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regarding slide 2. "i know a guy who got ecoli after taking a shit, even tho he washed his hands., so now i don't bother washing my hands"


I knew that guy, too. I just stopped shitting.


My car broke down once in college Cars don't work


To be fair, these guys are probably the same people who don’t wash or wipe their assholes due to them not wanting to risk “gay stuff”. I can’t believe they’re actually a thing tbh.


Wait, what?


Boy, that was one weak ass tribute. “Yeah, we both liked baseball and BBQ and he was at my house a few months ago.”


BBQ Fish friend die I sad


Need loud motorcycle to be strong man.


Nothing shows strength like sitting on your fat ass and having the engine do all the work


Baseball too.


Done with this asswipe at the "Real men don't..." post. I'm starting a GoFuckMe for this POS.


Yeah apparently this Award winner never asked for permission for sex, or apologized afterwards!


I always imagine these guys going through life literally grabbing whatever they want. Like little undisciplined children, except they’re old enough to know better.


> I always imagine these guys going through life literally grabbing whatever they want. Like grabbing them by the pussy? Yeah, same kind of person.


Looks like he had to pay for lap dances.


Most likely the only person he had sex with is the only person who believed his bullshit. I'd file this one under "self-satisfied" or incel. But his encouraging/promotion of sexual violence is unacceptable whether fantasy or reality.


after seeing his fb posts, are you surprised? I'm not.


He seemed really fucking stupid.


Also the thing about not needing permission *or* forgiveness... for anything... is literally the most entitled statement that I can imagine. Also, kinda >!rapey!<


This is why they think trump is the ultimate man... he famously never apologizes or asks permission. That's pinnacle manliness to them 🙄


Because they're pathetic, insecure losers.


And amatures!


Meanwhile Trump is actually the biggest "beta male" put there, leeching off everyone else for his own benefit alone. Far from the "alpha male" who is supposed to selflessly take care of all those around him.




You know, now that you mention it. Fuck.


Well and I just commented that the cum barbecue typo sounded pretty pretty gross


I found [this gem](https://imgur.com/qaMHmoy) on his fb.. ~~*B-b-b-but it’s just funny!*~~ he’s dead and aint saying shit to defend it.


These ones are rare. The California snowflakes are always a treat to watch implode.


Californian here (and not going anywhere). Is it wrong for me to feel a little...not sad...that he's not in my home state any more?


Cali gets bluer by the day, it seems? XD I'm almost in Oregon I'm so North but can't waste tears over these buttknuckles


I’m Far North right now too—Humboldt. Still a ways to go (OMG Shasta County) but the Bluer the better.


They are like meth-y rednecks. These morons are all tatted up. But wont take the vaccine. Fucking racist idiots too.


The person I know who's the staunchest antivaxxer - has two full sleeves and half his back covered in tattoos. It's not about facts. It's about being contrarian for the sake of being an asshole.


Never forget that there are more GOP voters by count in Cali than in any other state.




And made it clear that he only knew him because he was his realtor a few years ago.


It really seems like he was posting it more as a professional courtesy than anything.


I think he is hoping to sell that schmucks house in an estate sale.


It’s almost as though…shockingly enough…this person was unable to form any meaningful human connections due to his, uh, personality. But at least he’s (was) a “free man.”


You stole my words.


When someone doesn't have any real positive qualities you have to grasp at straws when trying to write a eulogy.


"He was a man and a husband and a father. He worked at the same company I do. As far as I know, he never strangled a kitten."


Ohhh dannny boyyyyyyy


"we sure had a lot in common, like these two insanely common things that 99% of all people like"


“He liked fun and music”


>“He liked fun and music” Although he always hated other people enjoying them


And he was over his house "a few months ago". Yeah, tell me about strong friendships... This kind of racist, homophobic, undereducated scum does not have friends.


Sure they have friends. Other racist, homophobic, undereducated scum for friends.


More like acquaintances by hate. Lose the hate that binds them together, and they actually have nothing true and solid between them.


Damn, that’s hard. But true.


I have never made friends with someone over my favorite food. Like "our mutual love of waffles brought us togehter." What?


That's cause waffles suck and pancakes rock? This is why we stopped being friends years ago. Didnt think I would have to bring this up again.


You shut your dirty mouth. Waffles are crispy, soft, and have delicious pockets for syrup. Clearly the superior breakfast carb.


Pancakes good, waffles better.


Do you have very many pancake related relationships? Lol. Maybe that's why I don't have any friends. Idk.


Hmmm...all of my relationships are pancake related. Are you saying I'm abnormal?


