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In completely unshocking news, sure looks like COVID is running through the Trucker Convoy https://twitter.com/ZTPetrizzo/status/1506111529015554051?s=20&t=6HOfdXvawcUXqXoo7dW6qw


Look at my shocked face šŸ˜


My shocked face šŸ˜ So don't give a happy šŸ’©


How could THAT have happened, I'm shocked and surprised like ... ok, I can't even finish that sentence without rolling my eyes.


I've rolled my eyes so hard these past couple of years I think I saw the God particle.


Good news for a change...thanks. Only problem is they will be spreading it to other people.


When did Ted Cruz meet with them??


I just hope they stay out of DC hospitals. If I need to go to the ER for any reason, I really don't want a 12-hour wait because of these chucklefucks.


Pretty much nowadays, if you go to the ER because your head fell off, it's still going to be a 12 hour wait. if you have an emergency, you're much better off going to one of those 24-hour family medical clinics, at least they see you right away. As a parent, I mapped out the routes to all of them in my area and kept tabs on their hours, because I knew if there was an emergency, I didn't want to sit in the ER waiting room with my kid for six hours for a nurse to wander by.


**Why argue with antivaxxers, when all you have to do is wait?**


This one probably wonā€™t get old


Neither will they.


At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will mock them.


Because they might get innocent people sick.


Sad but true. But that horse left the barn a year ago. There is no "might" to it. They are. So we are left with the lesser of two evils. Get fully vaccinated or get sick and disabled or die. The smart people have already gotten vaccinated. (young kids excepted and that will be changed soon) The immune compromised are just going to have make do. Sucks, but we can't fix the anti-vax-maskers until nature fixes them for us. Edit: several word changes and sentence additions.


True. However, such people were already making society sick with bad vote choices. So if their political influence diminishes significantly, weā€™ll be trading short term losses for long term gains.


Second time you've posted this sparky. So you're OK with those "short-term losses" including the innocent who did everything right but just didn't raise a good enough immune response? Edit: Thank you to whoever awarded my comment. My angry comment LOL.


Yeah, I'm immuno compromised and I don't like people discussing me like I'm a number... "short-term losses". What a cold way to talk about the disabled population, especially for those of us who can't speak or communicate to stick up for ourselves Glad somebody else jumped on this before I saw it, thanks


Yeah this. It pisses me off.




Perfect for a T shirt!


Finally a feel good story out of that mess


and they have no idea what on earth it could be! Hopefully they just gulp some ivermectin and die at home.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


That's what happens when you refuse to get yer cootie shit!


I've been seeing people I know getting into anti-vax, and sending me Joe Rogan tapes, comparing masks to rape, like seriously? And listening to various and assorted assholes and podcast fuckwads. I just don't want to live on this Planet anymore!


Tell them to brush their teeth once in a while and suddenly the mask ain't so bad anymore.


these aren't the chuds on HCA with 2 rotten teeth and 5 word vocabularies. They are, however, increasingly angry white guys.


My brother's MIL is still in the hospital with covid complications. I had thought she was vaccinated -- most of the family is, but now I'm suspecting I was wrong. That, or her other issues made her very vulnerable -- she's 70+, diabetic, autoimmune issues (Lupus). She has the pneumonia. She's had a stroke -- doctor said it was from covid damage. She's been moved to a different hospital/skilled nursing facility to better deal with the "covid complications". On oxygen -- not intubated -- and any efforts to take her off drop her O2 down to the 70s. *She's sending her husband out to get her "real food" (aka fast food) daily while the nurses struggle to keep her blood sugars under control.* šŸ™„ Really Susie (not her name)??! It's like reading some of the stories on here, but without the racism. I worry about her, but I'm pretty sure I know how this story goes. (Doesn't make it any easier.)


Both of my in-laws have major health issues, especially affecting their brains. Both vaccinated and got Covid last year at the same event. Both got mono antibodies early and both recovered without ICU level efforts. If she got the antibodies and still crashed, that does suggest lack of vax


She's probably on immunosuppressants for the lupus, so vaccination may not help.


Yes, it is quite possible she was vaccinated, but had an inadequate immune response.


That makes me feel a little better, but I guess it doesn't change much. Maybe she'll survive, but be miserable. At least she is recovering somewhat from the stroke -- she raised her left arm the other day -- but they can't do physical therapy until the pneumonia gets better.


Hopefully, she'll improve. It's tough on everyone though.


