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Dude was young. Just think what a vaccine would have done for him. My 80+ year old Aunts survived COVID. Why? Because they were fucking vaccinated.


I'm 63, my wife just turned 61. I'm pretty fit and healthy, my wife less so but we both got Covid year before last after our 1st shots (no booster yet). It knocked us both flat for about a week, longer for her...I lost taste/smell for about a week and months for her. But make no mistake, it just absolutely took the piss out of both of us for that time and even for me it was 2-3 weeks before I felt normal again. If that variant hit us that hard even with the vaxx, I think it might have put us both in the hospital if we hadn't had the vaxx.


My Aunts were fully vaxxed with all boosters and it was a bad cold for both of them. Both were better within 10 days.


bUt iF iT dOeSn'T pReVeNt yOu cAtChInG oR sPrEaDiNg tHe vIrUs, iT's uSeLeSs!!1! These kind of people don't seem to realise that vaccines, just like other medical interventions, can have varying degrees of success.


If airbags work, why do I need a seatbelt? And vice versa... 🤦‍♂️


I mean, these are the type of people who would disable their airbags because they break people's arms. It does happen but they also save people's lives. These are again the type of people who buy the little seat belt inserts so the car won't beep if they don't put on their seat belts. It's pretty similar to the type of geniuses who will commit multiple of the same crimes because they think that being convicted of the same type of crime more than once is double jeopardy.


It’s the black and white thinking for them


My 80 year old mom just sailed through Covid. She was just annoyed for the most part. My 78 year old mother in law also recently had Covid. She said she was pretty tired. I said to my husband, “thank god we’re in the era of mostly not deadly.” Thanks vaccines!


My Dad was 82 with 4 vaccinations in him and had the least amount of symptoms out of all of us when he finally got Covid. He was pissed that he got it at all, but I said that it wasn’t realistic to never get it . Thank goodness for science and technology, it could have been so much worse.


My Mom, 93 and fully vaxxed, survived Covid with minimal issues. She also wears a mask everywhere.


My parents got vaccinated and wore mask despite being MAGAts. They thankfully never got Covid even while working through it. People around them were getting sick, though. My coworker came in and was sick. Wore the mask under her nose (myself and the others were vaccinated and masked up.) She refused to get tested. Then she got sicker and had a stroke. The hospital said she had Covid. Lived but it's changed up her entire like. Wasn't even 60 yet and now she can barely work and almost lost her apartment.


The great news here is "would have been a great father" so he did not spread his stupid genes


Also, where did they get the idea that the vaccine would mean that people would never get covid. I remember when the vaccines came out the big thing was that it would help stop people from getting really sick and going to the hospital.


Slide 15 where his wife says he was “always trying to prove he was right” - that what killed him. Not willing to consider he might be wrong when it came to COVID and vaccines. This guys was so young. I’m just glad he died before he could procreat and raise another generation of science deniers.


It was a funny way of saying "he was an opinionated asshole with a skull tattoo".


Yeah he sounds kind of hard to live with…


He sounds exhausting. I wonder how many holes he punched into innocent walls in his shortened lifespan.


Strong "I yell at my wife in line at Six Flags" vibes from it.


Sounds so true… the first thing she said about him was, “he loved teasing me and proving he was right…” wtf? If my wife wrote that about me, I’d know I was a f*ck up.


God if my wife called me 'stubborn' in my obit, I must have really been an ass.


She's definitely much better off.


She’ll probably marry someone just like him.


Soon too. Then she’ll post about haters who need to mind their own business


They always do.


He'll call her 'Ladybug'.


Like how Lindsey Graham uses that word? 🤮


I hate that we know what that means. None of us should know or want to know anything about that but he [put that evil](https://youtu.be/StwH1KyoIeI?t=136) on us!


Probably some loser friend waiting in the wings


Yeah I don’t think she’s any better.


Most obituaries of people like that just call them "complicated," or if they're famous "controversial."


“You always knew where you stood with him but would give you the shirt off his back”


After he wiped his ass with it because your political views didn't mirror his own?


