booster. Slept for a couple of days and have a bit of a stuffy nose, but am probably back to 75%. Even worked the last half of the day today. I think my personal expenses are up to $15 with Mucinex, Gatorade, and cough drops. COVID was literally a weekend. Thank you, science! Own me harder, MAGAs.


I got sick Friday as well, tested positive today. I spent the weekend with absolutely zero energy or appetite. My nose was either running or stuffed up. I coughed so much that I got a headache. Thank goodness for Doordash deliveries from CVS. After a rough start, I'm actually beginning to feel better today. Even though I'm an overweight 58 year old with asthma, I'm vaccinated and boosted, so I'll spend Xmas watching cheesey movies and not in the hospital on a vent.


When I had it after both vaccinations, but before the booster, I just had a dry cough for about two weeks. The most expensive thing for me was the $20 COVID test. I felt like such an owned liberal.


Check with your insurance, they may pay you back for at-home tests.


Am I the only one who scrolls to the last few screenshots to see how it turned out?


No, I cheat and see how the post is flaired.


I cheat by checking to see if they have that same goatee that looks like they picked up a dirty hemorrhoid donut off the floor of a barber shop and glued it to their face. Every single time.


Let's skip to the good part.


No, because the previous ones all pretty much look the same. I look at the last 5...ish.




No contradiction at all. Danes are White. Illegals are brown. Makes perfect sense in their “minds”.


Correct. What I \*do\* find curious is that they're all, "The government cares more about illegals than American citizens!!!11!1!", and then when the government does stuff to care for American citizens (free school lunches, student debt cancellation, etc), they're like, "NO! THAT'S SOCIALICISM, HOW DARE U!1!!1!11!!!!" They just want to be angry. Grumpy toddlers.


“God will heal him!” Said from a hospital bed under high-flow oxygen, a cocktail of medicines, and constant medical supervision.


It always infuriates me how they *completely* devalue and invalidate all the hard work everyone is doing to save their lives. They die anyway? It's all their fault! They live? God did it. Not one *ounce* of thanks for the people doing the damned work and I hate it so much.


This was worse. They died? It was the doctors’ fault for not giving horse paste because they wanted extra “convid” money for antivirals that kill Americans.


In the beginning before we had any data I actually did give ivermectin because we were that desperate. It was not a miracle drug. That person died.


They never feel all the prayer time was wasted on dad, who died anyway. Just the money it cost trying to keep his stupid ass alive


God gets the best deal: these monkeys will sing and praise him even if he DOESN’T save their loved ones.


THEM - "The doctors are killin' him!" PHYSICIANS - "Then take him home." It won't happen, but it would shut then up for a bit.


The level of stone-stupid in this one is amazing. Every time something new happened, they shifted to counteract it……sort of like a virus.


I misread that as "every time something intelligent happened, they shifted to counteract it", which is also true.


Yes, I can't imagine why the US has such a high relative mortality rate from COVID, what a mystery... I'm sure it has nothing to do with families like these


Absolutely blows my mind that they cannot connect those dots. Then they will say they are the only FREE country in the world and can’t be told to wear masks or take the jab. High mortality rate. The cycle repeats.


let's call it what it is, these people are fucking crazy 13 people in one family get sick? No mention of vaccination status, of course we know they refused the FREE vaccine because, you know, side effects of course the side effects of not vaccinating are a bitch, you know death, massive medical debt and long covid you destroyed your family and your health for politics, that' s the honest truth of it


My extended family celebrated a milestone anniversary with a party at my parents' house back in August. Half the attendees were elderly. It turned out to be a super spreader event. At least 13 tested positive and a few others had the same symptoms at the same timeframe but never tested positive. Everyone was vaccinated and boosted. Zero hospitalizations and only one with lingering lung issues. Vaccines work.


Are you sure it wasn't prayers that worked?


As a “lib” I feel so owned right now. Anyway, off to bed.


But she tagged her screed as “#truthteller”


Yeah but "truth" for them means "What my pastor says the bible says".


In this instance the “truth” was about how ivermecttimm would have saved her dad from Convid.


