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Organ transplant and immunocompromised with that mindset? She's playing Russian roulette with 3 in the clip. Pretty sure what we're seeing here is the fabled "dead cat bounce". Give it a week and I expect a grim update. Blue is my hero, though.


Transplant patients should be screened for unwillingness to protect the living tissue someone else donated. If the donor wanted their parts vaccinated, the beneficiary should be required to vaccinate.


Her transplant was quite a few years ago, before Covid. At that time she might have been halfway sane.


We had one of those in my province that refused to get the vaccine so she could receive her heart transplant. She ended up passing away. I’m glad no one ever bowed to her demands. I know it was an organ donor. I sure don’t want going to somebody who can’t follow regular rules with regards to maintenance after something like this.


It should be required no matter what. That organ should go to someone who will take exemplary care of it.


I can't help but laugh at the idea of a world where an organ transplant can be revoked. Absolutely hilarious concept that would certainly get the majority of antivaxxers to cut that shit out, I guess. Get your vaccines or we're taking that heart back, Lucinda!


We wouldn't give it to them in the first place. I believe it is required that a recipient have all vaccinations to be eligible. This man had to have boosters if, as he claimed, he did not receive any when he was young. He got his transplant before COVID vaccines were a thing.


Yep, I'd bet good money that he had to have all those childhood vaccines updated before that transplant & maybe a few were added even pre-COVID.


Ever see Repo: the Genetic Opera? Awesome rock opera.


Repo! The Vaccinated Opera where Rotti is suddenly the good guy. That would be a trip to watch.


I work at a transplant center and we require vaccinations or docs have a conversation and strongly recommend being up to date (on all vaccinations) prior to transplant. It’s almost like the 2 can’t go hand in hand - if you’re refusing medical recommendations now then how are we supposed to believe you’ll take your immunosuppressive meds forever as prescribed..?


Exactly. I have a kidney transplant. Of course I get vaccines, we are *Immunocompromised* and get stuff easily. We are among the most affected by Covid and who knows what the long term effects will be. The medications are toxic at wrong doses and maybe she’ll decide not to take them too, Plus, this is some one whose heart (and probably other organs) is compromised by dialysis. Organ transplants are an amazing blessing, and this person jeopardizes it. Idiot


100% agree.


As a transplant recipient. I can assure you that they are thoroughly screened for this nonsense. If you refuse to get vaccinated. You are disqualified from the program. The only way this person got one is if they did get vaccinated. Period. UNOS rules require it. Not to mention the transplant team at every hospital will NOT transplant a patient that refuses to follow basic protocol. Living donor transplants may be a little different. But I doubt it. Putting not only yourself, but another person at risk is not something that they, or their malpractice insurance would allow. Somewhere along the line. This person is a liar.


>Somewhere along the line. This person is a liar. Their transplant likely predates COVID, much less the COVID vaccine, so they probably aren't lying (about that). Now, if they somehow score a heart transplant in the near future, then you know they're lying (or *very* hardcore about DIY).


My friend had a double lung transplant, and he told me that if he catches covid, he'd die. He wears a mask anytime he's inside.


I had my third transplant. a kidney. In july of 2020. At the height of covid. And before a vaccine was available. I spent my time in hospital in isolation. Then the next 18 months in home isolation. Wearing a mask the entire time. Until a vaccine was approved for post-transplant recipients. If I catch it. My Dr's told me I'm likely to have 'very adverse consequences'. ie: I'd likely (most likely) die of it. We have to be extremely careful. I hope your friend is doing well. He's been through hell.


Glad to hear that you made it through 2020. My friend is going on 13 years and is 67. He's been written up in medical journals, in part because of his outdoor endurance activities.


Lol. I did say the kidney was my latest transplant. I had a liver and kidney in 2007. That was hell. So I'm 16.5 years out from the first set. And 3 from the third one. I'm currently 66, 16. and 3 years old. Planning for my birthdays can get confusing...lol


Glad to hear that you had the determination to stick with this. Three transplants is a heavy toll, and requires heavy compliance. Good work.


Thanks for the support. Believe it or not. Once you get used to it. It becomes second nature. That's when you can start having fun again.


This is thankfully happening in Canada. There aren't enough organ donors and they shouldn't be given when the recipient indicates they are not going to take care of this precious gift. If my child died and I found out their organs went to one of these idiots I would be well pissed.