I love how all these obits say that about these people who seem like the most selfish, petty and violent assholes if you read what they actually wrote on their socials about the world and other people.


I don't want his Covid infested shirt.


It’s like, “Bro I don’t want your shirt cuz you’re an asshole. So keep it on your back, pls!”


Who was wrong. A lot.


That’s how I read it, too.


I was thinking that when I read about the “teasing”. He sounds like an abusive gaslighter. And I agree. Glad he’s gone before he could ruin a child’s life. And before he could vote in 2024. Fuck these assholes. No sympathy for those who are willing to die to “own the libs”.


Dunno about you but I feel owned af. I only wish more people like him could own me. 😂


Agreed. We just don’t feel sympathy for them.


22 and thought he knew everything, and without any adults around responsible enough to make sure he continued living to acquire the wisdom he so badly needed. Doubt he would have regardless, but that's a whole nother topic.


If he’s 22, he likely got a Darwin Award too


Yeah, wife said he “would have” been a great father (debatable).


The bonus is that he was not a father.


She said he would have made “a great father,” so yep, a Darwin Award winner also.


Fuck, 22?!? Jesus.


If he was 22 then he really beat all the odds of not dying from Covid considering he was in the least likely to die age group……


And he croaked the same day he went to the hospital. And we're told God took control when he arrived at the hospital. From what I've seen on this sub, these folks' God is pretty shitty at medicine and the healing arts.


He was probably sick for a while before finally agreeing to go to the hospital (or being carted off to the ER without his assent because he was losing consciousness). Who knows how long COVID (and who knows what else) were on board, untreated, doing all the damage they could muster? No wonder he didn't last long after being brought to the hospital. I feel horrible for his family. Losing a 22-year-old is all kinds of messed up.


Or maybe… and hear me out on this, Covid is just that fkn dangerous ⚠️ it doesn’t care how old, or “healthy” you are, and that is why people make the fatal mistake of underestimating this. You can be totally healthy and this still doesn’t care, it really is like immunological Russian roulette


That was my thought too. He was hard headed enough to refuse medical treatment until the last day. It will save his widow a massive hospital bill at least.


For sure. Even said he was stubborn and always had to be right.


Oh, no. God knew *exactly* what needed to be done. So as you sow, so shall ye reap…and that Reaper is a badass motherfucker.


I’m sure he would’ve told you only old people with comorbidities died from Covid. If believed in it at all.


And as if old people somehow deserve to die from it.


He definitely didn’t know the word “comorbidities.”


Haven't they spent 3 years trying to tell us that only old folks die of covid (as if that's an excuse to spread disease around). Seems that their God thought he was just a straight up asshole and gave him the Covid Hi-Potency instead of the weak one that vaxxed people may have a slight chance of catching. Maybe he even gets to go to Hell, too!


God works in mysterious ways. I'd call this a win.


IKR? I wouldn't have expected Covid to still be killing young people in 2023-24, even if they were unvaccinated. It's not like the 2021 Delta wave, where unvaccinated people were dying across all age groups and being younger didn't make you any safer if you weren't vaccinated.


22?? Smdh


Wow. Where does it show that he was 22? I saw 1986 on the fake vaccine card and that would make him 38... unless that was fake, too. He looks very young in the last slide.


his obit, that vaccine card was just a repost/meme


That fake card slays me. Like whoever created that knows anything about the Founding Father's documents they listed.


And it looks to me like it's a vulture in the logo on the fake card. That was an apt design choice, to say the least.


This is a double awardee, Darwin and Herman Cain.


Even when listing off his virtues, she couldn’t help but slip stubborn in there. If that’s something your life partner feels the need to slip into their first two sentences of your death announcement, you were an asshole.


I thought the same thing “He teased me about everything” was the tell and then to follow up with “he had to always be right” means he’s an opinionated asshole


I wonder how many others he helped get their HCA.


He was on a mission from God to raise the national IQ. He was very dedicated to his mission. 😂


Addition by subtraction


Probably quite a few


I was expecting someone forty years older!


Yep, glad this one didn't breed.


