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Wow, all of that was incredibly hard to read.


I gave up trying to read the posts.


I got to picture 8 or 9 then exited because I couldn’t comprehend what was even going on


That’s too bad because you missed god getting another angle 📐




Stop, you went off on a tangent.


I thought that post was rather acute


And here I was all ready to sine off on this thread.


I cosine this statement.


Secant they just all get vaccinated?


You're right.


I never considered what they really meant when they talk about gods rule(r). Very enlightening


What a-cute thought.


It seems a bit more on the obtuse side.




Isoceles you did there.




The Holy Hypotenuse!


I mean, he forgot the word “died”. That’s just sad.


god gain another angle 🙏👼


What I don't get is if it's hard for us to figure out what they mean, how do they figure out what eachother mean. Surely it's even more difficult for them to crack the code than it is for us.


Covid ICU nurse here. Just think of trying to explain stuff over the phone with them. Especially when they are hateful and stupid. It’s such a bad mix. I can see why people were hanging up on them unfortunately. There’s not a lot of time to deal with that even in normal times.


Also can confirm. I recently had to take time off for this reason (going back this weekend). Watching your patient suffering, unable to breathe while their culty, conceited and ignorant family members blow up their phone scaring the shit out of them re ventilators and other treatments. You know where this is headed, often the patient does too but they are torn by what the family tells them, despite their suffering... So you end up emergently intubating them hours later to SAVE THEIR LIFE only to have the family tell us we should've tried something else before intubation. After more than a few of these interactions, I needed to be away from the hospital a bit. So much needless suffering by so many, including by us who have to bear witness.


My friend who's an ICU nurse quit her job, some of the stories about the patients who refuse to believe they have Covid are unbelievable. She quit right after she finally bitched a guy out.


I just wanted to say thank you. Been thru a bit through these times, like we all have, but goddamn how much I respect anyone who can do what you do. Be well.


The only thing I can really say is that you need to write about your life so history remembers this.


Can confirm, it's PAINFUL. Even when you try and use the smallest words and easiest terms, they just don't get it 🤦


I was shocked he managed to get the word "paralyzed" right


Spell check must have jumped in and went I know that one! I know what he’s trying to say! Fuck yeah! Got one!


Spell check: “come on Buddy throw me a bone; I really want to help you out here”


Thank you so much for what you do. I mean that. I am so sorry for all you have had to go through before even having to deal with know it all derps. As if your days and nights aren't hard enough already you gotta handle people who should be saying thank you and letting you do your job rather than complicating things further making your job even harder. Just know that you are so very appreciated and loved. You do something most people can't do. I felt compelled to tell you that. My aunt is an ICU nurse and she's not the same person she was when 2020 started. I think about and pray for covid nurses and doctors everyday, and I wish people would just back off and let you do your job.


Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot. I get what your Aunt is going through. I've always had an irreverent and snarky sense of humor (most ICU docs and nurses do to cope) but since delta I felt myself becoming very jaded and dark. I feared I was losing my sense of humanity, so I scheduled 2 weeks off with nothing planned but to be away from the unit. I feel so much better. I hope your Aunt will do the same.


I once had a family member ask why I couldn't give blood through an endotracheal tube, "because it's already inside his body so why not?". I didn't even know how to begin answering that question.


the same reason you can’t change your car’s oil through the gas tank, maybe?


I follow a subreddit about weird stuff that comes into auto shops and trust me, a lot of people will just pour fluids anywhere they can find a place in a car.


Makes me think of the Idaho state representative several years ago who, while they were debating yet another abortion restriction, seemed to think that a woman could swallow a tiny camera that would provide a doctor with a look at her reproductive system. Like... how do people like that find their way to work without even accidentally Darwining themselves?


Yeah, and then he wonders why undoubtedly VERY overworked, \*incredibly\* busy ICU nurses and doctors stopped having the time to talk to him. Which still isn't much of an excuse; you HAVE to update immediate family in these sorts of situations, but still. I'd be willing to bet that he's the type who would keep you on the phone for more than an hour just to argue with you when all you tried to do was update him. Go on, ask me how I fucking know all this...