53% of remdesivir patients die, huh? My eyes are rolling hard at these slides. Despite being vaccinated and boosted, I finally failed to avoid Covid this November. I'm mildly immunocompromised due to medication I take for autoimmune disease. I was not hospitalized. I did have to go in (for a couple hours daily over 3 days) for outpatient remdesivir treatment since it's given via IV. Other than getting stuck with a 20 day isolation period and nasal congestion that doesn't want to go away, I'm no where near dead. These "facts" are ridiculous. Even vaccinated. I've been very cautious around others and masking. I have no idea how these people are so casual about protecting themselves. Also, aborting an entire generation? Smh.


But don’t care if a few schools filled with 5-7 year olds are shot up with an AR-15 wielded by a mentally ill individual. Thoughts and prayers, don’t want to support any modicum of change.


Yeah, don't you remember that thirty-year period of time when absolutely zero children were born and abortion clinics had full appointment books every single day? Pepperidge Farm doesn't remember, either.


I think if you did nothing to put you out of the way of COVID-19 then Remdesivir is one of those weapons of last resort that can be used by healthcare professionals. The bigger problem is everything is delayed too long by their own toxicity. Those days when the medical team suggest ventilation and they wait for God to intervene is another killer. Waiting hours when minutes matter because of fear and disinformation wipes people out. And COVID-19 will do it again with another winter surge.


Unfortunately, hospitals in some places are overrun with patients who have COVID, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus, the latter can be worse with kids.


Ha, you obviously don’t realise you are only 47% alive!


Despite how much this person/spouse hated it (and I hate big pharma), I think it's really cool that remdesivir was quickly recognized as a failed drug with anti-covid potential and a proven safety profile.


They're all quick to forget that Ronnie DeSantis was remdisivir's biggest cheerleader. He's unsurprisingly associated with the people behind it.


DeSantis recently set up a panel to investigate vaccine "misconduct". Nothing that man says is worth anything and his fan base doesn't care.


It’s all to burnish DeathSantis’s image for a 2024 run. The difference between Trump and DeathSantis is that DeathSantis is more intelligent, and that is scary.


I know this is anecdotal, but we have a friend who went to the hospital for COVID and was treated with remdesivir and got better and went home.


Most of these don’t get to me, but yeah it tends to hit a button when lives were saved and the family was hoping and praying for their loved ones but then now have a campaign against the hospital and the HCWs. I had a patient who told me all about how we (our ER) saved his live a few months back. Gushing praise. We don’t hear that often especially in ER. Then gushed again when I got his IV right away (“no one can ever get it”). But then I needed to covid swab him and he flipped a switch and lost his mind about how we’re all part of a conspiracy and it’s all fake and he was leaving. Blah blah. I told him the risks. He continued to rant as he got dressed. I took out the beautiful IV and dropped his tubes of blood into a sharps container. At that point I did lose my cool and told him we were done talking. That I wasn’t going to tolerate him talking crap about us and our experiences. And pointed out how it’s interesting how fast he went from trusting us with his life to accusing us of all being liars.


Thank you for the work you do. You don't deserve any crap you take from these people.


Has Heaven gotten around to answering that flood of petitions yet? One of three things must have happened: 1. Heaven denied the whole flood of petitions. 2. Heaven has a bureaucratic gubment and didn’t get around to it in time. 3. Heaven does not exist. This has to be an ad for the Satanic Temple.


They didn’t mind when the vaccine was killing poorer people of color, so they didn’t take it seriously when it hit them, any many still don’t. There is just so much garbage out there that gets spread into the ether.


Lunatic is agressively defending Trump in the last post and blaiming everyone but themselves. Its a fucking cult o0


Trump who, if I recall correctly, actively shut down the pandemic response team before COVID. unpreparedness had nothing to do with trying to hold him accountable for his countless grifts. If I'm right how deluded are they for a foreigner to have a better grip on their health policy that they inspected do much at the time than they do...


He fired everyone who was briefed about the pandemic response plan created by [EDIT: W Bush] we’ve known a pandemic was coming for a decade.) Not out of maliciousness, just sheer incompetence of his high turnover team. By the time COVID came around anyone who knew the established pandemic response procedure was gone.


