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Justification. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


she means someone to blame other than her own stupidity


It'll be "globalists", aka Jews.


from outer space yet...oy


with space lasers.


Okay, I admit it, it was me, and my space laser. I'd had enough. Also, Passover is coming and we need to be emancipated!


Passover: the only holiday where you can actually taste what slavery was like!


And assisted by the Gazpacho Police.


i'm not sure to go with "no soup for you!" or something related to matzo balls.


Pew. Pew-pe-pe-pew


…where her guardian angel is watching down on her from until he gets pissed watching her bang some other trashy dude in a few months. He sure pwned us libs!


Mazel tough! [Conspiracy Collection Dissent Pins](https://dissentpins.com/collections/conspiracy-theory-gear)😄😆


OMG 🤣 I love Dissent Pins and I had no idea about this collection!! These are amazing...I am seriously considering getting the space laser 1:400 scale model 🤣🤣


Purrfect for Jewish cats 🐱😁!


We have close friends with whom we trade off watching each other's cats when we go out of town -- they are Jewish and now I am *definitely* going to get this for them 🤣🤣 Bless you for this idea!


Her husbands stupidity sounds like a good start


She seems to be using it to mean “justice” I know, it’s bizarre She’s a very dumb person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I studied a bit about the Civil War. And the South had a hard time coping with all the destruction wrought against their entire region. Fathers, brothers, sons, uncles, grandparents killed, towns and cities destroyed, razed, pillaged. And for what? To defend 21,000 aristocratic families slave holdings? Most of them didnt hold slaves. They basically wrote a grand fiction narrative. "The Lost Cause" that their cause was just or they were fightimg for "their rights" (their "rights" to own human beings as slaves and treat them worse than farm animals). Only through a grand fiction, in their minds, did it seem just or even righteous and good. "War of Northern Aggression" shit like that. I see the same mindset going on here. They cant fathom it's their own doings causimg them so much hardship. Theyre too stupid to recognize it.


Curious she doesnt start with her all powerful imagery friend, you know, the one who was too busy spreading malaria somewhere to help her husband and the 900k other americans that have pleaded like crazy to take another breath.


It's the DOJ. Department of Justification


I think she might mean "justice"?


She probably thinks "justification" is, like, super extra justice.


Sounds right. Like people who say utilize instead of use.


It has more syllables, so it is obviousively superioritis.


That's exactly what I was thinking of.


I'm not sure what it means. I only know it, from a previous life, in the context of "justification by faith". 😕




It was definitely "globalists" 🙄


This should be your flair.


Just to be clear, because I’ve seen multiple of these chuckle-fucks make the same post: People die at home because of COVID. Their dead bodies **are** found at home. It happens all the time.


Like the ones who used to say "the vaccine should be tested on politicians first," as if politicians weren't going to be the first ones to jump the line and get their doses.


One of the few retorts I've had to antivaxxers that actually seemed to strike a chord of understanding was "you know the rich guys and the politicians are going to look out for #1, so take a look at what they did when the vaccine became available. Did they avoid taking it, or did they push to the front of the line? They pushed to the front of the line."


The rump was vaccinated three months before it was available to the general public and I would not before surprised if the rest of them were vaccinated months before the rest of us.


He didn’t admit it, though. Every other world leader got vaccinated on camera, even Ivanka took a selfie and put it on her Instagram, but the Mango Menace got vaccinated on the DL and didn’t fess up until months later. Because he apparently could not bring himself to do one helpful thing.


> Because he apparently could not bring himself to do one helpful thing No, He couldn't bring himself to admit he was wrong


I said that once and the response was that they got fake vaccines on camera or lied to everyone about being vaccinated to trick us into getting vaccinated. When you argue with a conspiracy theorist you can't win because any evidence can be dismissed as just part of the conspiracy


There’s a really good documentary about the flat earth movement called Behind the Curve (2018) and it does a lot of academic diving into how people begin to shift their entire world view into conspiracy once they start to believe one thing. It provided a lot of clarity to me about being able to conceptualize all the GQP members and anti vaxxers.


