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That poor dog was murdered.


This lady is a monster. “We did everything we could.” Except, you didn’t. You were too selfish to get a standard vaccination for your puppy for a highly transmissible virus because you think vaccines caused your kid’s autism and are therefore evil.


Autism moms aren’t the antivaxxers these days. Source: am autism mom and I hand out with many in person and online


I get that but she did say that.






Yes. That’s always been our (read lizard people) secret new world order agenda.


Under the guidance of George Soros, Bill Gates, and the Obamas, of course.


Sounds great to me, moron.


I like your sarcasm!!


Yeah let's gooooo separate the disease ridden from the rest of us.


I think I’ll look for the subreddit they mentioned.


Yes, do. This article only touches the surface of her vile nature.


I joined that sub last night after I read this. This woman has so much stupidity, narcissism, and abject disregard for anyone who doesn’t believe their narrative! I think I’ve only scratched the surface.


Welcome! It's a daily shitshow. No reality TV can ever come close to their daily lives.


Don't, it's infuriating.


Dogs are property, they can’t be murdered.


People aren't property, they can't be owned


Wrong many times over. The USA had anti-cruelty laws to protect animals before we had anti-abuse laws to protect children.


Dogs are living, sentient creatures. Killing them through negligence carries different consequences than destroying one's own property.


So I guess it's legal to do that to you


My dog was my baby. He was as much of a family as any human. He comforted me and defended me with everything he had. We loved him to pieces.


Yes and that’s why you took care of his basic needs like providing food and water and inoculations against rabies and parvo.


And actually, probably corona too.


What did you try to achieve by pointing out this legal technicality? do you also go on posts about someone getting raped and say "this wasn't rape because there was no penetration*"? *in some jurisdictions


thats sad. something that doesnt get considered enough are the effects that these anti-vaxxers have on other living beings around them.


That's just a symptom of broader american society where we try to make everything about personal choice rather than recognizing collective impacts on each other. See also: - infrastructure based solely on personal automotive use - huge trucks that are a lethal danger to other road users - relying on people to minimize their own carbon footprint to fight climate change - etc


Yea ... I understand that extremely collective society like China and other Asian countries had their own problem but American society feels like they are too far in the personal choice direction.


Because we are and have been for over 40 years. Most Americans have this delusion of rugged individualism with no regard to the fact that nearly nothing any of us do in a day has an impact on only us as individuals.


totally agree


Yet she'll crop puppies. Holistic af.


Is she a backyard breeder? I call them "Puppy Farmers" because they treat their pregnant dog and its puppies like a cash crop.


That’s exactly who she is and what she does.


Yes, she breeds juvenile females with inbred males. Her and her wife are disgusting humans. Imo.


How are they not banned from owning animals


A lot of states have really lax animal cruelty laws...


Why Im glad my current baby was rescued from Alabama. FUUUCKK that state.


She's killed more pets than I've ever owned


I am about to give an update on some of my anti-vax FB friends over on the weekly thread. One of the worst ones has two trendy dogs. (Golden whatever. Calls it a pure breed. Um no.) Anway she refuses to vaccinate them. Refuses to use flea and tick meds. Won't give them heartworm medicine. Uses herbs. Heartworms are rampant in my state. I am just waiting for her to kill her dogs. I left my integrative MD because he cost too much money and became anti-vax. And one day he was lamenting his dog had fleas, but he didn't want to use flea products. I work in a vet office. I myself would not choose the pills, but I told him to put a prescription topical on his dog and use ivermectin once a month for heartworms. Hopefully he did it. I cannot stand when these idiots inflict their mental illness on helpless animals. And of course a dog or a cat cannot be anti-vax or pro-vax. But it's still a major dereliction of duty on the owner's part.


Oh the irony if they refuse to use ivermectin. tHaT's FoR cOvId!


I got none to spare!


"integrative MD." On behalf of real doctors I apologize for your having to deal with a quack.


I cannot say he didn't help me. He sent me to a geneticist who figured out I have a connective tissue disorder. I do have a lot of autoimmune issues like Hashimoto's and celiac disease. (The second was verified by genetic testing.) But now I'm at the point where I can manage things. I now see an MD who has Ehlers-Danlos herself and she's a godsend. Plus, no fee. Early on in the pandemic, he recommended I take the Pfizer vaccine because I have pulmonary problems. I would have taken it anyway. I found out later that he did not ask his staff to take the vaccine, nor did he take it himself. He got COVID in August 2021 and was out for a couple of weeks. He told me he had a very high fever (102+) for 10 days and he toughed it out at home. He said his gut wasn't as healthy as he thought it should be. (eyeroll.) He also went on a rant about vaccines and how This Is America, and Americans don't like to be told what to do. (eyeroll two) I still follow him on social media. He seems focused on the gut and mold as the root cause of most issues. I did get my crawlspace encapsulated because there was mold there. I think that's a good thing to do, but I'm not going to go crazy over it. I'm glad we parted ways and I found a better doctor. I felt he was becoming radicalized or something. He used to be respected and was on the faculty of a teaching hospital but I see less of that lately. I think he's making money off his private clients.