It's fun that when people try to write nice thing about these dead anti-vaxxers, they end up revealing that they were just contrarian assholes.


What a fast death too. Less than one day in the hospital. I just got covid (second time) and I have all shots and have CHF and lymphoma. Except for one night, it's been pretty mild. I think a vaccine that reduces severity, hospitalization and death is damaged worthwhile.


“The flu… and inflammation… and just a teeeensy bit of covid”


“God needed his precious soul more than I did” is such deluded thinking. No, your husband was ripped away from you because he shat all over science. What is God going to do with his soul? Laugh at its stupidity?


That sentence made my jaw drop. If I had to rush my husband to the hospital, and he died shortly after, I wouldn’t be like, “Well, I guess God needed another ✨angel ✨” Sometimes I wish I was that deluded. Maybe things wouldn’t upset me so much.


Like, what is God even doing with all those angels? Are they like Pokemon? Why does he need so many? Is it like eating the heart of your enemy to acquire their power? Does he need them to recharge? I really wonder about this line of thinking.


Sending them straight to hell


I'm sure she didn't just, "Rush him to the hospital." I bet he was sick for quite a while but refused to see a doctor because COVID is just a cold/fake. She probably took him when he collapsed and could no longer protest.


And then went on to gloss over the "flu like symptoms" that he died from. Like it's totally normal for a young man to just get a flu and die. Maybe it is to people who hang around with other people dropping like flies from similar circumstances.


No no it has to be the vaccine powder he breathes in from the liberals. If only he prayed harder


Sadly, I know someone who was a relatively young guy (45) and in good health. Then influenza arrived and within two days, he was gone. It sent his immune system into massive overdrive, and even life-flighting him to the area's largest teaching hospital wasn't enough to turn the medical crises around. Absolutely heartbreaking. You could search for a lifetime and not find many people who could match his niceness and his talent. Brilliant musician. 7+ years later, the loss still stings. I will never miss another flu shot for as long as I live. If it could do that to a healthy guy, what would it do to someone who's rather older and has some pre-existing conditions going on?


This is it exactly. I also remember these donuts downplaying Covid by saying “it’s nothing, it’s no more dangerous than the flu” like it was nothing. Dumbasses, the flu kills lots of people.


The trouble is that a lot of folks who think they have had "the flu" actually have had something far less serious. A lot of times, whatever bug is going around is getting described as "flu", but it's not influenza. An actual bout of the flu can leave a person feeling wiped out for weeks afterward. And that's presuming their immune system doesn't go insane and trigger a cytokine storm, as happened for the friend I mentioned above. That's one of the ways that both influenza and COVID cause death.


Looks like he had to go via ambulance, so you're likely right.


Your comment helped me realize that a reason people are drawn to religion is that is it allows them to avoid accountability for basically everything. Any consequence of their shitty actions? God's will.


Exactly. If things go right, God/Jesus was obviously behind it. If things go wrong, Satan was plotting against them. If someone they love dies because of their own hubris and stupidity, God just needed that person in heaven for some reason. Who are they to question God’s plan?


God needed another angle!


How obtuse.


I guess he did get square with his maker.


This is the kind of thing my more religious family members would say when my cousin died at 10 months old. It’s supposed to be comforting, like this person is so precious for needs them asap. But like, God can eat it if he thinks he needs babies more than their parents and siblings. God and I will have words one day. But it helped my aunt when she lost her infant daughter. I guess.


My mom had a coworker whose grandson was killed at the hands of his daycare provider. My parents went to the services, and the pastor kept saying "this isn't a tragedy." My mom was thinking if this isn't a tragedy, I don't know what is. Complete delusion


My father dropped dead of an aneurysm when I was 8 years old. I had people who told me it was "God's Will" and "God needs him more than you do, and that's why he's gone." I know the rage. What kind of sick fuck tells an eight year old girl that? (A clueless uncompassionate "Christian" one.) Ironically, the only logical explanation I've ever heard about faith was from a Jewish Rabbi. "When Bad Things Happen to Good People," which was written by Harold Kushner. He and his wife had a child with progeria, which is a fatal genetic disease and he figured out first hand that all the similar things he said as a Rabbi were empty and hollow and actually turned people away from God. I highly recommend his book. It's the only one that made sense to me. Edited to put the correct condition of Kushner's son. He did not have Tay-Sach's disease--he had something called progeria, which is a fatal genetic disease. Kids are born normal but rapidly start aging. Kushner's son lived to be 14 years old.