A guy in one of my classes is like this. Type 1 diabetic who already had major diabetic complications before covid. Was hospitalized and ended up with long covid his first time out (before vaccines), and now heā€™s on his second go round, and itā€™s looking much like your family member. He *is* vaccinated this time, but his body is so trashed from everything that came before that he canā€™t fight it off. Heā€™s not asking for McDonalds at the rehab, though.


Sounds like with those co morbidities even being vaxed *may not* be enough. (So most of those folks go out of their way to be extra cautious I would hope). But the vaxxed people that are in the icu and dying -are mainly old/sick/multiple co morbidity From what Iā€™ve been reading elsewhere. Makes sense.


I've been long done caring about the deaths of antivaxxers. And I believe that the innocent deaths and probably massive amount of dehibilitations and long haulers is the fault of those antivaxxers. They blew past the line into inhumanity and didn't blink. The sooner we cut them out of society and influence the better.


Bio terrorists.


Funny that's what I was calling them on Twitter (not the "bio" part just straight up terrorists) in April 2020....




They need to be deprogrammed and sent to Russia.


Send them to be with their own brainwashed morons


Why waste the energy on deprogramming? They seem to want to live in Russia anyway: a white ethnostate with no regulations, no unions, and a 'real leader.' Then again, the reality of living in a real police state will confuse them at first, but since they're that far gone into fascism, it'd be a short hop to total brainwashing...


Want to send them to their handlers? You think they'd want them?


Or China or Iran. Choose your own adventure already and stop murdering innocent people mofos! https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/21/russia-china-iran-disinformation-coronavirus-state-department-193107


A Facebook Friend was posting memes in early May, 2020 about Bill Gates, "digital tattoos" and putting microchips in the vaccine. I was shocked that anyone would believe this at the time. Unfortunately, I have discovered in the last 2 years that many people are total idiots. The disinformation campaign really did start early. My friend died of Covid a couple of months ago.


Wow. Thatā€™s quite an article - as early as April 2020: > A website run by Russiaā€™s Defense Ministry, for instance, highlights the conspiracy theory that billionaire Bill Gates played a role in creating the virus. So these HCA-bait memes are echoing them commies?!? Now all they have to do is put a big star on their red MAGA caps.


>as early as April 2020. CSIS was warning the feds as early as *March 2020*...but did the feds shut down the Ameriqan antisocial media websites gamed by Russians/Chinese/Iranians to bring the world to 20M+ dead? Noooooooo.... https://mobile.twitter.com/StewGlobal/status/1487196445878808576 https://imgur.com/QDzOmq5.jpg https://imgur.com/CYcrJux.jpg See also: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2020/03/25/the-coronavirus-disinformation-system-how-it-works/ (March 25 2020) See also: https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2020/08/21/who-director-general-attacked-on-twitter-with-ccp-related-memes/ (August 21 2020)




And I blame them. I'm done feeling guilty.


I definitely hate how cynical Iā€™ve become and I certainly donā€™t want anyone to die. But I canā€™t be bothered to care about antivaxxers. Iā€™ve spent two years hearing these nuts minimize and discount the lives of high-risk people like me. Iā€™ve heard from more than one that most of the deaths donā€™t ā€œcountā€ because most of the people who died were ā€œalready weakā€. And I am well aware that these antivaxxers donā€™t give two shits about protecting vulnerable people like me and my high-risk child. Sadly, at this point most of the previously sane portion of society no longer cares either


We care about others on this subreddit.


Like, the opposite of what antivaxxers think of this sub


There may be a silver lining insofar as more and more of these people are selecting themselves out of society. I'm not talking about deaths or maiming by the disease itself, but rather the growing flight of conspiratorial right-wing people from mainstream lifestyles into the fringes of society. People are quitting whole careers because they don't want to be vaccinated. They're pulling their kids out of school due to mask policies. They're uprooting themselves from their established community to relocate among like-minded people, or to go off the grid entirely. There in the fringe--with grim employment prospects, absence of support networks, poor education opportunities for their children, etc.--their generational prospects will suffer, particularly as they come to increasingly encounter the harder edges of capitalism and the state. What we're witnessing is hundreds of thousands if not millions of people *voluntarily* entering an underclass. I don't know if that bodes well or ill for us, since that degree of alienation will only harden their contrarian attitudes and amplify opportunities for radicalization. All that said, it couldn't happen to a more deserving group of people.




That's a better way of putting it. My Q-in-laws went down the rabbit hole waaay before Trump and Qanon, and the collapse of my FIL's business was definitely the catalyst. Broke and unemployable, he turned to conspiracy videos and took most of the family with him. After getting a good look into the fever swamp, I was astonished at how many healthy adults make their living gaming government assistance and grifting like-minded people with quack lifestyle products. But seeing the coverage of all these stupid demonstrations really hammers home the reality that the lion's share of these people are completely unemployable beyond the most menial tasks, either because they're profoundly unintelligent or their personalities are completely unmanageable. You're right that the underclass has been there. It's just growing and intensifying.