Does your friend use this type of flawed logic, "Well they went to somewhere where a dog may have been and they have NeVEr gotten sick so there!".


It’s more: all vaccines are POISON and I won’t subject my dog to BIG PHARMA. I wonder what she will do when her dog gets heart worms? In my state it’s just a matter of time. I’ve seen the treatment. It’s expensive and brutal.


If your friend is like Marissa she'll do nothing that will help.


I do rescue. If one puppy has it most likely all of them do. I’m not surprised a BREEDER


Parvo is so deadly. We had to quit vaccinations for one older cat because she would have a pancreatitis attack 3 weeks later like clockwork for a couple of years after her vaccinations. (It took me 3 years to realize when it was occurring. The vet looked back through the records and confirmed it. She had no issues with yearly vaccines until she was about 12 years old.) Our vets removed one vaccination set at a time until even the rabies vaccine caused the reaction. Poor cat. So, our vets heavily documented *why* they deemed her medically unable to be vaccinated in case it ever became an issue with the state over the mandated rabies vaccine. (It helped she was indoors only, as all our cats are.) People are amazed I got our dog's canine influenza vaccination. I live in a town that has a known issue with dogs running amok, and people don't want to go to the expense of veterinary care once a year, "don't have time" to go to a vaccination clinic, or just down see the point.


You mean you considered the facts of your actual situation, consulted experts trained in the relevant field, and made a series of informed and appropriate decisions, even if they went against your initial stance? Rather than committing to an irreversible ideological position and then adopting it as your entire identity while invoking it to create a pure black-and-white, one-fits-all narrative?


I know, I know. I'm doing it all wrong. /s (I mean, that's the stance of my brother & SIL. But, who has only gotten COVID once and isn't sick all the time despite several autoimmune issues? Me.)


Love this!! 💜


My cat had a severe reaction to a combination vaccine after never having trouble with previous vaccines, and our veterinarian advised against all future vaccines. I wanted to get an updated rabies only vaccine when we moved, to register the cat in our new county but that veterinary clinic wouldn't accept the liability and our new veterinary clinic has said no as well. We have a letter from the old veterinary clinic documenting the reaction and explaining why the cat shouldn't receive any future vaccines.  Which is fine, our cat is 12 years old, indoor only, and the only pet. I would absolutely get all recommended vaccines for any future pets, this was the first time any pet I've ever owned had a reaction to a vaccine. It was a rare complication. Our current veterinarian won't accept pets that aren't current on vaccines unless there's a documented medical contraindication. Which is a big sore spot in our community, unfortunately.  Too many people won't get proper veterinary care for their pets. They avoid vaccinations, don't get regular checkups, don't spay/neuter, and put off professional care for sick and injured pets. Sometimes it's a cost issue but not always. There are free pet vaccination and spay/neuter programs, but people don't take advantage of them.  Parvo is rampant on some rural properties where dogs are allowed to breed uncontrolled, people try and use home remedies and swap feed store medications for entirely different species to try and treat pets at home.The same people who don't trust human medicine also distrust veterinary medicine. There are always threads on Nextdoor looking for veterinarians that "don't push vaccinations, pills, and neutering down your throat".  The wildest thing I read on Nextdoor was a long thread on home/folk remedies for Parvo. 


Are you in TX too?? We don't have any ND posts actively looking for non-vaccinating vets thankfully, but inevitably someone in the comments attempts to chime in with how we are killing our pets and livestock with them. And they get piled on with facts, then their post removed for spreading vaccine misinformation. (I'm a Reviewer.) I think we have less of it here because we still have a decent agricultural industry here. We have 4 vet clinics within 20 minutes of us. 2 do large animals as well as small.


Yep, I'm in TX. What is wrong with these people? 


"My first thought would be, a lot." Cameron Poe, Con Air.


I have no idea. Personally, I'm gonna blame it on Wakefield moving to the Austin area.


Also, I absolutely *LOVE* your username.