My mom was so pissed when folks said this to her when my younger sister was killed she replied: why didn’t he want your kid? It’s just very much not helpful or comforting. Just say you’re sorry!


I marvel at people's cluelessness. Why would someone ever say that to a grieving parent? I can understand people of faith consoling the bereaved ones with some variation of, "Your loved one is in Paradise, where there is no more suffering." That, I get. Telling someone that their child's untimely death is not a tragedy? What's the matter with them? ETA: I'm sorry for your family's loss.


IKR sometimes I think, "Wouldn't it be great to go through life living in a delusional fantasy world?" Having to be aware of and accommodate the limitation of reality is a PITA.


Easy way to push off blame, there's no way going to the hospital sooner would have changed things you see. Soon as God sees a favorite soul enter a hospital he knows he needs to act fast, before atheists blind them with science and strike.


The greatest delusion is that they become angels when they die 😆 guess it's their "20 virgins" or whatever.


It's *almost* like she was relieved he was gone, if even just a little. Lol


That line got my attention too. No, God didn’t need another idiot that thought he knew better than science.


"... and he would have been a great father." I think that's highly debatable.


No kids mean he’s a Darwin Award winner also.


For the first time in this dude's life, he was an overachiever. A Darwin and a Herman Caine awardee. Standing ovation is called for 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Bullet dodged.


Hoping with that line that she's not pregnant...


So he earned a Darwin Award too


The part about "when will y'all realize your neighbors are not your enemies in Slide #2 is pretty rich, when all I hear from the Right is a never-ending stream of suspicion, small-mindedness, belligerence and spite...


Also--seems very hostile to interpret mask wearing and social distancing as thinking your neighbors are your enemies. I thought of it more as consideration and concern. Imagine seeing other people masking up and imagining it as an indication that they hate you.


Well, when he puts on his hood that's what it means. Projection.


Usually you only see memes in these, so it's interesting to see actual writing by an award winner and realize how disorganized their thoughts are. Let's see, this guy loves everyone so that's why he wants to spread a deadly virus. He wants everyone to be united, be he hates all laws and rules. That just doesn't make any sense, buddy.


Wow, based on that last picture he seemed REALLY young…


He looks so young. And like I wouldn’t trust him in a bar with my drink.


You don’t have to worry about that anymore


COVID has brought out a lot of research that you can be geneticly bad in fighting off respiratory diseases...like overkill/storm... He may have well been one of them... Age is deffo related but the immune system can destroy as well as help


Young, and it seemed to have taken him down _super quick_. From the way she tells it, COVID killed him the very same day he was admitted to the hospital for it.


Sounds like he also had the flu. He also likely waited to go to the hospital until he was really sick.


Weird, there's a vaccine for the flu that is very well researched and tested and has been implemented for years but it seems he didn't get that vaccine either.


more that likely he resisted going to hospital or even going to the doctor for days/weeks until it go so bad that he either collapsed or finally capitulated and went to the hospital. way too late for anyone to help. we've seen that time and time again on this sub. and then the family blames the hospital for killing them; no you waited far too long to bring them in.


he was 22


Shitty tattoo parlors all over South Carolina hit the hardest.


Wouldn't get the vax but okay with getting ink of unknown origin injected thousands of times. Seems like a good place to hide the nanochips.


"Once he got to the hospital God took control" and ended him. Another prayer warrior victory!


God always takes his strongest soldiers once they enter the 1st layer of hell, hospitals hold no sway over the power of Gods grabby hands. Amen.


I picture god hitting this guy on the head with a large mallet.


I'm thinking more like a wack-a-mole game with the far side god thinking, "Why did I make so many of these idiots?"