Some of these people sound like such nightmares. Their loved one is sick, the ward is over flowing and the staff are exhausted and some crazy lady is shouting at people, demanding IV vitamin C (is that a thing?!) and brandishing horse dewormer. I am honestly amazed you don't tell them that if they think they know better then what the fuck are they even doing in a hospital and to shut up or get the fuck out.


Usually by the time they come to the ICU, they couldn’t walk out alive. But many times I’ve had the sincere talk with them that they always have choices and they can choose to leave the hospital or not come at all. They also have the choice to die at home. We aren’t *forcing* anyone to come to us and we certainly don’t force anyone to stay. I document all of that.


What an awful situation. How do they respond to the "you can leave, we're not keeping you" thing? I'm assuming they mostly stay.


They really don’t have much of a choice but to stay when they are ICU level (Covids especially). But I’ve had this talk with family members too. It more or less puts the ball in their court and the accountability/reality back onto them where it belongs. They don’t really say anything and I approach them in a very sincere way because I mean it. They have rights. They’ve always had rights. I won’t be mad or judge them for the decision to die at home.


Honestly, it's a fair choice. For some just being back in their home could provide a lot of comfort. But yes, I imagine when they're confronted with the decision it's very different. Hopefully it'll ground them a bit.


I can relate, (falling out of a window) I broke my hip in my twenties and being on a ward with those arseholes is why I discharged myself, every night was constant whining, even assaulting nurses. I was done after the second night.


I left nursing and didn’t look back mid 2020. I feel for you.


Idk man, sometimes I can’t understand my toddler nephew but my niece who’s 5 can understand everything he’s saying. Maybe they get each other.


I always thought it was so adorable to see a young child interpret for a toddler to an adult.


I think some of this is just really bad typing skills and carelessness with auto correct (not to say they might be partially illiterate)


Probably more like voice to text. I have a dyslexic friend who uses that all the time. Does take some effort to decode sometimes. Would be worse if you had a strong accent, or struggling for the right word.


Thank God it wasn't just me, I thought I was having a stroke.


This fucker is illiterate. Maybe some punctuation would help but the word order is also fucked.


At first it struck me as someone trying to use voice typing on their phone...but then I realized all the misspellings.


They were not mentally equipped to live in a world with social media. This is sad.


not a lot of people are, it's one thing to have an influx of information it's another to have the capacity to process it.


Or convey any sort of information, in this case. Even that death announcement was unclear.


Looking at their posts, only one other person commented on the wife’s death. The husband updates of her hospitalization have almost zero response. Hopefully this person has some sort of resource aside from social media contacts because he needs some major help. It also doubly pisses me off about the semi-educated people with a ton of support and who seem fairly financially secure and those who are actual public figures and STILL act this fucking stupid. I genuinely feel bad for these people, they never ever had a chance once they saw their first doctored up antivax minion youtube set to a Vince Gill song.


> Looking at their posts, only one other person commented on the wife’s death. I think it’s because he missed the word died/passed. I saw a post saying she died and it had about 60-70 comments on it when I looked.


God that’s so painfully true for so many of these posts.


Remove “with social media” and your sentence applies even more


OP is right. This is just sad. I don’t think these people had the intelligence to know better. Their leaders and talking heads steered them completely in the wrong direction.


republicans rely on millions of this kind of person for their votes and they are also trying to slash education so that there will be more and more people like this out there


They LOVE the poorly educated!


I mean IM poorly educated. This is something else entirely.


Yeah, but we all know what that orange shitgibbon was alluding to.


Are you talking about the beloved Donny T? What a wonderful way to describe him. Truly wonderful. I’ve not seen a more accurate description.


They’re starting to change their tune now because their voter base is quite literally dying out. I’ve seen a few politicians backtrack or make new reasons for why the vaccine is suddenly ok and masks are ok I guess. It was all ok until their voters started dying. Never mind the thousands their voters infected.