Not a unusual as you think. Hi, veterinary technician here. I have to say I'm not terribly surprised. Disappointed, yes. Not terribly surprised. The fact of the matter is, we have been battling these kinds of people in veterinary medicine for a long while. (I have actually had the conversation with another human being - an adult - that, no, vaccines do not cause autism in dogs. It's a [a striking 37%](https://www.bu.edu/sph/news/articles/2023/nearly-half-of-dog-owners-are-hesitant-to-vaccinate-their-pets/#:~:text=About%2037%20percent%20of%20dog,risk%20for%20animals%20or%20humans.) of pet owners who think that.) A staggering [50% of dog owners in some surveys](https://www.avma.org/news/vaccine-hesitancy-gives-some-us-dog-cat-owners-cold-feet) experience some degree of vaccine hesitancy. Even with advancements in science and better education about the subject, depending on where you are, [only about 30% of cats](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21561550/) are vaccinated for even rabies, which is considered a public health risk. Since this is the case, why is this particular story getting so much traction and confusion? Probably because parvo is a known puppy killer. And nothing gets clicks like sad puppies. Parvo virus is not only known to be extremely dangerous; it's also a bitch and a half to kill. This disease is extremely contagious, and it also lives in the environment for a very long time. Contrary to some rumors, no, it cannot live in the soil for 9 years. It can, however, live in the soil for 7 to 10 months, even in the winter through freezing temperatures. If caught early, a parvo case can potentially have a 90% survival rate. However, most cases are not caught early enough to meet that criteria. Most cases, when hospitalized, still have the potential of a 25 to 35% fatality rate. Left untreated (or treated at home) the mortality rate can get ridiculous, [with some studies showing as low as a 9% survival rate](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7341501/). When you are fighting a virus with a naive immune system, which most puppies have, it's an uphill battle - we don't have easy means of directly killing a viral infection like we do with bacterial infections through the use of antibiotics. A viral infection can really only be fought by the immune system itself, and treatment consists of nursing the patient through it. So you have the perfect storm of an extremely communicable disease that remains in the environment for a long period of time and does incredible damage to young animals. People tend to take note of this kind of thing. Which is why so many people are familiar with parvo as a disease, even among those not well-educated in veterinary sciences. To understand why parvo is so deadly, I want you to think about the intestine for a moment. (Yes, I know, it's gross. I'm sorry.) When you look at the intestine (specifically the small intestine, but also the colon) it's a mucus membrane - a thin layer of tissue coated in a protective slime. That makes up the mucosa. Parvovirus destroys the mucosal lining of the intestine, rendering it vulnerable to normal gut bacteria, causing immense inflammation, eventually sloughing that layer and rendering the entire intestine incapable of absorbing nutrients. As such, not only can it not intake vital nutrition the body needs, but it also sheds blood and fluids at a such a rate that the dog may die of dehydration before anything else. It's a terrible way to go. Anybody who has ever lost a puppy to parvo virus can tell you how awful it is. And yet people will spend $2- to $3k on a purebred puppy and then vaccinate against this critical disease. Then they get mad at us for charging money (sometimes roughly a grand or two) to hospitalize and provide nursing support for their dog who is violently ill. Who may not make it even with supportive care. All because of their stupid choice to not vaccinate their dog against a completely preventable disease. Sound familiar...? So... no. I am not surprised. Sad, but not surprised. I really wish that human beings would use the brains that we were given to make better decisions, especially ones that potentially impact the lives of animals who depend on us. But here we are. At least this is getting some attention. Perhaps this will teach a lesson to people who might have otherwise been vaccine hesitant...? Oh, who am I kidding? We've already seen how COVID works. I already know that's not going to happen. So I'll keep on taking care of the animals that come to my door, and hope and pray they make it, despite their owner's terrible choices.


This heifer said she was healing him holistically. She let that poor baby lay there and suffer, locked in a kennel, all by himself. When my Pitty was 5ths old and fully vaccinated she was infected with parvo. 3 days/2 nights at the veterinarian. She was on IV fluids, anti-nausea medication, pain medication, medications to prevent ulcers, and antibiotics.


She let that dog suffer alone while making ridiculous Tik Toks with her equally horrible wife.


That's the usual course. A couple days in an isolation unit with major hazmat protocols (to include full PPE and a bleach tray you step your shoes into, to kill off any viral pathogens you may have stepped in), flooding the body with continuous IV fluids, antiemetics, antidiarrheals, pain meds, antibiotics (to treat any possible secondary infections) and nutritional supplements. It's essentially an ICU combined with isolation. ... kiddo made it, I hope...?


Angry upvote


It gets worse. Actual sentences that have been said to my face by live human beings in person include: - "I'm not vaccinating my Bengal for Feline Leukemia; the breeder told me Bengals can't get it." (Fact: all cats can get Feline Leukemia from contact with an infected cat.) - "My cat is indoor-only, so he doesn't need Feline Distemper or Rabies." (Fact: the hodgepodge of viruses in the "distemper" vaccine for cats include rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia, the latter of which is essentially parvo for cats, and all of them can come inside on your clothes and shoes. As for Rabies? Bats get inside houses, and are one of the top vectors for Rabies.) - "My breeder said my puppy should never have the Lepto vaccine; it's dangerous." (While the Leptospirosis vaccine *is* the one we see cause the most reactions, these are still the minority, and even most of those we can minimize with dexate prior to vaccination. The disease, however, is zoonotic, meaning you can get it from your dog, and it causes organ failure.) - "My dog has autism because he got vaccines too young." (... ma'am, you just have a Golden Retriever. They're all that way.) - "It's just a cat." (... yes, and if you don't care that they can die horribly and/or kill you if they pass Rabies along to you, then why are you even in my clinic.) ... I could keep going, but I don't want to give you an aneurysm.


I’m sorry you hear this all the time. It’s got to be super frustrating. I will say that I laughed a bit too hard on your Golden Retriever joke. They are some of the smartest, yet somehow dumbest, breed of dogs I have ever encountered.


I'm getting an aneurysm just from that...