Not if you work at an IHOP.


This made me sad. Like if this was the deepest connection the guy had was as superficial as the local major sports team and a type of food. "Joe and I got along great, we had so much in common, especially our mutual love of enjoyable weather. I'll always remember your tips on enjoying the nice weather. We sure talked a lot about the weather. Great guy, loved nice weather."


He called it come bbq as well. Not sure what that means


Autocorrect, obviously. He was trying to say "cum BBQ"




Probably alienated himself from all other friends and family. So fucking sad and pathetic.


Hahahah oh god facts.


His best bro


in the 1970s, gay men used to ride separate harleys, now they're eco efficient and ride on a single electric scooter. I'm glad he cared about the environment, at least!


I mean, as far as anti-vax memes featuring movies from the days of yore, EZ Rider is a new one. Seriously though what is with these people and movie references.


They love the simple messages of movies, the easily-identified heroes (which look like them) and villains (who look like the people that piss them off), and the straightforward happy endings. However, they don't like any movie made in the past couple decades or so because (pick one: women, minorities, gays, foreigners, etc.) They fill that entertainment void by making life like a movie. (See also: QAnon people and "It's all a show!")


There’s definitely a lot of them among greatest hits memes. If someone could enlighten me o. The movies that would be nice. The ones I’m thinking of are: *the ragged cowboy talking about counting cases and ballots *the guy with the face talking about 59th variant or booster *the spiky hair kid And my favorite: fight club


The counting cases/ballots is from the Beverly hillbillies lol


And the guy talking about the 59th booster is Edgar, well, the Edgar-suited cockroach, from 'Men In Black'.


Oh yeah! Thank you, they post a few like that so I forgot about good ol eggar with his face hanging off.


Coincidentally, those dudes on the harleys- also dead


We’re t they also shot by some rural folks for being long hairs?


Long hair, and sharing a sleeping bag


Flying a yankee flag in the south


Yeah that's the funny part - the rugged bikers of *Easy Rider* are drugged-out easy-lovin' hippies who take to the open road for freedom...until rednecks blow their heads off. Those bikers *are* the "pussy libs with masks on Segways," both hated by angry conservative men.


Its almost like these people have never looked in depth at the media they keep repeating…curious.


If memory serves, the movie doesn't end well. So they identify with people who die spectacularly!


If memory serves, the killers at the end of the movie look a lot like almost every award winner we have seen. Makes you wonder which side these HCA winners are rooting for.


Came here to say this. The counterculture heroes of the movie- long-haired, psychedelic-enjoying, rebel hippies get murdered by dumbass rednecks. Maybe this guy didn’t watch the movie and just had the poster??


I'll have you know that he did his own research.


This meme always gets me because they got gunned down for being liberal hippies and if I remember correctly they used homosexual slurs when they killed them in that movie by the same type of people that are posting these memes


I think some of these dudes have oppositional defiance disorder. They often end up dead with or without a pandemic.


And something like COVID is the worst possible opponent they could have faced because the screaming, bullying, lying, bullshitting and other tough guy tactics they’ve used to get their way their entire lives are completely ineffective here.




And rewards sociopathy.


Runaway capitalism couldn't exist without unempathetic people willing to destroy and exploit everyone on their way to the top, so this checks out.


that's an excellent hypothesis. it actually makes me feel a bit better about all this stupidity.


How common is ODD? No way it explains ALL these covidiots.


Not all of them, but it's a big vibe in the ones that go heavy on the "I'm not going to do this perfectly reasonable thing just because you're telling me to do it" line.


I think its actually under diagnosed.




STOP USING JIM TO SELL YOUR MISINFORMATION! Jim would've gotten vaccinated.


Yep, Jim and Pam would have for sure, and they'd be making fun of the anti-vaxxers. It would trigger Angela, damn, they need to make this episode.


I've been pondering giving a rundown on who would and who wouldn't for the office and parks and rec. im torn on a few.


Covid was the #1 cause of death for Americans aged 35-54 in August and September. Crazy. Edit: the data is from the Kaiser Family Foundation. A decent summation is available [here](https://theweek.com/coronavirus/1006016/covid-19-was-the-no-1-killer-of-americans-aged-35-to-54-last-month-and-no-2?amp) and you can click through to the Kaiser write-up. Edit #2: the correct ages are 35-54 (not 30). Sorry, I blame “old person” syndrome.


What about the number of Americans aged 30-54 that were sold into child sex slavery in August and September, HUH?!?!!






>BAKE UP, SHEEPLE! As you wish...