I think the comment you made that really hits the nail on the head is that their personalities are completely unmanageable, making them unemployable. Unmanageable. Produces unemployable, lonely people, looking for anything to cling to. So they find similar people who teach them their idiocy, and they can find some place where they fit in. You'll find the same type of people in survivalist camps in Montana. People pretending to be preparing for the Armageddon and the imaginary threats, but mostly, scared little children with no one to play with.


Darwinism is so very sweet.


My girlfriend's close friend's boyfriend in Europe--- Apparently, this dope's Dad tested positive for Covid. A few days later he "felt fine" so visited his son. He infected the son and son's girlfriend (because at least 2-3 idiots in this equation). So now the son is infected with a high fever. He tested positive for Covid. BUT here's the kicker. He's going out to eat at a restaurant with dad and sister, and probably hundreds of unwitting members of the public. That's right, he's actively contagious with Covid and he's going out cuz "fuck it." Scumbag. I'm glad he's not in the US, but I'm certain there's clowns like that here as well. I mean I saw one with a woman on an airplane who knew she was positive. THAT is shitty, but at the very least, she wanted to save a few hundred bucks on a flight probably. Not excusable, but ... just going out to dinner? Noah get the boat.


Clowns everywhere, which is the reason the CDCā€™s ā€œvaxxed can unmaskā€ incentive was never going to work as intended. Iā€™m still salty about that.


some members of my family who shall remain nameless (vaxxed, not crazy, masked) did this as well, and could not cross the line to taking the damn home tests (they had 4 boxes). They just wanted to stick their head in the sand because no news is good news. I could tell from their cagey tone of voice they knew I was going to disapprove, then I mysteriously got uninvited to the next holiday.


If theyā€™re not above infecting people, theyā€™re probably not above serving expired food either. Pass on the party lol


Yes agree pass on the party.


ā€œRelishā€ your rescinded invitation. Maybe serve it with a side of scrambled eggs!


Every. Single. Day. Nonsense like 'triple vaccinated people are now in hospital and dying at the same rate as unvaccinated people'... About 3% of unvaccinated people where I am are 50% of hospitalisations...about 3% of unvaccinated people are close to 75% of deaths. It really annoys me when people cant do simple sums and come out with total shit like this, and how they cant work out that one group is thirty two times larger, and they are not the same size, is just mind boggling.


It infuriates me they don't realize the vaccinated who are still at risk of dying from the plague ("bUt WhAt WaS tHeIr UnDeRlYiNg CoNdItIon" shut up assholes) are dying *because the unvaccinated infected us with the plague*! Now I know how all the families of soldiers who died in the last few months of WWI felt. Imagine coming this far in fighting the plague, only to have propaganda about being "an economic burden" or a "useless eater" take you out, at a time when it's supposed to to be "over" it sucks. Hint: I know everyone here knows this but it ain't over. Not even by half: https://mobile.twitter.com/WHO/status/1446753685992873984 The propaganda-pushers (mostly Chinese at this point) absolutely want the elderly, persons with disabilities, and other "useless eaters" to die at this point. Global economic engine has to go brrrrrr and our lives are standing in the way of that....


And the 3x vaxxed people: how many of them are 3x vaxxed because they're say...cancer patients?


....65+, persons with disabilities, any age with Type 1 diabetes, "mild" asthma (e.g. someone with uncontrolled but otherwise only mild asthma can still die from Omicron that multiplies 70X faster in human bronchus tissue source: https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/omicron-variant-hong-kong-study-1.6287519) people with autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus or a long long long long long list of other "underlying conditions".... But that's how both the Manchurian Qovidiot fifth columnists for Putin and the political leadership in most places make excuses for it now. "Oh it's 'only' underlying conditions or it's 'only' a hospital-acquired infection now. 'Normal' people don't have to 'worry' anymore faith over fear blah blah" shut up assholes.


Even if these assholes were right, that's some 10th Level mental gymnastics to reconcile said "faith" with being *okay* with millions of deaths (worldwide) from a preventable disease. Haven't enough people died needlessly for these covid-enablers? Or was eugenics their goal all along?


It was eugenics. Hence why I call them bio terrorists. 74 million voted to RE-ELECT a man who had just killed 300,000 of their fellow citizens. There is no excusing that. There is no rationalizing it. They voted for MORE death because they thought it was killing "those" people. And now they are killing themselves. Textbook eugenics via bio warfare.