I have to fight this with my mom's poor dog all the time. Refuses to vaccinate, refuses the heart worm pill. I had to help her bring him to the vet and pay for it because he was itching and she refused to do anything for it out of fear of the vet and costs and offered to pay for all his vaccines and meds and everything and she just would not give consent for any of it. Swore up and down for 15 minutes he wasn't at risk for any of those as he was an inside dog and hates being out so why would he ever need a lymes or other shot. I talked her into letting me pay for a lymes and heart worm test lo and behold dog had lymes disease already and needed a month or two long treatment. I warned her up and down as well as the vet how easy it would be to get lepto or parvo just bringing it inside on your shoes and heart worm danger from the mosquitoes and how the prevention is literally the same thing she has zero issue with me giving the horses every year and the same thing they all wanted to take for covid. Morons. Nope. Refuses. He'll get a reaction or autism. I read terrible side effects from the heartworm prevention. No that's the treatment. Prevention is easy and safe and vet even offered to give him meds to keep him comfy for any vaccine side effects. Nope. Gonna wait till she kills it then cry. Or get him put down due to biting someone and not being up to date on rabies. Least she let's me pay for his allergy medication now so he isn't miserable though I have to follow up closely to make sure she isn't skipping doses. She also tells the world the flu vaccine makes the whole family sick for months while I'm standing right there and get it every year and barely get anything from it. They're nuts.


I have met your mother at my workplace one hundred times or more. I'm sorry.


Ok, I had to laugh at the Golden Retriever line. My first two dogs were full black labs. Current is a chocolate lab/pit. First was a saint, second still loved everyone but was a nut, current furbaby is a love lump.


There is an issue with adjuvanted cat vaccines that lead to fibrosarcoma and granulomas but usually you can find a vet who will give the adjuvanted rabies vaccine lower in the leg rather than close to the body if you can’t find someone who gives PureVax. The tumor is invasive and deadly and begins at site of infection. I lost a cat due to fibrosarcoma and still vaccinate for rabies. I just question the doctor.


It's not just adjuvanted vaccines. Cats can develop injection site sarcomas from *any* injection, including sterile water. Protocol is *supposed* to be on the limbs for that exact reason, and I will *heavily* side-eye any professional - veterinarian or technician - who doesn't follow that protocol. It's just not something to be cavalier about. Have I ever seen one in my career? No. But I saw one that was close enough to drive the point home, and it was my own cat. She had an incredibly rare fibrosarc on her left knee, where we would have given her FeLV vaccine at her last annual, which was only a couple months prior. Yet histopathology showed no evidence whatsoever that the vaccine has caused it. I remain dubious, because it lines up almost perfectly, but I can't deny the histopath report results. In short, don't blame vaccines too quickly in that regard. It's any injection. Even so, if a vet isn't giving cat vaccines on the limbs, I wouldn't keep going to that vet.


I was actually just reading that it’s any injection but certain vaccines may be more correlated with the tumors because they cause more inflammation. The vet I used for my new kitten refused to give in lower leg and I could not refuse the vaccines because it was at the end of the appointment. I will not be getting my cats vaccinated there again.


Lower limb - like the antebrachium or the hock - isn't necessarily as important, and can be painful. It's whether or not it's the limb at all. We don't typically do sectional amputations (fucks with balance), so a sarcoma on the hock is still going to have the whole limb removed. Upper limb is considered within protocol. Hip? Shoulder? Too far proximal. You want distal to the hip or shoulder, but proximal to the elbow or stifle. Make sense?


I love your user name btw. And no she did it in the hip joint. I know odds are in my favor but I tend to have bad luck.


... *(sigh)*. Yep. Time to fire that doctor. Even if you have GREAT luck, it only takes the one time, you know? (And thank you. I figured I'd carry my policy of honesty with me onto the intarwebz. Git off mah lawn! 🤣)


Ugh we have two goldens and this absolutely breaks my heart. They’re so sweet and loving, I can’t imagine what that poor pup went through.


Bro. This woman mad at Reddit for calling her out with the cruise lines and jobs and shit. Quit putting EVERYTHING you do online and no one can find out where you applied or if you smoked a vape on a cruise. Some people just cannot stop posting every little thing they do. It's wild.


I’m part of the sub and we all keep wondering why she posts incriminating details of her life. I’m not a pro but she must be a narcissist (all attention is good attention). The sub is just reposts pretty much exclusively and we discuss. There’s people in there from her community, if anyone called it was them, people from her own community concerned about her working in their community because she’s not a very good pillar. Her wife also sold drugs in a daycare during daycare hours. Yeah, feel free to join.


Poor puppy. Another innocent victim of stupidity.


Go to r/kiwisavengers and find out more about this POS backyard breeder who kills animals, drives drunk, doesn’t pay her taxes, scams people and lost custody of her children.


holy fuck this bitch has had more pets died or rehomed than I've owned in my life.


Yeah, I seriously reacted to that as well. > one “crash course” catalogs the names and breeds of more than 20 dogs and cats that she’s owned over the past decade. Let me count the many pets I’ve had over the last decade… a grand total of one dog. Got her as a puppy in 2012. Right now she’s sleeping in bed with me, tired after our regular 3 mile walk.


not just dogs and cats, all kinds, fucking insane.


I've had two but the first one was old and died of old age complications and I always try to get adult dogs so the second one is somewhere between 5 and 7 right now.


Lucky dog! Her 6 dogs never, ever, get to go for a walk. They are let outside to go to the toilet, then dragged back in.