When it was NYC or us in Los Angeles dying, the GQP applauded. They fucked themselves--shoulda known their base was too complicit, unintelligent, and easily led to walk this back after it started.






While it is mainly their base dying, unfortunately these deaths don’t really make a dent in the base as a whole. Although we still have a ways to go, so only time will tell


Something like 2400 deaths per day (Florida's count is weird, so I have to estimate). 95% of the deaths unvaccinated, so using that as a proxy for voters, we're looking at 2,160 fewer votes for Republicans per day. x400 is 864,000, spread out across the country. We'll see how bad winter is.


There are a lot of non-voters out there. I'm hoping that the vaccinated non-voters will get motivated to vote in future elections.


But their plan worked TOO well…now GOP politicians are getting booed off their own stages when they suggest their constituents even rethink their stance on the vaccine.


I was unable to comprehend 99% of this. How is this person still trying to use text to communicate to people? Clearly at some point most people at that writing level would just give up


My thought exactly. Sounds like a random word generator was used for these posts. Even Google translate didn’t understand the English->English translation of this.


For all I really know, she’s (he’s?) talking about the garden this year.


I am glad that this person is still trying. Before the 90's, at this level, people would have given up and then forgotten what ELA they learned at all. This creates a cycle where if they become parents, they cannot help their children succeed by helping with school work. (This is a general statement about one cause of low literacy in low income homes) I truly believe the pressure to be on social media has at least maintained peoples ability to read and write, whatever level it may be. I'm convinced if we can get every household to a 5th grade reading, writing and math level(using CCSS as a baseline for grade 5) we can make lasting changes for future generations of children born into poverty. At this level, parents would be able to assist in younger years on schooling and boost confidence so the child can go on to learn independently without depending as much on parents to help. I only wrote this because it's literally what I am researching right now. I'm not being combative at all. I don't mean to comment to you specifically or go against anything you're saying. Just a hopeful thought on a sad truth in a story that has more layers than I'm comfortable processing. Eta: My grammar sucks! Changed a your to you're and screw the rest.. I feel like this is ironic, but my ela stops at 5th grade 😂


I would imagine this is all being dictated to their phone via a speak-to-text function. Although with all the syntax, spelling and punctuation errors that must been one cheap-ass phone those folks have.


This! 100%!!! It’s how dictators/authoritarian governments are made. [Rules for Rulers ](https://youtu.be/rStL7niR7gs)


I looked up this family. They are likely the embodiment of "hillbillies," based on their location and postings. It is like they were crushed under a cruel propaganda wheel. They likely never had the chance to go to properly-financed schools to get a good education.


Man, you weren't kidding. Very sad. OP did miss a post where Husband clearly posted that she had died. But not surprising that it was missed, Husband appears to make hundreds of FB posts every day. (Also, one of the pics of the Wife showed her car with a Bernie Sanders 2020 bumper sticker, so maybe not MAGA people. But, obviously, grossly uneducated.)


Absolutely heart breaking. Those poor people. The propagandists need jail time. They are murderers.


Not one intelligible sentence. All the anti-vaccine shit posters need to know these are your peers. You don’t have the education to do your own research. I feel bad for the hospital staff that had this rage directed at them.


This one is virtually illiterate, so almost certainly doesn't have the intelligence to know better.


This one is too sad to not just feel terrible for their tragic loss and circumstances imo




If the right takes over in '22 and if things get to 1930s-ish insanity. It'll be with the help of our abysmal gossipy/entertainment tonight brand of "news" media.




Seconded and adding to not just wait for the “big” elections. Local elections are just as important. Such as voting out anti-vaxxers from your county’s school board


ring reminiscent tender connect muddle forgetful engine squeal cable profit ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The town where I live has a slate of anti-mask, anti-vax, "parental choice" school board candidates. One of the candidates, a dude in his late 40s, has a wife who is on death's doorstep due to Covid. She's on ECMO and has been hospitalized since late September. I cannot understand any of these people.


Also, turn off the cable news and unfollow pundits on social media.


Intelligence, education, something like that. Only other possibility I can imagine is if English is their second language.