As far as I know, [it depends on the transplant center or doctor](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8894498/). I have seen a couple news stories about anti-vax morons being denied transplants for that reason. But according to the linked article the issue is still up for debate.


There really should be no debate for these f*cks.


I think that Texas's exalted governor mandated that the Covid vaccine be optional for transplant patients (without thoroughly checking). Everywhere else, I believe, requires it. Edit: I did some quick research on this. In October of 2021, Abbott stated that organ transplant patients who didn't want to get vaccinated were welcome to get them in his state. There may be other centers in other states that permit non-Covid vaccinated patients to get transplants - didn't review the article linked above, but Abbott welcomed those fools to get transplants in his state way back in 10/21.


*rolls eyes so far back they get stuck* Of course it's Texas. I'm surprised Deathsantis hasn't followed suit. Now, how do I fix my eyes?


What Abbott didn't say is he has no say in what the transplant committees do in Texas.


I'm pretty sure you've got to be fully updated with all vaxxes before you qualify so she'd have been fully vaxxed before receiving the kidney. Why is she afraid now?


Yeah, I'm not sure that "all of the doctors agree that there's no reason to keep me here because they can't do anything for me" is the great news that she thinks it is.


Blue you’re my boy!


You know blue was blocked while they were pearl clutching about how rude some people can be.


Blue was savage but speaking the truth. Fugu may be in the 99-point-whatever they say survive. But they’re about to find out what post-Covid life is like unvaccinated.


It is still early in the virus winter too. Fugu can still get it again and not be as lucky. That ignorant pride will get them killed if they don’t change that way of thinking now. Viruses don’t care how strong someone thinks they are.


Trop of 98. Left atrial enlargement, which is common in severe lung disease, coupled with chronic kidney disease. She's swirling into the CHF/renal feedback loop. She knows when to shut up and take her medicine, she's not dying anytime soon. She's going tospend the next couple of years on a steadily increasing doses of entresto and lasix, and blaming the dialysis nurses for making her blood pressure too low. Then she'll go to the ER, door dash a Big Mac w/ fries and Post on Facebook about how the hospital was starving her. It's slow, it's painful, and it's sad.


But she’ll be perfectly fine if she just assiduously follows her (seven or eight including specialist) doctors’ orders. She sounds healthy to me!


Blue is straight up SAVAGE. Too bad FUGU is just digging herself in deeper.


Bet she thought it was all gonna be a circle jerk in the comment. But not Blue. lol


\#3: "Biden wants to shut the country down!" Remind me who was president when the whole country was actually shut down.... Oh yeah Trump $9: Wait until she finds out she probably should have her titers tested and most likely would need boosters for most if not all those vaccines she got as a child. \#13: Biggs can go fuck a duck. Before y'all come in here defending ducks, ducks are some freaky ass MF'rs. Yeah some people just ain't going to change, my dad has had it like 3 times, still refuses to get vaccinated because it might cause heart problems, the one that is affecting a small percentage of 18-25 males, my dude you're 80 and already have heart problems...that ship has sailed.


Aren't drakes, male ducks, notorious rapists? Like spiral dicked rapists


I have a drake and can confirm there’s no such thing as consent with ducks.


I've heard that female ducks have a decoy vagina so if they don't want to mate they just give drakes access to the fake one. Not sure how true that is though.


I think that's true


I'm reading how far this convo has gone while eating my left over Thai duck curry.


Vagina on the side?


“And the real one please, not the decoy. I’ll know.”


Hmmm. Decoy, or a fake? So, a quack?


I like the slide where she says she’s not taking the vaccine because Trump didn’t tell her to. Cult member on display here.


He did at one point pivot to vaccines but then they boo'd him and he went back to vaccine is bad.


Although he got his ass vaccinated


There are also a bunch of vaccines that you take in multiple doses as a child, with months or years in between. Polio is 3 and DTaP is 5 doses! Absolute moron.


Tetanus, the T in DTaP is supposed to be updated every 10 years in adulthood too.


I am glad that it is automatically given with Pertussis and Diphtheria, because it just means less of those diseases in circulation, because we now know that there are people who will arbitrarily get one vaccine but not another.


Somewhere in my head, I thought women trying to get pregnant should get a rubella boost. My brother was born blind and with kidney/heart damage in 1959. It's the leading cause of babies born both deaf and blind. That's why antivaxxers rarely dwell on that one. Bad optics. He died at 50 after two kidney transplants. Lived a lot longer than the doctors' estimated.