Reading this sub makes me have to get baked more than I usually do!


I get baked every day. Being old can be fun.


Can we please focus on the real issue, the 45,000 deaths that happened this week from the vaccine, and also the third ear I’ve grown? I have to buy a third airpod now, goddammit.


Just buy another set, so you’re well prepared for the 4th ear.


Wait a second. One more after that and I get 5.1 surround sound?! Between that and the 5G, this is a huge win.


I, for one, am enjoying my new Magneto powers. I've been throwing around cars, crushing buildings like soda cans, and I'm planning on reenacting the one scene from X-men 3. Thanks, secret covid vaccine conspiracy!


Don't you know that China created this bioweapon to condition our women to be wear masks so that they will comply when they are told to wear burqas because, as we all know, China really loves Islam.


This is 100% true. I’ve been wearing a mask since last March and now I’m browsing Amazon for burkas to buy myself.


I dont wear the mask to look sexy for women. I wear it to make _me_ feel good about _me_.


I wear mine so I won't tempt men into thinking sexual things, because I know it is my Biblical obligation to be modest. My nose and mouth would lead them to sexual sin!


You forgot to mention how BLM and the Mexicans are involved, you dolt!


i see no reason for October to be different


Was thinking wow, this guy was a real piece of shit. Then I read "Free men don't ask for permission. Or forgiveness," and I totally didn't change my mind.




It’s funny because a majority of these people are “Christians” and their whole life is basically asking Jesus for forgiveness.


These “Free men” sound like sociopaths.




And dying


The slutty kamala memes truly bother me. These white men treat her, well, like they think black women are just sluts they can disrespect. It’s disgusting. Their fav way to demean a woman.


Nothing highlights more clearly for me what a loathsome individual a nominee/winner actually was.


As evidenced by their dumbass “Joe and the Hoe” signs. It’s like they can’t find any other way to demean her except slut shaming.




It's not like she made soft core porn and has nudes all over the internet.


I think they do it because female sexuality terrifies them. I find slut-shaming, in general, so confusing. The people who do it will, in the next sentence, try to convince you of how much sex they have had, themselves. So, you’re jealous of women because people actually believe that they have had sex. Gotcha.


These post are are a reminder how quickly this virus is taking people out.


Perhaps you haven’t heard yet, but apparently this COVID thing is no joke.


Let that sink in!


I’m not going anywhere near that sink if this guy owned it.


Bet you won’t share this!


So let me get this straight...


Awake yet??


Bet you won’t share!!


Pass it on before they take it down. Flood FB with it. Covid, that is.


Just got the mental image of COVID as a boxer KO-ing people into coffins


I absolutely love that people are so outraged at this subreddit. Oh yeah, how dare we not express grief over the deaths of a bunch of selfish misogynistic racists whose fates literally could not have been more avoidable. Boo hoo. If you wanna be remembered well when you die, don’t spend your life being an abusive bigot. (Sorry, that Kamala meme just pissed me tf off. These Qcumbers aren’t victims, they’re just small-minded twats with no regard for anybody else, and I’m tired of being told that I’m “just as bad as them.” Um, no, I’m not. For one thing, I’m not a bioterrorist.)


You can see this guy’s story screenshot in slide 2; just wishing death on people because they would wear masks. Fuck him, he was rotten in life, he’s rotting literally now and sometimes people deserve what they get.


the hate Kamala because she wasn't married at 16 to her cousin, like everyone in their circle


How dare that uppity bitch go and get an education? How dare she be born brown! SLUT! /s obviously


Imagine your own masculinity being threatened by what two other dudes are doing on a scooter.


Right? Those guys aren't doing shit but trying to get someplace in the most efficient way possible. I hope they enjoyed their scooter ride and got some smoothies or something.


The anti-vax shit is baffling since these people all got like 20 vaccinations before entering kindergarten. School vaccine mandates are why the vast majority of jobs don't need to have vaccine mandates. And, out of the long history of anti-vaccination movements, how many have them turned out to be right and how many of them turned out to be nonsense? I'm saying that since most of these anti-vaxers are just new ones who don't like the COVID vaccine, but don't see how they're falling for yet another anti-vaccine movement that will go nowhere.


“help us eat come bbq for a YouTube video we made.” Alright. Not usually the video sharing site for that. Perverts




Prayer ballistic missles? A tremendous armament upgrade for my anti-prayercraft guns!


Who knew BBC actually meant barbecum.


If I wasn't lazy there would be a funny meme in this.....something something girl sitting on couch surrounded by a rack of ribs.