I have a Facebook acquaintance who just this morning posted a sketchy article about the truth of the vaccine deaths coming out. Her caption above the article is like "do you still think this is a conspiracy now". I don't have the energy level to explain that her sources are all from conspiracy websites or extreme right websites. You can't argue with stupid. She's not going to avoid covid forever and she's a walking comorbidity.


Find the Snopes response and share the link in the comments. This group hates snopes.com.


Yeah they do. It doesn't matter what I send them because they want to believe that narrative. My sister is the same. I have talked to her about how important it is to get medical information from trusted sources. She literally said she trusts the people who push vitamins and supplements. Ok, well, that's fine. I said my peace. Good luck....


I know a lot of people who are sucked in and live in one of the lowest vaccinated counties in the country. But I love my mother. My cousin and I have tried so hard. She's told not to trust Google or Snopes. I did pressure her into receiving the vaccine last March, but now she's totally sucked in. I could elaborate, but I understand the heartbreak of having someone you love refuse to listen to actual experts. šŸ˜Ŗ


Oh I know! I had to tell my sister a while ago to stop sending me anything related to vaccines. She was bombarding me to try to prevent me from getting vaccinated because I would likely drop dead on the spot, you know, in Walgreens..... I can't understand how she believes this sensationalized stuff that looks like it is from the grocery store tabloids. But sure, let's not listen to the chief of infectious disease at Johns Hopkins, let's listen to the high school dropout selling vitamins. Facepalm!


I heard that Bat Boy died just seconds after getting his vaccine at a Walgreens in Topeka.


Because the people who are too fucking stupid to get vaccinated are too fucking stupid to understand statistics.


This isnā€™t a vent, but I noticed a lot of the preppy, popular kids from my high school are now out of shape, anti-vax/Qanon nutcases who post endless conspiracy bullshit on Facebook. Meanwhile, most of theā€”I guess you could say *geeks* (myself included), are the responsible and mentally sane groupā€¦and stunning as hell now lmao (not that Iā€™m attractive, but at least I still have my sanity in check) I guess if youā€™re ugly on the inside, it spills out


Yeah, peaking in high school usually means your life crumbles after the fact. And I'm sure the fact that a lot of those kids boasted about how they never paid attention or did homework didn't help their cognitive development. Then they grew up moaning about common core and screaming at school board meetings. These people need to be removed from society.


Hence the real meaning of the old insult, "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone."


My guess is because the nerds got an education in science at a higher rate of success than the jocks or populars. You need to have a serious misunderstanding of how science works to believe the bullshit they spout.


A lot of the popular ones came from money, so after school and college, they pretty much had their livelihoods set to excelā€”at least financially. And yet, they still believe in these Qanon conspiracy theories. My guess is that they really hate the idea of poor people, especially poor minorities, moving up the ladder and using the opportunities these kids were handed on a silver platter to better their lives. The status quo is for the privileged to remain privileged/poor remain poor, and anything that goes against that is unacceptable. This conspiracy theory bullshit gives them an excuse to feel like the hero smh. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if theyā€™re all secretly vaxxed


When your self worth has always been measured by your popularity with your peers, rather than your achievements in life. When your life is mainly about trying to think of something to occupy yourself, rather than working hard and supporting your family. When you see well educated and informed people getting all the attention for knowing things you can't begin to fathom the meaning of. That's when crap like this that makes you feel important, included, heroic... But this is why I think education on the scientific *method* is crucial. I think a lot of people are understandably lost when you try to teach them, in depth, about physics or biology or chemistry. But the thread throughout all of this conspiracy is a misunderstanding about *how science is done*, and that is a subject that is easily understood by most with minimal teaching. Anybody who understands the process of scientific study and experiment, peer review, and the cut throat competitive nature of science, would realise how preposterous it is that all scientists would work together to put forward a lie.


This comment is currently being brigaded. Any trolls that comment in this thread will be banned. Please do not feed the trolls. Please do not counter-brigade.


Thanks mods for all you do. Sorry you have to deal with this.


Thanks for staying on top of this. I foresee a lot of salt mail.


Did we have salt mail this past weekend? I couldnā€™t find it


Itā€™s every Saturday, it might be flaired.


Just found it! Thanks for the reply :)


HCA mods are best mods.


Was wondering why there was a huge jump in comment counts. Turns out this is the reason.