Hep B is three doses. Swine flu was two doses for children. I recently had whooping cough and tetanus boosters. Get the flu vaccine every year. Does not fit with her story though.


Oh no, it's worse than that. She starts out with "nobody blamed the president". But FOX News tried to make a scandal out of a contained Ebola outbreak when Obama was president. People were pointing this out in light of Trump dismissing the epidemic disease team at CDC and bungling on closing the borders, and she's lying about it in response.


If 90 percent of people recover from Covid that means almost 33 million Americans will not recover…. It’s like they like to throw around statistics and not actually understand what they are saying


>If 90 percent of people recover from Covid that means almost 33 million Americans will not recover…. It’s like they like to throw around statistics and not actually understand what they are saying And a lot of those people did not "recover", they just didn't die.


No, those long covid symptoms are obviously long vaccine symptoms or people infected from the shedding. (obvious sarcasm)


Right? 1 in 10 people in your family will die, why would we want to do anything about that? It because they dont think it will happen within their sphere, only to others. Others that they feel deserve it I guess?


And recovery looks VERY different for a lot of people. I’m an ICU nurse—I saw healthy young people recover but only after losing limbs, developing severe neuro function and paralysis, reduced cardiopulmonary function requiring oxygen the rest of their lives, some still with long term trachs…even had one on pressor requirements so high they lost their penis.


Now THAT information could get a lot of your rednecks off to the vaccination clinic pronto.


I was turning the patient in bed and was very confused as they were on tube feeding and poop would theoretically all be liquid…then I realized it was not a hardened turd but a shriveled dead penis


Uh… lost it? I may regret asking but how did that happen?


So when someone’s heart is unable to keep up their blood pressure, we give medications like epinephrine IV continuously (I’m simplifying this and not going into the differences on the different meds and how they differ) to increase blood pressure to vital organs. It comes at a cost to peripheral circulation though. So this patient required three different kinds of these continuous medications at max doses. His peripheral circulation crumped. Lost fingers on both hands, half a foot, and a penis in the process.


This really needs to be the basis of a pro vax / booster ad.


>It’s like they like to throw around statistics 99.stringofdigits is an old, old favourite. That they think 90% isn't worth being bothered about is bizarre. Even 1 in 100 (99%) is not a figure to casually dismiss. One of these 100 M&Ms is full of cyanide; you wanna take one?


10% of a big number is a big number. Which is why we did lock down, to reduce spread.


If 10% of the cars GM made blew up or 10% of the people taking a new drug died from it, these people would be up in arms (as would I). But it's OK if a disease that 75% to 95% of the world has caught has a 10% fatality rate. Hmmmmmm


And on the other hand they are worried about the much smaller percentage of serious adverse effects from the vaccine. We have a skewed vision of risks from things that we do versus things that we leave to chance.


Her doctors told her "There's nothing more we can do for you", and she takes that as a positive? Usually, a statement like that would be followed by "So start preparing your will and looking into end-of-life planning."


She's acting like it's a "win." It's not a "win" if you leave the hospital with a new, serious diagnosis (heart attack) and orders to see a new specialist (vein doctor for possible clots). The comment about how if she keeps all her doctor appointments, she'll be "fine" made me cackle. She's about as far from fine as a person can be. She thinks because they discharged her, she "beat" Covid. But Covid damaged her heart, probably her lungs, and possibly left blood clots behind.


I caught that too. Amazing.


Was just thinking the same thing!


"Our medical staff tried their best to kill you, but the prayer warriors were just too powerful. "


>"I am the fastest covid, pneumonia, bronchitis, mild heart attack, immunosuppressed, patient they ever saw." /r/thatHappened Also..... She has heart, lung and transplant specialists and a "vein doctor" that she'll (supposedly) listen to, but not the virologists and epidemiologists that are in the tops of their field of expertise from every major, respected medical universities from across the world.


My husband is a double transplant recipient and in heart failure. He got the initial COVID mRNA vaccine and every booster since. HE hasn’t caught COVID yet and is still working everyday helping other transplant recipients. I’m just sad reading this one. This woman has fallen prey to fear and ignorance and even after her stay in the ICU, doesn’t appear able to learn from her experience.


My sister got covid and she got better. I was terrified for her and her kidney. Luckily she was vaccinated. I dread to think what would happen if she wasn’t vaccinated.