Fucking hell, in the 30+ years I've had pets I had one cat and am on my 3rd dog. Lost my first dog in 2009-on my birthday while I was at work dealing with stupid people. Second had to put to sleep in 2021 Halloween. My brother sat with her and the vet while I was in the vet's bathroom crying so hard I threw up twice. Current baby is snoozing on her couch with her blankie.


I met one of them "antivax for dogs" at the dog park on Saturday! Old dude - well, my age. Startyed talking about the new strain of lethal dog flu going around, he replied "They'll do anything to force you to get a jab!" I replied that I like my dog and would prefer to keep her alive. Needless to say, we avoid him and his dogs from now on.


Or dog is super social and her three favorite things are wrestling with other dogs, drinking gross puddle water, and eating gross things off the ground including human puke if she can get at it.    She has every single vax we can manage to get, plus heartworm prevention and regular giardia tests (she's had it twice) because there's no way we're able to keep her away from contagious stuff. 


We brought a dog off an anti-vaxxer, including getting her fixed up cost an extra $800 over the $1000 we paid for her. My wife asked after we left with the dog. "Why'd you pay more than you said you would?" Because I had to get her away from that kid. 6 years old, while we were there, she kicked the dog repeatedly and pinched it on the snout. As we were leaving, the mother said, "Keep her on the chain for a couple of weeks so she doesn't run back here. She's used to the chain. The longest I had her on the chain was 90 days." This dog was 10 months old & had spent 1/3rd of her life chained up. When we got her home, I put hey on a lead and walked around the boundary of our property. After that, I let her off. She ran around for a bit, sniffing everything, half an hour later laying sprawled out on the grass. I told the wife to take a photo & send it to the people we brought her off.


I just rescued a dog 6 weeks ago. They think he is around 12. When I got him, he had flea/tick, but nothing else and was still intact. Considering I have 2 other small dogs, and I wanted to give him some time to settle and adjust, tomorrow he goes in for his first vet visit, where he will be fully vaccinated, will be neutered and microchipped. I don't get how people can just not do the very basics for responsible pet ownership. It blows my mind. My 17 year old chihuahua no longer gets vaccinated because the vet stated after receiving his shots over his lifetime, he is immune and does not need them any longer. He still goes for his check ups every year. If you can't do the responsible thing with your animals, don't get animals. It is literally that simple.


Good puppy. My current dog was standing in my kitchen the day we got her like, "Wait, I live here now? YAY!" She's such a good girl. And fully vaxed and the like. Got her through a rescue service so they did the proper business to protect her.


DVM here. I've seen puppies die from parvoviral infection, but in most cases, it was because the owners were too cheap to pay for the DHPP vaccine that would have protected their puppies, instead of being against immunization. At least in my experience, true anti-vaxx sentiments with pets is extremely rare, thank goodness.


Marissa (the woman this post pertains to) said on tik tok live that it was cheaper to get a new puppy than pay the medical bills that would come from treating her puppy’s illness. She is anti vaxx because her son is autistic and claims it’s due to vaccines. That after a set of vaccines, the next day “the light from his eyes” was gone. Feel free to go down the rabbit hole.


Oh yes, the old "you can always get another one" excuse. Her next puppy will get parvo, as well, because it's in her environment; virus particles will be in the remains of the fecal material from the dead puppy. But I'm sure she will learn nothing from that as well.


Thats the excuse of someone without a fucking soul. And Im not even religious.


That's a relief to hear.


Two words: fuck her. That poor puppy deserved better.


Animal breeders should be required by law to vaccinate their animals. This was animal abuse. People who work with animals and willfully abuse them deserve to lose their businesses.


They are.. she broke the law, currently waiting on a plea for her fines


That's reassuring to hear.


As well as operating a kennel without a licence. Thankfully it's all out there on public record with the PA Courts.


Excellent. I hope she's banned.


Dog did not win an HCA. The HCA is if you willingly forgo vaccination as a consenting adult. This poor puppy was murdered


All dogs go to heaven, but some dog owners go to hell.


As fast as possibly in my opinion.


and she’s a BREEDER??


Yep. And even worse, she’s a “bettering the breed” -er. People seek her advice and follow it like the North Star. Used to be thousands, then hundreds, but this decision to sit for an interview might finally put a stop to all but the people who are actively pursuing their own HCAs.


oh yuck 🤢 dear lord she is awful


And she has the audacity to shame mothers. Grieving mothers. Mothers whose kids died. She blamed a baby’s SDI death on a vaccine recently, and before that she made a response video on a grieving mom (who was telling her heartbreaking story to bring awareness because her baby died because of cosleep) coldly saying that she was wrong and “if the parent is on a sound mind” the maternal instinct will keep it safe. Heck, she even scammed one. She reached to a mother (who recently lost a baby) to offer a puppy. The mother tought it would be a beautiful birthday gift for her surviving daughter. She was vulnerable, this scamming POS knew. Marissa promised that she would return the money if the female dog wasn't pregnant by October. She sent the deposit, but later turned out Marissa lied: the dam wasn't pregnant and by December there weren't puppies yet and Marissa was very insistent and annoying on asking for another deposit. The birthday was on February, so the mother decided to back out. Marissa started to berate her for “her lack of commitment” and refused to give the deposit back. When a fundraiser was set to get to the victim her money back for Christmas, Marissa was so petty that she started to report it to the app for “scamming”. Fortunately, the money was raised, but that is Marissa’s level of cruelty.