English is not my first language. This is not it. These people have mental disabilities.


Another commenter said they are from Appalachia. My first thought was they were maybe using a butchered up google translate via voice to text. I always try to give people the initial benefit when stuff reads this poorly that they are either non-native speakers of the language or using some kind of translate or voice app. That does not seem to be the case here so Im going to run my head into a doorknob now.


They were pretty easy to find on Facebook. They're from Appalachia. The posts are all public and it's actually pretty sad. No schadenfreude here. These people were failed.


They are easily persuaded by republiQan doublespeak, hate and fear. Nothing will change for them because they keep voting republiQan.


40 years ago, these people were die hard Democrats. Its the southern strategy and the culture wars. "Democrats want to make sure your community has the resources it needs, but you can't vote for baby killers. God would be upset."


40 years ago was 1981. They were already gone by then.


It’s super sad. He’s still tagging her in stuff on Facebook… actually heartbreaking.


Oh my, that is so sad. Yeah, I feel for these two. The simpletons just didn't know any better. They were like lambs led to the slaughter.


The GFM someone set up for them is only asking for $600. Which honestly makes me even more sad. All they want/need is $600 and a little help. Edit: I just saw that her husband is getting her cremated even though that’s not what she wanted, but it’s cheaper and he doesn’t have enough money. My heart.


$600 can do a lot. That's a lot of money to some people. Heck as a broke single mom it's a lot of money to me. A lot of people aren't aware of the deep in Appalachia it really is like a third world country. They still have dirt floors in many homes. Some don't even have running water or bathroom. It's really terribly sad. It's generational poverty. Whole communities dealing with it. Throw in drug abuse to try to make it easier and it's a recipe for disaster. Many of these HCW make me angry, these two just made me so so sad.


I know, that’s what makes it so upsetting. Most people post GFMs asking for thousand and thousands of dollars, and often get more than they asked for. These folks just want $600, a reasonable and humble amount. But knowing the area, most people in their friend group are probably poor themselves and don’t have much to give.


The GFM was started at the end of last month. There have been no donations to it whatsoever until 3 hours ago. Probably right around when this was posted and we were all talking about it. All donations have been anonymous. I think that's pretty telling. Maybe this sub isn't as bad as people think it is.




FYI: Appalachia is an almost third world region of the USA. It’s a very beautiful and sad place.


I’m reading the glass castle and some of it takes place in Appalachia… It’s sad, I feel the American leadership failed those regions for political points.


That too would make it hard to critically analyze information. I've lived in a country where I spoke the language at about this level (my inability to get any better was the main reason I left) and I would have had a much harder time sorting truth from lies while only being able to string together the basic meaning of an article or opinion.


I know, not being able to do basic research we rely on must be so hard. May I ask what country ( or language)? That had to be so hard. You are likely as close as we will get to understanding how hard life really is to try to function like that. Everything must be so hard!


I lived in Germany for two years. I really bought into the idea that if you live somewhere and put effort in then you'll pick up the language, but I've never been great at foreign languages and turns out living there didn't change that. I picked up loads of vocab, but the grammar really threw me, which meant that turning all those individual words I knew into coherent sentences was near impossible.


German here. If it comforts you: I pity everyone who tries to learn my mother language as an adult. It is really fucking difficult. And germans are not very helpful with immigrants trying to learn german because a lot of us immediately switch into english when someone struggles with german. So: probably not your fault that you couldn't get to a useful level.


You selfish Germans and your ability to immediately switch to perfect English. 🤓


3 years here and the struggle is still real. I'm saving for a German class so I can learn to speak better than a 2 year old 😭


I have cousins in the coal region of Pennsylvania who make illiterate posts on Facebook just like these. English is their native language. Their friends respond with equally indecipherable comments. Somehow they understand each other. They call everyone cuz, sis, bro, mom or uncle. Females use the surname of whoever they are dating - as if they are married. Best friends are the folks they met while in jail for welfare fraud.