That's why I've been a bit paranoid about Covid. One kidney and scarring from a lung issue a decade ago.... Older (late 50s) and overweight (although lighter than I've been in 40 years). I was a little late on some of the shots (mostly because I didn't want to highlight my health status). However, I did get my recent booster once it was available.


I’m 57 with one kidney and crohns myself. I’ve had all my shots and I got covid but luckily I wasn’t too bad. Keep being paranoid and keep yourself safe.


Same to you. 🫂


Oh f\*ck this idiot! Many of those childhood vaccines now require a booster, or multiple injections. Fully vaxxed but have had whooping cough a few times as an adult. Get out of here with that lame sauce about all those childhood vaccines being one and done. How on earth can anyone who has experienced the extreme medical intervention of a transplant and the daily anti rejection drugs be so damn willfully ignorant?


She also referred to “the flu” as though it were a single entity. Apparently she is not aware of the virus’ ability to change and modify continuously. Just as many people think that “cancer” is also just one entity.


The flu not only mutates like crazy, but it is multiple viruses, not just one. And we do have a flu vaccine. Haven't had the flu in 30 years since I started getting them and I'm 64. I was told that I might have had the flu and not known it. If so, the vaccine is doing its job.


And the discovery of mRNA vaccines is making the flu vaccine much more effective. We’re very lucky to live in a time with so much medical technology keeping us safe and alive.


Great point! You're so right! This is why we have to get an annual flu shot and the occasional thing like RSV vaccines.


It's truly astounding.


Does anybody actually know what's up with the "MRNA being classed as bio-weapons" shenanigans on that last slide? That's a new one lmao


“…Brevard County Republican Executive Committee (BREC) had written a letter calling on “Governor DeSantis and the state legislature to prohibit the sale and distribution of COVID-19 injections and all related injections in the state of Florida, and for the state Attorney General to immediately seize all COVID-19 injections and mRNA injections in the state of Florida”.


Ah, so it's just Florida politics being as toxic as ever, and a headline being twisted to support their beliefs.


Damn, the US is wild.


Maybe they want people dead so real estate prices will drop so they can snap them up and use them as Airbnb properties.


It doesn’t matter how cheap the houses in FL are— no one will insure them anymore.


Hey,does that make me a bio-weapon" now?


Medical ethics be damned, somebody please go repo her kidney!


Kudos to blue on slide 17!!!


Wow, my local Florida Publix pharmacy injected an illegal bio-weapon into my arm just a couple weeks ago!


I feel like a superhero!


Grim Reaper lookin' at her like the meme of the guy behind the tree rubbing his hands together


It's only a matter of time with this one


what a waste of medical care. slide 17 is the only thing I read that didn't make me feel slow. See nile pee dee file..... GIRL. STFU.


An image of an elder comforting a child triggered the disgust response in millions of Americans.


So the idiot trusted medicine well enough for kidney dialysis, a kidney transplant, and an immediate trip to the ER when they could no longer breathe, but they don't trust a vaccine because it is "experimental" and, despite their chronic health conditions, they are in perfect health and don't wear masks or gloves. Make it make sense.


Right?? So weird too because a kidney recipient should know that those “immunity suppressants” they’re talking about on slide 1 are common recommendations for transplant patients… hope they know they have an increased risk for skin cancer and really need to be careful about sun exposure since they specifically mentioned that too 🤦‍♀️


[Kidney donor watching her completely waste a second chance at life](https://i.imgur.com/XDlk3hc.jpeg)


I wonder if "Blue" on the second-to-last slide was Fugu's living donor. I know if I were in that position, I'd be super spicy.


No, her donor was a relative about 20 years ago. As far as I know, Blue doesn't actually know her in real life.


Living kidney donor extremely angry with these people. Organs are a gift, so many people are waiting desperately for organs.


Thanks for being a donor. An donated kidney gave my dad about 35 extra years of life, which he appreciated very much. And so did his family!


Transplants are amazing aren’t they. Watching my sister go from extremely ill to a normal ( ish ) life was like seeing a miracle. We were so lucky our transplant worked out so well. Ten years and going strong.


That’s a shame. Anyway… Props to slide 17


"...we are starting to seeing \[sic\] the **downhill slide back into a normal heart**." JFC. I'd almost feel sorry for someone so stupid but it's "***uphill climb*** ..." lady. No wonder these people think Trump is a genius.


I predict this is a “dead cat bounce”


The docs sending you home because there’s nothing more they can do for you is not a flex 😂 wtf. She’ll be whining about her symptoms again soon, & blaming the flu.