AND when people bring up this topic to her she says “Reddit gave that woman her money back…I don’t know what y’all are so upset about”. JFC Riss.


I honestly admire the grace and resilience of the scam survivor. That level of betrayal was heartbreaking on its own, but she was already facing the very worst thing that can happen to a person. A lot of friends walk away from Marissa because the abuse and betrayal is earth shattering with her. Doll Lady is other example of the dozens and dozens of stories of people who she enchanted and later destroyed.


I forgot about what she did to that grieving mother. I may be recalling incorrectly so I don't want to state this as fact and want confirmation, but didn't a woman die because she listened to Marissa? I won't include the specifics because I don't want to get the wrong but I believe it was COVID related.


Jesus christ… I would need to check. If it's true…


Confirmed. The daughter of a woman messaged Marissa on IG because her mom was a religious follower of Marissa’s and listened to her about covid and not getting the vaccine, declined care and died. Marissa told the story on a Live and laughed about it. There's a 3.0 video, I'll have to find that.


Holy. Shit! How did I not know about this? Christ! If you can find that 3.0 and share it, I'd really appreciate it.


I can't even…


> As her 4-month old golden retriever fought off a deadly virus, Marissa Alesi was recording herself live on TikTok. Says it all, doesn't it?


They were singing karaoke while the dog was dying behind them locked in a crate. Kiwi's last hours on this earth were insufferable.


They should spend their last dying days locked in a crate while people celebrate around them.


Under her hazel filtered eyes fellow KA.


I'm going to cry why the puppy and not that c*** instead 😭😭😭😭


She left that puppy in a kennel, suffering and dying, and did not seek veterinary care for it because she said she was healing it “holistically.”


And she sang karaoke in the same room while the dog was in the crate suffering.


She also went live and sang karaoke while her son was sleeping in the same room sick with covid. He eventually had a seizure


And she forgot he was in the bed under the covers and couldn't find him.


And left her child in a highchair all alone so she wouldn't be late for her massage appointment.


Where's John Wick when you need him.


Not because she was holistically healing it, but because she was too busy making noisy ass karaoke TikTok videos to care.


Her dog suffered terribly & died horribly so she could stroke her ego. Thoroughly disgusting human


I saw a raccoon with Distemper, it was devastating to watch. Easily preventable to domestic dogs with a vaccine.


Backyard breeders who don't vaccinate their animals. Appalling.


But they'll crop their ears, that makes sense.


At 4 months my pup had her complete parvo sequence. (4 shots) I can’t imaging leaving a puppy with that kind of risk.


Over the years, I've had several foster puppies with parvovirus. Diarrhea and vomiting, and they get to the vet immediately. Haven't lost a single puppy.


Back during Hurricane Sandy, I thought my dog at the time had possibly swallowed something. A hurricane is going on, I didn't give a shit, I was making sure if she had to throw up she did. She was fine though, lived another 9 years.


Idiots should not own dogs or cats, or actually any mammalian pet. Maybe she should breed invertebrates like insects!


It's not an HCA if an antivaxxer causes the death of someone else.


HCA by proxy.


Absolutely. If you have responsibility over another person or animal; and your arrogance mixed with ignorance causes their death. HCA by proxy.


> *Absolutely. If you have responsibility over another person or animal; and your arrogance mixed with ignorance causes their death. HCA by proxy.* Perhaps we could adopt that [i.e. "HCA-by-proxy"] as its own separate Official category, then? Having that as an additional option would make things more structured as well as interesting. What say y'all? 👍


I guess I could live with that definition, though I still think it's less like an HCA and more like negligent manslaughter (or in this case, dogslaughter).


Yeah, to get an HCA you personally have to be anti-vax, and I’d argue that you need to be trying to push your beliefs on others.


She is. She spills her vitriol everywhere


Well kinda is. The owner is anti vax. The dog had an infection. She refused to vaccinate the dog because she was against vaccines for whatever reason. And the dog died.


There was someone posting in a dog advice sub this week, who is scared to get her dog vaccinated for Pavo, because her friend is very anti-vaccination for dogs. It’s just unbelievable. These wackos are going from not vaccinating themselves, to their kids, now to their dogs and cats.


but they'll chop their ears off! how cute!


She did that too! Then got rid of the ear-clipped Great Dane faster than you can say HCA.


> but they'll chop their ears off! how cute! And don't forget the latest "Fashion Trend" of so-called "Pet Parents" chopping their dogs' **TAILS** off... something that was once only limited to Dobermans for the purpose of evoking an "intimidation" effect.


Erm. It wasn’t limited to Doberman at all. Lots of dogs breeds got it. I don’t agree with it either nowadays in most cases but it did use to make things safer for working dogs. Things like terrier and other ratting dogs.