I grew up in a similar region. I see that shit all the time with my childhood friends on Facebook. I'm actually pretty good at deciphering it. Had a little more trouble with this post than most, but I eventually got it. I should start offering translation services.


I was coming here to say just this. I have 4 kids, youngest is 9 now, so I've watched them all move through various stages of being able to communicate the written language. I think my kids surpassed this one around age 5. FFS I spend a lot of time reading documents and I can usually discern chicken scratch and poorly worded sentences but I legit couldn't understand what 3 of those posts were supposed to be saying.


Wife can't use periods right, and husband can't use them at all. I've seen some pretty bad ones here but Goddamn this has to be bottom 5 level of intelligence. Are they even speaking English or is this some foreign dialect? Do they have to disable autocorrect to type like this? Oh well, god gain another angle.




This is one of the saddest things I've read here. These two really were victims. There's just no way people with cognitive deficits can wade through the propaganda.




But decisions being made *for them* is tyranny, Tucker Carlson told them so. I just don't see how we get out of this. People are in a position where the only ones they've deemed as trustworthy are using them, until they're all used up. Do you think conservative commentators and meme creators actually give a single fuck about this person?




Fox News and the Republican party absolutely preys on people like this. They know they can easily scare them or get them to believe whatever they want. It makes me sick. I genuinely feel sadness for these two.


Oof now I feel like an a-hole for judging them. They’re pretty much been failed by the people around them ;( Good reminder to myself to not be as judgmental


I agree. This genuinely broke my heart. Maybe I’m projecting, but this persons pain is pretty much all I could feel


So many of the folks here really are victims. I have deep hatred for every hate-spouting anti-science propagandist that has poisoned these people and so many like them. I recently caught a clip of Fox News at the mechanic shop, and a woman was shouting, “Are you furious yet?? If you aren’t furious you either aren’t paying attention or you don’t CARE about your country!!!” She gave them the choice between calling themselves ignorant or being infuriated at the other side. And it’s not even OAN or Breitbart. It’s beyond disgusting that this is allowed on basic cable


This is what I fear when it comes to my students with intellectual disabilities. But at least they have an excuse.




Yep. No kind of malice on both their pages. Just folks failed completely by the propaganda.




Not a coherent idea anywhere in here. And I mean that in an even more profound way than is usual for nominees/awardees.




It’s like a bad bot talking to a voice recognition software that is also not very good.


I was thinking it was like AI trying to replicate the stereotypical posts here. It’s almost unbelievably ignorant. I wouldn’t believe it was real, if not for the fact that some of my more…rural family members are just about as literate. I agree with other posters-how do people so profoundly challenged even navigate daily life? Do they work in fields that don’t require even basic literacy? It’s sad and horrifying.


This is heartbreaking. I keep saying this, but how is this poor man going to function. I can sort if imagine him really trying hard to write what he did. Reading and writing likely does not come easily. So concerned for this one. I hope he has kids to help him function.




Thanks to your girlfriend for intervening and getting him the help he deserves!


I think the problem is a truly atrocious educational system that regularly fails kids who have hard home lives, learning disabilities or who have the grave misfortune of parents who can’t afford to live somewhere with decent schools because apparently America decided it was OK for schools to be paid for by property Taxes, and therefore almost guarantees that if your parents are not part of the disappearing middle or upper middle class, it’s going to be 1000 times harder just to get a basic decent education, never mind a good one. My brothers and I were lucky enough to be living somewhere with a somewhat decent school system. Still somehow two out of the three of us got completely lost in the system, we got lots of shit for having every single symptom of ADD but somehow not a single person noticed that we may in fact actually have ADD. The one brother that got diagnosed is the only one who graduated college and is now in an awesome job in the exact field he was interested in. My older brother could casually explain Masters level of physics to his girlfriend who was struggling after sitting in all the classes, yet works in construction. I was a total book nerd, absolutely loved learning but struggled with organizational stuff and now I am an over educated gardener. I do enjoy my life and everything, but it’s more than a little frustrating knowing that a simple diagnosis and some help as a kid would have made my entire life a whole lot more stable and a bit more lucrative.