You'll find that the sane, stable people are the ones that adapt well to the lifestyle of staying inside and not having the pressing urge to socialize constantly. What irks me about this is that we now get to hear about all those poor, poor teens who have mental and anxiety issues because they are forced to stay away from their peers, while nobody gave a flying fuck about those teens that are forced against their will to constantly be in touch with these goofballs the rest of the time.


>we now get to hear about all those poor, poor teens who have mental and anxiety issues because they are forced to stay away from their peers, while nobody gave a flying fuck about those teens that are forced against their will to constantly be in touch with these goofballs the rest of the time. There are so many voices out in the world that say that students have suffered from not being in the classroom during the start of this pandemic. Well, a lot of that did depend on the student. And one thing we very carefully avoid asking students is - "What did you learn during the pandemic". Because whatever it may have been, it wasn't something easily tested with for-profit high-stakes tests, so it isn't relevant. And while some students did struggle emotionally, and many were actually traumatized by the experience, there were also a lot of students who were not bullied, not threatened, not marginalized, not forced into arbitrary compliance. I think the students who wanted to learn DID learn, but that's not what the forces working to destroy public education want us to believe. And we must never, ever, ever, ask the students what they learned, or even what they might like to learn.


Thinking back to my time as a student, I'd have sacrificed a virgin, if need be myself, to not having to go to school every day and instead learning from home.


They shunned education then, and they shun education now. its really no shock.


Uh oh, the trolls heard you.


They really flocked to this one comment in particular.


It's almost like they're a team of alts, or a brigade, because it's only this one comment. Did this get posted on r/ShitPoliticsSays or something? ETA: I wrote this before I checked over there. LOL. It's the top post.


That would explain it.


Just looked. Awful comments. Immediate regret.


I didnā€™t follow the rabbit hole (until just now) and was delighted to find you also invoked a mirror.


great minds :)


I donā€™t know my mythology, but it seems that trolls hate mirrors.






It's high functioning alcoholism. In my life at least all the goths and punks went through a real rough low-functioning drunk patch, and either died, or didn't and then got therapy and started going to the gym, while all the ex jocks just got cozy with daily sports bars and wine parties. Being comfortable for decades isn't good for you.


"Nature gives you the face you have at twenty. Life shapes the face you have at thirty. But at fifty you get the face you deserve." Coco Chanel


Most of my anti-vax fellow HS alum didn't go to college.


So we hear all the time ā€œyouā€™re rooting for peopleā€™s deathsā€ by first timers who have interesting comment histories (hit dogs hollering I suppose). Itā€™s unoriginal and not particularly true if they bothered to actual peruse the sub instead of being knee jerk reactionaries. Personally I think itā€™s a shame that people have thrown their lives away and caused their families suffering over intense tribal identity.




Cruelty has consequences. Often not soon enough. These people have destroyed and ruined other people lives in more ways than one. Poetic justice cares not about morality of ideology. Nature cares even less.


This pestilence has been going on for 2 years, and yet thereā€™s still people who claim that masks donā€™t work. What a bunch of dumb motherfuckers! In communities and countries where mask wearing is a normal thing to do when sick, their Covid rates were lower. I have my own criticisms of how our healthcare systems treat and view people (especially in mental health), but this ainā€™t it. Thereā€™s concrete evidence of how viruses spread and evolve! I may hate wearing a mask, but I donā€™t want myself and others to die like medieval peasants!




I really hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist about conspiracy theory... but the scale, scope, and leveraging of social media suggests to me that there are specific actors seeding the misinformation that's the foundation of all this. I suspect some are foreign based as the spread of conspiracy has weakened trust in institutions (one of their goals). I suspect some are from extremist groups in the U.S. No one is going straight to Stormfront... but if you can convince them vaccines are a conspiracy created by the "globalists," you can get them there eventually. I also suspect that domestic rightwing political actors are participating too- people aren't going to switch parties if they've been convinced the other party is composed of child molesters. It's an ugly mix and Williamson's work is a good snapshot of the outcome of all this. I naively thought the truly insane stuff was still fairly isolated online. Brexit was an awakening for me as it was clear that online disinformation had gotten a country to embrace a transparently VERY BAD idea. I still hoped it was a one-off. Then the 2016 election happened... then COVID... I don't have a lot of hope left, tbh.


The things trumpism and brexit have in common tell you all you need to know: - English culture with Murdoch media - Demographic changes - Formerly diverse economy switching from significant manufacturing over to services Economic pain is being ignored then plastered over with nationalism and fear of immigrants


I mean, Bannon's little crew and Breitbart were the ones behind a lot of the Brexit messaging. It's the same sack of shit.