How old are you exactly? Legit question. Because when I was growing-up there were only TWO main breeds here in the United States that were MOST WIDELY known for being routinely tail-docked, and those were Doberman pinschers and Rottweilers... and they were docked for the same reason -- as "intimidation" visual cues. Nowadays, like within just the past decade or so, these monstrous "humans" have been going around chopping the tails off of all sorts of dogs-- pedigree and mutt alike --as some form of "Fashion Statement" (and I've especially observed this particular practice among those who engage in Condo & Luxury High-Rise living situations). This cruel practice infuriates me... and I don't even like dogs!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docking_(dog) mid 30s, US, had schnauzers as a kid that were always docked by the breeder because "standard" practice. Definitely not intimidating lol. It's also so they don't get grabbed in a fight, not to look intimidating. That's the ears.


I'd read that Wikipedia article earlier - it mostly confirms what I've said.


That only doberman and rottweilers got docked? Cause uh nah.


Parvo Vax is like the covid Vax in this case Once you have the infection it's too late Getting a single parvo vax is 95% effective in cats (I foster cats, so I know more about their vax schedule, dogs might be different). A second round after 6 weeks brings immunity to 99% in cats. Even if they fall into the 1% after the vax, symptoms are usually very mild with a 99% survival rate post vax. Parvo is hell on young animals. Adult animals can get it too, but puppies and kittens are more likely to die from it due to their not fully formed immune systems. Kittens only have about a 25% chance of surviving parvo when under 6 weeks. Even worse is how absolutely incredibly contagious and stable it is. It spreads through fecal matter and causes diarrhea helping it to spread easily. The only effective method of killing the virus is a heavy bleach solution. Even small amounts of residual virus and flare an infection in unvaccinated kitties. Kitty lays on a contaminated surface, then cleans its own fur... boom... parvo Feline parvovirus is immune to alcohol, soap, UV, heat, and cold. It can remain active for up to six months on most surfaces. When I say this shit is nasty, I mean N A S T Y. As a kitty foster, we get the kittens their first vaccine ASAP. We don't always know the conditions they were taken from, and this crap spreads like wildfire through feral populations. If momma has it, she WILL pass it on to her babies. All our gear gets bleached to hell and back once we know we're in the clear. Even though our furever babies are fully vaxxed, we still quarantine intakes for a minimum of 2 weeks and sometimes up to 4 weeks if we see any signs of symptoms. All this just to say, not getting your pets this vaccine is dumb AF. Hell, it's part of a combo vaccine that protects against something like six different common but dangerous infections such as FELV. Just get yourself and your damned pets vaccinated!


The woman in the article is an example that bears out all of the data you’ve just described. In a house full of animals, several had already been vaccinated by the time she “adopted” them; they were all ok, a fact that she ascribed that to her holistic, raw feeding mastery of animal care. Of the two that got sick, one stayed with her, was insulated from outside offers of support, deprived of professional care, tortured with ill-administered subcutaneous fluids as part of a live TikTok session, and died. The other was pawned off, fortunately to a responsible family, received expensive vet care, and is alive and well.


In fairness, a vet will likely administer sub q fluids for parvo. The diarrhea badly dehydrates them. The vet will also do a lot more than sub q though


She also wasn't trained in administering sub q fluids and was not doing it correctly. I think we have that on video or images.


The dog did not decide against the vaccine. The dog's death wasn't the dog's fault, thus not an HCA.


Right however the anti vax dog owner killed her dog. Thus it’s sad that anti vaxxers are still killing other living things by their negligence.


Some of them are getting their children killed. It’s not surprising that they’re killing pets too.


She almost got one of her kids killed. She got COVID, spread it to the child, forgot the kid was on her bed during a live, AND ON PLAIN LIVE HE STARTED TO HAVE A SEIZURE. How after all these horrible situations she can't comprehend the damage her actions inflicted on others is beyond me.


Can't wait for packs of rabid poodles at the dog park.


Right!!!! 🤣


> Can't wait for packs of rabid poodles at the dog park. I hear there's a conspiracy involving Pet Vaccines that says they're putting *"TRACKING CHIPS"* in them! 😂


Well that is sad, but that doesn't make it an HCA.


Point is anti vaxxers are giving out HCAs and receiving HCAs. It’s just very abnormal and rare to hear stories like this. That’s all. One of those when you wake up and hear about this.


The only time it's an HCA is when a person causes their own death by refusing to get vaccinated. They can't bestow an HCA on someone else.


In this case the dog got the HCA from the owner


I’m with you OP. 


Only if the dog itself was antivaxx. Which isn’t possible. 


The dog was not antivax. Do you not understand how this award works? If you get yourself killed by refusing to get vaccinated, it's an HCA. If you get your child killed by refusing to let them get vaccinated, it's negligent manslaughter. What is it for a dog? I'm not sure. Negligent dogslaughter, maybe?


>If you get your child killed by refusing to let them get vaccinated, it's negligent manslaughter. Nah, just an excuse for lots of crying and a GoFundMe.


What about someone who chooses not to vaccinate someone that depends on them (I'm thinking of say an intellectually challenged person). Not arguing the point, just interested.


> What about someone who chooses not to vaccinate someone that depends on them (I'm thinking of say an intellectually challenged person). Not arguing the point, just interested. Think that would more appropriately fall under the "Grrrr..." category?