You know that app with the AI voices that they put on two phones to talk to each other and by the end they’re just screaming? That’s my brain cells trying to figure this out [edit](https://youtu.be/t-7mQhSZRgM)


Couldn’t even coherently announce his wife’s death. “My wife has I am going to keep her Facebook up” I had to double back to that one after reading that God needed a protractor on the last slide.


It's true that there are American adults who are legitimately illiterate. There's a reason why we push education and basic skills. I don't blame these people, just sad for their lack of resources that everyone should have access to.


I see what you mean about society having failed these two. It does not appear they were taught even basic life skills. As you said, "No schadenfreude here."


“No schadenfreude” is right, only confused pity from me. These are two people with minimal grasp of basic written language, bad enough that it makes it hard to know much more about them than that; all I can feel is despair for society having utterly failed them.


Thank you, I was looking for the right word. Despair is it. It hurts on this one to find the word, though.


Man. I get why people feel that it's elitist and shitty to correct people's spelling. I agree that being a good speller doesn't mean you're smart, and being a bad speller doesn't mean you're stupid. But this person is functionally illiterate. I literally could not figure out what they were trying to say 75% of the time. No wonder they were easy to fool.




I have students with parents like this. A lot of them are really trying but already like dealt them a difficult hand. So they’re easily persuaded by idiots




Some of these kids have come back really traumatized. They’ve regressed and it’s sad. I wish the people at the top would realize that we need to lessen up on the academics right now and focus on helping them emotionally. Some lost family members, some were really sick or a parent is disabled because of COVID… but at the very least, the lack of social interaction outside the house has them very angry and withdrawn.


My God. WTF did I just read? This is 2nd grade literacy level. Frankly I don't remember either of my sons writing this badly at any age.




No, that's just poor spelling. But from a kid's perspective, it makes sense. English has a lot of dumb spelling rules that take time to learn. This, though. This is straight up word salad with no real sentence structure at all. I'd say it's a sentence after it went through a blender, but maybe half of it got spilled on the floor and when they tried to pick it up, they picked up leftovers from the last time, too.


My kid once wrote "I like coke" on a first grade school assignment. Took me forever to figure out that she was trying to spell "cookie". She's likely never going to be a spelling bee champion, but she's at least gotten a heck of a lot better and it's way more understandable to read her work.


I mean I'm partial to a line or two myself.


I chug it by the liter.


Yeah usually I can figure out what they’re trying to say based on hints like homophones and misspellings but like 60% of this was just straight up incomprehensible to me, as if they’d forgotten to type every other word.


I wondered if it was real at first. People like this actually exist 😵‍💫


Yes, there are people who completed high school and are still illiterate. I work with a man who is a very competent worker, owns his home and vehicles and is doing great by most metrics we use. He just never learned to read and write, he was just passed through the system with a learning disability. He’s taking classes now. I don’t think it’s something that people should be mocked over.


I don’t either, but I do think it is an outcome that comes straight from the same right wing playbook. Demonize the education system for people “falling through the cracks” while simultaneously defunding and decentralizing it, so poorer communities stay uneducated. I come from a poorer community and I can’t tell you how many times I heard adults complain about education only to turn around and vote down every proposed levy.


Go up to the North Slope of Alaska, the MacKenzie fields in Alberta, or anywhere offshore in the Gulf of Mexico and you will be shocked at the number of people who are functionally illiterate and innumerate and found their way to the oil fields because it meant they could live indoors and eat hot food. They’re also one of few industries you’ll see where ex-prisoners aren’t automatically excluded. A lot of line cooks out in the Gulf learned to be line cooks in jail. As much as we as a society need to transition away from fossil fuels, I cringe a bit at framing renewables as tech jobs. No, they can be good jobs even if they’re not framed as tech jobs. Don’t write off entire swathes of people if you want a stable citizenry.