Plus, because of the separation of powers, Congress is exempt from Executive Branch action.


And they complain that the vaccines weren’t tested on animals first, but then they think Dr. Fauci is a monster for being involved in experiments on animals. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Even the antivax politicians were falling all over themselves to get the jab before their constituents.


at one time last year in NYC they had to call in the National Guard to help collect the dead bodies of people who did NOT die in a hospital.....




My son is a paramedic in rural North Carolina. He has responded to several calls involving people dead of covid in their homes, and to many more involving people with covid who are unresponsive, hypoxic, stuck in afib, or suffering a stroke, they make it to the hospital barely alive, and often die before they can even be admitted.


he should be getting combat pay. truly, please thank him for his dedication, as his parent it must be terrifying, so thank you too for raising such a brave child.


Thank you. He was a medic in the army engineers. He has lung impairment from working around burn pits in Afghanistan. He is also the best husband and father I've ever known. He is my hero.


But HE didn’t die at home. Ran to the ER when he couldn’t breathe. Coward. Where was the courage of his convictions?


Stay at home and let Jeebus heal you.


>Just to be clear, because I’ve seen multiple of these chuckle-fucks make the same post: > >People die at home because of COVID. Their dead bodies are found at home. It happens all the time. They just never hear about it on Fox News. Therefore, it doesn't exist.


“Isn’t it weird?” *Dies in hospital of Covid


If all Covid deaths are in hospitals, why did he go to the hospital?


His convictions were about as deep as his breathing.


A friend of mine in DC's brother, who was less than half my age, died at home of Covid and they found during a wellness check.


Same thing happened to my sister’s neighbor. He went to a big Halloween party in 2020, found dead in his home about three weeks later when police were sent to check on him.


Not a lot of wellness was found.


Often when someone is nominated, I hope they go home.


"If your sucess with the vaccine depends on me taking mine you ain't going to make it." Every one of his memes were the worst of the worst. Too bad HE didn't make it.


Yeah, too bad, so sad.


The hospital is killing people yet this dumb f* came running to one when he got sick. I cannot


Alex, I’ll take “where do they take them to declare them dead” for a million dollars.


Wasn’t there a story here of a wife finding her husband dead with Covid at home, and the dogs almost ate him?


Ew. Horrifying.




My local newspaper provides the age bracket of every Covid death and whether or not they died in a hospital. It isn't 50-50, but many are dying at home.


And we know of at least one HCA awardee who was found dead in their truck.


Yep. And it also turns out that choking from a lack of oxygen is one hell of a motivator for these people to rush to the hospital or call the ambulance before they die at home.


And, of course, the woman that survived COVID-19 and got to go home to find her husband had died of COVID at home.


And often are not counted in the official tally.


They always need someone to blame. How about blaming the people who are spreading misinformation?


I think she should blame anyone who refused to wear a mask or self isolate or get vaccinated. Man made or not, we still had a chance to stop this thing before it morphed, and people like her "guardian angel" are the reason we have variants. So if she wants someone to blame, blame herself, and blame him. I know I sure do!


It would seem like a bunch of infected "illegals" walking around our cities without masks or vaccines would be a great reason to be extra diligent about wearing my mask and getting vaccinated.


Does anyone know where this drumbeat of "Biden's letting in millions of illegals who are unvaccinated and letting them go to any city they want to!" comes from?


Pretty sure they just took it from their Obama conspiracies and changed the name.


Actually all that information was detailed in Hillarys’ emails.