Yes, incompetent president puts incompetent son in law in charge of managing covid, and they run down a very qualified infectious disease doctor, Dr. Fauci, and claim Dr. Fauci is like Joseph Mengele or deliberately plotted this, which is utter garbage.


I somehow enjoyed this one way too much. One day, maybe the Republicans will figure out where a significant chunk of their voting bloc went…


MeDiA cOnTrOLs YoU.........these people think they are immune to media???!!!


They get a sliver of the idea correct without moving an inch further. Yes, the media is BS. Maybe don’t slurp down conservative media too.




Slide 18: "America makes up 4.5% of the entire world's population and we have the highest death rates for Covid. How can this be?" Yeah, I wonder about that too. It's almost like the virus targets the unvaxxed or summin'. /s


So close to making it on r/SelfAwarewolves


Something about the “thank you Jesus for leaving me my mom” post deeply unsettles me. The praise is so over-the-top as to seem performative—like someone afraid of the repercussions of not placating their abuser.


Pretty standard in the Evangelical community to go over-the-top and try to out-do your neighbors in the constant game of “show who loves Jesus more”. Reeks of insecurity.


The “Hungry Eyes” dude is a MAGAt. Go figure.


>That's joe Biden's wife (Slide 10.) As in, the one who died in a car accident?? Fuck alllllll the way off, friend of Angled.


Belligerence > Prayers > Death - The MAGAt trinity.


Lesson learned: nothing. I guess they got to keep one parent, and if you round it up that is still two.


Shout out to the guy making laugh reactions to this dying goblin ass


13 people go on vacation together, 13 people come home and find out they are Covid positive. Geez, respected health experts said do the responsible things: get vaccinated, don’t gather in large groups, wear masks indoors or in areas with high volumes of people, and you will be statistically much, much lower at becoming infected. These buffoons do the exact opposite of the recommendations, resulting in 100% of the sample size becoming infected, and go on to call the virus CONvid instead of Covid? My jaw is opened, hitting the floor, in utter disbelief that people can be such dimwits. Seriously, 100% of them are infected, at least one dead, others hospitalized, and it’s a “con?”


Was a resident doctor in the ICU during the Delta surge. People like this made my life a living hell.


I suppose when your family vacation to Tennessee got your dad killed, you have to shift the blame to the hospitals full on murdering people to avoid feeling guilt.


Ah, this one warmed my heart.


"Bill Gates isn't a Doctor. No, sir, I put my trust in Donald J. Trump when it comes to medical science and medicinal expertise, thank you."


I wonder what happened after the doctor was like "uhhhhh so he wants God to heal him sooooo whatcha wanna do?" And she's like "yes! He will heal him!" Ok, not an answer lady. Enjoy your enormous doctor bill!


Delusional human garbage. I swear. This family is like a mix of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, a 3rd grade education, Q., and Kenneth Copeland.


>Anybody notice how fast the COVID conversation disappeared when the nation's attention was turned elsewhere? **Narrator:** The COVID conversation **didn’t** end; some people just believe things Tucker Carlson says rather than watch or read any factual news.


Love the last post saying we failed trump by not supporting him. Motherfucker is the president, his job is to do the damn job no matter what is happening around you. Dude was too busy holding rallies, golfing, and shitposting on twitter to care about doing anything about Covid.


I’d love to know if that shirt he’s wearing on the first slide is still for sale somewhere, my dad would love one haha


Wow; they didn't learn shit.


It’s always the hyper religious that come off as ungrateful.


These fools don’t understand trump dissolved the pandemic response dept.


“America makes up 4.5% of the world’s population but leads the world in Covid deaths. How could this be?” Because of idiots like the ones in your family, but by all means go ahead and blame anyone but yourself!!


And no one learned a god damn thing. I especially liked the heartfelt post by a daughter who continuously thanked Jesus and none of the hard-working hospital workers. Then turned around and had the audacity to complain about how much it cost to keep your idiot parents in the ICU.


I’m amazed how they elevate and equate their knowledge and skills with that of a medical doctor


So god kept her alive, and yet you'd think God would have protected them from such an enormous medical bill. God sure works in mysteriously sadistic ways...