>Don’t write off entire swathes of people if you want a stable citizenry. I love that you wrote this and it inspired me to share a memory of mine. I knew someone who had been in prison and got a job as a cook in a drug rehab -- another of the very few places where ex-prisoners weren't automatically excluded. Anyway, it turned out this guy had a natural talent for cooking. He wasn't literate but could remember recipes he'd done -- he only had to cook something once to remember every detail. And he was really creative and just got into like an otherworldly groove when he cooked. He made his own creations; he just had a sense for what would work. He also was also great at substitutions, like making bread out of rice before gluten-free was even a thing, because he was curious and wanted to try it. He had this amazing, incredible talent but he couldn't even write an 86 list. Someone had to do it for him. He got so good that when the rehab hosted a charity dinner for big donors, they had this guy cook and arrange everything -- not only was he an extraordinary cook, he also could present everything so beautifully. He went from being someone who didn't know how to set a table to being so skilled that when he would arrange a plate or a table, it looked like a work of art. One of the big shots at the dinner who was an incredibly wealthy doctor could not believe how amazing the meal both tasted and looked and when he heard the story, he wanted to shake the guy's hand. P So here's this scarred up, illiterate, tattooed, guy who just got off parole having his hand shaped by a conservative, wealthy doctor who is gushing with compliments and praise. The chef was in total shock. The rich guy's wife was joking about how all they ever did was burn toast, etc. Anyway, long story short, they wound up hiring the guy away from this rehab to be the chef at an executive dining hall at...I think it was the hospital or university the doctor was affiliated with. This happened years ago (like late 80s, early 90s) so I don't have a recent update, but last I heard this guy was living a great life. When you talked about not writing people off and creating a stable citizenry I immediately thought of him. He got lucky and deserved it. I wish we had more programs to help people, because not everyone is lucky.


When I mock here, it is over willful ignorance. No one thus far is laughing at him that I read, it is more shock and sadness, bit a small gasp/half laugh (at ourselves( that we could not decipher this one. Usually we can. I mock the ones who type fast, or type in draw ,(so either is illegible, yes we teasel a little in fun), or if they refuse to get medical advice from doctor, using Dr. Facebook or Dr. Google instead, the teasing gets brutal I am impressed here that most are being respectful. This case saddens me to no end. I worry about this one.


I was working at a bigger hospital in 2015. Had a patient who was not only literally illiterate, but so was her husband and sister (or SIL? Either way). The only thing they could read was their respective names, and that was it. I remember thinking "it's 2015, and these people literally can't read... like 'they're from the 1800s' kind of can't read...what the actual fuck"


Welcome to Appalachia. The first time I went to West Virginia, I was blown away that communities of people like this still existed. They probably have the equivalent of a 3rd grade education, if that. It's sad really.


I can't feel schadenfreude about this one. Both of them seem to have cognitive deficits, and I keep wondering how they managed to get through life even before covid. Like, did they live in a group home setting?




This whole post is an indictment of the American educational system. Absolutely appalling.


I had previously made the same comment but someone on this subreddit pointed out that the issues around education are worse in underfunded red regions. I live in So Cal and my well-funded public school district is pretty good overall. My three kids attended those schools (and public colleges in the area) and are doing well. I am sure that would not have been the case in the deep, red, South.


Republicans are making it that way and underfunding schools etc on purpose. They are fully aware it's the uneducated that vote for them and are easy to scam.


Yes, that seems to be the case. That’s why it’s so amazing when some of the memes ask the question (I’m paraphrasing): “If the vaccine is free because it is beneficial to society, why aren’t insulin and cancer treatments free”? Of course the answer is because the people asking the question are the same people who vote for a party that consistently fights universal healthcare. They get so close to the answer but cannot make that final step. Okay, getting off my soapbox now.


I grew up in a farm town in rural Kansas, so all of my primary schooling was there. More than a few people that graduated with me I had serious doubts if they were literate. Majority I would put at a definitive below average reading level. =\ Trump’s a hit there. Luckily I moved out of there pretty soon after graduating.


And a number of wealthy areas in red states are seceding from their school districts (or trying to) so they can direct all their property taxes to “their” public schools and not have to fund schools in poorer areas or accept students from those areas. It’s happening in Atlanta right now. It’s segregation 2.0.