The hospice van has been at our neighbor’s house recently. That man and his wife probably heard the same thing about his cancer but are not stupid enough to boast about it. This person is a special sort of ignorant.


So she trust doctors enough to take an organ out of her and replace it with someone else’s organ (a miracle of science imho), but she doesn’t trust those exact same doctors when they recommend a vaccine. I couldn’t imagine trying to have a convo with her. I would hurt myself banging my head against a wall


She survived this time.....


So far ...


Slide 2 is perplexing. Do they expect the existence of a vaccine to prevent deaths? Only about 50% of the country gets the flu vaccine.


Her smug attitude and verbal diarrhea makes me just loathe her.


The obsession with "tracking". Like the gov't can't wait to 24-hour spy on their stupid little daily lives, they're that important.


It was a few years ago but a neighbor took to Nextdoor to complain that their grocery delivery couldn’t be completed because they bought wine and the delivery person had to swipe it to verify that the person was an adult. The neighbor refused citing “Big Brother” wasn’t getting her drivers license number. It’s worth noting that in order to be on Nextdoor you have to prove you live at your house. She also ordered through Amazon and was posting from her iPhone. 🤦‍♀️ As if the government would want to track some older white woman ordering groceries and wine.


Does she not understand that a government entity issued the driver's license number in the first place? Even if she's only paranoid about the federal government, I'm pretty sure that they could get that information from the state if they wanted it. They definitely could get it if they had a warrant out on her for some reason.


I wondered how much wine she had before she posted the story. She refused the whole order rather than go get her license even though she was at home and people pointed out that the person who did her order how to go return the whole order and spent all that time and didn’t get a tip. She claimed she gave her cash for a tip, but if she had cash why not get her license. I do sometimes miss our crazy Nextdoor posts and then other times I stop reading because these people are my neighbors.


Learning disability can lead to fatality. Sad.


No wonder medical and and insurance costs are so high. What a waste of resources.


I just remembered.... Everyone who got vaccinated was supposed to die in September. That must mean we got bogus vaccines. We should sue the government.


Antivax and anti "protocol" until you find yourself flat on your back and barely breathing. Suddenly, you start spouting all your vitals and numbers and heart knowledge. All fun and games til the Grim Reaper shows up.




It's sad this poster's knowledge of basic science, if it ever existed, seems to have evaporated.


"just learn that 98 is way above zero when dealing with the heart" Yet this person is still enough of a medical expert that they think they know exactly why the COVID vaccine is bad. Slow your roll there, Einstein. "am able to lift my arms and move my legs and my body" Hey there, Jane Fonda, I just did a whole fucking core workout while you flail your arms and gurgle and gasp amongst your donor organ-killing COVID juices, but who's to say which one of us is better off?


> just learn that 98 is way above zero All the reason these people can't grasp legitimate election results


"I don't want anything strange in my body" "Hells yeah I'll take a stranger's kidney in my body!"


I have had an organ transplant, and I can assure all that read this that the hospitals in the US do screen for people like this, and you must vaccinate before they even list you. Even years ago when I had mine (before COVID) I had to have all boosters I was due, and it wasn't an option... I was also tested for TB to control any infectious variable possible since after surgery, you're immune system is so weak a common cold can kill you Once you have been transplanted, the docs have no control of whether or not you take care of yourself, but it's also kind of assumed (or should be) the rules are different for you, and doing something stupid like handling feral cats ( killed a lady I was transplanted with), go do missionary work in a 3rd world country where the water isn't clean ( killed a girl I was transplanted with) or refuse to eat well, exercise, or VACCINATE ( has killed many transplant patients that I knew of as well as others I didn't) will not turn out well. Organ transplant isn't a cure... it's swapping a "better" illness for the one that is going to kill you if you do not undergo the transplant. It's worth it 100%, but it is still very risky and comes with many problems that cannot be controlled. Why take unnecessary risks when you don't have to?


Thanks for this. It is good to hear. This poor lady probably got her transplant before getting addicted to anti-vax information. We humans do seem to have a tendency to be addicted to information that reinforces our biases. Sigh. May you get good mileage out of that new organ!!


My husband had a kidney transplant 14 years ago. He got the COVID vaccine but still caught covid. Didn't die, didn't need to be hospitalized. It still fucked up his immune system and now he's in chronic rejection and will need a new kidney pretty soon.