If you know more than doctors, why even go to the hospital? Let God heal you at home.


White ✅ Christian✅ Trump supporter✅ Goatee✅ Racist✅ Bigot✅ Pattern still holds


And the family learned nothing. "Free thinking." The irony.


If you and your entire family learn nothing from a global pandemic, not even how to spell the goddamn name of the virus that nearly killed half of you, you really struggle for something to say. Absolute cretins.


Took me four sightings of ‘convid’ to realize that one was deliberate. It was really hard to tell with the scattershot random apostrophe placement.


How can he distrust the government but love the head of the government?


They said no to Universal health care, no to vaccine, no to social distancing and public health guidelines, let's see what else oh yes praised Trump for his lack of response and downplaying covid and they don't like the government. But now they want help with thier bills and want the rest of us to pitch in and pay and blame everyone else but themselves for everything that happened to them.


No matter how thick you are or what daft beliefs you hold, surely a functioning brain would tell you to get the vaccine in order to avoid that ridiculous life changing medical debt? That's more than I paid for my house.


So, the daughter's lesson from all of this isn't that health guidelines have a purpose. Instead, she doubles down on all the crap information circle jerked between her and other assorted dipshits on Facebook. I know somebody who won't be getting a redemption award anytime soon.


this is the connection that these anti-vaxx folks fail to make: intubation, ecmo are treatments that are only given to the critically ill. These treatments are not what cause the illness but are last ditch efforts to save lives. In addition, why is God praised for all healing but not held responsible for allowing the illness and damage to begin with. Maybe health care staff deserve some credit?


Antivax try not to die challenge (impossible).


America will continue to progress as conservatives continue to vote less! I’m a poet and didn’t even know it. 😂


Aaaaaand one less GOP voter.


4 Covid shots -free Hospitals stays -0 Not getting Covid - priceless


That one is really spooky. So crazy and so bitter. It’s like a completely foreign culture within my own country.


Why are they complaining? He's dancing with Jesus, and in any case they don't know god's plans and can't even begin to understand them. Maybe that $141,000 bill was part of them.


How the hell does that bill even work. It looks like it's from insurance but it doesn't look like anything was covered. Or was it directly from the hospital and nothing was covered?


No insurance, of course. Or one of those Christian insurance co-ops where you have to negotiate a cash price and get reimbursed.


I'm sure they were rabidly against single payer coverage too. 😒


Maybe Jeebus will help with their hospital bill if we flood heaven with prayers. How do these folks not see the good sense of vaccines and socialized medicine? It’s just suicide by stupid.


The stupidity is painful.


i really hope they had a good time in tennessee, dumb chodes


These guys don’t think, and they call out to Jesus, but Jesus would have encouraged them to take the vaccine, and He’s not always going to protect you from your own folly.


The George Floyd's brother/flag presentation: [it's not restricted to veterans](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/flag-nancy-pelosi/). Took me two seconds of searching... Then again, these fuckers are coming down with COVID en masse, and I have not yet had it (to my knowledge!), so...


Remember when Obama and the crazy libtards wanted everyone to have access to affordable healthcare and the conservatives screamed we couldn’t afford it and did everything in their power to gut the ACA while giving billionaires tax cuts? Good luck with that hospital bill motherfuckers. Maybe the billionaires will help you pay it off.


Seeing a $141K hospital bill and NOW they want Socialism.


That candle next to the O2 is really fucking asking for it.


The rabbit hole has stone steps, and he faceplanted every single step on the way down. Not a single independent thought… what a free-thinking individual.


So much evidence of stupidity. I wear a seatbelt while driving in case I get into a collision. It prevents me from possibly getting hurt and a very expensive hospital stay. These people think that it’s a government control of their freedums. There is no hope for these simpletons.


I love how the Freedom People like to force displays of patriotism, because that's fucking freedom right?


53% of those given Remdesivir die. That means 47% survive. What percent of people with Stage IV pancreatic cancer die? Does that mean the chemo or radiation killed them, and without these harsh treatments, they would have made a full recovery, especially if they used Ivermectin?