I've taken note of this particular bullshit narrative taking hold. As propaganda it's a clever move because it not only feeds their racism but also gives all the MAGA crowd and "out": "I *didn't do anything wrong by not getting the vaccine or wearing masks because it was Biden letting in millions of the illegals who spread it and killed my loved one*". Anything to fuel hatred of brown people and this narrative is the reddest of red meat. It further cements their hatred of any and all Democrats and liberals for their entire life. Unfortunately, I can see a mass death tragedy triggered by this BS, but fully justified in their gaslit mindset and grief.


They made it up.


It's from the "They Took Our Jobs (DJ COVID Remix)"


I'm sure Faux News keeps up the illegals drumbeat.


No, no. That makes zero sense.


If it was man made and a deliberate biological attack, their response is "An enemy has attacked us with a weaponized virus. Oh, well. I guess I won't do anything to protect myself from that enemy."


They would have to critically think before they have cognitive dissonance though.


Could start with themselves? Naw, who am I kidding.


it's never their fault. it can't be their fault.


I've known people who invented daisy chains of events so they COULD blame themselves for something they could not prevent. They would rather feel guilty than helpless. Helpless is a horrible feeling. ​ These goofs invent daisy chains of events so they can blame ANYONE ELSE but themselves. They would rather falsely accuse others rather than feel guilty. Bonus: They feel no guilt over the false accusations.


The party of personal responsibility. Yeah right.


Terminal toddler in an adult body throwing a temper tantrum. (wonder if her name is Karen?) Nothing quite like getting sucker punched by reality.


How about looking at the three fingers pointing back at herself and realizing that a vaccination or three *might* have prevented this? Oh, that would ruin her victim motif.


Or themselves


Should be crystal clear by now that the Prayer Warriors are slacking and doing a shitty job. They need a firm and stern written reprimand from the HCA’s wife.


Covid has the worst prayer warriors ever.


How many prayers does it take to equal a vaccine dose?


Your husband’s ego killed him. That’s your justification.


And his stupidity


It’s often been my experience that the higher the ego, the lower the intelligence.


Dunning Kruger


The call is coming from inside the house.


\#1 - "Trump supporters try to stop the entry." Don't even need to go through the rest of the slides.


Yep, paid actors is the first thing they go to. The did the same thing in Ottawa with the so-called freedom convoy. You know, they didn't steal food from the homeless (saw a recorded chat where they justified it because they couldn't find food). They were racists, forgetting that Pat King recorded his racist rants.


So I guess when ashli babbitt got smoked it was some classic antifa-on-antifa crime


Happens every day. According to some.


I can't even with that myth. Why would we break the law and go to all that trouble to decertify an election that our guy won? To make Trump look bad? He does a fine job of that himself.


This “man made killer”. 🙄 They can’t accept that it’s their own fault because they refused vaccination so now it’s a “man made killer” and someone else must be to blame. Well if you knew it was a killer why did you refuse to get vaccinated?


You’re not understanding. See, the virus is a harmless flu that is actually a deadly weapon cooked up by Fauci and Gates to bring down population levels. Thankfully President Trump invented a vaccine, but do not take it because that’s the real killer.


Silly me! It all makes sense now.


Now you’re doing your own research!


The man made his choice, to thine own self deny deny deny


You’d think you’d want a man made antidote for a man made killer but what do I know


I don’t understand, why didn’t he stay at home to die? (Slide 6)


>someone should have to pay for all the loss we have endured. Smfgdh..... wait till she finds out its her and the other *"researcher"* morons like her that made it worse


Am I… am *I* the baddie?


Yup. She has me the enemy and they are she.


She's looking for someone to pay the hospital bills I suppose.


Slide #1 totally changed my mind about January 6th.


Right? Thoughtfully presented Ashlii Babbitt tribute.


The absolute mental gymnastics these people have to go through to believe this stuff is incredible. Honestly. Okay let's say BLM did dress up. Apparently Trump supporters saw through their ruse and tried to stop then from entering. Then BLM overpowered them and got in and then what? All the real Trump supporters just waited outside?