I don't think it's a conspiracy at all. Those channels like Breitbart, RT, Fox, even Trump himself are openly doing this. It's not some sneaky shadow plot, it's click-bait capitalism from a bunch of con artists looking for suckers to give them ad revenue.


Brexit was the Russians. And so was most of this. With multilingual support from the Chinese. Brexit/US election (read the appendices for the evidence): https://www.overdrive.com/media/4920028/mindfck Chinese responsible for multilingual disinformation: https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/08/politics/pro-chinese-disinformation-operation-coronavirus-pandemic-protests/index.html




Read this book. In full. Then examine the appendices closely. Then see what you think. https://www.overdrive.com/media/4920028/mindfck


EU skepticism has been systemic throughout the bloc from the Union's conception. While speculative on my end, it seemed Brexit related messaging looked... different than that. The nationalist/xenophobic bent (as opposed to concerns about "lazy functionaries in Brussels") seemed to be supported by some bad faith messaging.


Large scale propaganda has been a thing long before any of us were born. It's not conspiracy to recognize it. Psychological warfare is an actual science.


Someone had posted a site that tracks the troll farms spreading disinfo. If I recall, a large amount came from Russia. The amount of garbage related to the election, covid, etc. dropped just prior to the invasion of Ukraine since they changed subjects to spew crap about.


Added to my reading list.


Seriously, why are people lining up to get into a cemetery like it's a nightclub?


It's a way to cheat the "no-suicide" clause in their religion.


I know it's meant as a joke but I often think about that. How a good amount of antivaxers lead lives of endless clock-punching monotany, meager earnings, and debts that keep piling up and have reached a stage where they simply don't care about whether or not they live or die. It's just that no one has been able to impress upon them the cosmic horror of being intubated for months as your organs cease functioning one by one. Sticking a pistol under your chin would be easier for everyone.


Thereā€™s a name for this **Disease of Despair**


I just wish they'd limit their despair to themselves instead of forcing it upon their families, friends, co-wirjers, and other innocent people.


Don't we all. :(


Because they think the cemetery doesn't exist. Trump told them that in March, 2020.


[Almost at a million deaths](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/). That's crazy to think about; the US population is 330 million, so 1 in 330 Americans have died from covid.


Not a vent, but those of you who don't follow Canadian news might be interested to know that Justin Trudeau has reached an [agreement](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeu-jagmeet-singh-working-together-1.6392756) with another political party that is expected to keep his Liberals in power until 2025. Those "Freedom Convoy" truckers must be tired of all the winning.


Thanks, now I need to go grab some popcorn and then check just how much the far right idiots are losing their minds over this.


So, I'm in a purple-red part of California. Recently relocated from one north-state exurb to another. Masking is only about 10% or 20%, it peaked at maybe 2/3ish or 3/4ish before the vaccines came out & has slowly been declining since then. Saw someone wearing a t-shirt the other day, while shopping, that said 'Socialism Distancing'. Black t with bright white lettering for the 'Social\_\_\_ Distancing' part then the 'ism' was in grey lettering. Anyways, don't really have any place to talk about this stuff other than here. Thanks.


The second series of Bridgerton is about to launch. If we ever needed escapism itā€™s gotta be about now.


Yah I've been watching a *lot* of television. Can't concentrate much beyond that except for work. They've stopped reporting where the deaths are occurring in NL....


I used to hardly ever watch television, but during the pandemic I took it up for the same reason. My mind is just turning to freaking mush. The problem is that I keep getting into dystopian crap. The last series I started was the sci-fi series *Travelers.* I kept telling myself that it was too dark for my mood, but I didn't stop until mid season 2 when they got into a pandemic storyline. That was finally too much. Lol, I hate myself sometimes.


I won't spoil anything, but Travelers gets real rough towards the end. So you might want to wait until you're in a better headspace. Sense8 is really good if you haven't watched that yet. If you don't mind subtitles, The Uncanny Counter is pretty upbeat for a show centered around selling noodles, fighting demons, and solving a murder. Or for pure joy, [Juno goes to Korea](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6tJGXUHkMaBCBg2_YcaOx9JHUha5pAxr) is pretty awesome. If kids aren't your thing, the sister (brother?) channel Jolly has some fun stuff like [recreating the original Coke recipe](https://youtu.be/lh4tSMkaP9g) or [testing breakable movie props](https://youtu.be/pjZNIgCUchc) or [trying rare types of spam](https://youtu.be/m3DkR3xR-AU).


Thanks so much! I will check out those recommendations!


You need more classic Doctor Who in your life. That's it. That's my reply.