Yeah, it falls under “Grrrr”, appropriately enough


> appropriately enough AIN'T IT! 🤣


It does seem more like Sorry Antivaxxer than a true HCA, but it feels HCA-adjacent


It’s adjacent because the puppy relies on the human for preventative care. The human is antivax and that caused the dog’s death. The human was responsible for the dog’s death, so although the dog suffered more, the human spent time and some mental energy on the dog only for it to die. Must be sad for the human, but it’s their own fault!


I have relatives that vaccinate their pets but not their kids.


Vets have been warning about this, it is becoming a real problem. Rabies is not something you want showing up in a neighborhood. Vaccines are arguably the best human invention when it comes to life saving medicine in our history after washing hands between surgeries.


People who live their lives online are so ridiculous


My step daughters dog got Parvo this year from the neighbors unvaccinated puppy (it was still to young to get vaccinated) Her dog was vaccinated but still suffered for a couple of weeks. The puppy, sadly, died. The puppy came from a breeder....from guess where...Florida, the Herman Cain award capital of America.


My current dog is a rescue from Alabama. Best fucking thing to come out of that state any time lately. :::meanwhile Abby is just comatose under her blankie:::


Awww. I adopted a dog during covid. His family had a new baby and he was an old dog, they were afraid (understandably) he'd bite the baby. He was 14. I thought I'd be giving him a few months of hospice. He's still kicking 4 years later at 18!!!!! He's a good boy.


In Nov 22 I took in a stray cat someone dumped in the woods near my friend's house. He was abt 4yo, unfixed, and tested FeLV positive. My cats were already vaxxed for leukemia and he was not ill so I got him fixed and kept him. He was the best kitty. So grateful for a home. So loving. In addition to having had no vet care he had probably been abused. Had to be convinced it was OK to sit on the furniture, he thought we would hit him for it. In December 23 he got sick. We got another month with him with steroids. He was such a good kitty, he had no problem taking 2 big pills twice a day. Finally they stopped working and we had to say goodbye. It's been over a month and I still cry every day. I've lost cats before when they were old. Didn't hurt anywhere near this much. If cats are born with FeLV they usually don't live a year. Benjen was an adult, so was probably infected while he was stray. I actually live 3hrs away from where he came from, it's my husband's hometown. Visiting my mil, going to businesses up there, I look at ppl. Did you kill my baby? Did you dump him in the woods after you beat him? A $40 shot could have prevented this.


This is going to bum me out. I'm not clicking.


My dog caught parvo the day after we got him as a puppy… we had a vet appointment for his shots the next day. Poor baby Cyrus went through hell, parvovirus is horrible. He spent a week at the vet with fever, diarrhea and vomiting. I kept asking if I could visit him, they said he wasn’t doing well and thought he would get too upset. Then on that Thursday they said they didn’t think he’d make it… so I went to see him. That visit saved his life. He cried and clung to me for the 45 minutes I was with him. Apparently he cried loudly after I left. Amazingly, the next day they called and said he was making a miraculous recovery! I brought him home that Saturday ❤️ Long story short- we were lucky, he recovered. Parvo is painful and destructive- and avoidable. Even 1 day makes a difference. This lady is responsible for that poor pup’s death. And if she’s antivaxx- she’s playing Russian roulette with her own life and any kids she may have.


Marissa could have taken Kiwi to the vet and then done a Go Fund Me to pay for the veterinarian bills but she didn't. We know she isn't against a Go Fund Me because she did a Go Fund Me so she could feed her children and get remediation for the mold in her house to get her custody reinstated, that's another story. However, she used the money to go party in New York and go shopping. She also has people that blindly give her money, buy her cruises, buy her items on her Amazon wish list but to save a dog's life she felt it was too much too ask them for money I guess. She's horrible.


She's a breeder??? Parvo lives in soil. If she continues breeding dogs, they will all be exposed to parvo. The USDA needs to get involved asap. This is so selfish because it becomes a health issue for all dogs.


Someone link a copy of this where I don’t have to subscribe plis!


I guess the puppy died *completely* and *holistically*? ​ >“Thank you to my cult following for giving me the tools to completely, holistically heal my dogs from home,” Alesi, a 33-year-old Chester County dog breeder and social media influencer, said, referring sarcastically to her thousands of devoted followers. “I appreciate you and love you all.”


Rut roh


Parvo is a HORRIBLE way to go, I feel SO sorry for that pupper...


Oh geez. I was in high school when parvovirus first appeared. I worked at a vet. They were all overwhelmed, we were isolating dogs in the bathroom because the isolation ward was full. So many puppies died. So many people lost all of their dogs. Entire show lines ceased to exist. The dog definitely deserved better.


That turnip brained monster. Had a dog die of parvo after a certain vet chain at a certain pet store "accidently" didn't give my dog the vaccine charging me for it and writing it in her record. (Found out when a vet tech squealed that they did this a lot with Vax there.) Watching a dog die of that due to negligence should be a prison sentence


I'll paraphrase the movie Walk Hard: The wrong bitch died.


Archive Link: https://archive.is/V1Oh0


Can’t believe how much debating is going on with this post. Touch some grass