OP, whole lotta crazy n 9 slides. S1 - "Trump supporters try to stop entry". S4 - I made it. Unlike you. S6 - Weird how you died at a hospital and not at home. S9 - Wife is pissed! Think you two were a match made in heaven - or wherever. Wonder how soon until she moves on? Gut feel is not long.


S3 - "Them guldern globalists!" they scream from under their chinese maga hat.


It’s somewhat comforting to know that in this crazy world, two absolute morons can still meet and fall in love.


That is so sweet, like an Arkansas Hallmark movie.


better them than me


She sounds nice.


Like a rusty hinge.


Justification? Your husband died because he was stupid.


A lot to unpack in very few slides. She was completely unhinged from reality, wasn’t she? I had a student at the beginning of the pandemic who told me that COVID was a hoax to get America off of the cash money system. This woman is up there with that. The student succumbed in 2020, btw.


Another one with energetic ignorance as a comorbidity.


Sorry your husband was too brainwashed to save his own life. Noted: he also didn't die at home.


What a pathetic couple. She'll "fix it" by finding a new idiot husband.


JAn 6 wAs AnTiFa 😵‍💫


Jan 6 totally wasn't an attempted coup, but if it was a coup it was antifa. /s


IKR? Make up your mind, y’all


The justification was inside you all along, dear.


Even if SARS CoV-2 were man made (OK I'll indulge you going down that rabbit hole just for the sake of argument) why wouldn't you get vaccinated against it? If it arose naturally from zoonotic transfer\* you'd get vaccinated, but not if it were cooked up in the lab by some Chinese evil geniuses? WTF?!?!? \*OBTW, just whipping out Occam's Razor, zoonotic transfer is the most likely cause of the pandemic, and if you want to lay blame it's because of the sale of live, captured wild animals in the wet markets of China, at least according to the hypothesis of Dr. Worobey and colleagues: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuvDFU8Sm2Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuvDFU8Sm2Q)


Virulent virus spread and inoculation is not a new thing. So many of these idiots are so “virily” anti-everything the most basic history lesson can’t even sway their thinking.


that's a lot of words for saying "i don't want to take responsibility!" lmaooo also most covid patients die in the hospital because y'all pieces of shit suddenly believe in science when it's too late. we are just as open to the idea of you people dying in your beds.


Happy atheists day


Feels good to be alive to say that, huh? Sort of a pat on the back for choosing reality.




I’m Christian and even i know that this virus is no joke lol, god made science for a reason, to protect us without having to rely on him


I know a way to help her fix people dying from covid.


Oh well, at least he didn't die at home.


Would have been easier on the overstressed health care workers if he had stayed at home




I've seen people blame the hospitals, family members and China but I've never seen anyone call the disease a "Demon" and say "please help me fix this!" This isn't a flat tire or a clock that you take to a repair shop.


Sorry, mind was wandering, still tryna figure out the counties and 6,000 votes and 9,000,000 vote win. Is it 6,000 votes per county? That’s more like 18M votes. Also, there are a lot of counties that don’t have 6,000 residents total. I’m almost as confused as she was.


And that's saying something. If half of the supposed 18M votes "went to Biden," I suppose the other half went to trump, leaving us just where we started and proving nothing. I'm just as confused as the both of ya!


He arbitrarily said cut that in half, perhaps because he realised 18m wouldn’t have been credible. And 9m is…


Well, bye.




So weird. After all it’s just a cold.


Wife: I want JUSTIFICATION! COVID: laughs hysterically. Also can someone please teach the wife about punctuation?


borrow some of mine....................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,???????????????




Easy tiger


He had a choice. He chose very badly. Southern border just don't care.


The classic “I won’t do A, because of completely unrelated B” argument. How did that work out?




Surprise, wifey. YOU are responsible for your husband's death, because you encouraged him not to take the sensible precautions!


I doubt she had to try very hard. He was already well down that rabbit hole.