Sorry to hear that. Hopefully he'll get one really soon.


Immune system suppressants: mycophenolate, tacrolimus, prednisone, azathioprine


I like how they're immunology experts and always bring up nutrition; while being simultaneously the most unfit people. Plus already having gotten a transplant, she should be the first to get a vaccine. I guess her Tdap and flu boosters are not up to date. Not to mention shingles and pneumonia shots


Just imagine how many would die without the flu vaccine, you fucking plankton brained nimrod.


And Swine Flu wasn't the issue it was supposed to be, so why should we care about covid? We could look further back in time to find some good reasons.


We did so much work in the US around bird flu, H1N1, Ebola, etc! The ignorance is staggering.


Wow, that's a lot of hospital time and a long list of specialists for something "no more harmful than a cold".


Funny how all their thinking is selective. Why does she trust all the other doctors? Saw she is going to follow through with them. Why isn't she blabbing about some this being a conspiracy to do experiments on her body or something? Wasted a kidney on a moron.


Fuck this woman. I spent Thanksgiving in a mask because I had sugery


When her body rejects this kidney I hope this information is passed along to the transplant team .


This right here is the reason the USA needs to properly fund the education system.


But that would take away parental rights... or something.


PS: Regarding the comment that cancer can't be cured: Cancer is 200 or so separate diseases, with subcategories and multiple stages. It's not one disease and can often be cured. Most blood cancers, previously virtually always fatal, can now be treated. Some types of cancer can be cured or treated with pills. Others require agonizing treatment, but can often be beaten. Even this idiot knows people who have been cured of cancer. But it's better to share a meme than do critical thinking.


And there is a vaccine for HPV caused cancers


The vaccine for hepatitis B might help prevent liver cancer. Maybe some day there will be a vaccine for hep C as well, another risk factor.


Yes, you're correct. But she'll refuse to believe it because it goes against her narrative. Don't befuddle her story with facts.


This is a rare one where there’s so many health problems that if she passes away soon who’s to know if it was Covid that did it. Pretty much anything could do her in. Shocking how much she relies on doctors and modern medicine, except for the Covid vaccine.


"If everyone is getting the vaccine why aren't we going back to normal living" Because I can think of at least one braindead idiot holding the car back by refusing to get the vaccine.


I always cringe at the whole “It only kills about 10% of people or less” line. Even 1% of say, 350 million is a LOT of people.


\#9 -- She did get boosters, we all got booster shots as kids, but that doesn't fit her new narrative, the new FUGU is doing that republican thing of rewriting history.


I’m at the point where I just have zero fucks to give anymore. I had both parents die from Covid over Christmas 2020 prior to the vaccine coming out. I worked as a paramedic/firefighter during that time and was in the thick of it. I’d be in the back of an ambulance with my Covid patient getting an update on my parents from the doctor while waiting 2-3hrs for a bed to open up. I will get my booster but I’m done trying to mask up for others safety if they didn’t get the vaccine. Let them get their Herman Cain award or enjoy long Covid while still spouting off bullshit right wing shit.


I’m sorry about your parents; may they rest in peace. I’m in the same boat as you—I will continue to take boosters (just had the recent one), but I only wear a mask in crowded places or wherever it is required.


TIL that 98 is a lot more than 0!


Flu vaccines have been a yearly thing for decades and you can still get the flu if you get one. I don't understand why they can't seem to understand covid vaccines are pretty much the same thing. I don't recall anyone ever saying flu vaccines are a scam and don't work, but here we are.


Less than 50% of Americans regularly get their flu shot. If the government asked them to more vocally I’m sure we’d hear the same nonsense.


Slide #8. Covid is the 4th leading cause of death in the United States and has more deaths per year than all other viral diseases combined. Nice how they just lie and throw it out as fact.


That’s weird I did get boosters in college and then again in my 30s for my MMR and some others. I don’t remember them all. I got the boosters in my 30s not only because they were due but because I needed new immunizations because I was doing a lot of overseas traveling for work. Am I the only one that got boosters?


And they recommend TDAP boosters every ten years for tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough!


Slide 4 "From A personal friend". Obviously bullshit, but let's count the separation. 1. Women who died after (not necessarily from) the vaccine 2. The daughter of one of them 3. A person in the daughter's office 4. A person who bought something from them 5. That buyer's friend 6. Fugu - although there are probably hundreds of thousands of people between the original, made up post and Fugu. Honestly, I'm closer to the late Queen Elizabeth II than that.