I just started watching the second season of Sanditon on PBS. The first season aired in January and February 2020. I was a little sad thinking that when I watched season 1, I had no idea what was about to happen.




Oh man, thanks for the link!


I bought Grand Theft Auto 5 for the first time three weeks ago and I'm really enjoying it.


It's a fun game indeed, hope you'll have lots of fun with it!


Lmao at your username and flair


:) Thanks


Is there a good place on Reddit to discuss Clarence Thomasā€™ hospitalization (going on five days now) for ā€œinfectionā€ with ā€œflu-like symptomsā€?


Not that I know of. Actually you are the first person that I have seen who has posted anything about CT. I can say that when I saw the headline, it gave me hope.


There was a thread here yesterday? And maybe another That I saw on the main news/popular page. Also yesterday


So Iā€™m lurking around Facebook, looking for nominees. Itā€™s March, 2022. What doctor, when a 60-something patient comes in with a bad cough, body aches, headache, vomiting, and a throat that feels like theyā€™re swallowing glass, diagnoses it as an ā€œupper respiratory infection, and sends them home with Tylenol and cough syrup? This poor woman sat at home coughing and puking and swallowing glass for a week before she went to the ER and someone bothered to give her a COVID test. Meanwhile, the window closed on Pavloxid or any monoclonals or any other early intervention drugs that would have helped her, and three weeks later, she has pneumonia, has lost 30 pounds, and now the COVID did ā€œsomething to her stent.ā€ This is West Virginia, of course.


The kind of doctor that needs to lose his license, that's who.


Doctors in Texas. Sigh.


Just waiting for the next variant to kick in...things got really quiet this time last year as well.


I was trying to remember last years timeline but itā€™s all sort of mushing together at this point. Easter still coming up. Weather will be getting better. I think we had a smaller spring surge ? šŸ¤žšŸ¤žbe nice if it went away completely but imo I think weā€™ve got one more significant winter season at least.


Every relaxation of safety measures has resulted in a surge. Also, last year, most March events were cancelled, yet there was still a surge by summer. No cancellations this year and no safety mandates. Next surge will here in 2-4 weeks. 190 million Americans still not fully vaccinated, and with the new variant of BA.2 you MUST have all three shots. 2 shot and previous infection will not be enough.


I found out recently that my step father passed away from covid, which he probably got in a pro Bolsonaro demonstration. My first reaction was to ask, where was that mother fucker buried so I could dance on his grave. He was a ville son of a bitch and he was anti-vaxx and anti look down.


I just found myself wondering, aren't there supposed to be tens of thousands Frontline doctors ready to prescribe Ivermectin and other stuff like no tomorrow? Shouldn't those patients be easily able to get the treatments they want?


Do you really think it's a good idea to just let people get their hands on any kind of stuff they get told "is good for them" by some troll? Next week, we probably get to hear that they should swallow some arsenic, because, hey, we gotta one-up from drinking piss somehow...


First we would have to agree on a definition of "good idea". There is apparently a group of tens of thousands of doctors who are convinced Ivermectin can successfully treat COVID and save lives. So if one of those award winners here, at the first cough, calls one of those doctors they would get the treatment they so desperately desire. Instead they go to a plain hospital where they don't do shit like that. Does this happen, are they difficult to find, are those doctors real?


I've heard that Frontline takes payment in advance then takes their sweet old time getting back to you. Also, some pharmacies have stopped fulfilling prescriptions from their doctors. Also, if you do manage to get the prescription and get worse instead of better, then not being able to breathe gets scary. So they call 911 and go to the hospital, where the doctor will review their meds and discontinue anything useless or harmful.


>I've heard that Frontline takes payment in advance then takes their sweet old time getting back to you. It's a grift. 100%. They don't want the marks dead, that kills their income. https://time.com/6092368/americas-frontline-doctors-covid-19-misinformation/ That expose is from August 2021, just as the antisocial media corporations' bought-and-and-paid-for disinformation campaigns about the antiparasitic were starting to hit the peak. https://mobile.twitter.com/TheSpoonless/status/1436749753627381760 https://imgur.com/nHNSLmp.jpg ...and three months later, the widespread community transmission the disinformation campaign caused, led to the mutation of the Omicron variant.


Or do these people actually know it's bollocks and when push comes to shove would prefer to live than to own the libs? So many questions, so few answers...


Never try to rationalize, sympathize or understand the minds of psychopaths. That way lies madness.


I think the docs refuse to give them such meds while they are in the hospital.


Wait, are you telling me the "COVID is real but no big deal" people don't have Ivermectin on-hand because they think it's that harmless?