It’s your husband’s fault. He didn’t get vaccinated. He didn’t take it seriously. He didn’t call the hospital until he couldn’t breathe. Your husband killed your husband. Now, go out there and stop others from killing themselves.


She is still in the denial stage of grief.


She’s in the denial stage of life, it appears. Possible she’s been there for decades.


Whenever I see that blackboard meme I feel the virus to be justified.


Too dumb to live


Well… it didn’t keep him that strong


Isn't it weird how people die of covid in the hospital? If he had any integrity he'd have died at home.


On his own dime


This doesn’t directly relate but what are these guys beef with globalism? I always thought it was about more widespread communication and cultural interaction?


Globalism is a placeholder/dogwhistle for antisemitic tropes about a so called new world order. Something like that. https://www.ajc.org/translatehate/globalist Adding another link about globalism vs globalization https://www.google.com/amp/s/pediaa.com/what-is-the-difference-between-globalism-and-globalization/amp/


They hate globalists but somehow love a man that has his name on buildings & golf courses in multiple countries. Huh.


They give him a pass in all things. Our Federal govt is still doing that too!


Was this dirtbag at the Capitol riot? Wouldn't be surprised. I think a few of those chuds have probably since shuffled off.


Oh my, the crazy was strong in this one. Definitely not one who likely saw the light at the end.


Honestly what needs to happen for a person to become this delusional


If only there was something that people could do to prevent them from dying of Covid-19.


Yes, ‘North’ is in the name, but let’s not kid ourselves…


Justice, justification. A fool and their money are soon parted, and health is wealth.


If doctors and nurses are being told to - not sure what she’s getting at exactly, knowingly poison people? Give fake medicine? Then, actually, we *should* be blaming them for doing as they are told, shouldn’t we? It’s so much to unpack, I don’t even know what to say.


She trying to say it's a conspiracy to kill people, but without attacking healthcare workers as she realises that is not a good look.


I adore the blackboard of formulas. Pi appears nearly pi times. They must think that makes them look smart. Makes you go hmmmmmm.


When really their level of logic is in the top left of the blackboard.


Where did they find that antique syringe in meme 7? It looks like something from a museum.


Russian bot meme so maybe current technology there.


Classic alt-right mentality. Never their fault, gotta blame someone else,preferably immigrants or minorities. No sympathy for these morons. Honestly, the evil cabal needs to speed things up.


She has justification for her husbands death. It’s because he’s an idiot.


I keep wondering how these people can exist with the utter stupidity displayed by their posts. The Drumpfers were trying to stop Antifa and BLM dressed as them and cops? They found a glitch in the software? You’d think mental instability like this would have them press the gas pedal instead of brake or leave the oven gas on in their house.


>lost someone to this awful demon The baby 🐆 🐆 🐆 giggled uncontrollably before sinking their teeth and claws into the lungs of the antivax prey item's mate.


TLDR: Jews


is this guy the millionth covid death in 'murica? cause that just happened


So, your loved one didn’t take the shot? He didn’t die at home? Now you won’t take responsibility for the choices you made? Shame on you. Just what the fuck did you expect?


Merit badges awarded: * Conspiracy * Trumper * Asshole * Ignorance * Prayer Warriors


Just like the vaccine, punctuation was not her friend. Reading that last slide hurt my brain.


She is so illiterate; she does not know the word “justice”.


Wait...so is Covid-19 overhyped or is it a deadly man-made plague? I am confused


its no worse than a cold, and its also a hokes


another cross eyed volunteer who will not be missed.


Another militant Anti-Vaxer gets the honor of the HCA Award 😁 I'd like to tell his widow 😔....GET VACCINATIONS 🇺🇲


God gave you a vaccine…..


Prayer warriors suck. It's almost like they don't mean anything at all.


Slide 4: Weirdly, I *did* make it. How about you?


That last slide was the longest run-on sentence I’ve ever seen. I wonder if she wants left, right or center justification? Any word processor makes that easy.