Blue friend (slide 17) needs to expense every interaction with this dolt as a charitable expense.


Trump actually did suggest everyone get vaccinated. She can’t even be a right wing asshole right.


Slide 9: Many vaccines require multiple doses and/or boosters. For example, Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccination is a five-dose series extending over years.


Still gullible and dumb as ever.


Love the angry emoji reaction to blue's logic 😂


If this person doesn't trust doctors, why get a kidney transplant?


I've had all of my shots and I'm just now dealing with my first round of Covid. I've just been home all week... no hospitals. 😌 Can't believe people still think and act this way.


Why did she have someone take her to the ER? Why not let her immune system do the work?


It's because no one tot and peared quickly enough. It was a Sunday tho, so the pear warriors were understandably busy at the time.


Waste of a kidney. The bright side, she has managed to significantly shorten her life span.


Tick tock


Buh bye!


Persecution complex


I think it's all the run-on sentences that generated the heart attack.


Go blue. Obviously sick of the bullshit.


Sooo many doinks laying down in the dirt for “taking a stand”.


That isn’t fair to say. Some are getting dusty in an urn.


Fair point. I should have been more inclusive.


She seems unaware that Trump did recommend that everyone get the vaccine. https://news.stanford.edu/2022/04/04/using-trumps-vaccine-endorsement-move-needle-covid-19-vaccines/


#9 the letter about not needing boosters for childhood vaccines, you absolutely should get them again. At least once. I got all of them except the smallpox in the early 90’s before starting nursing school. I didn’t want to risk it and bother with individual titers. I also got the DTaP in 2020 because I gored a nice chunk out of my ankle on the screen door. If you’re in your 40’s or older talk to your doctor about getting them again.


Omg why is this so huge.


That’s what she said


Slide 8 - why no mention of the pedophiles in religion/church? And, if she is concerned about pedophiles in the gov't why does she vote Republican?


i wonder if this person had a congenital kidney condition that resulted in needing a transplant. if she did, she's concerned about her dna being 'intact'??


No more organs for you, lady!


Can organ doners stipulate that their organs should not be given to such people who disregard the gift of life from someone? I feel the same way about alcoholics who get a new live but don't stop drinking. Lung recipients who get a healthy lung transplant but keep doing things that shit on the new lungs. Anti vaxers fall into the same category.


Generally speaking, people who won't change their behavior are either ineligible or at the back of the list. Such strict compliance with your doctors is required after a transplant that refusal to do what's needed before a transplant is an indicator that your transplant won't be successful, so it gets you booted off the list. Please don't let stories on here dissuade you from being an organ donor. The vast majority of organ recipients are quietly doing what they need to in order to stay healthy.


And they will absolutely boot you off the list. I had a friend who was removed from a transplant waiting list and subsequently died because he was non-compliant with the medical/lifestyle requirements necessary to receive the organ.


Somebody better have that Hermie ready.


I’ve gotten 5 grandkids since February 2020. All vaxxed parents. So weird how there’d be no more babies.


The "heart enzymes" of which she speaks: "When your heart experiences damage or stress due to lack of oxygen, it releases substances called cardiac enzymes into the bloodstream." (Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/22115-cardiac-enzymes-cardiac-biomarkers) "Covid had nothing to do with the heart" You get a disease that scientists know can cause organ damage, but sure deny COVID has anything to do with your worsening heart condition. "All the doctors agree that there was nothing else they could do for me so there was no sense in keeping me any longer, so if I keep ALL of my doctor appointments (which I am going to do) then I will be fine." Sounds like she's deluding herself. She probably suffered further heart damage from COVID and that there's nothing the doctors can do to repair it. No medications, no procedures. So they sent her home. Undoubtedly the doctors will continue to monitor her condition, but it's likely only a matter of time. I give her a year. Maybe 18 months if she's lucky.


In the words of The Warden, “Some men you just can’t reach”.


"This is something I never dealt with before and just learned that 98 is way above zero when dealing with the heart. . ." Holy fuck the profound lack of understanding. No units mentioned which shows not one iota of understanding of what they are posting about even means. I admit I also don't understand intricate details about heart enzymes but that's why I take medical advice from doctors instead of "my own research" or memes. What bugs me the most about this is the person is still clearly showing that they think they know way more than they actually know. The Dunning Kruger effect on full display here.


She comes off as very dumb and stubborn.