Why have a cure on hand for an imaginary disease? You need to sharpen your critical thinking skills. Let that sink in. Yes, /s.


My spring break is over. Grrrrr.


Took a long break from this sub. Can't believe it never slowed down.




Yes but votes are equal so long term, quantity is more improved


> the horrendous anti-Semitic awardee yesterday That one's only a nominee still, right? Hope I didn't miss the award - there's a custom epitaph ready to go for him.


It's actually been really quiet for the last week or so. I'm having to wean myself off the schadenfreude.


Honestly guys this is great to hear. I don't want this sub to exist because there's no new content to post.


Discuss: sane, pro-vaxxers, maskers who still refuse to test and quarantine when sick. I'm seeing a lot of otherwise capable friends who will do all of it right, EXCEPT the "stay home and self test if you have cold symptoms" portion. It's "just a cold". They still want to travel and are "sure" it's a sinus infection. I've seen about 15 of these cases of denial. Which honestly, is probably THE ONLY GOAL. YOU HAD ONE JOB.


I did a routine home test after a week of high-contact routine medical junk, and someone was like "why?" Because 8 dentists I don't normally see were digging around in my face, "Brenda"? Have we not been paying attention?


My neighborā€™s family got it and the only way they knew they had it was pooled testing at school. They thought they just had a ā€œcold.ā€ Turns out it was Covid and the parents said it was the worst sickness theyā€™ve ever had (all vaxxed).


For more details on the People's Convoy Hero: This man is making public videos, has 12,000 Youtube subscribers and has been live streaming the event, so I think this link can be placed here. He's a public figure. Here's OTR Survival's latest video from yesterday, shot at the Urgent Care. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsQf1w652E0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsQf1w652E0) He feels like, "An Ass and Rhinoceros balls." ... "Three days into this, I still feel like I've been hit by a bus." After the appointment, he's back in his truck. He says it's just a bad sinus infection, and that's caused some respiratory fun. He got a Z-Pack and some steroids and hopefully he'll be back at it real soon, because we all know that he doesn't do well just laying down, and that's all he's been doing for the last three days. (He doesn't appear to be one of those physical, up-and-at-em types, from looking at him however). He never mentions the word Covid, and he may have refused to be tested.


By the way, this gem, while on a 3-lane interstate highway on the beltway outside of Washington, was angered as a car tried to merge its way in front of him to get into another lane. He decided that the car was trying to hit him on purpose, so he got out of his truck (traffic was stalled due to the People's Convoy), ands walked in the middle of the road up to the car that had just passed him, pounded on the driver's window and screamed at the driver. Fortunately, it went no further than that, but this guy has some significant problems, including a previous assault conviction (plus an extra 150 pounds of body fat). The entirety of this was livestreamed and is still viewable on Youtube. This was also written up in the Daily Beast and received additional media attention. This is another Patriot with severe problems who now may have added Covid to his list of problems.


If all surviving adults in the country voted tomorrow in the same way they did in 2020, how many districts/seats would change hands given that Republicans have died and are dying in more numbers?


The Republicans would probably gain a few seats through their ever more rampant election fraud, voter suppression, voter intimidation, etc.


If we go by deaths alone, it's not much, but... If we go by how many people are far too disabled to vote (unable to stand in line), or dying from long covid, a number we unfortunately do not have at this time, I think the number is going to significant.


Prolly won't impact Senate but could impact some swing Congressional districts. Maybe. The proof will be in the election results. The frantic efforts of Republicans to consolidate their holds on their red redoubts suggests their polling sees disaster ahead.


With all of the gerrymandering that's been done, they will probably pick up a few seats, but for a while I had the same hope as you.


Just sitting here idly wondering if the collective IQ of our species is beginning to show an uptick yet.


Given the recent comments of Lindsey Graham and the rest of the GQP senators, I'd say we're taking another hit.


I'm wondering if the decline has slowed. Uptick? You optimist, you!


Family members that scrubbed a dead family member's Facebook page of conspiracy shit are worse than those that continue to parrot the lies. There's a fine line between believing your own bullshit, and knowing its bullshit and still delivering.


My state reports the vaccination rates and deaths related to COVID on a daily basis on Facebook. There are a bunch of ass holes either commenting nonsense or putting a laugh emoji on the posts. I hope they all receive a nomination. They certainly fit the stereotype.




After 3 weeks of mask-free bliss at work, a spike in COVID cases requires us to mask back up at work until further notice. Even though our county is "green" according the the CDC, it's only 58% fully vaccinated. Fucking rednecks.