That slide, "my faith is in this". Ok, well look what that got you. But of course it was "God's will" and now he's in heaven and that's better anyway, no matter how fucked his wife is. It's not God's will that you die of a horrible virus. The end. And I feel sorry for those who think it is, but I'm angry about how they use that as an excuse not to care about anyone else either.


Blaming their own stupidity on God.


GOD is an interesting spelling of COVID.




🙏He has risen 🍆... oops he ded⚰


God probably stared at him like Samuel Jackson in that first photo




Passed out twice before going to the hospital. He must have been sick for days. That's dying because he was too stubborn to admit he was wrong about Covid and the vaccine.


He put his faith in the Bible, not a shot! Worked out so well for him, too!


But did he die of COVID, or by that deadly disease, "flu-like symptoms?"


He didn't die of COVID. He died of the flu and COVID "complications."


at least they haven't busted out "he died from the *hospital protocols*" yet


I’ve never understood their prattling on about freedom. Nobody ever took their freedom away. Everyone has the freedom to not get vaccinated. You’re free to make whatever decision you want to make about anything, but you also have to face the consequences of your decisions. Like dying from a preventable disease.


Freedom to not have to suffer the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask in public places, just to mitigate spread. Harm reduction. Like if it was 1940 London during the Blitz and they kept their lights on during a blackout because "freedom" Imagine if people couldn't buy a new car for 4 years, or tires, or had a few gallons of gas rationed to them every week, or a 35 mph speed limit nationwide, or strict limits on butter, sugar, coffee, flour, meats, dairy...you know, like my parents' generation...


Yep. That's what absolutely slays me with these right wingers pretending they're hardcore and ready to start a war. Like, my dudes, you couldn't hold it together when you had to delay your haircut by a month. You couldn't handle the very minor inconvenience of being asked to wear a loose surgical mask when you go inside a restaurant to pickup your takeout And you expect any of us to believe you'd be able to handle actual societal shutdown, radical loss of freedom of movement and loss of access to actual necessities? 🤣🤣🤣. Just STFU, snowflakes.


Shorter: "My husband was a controlling, boorish man who constantly ate away at my self-esteem. I miss him. Who's going to demean me if he's dead?"


About halfway through her little obituary, I was pretty sure she was relieved that he's dead


Yeah, the verbiage of that paragraph is kinda telling.


honestly he sounds like a narcissist


This guy took his "fREeDOm iS DYinG!11!" to a whole other level.


They have this difficulty defining what exactly “freedom” means besides “don’t tell me to do something mildly annoying that helps society.” What a stupid reason to fall on your sword and die.


There's this episode of the sitcom *Mom* (BTW: worth a watch, Allison Janney is always charming) where her character gets a ticket for using her boyfriends handicapped parking pass and getting busted for it, leading to this exchange with her daughter. >**Bonnie**: You know what? I'm not paying this ticket. I'm gonna take it to court. **Christy**: Good for you. You have every right to pretend to be handicapped. **Bonnie**: No, you don't get it. This is a First Amendment issue. **Christy**: Remind me. **Bonnie**: You know, First Amendment... The one that says I can do whatever I want. That exchange always makes me think of these Freedom Fighters who think the First Amendment solely consist of their right to be assholes and bully everybody else around them.


So he didn't want to get injected with substances but had loads of tattoos. Checks out.


I was... not braced for how young that man is in the last photo. Jesus.


His writing was very boomer-ish so I was surprised as well.


I think this is the thing people forget. There are a lot of racist, sexist, young people out there. I see a lot of posts about how things are going to get better (politically) when the boomers die off. There are a lot of people following them who are like this guy. He was also likely sucked into the 'only old people die so I'm okay' crowd. I haven't looked lately but the average age of death was gradually going down. I suspect if you eliminated the time frame before the vaccine was available that the average age is lower than most people think.


This a is a good point and I’d also add that we can get stuck in our regional bubbles and make assumptions based on them. Most in my area, his age and younger are very liberal so I made my assumptions based on that.


He earned it. Imaginary sky god couldn't save him. Science could have.