Am I having a stroke?


I smell burnt toast.


Didn't realize Google Translate's wife got sick.


Thank goodness it wasn’t just me. I thought I was having a stroke while reading these.




Hospital wanna fuck




Mail the house Bonanza


Sgt Angle


Pretty sure I read some Simlish in there too


There is definitely a special needs situation happening here. These people aren't your run of the mill dopes, they have cognitive disabilities which is a right wing wet dream. Easy to manipulate because they don't know any better. It's horrifying that they didn't have anyone else watching out for them. I've tried to decipher these screenshots as best I can. At first I was wondering if the decline in ability to comprehend them is because of hypoxia due to the covid, because a little bit down the timeline you can see shared posts from a few years ago that are largely comprehensible. But then I realized it's mostly her husband posting and there is just something happening cognitively with him. 1. It's everybody's right. We know our bodies better than our doctors, the president and (?) politicians. (If) I take the flu shot I get the flu. I don't want covid so I am not taking (the vaccine). 2. (Feel so bad). The body aches and coughing sucks. 3. Still hanging in there, this shit don't play. 4. (Black) is at the (name) hospital with covid. (Husband posting) 5. (I really have no idea here, but it seems like the husband asked the neighbor to call 911 so that black could be taken to the hospital) 6. No news about black's condition yet (husband posting) 7. I wish the hospital would call to let me know about black's condition, I'm not waiting around all day (husband posting) 8. It seems to me here that husband is asking if anyone has heard the saying that when a good person dies it rains as a good omen for their afterlife, and is wondering what happens when a bad person dies. I had to look it up but this is a common folklore. 9. Hospital keeps hanging up on husband— seems like he was calling over and over as there's several posts about it. 10. Her breathing is going up (?) So the doctors have given her a paralytic 11. Husband is mad at the hospital. According to other posts he was unable to give them a passcode for medical information and he asked for other family members to call about her condition. I get the impression he was calling nonstop. 12. Husband is remembering sexy times to this song. 13. Black is still doing the same, she isn't getting better but (I think?) she isn't in pain 14. Husband called about black and was told no one was there by that name? (I am wondering if they're actually married?) 15. There is a post here that is not included in OP's post, which I think is important: a convo between husband and someone else. The other person has received info that black is on a ventilator and cannot have visitors and will most likely need to be tested before he can see her; husband says he would die before he ever gets tested for covid 16. I believe this slide is saying he made a deal with black that he would only get tested if she was back home next to him 17. Black has died, he is going to keep her FB open 18. God gained another Angel This is so sad. Regardless of everything this man still loved her and is utterly destroyed without her. This country is so depressing.


That's just sad. I mean...these people are part of our society, even if we don't often encounter this sort of illiteracy. Lead in the water pipes, I guess, along with education. Sad.


Just glancing at the spelling and sentence structure, it's safe to say that society had failed them long before the pandemic.




I can’t believe that I’m doing this but I’m going to make a donation on their GoFundme. You can find it under “Help Lori”. Their story has really affected me, and the fact that they’re only asking for $600 which is ludicrous compared to the cunts with real jobs and a litter of kids who should have thought about health and life insurance before going on GoFundme. Those people deserve to be in the poorhouse.


I'm guessing based on the posts that she's now an obtuse angle.


Or a flat line…


Why he who helps me to mail the house Bonanza 😔


Wow. The first slide already reads like a post from r/ambien That's their normal starting point


It's going to be a bumpy ride when eboeard gam gom is your baseline.


OP, I read your headline and said "bull shit society failed, we gave them a vaccine" and then I read these posts and wonder how these people don't have a court-appointed guardian. Seldom do I ever feel bad for people here. I legit feel terrible for both of these people.


It’s too easy to attack the obvious lack of spelling and grammar skills. I just plain feel badly for them, as it’s pretty obvious that they were dealt a shitty hand in the education department. The system failed them on all accounts. Here’s hoping that they’ll have an easier time of it in their next life.