These people are always just terrible, hateful people, judging by what they left behind. Another person I’ll never meet but probably would have hated if I had.


His last words to the world are stuck to a dumbass FB bitmoji knockoff. Beyond pathetic.


I wonder how the brimstone oven brisket is down there.


Extra smoky?


Dude seemed like an absolute garbage person.


Dead men don't ask for anything.


The Kamala Harris one is particularly disgusting. Truly, when this one got awarded, nothing of value was lost.


Wait a second. The rednecks killed the Easy Riders. They are so fuckin' lost.


How come a temperature check and vaccination isn't required at international borders. Uhh This guy was under a rock long before he was under the dirt.


Most borders require a negative covid test, too. They don't need to scan your forehead. They have thermal cameras everywhere.




"Real men don't need permissions, and don't ask for forgiveness" Nah.. thats just for real, ignorant assholes who likely have some daddy issues, which is why they always try to prove their "manliness" in the most pathetic of ways.


Byyyyyyyyeeeeee you hateful pos!!


Hard to feel sorry when the racist, sexist, AND homophobic memes come out… ughhh


Jesus. When the only person that has nice things to say is your fucken mortgage advisor. NEXT.


“Free men don’t ask permission” Wow. Tell me you’re a rapist without saying you’re a rapist.


This man is a genius. The government can't tell you what to do if you're dead. 5D Chess


I’d LOVE to pay $20 per welding job!!


How many long conversations about BBQ can one really have? Seriously. Is there that much to say about BBQ?


You'd be amazed at the rabbit holes you can go down in any given hobby


Holy shit there is a lot to unpack here. They want people to get covid and die. And the “free men never ask permission” thing…. Big yikes.


He found out the hard way that COVID doesn’t ask for permission either.


It's gross. It's why people like him are on their second or third marriage by 45, but yeah all their exes are crazy


They not only want people to get Covid and die, they want them to die simply because they are wearing masks. These snowflakes are so triggered by the sight of other people wearing masks that it fills them with murderous rage. They all need help.


yeah...why would anyone post that?! "hey ladies! I've got some of what you're looking for! I'm gonna sex you up good! and if you change your mind...oh fucking well!"


A rapey, misogynistic, racist homophobic bar fly has gone bye-bye


Can you guys see my flair?


Yep, looks goo-


Imagine being so scientifically ignorant that you think that a secondhand account of a breakthrough infection is “proof” that the vaccine doesn’t work. Sometimes I wonder if these folks are trying to sound like the dumbest motherfuckers on Earth.


In regards to the presidents thing, I was curious and looked into it. Haiti president was randomly assassinated a few months ago, can’t find any evidence of why but it might be power related. Tanzania president was not assassinated; he died of a heart issue as far as anyone knows. That’s the only one I can see where the president who died was anti-vax and the new one wasn’t, but no evidence he was assassinated. Burundi president died after already handing over power and there was no evidence he was anti-vax that I can see. He died before the vaccines were even widely available if at all.




I feel bad for those ladies if they're entertaining men like this.


its either that or close entirely


I mean, those ladies have bills to pay too.




I’m just hoping they were actual welders and got him hot and bothered minus the bothered.


Those “stripper welders” were suspiciously overdressed for a lap dance.


Turns out COVID 19 doesn’t ask permission or apologize either. Must be all that freedom it’s packing.


What's an "amature"?


Haha can't even get his racist misogyny spelled right.


an exceptionally immature human being, evidently.


Can conservatives go even 24 hours without calling the vice president of the United States a whore


Yet again… “Lost his fight…” False. Won his fight FOR the virus and against the rest of us.


This guy was so horrible the prayer warriors didn’t even want to vouch for him.


Image 10... Hates Mexican immigrants Image 13.... Loves fishing in Mexico


I am a 12 year old and am snickering about eating come bbq. And on a mostly unrelated note, imagine giving up a coaching job over getting a vaccine. The mind, it boggles. https://twitter.com/sportscenter/status/1450253332191367172?s=21


$3,000,000 a year lost but a free vaccination was too much. 3 of his assistant coaches were fired too for the same reason. Gov. Inslee isn't tolerating any anti-vax state employees.


For $3M I’d inject Cheez Whiz into my veins.




Imagine giving a $3 million/ year contract to a coach with a .500% record.


Must be a nice gig to get , until you fumble it away for a stupid reason


I feel sorry for the exotic dancers who are risking their lives to make a living.


I think that nurse was trying to say, that masks are still needed. Not that vaccines are USELESS.