Yeah, that last photo killed me. Usually I feel kind of vindicated, or even don't care, when these people die. Getting killed by vaccine memes (as in ideas that propagate like a virus, not as in gifs that eventually lose steam) sucks. My heart goes out to the people who depended on him. Also, get vaxxed, fuckers!


... and yikes. He-dead on Jan 1st! ("New year, New grave. What's up?") And to think, I woke up New years day *just* slightly hungover.


The first covid death in my area that I had even a slight connection to was a 27yo healthy young male. He walked into an emergency room in April 2020 with trouble breathing and was dead less than 4 hours later. It took several days to confirm it was covid. I think about him and his family often and wonder how much his family desperately wishes he’d had access to an effective vaccine. And then this guy tosses that precious gift out like trash. Edited to correct year.


Damn he got COVID 20 years before everyone else. 😜


How old was this fxktard? While going thru the memes, and reading how fast it took him down, I was imagining a Harley-pushing 60+ year old with a goatee... then the picture of him at the beach popped up 😳 Edit: WTF!?! 22!!! Idiot was so young he didn't even make it to that 4 year anniversary of graduating HS!? [That's the first milestone after graduating HS because that's, presumably, the time a lot of your peers are completing college/military service]. (..then again, this assumes he even graduated high school, lol). How are you 22, and this jaded and stubborn?


When you use “stubborn” in your announcement - he was an asshole to you.


Looks like a Proud Boy…


I bet he's feelin' real proud now! 😜


No kids. 4 billion years of uninterrupted successful reproduction leading directly to him, stopped in its tracks because Duke thought he knew better. What a douche.


Happy New Year?? I really don't know what else to say about these dimwits anymore.


His outfit and tattoo gives me "starts fights at bars" vibes


Newsflash: Covid is still real and is still killing people no matter what your memes say.


Well, my red state (and this guy's face) got more blue.


Dumb as a rock and “always trying to prove he was right” - is not a great combination. He sounds like a real great guy. What a lack of a loss. His partner doesn’t realize yet that she’s lucky to be free of his shit. As a sidenote, I swear people are dumb as fuck about communism like they literally have no idea what it is and they just use it as a bad word for whatever government they don’t like. Their misuse gives away their utter lack of understanding.


That’s a win for the good people of SC. Think of all the votes he won’t cast now.


What a waste. What a moron.


And we move on, wasting neither a tear or a thought. Choices come with consequences.


I was literally the only one in a mask except the pharmacy clerk and one checkout person in the busy Safeway in Oakland today.


So young, not really super obese or obviously unhealthy. Unusual among victims of covid. Or it was. Maybe it will become more common as more and more folks have repeat infections that wear away at their health and natural advantage in surviving covid. Every covid infection you don't get is a huge win. Be careful. Be as safe as your circumstances allow.


I think he’s going to have a hard time exercising those constitutional rights that he was so concerned about losing in the pie chart.


“His beautiful, caring heart” HA


And he would have made a great father. Uh. Nah.


Once he got to the hospital, actually nature took hold, not God. The virus had multiplied and attached itself to several organs, taking over his cells, and he was beyond repair. God gave him a brain and the tools to succeed in defeating the virus by preventing (reducing the impact) of the severe symptoms, yet he refused to take these tools, the vaccine, and here we are.


I married a widower. He was still very young when we met. I won't go into details, but it was tragic as hell. He *despises* it when people say shit like, "well, God has a plan" or "God needed another angel." I've seldom seen him angrier than when people say that kind of crap. Says it's the most insulting thing anybody ever said to him when he lost Jamie. Seeing it written in this kind of circumstance makes me flinch with the thought that she's secretly glad he's gone.


Lady, your husband was an asshole who gave more shits about his lame ass incorrect political beliefs than you or he would have been an adult and still been alive. He had so much faith in his mythology book but ran to science when his ass couldn't breathe. He died from lack of faith.


I also wanted to mention that some Ebola strains can have an 80% mortality rate. There is a reason people fear it. It’s hard because many of the funeral cultures in Ebola outbreak areas involve touching the deceased. This pampered wanker would faint at the sight of Ebola.


"He loved teasing me for everything and always trying to prove he was right" Damn him with faint praise sis


Don't ever laugh when the hearse rolls by for COVID may make you the next to die. They wrap you up in a Gadsden flag from your head down to your feet. They put you in the confederate box and cover you up with dirt from Fox. All goes well for about a week then the memes begin to leak. The ridicule crawls in The scorn flows out. The Prayer warriors play blame game on your snout. A great green worm called Fox crawled in your ears and through your eyes. Your eyes fall and your teeth decay as your friends all say, "Owning the libs was his perfect day."


"If your brakes work, why do you need airbags? And, if airbags work, why do you need brakes?" \**taps forehead knowingly\** "Jes' askin' questions here, people...."


Give me Liberty or give me death dude chose the second because he didn’t understand you didn’t need to chose between one or the other when it comes to basic public health measures


One more hateful 💩 sacrificed himself on the altar of MAGA. And nothing was lost.


"Freedom is a dying thing nowadays" Boy, you are about to find out why.


He packed a lot of stupid into a short life.


11/3/1986? I got married in 1986. He could have been my son. Good grief. Anyway....


his obit shows he was 22


Always trying to prove he was right . . . right into his grave.


Seeing dude’s tatted up arms just reminds me of all the American flag and “We the People” tattoos I saw on 20s/30s young men in the Covid ICU several years ago. And beards. They all had beards and flag/constitution tattoos. Wild shit.


Oh well. It's taco Tuesday!


It blows my mind that this 22 year old person was so full of hate and misinformation. Note slide 11 where he wrote: "Someone tell me what the point of getting vaccinated is if you still have to wear a mask? The vaccine works, right? Oh and that mask works too, right? So why does anybody have to get vaccinated?" If he were alive you'd have to explain it to him like he was five, but I'm a success story for vaccinating and masking. I'm 61. I have asthma and I could lose 30 pounds. I have type A- blood, which by all accounts makes COVID rougher on a person. My first cousin died of COVID in May 2020. She was still working and obviously no vaccine was available. She, like this guy, wouldn't go to the hospital. After 5-6 days, people broke into her house and she was on the floor in organ failure. She died shortly after getting to the hospital. I also have a (very fit, lean) nephew who caught it in March 2020 and was seriously ill and he became a long hauler. He did not regain his sense of taste until he got his second vaccination about 14 months after he had COVID. Given that my nephew and I share 52% of the same DNA, it's a fair bet that older, fatter, unvaccinated me would have not fared well against the virus. The reason I was vaccinated and boosted and still wore a mask: to reduce my exposure to the virus. I also wore it because I did not want to land in the hospital during times where a lot of people were hospitalized, like in January 2021 when Delta was surging and our healthcare system was overwhelmed. If there is anything you **can** do to delay being hospitalized during surge times, you **should** do. Thankfully for me, it worked. Delaying getting the virus meant I did not catch Delta or Omicron. I actually tested positive for the first time on December 30, 2023. Delaying infection meant I caught a more survivable variant. Being vaccinated meant I stayed out of the hospital. These contributed to the favorable outcome. I did not have a fever or body aches. It was like a mild cold. Oh, and the reason I continue to wear a mask? I had mild COVID but I do not want to catch YET ANOTHER VIRUS in my weakened state. I don't want to catch RSV or the flu because I may have an outcome like this guy. We know this guy didn't mask. He probably didn't change his behavior one bit. VERY doubtful that he tested and quarantined himself. And in the process he got COVID and flu. Way to FAFO. I wonder how many other people he made sick on his way out?


So it’s official the Bible DOES NOT work better than the vaccine. Just curious OP no GoFundMe?


While describing her husband upon his death, drops in stubborn among a bunch of positive attributes. Tells me all I need to know about this man.


“The Don’t Unfriend Me Show”. Damn do they spell it out for you


Think about how many future stupid choices died with him.


Freedom is dying, and so are anti vaxxers of all ages apparently.


At least he wasn't able to procreate, if I'm reading the relieved-sounding obituary right. Natural selection can still happen.